Helldivers 2 Leaks Reveal New Warbond Armor, Enemy Gunships, Illuminate Sightings & More!

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hell divers you already know what's going on the game is leaking once again and this time we've got a fresh look at new armor sets that are right around the corner as well as new automaton enemies that should be deployed in the game very soon and even more indications that the illuminate aren't far off my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and as always let's dive in we have covered hell divers 2 leaks on this channel quite a bit and I get it some of you love this stuff and others don't that's totally cool and I respect you either way because the truth is Hell divers developers aren't exactly hiding the future of the game sometimes they do things that are surprising like release the quazar cannon and heavy machine gun into the game without any warning and I personally think we should do more stuff like that because it keeps things very fresh if they're going for a true hell divers 2 Live service experience that's the way to do it sprinkle in small content drops between major content updates and keep the community guessing as to what's coming next we've seen a lot of the future of this game through leaks and today we got another glimpse of what's to come starting with what I believe is the three armor sets coming with the Democratic detonation bundle releasing sometime in April we did Cover a number of leaks related to this war bond in a recent video and you guys ate that up so we're back at it again with some new details the first armor set is called the c07 demolition specialist which you can see here on the key art I'm actually really happy to see a full view of this set because this is the the armor I was least excited about from the initial leak it looked a bit Bland at the onset but now that I can see the details things look very cool specifically those two rows of grenade launcher rounds and the pouches on the Belt I also really like that hell diver skull on the hip which I really think brings the entire look together based on the leaks we can tell this is a light armor set with reduced armor but increased speed and stamina regen what's not that exciting about this armor is the passive effect which is a recycled one we've seen before the bonus reduces recoil while crouching and prone and increases the initial inventory and holding capacity of grenades by two you're going to see this as a trend with the Democratic detonation leaked armor and while I hope it's not true it does make sense especially with the quazar cannon and heavy machine gun recently added into the game having armor that directly offsets The Recoil of these weapons plus the new weapons that come with the war bond does make a lot of sense it's just a bit disappointing there are so many armor sets already in the game and a lot of them over lap with their passive effects this definitely feels like an area of the game that's lagging and something I hope the team really takes back to the drawing board in the near future I personally believe they can push these boundaries a bit more and create armor sets with bonuses that do a bit more to change up the gam playay that or just increase the variety either would work to give players more options when building out their kit the second armor set in the upcoming war bond is the c27 groundbreaker I really like the look at the helmet on this one and that offset air filter really does add an almost Hazmat feel to the kit on the chest and arms you've got some plating and then a bunch of magazine pouches right across the belly which rounds out the look of course you can't forget about the hell diver skull belt buckle either which is always an infashion design in terms of stats we're talking a classic medium armor set with standard armor speed and stamina regen we also see the same engineering kit armor passive as before which reduces recoil while crouched or proned and gives you two additional grenades this is what I'm talking about with those same armor passives repeated it would make sense during the roll out of a new B bond to also roll out a new armor passive but alas we see the same old same old the third armor set and easily the Hallmark of the upcoming Democratic detonation war bond is the fs55 Devastator which as I hope you can tell is about as beefy As It Gets In Hell divers 2 this thing looks chunky with a huge blast Shield built right into the chest piece of the armor and pretty much every other part of the character covered in some sort of armor plating you we've also got a whole rack of magazines strapped across the belly which looks really cool the set as you can tell by the stats is classified as heavy with 150 armor rating 450 speed and 50 stamina regen this armor comes with the Fortified armor passive which reduces recoil while crouched or proned by 30% and increases the resistance to explosive damage by 50% this set is Tailor Made For Fighting the automatons with all their bombs and their and while I'm not personally a fan of heavy armor if you are struggling to to survive my guess is this armor might just save your life here's the reality though this armor will most likely be on the third page of the new war bond which will cost you 1,000 super credits so if it's something you like and think you'll want to eventually scoop up then you absolutely need to start saving now while these armor sets are the next inevitable three to come to the game some fresh leaks really make me wonder what comes after that this league screenshot reveals two more armor sets dead center and while we have seen the Primal looking set before it's the set on the right that really pequs my interest it looks like an eagle pilot got sick of dropping bombs cried for a rifle and is jumping into the action and I'm here for that of course it does make you wonder what these armor sets are connected to the Primal set in particular is really a mystery and you wonder how we could go from Super Hightech almost Master Chief looking sets to armor that's got bone necklaces as always time will tell but it leaves me with a lot of questions so what's next well it seems as if the automatons will soon be getting a new tool in their fight against weu hell divers as if they needed more because in-game text and some leaked images suggest that the robots will soon have access to Aerial gunships some leakers manag to find the drop ship platforms these vehicles will spawn from which makes it pretty clear that these gunships will act as a secondary objective within a mission much like how stalkers and shrier nests provide a parallel experience on the termined front this all makes sense because we know that air-to-air missiles are coming and this provides the perfect opportunity to inject a new stratum like that into the game personally I'm sticking with the quazar cannon at least for now because that thing absolutely shreds bot ships out of the sky either way we're going to have to contend with more enemies on the automaton front in the near future by the looks of these ships things are going to get even more intense when fighting with the Bots we also finally got a look at the bx7 displacer pack an item that has been long seen in the game files up until this point however we have never seen it in action it's a Quick Clip and the animation looks to be missing but you can see the effect as a charger barrels down on the player they're teleported away to safety I'm still not sold on this being more valuable than something like the energy Shield backpack or Supply pack but it all hinges on the cool down if this pack can be used relatively often I think it'll compete but if you have to wait 5 minutes between recharges I think this thing will be gimmicky at best again this is just a leak and we can't take it as solid proof of the items effect quite yet but I am excited to finally see it in action who knows I could be missing something about the displacer pack that makes it absolutely essential for fighting the illuminate and we get a fresh Taste of what's to come there as well we see illuminate ghouls seemingly rising from the ground which is a pretty terrifying thought we also got an animated look at the Towering tripod which I have no doubt will be as big as the biot Titan from a pure vertical perspective then there's the illuminate Illusionist and the animation here are actually quite varied which makes me think they're going to have a rather diverse move set it's hard to tell isolated like this but my guess is we're dealing with at least two if not three unique moves finally there's the illuminate Summoner which one probably summons those ghouls I mentioned before and two has its own unique ranged attack it's this ranged melee combo that I have a feeling we are all going to come to despise eventually once we encounter the illuminate as far as a release date for this new enemy faction is concerned well there really isn't anything concrete yet a lot of folks speculate based on the way the major orders are rolling out that we'll see the illuminate in miday but I am not sold on us having to wait that long personally I think we're going to fight the automatons for a bit and something is going to happen and that brings the illuminate front and center I could be dead wrong which is fine but I think something is stirring so there you have it more hell divers 2 content to wet your pallet while we wait for more official content from the team things have been relatively quiet from arrowhead's CEO which leads me to believe he's heads down hard at work on figuring out what the long-term vision for this game really is at this point with still a healthy daily audience a long-term plan is important and whether or not they choose to release a road map and my gut is telling me they're not going to do that I think there's a ton of work happening behind the scenes that we don't know about either way I am super excited about the idea of More Hell divers 2 in the future and if you're still enjoying the game and you like our content you already know what to do hit hit that thumbs up and consider subscribing my name is Kodiak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play [Music] on
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 196,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legacy Gaming, helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 leaks, helldivers 2 new leaks, helldivers 2 new content, helldivers 2 new update, helldivers 2 illuminate, helldivers 2 weapon leaks, helldivers 2 stratagem leak, helldivers 2 list, helldivers 2 new, helldivers 2 new weapons, helldivers 2 new stratagems, helldivers 2 new armor, helldivers 2 new faction, helldivers 2 leaked weapons, helldivers 2 leaked stratagems, leaks, democratic detonation warbond
Id: qOdI_mTuQAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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