Helldivers 2 - Terminid Complete Bestiary Guide (All Variants Included)

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dealing with the wide variety of enemies found in Hell divers 2 can feel like quite a daunting task especially when you've got dozens of enemies charging at you and you're just not sure how to tackle that situation however today I want to tell you hell divers exactly how to take on each and every terminated enemy type in Hell divers 2 including their weaknesses and strength so we can spread as much democracy as we possibly can after all that democracy is not going to spread itself but without any further Ado we've got a lot to cover here here so let's get right into it star now for the terminate faction we've got the little guys which we'll cover here too at the same time the Scavengers as well as the little Speers these little guys are not much of a threat to deal with especially the Scavengers as they do minimal damage and have pretty mediocre movement speed their objective is essentially to make you dump ammo on them and get rather occupied and distracted getting rid of them as the bigger guys actually do the killing the little spewers can do a bios spit bit that will slow you down so prioritize them over the Scavengers if these are the only two you're going up against other than that both of these will die to pretty much one shot and one grenade is enough to get rid of dozens of them moving on to the third little guy that's a bit more annoying to deal with is the pouncer these little guys are like the baby version of a hunter which is like the small version of the stalker these little guys do very little damage as well but the problem is they leap large distances and usually catch up to you and may be able to even land some hits on you which again won't do much damage but it will stagger you which is by the way what their purpose is to once again distract waste your ammo and stagger you if they're able to hit you you probably want to get rid of these if you're planning on running away as these are quite fast but thankfully they also die to pretty much one hit and a grenade is also enough to take out dozens of them a little step up in size Comes The Hunters which I I know we're still going over the smaller enemy types but these are going to be one of your largest threats in terminate planets at least in high difficulties such as the hell diver difficulty the stalkers are abundant and they will constantly swarm you from every direction and in my personal experience they'll be the one enemy type that will be killing you the most due to how many of them there are the problem with dealing with Hunters is that they won't just charge you directly what they will do instead is do little side jumps as they creep up on you which will force you to turn your fire to other directions rather than just being able to focus fire in one general direction as these creep up on you closer and closer they also start going further and further away from the pack to the sides until they completely surround you which often times at this point if they've got you completely surrounded you're pretty much as good as dead if there are a lot of them to best handle the hunters what I recommend is deal with them early Hunters should be the first ones you want to get rid of because the hunters are pretty much the only enemies that will focus on overwhelming you from every direction rather than just right in front of you if you manage to get rid of every Hunter around you then you should really only have one direction to worry about and can dump strategems and grenades and suppress a fire to get rid of the masses the problem is often times they won't let that happen as they will completely surround you and as a last resort when completely surrounded by hunters I'd recommend throwing an Eagle Strike right on your feet and trying to gain some distance from the explosion Blast before it's too late just remember one quick tip when using Eagle strikes the strikes will come from the left side of your screen to the right from the starting Direction you threw your Eagle Strike from so for example if you throw your Eagle Strike while you're looking at the north side of the map the strike will come from the West Side dropping bombs towards the east side so keep that in mind when trying to avoid the eag's explosive blast moving up a little bit ins size we've got the warrior terminate now these are very easy to deal with this is like the most average enemy there is their movement speed is average their damage is average their health is average their armor is weak they don't really come in large quantities so in other words these are not really a threat I can't remember the last time I've died to one of these or even had any trouble with Warriors if equipped with a breaker shotgun you'll kill them in just one to two shots to the face which by the way is very easily blown out just be careful once you blow their head off as they'll do one final charge at you before going down you can also kill them by shooting at their limbs and tearing them away but there's no need to worry about that as these die extremely quickly to head shot so there's not much to say here about them moving up a little bit more in size we've got the hive guard The Hive guard is let's say the weakest terminate that you face that has a really thick armor The Hive guards themselves are not much of a threat threat they're very slow and their damage is not very high when dealing with big swarms Hive guards are way down in your priority list as who to kill first matter of fact it's probably the least important enemy when dealing with a large swarm it can be a problem if the Swarm Rush is being led by Hive guards as these will kind of work like Shield men protecting the Army behind them by shielding them from gunfire however these situations are rare especially in higher difficulties as you'll be dealing with lots of hunters and other terminate that will quickly overlap The Hive guard and leave them in the back of the pack towards the end of clearing up a swarm you don't want to leave any Hive guards alive however because they can call up for reinforcements so towards the end of dealing with a swarm make sure to take them out if you're lower than level 20 you've got a few viable choices to deal with Hive guards the first choice is you shoot at them and when they Shield up drave to the side and shoot their unarmored body or you could even do it from the front when shooting at a hive Guard from the front shoot at them in this little Gap right here in their bottom right side and there is quite a bit of Exposed Skin for you to kill them from if you're above level 20 and have a rail gun equipped just take one shot at them and that will quickly get rid of them no matter where you shoot up next comes the Bro Commander the BR Commander can be quite deadly if left alive but worse than that they can call up a small reinforcement consisting of two Warriors and one Hive guard if I'm not mistaken which doesn't sound like much but when you've got three to four brute commanders coming at you you're talking about 10 plus new enemies that just don't need to be there I recommend just keeping it simple and blowing their head off the breaker shotgun can kill a commander in just a few shots to the face so when dealing with a big swarm you want to prioritize brute commanders if you're not being overwhelmed by hunters as these will consistently respawn enem enemies as long as you leave them alive as well as they're quite fast so you should deal with them as soon as possible do beware that just like Warriors once you blow up their head they will do one final charge at you so make sure you try to dodge that extra attack so you don't lose unnecessary amount of Health up next we've got the unarmored bile spewer these are usually found in it seems like mostly Dusty Maps they're not consistently going to show up in your games as well as a few other enemy types in this list by the way this unarmored version is not much of a problem these will carry a fog with them which in my opinion is quite annoying and its purpose is to make the battlefield a little bit harder to grasp as the player now these unarmored versions aren't much of a threat and you should only really concern yourself with them if they start getting really close which by the way two to three shotgun shots to the face and they die very quickly these are also very weak against grenades and die instantly to them if near the blast radius the armored version of it however is quite a pain in the ass they don't have their fog with them their armored version makes their face extremely hard to hit so much so that I do not recommend trying to shoot them in the face matter of fact I don't recommend shooting at them at all both the armored version and unarmored version can take a lot of damage to the belly before they actually die personally when dealing with the armored version of this enemy I would recommend one of three choices the first being a rail gun shot to the head or something that can penetrate heavy armor the second being if you're dealing with a large group of them I'd recommend using an explosive stratem such as Eagle strikes or an orbital strike or even a barrage and as for the third choice and my personal favorite when dealing with these is just to throw a grenade at them the armored version as well as the unarmored version will still die to only one single grenade making it the easiest way to deal with them the only time I won't throw a grenade at these is if there are a large amount of them or I am simply out of grenades when dealing with a large swarm in higher difficulties I personally save my grenades specifically for the BIOS Speers do beware however that bios Speers like I said earlier do not spawn in every map so yeah as soon as you see these little just grenade them now down to the last three enemies of the terminate faction we've got the special unit the stalker the stalkers are in my opinion not that hard to deal with the problem about the stalkers is if you're being swarmed and there are stalkers in the middle of that group then you're likely going to be in a lot of trouble the stalkers are simply amazing as staggering you and throwing you around like a brag doll to the point that if they even throw you a single time then you're likely dead because they're going to catch up to you and beat you up before you even get back up on your feet now to deal with stalkers is fairly easy as long as you're not being sworn by that many enemies as you already know stalkers can go invisible even though they're fairly easy to see and their silouette by the way actually appears through fog as well as the night so finding them is actually fairly easy what I recommend you do to deal with these stalkers is once you see the very first stalker then you immediately must make it your primary goal to go deal with the stalker's layer to find their layer is actually fairly easy just pay attention to where the stalkers are coming from maybe on the first stalker you won't realize where he came from but after that stop for a little bit and pay attention and wait until another stalker comes to fight you once you see the direction that the stalkers are coming from let's say the east side of the map then make your way towards that east side of the map and upon getting near the stalker's layer there will be a small question mark that will pop up on the mini map and once that pops up just go there and destroy their stalker layer by throwing a grenade in there and voila stalkers are no longer an issue as far as dealing with them in combat goes there's not much of a secret once you see them just shoot them they don't necessarily have any weak spot now on to the second tankiest unit in the terminate faction we've got the Chargers and as we all know we all hate the goddamn charger and if you don't hate them now then odds are you're probably playing in lower difficulties because Chargers in higher difficulties especially in Hell diver difficulty come in dozens and you'll come across like 20 to 30 different charges when playing a whole 40-minute Mission and as a solo player this is awful because you're constantly having to deal with swarms and as well as with these Chargers so yeah there usually will be only one charger per group or Patrol and your best bet is to start dealing with them before they start dealing with you you won't often have that luxury however now you've got a few ways to deal with a charger the first way is by playing Matador with it or in other words by using your movement and just dodging the charges and letting them charge past you so you can take a few shots at his ass this method will take much longer than the other methods but when you're loow level or don't have any other ways to deal with them then this is pretty much your only choice when they start charging you you want to strafe to the side as they're getting near you don't strafe too early or else they will be able to still make the turn and still hit you what I recommend is actually let them get fairly close before you actually hit them with the side strafe this will take a little bit of getting used to as you'll want to get used to how fast their character moves and how fast your character moves after you deal with a charger solo a few times you quickly get used to how fast you move and how fast they move and this will become quite an easy thing to do I mean this is something that you have to learn with in higher difficulties or else Chargers will be eternally your biggest issue I have not personally utilized heavy armor as I do not believe them to be a good choice so I'm not exactly sure if you can strafe to the side before the charger actually hits you so maybe your best choice is going to be diving as they're getting close to you and then then you can take a few shots at his ass I would not recommend doing this however as you'll be coming across many different Chargers and if you're constantly diving every time they charge you you're going to end up getting caught by other enemies and will be a very easy target the second choice which is also used by low-level players is going to be by utilizing a strategem to deal with a charger early on your best bet is going to be the orbital Precision strike so with a strategy you could do this by trying to perfectly where the charger is going to be when the Precision strike gets fired but a way that you could guarantee that you will hit your orbital Precision strike is by positioning yourself right in front of a rock and waiting until the charger starts charging at you once it does throw the orbital Precision strike right at that rock because the charger will hit the rock get stunned and then the orbital strike will land right on his back and kill him in one shot the third choice you've got which is also best used at lower levels is what well if you get caught and killed then just utilize your hell Pod Drop to drop right in his back and that will also one hit any charger do be careful though I'm personally guilty of constantly trying to do this and just Landing right in the middle of a swarm and getting myself killed because I tried to kill a charger with a hell pod the fourth and most effective way is only possible to be done at level 20 and above and that's by utilizing the rail gun I won't mention utilizing the autoc cannon or any of the other weapons including by trying to kill a charger with a grenade because even though yes it is possible to kill a charger with those weapons I don't find them to be a very good choice as these other choices are in my opinion more efficient at dealing with the Chargers but anyways back to the rail gun the rail gun definitely the most effective way to deal with the masses of chargers previously I utilized the rail gun by shooting at the Charger's face which would take about four to five shots to kill a charger but you guys in the comment section below point it out something that I didn't quite know you can actually utilize the rail gun to shoot off its leg armor with only two shots yes it is a bit harder to hit than the head but it will take you half the shots and once you do that the leg armor will get blown out and you can just pull out your weapon and only take a few shots at it and it's enough to drop the charger dead right there one way I deal with masses of chargers in the hell diver difficulty is by keeping a mental note that I only shoot at the Chargers right leg that way when I'm dealing with three to four Chargers I'm only shooting at their right leg and in the middle of the chaos sometimes I can't keep track of which Chargers I have already shot once and which ones I haven't so by always shooting the right leg it allows me to more efficiently get rid of their leg armor without losing track of which Chargers I already shot and which ones I didn't now moving away from the charger finally comes the big boy the bio Titan the bio Titan is the biggest and the tankiest unit in the game and not just that but it's got a melee attack as well as a ranged attack and it's one of the fastest units in the game as well if you're above level 20 then these are your worst nightmare if you're above level 20 then these shouldn't really be an issue on their own at all they're more like big time wasters that will keep you busy long enough for the other units to overwhelm you so how do we deal with these well below level 20 you've pretty much only got two choices the first choice is by utilizing strategems in the form of orbital strikes Eagle strikes as well as certain weapons like maybe the grenade launcher Auto Cannon and so forth the strategems that come from above will often times Miss as these guys actually move very fast one thing you could do is if you have a certain strategy that will guarantee one hit them but you're not exactly sure whether you will hit the shot or not then what you can do is just throw it at your feet and let the biot Titan come to you yes you'll like die for this cause but if you're playing lower difficulties then odds are you only come across one maybe two biot Titans and it's sometimes can be well worth one reinforcement life for taking out the biot Titan if you don't want to particularly sacrifice yourself for it then well you can just try to land your strategem the regular way which by the way don't forget the resupply as well if you land a resupply right on his back it will one hit a biot Titan so keep that in mind when trying to kill them and if you're trying to kill them with a weapon then odds are you're going to be doing lots of king and a lot of resupplying I remember I used to take several minutes for dealing with each one of them which brings me to my second point if you're lowlevel another way you can deal with them is with the same hell pod tip that I mentioned against the Chargers if you hit a nice hell pod right through its biggest part of its body it will one hit a biot Tian I have however had situations where the game did not register or my hell pod as going through them which weirdly enough this has been happening more and more as of lately I'm not exactly sure if it's server related or what it is but yeah assuming that does not happen you will one hit the bio Titan with your own hell pod if you are above level 20 however then the rail gun is your best friend the rail gun will take about 10 shots or so to its face before it goes down and assuming you don't have to deal with a swarm let's say if the biot Titan is on its own you should be able to take it down just within a couple of seconds as you shoot 10 shots fairly quickly now if you did not know by holding the reload button you can set your rail gun to the unsafe mode and what this does is if you hold your fire button it will continue to charge up a shot rather than being limited however after a certain while if you do not release the shot it will explode and get you killed what this does is it increases your damage the longer you hold off your charge for you can check if the rail gun is about about to explode or Not by looking at the charge meter in first person but should you use the rail gun in the unsafe mode when trying to kill bio Titans in my opinion no the point of the unsafe mode is you're able to do a lot more damage with overcharged shots which will lead you to conserving a lot of ammo however ammo is not much of an issue with a rail gun in regards to trying to kill the biot Titan as fast as you can charging up all of your shots will not save you time matter of fact it will take a lot longer to kill K the bio Titan BY charging up your shots than it would by just firing right away in safe mode Hell divers need to treat unsafe mode as a mean of conserving ammo for example if you're dealing with a bio Titan but only have six shots on your magazine then in that case yes it's worth charging up all of your shots but if you have a full clip then you honestly have no reason to charge up your shots also do remember each rail gun shot to the face stuns the biot Titan even for a little bit matter of fact if the bio Titan is charging up a spew attack by shooting at its face with the rail gun it will stop him from attacking so you should always focus on just taking those shots at his face especially if he's charging up and attack I would also recommend shooting at a bio Titan especially if you see them from far away the bio Titans at one point or another will always find you so just try to get rid of them as soon as you can and if you can see them from really far away then you can get several shots and often times kill an entire bio Titan before he gets anywhere near you now another question that beginners often have is should you shoot at its belly it looks like it's weak spot but honestly you should only shoot at its belly if it's the only thing you can do if you have a rail gun then no definitely just shoot at its face but if you don't have a rail gun you should only shoot at its belly if you have no other choice like no other strategems or any other viable means of taking it down but that's it for today's video this was actually quite a long one I was going to make this video about both factions which would include all enemies but seeing how this video turned out to be pretty long I figured I'd go ahead and break these down in two videos meaning I'll be releasing on automaton guide in the next few days so make sure you subscribe in case you haven't yet thank you guys very much for watching and get out there and spread some democracy and I'll catch you guys on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 188,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: 21scSvR1Kp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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