HEAVY Boxes "Labeled Fragile" Found In An Abandoned Storage Unit #16

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this all right we are back and we are another episode of the unboxing why are you looking so serious right now what do you got over there what's going alright so I let them pick out some really good boxes to start out today which is really rare because normally we don't pick and then also guys we're gonna open up these today and these are full in they're very big boxes so we're gonna do a lot of unboxing now a couple things one you guys have been saying that you want longer videos so we're going to try to do 40-minute videos too we are going to start actions so we're gonna sell and do auctions guys so it probably won't be for another week after you see this video I'm gonna try to do it once per week and we'll set a time so I need your guys's help so in the comments a couple things I want to know what is the best time that you guys think that you can make the auctions so put in the comments when you would like the auction to happen remember I am Pacific Standard Time here I'm in Oregon so try to do Pacific Standard Time and what time you would like the auctions done and then also let me know what country you guys are in because I am looking to ship via pirate ship and there it's Kubek shipping so I'm possibly maybe I'll do international with the United States so I want to know are you in the United States and or are you international so let me know all that time and also where you guys are located okay all right so that being said we're gonna work on longer videos we're gonna start you in auctions and then also continue to look up mostly grandma ventures Poshmark but I do list a little bit those links will be down below it's only us for Poshmark but if you guys want to buy the stuff you see it's gonna be down below the links are gonna be down below yes eBay you can okay so we are going to get going here today and as always we're gonna try to show you everything in the boxes and hopefully we get some good stuff right okay so let's start with the youngest over here go ahead and read off what's on your box [Music] very fragile handle with care' that's probably also says something's ooh alright so we gotta have her go first cuz she's gonna take the next half an hour opening that box you did get a comment tell grandma de to cut away from her body you know I thought about let's say you put that into practice okay okay let's see what Ashley has up as always okay we have a Christmas for our first item that is a nice mug post okay this was done in Coos Bay Oregon actually all right yes it's a pig butt oh that's pretty cool all right what's that one he's just chilling okay Lucy so we have some birds just chilling limited yeah okay people and we have an musical mug oh nevermind the same one look at that that's a pretty interesting one okay what do we got there this is a colorful one brightens up your day when you're drinking your coffee yeah you smiling even put tissue inside the mugs [Applause] yeah this one's cool okay what do we got Maine Thailand I don't buy good drink coffee I want to have flowers this is a gardeners mug okay what do we got here some of these may be worth some decent money we'll have to see yeah cuz they have some great graphics and we have this guy well we I don't know if we have any more room for the books and there's no chips on any of them this looks like the the kiss one you had you know a little yes has anybody bought that coffee pot yet [Laughter] [Applause] prepare for rain but be prepared to deal with mug or pray for rain oh my god they keep coming how many more mugs we got we don't care how they do it in New York and then the lady just sitting in on a farm that's cool that says 98 or 93 sorry these were done in 93 is this truly the last one okay okay so these are all 90s all right 90s mugs look at that Wow do you want to use Grandma venture said lazy susan so we can show them on this I did not sound like some black bear figurines to dreamsicles gnome figurines Oh ceramic jugs ceramic treasure joy love boxes love buyer racks brown plastic containers with blue lids didn't really say blue lids on that oh my gosh okay all right you guys grab a box will they tape everything [Laughter] here let me let me help you all get oh my gosh this one for yes it is we have two of us okay oh it's a dream oh yeah they argue you have to admit yeah so let's see beauty yeah 1998 yes is errs wait um let me check I think we're gonna need them you need a lot of different tools for these boxes I've noticed okay we're getting there oh okay Paul give Magnum it's a jar it's a jar for your refrigerator and it's a magnet jar I've never seen one before I've never seen one that's a jar for the fridge no and you're supposed to put your blessings in it every day I think we all need that yeah this was a 98 so oh we got another one oh that's cute black bear once he got in his back pocket oh he must be uh those are suspenders wow that is really cool and he's kind of heavy I love this okay this is for all you guys out there that I talked to on the comb in all right if friends were flowers I'd pick you yes well I'm seeing a theme here so I'm pretty sure these are gonna be the same but we can't wait now we have two of them and they're magnets oh yeah for oh my gosh that's probably my favorite one this far I bet he could be worth some good money cuz I I listed some of these guys on eBay by Jeff Fleming wow that's cool all right he's heavy too and he's probably six inches that's really cool okay be thankful oh my god there's a little tiny antler to mini moose repair so you can fix them this is need a repair here's the at work okay we'll find one yeah we'll find Perry don't worry buddy you're gonna get your antler back but I can't believe he did this like a little package like that [Laughter] now we also did get these racks we've got two of them so we're going to put them down here is this another one what a blessing you are nope this one doesn't have the card oh this is broken because he taped it that's why she signed it what is this looks old Oh yep probably maybe maybe not even loves hard hard dolphin now this is where you out just like hi I'm never doing it at this world I remember doing at the storage unit and I was like oh my gosh I can't can't finish yeah like moving these heavy boxes and I got five layers of packaging and they let me know and I love that we got a bunch of pencils guys and these have the little tops on them this was in the box I just I find entertaining you hope and we still have all this to go through Wow and what's weird it's a little catchy some of my packages have a lot more tape oh wow wow that is really cool here's another this is stoneware this is Jeff Fleming guys I love them those are two of my favorites okay we have another one yeah you don't know what it is just Oh probably put your jewelry or something I have a hard time here all right what do we got a moose oh she knows am i put where's she's all giving you oh my gosh yes I was shocked that you knew it I was like whoa I was impressed but you know she likes blue yeah she's a globe ik and and this doesn't have milky nasty water so that's good Oh am i putting you guys to sleep isn't that beautiful [Laughter] okay all right well so we got some of these loans oh no wonder she grabbed those bears are pretty awesome oh my gosh oh my Wow look at this guy's the handmade all of these wow there's a lot in here I mean look at these you know what's kind of like those car well they're really talented and they have the string on them oh wow that is incredible that's good all right what else we got over here we got these butterflies oh you already got some I mean they did a fantastic job on these oh wow there was an angel in here that's cool they made a bunch of stuff yeah don't cut so we have we have two big boxes of these handmade beautiful ornaments what we have over here Wow get butterflies - they got wires like you put them onto something yeah we have a bunch of this umbrella things what is it domes and they're little mini gnomes oh you got one too Wow I love these something like look at this guy he's a bigger guy bucketful goal no booze this might be a five-hour video yeah there's another mini gnome and it looks really pretty blue outfit okay he's just chilling or he wants to go make a garden in all these boxes okay another one oh look at each one I think this is a girl gnome isn't it fur boy I don't know I just figured okay I take that back yes I just figured it the lighter color over here pink what I'm just oh they're close I just I didn't suspect there be gnomes in here well you know it's not a mushroom but we did find yeah no that's a that's goose yeah no oh he's another one of those shelf ones they sit on some coolants yeah we have two of them out there must be a shelf somewhere for him up in here let's see oh this is a yeah I know a lot of tape I think they actually have two shredders over here well I want us how many shelves that they have I do love the gnomes that was a fun that was hilarious to see what they're kept in there oh yeah what how do all this good stuff one big piece you know and well the one lady said that they were gonna buy a big mansion and this is there we still opening gnomes guys let's look we have a whole family over here of no oh this is a big boy compared to the others Hey oh this is a painting gnome Oh Ashley handed me some very quietly and three hours later Jeff let me know that looks like Barefoot's oh yeah this one's not for sale I love the way you decorated the boys room both of them but Axl's is getting finished the finishing touches what do we got there oh I got a bear playing with the shoes you get first dibs oh honey bear Darrin an excellent night licking his lips I'll tell you what that they're both charmers but axle butter and grandma already bad these days I just step in the door near end anything you want all right what else we got we should have a unwrapping contest [Laughter] oh my gosh hold on let me show them this one I'll show them now at the same time don't go together yep Wow all these little bears getting into trouble who made these I wonder there I don't see any markings on them but they are really cool and they're probably what four inches three inches I think four inches that one's 14 is probably wide yeah I mean so they're pretty big Wow somebody's gonna want those I bet he's got all of them and some of him I looked on his website they go for really good money people love these what is it Oh another one the Bears are cool they all are I love the notice ooh that's good that was a good few walks how many boxes with that one Wow oh lord help us we're getting a workout over here okay so let's do one more all right let me grab this stuff Oh put it somewhere safe don't worry it's all yours okay so let's get the next boxes going shall we oh now I did pre open a couple of these to save you guys time thank well we have not looked at him you want to take the big box look at that okay that's alright alright now we know it has an upside yeah okay I'm afraid to touch it now these are cool yeah some of it I think looks good for scrapbooking and some of this beads you probably want to separate this maybe something we put on our auction right oh my gosh what is it let me show them what this is this may be good to put on the auction you think people will like these crafting people love crafting what is that - it's a get a scientific approach to getting that beautiful there are notes oh well I need one of these hold up all this work what is this it's a VHS collection [Music] Wow it looks brand-new in here Moses Michael this all go together yeah and they didn't use it so it's all sealed never used Wow so it's the whole thing Wow craps weird I thought at first it was a crown hat but it's not looks like it done it are there lemak like a cross like bullets and boards a knife oh yeah dirty doctor making fun I'll give it to them all at once there's a lot of it's not cheap Oh holiday auction item all right you could make a tie-dyed foam let me see circle ruler when we do our auctions people were saying they wanted crafts so we will you get crafts I hope you're into making cards another one oh I wonder how much you show okay let's all [Applause] right what do we got that is really really cool Wow it says meet in Hong Kong it's kind of an older one Oh 1987 is when this was made yeah 1987 a bunch of cards yeah and you have two pins all right all right so hopefully you like these longer videos how many boxes did we go through three hit the thumbs-up button guys we'll see you tomorrow I've got to get this stuff listed and it's off this counter stay tunes and thank you so much and look out for auctions make sure you put what time you want the auction Pacific Standard Time and where you're living so I know how many international people we have and how many US people we have all right guys see ya what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is Grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop Wayne's Ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to eBay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures of youtube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 23,584
Rating: 4.943038 out of 5
Keywords: HEAVY, Boxes, Labeled Fragile, Found, Abandoned, Storage, Unit, mystery boxes, box, 2020, vintage, antiques, storage unit, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, self storage, how to make money, Money inside boxes, fragile boxes, old box, auction hunters, how to buy storage units, whats inside boxes, treasure hunting, mystery boxes unboxing, mystery boxes opening, unboxing, storage hunters, storage lockers, storage wars fights, abandoned storage, money inside boxes
Id: RrYcBAq-LDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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