Auto Cannon AC-8 How Good is it in Helldivers 2

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how good is the autoc canyon it's so much fun doing that I can't even I'm alive oh my good the ac8 autoc cannon takes 7 Seconds to land and has a okay ignore that cool down just a fun little mod right there you get the autoc cannon and a backpack so you get 10 Rounds the autoc cannon itself and you get 50 rounds of the backpack each reload gives you back five ammunition as she such from 2 to 7 and if you are out of ammunition entirely it is unideal because now you have to do a long animation to reload rack that back and then put the next clip if you have to do the long reload once you see some white in the magazine open your Strat gems like so and you'll have the ammunition in your your gun to shoot with but you won't be stuck there for too long and get mopped so more of the story here try to reload with at least one bullet remaining or one shot remaining and that can be seen by a small sliver get me behind the tanks I can do work I can do work I missed one it just ricochets the bullets simply Ricochet off the front watch this guy though I'm just saying bro um at at Walkers can be shot in the middle of their carriage and they die in one hit shot in the legs or shot in the uh the Jal burst of Devastators you can go ahead and shoot their upper body you can try to at least it can be a one shot potentially but usually it's not and if it's not aim for upper body twice and then they should be dead not always though sometimes it's three shots which is TR but that's the best I can say when you have a Advantage it's not the worst to go for a head shot chainsaw hands are super inconsistent I got lucky there I aim for the body but given the sway and whatnot it just hit the face face is a one shot just very particular how you hit it more so than the majority of other robots for some reason I'd say that hulks are easier to kill all they take is two shots to the red laser on their chest but it has to be pretty in the center of it which can be off not going to lie especially standing up if they slightly increase the accuracy it'd be amazing I'm missing it ever so slightly the little circle thing that's your actual shots it's off by a smidge each time all right these tank Towers get land all three shots in quick succession otherwise turns around you die oh my God the retaliation's crazy all right you can't break a ship shoot the engine hey man it was the one shot you missed leave me alone I just killed four Dudes in wait wait I just killed four people in one shot there I'm doing work autoc Cannon is actually fun you just have to be in a really good position your position can't suck and if it does your experience probably not be the greatest how many shots to the weak spot of a Hulk three you're still alive okay it's hard to hit that weak spot what the it's impeccably hard hit that we spot don't kill me zero M on the backpack I get back 10 Clips AKA 25 rounds from a resupply and I get back two clips which is 10 Rounds from a regular ammo pack on the ground clean you get back 25 shots each time they give you a pack but you can't give it to yourself I the only downside you can drop your ammo pack for your teammates to help you reload by holding down the d-pad for controller or holding X on mouse and keyboard and then the person that has the ammo pack gets on your right side and interacts with you they press a mouse keyboard e controller I have no idea and it auto reloads for you everyone and the grandma suggest shooting the front legs from the back from the front it's inconsistent as seen here that leg is already weak other leg for some reason super easy to shoot you can see my own facial expressions it doesn't make any sense I believe three shots on the side there will remove the wagon and once removed it'll bleed out it can also no longer charge you either and that is the most effective way this gun can actually handle it can you break the armor though even with it missing all that basically HP and body parts the front legs are still so tanky and strong the bleed out do be taking a little bit of time and if you get too close it will still pivot and kill you but it does die eventually a brood mother for sure gets one shot HK the stalkers Too Short at minimum might be some one short To The Head and the armored shell dudes they take at least a direct hit and then a splash hit probably like you know for sure two direct hits as well I always forget this's hit fire it might be accurate I just don't have a cross on my screen to know where I'm aiming if that's a center I wouldn't try trust it but if you have to you have to notable mention you can twoot these little green dudes from the face from the side doesn't matter V battle Titans you can remove I thought like one shot one done I guess not you can remove all the green bits underneath it don't get too confident though if you miss you're going to die I think the one that causes this spit to happen is towards its throat once broken it can no longer spew and after it's done you can waste around 30 rounds on the tail of it the little back of the carass underneath and eventually blows back out and it dies I got heavy doubt you can break these ships I every time I'm shocked it was like what four shots three shots something like that you can just aim right here like kind of where the light shows that's freaking sick I never knew that I assume it takes two shots to break this illegal broadcast that would be wrong you take one all right so there's no fall off range for this gun I could probably climb this and shoot those eggs that I can you could use the gun to close bug holes from decent range as well you don't have to actually shoot into it just shoot the backboard and that counts you can shoot the turrets on top of the bunkers in the new bunker Mission four times and they'll explode I don't think they have a weak spot it doesn't glow like normal and when you hear this you can shoot the mortars from a good distance away four times as well and they'll break and these actually have a weak spot when you shoot that I have to find out this should be the weak spot but it still takes four shots to break which means there's no point in going for the vents just shoot it if you see it mushrooms take two shots the downside I'm noticing with this weapon is you have to carry a backpack for your ammunition and uh Shield generator is kind of overpowered it probably won't be a big deal once they fix armor ac8 autoc Cannon is pretty good in general but excels against the Bots considering most weak spots are facing towards you Hulk the other nerds are the the freaking red skulls one tap if well placed and they're gone hulks take two but it's really quick the ones that don't face towards you you can't do a whole lot except to get better positioning hopefully or your teammates distract them and once they are facing away from you shoot the vents on the tanks the tank Towers takes three hits and they're done very ammo efficient and it also feels amazing when you blow them up in three shots great feeling try out sometime downside against the bot especially you can't bring a shield which means you're getting one tapped bud or close to it a lot especially with the recent changes so there's a downside for sure skis towards the end of a mission you can have your teammate drop a shield backpack if they have an extra and you could swap to the shield when firing and swap back to ammo backpack to reload I did that one time can't find the footage my apologies but it's no strategy could do versus the bugs however it's still good I wouldn't recommend it but you we play however you want to play all right and I kind of hope they do buff it in some aspects I'll talk about that moment it's nice because you can handle everything technically I didn't know you could kill battle Titans that's cool it just takes half your freaking backpack I shouldn't have to throw the whole backpack the kitchen sink and perhaps the fridge at the B Titan to kill with autoc cannon that's just me it's cool you can do it though I just feel you shouldn't take that many shots as it turns out there's a certain making it so I can blow the Titan back far faster but it doesn't die maybe it bleeds out I'm not sure how long that takes but this situation I destroy a little the green bits and then two shots broke that piece right there what's the buff you might ask PS5 because I'm put myself in a risky spot I'm playing on low difficulties to test it on higher difficulties I die doing that guaranteed I got 10 Hunters jumping on me I'm dead so it kind of falls off in that regards versus the Chargers you can kill them in three shots and you can technically do that in one pass they to be it be behind them it's just hard to do that more so than it is to do anything else because it just feels wonky I have a much better time shooting the robots than the Chargers back I guess like it's way easier killing a Hulk than charger I'm comparing this to how it is to kill the hulks versus the Chargers the bow Titans vers the tanks and the objectives too that all that stuff matters and not to mention with the bugs because they're mostly melee except for the mortar Strikers and the spewers they're trying to get close to you which means reloading isn't going to be that easy versus the robots you can reload behind a rock and you're chilling unless they grenade you but you have time to throw it back or whatever you want to do and that's also a big factor is the reload you will you don't understand what it feels like to sit still and reload unless you play the machine gun and uh burst of bugs especially with the recent changes I don't think I want to play the autoc cannon on anything above like five difficulty it's just me it's you could do it it just maybe depends on the map and the mission I don't know but it's good I think it's amazing versus the Bots it's good versus the bugs that's that's the verdict anyway thanks for watching have a good day peace why is on my you're fine bro you're fine he so dead you kind of sound AI generated dude I I do you know you ever hear Sten Hawkings voice like I do not sound like Sten Hawkings dog you'll be fine dude you'll be fine nothing bad ever happened you guys both air strike me dog you guys both killed me with an air strike you told a drone pilot that my life was worth it 10 11 12 13 14 I missed one we'll say 13 I missed one I missed multiple there they like 14 so how many shots underneath it do I have to shoot to then make its armor weak enough to break
Channel: OhDough
Views: 148,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 auto cannon, helldivers 2 AC-8 auto cannon, hellidvers 2 weapon guide, helldivers 2 auto cannon guide, helldivers, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 headshots, helldivers 2 damage, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 review
Id: eUeNcixR2KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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