Helldivers 2 - Hidden changes that you need to know about! | Myelin Games

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welcome back helldivers today I want to talk about some hidden changes that came with the most recent patch the reason I say hidden I I really mean stealth changes but the thing is when I read stealth changes it sounds like I'm talking about changes to sneaking not changes that were in the patch but were not listed in the patch notes so that's what we're talking about there has been a bunch of changes to the game that were not listed in the patch note and I'm going to go through a compilation of them today I'm going to speed through some news cuz it's been a couple days cuz I got caught up playing Dragons Dogma 1 which is a fantastic game it's on Steam for $5 right now okay right let's speed through some news uh the CEO of Arad Studios uh made a discussion Thread about people getting kicked from the game uh there's been increased complaints about people just kicking you for no reason people still thinking that uh samples are being shared uh if you're dying too much if you're not having the right load out fortunately it hasn't happened to me but it has come up a couple times CEO responded said hey let's do the high of Mind thing let me know your suggestions the community responded with a bunch of ways you might be able to combat this and he said thanks very much the other major thing to note with the CEO's tweets is he responded to a user who said would you consider armor set Buffs perks to entice fellow hell divers to wear a complete armor set and he responded with not really it doesn't make that much sense why matching clothing or armor would do anything special than it well matching so no set Buffs or perks coming in the near future and one final reminder the new war bond is coming out soon on the 14th of March this will have new weapons and armor and people are still asking whether the old ones will disappear no they are permanent they will not go away I know this feels weird because you've been playing so many other live service games that Captivate you through the fear of missing out uh you don't have to rush they will be there you'll be able to just purchase the new one and start completing that and decide to put points into that r rather than your old ones then you can go back to your old ones and use uh your medals on the old ones and complete it at your own pace wow refreshing okay now let's get to the stealth changes all the changes that were not listed in the previous patch notes this is confirmation from one of the community manages over on their Discord saying some things were stealth buffed and not put into the patch notes given to the community team can't say for sure why but one change I can confirm is the eat the Expendable anti-tank rocket launcher and The Recoil L is that they know longer have deflection angles where they will only do 50% damage to charges this is why the rail gun was so powerful it didn't have any deflection angle it would always penetrate at a 100% damage so a couple things first firstly just confirming there are stealth changes that would not listed in the patch secondly once again eat is one of the best tools in the game I just need more people to use it please okay so here is a compilation of the stealth changes in patch 1.0.1 let's go through them okay the sg8 Slugger increased total ammo capacity from 40 to 60 I think the Slugger is a really good gun I wasn't impressed with it when I first started using it but I really come to like it now highly recommend you tried the Slugger out next the spear lootable ammo boxes now recover ammo for the weapon this is huge for the spear I haven't gone back and tried it and I do want to go back and try it again that might make it a lot more viable being able to loot ammo boxes right The ar23 Liberator explosive now I did a YouTube short on this I went in and tested the explosive trait because it was meant to do 100% damage it didn't do 100% damage to squishy Parts as the CEO tweeted and I think that was because it was mislabeled as having the explosive trait it's now been rebranded as the ar23 C uh see Liberator concussive users report that it now has a faster fing rate and increased enemy knockback so kind of confirming what I found out which doesn't seem to have the explosive trait cuz it didn't do 100% damage to squishy Parts on bugs and now it has the increased enemy knockback so it's got concussive instead of explosive right the eat and The Recoil as Rocket no longer have deflection angles when they would only deal 50% damage versus charges and confirmed by Dev and that was the screenshot I showed you previously jump pack a shorter cool down and longer duration further your character would now leap into a boost allowing momentum to be maintained I need to go back and look at the jump pack now with the changes to the generator Shield might be thinking the jump pack could be worth it especially with charges the way they are now too to jump over them right the armor Trail Blazer Scout no longer increased speed and stamina regen and reduced armor so no longer increased speed and stamina reduced AR right and the Dynamo helmets no longer increase armor and reduce speed and stamina reg armor value fixed now I definitely agree with this the official patch notes state that the fixed armor rating values not reducing damage as intended which gives the impression that armor values did not reduce damage pre patch however through testing it was identified that the pre patch all armor essentially had an armor value of 100 so the fix from the patch essentially nerfed the effectiveness of light armor less damage resistance than pre- batch while medium armor is unaffected it doesn't say what Heavy Armor is here but I definitely feel weaker in the light armor so that kind of checks out for me enemy aggro range increased now I've got some notes on this too pre patch testing showed that the aggro range within an enemy's line of sight was 45 35 and 20 for standing crouching and crawling respectively now this is a link to a YouTube video Simple Guide to stealth I spent like 5 hours doing this and I I still have notes on the Rangers pre patch and I still have all the footage for it so I might go back to it the only reason I stopped doing the stealth video I was going to make is because it is brain dead boring literally hours of me crawling towards enemies and seeing what triggers them but this video is good cuz it confirms a bunch of things that I kind of knew but I didn't want to really retest first thing is the automaton Rangers uh this is test on the automatons I test on the bugs they are different Rangers so I think they said uh 45 35 and 20 I had for bugs with non stealth uh walking as like 20 Crouch is uh sorry walking is 30 crouching is like 20 22 and pron is like 14 15 so um the line of sight for bugs is definitely shorter than the automatons which probably also explains why automatons is so hard anyway it looks like their line of sight has been bumped up now so I could go back and test the bugs and see if the bugs have been bumped up too and it looks like it's been bumped up by about 5 m so now at tomons are seeing you at 50 m when you're um walking 40 m when you crouch and 25 M when you're crawling which is a very long line of sight I think this is going to explain some of the um feelings of increased uh enemies cuz they're just locking onto you a lot earlier and there's more stuff to talk about when it comes to the patrols seef smoke artillery shell now reskinned into a gray a P fsds shell similar to the nap and static field previously the smoke shell looked like identical to the mini nuke right miscellaneous changes with no impact on gameplay significantly faster Mission completion screens changes in lobby Mission completion animations maximum number of missions Stars scale difficulty intro video now needs to be skipped by holding down the scape right now there are a bunch of suspected stealth changes and it says may not be accurate but there is couple of these I really want to talk about because they're a bit of a hot topic enemy aggression enemy spawn frequency and enemy spawning on top of the players so enemy aggression a lot of users have reported that enemy aggression seems to be a lot higher since the patch ranging from medium to the highest difficulties namely users reported that enemies will sometimes not lose aggro and will continue shooting at Players calling reinforcements even from the whole map away this is in contrast to pre-patch where running away and breaking line of sight will make enemies eventually lose interest I have lots of footage of enemies losing interest um pre patch cuz I was doing all the stealth testing uh breaking line of sight hiding behind a rock and then I've got footage of them like just wandering around and searching so if I can build the motivation to do hours of crawling through the dirt again I can hopefully confirm if that has been changed uh definitely just subjectively it feels like enemies have a higher aggression rate for sure enemy spawn frequency a lot of users have noted that enemy spawn rate appears to be buffed across the board this might be a flow on impact from previous Point since the more enemies are aggro at any given time the more patrols the aggro would spread to more and the more reinforcement will be caught in yeah and I also think this is if they really have changed the uh line of sight and how quickly they can detect you or how close they can detect you these all these things kind of build up on top of each other to make the game feel like you're constantly being chased enemies spawning on top of players while this is a bug that people have occasionally run into since launch there reports this is happening more frequently post patch again be a FL ECT of the previous two points yeah exactly so these things are all kind of maybe working together to make the game feel a lot harder and there is footage of patrols just spawning on you and I guarantee people in the comments here will have had this happen as well the last Point here I want to talk about cuz I've also experienc this is the hell pod steering lock and I this happened a couple times I'm like what is going on here why can't I I control my hell pod like I've got the um ship upgrade that should increase your ability to control your hell pod and then there are some times where I was like I can't steer um it says here the game now prevents HELLP pod from being steered onto High ground safe spots when reinforced by teammate think invisible walls for your hellbot I was like Ah that's what's happening H right there is good news regarding the enemy density and spawn rate and the way it feels right now the community manager spits uh put it in the Discord saying hello divers I want to make a moment this afternoon to let you know that we've heard your concerns over the past few days regarding enemy spawns enemy armor and the ability to kill these enemies and we've said before our teams are always taking a play feedback and looking at how we can tweak the game to ensure that it's fair enjoyable and provides the best experience for everyone I can confirm that we're currently looking at changes to the spawn rates and health balls of heavy enemies and will be attempting to spread them out more to prevent large spikes of tougher mob mobs appearing at the same time as well as making them a bit easier to bring down this change should go out in a future hot fix no dates as of yet thanks as always for your patience right so there you go there is a summary of the stealth changes that came with the most recent patch uh I think the most important one is probably the enemy spawn and the detection like the lines of sight I think that is kind of making the game feel uh very spammy and less tactical than it was previously if you'd like to support the channel and cannot think of a comment you can leave the word stealth as usual it's been a pleasure this is Marin games peace
Channel: More Myelin Games
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Keywords: myelin game helldivers, myelin games helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 advanced tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks ps5, helldivers 2 beginners guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 mech gameplay, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 patch notes, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 vehicles, helldivers 2 vehicle footage, helldivers 2 discord, helldivers 2 exosuit, helldivers 2 mechs
Id: C02XJ84tWro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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