Nurses, What Is The Worst Thing You Saw On The Job?

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doctors and nurses offered it what's the worst thing you've seen on the job nursing student here had to insert a catheter into a pretty obese lady saw a black string hanging from her glory hole i asked her if she had a tampon and she said oh i hope it's not still there i ended up having to pull it out and the stench will be with me forever not to mention the white pass and brown slime covering and now black tampon apparently she hadn't had a period in months so who knows how long it was in there my glory hole just went further into my body out of pure horror when i was doing my ob gyn rotation we had a woman come into clinic that had a condom in her glory hole apparently it came off during the act with her boyfriend but they didn't take it out and she waited like two weeks to come in to get a doctor to remove it she stunk the entire office up so badly jesus no most disturbing thing i can remember in recent history with someone with cystic psychosis tapeworm infection of the brain i got a script for a duo with a ridiculously high dose i called the doctor thinking it was a mistake and he told me what was up we both agreed there was very little chance of it working but he said there were absolutely no other alternatives now i have a headache and i cannot convince myself it's not the brain worms a homeless paraplegic woman was brought into the earphone pneumonia we had to strip off all of her dirty clothes and put her in a hospital gown as i took her pants off i noticed a cockroach which i thought was weird as we took her panties off out came the swarm roaches had nested in her tea and she couldn't feel it because of the paralysis we have a winner worked on a rural emt team during summers off from college and responded to a drunk driving accident when we arrived i thought clearly this guy has to be dead mostly due to the crumpled car that the firefighters had cut apart this guy must have been drinking a lot because there would be a bottles all over the place with broken glass shards all lodged in his skin but that wasn't the worst part he had the remnants of a bee a bottle lodged in his neck which in and of itself wasn't too bad i've seen worse except the bottle was the only thing keeping his head attached to this body the man had decapitated himself i'll never forget seeing his eyes moving and mouth attempting to speak or the sick sucking sound that were emanating from his neck as he struggled to breathe obviously he did not survive the night i've been in rn for over five years the story that sticks out in my mind is this elderly woman who had colon cancer i was newly pregnant very very bad morning sickness all day long she was on the verge of death and started vomiting the contents of her bowels when the bowels stop working the stuff can come up out of the mouth we had to get a tube down her nose asap to start sucking the stuff out so she could no longer puke it and die in peace those are hard moments watching someone dying and you are almost physically unable to help them and usually i pride myself on being able to handle the most disgusting of situations someone had to come in and help me thank goodness and we got the tube down her nose sounds like an argument for quietly increasing the level of morphine under the approval of family my mom worked for a urologist she came home with the story of this guy that had a master lock attached through his dong he misplaced the key and was looking to get it off he also rode his bike to the office they had to refer him to the hospital to remove the lock my mother told me after a night working the air a guy came in with his dong broke sideways he said my girlfriend got a little too excited another one where my dad was driving an ambulance it was time to remove the cast for a very large woman who broke her leg he was sent to pick her up she never got up from her chair since getting out of the hospital for months she crap and pee herself in her recliner my mother is the one who removed the cast the cast was full of cockroaches and roach eggs they said the ambulance and the exam room smelled for days [Music] psychiatric nurse here while on award for the elderly suffering from dementia i had one experience i will never forget i was helping a client eat when i get a call from one of the rooms in the corridor the client i was helping was pretty much done so i went to investigate hoping that it wasn't a fall as the call was from a room belonging to a very unsteady lady oh god how i wish it were a fool the lady who called let's call her betty was in the corridor outside her room the first thing i noticed were her hands covered in feces oh betty did you have some trouble in the bathroom hey it happens sometimes when you're older you may be a bit shaky or confused and i'm not one to judge the unwell let's get you washed up then we move into her bedroom when the smell hits me for a second i just stare and try to take in what has happened what follows is my brain process traces of feces are everywhere on the walls on the wardrobe on her clean clothes on her bed on the door that's okay we can clean this but i can't see any major uh movement from which it would have come from but wait there's something on the floor as if someone had defecated on the floor and picked it up yes there's slide marks from someone obviously mauve oh my god she has shat on her dinner plate i saw on her bedside table a plate piled high with feces i'm not kidding at least six inches on top of the food and i just stood there and stared for what felt like an eternity more like five seconds i guess before calling someone to give me a hand perhaps it was a political statement about the state of the food in the hospital i don't know regardless i now have the best party dinner table story obviously not a real name not a technical term tldr older lady defecates on floor picks it up and puts it on top of her dinner plate not mine but my sister she was working at an old folks center near our house and she was with this one older gentleman on his hip was a black hair the size of a dime on top of a decent sized lump about two inches long an inch wide and half an inch tall so she threw on some gloves and squeezed the black head with the permission of the man of course out popped this roll of gauze that was left over from his hip surgery 10 years prior that he never bothered to get removed apparently the smell was horrid and she will never forget it i found a nursing forum once that had a huge thread of worst things stories the one that stuck in my mind the most was a patient who was recovering from a colostomy operation and went into cardiac arrest as they were doing chest compressions semi-liquid crap was spurting from the brand new colostomy hull here's a story from my cousin who's in med school currently there was a pcp who went to some part of africa i don't remember where specifically sorry for the peace corps when he came back he found he was always more tired than he was when he left for africa one day he felt a pulsation in his eye and went to the air once there the doctor found a small worm wriggling around in his eye the worm normally lives near the brain but had somehow made its way out from there and into his eye the a doctor hadn't seen anything like it and called in another doctor to come and look at it by the time the other doctor got there the worm had made its way back out of the eye cut to about a month later and the pcp feels the pulsation again but instead of returning to the hospital he decide to take care of it himself he takes a needle and heats it up using the stove he then puts it into his own eye in order to remove the parasite over the course of the next year or two he removes if i remember correctly around five of the worms this way before feeling better i'm a pediatric nurse the worst stuff i see relates to abuse two weeks ago i treated a baby who had been beaten so severely that his skull bones kept shifting under my hands when i assessed him and assisted in putting a collar on him a few months before that i saw three-month-old girl with a torn tee from being a victim of debatery by her 15-year-old cousin but then yesterday i took care of a really cute four-year-old who hugged me for making him feel better he violated or three-month-old girl i want to be angered but i can't help but wonder how the frick he even got it in there without killing her not a doctor or a nurse combat medic in the army this is a story a pa told me a girl came into the clinic complaining of glory hole pain and when he went to examine her he found she was having thick gray using tea discharge he tried to prescribe her medication for it but she refused to take it why because her boyfriend liked the taste my dad is a doctor in the intensive care unit one day he had a lady who was crossing the street when a coach bus ran her over she was dragged for two blocks before someone stopped the bus she came into the hospital missing like 80 of her skin and was disemboweled but conscious for the whole thing a girlfriend a nurse early one morning a man came in with a broken off plunger up his butt he was sodomizing himself when it somehow broke off splintered his sphincter and lodged itself deep within his rectal cavity needless to say it was quite gross to remove and looked incredibly painful dude i just clenched a woman came in with complaints of abdominal pain screaming about how her baby was dead her record showed absolutely nothing about get being pregnant after having her change into a gown the most ungodly stench filled the room my doc began a pelvic exam with me as a standby i will never forget his face as he removed a pinkish brown clotted mass a chicken leg turns out her baby was an uncooked chicken she chopped up and inserted into her tea her baby might not have been dead but that chicken sure was i can't believe i'm still reading this far down i thought i could stop but knew mine is not a story of genitalia nor hilarious stds i'll warn you now both my parents are doctors they were working on the 11th of september 2001 at military hospitals in dc when the planes hit the supposedly less populated half of the pentagon there were hordes of burn victims i was relatively young at the time but their faces when they came home is something i won't soon forget they told me about a burn patient who was literally covered in third degree burns across his body from behind the ears to his tear ducts all the way down to the soles of his foot from what they recounted he was absolutely silent when they brought him in despite in essence having the raw meat of his body exposed to air something that should be excruciating skin it turns out is the biggest defense the body has against infection within 24 hours his body was covered in massive black bleeds and infected sores he still didn't say anything not even a moan or so i'm told until he died tl dr sometimes it is worse to live through a terrorist attack it was probably an acute stress reaction layman's shock not circulatory shock in other words he was probably in so much pain his mind went into defense mode and just tuned out my roommate is a nurse and there is a homeless guy that comes to her regularly apparently this guy had a major surgery in the last 10 years where they removed something from his stomach or that general area after the surgery he woke up and just left the hospital without letting himself healing he proceeded to do drugs such as him and his body was never able to heal properly apparently he comes to the er about once every week to re-bandage his intestines the nurses have to rinse and sanitize the intestines and re-bandage him up every time he comes in they simply take a large bandage and wrap it around his midsection he has been seen outside the hospital holding his intestines with a plastic bag pressed to his stomach while smoking cigarettes that man gives a spectacular lack of fricks my wife worked at her in dallas tx for a while while she has many stories of mutilated bodies burn victims and gunshot wounds the one that got me was this one a kid about 13 and his mom come into the air the mom had dragged the kid in because he was complaining of real bad digestive problems the kid had convinced her he was fine until he couldn't hide the bleeding coming from his they take him in for x-rays and c clear as day a 14 inches black rubber dong like in that movie they didn't know it was black then found out later obviously this thing had wedged itself up far most likely due to his efforts to remove it was pushing on the walls of his intestine and had three days worth of crap piled on top of it they take him into a private room and ask if there is anything he wants to tell them before they discuss specifics with his mother it's going to need to be removed surgically he tells them no he just felt sick they tell them they had found an object lodged in his lower intestine his response oh i may have sat on a marker poor kid just experimenting with that orientation with a black 14 inches rubber dong um call me naive but i can't imagine a 13 year old managing to get 14 inches up his butt by himself there's more to this story worked as a porta supply technician besides the abortion clinic days where i had to transport the medical waste i would say that the worst thing i ever saw on the job was the aftermath of someone who walked into the main entrance and shot themselves in the face we didn't have an active emergency room so he had to be taken in an ambulance to the next closest hospital live through it all i'm a pill runner at a hospital on long island i've seen gunshot victims stabbings car accidents etc but these gruesome injuries aren't the worst i've seen a young guy overdosed and was in aiku with a coma for a week throughout that week it seemed like hundreds of people came to visit the kid it was extremely sad seeing how many people cared for him and how much he was loved a friend of mine worked in a psych ward on a night shift a guy jumped from the second floor not sure how he got out i never asked but the nurses ran out and was surprised to find him standing on the lawn outside he was screaming his throat out but was still standing upright for some reason as they got closer they realized why he'd snapped both his legs straight off in the fall causing his splintered shins to impale the soil like a couple of organic javelins my friend still shudders when referring to the blood the creaking of the bones and the screaming an ex of mine is a physician his holy freaking crap you'll never guess what i saw today stories always involved fat people and poor hygiene like cheesy infected smelly folds often harboring remnants of snacks and the like also he was present at a birth once that involved a stillborn coma he said that was pretty horrific emotionally and physically probably not the same approach but my cousin is a police officer and during his wife's first pregnancy she was expecting twins they went on a camping trip and she had a miscarriage losing both of them while on the portaloo was quite the horror of personal imagination when i was told he had to crawl down into the hole and retrieve his two unborn babies fly eggs and leg wounds people having caked on crap and eggs from laying in their own filth fly eggs in catheter bags a foot so infected that the sock was welded to it with goop an infected toe that i could pull the nail off and the patient wouldn't feel it maggots and wounds go to go eat now love being in a nurse my mom used to be a nurse at a children's hospital in pittsburgh the worst i can remember her telling me was there was a little boy born without eyeballs other than that it would be the families that would bring their kids in and not even visit until it was time to take them home wife is a nurse back when she was working at another hospital she had been taking care of her addict this person looks like your typical user off breaking bad anyway she tells me that this one time someone came to visit her and while the visitor was in there one of the other nurses saw the visitor putting something in light fixture the other nurse thought it was strange and went to go see what it was thinking it was probably more drugs or something anyways what she pulls out has got to be the most disgusting thing i can think of she takes it out and shows it to my wife my wife immediately knows what it is and tells her she needs to get rid of it and wash her hands right now what was it well the person visiting was also a m addict and had pulled off some of their scabs which for those unfamiliar can contain them and place them in light fixture for the patients to eat later so they could get high oh my god don't do em kids was at a hans rosling lecture once when he talked about his time as a doctor in mozambique to illustrate how rudimental the healthcare was he re told a story of a pregnant woman who had been in delivery for 48 hours risking to die if the baby had one arm prolapsed apparently cut off from the rest of the circulation it had started to miscollar from necrosis and was effectively stuck emergency caesarian was not an option where he was at rosling couldn't say for sure that the baby was dead he thought he might have heard faint heart sounds but he knew it was going to die either way and so was the mother if he didn't do something after discussing with the pregnant woman's mother hans commenced cutting up the baby from inside apparently not an uncommon procedure if the baby is dead and you don't have access to the equipment required to perform a caesarean and pulled the parts out apparently the woman survived yeah that is pro level medical birth horror my gf worked as an emt for a bit she had a case when she was in training where a guy took some kind of psychoactive drug and thought his fingers were trying to attack him so he shot them off one by one with a handgun it was just a bloody pulpy stump left on his left hand he obviously had to stop when he wanted to shoot off the fingers on his trigger hand my friend's teacher used to work as an a receptionist and he said his worst drug related story was this time a guy who was obviously tripping on something came strolling in holding his severed genitals in his hand he plopped then down on the desk and said i don't think i was supposed to do that not me but my mum emt got called to the scene of a bicyclist that got hit by a bus upon arrival they found him dead at the scene and decapitated they searched for his head but couldn't find it anywhere after about 30 minutes or so they take the body to the hospital and x-ray it they found the head it had been pushed straight into his chest cavity and was sitting where his lungs and heart were story from a friend unstrapped baby in the back of the car thrown forward onto the manual gear shift that was missing its knob baby's head speared between the two frontal lobes upon arrival at her viadox requisition said friend and others from maintenance who cut the gear shift out of the car to enable the docks to bring baby in for surgery friend was told months later that the baby appears on track to make a full recovery working in a stroke unit as a male nurse worst thing i've seen or rather what's unnerving me most the families visiting couldn't imagine being in their position this isn't my story but it was told to me by a nurse so a pregnant him addict comes into the hospital complaining that she can't feel her baby moving they lay her down and when the the skirt is lifted to look inside her away was filled with maggots apparently she had a miscarriage without noticing and the maggots were feeding on what was still caught inside of her the image is burned into my brain this is the kind of story they should tell teens when they are at those don't do drugs assemblies me running an emergency clinic in india we had around 40 visits an hour with around half of them admissions there was no facility in neighboring districts seen so much that i am numb this one comes to mind first multiple stab wounds on a man with throat cut till the bone is exposed yes he was dead within minutes respiratory therapist in level one trauma center here once we had a man come in with an open leg fracture like little bone femur pointing up and rest of leg meat hanging off and partially resting on bed he had been in a motorcycle accident with his wife riding on the back who actually died the worst part being that he was wearing one of those biker shirts that read if you can read this the bee fell off pretty horrible stuff i heard this story from one of the nurses at the hospital i volunteer for apparently this lady comes in complaining about a huge pain in her tea the doctor checks and he begins observing when he notices something strange and bulbous eventually he pulls it out and it's a huge potato and the lady exclaims oh wow i forgot that was even in there it turned out that she had a fever or something a few weeks before and in her culture she believed that sticking potatoes up there cured the problem i worked as an emt for a few months we were called out to a house by a family who said that fear dad won't get out of bed or take his meds until he was becoming increasingly violent and ill so we go out there as soon as i opened the door and punched in the face with this stench that could freaking peel paint i have a strong stomach and i could barely stand it i mean it just put a lump in your throat so we find this guy lying in bed naked covered head to toe in peak rap blood and vomit no joke his hair was matted with fesses and dried flood did i mention he had hep c so we try to convince the guy to leave because he needs to go to the hospital he refuses and proceeds to pick up a razor off the table thanks to him and start trying to cut me in the other emts he spit on my shirt we call the cops they tell him to go with us he refuses he gets tased they tased the frick out of this dude apparently he was using them and would not go down easy so they tased the crap out of him eventually got him onto the truck and pumped him with a quad dose of valium best part was i got to pull the taser barbs out if y'all have never seen one up close they look like a regal claw fish hook the kind that hook backwards and don't come out only they have a dozen hooks on them so this thing is buried one stroke two in this dude's side i try to proceed as gingerly as possible it ain't happening the emtp says just yank it so i did it sounded like i was tearing a heavy towel in half that was the worst crap i have ever done comer it sounded like i was tearing a heavy towel in half frick i'm an emt and some of the worst things i've seen are the atrocities committed at nursing homes just as an example we picked up a guy last week to take to the hospital who had chewed down to the first knuckle on his index finger when i asked why he had done this he replied so i could get out of this place i truly believe that nursing homes are the worst places to send the elderly care for your parents when they get older don't send them to these crap holes nursing homes aren't all bad i've worked at one for 10 years and we take very good care of our residents and get excellent reviews by family members just wanted to make sure you didn't throw them all under the bus with your blanket statement happy holidays if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 36,629
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: doctors, nurses, hospital, emergency, medical, worst things doctors have seen, worst medical conditions, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 1VKf_XZaYMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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