Storage Room Full of OLD Abandoned Boxes.. Portland, Oregon

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you point to we pipe in here seven hours does it feels a lot longer look at these massive boxes except I forgot mine where did I forget I don't know but you need to find it cuz I'm focusing on the box and there's looking at the box waiting for their heads where did it give it on the floor over there go wait I think it is oh okay oh no this is yep okay let's go what is this I have no clue and I could not get vhr maybe okay maybe the box is backwards it is here's a Toshiba VHS some VHS I said vhr oh my gosh we have like a iPad sorry no iPod type of thing yep and the remotes this guy may be worth some money we gotta check it so she does both DVD and VHS all right label your favorite my favorite dishes well I do like dishes I have been met oh oh wait I think I saw a little bit of a pretty dish in there when are we Ben nope I didn't it wasn't what I thought but I thought is it broke yep and I didn't do it no you didn't do it I'm a witness some people say I'm too too rough I'm like whoa these weren't either pacts so badly oh here's some more of those those are the ones they're square on the bottom and round look at that old dinosaur yeah but it's an old old what canister thing yeah it's pretty yeah very pretty I'm yawning huh you boy been here seven hours does it feels like a lot longer somebody s well we did two storage units yesterday yeah this one today and you got to remember yeah yeah your people thought this losses close yeah we don't really want to dig too much in the clothes we did see a few bugs there's just so much we got so much to show there behind that big brown thing that I'm showing you right there beside wait there's a huge amount of boxes let's just say I have that nasty dirt all up and down my shirt Oh everybody's going off there's some games yep and they're ones we don't have the poster paint dr. Seuss couple dr. Seuss books in there I'm just hoping that lady comes back who collects Gary's shoes yeah yeah so don't welcome it near me [Laughter] okay that's good normally I like bedding but this has just probably been here a long time there's a lot of boxes you need me to move the camera I feel so sorry for Wade sometimes he worked so hard and all he has is a camera person you don't have help here's some more of those I'm so happy about that's something I would want to like that I keep stuff like that that's to me that Cisco already there's more it's babe but I wish you guys could see it as good as it looks I don't I don't know if it comes off that way that's kind of like the plate we had for lunch look at all those boxes did you find something you think it says grandma I'm not sure what it says grandma Bowman's that might be the last oh it's linen I love antique women and this is old stuff look at that oh yes that's a big tablecloth that will do well decent on eBay as well yep wow that's beautiful piece isn't it looks like some hand hand work yep I do like the table everybody and then I need to remove some stuff out of here and then we'll be back let's look at these massive boxes I mean these are big something in there too what is it what is in there we have a case our croquet set or whatever the heck dozens are a lot of cool stuff rounds go through back here alright guys stay tuned we'll be back we'll be back it's been three days since our last correspondence what do you think about this not cool let me get it off still the whole picture there and then you stand up and it's got you stand on it and kind of wiggle around you want to demonstrate [Music] I think it's some more blocks ashley is in heaven so I asked Ashley she wanted these kids blocks and she was like oh my gosh they're so expensive yep just for five of them guys it's a hundred and thirty bucks and we've got probably 20 of them yeah she looked them up the kids are gonna love them but by a four hundred five hundred dollars with just a block yes and it's something Ashley wanted for the boys yeah so put those up there she she says don't get him dirty definitely enjoy we're gonna go through and yeah some of the stuff you can save money yeah nails nails wants yeah there's a lot of people that come for two little nails right there man the kids are gonna have a feel you're gonna build another toy where I almost feel like we should at least take the blocks tonight for that yes we should she would like to have him I don't know but it stuck to the couch we might be both well that's why I was heavy wow that's beautiful what is it look oh it's a planner I'm very pretty oh that thing's heavy it's gonna be a beautiful one even lift it up we made a few thousand on this unit didn't we kids sure made out good Jesus just 500 bucks alone for their little blocks that's so heavy wait oh isn't that pretty that is such a beautiful planner some as you know that look good with your great house you can put your tree in the front in it Wow okay what is this I'm not sure you flip something but we don't know what's in there it could be special special I love that planner it's very very nice all right I didn't care about so that's must be interesting in here yeah some things are packed so what is it like it's a stereo I don't know if we want to tear the box out I think it's a scenario but I don't think it's new Oh be careful it's in plastic still no it's not oh that oh yeah it is well these are they are new oh there are two new speakers wow that's awesome that is okay let's set this over here oh okay I'm in the way what do you call this like a gardening box no no it's miscellaneous fire alarms this one's been here we've got flare alarms in the last two units okay not a funbox really right I used to play that when I was a kid that's in there yes that used to be a lot of fun we had a lot of yard out there on the farm and we used to play this that's actually not to keep the dog out of your way all right I like this corner so far we get a little sneak peek well you got a I don't have any time I'm peaking right with them it's hard to see in here there's so many nooks and crannies again it's just too much wait look at that big wood thing back there what is that it's an old Frogger game I know nothing about Froggers I don't know if it's worth anything Wow it's in pretty good shape so just random stuff in here you got some petrified wood maps Oh more cards Lakers yep yeah this was nineties 1990s so they were mass-produced then but still Wow we made some money on this unit Wow and some of these old remotes can suffer good money you guys just gotta check the model number on there but look at that that is cool okay I'm pumped it just takes a couple of boxes in your life let's go you're back in it like we never were out of it oh that's a nice big saw was it a skill saw yeah Black & Decker it's not like a really good one but they sell what was that the wit timber I wonder Oh was it one of the assortments oh my gosh just books what happened to this somebody get a little hungry maybe I spent too much time in the unit what's that other big wood thing that's a uh that's a like a little bench so people can be on the bench there's the bike back there we're getting towards the end of this thing I mean we're getting doesn't look it look around it falls I gotta get those blocks before we leave so I can give them nationally yeah let's try to get through these right quick and then we'll take a load to the truck and then we will be back a lot of these are empty boxes so we're getting there oh this is new some of these can be some courts can go for it a lot of I know I had to pay 20 bucks for a cord one what is this battery well it's some kind of home invention Oh too far I actually really enjoy listening to his I wouldn't expect to park in a grandma's no sorry Jim would you I like to talk what the heck I'm a grandma so why am i acting like I'm not him I don't know what I'm talking about I forget sometimes this bathroom but we are unless they're working out in their bathroom I don't need to work out today I'd been working out okay so it looks like it's just gonna there's a iron in there an old iron boy probably a bathroom cabinet of some time you still have to look though guys because sometimes they hide jewelry and money in bathroom stuff because nobody thinks to look at it so you guys go look at me so it may not seem like I look really deeply now but I mean I'm definitely looking yeah all right so this is towels and I believe it this is flows and I believe it books I definitely believe it [Laughter] Wow mom look down here well what is it it's a bunch of petrified wood down there it's a petrified wood or is that a gemstone no no that's wood I think it's beautiful control there's a whole bucket wow that is so great this is actually really clean for this unit this is the cleanest part of the unit I thought I would see something like bird nesting down here it's full of this they I'm some of these are rocks but they're sure beautiful yeah no one's full stuff we did find some fossils in that one unit we did yesterday okay here you go Oh get back to your job they're sounding like a slave driver we need supplies yep and it definitely has clean splice why didn't they use it on the stuff they didn't use it there's a picture or a mirror back over here Oh some more small rocks show that people collect a lot of rocks uh-huh oh those are very nice once I think something nice in our warehouse beautiful so nice beautiful well we used to remember we used to get them off the beach right all right yep we used to walk the beach and pick them up when he was a little shack I wouldn't know I won't get up there so tall I must see if this is personalities oh this might be oh it looks like a clown yeah it's their old costumes ooh they're kind of there's things in them honey was this some artwork a child made once and they probably loved it very much it's got an interesting box fresh eggs fresh surely okay moment tolls that's an old jewelry box few little things in there carefully there are no here grabbin there's nothing no gold or silver in here but old box famous 50 bucks back in one day $50 I used to get these magazines yes he did these actually may be worth money I don't know Nintendo Power I was gonna sleep that of dates Oh 99 she's from 1999 yeah makes sense cuz I was 12 there's some more some more nineties cards in here must be the ones they like the best yep Sports Illustrated [Applause] alright what's in here your rattles and it's bubble wrapped so it's the first time I've seen him use it whoa there's a lot of mom thinks those are very important Wow Annie jars there's more down there my mother loves them humates she uses them every year maybe she'd want them yeah we we appreciate her really very much all right so these are big boxes they're full stuff we're gonna go through those that's a humongous one there let's see this one's got a bunch of cords in there oh this one mentioned maybe a good box whoa whoa whoa her name is Shirley you should see this this thing is so amazing Wow Wow that's grandma great-grandma oh look this whoa that is so that is so cool that was crazy let's see if there's personal photos in there oh she must have been near my mother's age that looks like it's a scrapbook from when she was a child back in you know the 50s maybe the 40s oh it smells horrible smells I love the it's an old one really cool that's yeah is there more in here things fell okay we don't like to show family photos guys so I just got check real quick oh this is empty no family photos looks like some yearbooks says Robert F Kennedy on this thing it's all that's really cool and as you guys can see back her they have it's more of those blocks different things that were there which is kind of cool this is obviously the yard you know the outdoor probably a milk carton up this is the outdoor stuff - oh there's more candy and lids in here now a lot working canning jars and lids in here they're all in the plastic yeah this is their outdoor that's really cool Wow okay so it's about five o'clock right now they close at 6:00 I have an hour I'm gonna get as much as this as I need to and the truck there's still a lot of boxes probably twelve boxes that we need to go through so I don't know if it's gonna be today or tomorrow but we'll finish up and get ready for Saturday which is the big sell at the warehouse so if you guys haven't been to the warehouse I'll put the address down below and so you guys can come and a lot of this stuff will be there so that being said how many I think I got dirt down my throat all right can you cut last words tomorrow yes do you want to swallow any dirt no I'm good all right guys let me show you one last clip look how much we did today holy moly look at that you couldn't even see the back wall when we first started okay have we named the dog yet look up beautiful that dog is by the way all right it's been real talk to you soon see ya uh-huh how's it going today day two yes and I'm gonna get this in the truck and then I got the couch over there ready yeah yeah you feelin ready to bless the rest of this out oh yes we should have it done in an hour all right so let me give you guys an idea what's going on in here so as you can see we've made a heck of a lot of progress this thing is we'll have this done here very soon actually can I go ahead and these are got dry rot and a lot of boards are cracked some are Sh yeah so we're actually gonna dump this some people can use in their planners but I just don't have the space the same thing with this boards are broken dry rot I wanted to keep it for myself in my backyard but it's in really bad shape so or yeah I don't want to keep because it's old and cool but it's just so bad and I could repair it but a lot of work and then we got a dump that that's got some bugs on it yeah anybody want to sit over there so once we get this stuff in the truck we're gonna make one last dump run and then wrap up it's been a great unit a lot of work holy crap but we're gonna do well so just hang tight we'll be back and I'm actually keeping this I'm going to teach the kids how to play piano choo-choo-choo all right see you guys all right I know it's been a while since update time but we're trying to beat the traffic guys because we're 45 minutes from the house but got that beautiful cool kids bed it's gonna look beautiful and look at this oh my gosh this is only a few hours from our last clip we did get some food and runs to the dump look at this swing bike this thing is awesome we got the Schwinn here traveler there's the label for it but yeah this is a so we got that got this stuff I gotta load up mom's downstairs but she said this is her new storage unit chair so it folds up and then we're gonna put that in the keep that in the box truck because it's a beautiful chair and then we'll just that will be her filming chair so from here on out but yeah we don't have a lot more left to go guys that's it got some cool edging stuff we're so well we're gonna get this cleared out and then we'll do a final take like we always do and I'll be right back can you see me how far back is that it's crazy it's really far all right guys this is it we're done two days of work on this unit most of you like I can do it in one day try me try it do it this thing was so full when I was standing up there I can easily hang or sit on that bar if I wanted not that I would but so I'm gonna sweep up the rest of this with the broom I like to keep my units clean because the managers remember who you are when you leave dirty units behind and nine times out of ten there's always a broom right oh my gosh how do you feel after this unit guys this we made money we made a few thousand on this unit but it was work wasn't it look at us we made a few thousand but it wasn't work yeah no yeah wait this is that 400 pound piano no very very carefully with a back brace alright guys so that's that that's this we're gonna wrap it up here subscribe and if you you want to tell people about the course weight made of course everything you can imagine how to sell what to do what not to do more than I can even remember this night and he's got ideas for like six new videos right now Becky pops up with them all the time so please if you want to do this don't do it the hard way do it the easy way by the course and learn it's down below guys the link is gonna be in the description of this video or the comments I put my heart and soul into teaching people so let's fit yeah fifty bucks and you'll save you'll save yourself trust me alright that being said see you guys till another video and have fun [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 26,791
Rating: 4.9391513 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Room, Abandoned Boxes, Boxes, portland, oregon, storage units, storage lockers, storage wars, storagewars, storage hunters, treasure hunting, auction hunters, self storage, storage wars full episode, storage wars full episodes, abandoned storage, storage unit living, storage locker business, luggage auction, airport auction, box, mystery boxes, unboxing, how to, auctions, ebay, opening mystery boxes, real storage auction, buy, sell, bid, old, vintage, antique, storagetreasures
Id: wlLY5NxSaDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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