Teachers, What's The Most Psychopath-Esk Behavior You've Seen?

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primary school teachers have read it what is the most shocking display of psychopath-like behavior you've seen one day when i was in primary school i was sitting at my desk spacing off when one kid absolutely lost his crap and threw another kid into the desk in front of me and then just started beating on him hitting him with desks chairs etc the strange part is that the kid who went psycho was about half the size of the kid he attacked and was just running on pure psychotic rage i and others sitting around this just bailed the frick out of our seats though several people were bruised in the crossfire it was a pretty brutal and shocking occurrence i don't remember what the story behind his behavior was he was removed from the classroom several times during the year for other disruptive events though none quite so violent i think in middle school or so he leveled out sounds like bullying i went nuts on a bully once in fourth grade just kind of snapped and threw a chair at him when i'd had enough one day i was a normal kid otherwise i still don't know if this story is true it's allegedly this one girl and a few of her friends were in third grade i was in fifth at the time sneaked away from school and came across an old lady's house they were playing out some adventure so they decided the old lady was a witch and they attacked her beat her up like really badly shoved dog crap into her mouth tied her to a chair and then they found her cat and murdered it in front of her by swinging it into the walls fast forward to maybe a month ago and i overhear this girl telling the story to one of her friends and laughing like it's the funniest freaking thing in the world no remorse just an attitude of oh well kids will be kids my sister-in-law taught a five-year-old who killed a bunch of baby chicks that the class was raising apparently he thought it was hilarious especially when all the other kids cried about it parents came in for a beating and they thought it was funny too that was his last day at the school at least they found the cause i guess i truly honestly believe that my cousin is a psychopath from grade school on frick birth on even when he was breastfeeding he would bite his mom until she bled not your normal teething bites it made him happy as he got older he would take joy in beating our mentally [ __ ] cousin with bats that was about ages 214 his parents would always say that it was just a phase when he was about five his dad would lift his arm up and punch him as hard as he could below the armpit to toughen him up he was later sent to military school and kicked out when he returned home he killed four stray cass took them to the local chinese restaurant threw the dead cats at them and said cook him up he's now addicted to h and constantly in and out of jail i had a babysitter once that invited him over unbeknownst to me he left before i got back or knew about it soon enough my one-year-old started choking and i pulled weed stems out of her throat that was a bad day for them i'm waiting for the day he kills someone it shouldn't be long now i'm glad your kid is okay a student held open scissors to my neck the look in her eyes was the most terrifying part it took five adults to stop her my mother works as an aide at our local public elementary school and last year one of her charges was a severely mentally ill eight-year-old girl this girl's parents both had mental illnesses of some sort and the mom did drugs while she was pregnant which surely didn't help as a result the girl was clearly a very disturbed individual she self-harmed had the tendency to scream and run away at random times and when she got angry which was often her voice would go cold as ice i hate you she would say she was very intelligent but also a pathological liar very depressed and angry and extremely violent sadistic once she confided to my mother i think that the color of my blood is beautiful can i see your blood she would often throw paint stinging insects on other students hit and kick the tiches aids and attempt to kill other children who she was angry at fortunately an eight-year-old girl is restrainable basically she was turning out to be a textbook psychopath her parents even bought her a bb gun in hopes that it would help her which is that last thing i'd do my mother said she had never seen such a miserable hate-filled little girl now you'd think that surely one of the teachers would notice a girl's mental illness and intervene but that's apparently not how it works all of the school staff including the principal knew that this child did not belong in the mainstream classroom and that she desperately needed professional therapy but legally they could not place her in a more appropriate setting without parental consent they can suggest things to the parents but if the parents decide not to get treatment for the child there's really nothing the teachers can do about it the problem is that the mom was a mentally ill drug addict who was constantly in and out of jail and that while he meant well had a touch of autism and refused to believe that his darling daughter was capable of such outbursts so although it broke the teacher's heart that this girl's mental illness was being left untreated they legally had no other choice but to put up with her in the mainstream classroom finally after about a year of classroom disruptions attempted escapes and beating up teachers the principal finally videotaped one of the girls violent outbursts and the father was finally convinced that his daughter needed help with his permission she was transferred to a special school district program where mentally ill kids can get one-on-one help without disrupting or harming the other students i've heard that she's doing quite well there and is steadily becoming less and less violent hopefully she'll continue to improve i'm honestly really glad this has a happy ending so many stories don't kid i went to school with put acid in a school fish tank apparently got expelled from his previous school for blinding pigeons in the playground and his next school for chasing girls around with his dong out his dad was in the russian mafia which probably had something to do with it not a teacher but primary school is full of little shoots it's not as bad as some of the other stuff here but this story does show how fricked up kids are me and my best friend when we were about seven stroke eight we found a whole load of wood lice in our school yard at break and lunch we would play with them and we got obsessed with insects everyone thought it was super weird because we were girls but we didn't care then one day all the boys in our class had taken the blades out of their toppers and when we went out for break they ran ahead of us to the woodlice and just started cutting them in half one of the lice was pregnant and when they cut her the babies swarmed everywhere and the boys were just laughing as they smushed the tiny babies me and my friend were hysterical for the rest of the day i get that killing insects is not as bad in people's minds as killing animals but the way they got such pleasure from watching us try to stop them massacring the wood life still creeps me out i loved insects and other things that the other kids thought were gross one of my friends once stomped on one of the snails i'd picked up to watch it upset me so much killing something that is totally defenseless and not even in their way just to upset someone else i totally understand why it creeps you out last week a student in my special ed class threw an apple very hard directly at one of our paraprofessionals ed the apple hit her hard and i immediately called my vice principal when the vice principal arrived they asked well you didn't mean to hit a right to which he replied that's exactly where i was aiming it was a good throw i guess last year he took a razor blade and cut a classmate's leg open with it he was sent to an alternative school for two months and he ended up back at my school kid scares the crap out of me a guy in my primary school once snuck up behind the teacher and cut her ponytail off the same kid also threw our pet hamster against the wall and then stomp his foot on its head this killed the hamster i'll get that kid committed asap i had a third grader bring a pack of razor blades to school on my first day i pulled him outside the room sat on the railing and said hey i'd like to understand why you did this he calmly looked me in the eye and said he wanted to sharpen his pencils i said people don't usually use razor blades to sharpen pencils but i can't think of a few reasons someone might bring razor blades to school maybe you wanted to hurt someone or you were afraid someone would hurt you or you thought they were cool and wanted to show them to your friends he said there to cut up my food still totally calm he got suspended for one day to all appearances he was a well-adjusted smart kid who got along with his classmates i did notice that every time i'd try to watch him out of the corner of my eye to get some insight into his personality he immediately noticed and started watching me out of the corner of his eye this isn't usually the case with little kids he could also turn his emotions on and off like flipping a light switch he never seemed to lose control never acted angry never cried would sometimes get happy for a second or two but tended to catch himself and stop i still have no idea what to think sounds like he's a high-functioning well-adjusted sociopath he'll make a great politician one day i was a pre-school teacher a few years ago in a toddler room two-year-olds and there was this adorable kid very smart but psycho i had to fill out an average of three incident reports a day on him that had to be signed by a parent when he was picked up at the end of the day and they just shrugged or made him apologize which did nothing to deter him this kid's father was in and out of jail for assault and related charges and his mom was pretty much useless he told me on several occasions while holding a toy bruh that he was going to beat me with the broom until i bled and cried he often attacked other kids for no reason he used to tell one of the little girls that he was going to frick her he called all teacher b when he was upset basically this kid was nuts i brought up the issues to my manager and the owner several times and they did nothing so after six months of being this kid's punching bag and have my legs and arms covered in bruises and scratches i quit i didn't give them any notice i walked into the office told them i quit and then grabbed my crap and foe i used to be a day camp counselor this one kid was seriously disturbed we'd have him sit in timeout before swim time and he'd whisper how he planned on killing me he'd regularly hit the other kids and introduced a lot of adult topics to the girls we did look into abuse turns out his parents dealt with him by letting him play gta all the time we'd have to chase after him sometimes he ended up biting me and one other counselor when we managed to get him back on camp property by the rules of the camp he should have been removed by the second week however there was some clause about not excluding children with disorders they never told us what he was diagnosed with but the running theory rumor was juvenile bipolar in that case i feel bad for him but they should have been allowed to tell us what it was so we could make the environment safer for him and the kids in his group the 16 18 year old staff was not trained to deal with any of that i am a teacher in alaska i knew a kindergarten age five student that constantly terrorized the class pet a bunny not named lady but i'll use that name for now all forms of consequences and punishments did not work with this kid he began to anticipate ladies movement and escape paths so one day he scared her and she went running to her safe spot behind the couch he beat her to the couch lifted the edge of it and then slammed it down on her with precision so that she was pinned under the leg kids went running around screaming and crying as lady was actually vocalizing a tortured squeal a sound we had never heard once she stopped the kid jumped on the couch to make her squeal again but it was too late she had passed that is freaking horrible i'm not a teacher but when i was in first grade we had to draw a picture every day in this journal and the one day we had substitute teacher and i knew the teacher had to look over each drawing and would talk with the student to ask what the drawing is so just to see her reaction i drew a picture of a person stabbing another person you can guess her reaction i don't recall her telling my teacher or there being any consequences when i taught fourth grade i had guinea pigs in my classroom a girl got to hold one at the end of class 4 giving great answers behaving etc a boy was pee because he had wanted to hold that guinea pig he walked over to her desk and punched the guinea pig in the head until it died classic if i can't have him no one can i'm not a teacher but a friend of mine is a foster mom and has adopted a few of her foster kids she has eight legal children now the oldest is 25 and the youngest are two last months she took in a new foster kid kenny who was nine and liked to style people's hair and play with barbies not too big of a deal but she learned from the kid that he tried to kill himself by running away from school and getting onto a highway tried to overdose his little brother with his own medication and stabbed his mother with a pair of scissors multiple times all this was confirmed by his previous foster parents within a week of having him at her house the foster mom was getting reports from school that kenny was masturbating in front of other kids in his class flashing teachers peeing on other people threatening debauchery what the actual heck and kept asking the teachers to shoot him he was placed in special ed classes and was in intense therapy but the mom drew the line when kenny came to school and told the teachers that he was planning to cut open the throats of his foster parents and siblings at night then he took a shaving razor out of his pocket and said that's what he planned on using the kid is in a mental hospital now i feel really bad for him since he had a history of sexual and physical abuse and he was only nine i had a student a few years ago that may actually be the second coming of jesus she was six years old and since she was four she had been saying she was jesus family was not religious crackpots i did several home visits during my year with her she would say things all the time as the year went on she kept getting more and more intense about it i was the only one who didn't tell her to just shut up i questioned her and let her talk never told her she was right or wrong anyway one day at recess she climbed up on some pipes and started shouting things about the devil is coming he will throw those who are not prepared into anguish yada yada yada i was called and we had a parent meeting and i convinced them to take her to a religious leader to have a talk the religious leader spoke to her for a while and i will never forget what he said little girl oh boy do i hope you're making this up but i really don't know her parents decided to heavily medicate her for a few years and then take her off and see if she still thought she was the second coming she was taken out of the school the next year i think about her often plot twist you've actually made enemies with jesus i'm not a teacher but i am psychiatric nurse on an inpatient child and adolescent unit we get plenty of little ones who torture and kill critters to see what it's like because it's fun because i can for more attention parents are often discouraged to learn there's no cure for sociopathy even through therapy it's hard to encourage positive behavior because almost nothing motivates them they inevitably revisit us months or years later after graduating to hurting their classmates siblings parents teachers etc just a few weeks ago i had to sub a class consisting of just one child and his para this kid is in fifth grade and couldn't be with any other children he'd always get into some sort of physical fight with them it didn't help that he towers over almost every other child in the school not only that but he says that he is evil every time he writes his name on the top of the paper he titles it evil insert name here so not only is he physically intimidating but he scares the crap out of everyone because he'll just all of a sudden screech or mutter evil scenarios to himself when he couldn't have computers the day i was with him his pair borrowed a laptop from another teacher so he could play on a website he enjoyed the wound up not going to that website at all instead he went to google and typed in evil thoroughly enjoying everything that popped up overall he freaked me out and i'm curious to see how he'll progress in life a girl in my primary school was rather infamously cruel to animals and other people in year six she managed to catch a squirrel no one could work out how she caught the dang thing and basically tortured it to death to show off to a boy she thought was cool who being 10 ran off and told everyone but a teacher it filtered through to the school staff soon enough and she disappeared for a couple days and then immediately came back exactly the same but angry about something she left and went to a different secondary school to me after that so i didn't see anything but rumors that filtered out from her all-girls school to our mixed one tell me she led a life of repeatedly bullying girls to near suicide and basically beating and berating every one of her near continuous stream of boyfriends for nearly all of secondary school until she was put into a young offenders institute a couple miles away at 16 for abh or gbh can't remember which well at one of the schools i work at i heard about a 9 or 10 year old kid who would get caught masturbating in empty classrooms very often i am not sure of the details but when his teacher was getting observed by someone from the district sitting in the back of her classroom very standard routine the kid was in the front row jerking off and giving her a strange look i guess none of the other kids seem to notice although that is hard for me to believe she ended up finishing her lesson and not saying anything to the district representative i have no idea how it was handled after however come to find out his parents were going through a divorce and his father was a cross-dresser and would bring home a lot of different men i am not sure if this had any effect on his behavior but i can't imagine it was the easiest thing for him to handle sorry i don't have much more information than that como i have no idea how it was handled after i think he handled it himself not a teacher but in seventh grade the school bully was in the office for something and asked if he could sit down some teacher responded sure knock yourself out so the kid just started banging his head into the wall lots of blood everywhere before he was stopped thanks to him we had to be reminded on a weekly basis not to hurt ourselves the most concerning student i ever knew wasn't one of my current students but someone that i went to school with when we were in sixth grade he kind of broke down one day and climbed into the school's air shaft he ended up in the ceiling i have no idea how this works please don't ask me to explain and threw a ceiling tile at our pregnant music teacher and she miscarried eventually the swat team or at least that's what someone told me they were came in and retrieved him he was pulled from school the remainder of that year and all throughout seventh grade he came back in eighth grade and had another episode that involved him trying to throw a heavy textbook at the belly of our pregnant science teacher i guess he really didn't like pregnant ladies he never came back to school again i am speechless kid straight up got into a fight with my teacher in fourth grade and bit her when she tried to use the phone to call someone he was laughing and crapping the whole time i thought it was funny as frick didn't witness it but happened recently a kid i had in elementary school stabbed and killed 15 wire with sharpened scissors he's just 13. when i had him in my class he threatened that he could have people come after me after that incident he was nice to me but i'd hear stories about him like threatening a teacher's daughter with debauchery and said he'd kill them both when i did my student teaching there were two girls in my fourth grade class who were best friends one weekend the two girls had a play date and apparently didn't get along with each other to the point where one of the girls cut the other's hair with scissors naturally the girl with ruined hair decided to retaliate by putting her friend's pet guinea pig in the microwave and cooking it to death i had a kid who once bragged about how he rode his bike so fast he caught up with a cat and was able to run it over then he shrugged his shoulders and said build now i'm grounded because i made sure it didn't wake up my dumb dad won't let me ride my bike anymore i just said okay and walked away when i was a kid i did a lot of odd stuff like this i got sent to the counsellor for drawing people being killed i set things on fire and oddly enough i wet the bed until i was around 11 years old i can actually remember the first time i wanted to hurt someone i saw a girl fall off a slide and cry in pain i felt the sudden urge to attack her i didn't do it of course but it's a very strong memory it kind of felt the same as my first time noticing the opposite gender i once dismembered my stretch armstrong doll and hid it i would periodically visit the limbs head and torso which i had neatly arranged in a box i told a friend this story when i was 20 and hearing his reaction made me realize this stuff wasn't normal as an adult i was able to get into competitive fighting to channel my urges and form constructive relationships with violence growing up my dad was a severe alcoholic but my mom was a son i can only think what happens to people who are like me who had two crappy parents good thing you're taking out your urges on more constructive outlets still i'd consider seeing a psychiatrist you could have anything from mild schizophrenia to primarily obsession low cd it would be helpful to find out i'm a daycare teacher not primary school but this girl is about eight and has a whole mess of issues starts out with little things like not listening and getting into teacher supplies dumping toys out and refusing to clean up typical douchebag child stuff but then it turns into physically shoving fighting the teachers who try to stop her screaming at the top of her lungs accusing everyone of staring at her and laughing at her i've several times had to separate her from the younger kids because she likes to hold them in her lap hug on them too much pull up their shirts and stuff she masturbates in class by rubbing her legs together and she does it all day and then she screams at the kids asking her why she's all red and sweaty it's disgusting and cps was already called once she's finally finally going to a school for kids with behavioral problems of course now her three-year-old sister is starting to do the same things ugh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: school, primary school, teachers, teachers share, psychopath, psychopath test, psychopathy, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: I2biZA6O2l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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