Helldivers 2 - How To Effectively Defeat Factory Striders & New Mission Type (Tips & Tricks)

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Factory Striders are the largest and most resilient automaton unit type currently in the game and these massive units can spawn large groups of Devastators while also being very deadly themselves carrying two minigun turrets right underneath their chest area as well as a small cannon turret that sits on top of them shooting anything on site and yesterday Arrowhead added a new automaton Mission type that asks s us to kill off one or multiple different Factory Striders which until yesterday I had only seen about two of these these giant machines in today's video we'll talk about the new Mission type understanding how the factory Striders work and at the end of the video talk about the best methods to defeat these big units even if you're at low levels I would have made this video yesterday had I known this was out but in classic Arrowhead fashion this Mission type was added silently without it being mentioned in the patch notes of yesterday's update which was supposedly just a small hot fix update that fixed up a couple of small bugs and crashes but anyways the new eliminate Factory Strider mission does not show up at every difficulty range just like the other eliminate missions that we have in Hell divers 2 such as the eliminate BR Commander Mission type which is found that very low difficulties of two and three from my understanding also the eliminate Chargers eliminate bio Titans Etc you get the point and just like the eliminate biot Titan missions these do seem to share a similar range of difficulties where these missions type will show up and from my research you will encounter the eliminate Factory Strider mission in the mid-range of difficulties from 4 to 6 or in other words in the hard difficulty the challenging difficulty as well as the extreme difficulty the higher the difficulty the more Factory Striders you'll be required to kill in difficulty four you're looking at a single Factory Strider kill whereas for difficulty 5 and six you're asked to get rid of two of these horrifying machines however we can make these machines feel a bit less scary once we learn which methods are most effective at getting rid of them so let's talk about the best ways to deal with the factory Striders in Hell divers 2 but first to do that let's understand how these Factory Striders work the factory Strider is the biggest unit on the automaton side which can spawn large groups of Devastators every few seconds just like we mentioned earlier being quite possibly the most dangerous enemy type to leave alive while going up against the automaton the factory Striders are equipped with a cannon on its top side and it's one of its two ways it will actively try to kill you these cannons are far less deadly than its other means of killing you however can be quite a pain in the ass if Left Alive these cannons are fairly armored but will die to Two Shots from either the Expendable anti-tanks the recoiless rifles or the quazer cannon there are various other tools that can get rid of these cannons such as the rail Cannon strike an orbital strike or even landing on top of it however these cannons are not the premise of the video and really they're not that deadly so just focusing on dealing with the factory Strider will be enough rather than wasting resources trying to put these cannons out of commission the second and most deadly equipment these large units carry are the double miniguns right underneath his chest area thankfully these miniguns do die fairly quickly to medium armor penetrating weapons such as Scorchers and jar five dominators taking only a few handful of shots to be properly destroyed and realistically the Scorchers and dominators are going to be your best weapons to use against the automatons anyways so you won't be bad off by equipping them so if you haven't tried these weapons out yet against the amatons now is definitely the time of course these Min guns also die very easily to other equipment such as grenades autoc cannons quazer cannons and so on although I wouldn't waste the quazer cannon shots or expendable anti-tank shots just to try to get rid of these miniguns just use your primary instead or an autoc Cannon the factory Striders also have various vents around their bodies a few of them on their top side a few of them around the rest of their body which can be destroyed more effectively than the rest of its heavy armor but realistically this should be sort of a last resort approach if you don't have any other better options which we will cover here in a second and yes you can damage these vents with your Primary Weapons as well but once again I'd only worry about that if you've depleted your options but it is nice to know you can shoot down these vents if you're out of options which is something you're not really given when you're playing against a biot Titan if you're out of strategems or support weapons to deal with the bot Titans then all you've got left is running or more hitting them with your hell pod now let's take a look at how to deal with these menacing looking machines we will not be going over every way you can deal with these large units as there are realistically dozens and dozens of ways you can deal with them with various different support weapons and strategems in this video we'll only cover the most effective ways to deal with them so if I don't mention a certain method to clear them out then it's likely because we just don't consider an effective way to handle them if you'd like to see a more thorough testing with all of the support weapons check out the oldo YouTube channel that does just that one huge important weak spot of the factory Strider is going to be its unders side on what would be its belly this Underside is going to be very weak to armor penetrating weapons such as only about a full magazine or so of autoc cannon shots slightly over a full magazine of the antimaterial rifle as well as only two Expendable anti-tank shots is also enough to finish off these large units however as we know this isn't going to be practical yeah its Underside is indeed its weakness however in a real game getting underneath a factory Strider is going to be extremely dangerous in a real game we'll be having this massive unit plus several Devastators Striders hulks maybe even other Factory Striders and trying to position ourselves underneath these beasts will probably cost Our Lives multiple times even in my testing playing at only difficulty 4 I found it to be very difficult to position myself underneath this unit imagine trying to do this on a difficulty 7 or above in group play especially when there's lots of more units surrounding this area so it's a good idea to keep in mind that its Underside is indeed its weakest spot dying the fastest to any armor penetrating weapon however what about ways where we don't have to expose ourselves this hard to deal with them one way to effectively deal with a factory Strider is going to be by utilizing the orbital laser I've seen users going around saying that the orbital laser can indeed kill the factory Strider in one go but in all of my experiments that did not ring true as the orbital laser would indeed damage it very much so but it wouldn't quite get rid of it in one go chances are the orbital laser will manage to get rid of these units in one go if its laser is constantly beaming its vents or joints but that's not going to be a very reliable way to go on about this I did however find that you can finish off these Striders with ease after the orbital laser has run its Cor force with orbital Precision strikes and even a rail Cannon strike with a grenade this way you don't have to expose yourself that much but there are still better ways to go on about this now for the upcoming method you can effectively deal with a factory Strider without even being seen by the big fella however it will have a fair degree of RNG this is by using the 380 mm barrage The Barrage has an incredibly large radius which can be reduced by upgrading it on the ship module mod and be made much more effective which I don't have by the way for this testing however even with its large radius we're looking at only two clean shots at the factory Strider to bring it down making it quite possibly the best way to deal with these units never even having to show up to the fight a few hell divers claimed that with the upgrade they managed to kill even multiple Factory sters in one go as this extremely powerful barrage gets rid of them extremely quickly if you don't have the upgrade however I do recommend bringing in another strategy that can effectively damage it just to finish the job just remember to stay away from rail Cannon strikes and 500 kilo bombs as these have proven to be very poor choices against the factory Striders up next we've got the eagle air strikes yep you've heard me the eagle air strikes you unlock these at only level two and they're going to be one of the best ways to deal with Factory Striders no not the 500 kilos actually the ego air strikes pretty crazy right due to the massive size of these units ego air strikes are effective at hitting multiple rockets on it being able to take down these units with only one air strike personally I didn't pull that off in my testing as I played solo now you may wonder why does that really matter to do maximum damage with the eagle air strike you'll want the factory Strider to be perpendicular to you the reason for that is the eagle air strikes strike perpendicular to your initial throw position and in Solo they always turn to you so it didn't help much a well-placed eagle air strike has been said that it can get rid of these big guys in one go and I definitely don't doubt it as in my testing I've got rid of these big guys either with two or three Eagle air strikes even when they miss the vast majority of the Rockets So it's actually pretty forgiven however in my opinion the most effective consistent way to deal with these big units is going to be the autoc cannon yep you'd imagine large bombs and explosions would be these Big Fellas we weak spot but actually the autoc cannon which are already by far the best support weapon to bring in automaton games become even more so the best weapon as it can take down these big guys extremely fast the auto Cannon was already an S tier support weapon for automatons now it just went into SSS rank because this is just insane the other cannons one to two hit both of the miniguns underneath the factory Striders and it can get rid of factory Striders with less than a full magazine just by shooting seven or so shots in its Underside but most importantly you can just shoot it in its damn face this will just take about a magazine and a half worth of shots if you focus on hitting its red eye on its face and it may sound like a lot of shots but the best part about this is that you can just kite the big guy down as you lay down fire in its face and you'll get rid of it in no time if you're bringing in Eagle air strikes you can use those safely and if you don't manage to pull off the kill you can just finish it off with the auto Cannon and these units will feel far more easy to you and your team there are a few other ways to deal with the factory Striders that are far more situational which is why I didn't include it in this list but they're definitely worth mentioning as if you do find yourself in these situations you can get rid of them fairly safe first you can just keep landing on their back a few hell pods and you'll get rid of these guys very easily you can also prone on their top side and shoot the vents that keep popping up and eventually you will be able to bring them down do be careful cuz the turret's cannon can actually push you off of it and speaking on the turret's cannon you can make its own turret kill itself although it's likely going to cost your life I just figured it's worth mentioning and while you're still up here you can also call blue strategems or that is strategems such as support weapon call down turret call Downs and resupplies as these will do heavy amount of damage when they land on these units back and last but not least the most situational of all but still the best way in the entire game to get rid of factory Striders is of course the hell bombs laying around the map just one measly hell bomb even if not that close to it will get rid of it in one explosion so if you have one of those near a factory Strider then it's going to be a free kill for you so that's going to be all for today's video hopefully that'll help out You Hell divers lay down that democracy a little bit better and a big thanks for all of your support I'll catch you Legends on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 102,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: xm5Shu-3VJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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