Helldivers 2 With Strangers Gives Moments Like These

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ion storms that disable all of your strategems planetary conditions that modify your cooldowns and a slew of automatons inhabiting this Dark Forest Planet some call it robot Vietnam but most of us know it as my lelong Creek anybody willing to fight here be they level one or level 50 it's a special kind of craisy and I like Cy so I decided to respond to a few SOS beacons on my level on Creek and this led to what I can only describe as one of the most epic chaotic and enjoyable experiences I've had from strangers in this game since day one and you'll want to stick around to the end to see how crazy this Mission really got weapons don't have instincts weapons don't have loyalty weapons don't have judgment hell diers deal out of how far can we push technology before it starts pushing [Music] back another day he another deal with democracy hey Dolores okay somebody clearly woke up on the wrong side of her hell pod anyway custodian yes Dave activate the live feed I want to see what's going on right there affirmative activating television yeah the television that's what I me H boring next delicious Dolores order 70 crits of whatever that is this looks odly like hey wait a minute is this a sponsor segment thanks to today's sponsor War Thunder the most comprehensive military action multiplayer game available for crossplay on PC Mac and consoles the game has over 2,000 Vehicles ranging from Air Land and Sea all highly detailed all very upgradeable and all very customizable you've got access to Advanced military Technologies like GED missiles smoke screens night vision and more as well as Recon and strike drones and even a nuke you can play this game however you want want break the front line in a tank cover grind vehicles from a helicopter or battle other planes in the skies I told my dad I got a sponsor for the first time and he asked what it was I told him it was War Thunder and you know what he said yeah I play that what he booted up his PlayStation I bought him and wouldn't you know it he's a propilot so I've been enjoying some wingman action alongside him in the recent Alpha strike update which brings visual effect upgrades and gameplay optimization as well as North Holland a new map for tank and air battles War Thunder's damage model has no health health bars which means every hit on your enemy has a unique effect disable a tank track to immobilize your opponent or ignite a pilot's fuel tank for total Destruction new players are players that haven't played in 6 months or more will receive special bonuses but hurry up the American vehicle bonus season ends soon thank you again the War Thunder for sponsoring this video I spent a good bit of time in Hell divers to dropping in on quick plays of others who usually seem rather low level for the difficulty they find themselves was playing in and most of the time they seem to be by themselves at least initially this time was no different i' been looking around Malon Creek and I find this level seven hell Diver by himself trying to weave in and out of automaton patrols as he conducts a Geological Survey on the level on Creek if you know what you're doing you could possibly solo this but conducting the survey brings in waves at automatons and that's when it gets really hairy so I joined and set myself up with some gear I thought this hell diver might not have and I dropped in to see how things were going if you've played my level on Creek then you probably already have a pretty good idea of what happens next all Destroyer joining sadr [Music] deploy so the guy we dropped in help wasn't using a mic but that didn't matter to me I was here to give him a hand and this was already pretty hairy as it stood thankfully right after I dropped in another hell diver arrived but there wasn't really much time for introduction so we just focused on the whole you know Staying Alive part at least for now we got guys Northeast yeah we got guys coming Northeast anybody need a grenade launcher just so you know guys I'm not constantly finding people who use their microphones this should be a clear [Music] example and we got drop ships Al Destroyer has the what the guy we came in The Help left all right M it's you and me I'm going to arm this hell BB then let's Head East sure okay it's pretty close to us uh yeah you go for it man okay yeah let's go one objective done and one main objective remaining yeah it was the geological sample mission that I came in to help that guy with in the first place which I thought might have been a bit difficult at this stage considering our levels and the difficulty however my concerns left me when all of a sudden we got a new recruit oh yeah hell yeah who are they shooting at but let's just hope they keep shooting at it still going wow yeah something is happening they sure why what automaton party perhaps looks like we got our own party guys oh that's for us oh wow let's go oh boy yeah take cover behind reloading watch to the right careful right yeah yeah Walker on me he's dying oh my God another drop ship I'm I'm rolling I need St oh crap I need stems throwing on a Sentry here down hopefully that'll give us some distraction got to reload shot him in the leg I love the physics in this game man no thank you no thank you I do not have time to talk about your lord and Savor Joel woo look at this guy oh I need supplies yeah I got you m I'll call it in I got the terminal throwing Supply Beacon nice all right maybe we can do the main objective now oh got to go to main objective yeah yeah then we make a circle around to the extraction all the smaller ones sounds good yeah clean them out Mission at 30 minutes remaining little tip here if you shoot these broken hell pods usually they'll drop something like gear or credits I think I've only seen gear so far but it's always pretty [Music] good also if you haven't tried it by now hell divers 100% cannot swim oh yeah I drowned once I was in a squad and one by one we all tried to get this rare sample in the middle of a pond and we all joined I know the feel also they can't fly so don't come this hill I have a grenade launcher on cool down if anyone wants it I can call it in requesting Advanced weon that's it over there upon reaching the main objective we wasted no time and began the survey and as expected as soon as we began the flares went up and the drop ships just kept on coming thankfully though we got a fourth member and we were not a full Squad so it felt like things were looking up at least for now orbital Southeast stay clear stand we got a drop ship Scythe two drop ships oh my Lord giving them a t of democracy oh boy okay we're good we're not dead we got this we got a Hulk Scythe 206 take that oh we got a lot more than a Hulk nice yeah I wouldn't say nice oh careful behind us multiple ships oh my Lord do these guys want to party fire in the hole fire in the hole fire in the hole reloading sending our party invitations have ch to democracy RSVP you won't reloading I'm losing I'm losing my [Music] marbles injury what what's in these STS okay it's looking clear for now do what we got to do hold that thought reloading how about a nice cup of Li te [Music] hate that oh my Lord more I kind of even my Brand's just melting here oh my God it's okay this is [Music] doable oh you want to go M oh let's go them ah preemptively stamed there probably shouldn't it's fine we got supplies of ammo all let's get out of here extraction is available mfield yeah I see it reloading okay what's the plan here how are we going to approach this bombing okay yeah do that boom Oh I'm never going to get bored of that Guys across the bridge I'm hit I'm backing off drop ships we got a Hulk we got guys behind us watch your back oh reloading back off this is Harry we need the backup everyone move north calling in a big big barrage oral inbound if you're in there get us I need the reload I need the reload reloading oh he's still here see if I can get behind him Liberty leap let's go oh okay sh him in the back they've got this nice good job guys joining the that Tower join in the freay it will kill you oh yeah no it will annihilate you I'm going to go around through a tower yeah we got to flank it oh [ __ ] never mind hug ass Patrol down below us okay going to go through the right going to go around the right yeah go right and then we can headed on the back of it calling down a support weapon thr on a laser gotcha throw in an autoc Cannon Sentry I suggest you get out of there yeah just waiting on my autoc Cannon drop in here oh they're coming up the hill Oh I can see why you wanted me to get out of here can I can see why oh I'm dancing I'm dancing I'm footless I'm on fire it's fine that's why they call me tranquil toes nice oh Rogue rocket just went over I think we definitely need to back off this hill back off in Northwest Direction maybe extraction is available I'm hiding in the bush I'm not scared I'm just conserving democracy oh hi get the oh we've got another drop ship coming you guys good I'm getting okay but you're good guys can you shoot at my back I'm being changed by an army oh wow I see it yes okay one second it's okay I got you just keep running keep running keep diving oh man we got another one more coming I'm back oh hi hi oh my Lord that can have been launched all right guys we're in a reinforcement Loop so I say we back off this rock let me bring you guys back in oh I think I threw you out of binds never mind okay let's survive this then we'll pick up the stuff we will become the stuff of Legends if we survive this they'll talk about us around campfires on the level on Creek I guarantee it I don't know what they'll say about us it really depends on how this alls oh my God no grenades for me thanks you can take it back oh hey oh come on that should have got him getting chased by Hulk I'm running southe this is fine this is fine I'm going to try to go around again and bom okay someone go with deal oh [ __ ] there's the heavy boy oh something fell off it's okay stemmed it up it's it's been stitched back on that H we've got another drop ship taking this grenade launcher come on Hulk eat it just eat it surviving this one V one I'm going to I'm going to dance I'm jumping I'm jumping I'm jumping oh God how am I still breathing have a tear have a chest I got you guys bring you back in oh fat fingers come on I got you I got you I'm going in the forest hello he's just hiding he's probably a scared as I am I just blew his face off oh my Lord I got you I just I got to clear the area not like this oh there's no cover anymore We've ran out of cover run through the water we'll learn to swim oh there's more enemies here yeah this is the malev on Creek experience being chased by the entire map Doo put down the potato chips for one second everyone gets a final meal right this is our last stand guys let's do this you okay Alex well got you back in just hold tight just hold tight oh wow yeah throw everything you got that was this is what we do for Freedom that's right you throw every explosive you have speaking of which if I can just use my fat fingers here 380 hitchy brush coming in hot 16 seconds is that real the modifi is delay strategems on Mal Levon Creek are actually ridiculous it's so long man kicking it back I'm okay oh no I'm not okay I'm really not okay not today though come on this is insanity safe to say at this point I think we all thought we were done for and we were just expecting to be overrun but the line started to weaken and we saw an opportunity to push back four strangers together at the end of the line yet things were actually starting to look kind of positive you know we may stand a chance to push if we go after this turret stops shooting beon yeah get some more strikes going we have one reinforcement left we have one reinforcement left we better make it count nobody die we got two more Heavies coming in don't get killed yeah don't JX it nice shot what is this guy bulletproof there we go coming in the Fage on malvon Creek is bulletproof Alex watch out back up no oh no it's all good it's all good you don't have to call me in no we're calling you in leave no hell diver behind Alex we got this just hold this hill hold this line if anything this is how Terminator movies went yeah this is Judgment Day okay we got to go we got to go pick up all of our stuff oh there's more Heavies grab your stuff and don't look back I'm going to try to shoot in the back there's so many patrols coming behind us yeah we're getting pinched they're going through the water what that's not fair they're robotss right now guys remember Cannon it's right in front of us proed if we could just get behind it since we have an auto Cannon it takes like three shots from the auto to destroy it it must fancy you it must really like it you've won its heart okay I'm pushing left once I can get up from the front all right oh there's nothing in this uh my orbital cool down 3 seconds it hasn't turned that's a good sign I got it oh a lot of guys at the front here though I hope that killroy that's going to be close I'm going to get away we got enemies closing up on us3 keep dying keep low we're on the push now so make sure that turret isn't looking at us it's looking at us no I'm Jets coming in I appreciate you minutes so we can reinforce again oh my yeah great straight into it that laser the Savior that laser is kicking ass and it just ran out that was my last one oh well we play with we can I guess sweet diligence we always talk about democracy but diligence is where it's at oh oh there's another Cannon oh man Freedom never slam yeah there two going have to push across here oh that hurt my feelings real bad I know right it does that well I think I can go across the bridge nice yeah I'll follow you oh St up being shot by The Walker you're being shot no thank you okay one of them blowing up nice nice second blowing up yes let's go okay remember second Cannon somewhere right second Cannon's going to ruin somebody's life real soon probably mine we got patrols East 108 I can just feel this cannon just like I can feel it staring at me I just don't know where it is my life for super it's terrifying me hi oh they're following you oh they're following me I'm the P Piper let's go okay this way boys I got this I'm leading them away oh they've lost interest I'm going to run for it [ __ ] yeah run just run now I'll keep distracted you like to taste of Freedom's empty we're going to have to go side Feast here real soon I was doing what I could to distract the automatons while my squad headed across the river but I didn't realize that it would actually end up separating me from them quite a bit and leaving me in what I can only call a special type of hell so I had to cross the Water by myself and somehow get through all of this the big one is not AG yet oh God you've got to be kidding me what is okay I'm going to barrage this screw it oh wow I needed that over here take an orbital that's going to take 15 seconds to get in I'm going to get a rocketed these strategy man yeah that's more like it don't do it don't ah they did it okay I think I'm in the clear this a definition of suicide mission no this is the definition of insanity oh [ __ ] I got to w in front of me I've got some freaking light show in front of me we had 5 minutes this is a lesson and not getting separated from your squad by the way cuz I got patrols on my right I got Patrols in front of me patrols to my left and I'm pretty sure I've got patrols behind me as well let's just take these guys screw it oh come on I don't think so pal come on have legs you use them last oh I'm using them oh the Rockets oh the Rockets I think so pal so many Rockets happening right now my heart's in my brain no no no no no I'm not running why these guys take pod shots at me I'm at extract okay I'll be there soon I'm going to try stop him on the spot chucking a s behind that Hulk come on five more seconds come on Sentry yes Sentry and five o oh there's no more coming in oh of course no it's fine just just believe remember super Earth remember the voting algorithm real citizens now guys we've lasted this long what's another 2 minutes and 30 seconds hey come on oh yeah 2 minutes 30 guys easy two 2 minutes 30 we have to at this point we made it this far yeah a choice we got a full Squad everybody's full of the brim with democracy got Liberty in our veins oh deal come on I shot my 25 seconds till we can get you no what's happening on we got two minutes I'll get you guys back in in 15 seconds 10 seconds oh I'm being chased by Hulk no not the Hulk I'll hide behind this building what he just just punched theing building down I'm terrified I can barely type this reinforcement in calling you in oh thank God thank you uh oh my God I'm The Last One Alive okay okay I'm staying Alive looks like am I going to do I don't have anything to I'm just running this guy's going to burn me he's literally going to turn me in the yes suck it Hulk Hulk is done okay I'm coming to you m got the orbital try okay well that looks High big is that when and dive di I mean when and Di dive my Bri well that's the big barrage is it keep running keep running okay there's another hole no oh [ __ ] guys I was right behind you okay Doo this is on you this has turned from a squad game into three coaches and one player why guys why I'm made a flesh that's why we're going to coach you through this we're going to get you on that pelic oh no just stay close it's okay you can do this keep running how much time until the [ __ ] thing com 30 seconds it reset I think it's just a nice 30 second jog [ __ ] you're enjoying the S 35s oh my God holy [ __ ] just imagine you're on holiday you're right for a morning jug you're okay it's fine Freedom never sleeps it's going to be fine seconds for freedom for Freedom no no no don't stop diving stop diving no oh my goodness oh wow boys oh that that one base was so awful That Base was insane I will say this though mission accomplished I think if I learned anything from this Mission it's that you can never expect what's going to happen in Hell divers 2 some people say it's repetitive but there are so many chaotic elements that you will never have the same type of match two times in a row another thing that I really appreciate about this game is that you can complete a mission but not necessarily survive it and that's what makes team play such a satisfying Venture in Hell divers 2 I hope you guys enjoyed this video like for Liberty subscribe for super Earth and I'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: DEEF
Views: 103,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers, helldiver 2 best weapons, gaming
Id: gHG_gsfvjRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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