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what is up everyone guys listen up in today's video we're going to be breaking down every single premium war bond in the game I'm going to go over the best items in the war bonds meaning weapons grenades boosters pretty much all the good stuff in order to make this as informative as possible first we're going to put all of these items into a tier list and then we'll cover which war bond you should get first second and third and by the end of this video it's going to be much easier for you guys to decide which war bond to buy first let's say you're just hopping into the game as for the armor there's a lot of them that are not in these warbonds that I'm going to be making a separate tier list video for armor so stay tuned for that I've played this game nonstop we're talking 650 hours plus on Hell divers 2 I play solo on Hell dive I test all of these items both off stream and on stream by the way both on YouTube and on Twitch pretty much every day from Friday to Tuesday so I would absolutely love to see every single one of you guys live on stream so we're going to start with the latest war bond which is the Democratic detonation the thermite grenade is the first one that you're going to pretty much encounter when we're talking about this war bond and this one just isn't that great overall don't get me wrong you can take out hulks if you throw like three four of them at the hulks you can take out even a b Titan if the B Titan is damaged and then you're trying to finish him off with this grenade if you stick the B Titan with like three or four grenades yes sometimes it will get a kill but overall it just does not provide as much value to you as some of the other grenades in the game and we're going to discuss those as we move through the war bonds and if we're talking about Chargers or let's say even smaller enemies it really isn't anything crazy so we're going to go ahead and throw this into C tier right away and the next item is going to be the adjudicator Marksman rifle now first thing you want to understand is that currently marksman's in Hell divers 2 aren't in the greatest spot in general and this weapon is no exception it's kind of one of those weird ones where it really doesn't feel like a marksman it feels more like a AR if you look at the stats it says 80 damage capacity 25 recoil 50 fire rate 550 which on paper is pretty decent it still doesn't get the job done as you would think it should it's a marksman rifle technically it should be hitting a little bit harder it shouldn't take so many bullets to take out a medium armored Target for example it does have Med medum armor penetration which is really nice by the way but the problem with this weapon is that there's other options with medium armor penetration and some of them even without medium armor penetration that are just overall better than this weapon so you're not going to be utilizing it in 99% of the cases now it's a different story if you just enjoy marksman rifles and if you want to run it go ahead it looks cool it feels cool but in terms of how effective it is it's definitely not one of the best weapons in the the game so we're going to put this at B tier let's move on to the second page and now we're going to talk about the one and only Eruptor this weapon is an absolute monster and we're talking across the board not just terminates but it's absolutely amazing against the automatons as well the amount of damage that it deals is incredible I mean it's a primary weapon that for example if you're playing against terminates can literally close down bug holes no other primary weapon in the game does that on top of that it's both medium armor penetrating and explosive and if you look at the stats we have 380 damage capacity in the mag is 5 recoil is 75 and fire rate is 25 yes it does feel a little bit clunky I'm not going to lie to you because overall it is like a look at it as like a 50 cal right it does crazy amounts of damage it's not supposed to feel really light in your hands so in terms of what it's supposed to do it does it really well medium armor no problem and it pretty much deals damage to any kind of enemy in the game which is ridiculous it destroys Devastators you can take out factories when we're talking about automatons so overall there's nothing in the game that does what this weapon does when it comes to Primary Weapons so this is easily going to go to stier no doubt about it now let's quickly go over the booster I'm just going to break this down for example if the extraction is like 2 minutes it's going to drop it by like 20 seconds which could be nice but once again that's not one of the biggest issues in the game and there's definitely way better boosters in the war bonds and especially in the normal war bond and you're most likely not going to be running this at the moment it might get a buff who knows it goes from 20 seconds to 40 or 50 or even a minute we don't know but currently I do feel like there are way better boosters in the game so this is not one of those items that you would Chase in this war bond okay here we are this is the last page of the war bond and the first weapon that we're going to discuss is the grenade pistol let's quickly take a look at the stats here damage is 600 capacity is 1 so you pretty much shoot one then you reload recoil 43 fire rate 900 one-handed an explosive so one-handed is a really cool addition to this pistol obviously because that means that for example you can run this with the ballistic shield this weapon does what no other secondary in the game does playing against the terminate you can easily close down the bug holes you can destroy doors destroy structures for the missions if you're going against automatons it pretty much does crazy amounts of damage to everything it also takes out factories Devastators the fact that you have a secondary that has so many different things that it can do is actually mind-blowing if you're playing against the terminates mushrooms get two shot with this thing right so it creates another way to change up your builds the same way like the Eruptor does so let's say if you don't want to use the Eruptor for buck holes or factories or whatever you can slap on the grenade pistol and it pretty much does the same no other secondary in the game does what this one does which makes it an extremely unique weapon for me personally since I've unlocked this weapon I've never used any other secondary again and unless they add something absolutely insane to the game in terms of secondaries this weapon is not going anywhere this is my main secondary weapon in the game and it is one of those weapons that once again completely switches up your load out and that is a huge thing in a game like hell divers 2 so overall easy s tier pick so that's where we're going to drop this and finally let's discuss the crossbow as you guys can see damage 420 which is pretty high capacity 5 recoil 35 fire rate 50 and it is an explosive weapon and by the way the explosion that it makes is pretty big you can easily clear ads with this if you want to however keep in mind it's one of those weapons that definitely have a skill Gap you can't just shoot your enemies at any range if they are close to you you will be damaging yourself if you manage to master the weapon understand how to use it keep range utilize it to its maximum potential it's actually pretty good yes it doesn't say medium armor penetration but at the end of the day both plasma weapons and explosive weapons really don't care about medium armor as much and this weapon is pretty decent for both of the enemies both for the terminates and automatons I really like this weapon I know that not a lot of people enjoy it but for me it was a lot of fun to use and it was pretty effective so what I'm going to do is I'm going to drop the crossbow in between A and B tier I feel like this is pretty good for this weapon okay that was it for the Democratic detonation now let's move on to the next premium war bond that we're going to discuss and that's going to be cutting edge this is a very very cool and unique war bond right away you start off with the sickle which in my opinion is easily one of the best weapons in the game damage 55 fire limit 9 recoil two and fire rate 750 so the cool thing is this weapon pretty much has infinite ammo as long as you don't overheat it you're just going to keep shooting and even if you do overheat it you can just reload and then go again but technically once you master it you're not going to have that issue of overheating anyway everything about this weapon is just good the damage feels great the weapon overall feels amazing recoil is very very easy to control and the fire rate is also very nice however it does not have medium armor penetration but that's the only downside to this weapon so everything else puts this weapon at stier so if you're looking for a gun to clear ads easily both sides by the way automatons or terid this is the weapon for you you're going to have a great time you cannot go wrong with this weapon and if you combine this with something like the grenade pistol for example that's a phenomenal combo right there so yes once again sickle goes to S tier now let's quickly discuss the localization confusion this is a booster that comes with this war bond increases the time between enemy encounters I have tested this over and over and over again I didn't see any difference maybe there's some kind of slight difference but even if there was that slight difference doesn't make it valuable enough to use it over some of the best boosters in the game such as stamina vitality and many others out there so this is not one of those items that will be like oh my God that's a great booster this is why I want to get this war bond no that is not the case however sickle is on the second page we are going to find the stun grenade and when I tell you this item is one of the most important items in the game I'm not joking this is a game Cher across the board it doesn't matter what you're fighting automatons or the terminates this thing is an absolute beast on the terminate side you're going to be stunning everything apart from the bile Titan on the automatan side you can even stun Hulks and like if you compare this for example to the thermite grenade which you need to throw three or four at a Hulk and then find another 15 of them and keep throwing until you turn Hulk into a Christmas tree and it like takes 44 minutes you can just throw one of these and then just swap to your support weapon and destroy the Hulk and if we're talking about Chargers yeah don't even get me started you just throw this thing swap to your flamethrower or your quazar and you get the easiest kills of your life and not only that overall when you're trying to control the battlefield this item is an absolute GameChanger you can slow down the fights so much and it not only just stops the enemies but it really does increase your survivability so the stun grenades easily go to Ester it's not even close I don't think any of the grenades in the game come close to the stun grenades so yes very well-deserved s tier for the stuns next on the list we have the plasma Punisher shotgun now you guys know one of my favorite weapons in the game doesn't matter if I'm playing against against automatons or the terminats in my opinion this is easily one of the best picks in the game damage 250 capacity 8 in the mag recoil 110 fire rate 80 something you need to know is that it is a projectile weapon so it's one of those where it's going to take time to master it understand it figure out both the range of the projectile itself how it drops and on top of that the range of the explosion so you can understand how close you can use the weapon when something's pushing you not to damage yourself right away so there's a lot of time you're going to need to master this weapon it's also one of those weapons that doesn't really care about medium armor it destroys Chargers by the way you can shoot him from any side as long as you're dropping the shots under the charger you will be dealing tons of damage one of those primaries that really does deal with chargers exceptionally well and against automatons just as effective and overall as I said plasma weapons explosive weapons all of these guns make the game easier and this one is no exception however since they've added shriekers to the game and there are some enemy Types on the automaton side as well which is hard to hit with this weapon because of it being a projectile weapon we're not going to put it at s tier however we are going to put it in between s and a tier let's move on to the final page and on this page we're going to have Blitzer and the dagger the Blitzer shotgun not in a great spot as you guys can see damage 250 infinite ammo recoil 60 fire rate 30 it's really not it this is not going to get you anywhere yes it can kill some ads but it doesn't have more value than many of the guns in the game like if you're looking for some ad clear on terminate sides you can use just so many better weapons that will have at clear and also medium armor penetration at the same time that it's not even close so no matter what this gun does you're going to have tons of options that get the same job done easier and better so we're going to put this at C tier I'm not going to throw it in dooo tier D tier whatever but I'm am going to throw it in C tier now let's talk about the laser pistol this is in my opinion the worst secondary weapon in the game and it's not even close especially now that we have the grenade pistol yes it's a completely different thing but the value that that one brings overall both for automatons and terminates is like in a different dimension so this is going to be D tier no matter what you're fighting what you're doing in terms of the value that it brings other secondaries can bring way better value in many cases so we're dropping this into D tier finally let's talk about the steeled veterans this is the first premium war bond that came with the game and a lot of things have changed for this war bond on the first page you will find the Liberator concussive damage 55 capacity 30 recoil 28 fire rate 320 it does not have medium armor penetration and overall it is just not in a great spot and the problem with this weapon is it doesn't deal enough damage it almost has like the same kind of problem as the adjudicator does where it doesn't do enough damage overall and this one does deal stagger so if you're shooting something you'll see them getting staggered a lot but they don't die fast enough but if they do increase a little bit of damage on this weapon it could be really strong it really can because that stagger is helpful and if you combine that with a little bit more damage it could become really good but as I said currently it's around the same level as the adjudicator so that's where we're going to drop it which is B tier let's talk about the revolver this weapon has 150 damage capacity 6 recall 43 fire rate 200 it does have have medium armor penetration which is really really nice it's one-handed and then it has rounds reload which means that if you do shoot all of the Six Bullets now you're reloading for 18 hours and 40 minutes yes it the reload is horrendous and the damage does not justify such slow reload now if this had heavy armor penetration or it did like 5600 damage and I could one-hot medium targets one-hot commanders and just in general deal more damage I would understand it but it's treated like a weapon that does this insane amounts of damage overall but it really doesn't and the reload takes way way too long if they fix this weapon and if they make the reload somehow faster or they turn it into a drum reload so for example you take out the six shots and then it kind of flips the weapon around the drum falls out and you just slap on a new drum then yeah the weapon could be exceptionally good but curently the damage and the reload combined together creates a problem not one of the greatest weapons in the game in a world where you have the Redeemer secondary and the grenade pistol this is not one of the best options in the game we're going to put this into C tier on the next page we have the incendiary grenade does 150 damage and with all the fire Buffs that happened in the game this one is actually really really good very underrated you're not going to see a lot of people use it mostly because fire damage can hurt your teammates that is a big factor but this grenade is no joke if you're playing against the terminates we're talking a lot of Destruction if we're talking about automatons it still gets the job done the damage is pretty decent the fire stays around pretty long fire damage overall in the game right now is perfect so you can't go wrong with the incendiary grenades however we do have the stun grenades as mentioned and those are on a completely different level with the value that they bring to the battlefield and you also have impact grenades which are very very strong that said this is way better than the thermite grenade so what we're going to do is we're going to throw this in between A and B tier the next item on the list ladies and gentlemen the incendiary breaker let's take a look damage 240 capacity 25 which is really nice recoil 28 fire rate 300 with all the fire Buffs and the direct buff to this shotgun itself where the damage went from 15 to 20 per shot this thing easily s tier guys no matter what you're fighting this gets the job done against automatons as well keep in mind the burning does go through medium armor it absolutely annihilates shers at clear with this weapon is phenomenal you cannot go wrong with the incendiary shotgun and for me personally this weapon has been S no matter what I'm fighting in the game and that is exactly where it's going to go it deserves that place and it's going to stay in stier the the flexible reinforcement budget is the booster that you will find on the final page of this war bond reduces time until New reinforcements are granted once they've been depleted once again one of those boosters that you shouldn't be chasing doesn't really bring any value to your fights currently yes in the future it could be buffed and maybe it becomes more valuable but right now nothing about this screams oh my God I need to get this war bond because of this booster so yeah that's about it and here we have the one and only jar five Dominator which just recently got a huge buff and overall is a monster of a weapon no matter what you're fighting automatons or terminats it annihilates everything in front of you damage 300 by the way previously it was 200 which is a crazy buff capacity 15 recoil 75 fire rate 250 it does feel a little bit slow when you're using the weapon it makes up for it with the amount of damage the fire rate and just being a monster medium armor penetrating obviously so this is one of those weapons that will not let you down it is also not explosive which means that it has that ease of use you don't have to think about damaging yourself at all which is a cool thing a lot of people don't like explosive weapons because of the fact that they can deal damage to themselves and the Dominator really doesn't have that issue so that's what you're looking for on top of extremely high damage great fire rate medium penetration this weapon right here is for you and this one also goes to S tier so now that we went over all of the war bonds we broke down all the weapons everything on the screen we're going to put up all three war bonds under them you're going to see the items that are most valuable in those war bonds and this way you get a clear picture for example the newest war bond has the Eruptor once again one of the most unique primaries in the game in combination with the most unique secondary in the game which is going to be the grenade pistol these are the two of the most valuable items in this war bond for me personally what determines the value of a war bond is how much it affects the overall gameplay now I'm going to be honest with you I don't think any of these warbonds are Ester because s tier would mean that I like all the items in the war bonds overall all the armor pieces in combination with the weapons boosters all that kind of stuff and that's not the case however the latest war bond I do think is a tier simply because how powerful both the secondary and the primary weapons are it gives me the opportunity to completely change my loadouts and my support weapons because of how powerful these two weapons are and overall the heavy armor piece is actually really nice we also know that marksman rifles are also going to get a buff soon in The Cutting Edge war bond we have the sickle which is a phenomenal primary weapon but on top of that guys we also have the stun grenade which is a game Cher same way as the Eruptor and the grenade pistol are and you cannot go wrong with the stun grenade and don't forget the plasma shotgun which is another phenomenal option for The Cutting Edge warmont I'm also going to go for a tier it has two absolutely phenomenal weapons one is amazing for ad clear the second one destroys Chargers and it has an absolutely gamechanging grenade which is the stun grenade and also the in Edge might be the only war bond which has pretty decent armor because it is Arc resistant and if you're running full Arc throwers TLA Towers all the cool stuff it really does come in handy as for the steeled veterans you have the Dominator phenomenal weapon in combination with the incendiary shotgun which once again is another s tier pick I feel like it has phenomenal Primary Weapons especially after the Dominator and the incendiary shotgun both got huge Buffs the incendiary grenade is also great but I'm not going to put it in the same level as the other two warbonds because they don't have that oh my God this item changes everything kind of thing in it the Veterans war bond I would put in between A and B tier now I'm going to tell you my opinion what I would do if I didn't have any of the warbonds I would make a decision between the stun grenade and the grenade pistol depending on your play style I would most likely pick up The Cutting Edge war bond first just to get my hands on the stun grenades and then I would go for the Democratic detonation war bond so now I have the stun grenades I have the sickle which is a phenomenal primary weapon I have the best secondary weapon in the game and after owning these two warbonds I would go for the veteran war bond but that's just me I'm just sharing my opinion that's what I would do let me know what you guys think about all of this in the comment section below I hope this video helps you guys make up your mind about the war bond I truly believe that every single one of these bonds has value in one way or another it just comes down to what kind of play style you have what you value more but anyway as mentioned let me know what you guys think in the comment section below keep in mind I got tons of more content on the way for hell divers 2o if you guys did enjoy this video and only if you did don't forget slap that like button elbow that sub button so you don't miss any of the upcoming content as always stay positive stay disciplined and I'll see you on the next one let's go let's go baby let's go I mean we literally have the best community of all time oh oh he got no scoped
Channel: Crazymrpipz
Views: 55,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 best premium warbond, helldivers 2 warbond tier list, helldivers 2 new warbond, helldivers 2 best warbond weapons, helldivers 2 best warbond items, helldivers 2 democratic detonation weapons, helldivers 2 cutting edge warbond, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 best weapons tier list, helldivers 2 best primary weapon tier list, helldivers 2 weapon tier list, helldivers 2 best stratagem tier list, helldivers 2 best stratagems, Helldivers 2 best build
Id: 20AttMnOmdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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