HIDDEN INSIDE THE FREEZER I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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this is what we've been waiting for the very last thing in the storage unit in three two oh my goodness oh yes yes yes okay all right half pound half pound of fine silver we are back here in medina ohio i bought this unit for four hundred dollars that's it four hundred dollars found a safe had a pound of silver had coins from and paper money from other countries there's been all kinds of things a fridge filled with hundreds and hundreds of dollars of tools who the hails knows what we're gonna find now come on let's open her up let's take another piece here we go i got a feeling conkey's been taking a peek before we got a peek [Music] christian are you seeing these yeah did you do you remember these did you have one when you were a kid i did egg okay so these are the skateboards look at that there's barbie all right these these are collectible now these are the i don't remember how to get the handle up do you remember hmm did you have a barbie one or did you have a different i i have no idea what here's what yours was yours was the switchboard right there absolutely all right so maybe that's what those are right right there and well at any rate with the skateboard you had a handle and these are collectibles now so we're going to have some good money right there are you you figuring it out conkey trying oh here we go here we have to be smarter than the skate here we go you gotta pull yeah i never actually have one maybe okay you gotta pull that back there all right here we go do a trick you want to see a trick all right here we go you ready oh my ankle oh oh that was my bad ankle all right so we got money here for sure is there a purpose right here you pull this or you pull it out you pull that oh okay or you pull you pull it in or pull it out i don't remember though there you go and then now you guys are ready to ride you know if you get on that noreen is going to kill you actually she's probably going to kill me we've got just cocky do you remember these yes i do all right this is the old gas can you don't find these anymore they don't make them like this anymore not allowed to so when you would pull back on the handle it would actually open the valve so there's your that's when you fold it yep right through there so these they don't make them anymore these are actually pretty collectible so people like these for around the garden or just around the antique shop but these are pretty neat if you like gas and oil that's really good there look at this old tools we got the old spinner drills put your shoulder right into there and start drilling away so these are great pieces too there's there's going to be some good money in here for sure but look at this i think there's anything in here old milk can bottom stop bottom still on you know these are great for making benches around your man room or your your your woman your woman room that would be good too but just really cool pieces there here in worcester ohio which we're close to worcester right now medina but we'd get roughly a hundred dollars a piece for every milk all right what are you thinking christian you think in a box were you thinking you think in a box yeah box there's not much else let's go with this papa j oh papa john's papa john's i love papa john's love papa john's here we go here we go pop it gotta be stronger than the tape papa john's this has got to be a good sign i'm having a feeling that this is probably all garlic butter right now what are you thinking i'm thinking cups puffs you're probably right you think it's crystal yes clean ding that's a that was a nice ding right there all right there's gorgeous in here if george or george george will know for sure let's check one more but that looks like it sure does oh i don't know that's a little dirty yeah yeah remember remember everybody at home moms dads grandmas grandpas aunties uncles you wanna clean ding okay that's definitely what you want you wanna clean ding that we're gonna set that one aside we'll just right over here with the skateboards and look at this is that abraham lincoln look at that right there or maybe it's john j kristoff handcrafted boots okay definitely not abe lincoln so i think skates were there oh this yeah the skates were in the box let's see what's going on here and is that a hummel maybe maybe not there's definitely something going oh my goodness what are these provocative babies doing yeah what is the deal with that it looks like these golfing golfing and diapers and one of those things you put around the bottom of a christmas tree well really that's that's the whole cycle of life you start in diapers and then at the end of life you're golfing in diapers that's the cycle of life so there it is so we're just gonna set that one aside oh my goodness look at this you see what this is this this is a good tripod right here this is a good tripod it's very difficult to find a good tripod and this one looks like a high-end one if i can get it to come on come on there we go there we go this looks like a high-end tripod right here so yep smooth yeah this one's probably going in the truck this one's probably going in the truck for the asmr videos so there we go we got another tripod i think i'm gonna hold on to this one for sure set that over here and that's a big box that's a big box too big i don't even want to get into it right now you know what i want to get into this little bucket you know what it says pens what do you think's in it pens i don't think it happens but then again i could be wrong it's flashlights holy pens what is that all right so appropriately labeled not bad i'll give them that but there's much more than just pens in there there is more than pens in there so we'll set uh you know what this could be one of the most epic finds right there here's another one this one says mantle it's everything that was on their mantel oh you think so and did they have a c light radio control on their mantel what is that again what does that go to a stereo mate all right christian how much is this worth i know you've been looking them up i i don't know come on give me a guess stuff 50 all right i'll take your guess how about a hint of mint cinnamon let's see what's in here there's something in here how do i open it how do i here we go want to try one i want you to try one i definitely need it but i think i'm gonna stick to the ketchup i'm gonna stick to the ketchup uh candy canes welcome friends what does this do a little marble in here there there is there's a marble in there it's like how did you get it in there is that what it is it's probably one of those yeah it's a little toy do you think maybe it comes out no toys like that usually like i think what you do is stick it to the wall and the marble holds like a piece of paper oh it's for holding okay i got you now i got you now there's a little cigarette holder or business card holder yep definitely business business cards okay and uh oh oh oh oh oh what is this that's expensive that's a crystal tree right there that looks like a real piece of crystal right there and then the artistic tree part in there cool oh look at this look at that neat is there a maker under anywhere i don't see anything i don't see anything i'm wondering if it goes to something else that could be an accessory one of the lost accessories oh that's the middle it is yeah it's metal here's another there's another tree crystal tree we've got a little bit of everything in here not sure what all that is opium motel remember don't do opium okay let's see what else there's got to be some other cool stuff in here this looks like a lot of souvenir chef stuff a lot of stuff that looks like it's all made out of bone i bet you that's all bone and what's this today one day treatment lactating cows is that a clock it is it's a digital clock and one day treatment for lactating cows what dry cow maybe the cow's name was rosie who the hails knows what you're gonna find all right let's see what else is in here oh i'm shooting stuff everywhere right now and last thing it looks like it's made out of coconut so you got you got lactating cows and coconuts not a bad not a bad little bucket there look at this box right here nibiru ali javen ali of juvenile i don't know i'm not sure let's take a peek here and there's a funnel right there some tapes lover boy lover boy queen heart beverly hills cop look at that beverly hills cop too that's kind of cool um some carb cleaner all right and then some crazy easter stuff not the most thrilling box sucker yeah if they're if they're the right shoes then you can resell for a pretty penny but i'm not so sure on those actually i think the dishes yule tide i don't know we're gonna have to look those up i'm not sure if that's worth anything we'll just we'll set that aside we'll pull another box set that right there oh you know what we should pull in here this looks like this was for an animal a little pet carrying case let's see we've got home decor home decor a hat because that's where i keep my hat in my pet carrying case okay right here yeah that's a pet hat instead of bed head you got pet head so we'll just set that over there as well that's odd all right let's um let's see what this is what's your guess what do you think this is a tarp the tarp all right he's claiming tarp let's see if he's right it is oh you're both wrong it is a plastic garbage bag you want to see what's inside the plastic everything it is i'm going to say air mattress but i'm only saying that because i don't feel any it is an air mattress i don't feel any uh tent poles i bet you that's the king size that's a you know that is a that's a big that's a big case for an air mattress you know who probably needs this george george let's see if we can get that dirt george first camping trips all right oh look at this look at this check this out oh man was that a radio check this out this is an old-school radio look at this old antenna right here oh wow it's a general electric now let's just figure out those open up like door there you go general electric oh my goodness oh look at it now old old av equipment audio equipment worth money i don't know how much this is worth right now but i can tell you i absolutely need to find out get a close-up right here what does that say stereophonic is that high fidelity sweet i'd be surprised that it wasn't worth 100 bucks yeah i'm sure it's probably a hundred dollars easy and for 400 on the storage unit plus uh the pound of silver silver is roughly last i checked which was a couple weeks ago silver was roughly 32 pounds or excuse me 32 dollars an ounce how many ounces are in a pound christian 16. all right 16 times 32 what do you think uh i can't do that math i got my money back in the silver i definitely got my money back in the silver all right let's let's load this bad boy up we got a shelf looks like books over here i've sold some books for thousands of dollars it always has to be the right book let's take a peek here what we have in here usually you want oh my goodness look at this usually you want something that has to do with deep deep emotion in history world war ii look at this we have an entire look at that we have an entire world war ii set look at it oh man oh man look at this i don't know i don't want to damage it i don't know what the current value is for this world war two set but look at that oh whoa whoa whoa whoa there's still civil war stuff in here too look at this all right let me okay let's see if we can get to oh that's more up my alley right there garfield and pizzu oh those are open those up those are brazilian oh my goodness check that out sweet i just can't get away from her man just can't get away from her egypt is everywhere she couldn't make it today she's actually at home sending invoices but look at this civil war history of the civil war vhs wow wow wow what's in here maybe some brazilian silver maybe i wonder if anything was actually taken out of brazil and saved what's this looks like a bible yeah biblia that is that is a biblion okay brazilian there i wonder if this is a biblia as well yep biblia right there wow very cool all right let's take a peek let's just take a peek at a couple others now some people may not get real excited with books you get excited with books when you start making thousands of dollars there are individuals that all they do is sell books that is all they do that's their salary for the year they sell books online oh man uh there's vietnam experience look at this sports aviation do you think we're gonna find how cool would that be if we found uh airplanes in here dinosaurs the life cycle this is all that's the civil war or excuse me not the civil war that's the vietnam war the whole set right there gee whiz i don't know how much it's worth but i can tell you it's worth something let's uh i mean by the way christian did the math how much was the silver at 32 32 an ounce 512. all right so got all my money back in this unit just in the silver probably in the books as well let's just peek just for fun oh this one isn't open um let's see what we got here yeah oh light oh one more time with the tactical one more time with the tactical there you go you don't need a knife when you have an o light because it's a tactical version all right men are from mars moen there's another one this is actually my my uh my apprentices had to read this book every year great book great great book okay horses let's see what else all right okay let's uh i'll tell you what let's look at another box on the freezer before we dig into the freezer admit it you thought i was a turkey for buying this one didn't you or did you think i was a good buy i thought i was gonna fly you saw the safe didn't you yeah we were watching it at the auction okay so look at this we've got all of these planers uh old planers are collectible and there's look at this old anvil right there another collectible piece look we got an old box here can you can you read what that says i can't mortadella in in scotland i don't know i thought yeah perishable keep under refrigeration i'm blind right now i was just guessing uh oh christian look at this i know where you want to put these already yeah where are you gonna put them on the door all right illinois for putting illinois up next all kinds of cool things here there and everywhere look at that uh that this is a jimmy for when you lock yourself out of your car and you jimmy to get yourself back into your car that's old school right there that is old school okay so some cool stuff over here for sure there's some money to be made even old radios gpx that is crazy it's been a while since i've seen a gpx old tape player like that that can bring in some money let's look at some other money items looks like coffee's looking over there right here pancake compressor uh let's see what kind is it clark i don't know about a clark i'm just going to go i'm just going to say 50 bucks for this pancake compressor yep i know it'll probably sell for more but i'm just going conservative now remember we've seen a lot of brazilian items so we found out that she of the couple she was from brazil and so here's south africa here so obviously home somewhere in here and where's brazil isn't it like brazil's like somewhere right in bam right there there it is there it is so there's home hard to point point where that actually is i'm gonna hand that off to you and we've got propane propane somebody's already claimed this so um guapo's actually asked for some propane and we'll see what we can do there i think the hunting aspect was uh was a fluent in this family they liked it i like the camping i i don't blame them for that at all i'm gonna set that over there let's see what's in this one here here is a laptop case all right let's go always important to go kind of kind of webster's professional to go i'm not sure what that actually is you kind of want to go pocket by pocket it's an atlas and man i feel like my breath is kicking so bad i need a minute that my mouth is so dry did we find some of these earlier yes a little bit better a little bit better got a little something going in there all right oh this actually is unzip swap here we go here we go okay little little calendars and here's a card let's see what we got here follow me his footsteps leads us in a journey in the path away of the faith and oh my goodness are you seeing this it's a perfect check somebody ripped the check all up whatever it was they ripped it all up those are the numbers right there how much was it i don't know i can't read it how much how much do you think there's a bunch of i see a bunch of zeros at least three zeros on that twenty thousand one thousand i don't know somebody ripped a check up for a lot of money jeez jeez wow if that isn't interesting i don't know what is okay compliments the marina paper here's some paper we got the mints already let's uh let's get the next pouch and bam i think the next one's right here see what we got here we've got accordion style nada nothing there all right let's see what we got here oh dang holy oh look at this look at this united we stand there's a pin there that's cool look at all these little pouches we got passenger receipts dude oh my goodness now on our sunday night lives we actually share what we find on flash drives could you imagine what's on this zip wait floppy disk this isn't a zip floppy disk i could but look at all these passengers there's got to be something from brazil in there uh what's this we have here check that out sears brand central maytag these old old branded you know measuring tapes like that that's actually worth money and that looks like gummy bears gummy bears or something it's earplugs dude i don't know if that's your plugs that looks a little more um looks a little bit more not innocent i don't think that's an ear plug i might be wrong it could be ear plug what's this we got profit indicator oh wait wait wait hold a second profit indicator let me spin here let me see okay we spent four hundred dollars okay now we we found 512 in silver we found thousands of dollars in other things profit you want to guess how much it says minimum one dollar it's saying at a minimum i can't argue that i think it works look at all this this is high-end table work this is probably the gold tips this is this is actually high-end stuff here so we'll have to go through this individually but that's a good bag this is this is a good bag right here i'm pretty happy with this one wherever they were wherever they were taking all this high-tech av equipment probably brazil i don't know what they were doing with it but i'm glad we got it touche where's george look at that we got a we got a sword and george isn't even here how crazy is that oh oh there we i found even something better for george and let's see what else do we have remember when you you nailed it that it was a whistle in the safe now we got what are these loot flute i don't know recorders recorders there's a couple of them no way okay nuts and bolts or money what do you guys think call it nuts and bolts or money paper clips it's got to be nuts and bolts come on it wasn't any true it wasn't in the safe oh you were right it wasn't in the safe therefore it's keys nuts and bolts all kinds of random things i was really hoping for money i was hoping for the money okay we got some other cool things in here we got oh my goodness look at all this costume jewelry i think somebody went a little crazy at mardi gras what do you think i think somebody was overdoing it at mardi gras all right so all the mardi gras is there mardi gras however you say it got whatever that is i'm not sure what it is kodak here here's some kodak uh film is that the disc camera yep yep those are the discs some more recorders oh oh guys guys guys look at that that's money that's money there is definitely money in here what else what else is this uh oh my goodness we could have been using this the entire time on these boxes yeah we'll just throw it in we don't need it we don't need no stinking knife and we have in here is this silver all right can you read that this looks like a silver baby cup to me uh international silver company okay just yeah think of silver probably i think conkey can you bring the olight over international silver company silver company all i see is silver company it might be plated it might be plated it might actually be solid not sure based on based on their uh their silver on the safe and very well you don't better set that aside with the money that actually could be something real deal silver there a couple more boxes then the freezer look at this cowboy picture i don't know about you guys always kind of fancy myself a cowboy living off the land rugged tough i had horses at one point let's see what this cowboy picture looks like if it's the right thing if we got an old john wayne autograph oh i just broke that then we're looking at some actual money you know what it's not exactly easy to get in here at all that's a couple boxes i'm now getting the box to come out of the box here's a tarp here's a full tarp it's raining outside we could actually use that and what did i do let's see what do we got number 80. what it i have no idea what i did where's the cowboy picture is that it is that a wizard is that a gandalf oh that's it that looks like that's it right there there's a cowboy okay there's a cowboy i want to be a cowboy all right there it is i'm not sure why it's not actually behind the glass i'm sure there's some kind of reason but we'll put all the blankets all the paper back in our weather has drastically changed on us so now we're fighting the storms but at least now we have a tarp okay i have another box right here cocky that old light is amazing yeah i'm just showing it on the ceiling i like it it's helping the entire thing up here we go found this piece of broken frame well i didn't and get it come on you know what i'm hoping for more silver what did i get tupperware tupperware all right really don't care about the tupperware let's find out what's inside here we go all right this is what we've been waiting for the very last thing in the storage unit in three two and hey nasty vintage air not bad this was a hails of a unit [Music] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 88,293
Rating: 4.8594871 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Xf8hsXs2mE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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