MAGA Christian Nationalists Find Out Trump's Kids Are Jewish

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Christian nationalism what does that mean to you and do you think that we should be a Christian nationalist country uh I believe that we should be protecting our freedom of religion and it seems that Christianity is under attack in this country um it's pretty evident when college campuses allow things um to be talked about everything under the Sun but when anyone tries to speak about Christianity they're pretty much shut down um you see it in protests around the country people are shut down and it's really unfortunate so it is important to me that that's protected and do you think the Bible should be taught in public schools yeah I I mean why not we have a separation of church and state you know it might be to some people but not to me I just know that God is in charge and whatever he does is it's the only thing to be doing or that can be done so he's going to take a lot he's going to go a long ways before he destroys the evil and what's the evil as you define it now you well you know I I I can't go that far I know the evil and you know the evil but we don't speak it that way Christians don't anyway I don't no I I I mean when you when you refer to evil cuz I don't know what you know evil to me is people who kill people well Biden's evil and that's about all I can say to that in what in what ways is he evil you know yeah I I got it all out thank you for it so the Constitution was not written for uh immoral unjust people the Constitution was written for moral spiritual people who could discern the times and the seasons through the word of God we have um you know God God is trying to help America and the man for the mission is Trump so we need to follow Trump uh but what if Trump were to lose what would that mean that that that that didn't work out or what would it mean for the country well God has his plan and God knows everything if if that happens um it means suffering for the people and I don't think uh God wants that at this point in time I think that uh most of America is a faithful uh people America is actually following Christ more than we think whatever and I think that God knows this do you think America should be an exclusively Christian country uh yes I think that it should be a Christian country and let's say we became a Christian country what would you say to your Jewish friends and neighbors well I think that um the base of this nation was Christianity and they know that you know just like Israel was uh the Jewish religion and we know that and we love them you know and we respect them for how their nation is and they respect us for how our nation is run and I think that uh you know both nations are very very close Commandments wise and everything I think that uh the right path is to keep America uh a Christlike America but we have a separation of church and state in this country uh there is uh separation but not in the Constitution the Constitution uh was uh based uh on the our heavenly father I don't think they use those words though right um not those words but the men that did the job of writing the Constitution they were very faithful men and we're standing in Virginia Thomas Jefferson wrote the articles of religious freedom that everybody here is free to worship whomever they please do you think we should teach the Bible in public school uh yes I do I do believe that um I I believe that it does brings the Spirit uh of uh of um America and that he helps the children you know Michael Flynn he said that if the country is one nation under God it should be one nation under one God do you agree with that yes I do yes so what would that do for Donald Trump's Jewish children who don't worship the same God but don't they still I mean it's still the same God they just don't worship Christianity they don't worship Jesus right right isn't Jesus the god of Christianity he he is there three in one um so um and what about your our you know Muslim people in the country should they be made to worship Jesus as well I don't no I I guess I guess everybody we should have our how about we keep religion out of it Michael Flynn the other day said that the country is one nation under God do you believe with that I do he's saying because we're one nation under God we should be one nation under one God do you agree with that absolutely so what what then you know like Donald Trump has children and grandchildren who are being uh raised Jewish what would happen in that case to to people like that um well the Jewish religion that they have the right to believe in in their person which is God the Jew the Jewish religion believes in God I personally am Roman Catholic I believe in God I believe in Jesus and what about a Muslim uh you know friend or colleague uh would would they have the same protections as far as their religion goes sure so that Michael Flint in one nation under one God it's not he's saying that there's one Christian God is the way I hear it but you're saying that that shouldn't be well in in my eyes it is because I am a Christian right but should it be mandated to the country is what I'm saying should we be one nation under one God as the United States of America well that's that's what's printed on our money and that we should we say In God We Trust right correct money right but but I'm I'm asking do you think we should all adopt one God the same God I think if whatever religion you're in you believe whatever High higher being is or you're an atheist well I'm I'm not not no no not you I'm not s and I don't like that you know Michael FN said that America is one nation under God and he says if America is one nation under God they should be one nation under one God do you agree with that I I'm an American you know one nation under God that's how I feel but that's a little touchy you know a little touchy General Flynn recently said that America is should be one nation under God and one nation under one God how do you feel about that under one God I am a Christian myself and I do believe in God I think that there's a lot of unholiness that happens and there's more things I think it's just it's on a much deeper level when it comes to Big politicians we have care politicians nowadays we don't have anyone who is of the working class any longer we have career politicians and I don't I don't believe that that's right so and then finally I want to ask um you were talking about being a Christian um Michael Flynn who you recall from the previous administrations he recently said that if Americas should be one nation under God they should also be one nation under one God um what do you think of that as a Christian I mean I'm a Catholic but overall I'm a Christian and I don't really agree with him on on that end I mean we all disagree on things President Biden's a Catholic and he's an observant Catholic he goes to church every Sunday um how do you feel about not supporting someone or do you feel a bind to support someone who is cath I don't feel a bind to support him I don't think he should be receiving communion as a Catholic um to support abortion and the murdering of millions of innocent children I don't know how he can receive communion and say he's a Catholic I don't know how he can do that and it's as our faith that's why that's what we believe and we're a pro-life church I mean all I go to church right down the road and every single Sunday that's the first thing they say is we are a pro-life church and for him to have the position he does and not support that it's pretty embarrassing to be honest there's a lot of talk about religion in this election and Christian nationalism what is that mean to you Christian nationalism well I'm a Christian so you know I believe in all of it and I believe Donald Trump is a Christian and you know it's a good Lord that put us here it's a good Lord that wrote the Constitution that's what it's all about and you know so I'm I'm all about it you're crediting the Lord with the Constitution I'm sorry what was that you're crediting the Lord with the Constitution yes I am I credit him with everything Michael Flynn he recently said that we are one nation under God and he thinks we should be one nation under one God do you agree with that as well well yes and no that's that's a that's a it's fine line there I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior Behavior if somebody else wants to believe something that's up to them don't push it on me just cuz I don't believe in it don't push your you know your religion your your you know your your sexuality that's fine if you want to be that way be that way don't push it on me General Flynn he recently said that America is one nation under God but he also went further and said America is one nation under one God should be do you think that should be the case this nation was founded on judeo Christian princip so you know we we're a welcoming Nation it's just that we're a nation of laws and if they keep coming over illegally we're not you can't support it Michael Flynn who you probably know from you know Michael Flynn the other day said that uh if we are one nation under God then we should be one nation under one God do you think that's true I mean there is one God yes that's true it's one God but there there's so many different religions that have their own God I guess yeah that's what he meant he meant instead of having Allah you know the Muslim God and and the Buddha God and yeah the Indians they didn't have a god they had what Spirits or something personally believing Christ is our savior and he's the son of God just don't force you
Channel: The Young Turks
Views: 2,497,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 240302__MS03_Trump_Rally_Richmond_VA_Bible_in_School, News, Politics, TYT, The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, Progressive, TYT Network, Ana Kasparian, political establishment, John Iadarola, Breaking News, 2020, Election 2020, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, 2020 Election Results, Biden, Trump, 2022 election, 2024 election, 2024, South Carolina, Trump Rally, 240302__MS05_Trump_Rally_Richmond_VA_MAGA_reacts_TYT-007, 240302__MS12_Trump_Rally_Richmond_VA_Christian_Nationalism-008
Id: 1qUS5gdGUtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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