What Are Your Best Unethical Lifehacks? (r/AskReddit)

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serious what are some an ethical life hacks NSW nobody is going to question your presence at a hotel's continental breakfast as long as you look okay confidence is everything or just look tired as heck and annoyed you gotta be up before 10:00 a.m. if you are just a few years out of college or in my case ten you can still use your studentid for student discounts by TV at Walmart return TV to Walmart before two weeks come back in few days and buy said TV is open box item at a discount have to pay cash for at least one of the transactions / I've actually gotten away with a price match on my phone at a local store that matches with anyone I mean anyone and got like two hundred and fifty dollars worth of stuff for about forty five dollars edit I use an app called shop savvy you can get it on the iPhone App Store not sure about Android don't want to pay the coins start charged to cash your change unplug the ethernet cord from the back of the machine then feed your change in you can make serious cash doing other people's homework for them whenever you go to buy a car the sales guy will always give you that sheet that itemizes the charge and everything on it with the OTD price that's the sheet that you sign when you agree on the price what you do is take that sheet tell them you'll need to think about this do whatever you can but take that sheet with you then scan that sheet into your computer OCR that crap change the numbers around to something you want that is reasonable we make sure your math is right print it out bring it to another dealership and negotiate from that fake invoice as a former car salesman I can tell you that this will work the trick is getting out the door with that piece of paper in your hands applying for a new loan and have um troubled credit dispute the derogatory items with the three credit bureaus roughly 45 days before you apply for the loan the disputed accounts are ignored by the major scoring algorithms which will give you a boost if nothing else the negatives won't be dragging down the school eventually the bad credit will reappear since your disputes will not succeed in getting the information removed from the credit bureau database but at least you got that loan don't tell them I told you edit well this got some attention for the record yep totally unethical and like many folks are saying this is only going to work for lenders whose lending criteria as far as credit is concerned is solely predicated on the bureau score for loans that are high dollar value like mortgages the lenders are going to be quite a bit more thorough and will investigate credit history and more detail the more sophisticated the lender the more sophisticated the lending criteria and rules will be some lending systems may even flag the application for higher review just because disputes are found specifically targeted at folks trying to use this hack that said there will be some places that this could work one commenter mentioned being approved for an apartment after using this cheat why mmv as always I'm just a guy on the Internet's as an underwriter at least for the bank I work at which is a national bank with our personal loans we investigate all accounts that are in dispute or if they were in dispute in the past this one isn't unethical but if you go to Dunkin Donuts about 30 minutes before closing time they will give you all their leftover doughnuts if you ask if you don't they just throw them away there are many fast-food restaurants that will fire employees for doing this I've heard in particular of a Burger King employee being sued for taking leftover food to a shelter instead of throwing it out have affairs with Realtors they have keys to empty houses all over town late to the show but if you're ever in need go into any hotel and tell the front desk that you stayed or visited there recently and left your sunglasses describe any generic style and you're sure to get a free pair of shades works with black umbrellas to charger don't even need to tell them what it's for they have a basket full that you can go through the hardhat safety vest and white truck can give you access to most places ex city work trucks work especially well if the city logo has been removed in a clean way I parked everywhere in mine with the orange light on top when you buy a laptop or desktop buy a warranty that includes accidental damage near the end of the warranty term run Linpack or FIR mark and block the exhaust vent leave it like that for a few hours and you'll get irreparable hardware damage file a warranty claim and get a new laptop the best part is there's no evidence of hardware tampering because you never even opened the case learned from a homeless person on the bus put on your best suit ake a least disgusting suit if your hobo show up at funeral homes and act like you knew the deceased have free cake that right there is knowledge they don't teach in schools someone at work ordered a large shipment of Campbell's soup cans or Fama's and so that he could have it for lunch every day a few cans were dented so we all joked he was going to get botulism because he's the kind of guy that gets super nervous he called Amazon to complain that he was worried about botulism boom they resent the entire shipment even though he told then only a few cans were dented there was a lot of soup in the office after that I don't think of this as an ethical but actually getting what you paid for when your laser printer toner cartridge fifty five dollars at Office Depot gives a low tonal warning put a small piece of opaque tape over the sensor window on the side of the cartridge you'll get a couple hundred more pages printed some printers even just have a keep printing B option buried in the settings so I guess the subject ties into a life lesson my grandma taught my mom growing up there has always been this big but artistic rendition of a map of South America hanging up on our wall I guess the story of it was that it was originally at some gallery and my grandma just walks up to the god dang wall picks it off and walks out calmly without hesitation she told my mom that you could do anything as long as it looks like you know what you're doing and nobody will question it thankfully I don't see this being nearly as effective in today's world download the crappy watermark low res image that I stock gives for free upload that in Google's image based search and find many people hosting the high-res need hot sauce looks like I'm getting Chipotle for lunch Chipotle is where I get my napkins there are two classes of lies that you can get away with one the lie that's so huge so massively impossible that no one would ever understand why the Frick you would lie about something so fundamental and so it's accepted as truth I call this the government lie - the lie that's so small that you can utterly convince yourself that it could be true and so no matter how many times you tell it it doesn't bother you and no one would ever understand why the Frick you would like about something so innocuous I call this the one stroke 16th Cherokee lie Robert Heinlein said it best there are two ways to lie successfully the first is to tell the truth but not all of it the second is much more difficult but also much more convincing if done properly tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth but tell it so badly that everyone is sure you are lying buildings structures aren't as impenetrable as you might think if a building has a composite shingle roof you can typically just remove the shingles and cut through the backing underneath usually plywood in an unrelated note an alarm systems rarely monitor roofs also if you are in a room with walls made of drywall you're never really trapped you can cut through the drywall and go through the wall itself you know if needed if you are married and interviewing for a position that requires travel lose that ring and watch out for the ring tan line if you aren't married and interviewing for a stable job put on a wedding ring if you have any close friends with kids take some pics with them if anyone questions you about the wife just start looking like you are going to cry no one will ask again having a family makes you a little less vulnerable to downsizing and gives you some great excuses for missing work hungover kids sake have to go to the hospital because their H jammed a [ __ ] still up your butt kids sick that took a realistic turn stand near crowded concession stand at a stadium or something like between two lines at the front keep looking into the back like you're waiting on something at some point someone goes what are you waiting on oh just a couple of chicken tender baskets nine times out of ten they'll be right back with a couple of chicken tender baskets can confirm if it's busy I'll be so stressed I love I've forgotten or assume you're the friend spouse molester of someone who's paid and I've forgotten to serve if you are still in high school middle school buy candy and snacks at your local dollar value store and then take them to school and sell them for two to three times what you paid for them most of these kids get their money from their parents daily and have no idea of the value of what they are buying look for sale candies that are between ten thirty three cents and name-brand selling store brand pop-tarts as name-brand pop-tarts can also work surprisingly well I used to make about 10 15 bucks a day doing this back when I was in high school and the teachers rarely care unless you are disrupting class by selling them alternatively wait for your school to do one of those chip sale for x-rays and things where kids sign up to sell X amount of chips then sign up for that sell your first batch then proceed to refill set batch with the snack pack chip bags you can get at any Walmart or grocery store this can range anywhere from a 100% to 200% profit depending on if your school marks up the price of each bag to secure their cut it's only unethical if you consider supply and demand economics in ethical when I was in ninth grade C 1999 I used to sell printouts of Dragon Ball Z D pictures and not good ones people would buy them constantly on Craigslist or arms list or any other classified site find an item you want lowball the person from several different emails then send them a reasonable but still below asking value authoress em from your real email after being low-balled all day they'll jump at your real offer if you are at a grocery store go to the produce section then take a grape and eat it everyone will think you are just testing the grapes but really you just wanted a grape I have been reading this for over an hour and this made me laugh the hardest buying and returning things it's amazing how lenient the return policies at various stores can be in college I bought a 55 inches LED TV from Sam's Club and kept it in my apartment for three months and then returned it at the end of the semester for full money-back and no questions asked try travel hacking you essentially signup for credit cards that have big Cigna bonuses for example spend $3 K in three months for 50,000 points worth at least $600 don't use the card anymore then cancel or threaten to cancel the card in about 10 11 months before you have to pay the annual fee I have a 750 Plus credit score 28 lines of credit and I've racked up well over 1 million points worth $10 K $20 K I fire almost everywhere first class and stay in hotels for free going on four years doing this now all of my free travel is subsidized by the idiots racking up credit card debt and late fees I would love to hear more on this I'm really interested how to go about this can't write a good job application or CV post a job advertisement on those three websites for a position in the area you are interested in entering have random people apply to your fake job advertisement have used those CVS to create a master CV for yourself pro tip make sure you're comfortable delivering a job performance at your CVS stated skills and experience imply there's no faster road to losing all credibility than having people suggest you lied on your resume the source I've seen this happen more than I would reasonably expect if you live in a bigger city you can eat a free lunch every day by going to hotel conference centers and registering for an event as press some will ask you for an it and you say you left it at home sorry but I really am from the New York Times Wall Street Journal Washington Post I try not to go to anything political where they actually pay close attention to which journalists are covering just lower profile stuff it costs them absolutely nothing to let you in and we will have a success rate of more than 75% and receive a three-course lunch try to go around lunch time obviously evening events are somewhat harder probably because booze is served sauce and adjourn oh who forgets is it all the time unethical ethics calm some that stand out to me by a $10 Visa gift card spend the money then use the card for anything that doesn't require immediate authorization have a crack in your windshield find a city truck and call the number on the back saying the truck flung rocks at you and cracked your window they'll confirm the truck was where you said it wasn't BAM new window free I had this actually happened to one of my windshield and when I called the number for the truck they told me to freak right off in their own words use a self checkout when you go to the grocery store that big old porterhouse 4011 that expensive organic lettuce you want 4011 cucumbers 4011 tomatoes 4011 everything is a 4011 half of these life hacks are literally just steal something life hack your mister body into the library hit him over the head with a lead pipe take his wallet free wallet Brooklyn style free parking goes as follows find someone with a traffic citation on their car window take it park wherever the heck you please put citation on your window when patrol rolls through it looks as if you've already been dealt with for your information many colleges don't care and will rock you with multiple put vodka in a mason jar or other crappy container put something into it to make it taste different and sell it as moonshine a triple price here is what I have done at places I have worked at say that your workplace has a TV or electronic device you would like to have if you have the opportunity you take it apart and disable it so that it won't turn on management will replace it and throw the old one in the trash where you can retrieve it and reconnect it so that it works always have a picture of babies young children on your desk wallet and mention your youngsters in passing when engaging in casual work conversation by doing this you'll get all the advantages of an employee who has children it not immediately being assumed that you're working holidays being able to leave early once in a while to pick up the kids from X an easy conversation point when schmoozing with clients and various other social benefits without actually having them this trick can also be applied to carrying a pack of cigarettes on you because smokers are allowed at least three four smoke breaks a day while non-smokers are afforded no such equivalent ethical version of that keep pictures of small children and your wallet studies show that people are much more likely to return it if it gets lost or stolen need to move a large purchase or get a load off something across town and don't have a truck go to a used-car lot find an appropriate truck for your needs tell the salesman you're interested in a test drive make sure you ask them if they have any problem with you taking it to your mechanic that way if they comment on how long it took say your mechanic was backed up also helps if you say your mechanic found something majorly wrong and are no longer interested in this truck then leave before I bought a beater truck I did this at least 3x a year to get a new fridge help a friend move get firewood whatever I would need a truck for try to tell a few lies but do it really poorly confess to being a terrible liar do this periodically for things that don't matter actual lies go undetected did this with my family unintentionally and now my parents always believe me I'm surprised nobody said drugs honestly want to sleep less be more focused whatever there's a drug for it edit I've gotten 50-plus messages saying they aren't an ethical while I think some drug use it should not be illegal for example using performance-enhancing drugs in an athletic situation is an ethical a daryl if there is a film crew shooting a commercial or feature anywhere in your town find the craft services area with a catering truck in the morning ask if this is where talent can get food it's an ignorant question you might sound dumb but you'll get free food I did that once I wound up being an extra on the set of William Shatner's tech war series being filmed in Toronto right by the Eaton Center I was a starving student going to George Brown College and I really needed that meal if you watch the series and see a tall person holding a large portfolio case near the Eaton Center that's me but something expensive that you can't afford to buy a new that broke prematurely go to a store that sells it check their return policy buy item again saving receipt clean old item pack it and return it by 100 bucks of beer at Walmart or wherever and friend receipt after you buy friend returns and fills shopping caught with exact same amount and type of beer friend heads straight for door and hands receipts to door greeter who is old and doesn't notice double your beer on beer on don't want to wait for your zone when boarding a flight tell them you have a peanut allergy and need to wipe down your seat you will be one of the first people to board the plane always treat your boss as an equal rather than a superior this isn't strictly unethical but there was an article about how people from privileged backgrounds end up treating their superiors as equal with the idea that one day they will eventually end up and they're all seniors who begin to notice the guy that speaks his mind and engages with them on their level rather than his quiet unassuming colleague the rich kid has a lot less to lose by pay off some seniors than say the kid from an underprivileged background who would try not to rock the boat but consequently risks going unnoticed when it comes time to pick between the two they are much more likely to go for somebody that appears at least outwardly confident and be accept no responsibility for when keeping it real goes wrong type scenarios want to play all the most recent games but don't want to buy them it's gamestop policy to allow you to return any used game that you bought from them used up to seven days after purchase wait a week or two for a game to show up on the used game section and buy it play it for a few days return it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 189,751
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Keywords: unethical life hacks, unethical life hacks reddit, unethical life pro tips, life hacks, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: g7Yl_Y8i4pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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