Teachers, What's The Craziest Thing A Parent Has Said To You?

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fellow redditors what was a moment where you thought a person you knew might be an actual psychopath I don't know if it's outrageous but it did put me into tears a few times we had one boy who was casebook artistic very Stimme toe walking sensory issues up the wazoo constant pattern and repetition he was nonverbal which is why his parents enrolled him into our school specialising a disability they were hoping he would get speech therapy the first month this kid was here the staff involved with him brought the parents into a meeting to discuss having him assessed for autism and the mother laughed and said no he doesn't have that he's just a late speaker the parents were adamant that he just had a speech delay and refused to have him tested this meant that the kid would only get minimal funding which means he would only get minimal therapy this was the SLP coming in every other week to work with him for 15 minutes on pecs it killed me because I love this kid he was an absolute goon and we hit it off pretty well and to not be able to put the resources that were needed so he could learn to cope with his sensory issues find a way to express his needs and wants and give him a proper sense of security in the world frustrated me to the point where I ended up having a meltdown with him which looking back his kind of darkly hilarious if you picture me partially restraining him while he screams and cries and I'm screaming and crying along with him he was not a good day for anyone eventually near the end of January the mom specifically asked me for a meeting this scared the crap out of me but she sat down with me and asked to have the whole autism thing explained a week after that the parents asked for their son to be assessed and then we were able to start giving him the support and therapy he needed a good end how rare I had a father who had recently immigrated from India tell me that I had permission to beat his son if he misbehaved the game I also had a mother once tell me in all seriousness that I ought to cover her daughter's mouth with duct tape if she couldn't stop chatting during class - the father's defense that's how crap was done back in the day he never had this problem with mr. dart be your mouth breather was mentioned by name in the note he left don't act like it's news to you that you've raised a Hellraiser my mom was a preschool teacher and was doing an annual activity making gingerbread houses at a local school the teacher whose class she was in for the day kept trying to cut in and taking over her activity after my mom told her to stop cutting in the teacher said you are just a preschool teacher what do you know my mom was so livid she never did her annual activity again last year parent a child who had a huge problem with cutting and shouting foul words be get your butt over here why can't you behave like your sister as the nine year old sister proceeded to draw on my wall with a crayon seriously this year well it's your fault for making him do things he didn't want to do I was having a student do his simple worksheet and he exploded and punched kicked and spit on me five times five separate days yes I filed charges yes he went to juvie I work in South South Texas my school has a population of 99% Hispanic one white girl population is also 84% economically disadvantaged the boy was 13 and self diagnosed bipolar and autistic every doctor that saw him disagreed with this diagnosis but the school still listed him as though he so he got special care I never hit him back if I did restrain him on nine occasions for hours at a time nine and still drawing on walls dang-son parent of a high school freshman my son is struggling so much can you send home a copy of the test ahead of time so he can prepare insert grumpy cat nope meme but my favorite from a different mom also of a high school freshman was canoe the teacher who has 130 students every day make sure he puts his homework in his homework folder every day I want him to be better organized but I just don't have the time I have five kids I'm not the teacher that my cousin told us this crap he said to his daughter's teacher some backstory though my cousin's daughter is spoiled as Frick she has four TVs her own iPad a cell phone a laptop every goddang Barbie you can imagine and she is eight years old and not only that but she is constantly told she is the best and favorite child in front of her two older siblings and anything she wants she gets if she asks someone to get her her shoe two feet away from her they will and if they don't she throws a freaking tantrum worse than you've ever seen so this kid is a freaking monster I blame my cousin I honestly think the girl has mild autism and maybe a DD from the way she acts but my cousin doesn't believe in that stuff and even if he did his princess is perfect there is no way she could have those thing anyway since the kid is so used to everything being done her way and having everything done for her she doesn't do well in school because she expects the teacher to do crap her way and she expects good grades so the teacher called the parents and said your daughter is having issues in class you need to work with her in it so they tried their bulls and it did nothing so the teacher suggested getting her tested so my cousin decided to go to a homeopathic doctor to get her tested and they said she has a gluten allergy and that's why she doesn't pay attention so this is where the stupid crap comes in they tell the teacher she isn't allowed gluten bill they send her to school with a freaking sandwich and other crap like that you know a crap with gluten in it so the teacher calls them up to tell them she was eating gluten and my cousin says well bread isn't gluten and my cousin was telling this story as if the teacher was the dumb one honestly I feel bad for the kid she is so freaked up and she won't get anywhere in life until she hits rock bottom which will probably never happen until my cousin dies because he will take care of her I work at a preschool in our two-year old rooms we have a regulation that the kids can't move into the three-year-old room until they are mostly potty-trained most of the students and there are two with a few that just recently turned 3 there is one boy that is four he is not potty-trained because in his mother's words she doesn't want to force him he should be in pre-k instead he is in the two-year-old class for his third year extremely behind his peers educationally and emotionally and has a mother that is apparently fine with letting him fail in life through no fault of his own my sil finally got around to potty training my five-year-old niece they went to the open house for kindergarten last spring kids started kindergarten in September and asked who changes the kids pull-ups diapers the other parents say in stunned silence and my sil was informed that her daughter was required to be potty trained once was in a parent-teacher conference where we were discussing how the parents son was very low academically and possible testing was going to be needed otherwise he might be held back a grade she then stood up and started screaming in a room full of other parents and teachers that her son is not freaking [ __ ] and that he in fact did not need to be tested according to her it was very very upsetting for her obviously in myself he is now in seventh grade barely able to read and has been held back twice also last year a student called me a be in class so when I called the mom to inform her he'd be serving a luncheon detention she couldn't understand why the last week of school we'd still hold him accountable for his behavior wife is a fifth grade teacher and this one family has three kids each one more obnoxious than the one before the last kid is finally in fifth grade and every teacher is stuck they don't have to deal with this family anymore they have a grand dad who comes to each lunch with this [ __ ] grants on every single day the granddad was a constant disruption and just an all-around rude guy to the entire staff fast forward to the end of the year after the graduation ceremony my wife is hugging students and chatting with parents saying their goodbyes for the summer she noticed his granddad off to the side kind of sizing her up he walks over and Yanks her arm so she turns to him while she is in made conversation with parents and he yells while pointing in her face I know you don't like my grandson and that's why he got a C but I am giving you an F then turns and walks off with the rest of the family I know you don't like my grandson and that's why he got a C but I am giving you an F K a parent last year apologized for her son's attendance 45% because she's had him in counseling for the past six months to help him cope with the loss of their hamster six months of therapy for a hamster never in my 19 years as an educator did I ever feel guilty for feeling zero sympathy for a chronic attendance excuse the kid shouldn't have let his psycho friend throw it at a wall my friend is a teacher at an elementary school she called me a few nights ago because a first grade girl ran out of the school when color time was over the elderly nurse retrieved her and they took her into the nurse's office to chew out the little girl then proceeded to scream I hate your ugly face mathur free i EIP ear and assaulted the nurse like stomped her feet ripped her scrubs and twisted her wrist the little girl was saying the theory I hear like the Asian guy on hangover and they were trying not to laugh at one point one of the teachers snorted back laughter and the little girl said this isn't funny Mathur free ie IKEA finally they got her to calm down by letting her color again I just realized I totally misread the question I thought it asked what outrageous thing a student said I guess for some context the mom of the little girl seemed to genuinely care that her kid acted like that witch from the look of things that might be outrageous because she didn't blame the teachers for it like all the other parents my wife teaches art this kindergarten a named Damian of course said I'm not falling for your tricks as time in a super creepy voice as she was passing out coloring sheets I can't even remember all the things this kid did said he was the omen for real apparently my little dollop of sunshine who had a Napoleon complex told mom that I called him [ __ ] I obviously did not but his mom came up to the school that day with three other kids in Tilton yelled at me this was a very very large Latina woman with several face piercings and tattoos she told me my son is only allergic to shellfish so I know for a fact he is not [ __ ] and then sent me several messages on facebook after he was suspended later on and failing all of his classes begging me to call her and help them my mom is a first grade teacher she once had a parent email here telling her to put nothing less than an a on his son's report card because he doesn't want it to hinder his son getting into Harvard my mom promptly responded that the son was below average and will be given the grade he has earned but really first grade those letter grades in the report card mean almost nothing at that age it's worth noting that she teaches in a very affluent town in the father was a surgeon at a local hospital who thought his kid was far better than anyone elses here at Harvard we are looking for the very best James I see you won the science fair of your state seven times running very impressive and you've held a grade point average twice as high as your nearest fellow student sounds like you're perfect except you got a B+ in first grade you know where the door is I had a student once who was this fat ginger kid I swear this kid was the Antichrist he would come into class screaming on the top of his lungs he would constantly get up out of his seat and just start picking fights with other students he almost punched a kid who was sharpening his pencil because he looked at him funny he refused to do any work so he was failing all his classes one time he wrote a research paper and left all the blue Wikipedia links in it I obviously gave him a zero anyways the other teachers and I immediately set up a parent-teacher conference we state his behavior and our concerns with his grades the parent sits there listening to the still sultry after story how her child is from Huck and she responds with well I don't want him to be a robot this women didn't care about one thing we said she just didn't want him to sit in class and like all the other kids I'm so glad to be done with that school O'Doyle rules that I was responsible for the childhood obesity epidemic with the 20 minutes of homework I gave three times a week to high school honors freshmen yep I'm currently a piano performance major and teach piano part time during a trial lesson one mom said I want my son to learn piano but I don't want to buy a piano it'll be a waste of money I explained that she could buy our cheaper electric keyboard she then proceeds to tell me but I don't want to waste too much money on this small hobby I don't want him to become a musician and waste his life away it hurt as I sat there shocked by this insensitive woman telling a musician that her life is a waste thanks lady I teach in a city in which there are a lot of minorities recently a parent was very loudly complaining because there were more of one minority than of her own she's of African descent but she accused teachers of preferring this other minority to the black students and said that there aren't enough black people on staff then she denigrated one of the two black members of staff because the individual in question didn't look black enough maybe the issue stems from her child's recurring habit of attacking people including biting other students but don't tell her that hey I got a crazy idea we should put garbage bags on the children's heads had a parent pull her son from my class because he made a gay friend and was afraid he was going to be debauched by his new friend no joke those were the mother's words sad part was that the student really enjoyed the class and was probably going to head to college in that field my mom was pregnant with my sister in 1971 teaching high school English some kid pulled a knife and put it to her obviously pregnant belly and demanded a better grade she called the parents the boys mom said well he sounds serious can you give him a B she nope the Frick out of there in a hurry every year our Orchestra students go on a tour to the elementary schools in the area since they're missing a full day of school for it the rule is that they have to have at least to see in all classes to go on the trip kiddo has a D in my class has done minimal work and tanked most tests and quizzes but at least to see in every other class day of the trip he walks in with one missing assignment which is nowhere near enough to bring the grade up so he can go on the trip he walks out of my room in tears I am NOT moved I get a phone call not five minutes later from his irate mother telling me what a horrible person I am how I am the worst teacher ever bla bla bla apparently not going on this one trip was going to ruin his entire year possibly his entire life and I am a soul sucking demon who should feel horrible for crushing his dreams after she yelled at me for twenty minutes she called the principal and yelled at her principal backed me up reffing since she didn't get her way mom got super pissy and picked him up from school so this evil child realizes you can kill birds by throwing potato chips in front of cars that race down the highway beside the school after some effort said child gets the timing perfect and succeeds the kids cheer child becomes Lord of the Flies and I'm tasked with calling the mother to tell her that this isn't acceptable behavior at first the mother was just silent she absorbed the story before saying all right mrs. Tuke you'll for sure I'll talk to my child about it tonight I should have known it couldn't have been that easy the following day I received the call I'll never forget it there was no way her child had killed that bird and I was Riddhi it for thinking her child was at fault I argued about witnesses and facts for a bit before her logic went fully AWOL mrs. to kill for sure do you know anything about birds as much as the next person I guess well I know a lot about birds they're very shrewd creatures and if the bird went under that car tire it was because it wanted to commit suicide you could have heard a pin drop most Awkward exit to a phone call I've ever had note to self don't call that parent again person I know was previously a preschool teacher and at the beginning of the year seventeen stroke 24 parents yes they countered asked what would happen if their child was too advanced for the activities 71% of parents thought their child was brilliant we you need to sign these incident reports your son keeps hitting other kids mother he doesn't understand what he is doing he won't stop hitting me unless I start to cry me speechless I'm a preschool teacher this kid weighs like 20 pounds when wet I had a parent of a 12th grade student ask me to change her son's grade from a ninth grade class in which I taught him so he could apply for more scholarships I did not do it and was fully supported by admin and was fully supported by admin well I believed you until you said that not a teacher but my mother is she was doing parent-teacher conferences and was complementing one father on his son's performance and his reply was simply thank you I made him myself worth noting the father was an immigrant and didn't speak English as his first language top tier dad joke I taught in a rough city neighborhood mostly streams of profanity yup from parents and earnest explanations that the reason the kid wouldn't behave in my class is because I didn't beat a butt for misbehavior I used to teach Elementary in an urban school a few of my kids told me straight up that they didn't have to listen because they knew I wasn't allowed to beat them frustrating and heartbreaking at the same time well I am a doctor you know great I didn't ask she's three and she's already ahead of everyone else they bumped her up to this room after some violence issues but also because she is more mature than the others do you think she needs an easier bag after her child had a complete meltdown because she was too lazy to put her things away and instead called the task hard this is the same parent of the mature smarter violent child above I want to talk to you this place looks like a pigsty you might want to take some ownership of the space and let people know this isn't a dumping ground said the headmaster also a school parent after he dumped a good portion of the items there himself he was dead serious too although not a teacher my mom and stepdad both work at a university one day in high school I got assigned to work on this group project with this kid who I was friendly with the day before the project is do I look at the document and nothing has been completed I proceeded to call his house and his parents pick up I had heard his parents were pretty overprotective so I acted super polite and was just like could you please remind child to work on the project well they had none of that I proceeded to get screamed at by this kid's father on how I was very lazy et Cie etc my mum the meantime was sort of standing there watching he then asks to speak to my father and I say my parents are divorced my mother is here however he then proceeds to call me a liar and at this point my mother rips a phone out of my hand and begins tearing him a new one and then the most asinine thing ever comes out of this mouth you can't talk to me like this I'm a doctor my mom who is also a doctor sort of sarcastically says yeah what kind he proudly proclaims I'm an oncologist at university my mom by this point has a phone on speaker she quickly runs over to me and asks me his last name with a devious look in her eyes he then proceeds to insult her and insists and he would beat the crap out of her if he saw her in person because she was so disrespectful to him at this point my mom says well dr. so-and-so my name is doctor and I am the head oncologist at university my stepdad is also there and he says I am doctor head of HR at university his voice must have raised two octaves he recognized exactly who both of them were he just sits there silent and says oh my mom literally just said straight up they're at work he will report directly to my husband's office I am going to charge you with harassment and then she hung up I finished the project on my own and the kid ended up moving away a couple months later after they fired his dad TLDR don't mess with my mother I so want this to be true not a teacher but I work at an after-school daycare at an elementary school I once had a parent threatened to have their child be on the floor of our classroom if we didn't unlock the bathroom for her the mother we have a strict child only policy for certain restrooms in our district to protect the children and faculty and the office had already been locked by the janitor she said her child would be on our floor she told me to stop helping two kids one had a bad nosebleed and the other was puking so I could change her child's diaper so she could go home for this talk about police wearing body cameras maybe teachers should wear them to evidence against crappy freaking kids a father showed up absolutely as face to a 9:30 a.m. meeting told the principal the head of the special education for the area and me we were stupid be who were at fault for his son's behavior I stared in horror the principal and head off speck had told him he was an idiot and was lucky they weren't calling the police to remove him and they would no longer be consulting him around the best course of action regarding his kid's education since he clearly had not a clue kid didn't complete end of year project give her in detail what assignments are missing then focuses on special needs students and wants to know why they had it easier I almost fell over what a see I teach English had a parent complained that their five wire wasn't speaking a lot during parent observation and when I asked how much of a study at home the reply was there we don't help him study I wanted to slap that parent don't complain if you don't put in the effort with your kid I'm working in Japan as an English teacher worked at three different places the second place was in the greater Tokyo area and I was in charge of preschool for a short time this one kid was idk something wasn't alright up there he was generally sweet and could occasionally display some stroke of genius understood same and different very quickly and could parrot the correct English if asked but just off somehow he would come in with lace top shin high leather boots which were a pain in the butt to take off when he needed to toilet would present a tripping hazard if went to the park etc we asked his mother if they could invest in some cheap trainers or Crocs and she said she couldn't we asked why her exact words my husband wants him to be more fashionable than the other children she did eventually get him Crocs very expensive adorned with Thomas the Tank Engine noise making badges once but it suddenly became apparent why this kid was a bit lacking his parents are children themselves if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: school, teachers, teacher stories, teacher vs parents fight, angry parent vs teacher, parents, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: yr3ASbS1MIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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