People Who've Won a "Spend a Day With So-and-So Celebrity" Contest. How Was It?

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reddit as hoove wanna spend a day with so and so celebrity contest how was it didn't win a competition but i was the only person to turn up to a book signing by my favorite author brian jack his books were only starting to be published here but i had been reading them for years in england the school that was supposed to attend had to cancel so i had a whole afternoon talking about all the things that inspired red wall i was only 14 at the time but it really made a huge impact on me i had drawn him a picture of two of my favorite characters and he was genuinely thrilled with it his descriptions of food will live on with me forever girl i worked with one the opportunity to meet rhianna backstage before a show she was one of like 10 people standing in a line as she went from person to person they were all told before she walked in that she would not be saying anything because her voice needed to be relaxed before going on stage rihanna ended up complimenting my friend's dress i met chuck norris in seventh grade he told me he likes my attitude as of now my parents have had no luck with finding the picture i know it exists so because sometimes they pull it out and show it to people to embarrass me i will update again as soon as i find it he told me he likes my attitude redundant information if he didn't like your attitude you wouldn't have survived the meeting i met donald schwarzenegger before he went into politics i yelled conan at the top of my lunges and he smiled and yelled back krom to heck with you on a street cross you've given me a new workout idea i won a radio concert to have a semi-private concert with jason marazz i got to request a song for him to play he was 15 feet away from me sitting on a stool with his guitar i'm pretty sure i requested sleep all day or too much food afterwards if you were a contest winner you got to meet him get an autograph and take a picture with him his song the remedy was written about a friend who was fighting cancer i asked him how his friend was doing his face lit up and said he was doing really well and was traveling with them on tour i also gave him two sunflowers because in the remedy video he puts a sunflower in a soldier's gun i did this basically in hopes that when i told the story 13 years later he would remember me and think i was awesome i also have an autograph from david schwimmer ross from friends he was in a play and i waited at the back door of the theater i got carried away with the excitement of meeting david schwimmer i yelled i love you david i kind of forgot i was only standing like four feet from him he looked up and looked me dead in the eyes with no expression i confused myself and wanted to have not done that i too had an experience with mr marazz i was an awkward 15 year old setting up folding chairs in the stadium while he was doing a rehearsal for that evening i was so enthralled with his singing i accidentally knocked over a ton of chairs taking myself with him he stopped and asked if i was okay and after he received the red face thumbs up from me continued his song won't ever forget that not a day with but spent several hours at a bar with was at a bar with three friends in montana we hit it off with this guy and ended up bullshiting with him for about 3.5 hours it was obvious that he had money because he was looking at a multi-million dollar vacation home but none of us thought any more about that guy was cool bought all of our drinks refused letting us buy our own and wouldn't let us buy his drinks really cool guy super chill and unassuming at the end of the night when the bar was closing i said hey by the way i am first and last name he responded hey i am derek getter i don't follow baseball but i definitely know that name i asked him you mean the derrick yetter to which he replied that would be me pretty cool to meet someone famous that way i really got to see how he is when he is just being himself seriously cool guy derek is by all accounts a class act guy in his book he stresses the golden rule and it's amazing to hear him practice what he preaches i'd honestly love to get the opportunity to meet him not me but my cousin she had terminal cancer and was featured in people magazine when they did a story on a hospice that she was living at she was 17 living in a hospice and demanded that she'd be able to bring her pet chickens with her so i guess they thought it would be a good story anyways first thing was that she was wearing an evanescence t-shirt in the article photo so emily called her up and they had a few long phone conversations which was very nice second thing was that the article mentioned that she absolutely adored johnny depp lo and behold one of his people saw the article he called her and invited her entire family to his beach house where they were filming pirates he basically gave six people an all-expense paid vacation for a week showed them around the movie set introduced them to other celebrities he had extravagant sit down dinners with them every night and everyone said he was incredibly humble and generous she died a few months later but i still remember her excitement when she told me all about her vocation with johnny when johnny is sober he sounds like a heck of a good person this isn't a meet and greet but a story of celebratory good doing in 1998 elton john and billy joel performed in auckland and my parents went along not having much money and scraping together to attended they were in the very back row after they got to the concert it turned out that billy joel had bought the tickets to the front three rows and upgraded the back three rows my parents ended up being front row and when billy joel put his guitar pick down on stage mum nabbed it and still keeps it in her wallet to this day not quite winning just being in the right place at the right time i was about six or so and my mom was super into wwf at the time wrestlemania came to town and we happened to live a block from where they were working out i go in and i have my hopes up because all i want is to meet stone cold steve austin at the time at least according to my mom he had his whole feud with the rock happening turns out my wrestler wasn't there but the rock was my mom was pretty stoked and she chatted with him he said she had a cute kid i glowed at him the entire time because he was my worst enemy as far as i was concerned also met chyna who was apparently not all that nice i barely remember it all my best friend was working with a french photographer he was rey doing her website he's quite in his own world he was one day working at her place she told him a friend would come to take some pics so this guy came had his pics taken and spent the whole day with them they had lunch and this american guy made them pasta while they were working the whole day my friend was like i think i know that guy but he couldn't figure out who he was back home he talked about it with his wife she works in the film industry he told her he thought the american guy was an actor she took a book she had with all main actors pictures my friend had spent a full day and got served homemade spaghetti by george clooney and he didn't know who he was i guess the fact he was not shy or impressed by clooney did help them relate if george clooney talked to me my brain would immediately shut down probably because all the blood would be in my dong ran into john malkovich at a dive bar in new orleans called johnny white's i realized who he was and the bar was pretty empty so while i was ordering my drink i looked over at him and asked has anyone ever told you that you have a startling resemblance to john malkovich he slyly smiled and told me that he gets that all the time i laughed and walked out with my drink in hand you smooth mother not a spend a day thing actually even better when i was nine devin sawa came to my house this was at the pinnacle of his stardom when he was young and hot and all over teen beat and tiger beat magazines i had posters of him plastered all over my bedroom and watched casper and now and then probably a million times my two cousins and i were obsessed and in love with devon sawa turns out my uncle went to high school with him and they were friends he finds out how obsessed we are and plans to bring him by my house the next time he's in town and he did imagine your biggest celebrity crush when you're only nine years old coming over to your house we all screamed like idiots when we saw him and my uncle pull up in a red convertible he was through nice and just as cute in person he sat with my uncle and my mom on our patio drinking beers and just hanging out while we brought out poster after poster for him to sign and had our pictures taken with him eventually my mom told us to leave him alone and stop bringing out posters lol when he was leaving we cried and gave him roses and my one cousin said can i keep you his famous line from casper he was all smiles and hugged us all goodbye and told my mom we were too adorable just a genuinely cool dude who was willing to let his buddy he probably hadn't even seen in a while drag him to a modest townhouse out in the suburbs to make a couple kids days while he was probably pretty busy cause his career was going great at the time i'll never ever forget that devin if you ever see this you are freaking rad and i still have a wicked crush lol my dad sat next to ray lewis at one of our school concerts my dad is six feet five inches and noticed the guy was tall but didn't realize it was ray lewis so he made some joke about the lack of leg room but ray lewis did not respond this is such a dad's story it wasn't a contest that i won but in my school we had an anti-bullying group which one day was getting a visit from siri and mckellen i wasn't in the group but me and some friends heard about it and we just wanted to meet the man that played gandalf i took my trilogy book of lotter ready just in case and we hung outside the room he was meeting and hoping to catch him on the way out the headmaster wasn't happy about us being there and was saying we should go away but i think he and mckellen heard us outside and asked what was happening so when he heard he allowed us to come in and sit on the floor as he spoke i was pretty star struck to say the least anyway as he was finishing he was doing autographs for people well i was nervous but pulled my book out which he did the sweetest signature in with a self-drawn picture of gandalf refused to even read that book now after it had finished me and my friend hovered downstairs hoping to catch him once more to thank him for letting us come in and we chanced asking for a picture which he was happy to do has to be the coolest experience with meeting a celebrity so far for me he came to my school too as part of a campaign to stop lgbt bullying in schools hung out in classes all day including one of mine ate lunch in the school cafe chatted to anyone who came up was a really nice guy i was ill that day biggest missed opportunity of my life i ended up vacationing at the same resort as michael jordan in 2004 in the turks and caicos and he was doing 1v1s against the dads and his kids were 2v2 on the other courts super fun dude to hang around his kids were a blast and we spent many hours in the arcades and on the basketball courts together holy cow there's a lot of mj hate he wasn't a jerk no money was put down people were respectful of his time and his vocation i've met him other times and he can be a bit of a jerk if people pee him off about three four years ago my dad played golf with jay-z and his business partner manager in orlando when we were on vacation just the three of them since my dad is retired all he does is play golf now and has gotten a pretty good apparently he caught up to them on the course and instead of having him play through they asked if he wanted to join them so my dad joins them and plays the next 14 holes with them my dad had no idea who jay-z was he just thought they were a couple of nice guys and didn't mind spending his day on the golf course with them when he got back home he was telling me and my mom about his golf day the conversation went something like this dad i played golf with some guy named steve carter or something emmy that's nice dad dad wait number sean carter he said said he was a rapper or something emmy wait what google's a picture of jay-z and chose my dad this guy dad yeah that's him emmy jaw hits the floor as dad goes to the refrigerator to make a sandwich terry bradshaw held me when i was two weeks old and commented on us having the same amount of hair he then told my parents this boy is gonna do big things mr bradshaw was wrong it wasn't a contest but interesting anyway in the early 80s my mother was an editor at a pretty prestigious newspaper one of her co-workers said that his cousin was in town and was stopping by my mom and her co-workers cousin ended up going out for a casual lunch not a date apparently this co-worker's cousin was carl sagan himself my mother had no idea who this guy was or how important he was she ate lunch with a guy and never once brought up the universe or any of the usual topics that one would discuss with carl sagan my coworker later told my mom how impressed and relieved his cousin was that he was able to have a normal lunch without discussing the same old stuff tl doctor my mother had lunch with carl sagan without knowing who he was a relative of mine worked with him for years she said he wasn't the nicest guy in the world i somehow won a contest to meet the cast of spider-man 3 i think it was on a promotional site for the video game it wasn't an all-day thing but we were supposed to be able to meet them backstage for a bit take pictures etc i remember sitting down next to a guy and watching him play spider-man 3 on ps3 he was complaining about not being able to kill random people on the street to some pr guy from activision at one point he turned and looked at me and i realized it was james franco i never ever thought i'd be the kind of person who would be star struck but it goes a bit beyond that i completely froze in place and was unable to do or say anything he may have said hello but it's all a blur it was a completely involuntary reaction and i'm not sure how long the exchange lasted but i think he got uncomfortable and turned around and he left pretty shortly after that over the years i've learned that i can't see a famous person in real life without shutting down even obscured the list people or reality tv people i saw some lady from cervica in a costco once and i turned into a human statue until she left the aisle i do wonder if james franco remembers getting stared into submission by a creepy fat dude in nyc though oh he remembers all right not a whole day but when i was 15 i got an invitation to spend an hour with my favorite band before a show i started a small fan site for the band in the night before the concert i got an email telling me to turn up a next time and place and bring some sort of it i was babysitting that night and happened to check my email there and almost woke the kid up screaming with excitement i went the next day and a group of around six of us got led to a back room in the venue and soon the band walked in we got to spend an hour just hanging around talking they signed a bunch of stuff for us and we all got a photo with them afterwards they let us into the main concert area before they opened the door so we all got to stand right at the front on the barrier during the show the singer was singing while looking right at me and kept leaning over to grab my hand passed me his used guitar picks and did pretty much everything he could to make that night super special for me every girl in that place wanted to kill me that night as most had a crush on him my mother also loved the band so she was at the concert with me and also came backstage she had whispered into the singer's ear telling him that i had been struggling with depression for years diagnose age 4 and used the band's music to help and thanked him for writing it so he spent the whole night spoiling me to try and help it had me on an upper for months afterwards and it was pretty much the best thing anyone could have done for me the band was stained btw just realized i never mentioned it my fiance's little sister had to make a wish this year and she wanted to hang out with ty pennington they said that he was as charismatic as he is on tv and super friendly i didn't know much about him before but he's a winner in my book i briefly worked for make a wish as an intern i helped set up a kid to meet jack when he was with the lakers shaq couldn't have been a cooler dude he lifted the kid up so he could dunk and then brag that he dunked on shaq he went way past his allotted tone just talking to the family my friend won a radio contest to meet nsync back in 1997 we could spend as we were told five hours with them well technically spent four hours one stroke two watching them talk to some interviewers in the back of the hall where they were in concert that night then our turn came we could not touch them or ask for pictures my english sucked ended up with my name written in four different ways on the signed poster i had then came the group picture a game do not touch them i mean this was early they were not that big yet the worst was lance's attitude diva ish justin had his ramen on very snobbish i was disappointed because they were my first star encounter met the spice girls just after and they were amazing they were inaccessible from the start i'm still a groupie for pop artist and i have met other groups every time it was a charm some artists are very generous of their time then you have the entitled groupies who will ruin a good occasion like when i met brian little from the bsb he felt surrounded and some girls were asking him to perform some kind of joke for the camera and he sarcastically started to act like a circus seal noises included got that on tape felt so bad when said girls applauded and screamed of joy while he kept his cool another didn't win a contest but my brother went to school with donald faze and son they were doing their confirmation i think and at one point all of the sponsors had to go on this retreat together i'm a huge scrubs fan but i'm trying my best not to fanboy turns out donald is super chill he's really into photography and i had brought my camera because the place we were it was an upstate ny aka nature that my nyc self wasn't used to he ends up talking to me about it and we legit talked about photography and our opinions on prince versus digital for about two hours he's andre did dude but i don't know his username my friend won a contest at my school to meet mother mother who was is one of my favorite bands but gave the ticket to me because he'd never heard of them i was about 7th in line out of ten and they were really excited because i knew who they were and wasn't just meeting them to say i did they were incredibly nice and signed an extra poster for me didn't win a contest or anything did i have friends that play professional basketball nba and overseas they're all just a big kids at heart like me except they're a foot taller and millions of dollars richer the big thing you really notice though is their lack of privacy when you go out in public whenever we're in the same town and try to grab dinner to catch up my friends like to have a table in the back corner it's hard to get through a meal without someone wanting a picture kentucky players are like 50 of the nba so really it could be anyone met flash gordon sam jones he is an awesome dude who's just incredibly nice and charming we talked about ted and ted too and how he got involved and he told me a story about being seen at the airport and everyone thinking he was dolph lundgren met john wesley ship who played the flash in the 90s and also barry's dad on the cw flash once again an awesome dude who's incredibly nice and charming we discussed our favorite scenes in the show season 2 spoilers filming of season 3 and just questions about the flash and his life in general he invited me to a comic con and to go to his q and a probably my favorite celebrity encounter also met jay from jay and silent bob dude says he's been clean but still acts like he's on drugs nice guy but doesn't really seem to care or pay attention to what you're saying idk if they count but i met the comic book men and all i can say is frick those guys they're complete buttholes i came up to them at a con as a fan and they treated me like i was annoying them and a waste of time i quit watching their show after the way they treated me min was the only remotely nice one forgot to mention when grownups 2 was filming in marblehead m.a i met adam sandler and he is one friendly guy even though he always looks like he's depressed he's actually extremely nice kind friendly and happy i also met peter dante on the same set and shouted needle dong needle dong he came up to me and said water sucks gatorade is better then asked if i'd like a picture with him and we took one i'd link it if i knew how on mobile also met the dude in all the adam sandler movies with the cross eye i forget his name edit jonathan lauren i gave him a napkin in an ice cream shop and he said thanks lol that's it jay asked one of the randoms i met at comic con if he was gonna try to freak him up the butt after jay leaned over the table to sign a clark's poster he's a cool dude unfortunately i missed out on meeting kevin smith because he was attending a separate event and frick buying two different tickets i saw an episode of hulk hogan's show in which some kid won a day with the hulkster it was awkward the kid was just completely over the moon and hulk was just completely over it in his defense elk had been going through the worst parts of his problems pending divorce legal crap money problems kid problems but it was just awkward they didn't know what to do finally hulk asked if the kid would like a ride in the boat done so they went and did that i liked terry bollier i liked him before it was cool too and i still like him but man that was one weird show but man that was one weird show like the time he wouldn't get brook the braided pearl tampons because he thought they were obscene lol didn't win a contest but i got a guitar lesson from mark tremonti the current guitarist of alter bridge and tremonti and former guitarist of creed he was one of the most down-to-earth musicians that i have ever met he was genuinely interested in hearing what we had to say and had nothing but nice things to say he said to me throughout the lesson that he loved my guitar and was impressed with how fats i could pick up techniques and that i was one of the best students he's had after the lesson he gave us a tour of is liv rig and we got to watch sound check that will always be a day that i will remember guess we're going with i met saw celebrity one story so i'll throw mine in i was coming back to australia from argentina after visiting family sydney is where the majority of people coming from overseas go through immigration to get into the country i was 12 at the time waiting in line to get my passport checked when i realized billy connolly is at the front he had a guitar and a small carry-on bag with him i said to my mum i think that's billy connolly she had no idea who that was but i said it loud enough for him to hear me he looked back at me and smiled before going through customs i just imagine him smiling strolling through the gates and then his bag explodes if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 648
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, spending a day with a celebrity, so-and-so show, so-and-so, superstar, stars, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: DcTw0BDsxpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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