Hearts of Iron 4 The Endsieg Mod in 2020 Its Mindbending

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what's going on ramblanesh it's me yeah bibbly babbly boo buddy boy alex the rambler and today i'm returning to a mod i haven't played in years we're going to be playing the nsig mod now i thought it might be quite fun to play this again i haven't done in in a very long time and i just thought it was interesting that there are so many different starting points that you can play through so i'm going to try a couple of them uh probably a couple of the more difficult starts at least i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to first off by by the 1945 no do i want to try that one no i don't i'm gonna do the 16th of december 1944. either way these are all going to be very difficult if you try and do any any of like the 1944's 1945 um and we're just gonna see see what we can do and and show off the mod a little bit a couple of new features in this mod that weren't in the game previously are rations and fuel rations are needed for soldiers oh well fuel's in the game anyway no this is not no no no fuel is a different resource oil is in the game and now there's fuel added too okay there's a new tech tree and then they want to add in future scenarios in the future so if you do want to see more of this style of kind of really looking back at old mods do let me know in the comments below let's try and get like 5 000 likes for this video just because it's engagement really and let's try and play as germany on the 16th of december 1944 camphor das vataland uh germany is being pushed back heavily from all directions the allies in the west took back all of france belgum i do love a good belgium waffle i know it's belgium and are now dangerously close to breaking through and infiltrating the heart of the rock itself in the east the russians are still quite a ways behind the older river but the front has extended greatly and our allies in romania have surrendered and hungary is dangerously close italy's at a standstill and in asia the situation for japan is not getting any better we'll begin and see just how long i last i'm gonna guess i can make it to like at least to 1945 so i'm giving myself at least excuse me the axis are on their knees i'm going to give myself to at least the first of january oh nc offers a decent arrangement of conveniences currently you can pick from skip script scripts scripted p stills improved game speed and difficulty um just give me normal definitely not for sparta no no no let's go i'll do a bit of an overview of the kind of experience that you can expect from this a horrible one i don't see how you can survive i'm sure some people have done previously and kudos to you i am just going to try it try my best have a little bit of a fun little last uh last ditch effort to try and hold so it's probably best to just try and hold uh along these massive river lines and hold amsterdam i would presume and then i will mix up the divisions into generals so they get extra buffs oh we still got romel right in terms of the focus tree uh you can offer silesia to austria for italian none of this matters none of this matters anymore there there's i don't know if there's any point in actually doing any focuses um befriend turkey vunderwaffel oh the battle of the bulge focus is not oh oh they're not implemented damn increased division org in terms of generals definitely the infantry genius then if we go and try and be a nice uh division recovery rate in terms of research i imagine it's all been researched already for us oh no modern support weapons i presume our oh wow i guess they've got the tech tree all from world war one that all goes into world war two yeah actually we've got 15 million manpower so i might actually reduce the scraping the barrel down to extensive conscription i think that'll be okay immediately runs out of manpower um signal companies might be a good idea again this is all on the basis that i'm actually able to hold which is quite unlikely i'm probably going to abandon italy completely and if i wanted to i think i could release austria and the russian empire can i release poland poland free city of danzig if i released them what would this do would that prevent my army in italy uh from escape i don't think so if i just release them and that secures my flank all the way down here because i'm not going to call them into the war oh alex you may have just done what's called a pro gamer move just hope that they don't join the allies they are fascist so hopefully they won't i don't know that we're gonna be able to hold this little bit up here like it's got a nice little bit of a river but as soon as they start attacking i imagine we're gonna lose it uh then i'm also going to have a backup full back line you can never have you you always need to back up for your backup there we go just in case we decide to completely abandon uh our little territories here koenigsberg etc etc resources what are we lacking everything probably rations we're quite low on aren't we i imagine as soon as i click you know play that's when we're going to enter some interest into some trouble i'm going to unpause now and just see what happens i should probably how's norway looking i'm gonna get my troops out of norway and just see how this goes to begin with i might i might end up you know re uh i've got 1280 days of war exhaustion huh shouldn't have used all my political powers should i no siree so the soviets immediately attack and i am vastly outnumbered i do have troops retreating oh no so you get lots of different events which is always quite nice and you get volkswagen battalions that rise up to help and the battle of the bulge begins uh whitman was killed kluger is dead the d-day landings have started the comet's been cited we've got oh gosh darn procedures leningrad has been lifted oh i completely forgot about these divisions should we get some ripper rooneys in i don't think i'll be able to build a port quick enough for them to get resupplied i mean i could try but by that point is there much point no i could build a naval base but it's going to take a month a lot of our divisions are probably getting encircled like these units here i think it's just a case of just deleting them if we know that they're gonna get encircled like down here there's no escape for a lot of divisions really which is a crying shame because you you need a lot of troops on the front so the proper thing to do uh with this scenario would probably be to i think i've forgotten what i was going to say through sheer panic okay how many days do we have before that port is ready i think they're going to die way before the 12th of 12th of january so you can see in some places we were holding now we're not so what i'm going to do is actually set up the next line of defenses if we can just have time to get entrenched i've got a bit of hope that we could actually hold in certain places because i think over here we're losing okay so um i i have assigned generals to this order now i will still select make sure everyone knows they're shy so they've already crossed the river okay so that's that's less than optimal if i've already lost my full back position huh maybe i won't even make it to 1945 at this rate oh dear uh over here we're holding except for one particular tile which for some reason my army hasn't wanted to defend in the first place so i i don't know why that happened up here it's it's looking iffy i won't lie to you it's looking iffy um i hope that we can actually get these divisions out because what is the construction on that almost halfway there don't try and push just hold hold for every tile could you imagine if i actually do hold for quite some time that'd be an achievement eh none of you would be expecting it neither would i to be quite frank frank who's frank sorry i will just divert troops just to try and hold that tile for a little bit never mind this is looking even worse so one thing i'm not doing which i probably should do is microwaving but honestly feeling a little underweather at the moment so i don't really feel like get into to like oh about things why has that stopped building oh no that's annoying okay if i just started building on this tile we might have been able to i've had enough time to actually get out get out get out okay we are successfully holding the allies that's not the issue the issue is just the soviet front where they have so many divisions my units don't have a chance to try and re-org i mean do i do i let them come quite close to berlin i'm not sure i have a i'll have a choice soon but we made it to 1945 so hey i did something okay they're gone farewell i'm gonna try and fall back some units i don't think we'll be able to retreat so we're going to lose more of our remaining manpower which is unfortunate god the soviets just move so quickly don't they naughty naughty they're trying to break through over here again oh my god if my tanks don't get out just end me oh wow my divisions are getting overrun that's not uh it's not particularly good uh-huh okay i guess we're gonna start the new reich down here all right so the allies are actually losing a lot of troops we have more volks from divisions rise up anything to help hold the line because lord knows we ain't got much hope this is actually quite fun uh trying to figure out places to hold and i feel like if i'd have made a few different changes then this might have gone a little bit better for me oh they've broken through have they but the french divisions suck surely what kind of divisions do the french have now because this they have a cheap production that's uh bs okay uh let's lower what does the war exhaustion currently do so on a lot of spaces my divisions can hold and i would love to stop them doing an automatic counter attack because i because then they're not and they're no longer entrenched and they've broken out there too much now too so bloody hell well this has been an utter disaster but fun though i don't know if you've done this and done it successfully do let me know what your strategy was i'd be interested to know i'm tempted to go for a second go bs it's over it's done i reckon you could have a decent chance of doing this if you're going to micro every single thing on the front for the whole time but you're going to expect it like take hours if you're expecting just a battle plan your way to victory here that is not a reality stup got falls oh dear they just attack with such verocity that you don't really have any chance to recover uh if your defensive positions are overrun then it's uh gg so attempt one didn't go quite a plan but there's always attempt two or then attempt three four five six seven oh wow look at that we've got our territory all back now brilliant i just want to try once more and then then we'll move on to a different scenario i know this is a bit of a higgledy-piggledy video but bear with bear with okay this time we'll build a naval base up there to try and get those troops out so if i released the republic of poland that severely reduces the front that we need to uh defend from now yes i believe it totally screws me in a certain aspect because these divisions are probably going to die and if poland joins the allies i'm i'm just dead anyway looks like a lot more divisions are going to get through this time to try and hold the line which would be nice looks like i'm still gonna die here which is a shame forgot to construct that okay i think they're all gonna die again and i think we're gonna get these guys out out of dodge we'll just we'll just assign them all over here oh i have no fuel uh oh god this is so stressful i need to keep that path open they're in dire need of getting out of dodge the friend turkey they're the real allies gotta have them manstein orders you to hold it's not going to get done in time but at least it holds them off for longer i may have messed this front up again too oh boy like millions of germans are getting encircled just through my sheer incompetence sorry sorry germans all is quiet on the western front which gives my divisions time to heal i'd understand how they break through like when their divisions aren't fully equipped and my tanks in theory should be able to just hold them pretty easily okay this plan hasn't gone um very well either it's been a bit awry one more time one more time all right netherlands release nation poland release nation oh could i actually be a complete [ __ ] and do that too uh okay then i get building on these takes to the 11th of jan but hey ho we're going to try and get divisions over there where is the only bit of territory that they could attack from i'm just going to try and get my divisions just to try and come back and then i'll reorganize them properly krakow that they need to get through i know this is really cheating but this is the only way that i can really see you could try and hold for a while and then you have a chance in theory to stop the allies i think this might be the worst idea of all time but they've already taken this tile so i'm dead uh on that front i think man let me befriend whoever can i befriend anyone else okay turkey again this isn't going any better i i i just have i don't have the focus i don't have the focus right now but i think i could give me a give me give me a year give me give me a year to practice this come back in the end of 2021. look look how deep they are we go i can't tell you how frustrating it is though to have uh no air just trying to get as many troops out as possible the ones that they're in that are encircled it's kind of like well just hold them as long as you can up here though i'm trying to get enough troops to the western front now i don't have to worry about the eastern front because i've i've cheesed the game that i don't have a long border to deal with up here uh it also looks like i'm going to be able to get these troops out in several days and now we're actually holding on that front a lot of divisions have been caught in this encirclement but we've kept the lines of retreat open long enough i think for most people to to get out at least as many as i could realistically do and then maybe if i have overwhelming force i could try and take down france once again who knows but it gives me a chance to build up in a way so we've got 22 hours to survive huh we've got the port we have the port now we have the port so i might be able to get some of these divisions out get out even if i get one division out then that's i think that's worth it uh like six divisions maybe got out of that encirclement in total not enough why what is that why is that happening okay we dealt with that good good i'm already gonna lose krakow that's uh kind of bs man not gonna lie just move how are you losing to like a freaking mexican division how i would also like to know how i'm losing here how do you stop this all my army had to do was defend one tile and they couldn't do that i don't get it i don't get it i don't get it third time's the charm my freaking ass i am raging okay well that's over third time wasn't a charm let's try one different scenario oh god okay so admittedly that's a tricky start a very tricky start um but let's see if we can also do the the other uh german defeat in 1918. oh i feel like you have more of a chance of this one even though you do have high war exhaustion a shadow kaiser and oh you got reduced training though but for four years now a military stalemate has lasted on the western front but you do have all of the you know the the you you you have the um russian civil war going on and we do have an opportunity to push into the french republic and capitulate them however the usa is in the war now and austria-hungary could collapse at any moment so it's yeah it looks like you are in a bit of a tricky situation it's like everyone is out of equipment no idea what the allies are on okay cool but we do have high war exhaustion so i'm just going to use all the political power to reduce it to like nothing so take that got them and we have a lot of divisions here which i i'm tempted just to get rid of i have no idea how easy this will be actually i could just try and advance across the whole front and get absolutely destroyed but i guess we'll just find that out won't we uh and really see how screwed you are oh and you don't stop producing anything either okay 10 factories on there probably a few factories on that rations here yes but we don't have any grain but that's okay because the we can be fed now by the ukraine so if i were to just be like haha that's not going to go particularly well except for on this tile even then it's not gonna go very well at all okay fine oh man okay fuel is a big problem as usual can anyone give me fuel oh romania sure i'll buy all of the fuel to feed my aircraft alex needs his aircraft kaiser wilhelm bombard's paris oh yeah the paris gun boom good stuff i mean i imagine this this this mode in theory will be easier in theory like you never really know if it's gonna go the way you want or not so let's see what we're really lacking lots and lots of rations and lots and lots of guns okay so we'll get some civilian factories um i still have no fuel really ukraine is the bread basket for my new empire uh over here i think we'll just try and hold them okay so we just need to keep everyone supplied the ottoman empire can go do one for you know that's they can collapse uh but i need to keep every other flank under control but if i can if i can just take out pally apparently we can't i'm not gonna go after it let them be the only thing i really have to worry about is just getting my army equipped which hopefully won't take too long but i have i just have no idea how i'm meant to push wait romania exited the wall no they're still in they don't surrender unless i surrender i wish i could see how many divisions people have like can i push here in theory seven divisions maybe could i push down in greece i don't know how many troops are down in greece but no hmm okay so as usual stalemate gotcha i understand i swear i had units that were meant to protect okay luckily the french are pretty trash so we can just wreck them i don't know if this is a particularly interesting video sorry it's just me hyper concentrating on the game um and i that doesn't often happen as you're well aware it's fun to do these kind of mods every now and then and maybe get enable invaded again because there aren't too many mods coming out at the moment i know there's some uh updated ones that i do need to cover at some point like the old world blues i would like to do more of that but uh apart from that you know it's all it's all pretty groovy baby then the one saying groovy baby sorry about that okay so we know that the uh french can be defeated i wonder a paratrooper's available i would quite like paratroopers please oh 17 years ahead of time damn who's jabal shemar i mean i'll invite anyone i need everyone help me so your enemy starts off with completely equipped divisions whereas you suffer a lot of losses so for example i have one unit here yet the enemy aren't trying to advance which seems a bit weird okay well i'll just wait maybe they don't have any intel on me just like i didn't on them japan invading the ottoman empire what okay oh jabal shamar that's who we might be inviting i very much doubt they join well can i hope at the moment the mod seems pretty fun i do appreciate the fact that they have tons and tons of different time periods to play in but you start at such a disadvantage oh they did join rip to them maybe with their one division two divisions sorry two divisions because i know it's meant to be realistic oh great it's nice that i had some reserves then isn't it everyone's declaring independence are they let them try maybe the trick to having fun on this mod is to just collapse entirely and then like rebuild well they're dead no you've got to get out of jail free card here everyone's making peace oh brilliant okay i am going to say he shall remain in power i'm still in the war so i could win this am i delusional probably i didn't realize there would be so many scripted events again this is my first real try at this kind of annoying that i put troops down there and now they're stuck as literally all of my allies have left me all the french have landed again this would be fun i'll just wait for them to like think that they're doing really well and then kind of yolo in and stop them i almost want them to land start to spread out and then i'll just kill them like they're killing me look at this horrible horrible business down here horrible absolutely horrible oh they've landed not for long cheeky deaky how quickly can they move could you at least pin them please i swear enemy enemy armies can just blitz far quicker than mine look at that 30 divisions on one tile and they've taken no attrition that they need to i think balance this a bit better and actually change it so it represents the losses up until that point because you know this is not accurate it should really be like millions on both sides maybe they'll fix that at some point in the future i'm still trying to get enough rations to feed me army surely they've got overwhelming force to attack me but they're not doing it maybe if i take more divisions off the border okay nope they're not doing anything what will it take for them to attack well they did do it yeah they're encircling me i'm rather baffled by this how is there a gap in my line okay um i honestly don't know what to do there's literally nothing going on uh the way they've stacked their units you you can't push there you go just just so you see evidence so i'm not sure that this 1918 1919 one has been done properly or maybe i'm just a little bit insane and i don't recognize its brilliance let's just have a brief look at a couple of other scenarios that you could try because i'm sure there must be scenarios that are super well balanced so if we look at the should we look at the d-day one let's have a look a brief look at the d-day one well here you start off it seems like in a much not in a stronger position because as usual all of your units are at half strength but the losses on each side are both at zero so your man power starts off at 20 million you just start off a huge equipment deficit maybe i'm just not understanding what the modders are going for let's take a little look at barbarossa so through no planning or anything let's just see oh the soviets are immediately counter-attacking immediately counter-attacking in july it looks like though you actually have the strength to hold them this time so maybe maybe the barbarossa one is worth playing oh my god except in romania you're getting screwed in romania and let's say i decided to counter attack bear in mind i don't have any air force at the moment because you don't have any oil so obviously i'm not doing this optimally i just wanted to see if germany actually has a chance to keep pushing the soviets in the 1941 scenario but even then like it's a struggle but then i am just battle planning i'm not microwaving i think this is a good mod if you really want to punish yourself and punish your uh skills and test your skills i am not the target market for this mod i have discovered um there's certainly a market for it and you know good luck to the developers with future updates but for me it's not the experience of hoy that i'm looking for um i don't mind a challenge but a semi-impossible one that requires hours of little microwaving that's just not really what i go for anymore so i hope you enjoyed my little i guess review and overview of the nc mod uh if you would like to see more mods covered do let me know which ones uh deserve to be played in the comments below and i'll be back i'll be back soon oh my god what too lou many thanks to onion duck seth cutter stervik maximilian foreman wyatt green zechariah mosby tad house kobe was taken matt zuv vash juan p george david why the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan [ __ ] jack troku jiggly crotch used thief sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 187,519
Rating: 4.9066391 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of Iron 4 The Endsieg Mod in 2020 Its Mindbending, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 endsieg, hearts of iron 4 endsieg, hearts of iron 4 endsieg 1944, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 mod, hearts of iron 4 mod, hearts of iron 4 battle for the bosphorus, battle for the bosporus, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, hoi4 germany, hearts of iron 4 germany
Id: 2D0G_AYZdLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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