HE WANTS EX'S UNIT I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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you bought one of my extra storage units and some of my kids personal stuff in it reached out for her actually she wasn't gonna contact you so I did Hales low for all of our faithful viewers and subscribers that helped us get to 10 million views last night we say thank you so much we're not sure how we did it but we know we did it because of you and a lot of questions that we get all the time are Derek do you have any other skills other than just buying storage units and flipping things I have one other skill I'll show you my lips the answer is yes I'm a lip model see these lips you just don't put any expired food in a set of lips you got to have a special skill set to eat that kind of food mmm lips lips to lips the lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip you little bit they're double-jointed quite a bit we have to get done today I've got to continue to sort and unbox the $190 unit still there's so much stuff there and I'm also giving a unit back today and it's got one of these stories that frankly I haven't come across before I definitely have my work cut out for me as I still have to unbox all of this from the hundred and ninety dollar unit sort it unbox it video it share it with you I found this old Planet Hollywood jacket the old jean jacket you know the stuff that I used to rock probably could still pull that look off today right but pretty cool it's a size XXL and Planet Hollywood prog but I'll throw that aside we got a little tote here let's see what we got it looks like we've got some good stuff squeeze my tummy okay ah you know who that was for mm-hmm that was for you there you go we've got but this guy has got a lot of Confederate stuff see we found a knife we found a flag I don't see any markings of silver here on the belt buckle so you have here oh let's see I do see markings a silver there right there look at that nine to five so that's silver that's great oh look at that we actually have more in here let's see I'm trying to look through the view lens what I'm doing this that's that's tiger's eye right there so there you go there's a pika everything just looks like there's more hearts in there I'm not sure with all these hearts or four so we got some jewelry and while the belt buckle may not be silver I don't know if that's a wedding band or not but boy that's a good chunk of silver right there that's awesome we got a New Testament New Testament New Testament with Psalms there's three New Testaments what's this what is that penicillin eller allergy now I did finally find a picture a lot of people have been asking in this unit has it was this individual Native America and the answer is no just loved and made of a Native American thing so oh ho oh look at that I wonder how old that could be let's see let's see I mean it's still yellow at least right so I mean it's not gonna hurt too much after that Oh you know when gum how it doesn't have the stability of gum it's just like particles in your mouth that's what this is little older that one's a little old look at this mini mini coca-cola glasses they're coke shot glasses wonder what that's about Tom Clancy ghost Ghost Recon bandanna got another one here just motorcycle Oh mmm let me look at these really quick okay is there okay to look at the really old so if I had to guess based on what I've seen that's probably him no that's not old enough that's 68 that's not him his honorable discharge was in 62 so maybe grandkids would be my guess oh here we go here we go look at this old et look at that old et Dow show time that was put out by Showtime 1982 I actually have another one of these in the garage on the shelves at home to be sold and if my eyes don't deceive me this looks like gizmo sure does that looks like gizmo from the gremlins all right hails yes if you remember the gremlins movie Hales know if you don't remember the gremlins movie down in the comments see what else we have oh yeah this guy has got so much taxidermy stuff and this yeah this is this is real look look there's the identification number right there this is the real deal Wow so more more than what we've already found there's more what the Hales what the hell's look at this we got some black rifle powder and yep that is so weather yep right there I'm still curious if we're gonna find a rifle in here or not and more more more antler pieces and more arrowhead pieces something just fell out something just oh look at this it just fell out of a bag a bead made out of a rock it looks like a bead made out of a rock but your bag did it come out of came out of when I tipped oh there we go there we go it came out of here look there's another one it's like a bead made out of a rock huh that's and there's a another I don't know if we wanted to call those connives but there's something nothing in there there's a Norman Rockwell picture from Peterson's my grandma used to collect Norman Rockwell so I'm gonna get her Norman Rockwell whenever I could but she's in glory right now having more fun than she ever has all right coloring book of the Civil War let's see if we can find copyright 1977 right there copyright 1977 let's see if anything was actually colored yeah there are a couple pages here and they're colored I wonder how much that could be worked oh there's hot wheels under there too but before there's hot wheels we got a what does that say I can't see strong Becker 1966 Ford I think what's this but no way no way do you see what this is these are the old WWF wrestlers this is an entire collection of the pins there's the Undertaker there's I don't know who Matt Hardy is there's Maria there's Triple H Rey Mysterio you've got to be kidding me man I can't believe it who keeps this stuff look at here look here WrestleMania 25th anniversary right there how cool is that and it looks like we have hot wheels now you know this is a newer version case actually in 1997 right up here so I'm not expecting older cars and most of you guys already know you want to look for the redline you want to look for the actual red around the tires let's see oh here's an old one this one looks pretty old look at this there's an old one let's look underneath oh wait we flip it around there we go by lesney okay made in England time to head over to give the unit back but before we do let's dig into the story just a little bit here's a clip from me buying the unit just about a week and a half ago 25 I got 25 here 30 where 30 40 at 40 now 50 at $50 $50 and up $50 now 50 and 50 over here now 60 at 60 $70 now the 80 bucks 80 90 at 1900 at 100 not 10 out 10 now 20 120 now 130 now 130 now 140 140 hundred half hundred 560 160 now I got 150 right here hundred and sixty where 150 now 16 I got 200 200 210 at - 2929 20 now 20 now 30 at 2:30 now 3930 got 220 behind you 230 230 I got 230 240 at 240 now 250 now 260 at - 6 you know 1702 82 you at 280 now there now 80 now 80 now Eddie - 70 here - Annie your chance now 299 300 300 310 at 309 10 you didn't scare him a bit by the way at 310 now 10 300 now 3 10 now 20 at 329 29 29 2323 25 340 340 350 350 I don't care you somebody knows something no 1707 t no 73 73 73 88 370 380 to you now 393 900 sold right there at 391 now folks we got 10 more units at this location I bought this unit a week and a half ago and immediately after buying it I got a facebook friend request and a message saying hey sir can we talk and so I responded and come to find out the ex-wife of the person that messaged me lost her unit and all of his kids stuff is actually in the unit and his stuff from the divorce he's on and been remarried but she lost the unit he then got me into contact with her although is extremely limited contact because she really refused to actually communicate sometimes no matter how hard you tried to do the right thing other people can make it downright impossible looks like they're actually arriving this u-haul is them so we were at an auction a week and a half ago and all of a sudden I got this random Facebook message from you it was you right sir what was the deal was going on my extra storage units have some my kids personal stuff in it reached out for her actually she wasn't going to contact you so I did an astro was all in it and she said she gave me a list of some stuff that was in the storage auction which I was hoping we can have her come back to pick up but she's one of the people that won't communicate it they don't benefit her so I've actually attempted I've been in communication with you and with her for week and a half now yeah and you have you you've communicated back with me she sent me a couple messages and then she's gone we've set up multiple times to meet with both you and with her and we are now I told you this is the last time that I'm gonna try and get this stuff to you and to your credit you came with an entire u-haul truck so nice job so why wouldn't she come I don't know like I said if it don't benefit her I had I had two kids now for last four years so I moved to Kentucky back in 2016 and that's when she supposedly put the stuff in stores so everything in this units been in storage for three years she hasn't touched it so you guys split up and your life is in there my children oh my children's are some sports memorabilia you know and some of the pictures from they played sports and and I'm again I'm always happy to help people with their memories and hold on to that so you really think I mean the thing that's most important to you in there would be everything that has to do with the kids and so well I already got the lock off so why don't you just go ahead open that door up and we'll see what we can find now I gotta ask are you gonna give her any of this stuff back are you gonna keep it you're going to keep it all now just for the credit of any of viewers I have attempted to give her everything over and over and over again the past week and a half I've offered it for at cost and then I've offered it for free I've offered it that she could take whatever she wanted and I would take the rest but go ahead open her up let's see what we got we got we got kids right there right is that picture you that's your daughter's first jacket nice calves jacket you think she'd like to get that back the bran James it's hard telling all what's in there huh yeah so do you have any idea what she doe Don back fees I tried to reach out a couple times while I was in Kentucky I guess this was the first time where frocks I guess she paid it come up paid it she doesn't keep my money somehow because it's not your name and just so we're clear legally I own everything in this unit right now and I can sell it I can trash it or I can give it to him if I chose to do so which I am choosing to do so so that's that's the way that the laws work so we're not we're not we're not messing around with anything we're not doing anything wrong whatsoever we're doing everything legal and we're trying to reunite a dad with with this kids memories are you okay with me videoing pictures of your kids and yes sir okay just to make sure so you're finding some there jr. right there final whole box of just family photos right there we're screwed oh look at that action shot I just don't understand why somebody would abandon this skinny Wow this whole box is family memories Wow yeah you want this and you have custody of the kids now correct correct okay yeah I just I can't even fathom somebody abandoning it there this dad's getting all the pictures back of the kids I'm gonna pull some more boxes out for you why you why you look this is uh my boys cousin that passed away back in 2008 but he gave his dog so your cousin gave the boys the dog hear that what do you mind if I ask what do you have from him he was got a car wrecked and it came to paraplegia Wow man I'm sorry to hear that but cool for the boys to actually get that memory back that cool this is what it looks like when you're trying to reclaim your family memories that have been in storage for years so right now it's just a process of pulling everything out going through everything and trying to go hey the kids would love this the kids would love this we remember this now family photos are huge and probably some of those old toys for the kids anything you attach to those memories you find anything good is that Junior's jacket whoa he's 12 now how old was he when you had that jacket made for him Wow Wow we have everything out now and everything's being looked through we even found the old decayed dead mouse so as we're going through all the items anything that you know it's it's just completely wasted from being in storage for so long has a funk to it it's just all going in the back of the truck I'm gonna take care of it at the warehouse but you guys know every Friday I have Goodwill coming to pick up donations so it just makes it easier for me to help him get rid of everything or straight to Goodwill but there is there's a slew of stuff everywhere here everything everything is going into the u-haul truck obviously they're gonna have to clean everything up as well I'll take care of the dead mouse for you how did you even find out that this unit was going up for auction newspaper so you just saw it in the legal public no way and so you just showed up at the auction was like all right Wow absolutely wild well I'll tell you what you've probably got the better deal here today didn't you yeah you seen the pictures and personal well it's not valuable to me or anybody else but it it's priceless to you got it all loaded up how's it feel all feels good got a lot of the stuff that means a lot to me and the kids good that was left behind a bunch of pictures memorabilia stuff from our tour cousin that passed away can't say thank you enough sorry it had to be like this but I try to get the other party here she won't communicate so she didn't care about our kids stuff so I had to come on Clement well I'm glad that we can actually reunite you with all the memories and and you guys can keep moving forward appreciate it all right thank you Thanks you may be thinking Jeremy why give away everything well I've been there I know what it's like to go through Christmas without a single ornament on your tree that you grew up with it was passed down from family to family I know what it's like not to have pictures of your kids I know what it's like to have almost nothing and I don't wish that Hales upon anyone [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 272,175
Rating: 4.8092666 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: ZOQtykoLyPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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