Helldivers 2: A Comprehensive Guide to EVERYTHING You Should Know...

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[Music] so you want to be a master hell diver liberating the Galaxy of The Scorch that is the termined and automatons well we all do in service to Super Earth but you have to start somewhere we're doing something a little different here today today we're taking a stab at Hell divers 2 for beginners love that we had so much interest in the game based off the initial review a few days ago and there were a ton of questions that I had seen about the game in general about certain aspects so today I want to run down a brief explainer of what hell divers really is things you need to know and some more stuff in between so if you enjoy this you find it at all insightful or you enjoy hell divers to another branching out content do me the biggest favor and drop a like on the video maybe consider subscribing as well if you're new but for now let's jump into it firstly let's know your role as a hell diver the objective of the game is to spread democracy all over but in all seriousness you're tasked with liberating worlds from the terminats and automatons this is done by completing missions from the galactic war with sectors of the hollow map on your ship ship highlighted in red or yellow depending on which side of the war you'd like to fight you can jump back and forth there's no need to do everything on one side before the other though the automatons might prove a bit more difficult for underleveled players missions will have Main and side objectives that can yield various items and progression for players that complete them missions are scaled in difficulty you as a level one Cadet will only have the availability of tier one and the easiest difficulties the easiest of missions but as you rank up you'll start to gain more and more difficulties that will gradually test you further and further sometimes you'll feel underleveled by a ton but you'll get there but what's the point of fighting increasingly tough for enemies if you can gain XP and rank up all the same on say lower difficulty missions well higher level missions offer more bonuses and XP for completion so it's a matter of like scaling that rank progression you'll do it faster if you challenge yourself more and more as you complete missions you'll notice that by the end of the missions you'll be receiving things like XP requisition slips or denoted as R and metals and the optional pickups are things like samples so what do these all do for you well XP this is an easy one it just allows you to progress your character unlocking more difficulty levels unlocking additional items as you go along and other things just your basic leveling system here at this your requisition slips though or your RS these are like an in-game currency that isn't a monetary unit like you'd use in a shop but instead an in-game currency that allows you to unlock things in game allowing you to allocate your resources to help you in your grind a little further these are used on things like strategems the tools like resupply packs heavier Weaponry like machine machine guns rail guns and such aerial support streaks like bombardments or strafing runs utility like a jetpack or Sentry turret you name it we'll touch on those more in a bit but those are all unlocked via requisition so it's important that you end up getting as much as possible which you do by again completing these missions and objectives metals are something that is another type of currency but only for the player and it doesn't help you out directly when you're playing your actual game or to some degree medals are instead ways that you can unlock items from both the free and premium battle pass or rather what they're called war bond so you can end up unlocking things like new armor new Weaponry new cosmetics and other stuff like that now samples are items that you'll find around the world that can be dropped if you die so you'll want to make sure that you are careful or if you do die you come back and pick those up because you have to xill with them for them to be credited to your account but simply samples are used for your ship modules and certain upgrades there within with common denoted as green rare as orange and rarer as pink you'll find these around the worlds you're liberating while dropping in we can and very well may dive deeper into the easiest ways to find these and obtain these in a later video but that's a bit more in-depth of a subject than the surface level beginner guide that we're doing here at this so we'll save that for later but these samples can be used to unlock upgrades for strategems in your ship module sector of the ship management which will then in turn make things like your strategems have extra bonus items and utility so kind of like upgrading your ship and your utility as you go along then you also have additional things in your sort of mission objectives of major orders and personal orders your major order is a galactic challenge that is for all players playing hell divers and all players can contribute to it and this will last longer than your personal orders for example the most recent major order as of the time of recording this has been to win at least eight defend campaigns against the automatons for a reward of 12,500 requisition slips a lot of currency that you could use to upgrade your stuff now the difference is that this isn't just a defend Mission Against The automatons it's instead liberating the planets that have the defend marked on them during that time frame meaning that it's not something you can do quickly to farm through eight missions you'll have to take part in this in liberating these worlds and the reward is a bit less immediate it will take time and it's a community sort of challenge Now personal orders on the opposite side of things this is a daily challenge of sorts that will task you with various things the cool part is this seems to be something that is applied to your entire Squad as my squad ended up having the kill 60 enemies with the anti-material rifle challenge when I had last checked my squad worked on that they ended up completing theirs and despite me not having that strategy equipped not using it at all that game I also got that same reward of what was 15 medals so an Nifty little thing here maybe a bug maybe a feature but I'll take the extra medals where I can get them either way next let's jump into some sort of ingame stuff here prepping for and actually ingame setting up your hell diver you'll want to make sure that you are conscious of your armor while there are a lot of random things like capes you can get in Hell divers and a lot of other cosmetic things armor is one of those things you might look at and just be like oh that's cool but I probably won't use it too much but you might want to look again because armor can offer a different ratings speeds and stamina regen as well as additional passive traits that can help you out so things like how much damage armor can sponge how fast you are with that armor and how quickly you can regain your stamina back after that plus again bonus attributes absolutely make armor worth at least looking into especially in The Beginner's guy there's no real right or wrong answer but just make sure that you check that out on what fits whatever Mission you're going on the best and what feels comfortable to you Weaponry while you can absolutely stick with some of the basic weapons for a while just keep a note on additional Weaponry that isn't strategy Weaponry you'll gain access to more weapons in the war bond or battle pass progression and don't worry there's plenty of options in that free war bond but again like the armor especially in The Beginner's Guide Weaponry is predominantly user dependent there's absolutely right or wrong answers later on down the line for what you'd want to use but for the first bit of missions and difficulty levels not so much you can get away with just experimenting with other things and checking it all out now when you actually deploy in for hell divers deploying you can end up setting up your character with upwards of four strategems and a boost strategems like we mentioned are things that can be unlocked to help you and your squad strategems though are a team utility in some aspects though so make sure you're contous of that things like resupplies if a teammate calls one in it'll then start the cool down for everyone even though not everyone may have called theirs in so it's a one use item for that kind of stuff but additionally other things like lethals and other individual aerial support stuff that's individual player based meaning that you can have multiple of those aerial raids or aerial streaks that aren't Tethered to team use so you can can end up absolutely spamming an xfill if you're getting overrun or something like that but also be aware that cooldowns are something you should be conscious of as well with varying different time frames for each different strategy the higher powered ones have a higher cooldown now boosters if I'm not mistaken actually apply to your whole Squad not just you which is pretty cool they offer additional bonuses in game that can be very very beneficial if you end up unlocking them currently available we have the hell pod optimization where hell divers come in with full ammo grenades and Stems the Vitality enhancement which allows for all divers to resist injury like broken legs and things like that the UAV Recon which increases the hell divers effective radar range the stamina enhancement which increases all hell diver stamina capacity and Recovery the muscle enhancements which allows for traversal of difficult terrain with ease increase reinforcement budgets which will allow for an increase the amount of reinforcements you have meaning more lives in a mission and then a premium booster in that paid war bond or battle pass there's also the flexible reinforcement budget which reduces the time until New reinforcements are granted once they've been depleted if you run out of additional lives per se so you want to make sure that when you're jumping into a mission you and your squad have stuff coordinated so that you can all sort of Riff Off each other and give you all the best chance for success but also if you have boosters available you'll absolutely want to use those now next in game knowing your HUD is something that's very important missions are timed so in the upper right of your HUD once you drop in you'll see a T minus countdown timer for how much time you have on a mission alongside the difficulty level that you've chosen mission objectives are found just below that your tack map is found by hitting the tab button or whatever you have it bound to on the equivalent on PS5 forgive my ignorance for what the default is on that I don't play on PS5 for this I play on PC but you'll be able to see objectives for each mission where clusters of enemies are where your side objectives are and such your objectives are also for the main or side also alongside teammate pings available to be seen on that tack map but you can also follow your compass at top your Hut as well in the lower left you'll end up seeing your own and your teammate icons for things like ammo reserves for yours the largest thing you'll see is grenades available magazines available and underneath that your la Long Bar is your health bar health regen is not automatic so you'll need to use a stem which is denoted by the amount you have available that stem icon directly next to your health bar and the number you have on hand the nice part is it will also give you information about your teammate's inventory red denoting say if a teammate is out of steems or ammo if they have any utility items like the ammo backpack that's denoted on the HUD as well so all nice and quick identifiers for you and your squad to make informed decisions now when it comes to the game itself team play is huge like we mentioned there are a limited number of respawns or rather rein enforcements kind of in that upper left of your HUD you'll end up seeing a number that denotes the amount of immediate reinforcements you can end up using which is basically just like your team redeploying in easier difficult missions or if you're not messing around and just team killing each other this will be a non-issue but as you scale in difficulty balancing those things may not be the most easiest of task once you were to hit zero reinforcements left then reinforcements are on a cool down which means there will be time where you cannot redeploy back in and it's all on your teammates who are alive to keep that fight for democracy going otherwise you failed to Mission once again strategems are team based some on a shared timer some are not so coordination sometimes really is key additional things that is absolutely important to note is that well firstly one of the big ones is that reloading tops you off but discards any remaining rounds in a magazine so if you are say like me for Call of Duty you get a kill within the first five rounds of your magazine well then you end up reloading but if that was say a 40 round magazine you just lost 35 rounds which in this game is insanely crucial so be conscious that you'll probably want to make sure you go until you have like one or two rounds or you feel like you have one or two rounds left again you will see that sort of scaling on the indicator go down on your HUD but we don't have an actual ammo count available at the moment so it is something that will have to either depend on feel or going until it says hey I'm out of ammo Friendly Fire also is enabled to do with that what you will sometimes it can make for some hilarious moments but also it can either sometimes hurt your team if either done intentionally or unintentionally so just be aware of that the hipfire air quote blue is in effect here at this as well where you might notice that if you're playing in third person and shooting your Crosshair might be a bit ahead of where your shots are actually going per se denoted by that Circle near your Crosshair this is caused by a number of things movement while firing quickly changing Target locations you name it but it can certainly get annoying but part of the game if you'd like to get rid of that or the third person aiming isn't your cete first person aiming also is a thing as well where you can toggle that actually on PC by aiming in and hitting your mouse wheel and it will toggle or on PlayStation 5 I believe it's the R3 button now talking binding another thing that is important to know and something that could be a key tip of information is key binding for stratums right now it's currently hold and then you have to type in whatever strategy keypad number it is which is denoted by WD up down side and side but it is something that can be helpful if you say set it to be tap to toggle not hold which will allow you to free up your pinky and just tap that button to open up your strategy instead of having to hold it down while tapping in that input code Keys versus arrows is also something that's worth investigating into if you want to change your keybinds that's something that I've seen recently where it's not only just better for faster Association it's just the direct match of up down left right versus those few milliseconds that it may take you to be like okay W is up a is left s is down D is right or whatever it may be but also it might just be easier for your movement for your hand placement on the key subjectively allowing for more movement and calling items in on the go whereas maybe not now beyond that we're almost done here some additional information war bond and battle pass progression is something that's pretty cool where the war bonds are battle pass classes don't expire so if you come into the game 3 4 5 months down the line you can still get all those initial things even if they moved on to a new war bond being introduced just a cool little note and finally solo play is certainly possible here within hell divers 2 and it's certainly doable but frankly I find that one of the many beauties of this game is to be playing with people and not only because it's just helpful to have more sets of VI more Firepower and things that you can coordinate with your team but also the moments you make together it's just a lot of fun in that regard so what is nice you can also end up joining or having people join randomly which can help out if you are Solo so you might not necessarily always be alone but yeah if you have friends it's a great game to play with friends but anyways that is a hell divers 2 beginner guide here that I think can be very beneficial if you jump in or you're jumping in for the first time one of the first time that said that's we're going to call it a very different video than we're maybe used to here on the channel but I just I've been having fun with hell divers man I want to make some more content here on this I hope you guys do enjoy and again if you guys do do me a favor and drop a like on it we'll be live over on Twitch here upcoming so you guys want to join in on the conversations and actually hang out with us as we're fighting for democracy I'd love to have you guys out there but anyways let me your thoughts down below what do you guys think of Hell divers 2 what do you think of the guide anything you guys would like to add whatever the case feel free to but if you guys enjoyed the video do me a favor again and drop a like really does help out the video and consider subscribing for more to stay the day with all things hell divers and other content here on the channel but for now thanks so much for watching M espresso I'll see you later take care and peace [Music] la
Channel: Espresso
Views: 108,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecoliespresso, helldivers 2 beginner's guide, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 review, beginner's guide, helldivers 2 first impressions, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2, guide, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips and tricks new for beginners, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 new player, helldivers 2 before you buy, helldivers, helldivers 2 new player guide, what is helldivers 2, helldivers 2 guide for beginners
Id: UOKVLqRt_8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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