Unboxing 669 MYSTERY Boxes From an ABANDONED Storage Unit! #21

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this you'll be fine just hang tight all right guys we are now live yeah we are yes we are live gram adventures are doing the spirit fingers just now we're still alive alive alive no anyways guys so welcome into today's show we have a lot of boxes to get to I'm gonna pan to my my esteemed guest today we're gonna go through this stuff guys and then we have a lot of other stuff to get through so today is another day anything you guys wanna say before we get started how many more days anything are you speechless alright Oh without further ado let's go ahead and get into today's boxes shall we alright so I'm gonna let the younger unboxer go first and then we'll go to the then we'll go who loves coffee that's why we had our opening what is it yes yes batteries are expensive the only thing I need batteries for my remote control are they all yeah these batteries won't work this will work hey is it an old fable or is it true that you put the batteries or iterator and they last forever now my dad says it's true we're gonna have to ask in fact I'm not sure that's an old wives tale or what so please let me we're back finding today cuz we get a lot of batteries I feel like we have our own encyclopedia system with everybody out there all we have to do is ask and they come up with it we do get spoiled because they always put eBay links man here's your tool so you don't cut yourself oh oh I want to say something I learned from them okay her eggs remember those little cards that were artwork yes No ATW or something there trader cards or trader cards for our people that are artistic yes not artistic art artsy arty yes oh god what's gonna think I'm losing it let's get into this box wait you have a bag so we'll do go ahead and see what you got in there oh this must have been personally picked out for me but these are the oh these are not the ones that have anything on earth they're big rocks - yeah just regular rocks that's it okay that's it okay what do you got Ashley we don't we can't have picked the best box this week I feel like that a couple things have been hand [Laughter] okay we got shoes do they crumble when you touch them not like the Nike see what I did there these are you try them on wait yeah no some of these actually I like selling shoes yeah these are in good shape I'll sell these adidas huh well this is gonna be your box well let's show this the remaining of this all right Ashley what else do we have in here yeah what's going on there that's a better slipper than the others okay let's just show this like this Stacey hold it up hold it up we have some shoes I will definitely go through those shoes though there's something decent there's some in here oh these are earth shoes I just sold a pair of these okay shoes over here you ready yes course I'm ready what do we have it says Eileen smaller pant mittens at 206 okay crossed out mud that's what I thought it was what do we have we have those over there so paperwork okay I'm awesome the paperwork Oh seersucker pants remember those guys in the seventies yeah seersucker yeah okay Oh wallet Oh does it have any money in there what oh yes I do I have to show them though okay hold it up Wow yes there's a lot of Disney in this they left that's your style yep and it's a vintage Disney Disney people will love these okay now we have money no that's not a buddy that's pot of money that's not a buddy that's not a buddy what's that it's red shirt okay we got their new okay these two with nothing on them brand-new but there's a red one that has something on it okay one sec oh you gotta show both sides of this one okay Forever Friends okay go ahead and go in the next one in the back side oh wow somebody's gonna love that one that's cute another hat here's a do you want to open it let's see another hat in here somebody's a Winnie the Pooh family Oh another one you know they've got a little bit distressing and they got their Merry Christmas that's yours that's yours would it be hilarious if I packed one of these up for your birthday hold on okay here's another Disney yeah cuz wait has a birthday coming up how old you gonna be on the 25th wave I'm gonna be old are you gonna be 29 old yeah oh that looks a little crusty here they can't see like that you gotta hold it up oh yeah hold it up you can't see it yeah this is actually really distressed Disney I've got Watchers on it hold it up we can't they can't see it take a big whiff [Laughter] I think this is great great content yeah I think we need to put you back here let me see okay okay keep going do we have anything else in there okay well show that will spare them so we have just pants left guys and they the elastic on them I think is not doing too hot this may actually got him you want there you go waiter you got remember guys show them what else we got longer this is pretty cool all right so we'll move on to the next all right Oh was this personally picked out for me guys we have to do all the boxes picked out it makes me nervous okay yes let's personally picked up all right Oh picked out for you when I go oh you knew it was bringing you good yeah okay open it up that's a lot of this is personally picked out I love that kind of paper I like it for my packaging I'm gonna keep it all and I've got Frankie you the last drop Donald Duck yeah and it's huge look how much chocolate you hot chocolate wings that is a really big cup it's Disney saying on it is cute yeah that is really crappy till the last drop all right that's it I'll show the people what you got buys anything for Poshmark she'll wrap it up nicely I do like to do that yes okay now what do you have Ashley oh I remember wow yeah it's like all the best songs together mix oh yeah the commercials of the year 1997 the years 30 top cushion artisan song oh wow wow that was quick [Laughter] [Applause] but these ones may actually be if those weren't the Wiles I was thinking of Christian wiles okay so I'm wondering this is all Christian stuff then and it's older older Christian too I got some real Wow's okay well let me pray let me put these away don't you peek all right Wow let me put these let me put the tripod up here I got files here okay the same tight but it's still good cotton decoration Oh do circus sets right there CDs aren't they oh yeah there are CDs and this is the Hobbit hoo-hoo oh don't think that's the only Hobbit either this is cassettes in a little case The Hobbit Wow and don't think that's the end of The Lord of the Rings either oh these actually may be worth some money Wow oh my gosh Lord of the Rings on consent in their own little wood case Wow we're gonna to look these up on eBay I love Harry Connick jr. I like even the movies that's crazy all his movies are so cool so then we got CDs then we have some CDs Smoky Mountain Bing Crosby Frank Sinatra white Christmas there this is all Christmas CDs you know Frank Sinatra in there yes you never can lose when you have Frank Sinatra ever Oh Glenn Miller moment I think Frank Sinatra started singing with him in the beginning Tommy Dorsey this is all Christmas stuff hmm more Christmas CDs oh yeah yeah we love special - oh okay so we're gonna some of these guys we're gonna put in our auction right somebody see these because we can't do the warehouse sale until the world gets better okay let's show them the diagram on here see if you can all right what do you what do you have oh it's gonna pop out of that small little box [Laughter] oh oh maybe it's all there oh wow is it yep there's a dress it's got a time it's Velveteen with satin and it has a floral design this is handmade is a handmade mom will know you hi you won't try that on ash that was it pretty right here what else we have I think we're gonna get it I think we're gonna have it all a jacket okay that would be the prom dress this is mom's dress that's mom's dress I bet that thing is old look at the flock I actually think that's cute it's it's gal max I'm never gonna dance all right well that was interesting okay go ahead and open your box top side must be stacked this way and it has in it let me see three drawer plastic container scrap and then it has everything that's in the drawers including paper clips it really does oh yeah they're all numbered I just didn't feel like reading about paper it's gonna take a while for Grandma venture now the reason that's gonna take a while please let me state this but not because I'm I'm useless it's because the tape is real thick and it's layered yes why we got to show them everything no we got to open that they need to see it yeah but we don't know if it's you not you know these are okay open take that package job okay okay look at that a bunch of um guys I am like Kleenexes I think I'll be I'll pick them up before she even opens a box what this is one of those things we have stuff in it oh and there take well let's see she didn't seem too satisfied I'm satisfied now wait till everybody sees it it might be a while but whoa whoa guys maybe I should auction this off whole cabinet this is all beads guys Wow let's take this up no no it's not our tools and there's a bunch of these there's just so much in here Wow we have so much stuff in here we're giving sound effects so they get all the word of the today is gonna be whoa whoa yeah that's what way to do he should just put that back together and auction it all off somebody that needs all that stuff could get it all make sure that's not maybe some gold in there okay whoa that's gonna we can auction that off - let me see fabric paints okay so how are we gonna show art supplies yeah there's a lot of different colors in here crystal all different colors okay let's see what it looks like it's oh my gosh paper crafting look up you make card look how many is in there and this is only one layer oh there's stuff on the bottom this different way there's two the two top ones have all the paints and then there's oh there's some some Crayola crayon hurt Chuck Wow look at that guy's that's intense there's a lot in there so let me give you a little recap we got that massive thing we got these with all those beads in there then we have my drink all day tissue The Hobbit stuff and Lord of the Rings man this was a pretty and all the CD boxes this is a pretty good you know shoes and stuff but okay got show them everything oh I got something different hair conditioners lotions shampoos and soaps some of those can be just I just continued we'll see well you got to get through all the layers one layer two layers really did you just cut our twin paper yeah you pay for the whole unit yeah we don't do that guys we don't price couch in this area okay Wow Wow okay oh wow that's our word look at this they kept everything who somebody may buy those let's want to keep it you can put Huggies in there okay hand me those second oh these are all little from hotels probably huh I mean there's a lot of for their work and this soap is still good I guarantee it I don't know I think it's like coffee it lasts forever except if it's got like that beautiful smell yeah yeah they mix the wrong stuff with that coffee all right so we also have some lotions here looks like they kept quite a few these would be so good to donate yes and they still smell good hope that one's wet that one's got something on it probably it's probably shampoo or conditioner I'll bet yeah oh yeah oh they went to Las Vegas oh it even has no that's a fun place to go yeah Wow well we could donate these some of these actually may be worth money too want to see somebody would buy a big bowl all right let's move on let's move on alright I'm gonna get the best one to Ashley oh no honey they got to show it you gotta show I know remember my box says theable Oh a bowl sealable and I can't read the rest okay how many is in there though is crazy all right what is it it's a bunch of suitable container oh man there look like little planners actually but they're just you know everybody loves these things yeah there's brown square different shape okay and lots of lives there we go oh well that's not as exciting but the seeable alright let's move on good luck I don't know what's in these boxes okay and this is your boxer here that's that there's no trading why can't we okay you can trade all right VHS Christmas movies and classes sometimes way thinks he makes rolls yes they they call me the director for a reason here ticket advantage because once I get done here I had to go back in the storage units and open myself there's our home movies and some of those I keep to get back some of them I will keep to get back to the family the homemade ones yeah so these are probably okay by an angel this is their Christmas album really it was a good show no they Dolly Parton home for Christmas she was funny on the video today oh oh oh the late Kenny Rogers he just passed away love Kenny Rogers I heard about that he is so cool this is Christmas music a lifetime worth of Christmas music we have everywhere in here well some of these we could probably auction off or sell online some and we have a lot of jazz too so there's it's a crazy amount of yes just to give you guys an idea I'll take you a quick little break tour here we'll come over here and I'll show you how much CDs we have already all right so this is kind of the area where I put a lot of the media but you got CDs CDs two boxes CDs and other box of CDs CDs CDs biddies I mean this is a lot of media already just right here so there's a lot all right we'll move you back this is behind the scenes okay so let's get to the next that's that's interesting she wants to trade for a crock pot this is a cordless phone a heater a battery vac a sound machine an athletic tote and a great backpack whoa it's in there let's see that design is no it's not new but this actually may be worth some money because the the people can't get this design anymore I mean if it's not new it's virtually unused so it's a really good condition actually hmm all right let's move on what do we got it's morning no that's what they're talking about yes and it does look brand-new doesn't it it smells good too which is ironic this I don't wanna say it's brand-new everything's brand-new oh it's new to us yes old style ooh yeah but some of these can go for really good money let's see oh it's in there guys we're a little dusty but I think that now I think they saw it like gift shops and stuff like malls this little gift shops yeah this one's definitely used but it's not it's still in good condition showstopper okay show me what we got whoo we could use that Wow so is that a here how do you show stopper but those electronic climate control huh it's a heater uh-huh I think it also does yeah it's an electronic climate control okay it's gonna control your climate all right okay so yeah oh that's heavy this says printed items oh you like that box the Disney movies someone I like movies but she always looks for the kids oh this is yeah all right okay what do we got oh that kind of looks like an interesting buzz ring maybe a whole bunch of Barbie what about Ashley one girl the other Ashley her best friend's name Ashley too by the way yeah okay somebody has actually asking today or yesterday if we ever come across vintage Barbies no but that's pretty cool oh I actually like this Juno yeah and I am Sam lost in the wild okay let me see what you got what do you got in yours I got lots of printed material printed material that's why it was so heavy I got recipes I got emails okay so it looks like they printed all this stuff off then okay and then I have Adrienne's okay okay we're good with this box [Laughter] Meek's is a big file haha I don't know what the techniques are for maybe this is the last box and I'll let you open it together last box for today oh yeah yes sorry I lied oh man these are all personal is it all personal oh yeah we're gonna have to give that back to the facility I've got you got a little corner for him yep yep to sloper stuff so should we just call this dude no no we gotta show what's in there could be those it could be rare they are rare rocks I told you they got funny Katie's not their artistic rocks here let's find the back and put the ear on the backs have the years on him I love that I have the ear and the artists initials on the back we have a lot of these rocks too and it was different than all the others it had like a carving of a butterfly and then I find out that they got the same why [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] didn't know that you can have rocks with oh yeah this one looks just like my father's old barn look at it Wade gosh they were talented weren't they that's good for Halloween they were talented alright today's video smash the like button and share the video right below the video and a lot of people were asking about the join button for the bloopers you have to be on the desktop I think you can't do it from your phone so the joint button is a red button right beside the subscribe button and you have to be on the desktop to be able to access that I don't think you can watch it on your phone of the TV to do the joint button for additional footage and believe me we have a lot of crazy footage so we're gonna bring bringing up there right oh look at that this is I stacked him up perfectly we have like 30 boxes of tissue paper but I just figured that I seen a mountain of it would be pretty crazy anyways yep okay so have a good day see you tomorrow what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop weights ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's ventures YouTube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 16,213
Rating: 4.9507794 out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing 669 MYSTERY Boxes From an ABANDONED Storage Unit, Unboxing, MYSTERY Boxes, ABANDONED Storage Unit, 2020, storage, unit, locker, news, mystery box, storage auction, opening mystery boxes, box, boxes, cardboard boxes, auction, self storage, how to open boxes, how to, treasure hunting, treasure boxes found, found boxes, storage wars, storage lockers, storage wars full episodes, mystery unboxing, unboxing, storage unit finds, storage loot, found cash, found money, real auction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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