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I love you I love you [Music] what's up beautiful Columbus Ohio sun is shining I'm off to hang out with my battle buddies the lawyers we are the new challenge video you guys waiting on with the fire it's unbelievable we can't wait we're putting up Sunday which is tomorrow if you're watching this today I uploaded it super fun super excited to upload something other than a vlog to this channel so yeah everything's great man what a crazy week it's been challenging it's been fun the house is still destroyed time to get back into reality for a few days meet with the lawyers right now for Court may 5th my god it's Friday so I get to pick up Noah from school after this super excited about that and the sun is shining man no complaints we always like those doors no I'm kidding I'm actually at the new smile Moore building this is our new warehouse where we're going to be just not I wish do you look at this place awesome there's a hallmark in here huh no I'm just thinking I might as well get Brittany a card today for no reason just a nice card write something nice and I probably make her whole day be honest with you about this one this would be good right what about this one let's do it let's get that take a girl like that card Wow it is freaking beautiful outside guys he got Brittany a surprise birthday card it's nowhere near her birthday but I thought it was a little funnier than the other of serious cards it's nice to give people you love random things even if it's just a car with a little note in it it'll make her a whole day I bet I can't get over this weather all right guys just left the office my battle buddies these guys are freaking awesome love them I'd hate to be going up against them that's for sure anyways we want to get Noah have some fun today tired of tired of all this seriousness swear the days I get to go get my boys like nothing's wrong and nothing can bother me so well sunshine helps too I just feel so good guys I'm happy I'm a happy man right now so sucking up starving how to eat the day 3:30 in the afternoon no food all right I had to buy a pen because I didn't have a pen I think brisket like this you guys think that's pretty uh you know what it says inside I thought you might like some roasted nuts for your birthday that's real cute guys real cute Britt Britt I just what what you guys don't want to hear this you guys know what this is this is this is the cheesy stuff this is the silly stuff if I show you this I'm making it cute man that's gonna be cute see you know you gotta make the girls happy she's reading it to you I'm not reading to you she can read it if she wants that's from the Dudesons you can blame the Dudesons I'll give you their number you can call them file a complaint hey hey hey oh my gosh you can see the floor you're still working Hey well let me see mommy paint your face oh you look cool birthday party so I actually got face paint kit yeah well it looks like you got some practice in today I did it makes your eyes look so blue you can do one on me yeah you want me to paint my face yeah maybe mommy can paint it what is this that's for you I just bought a card for you today that's all and I had to buy a pen because I don't have one in my car yeah I did there was a hallmark inside my lawyer's building Oh you can read it out loud for the viewers because I told I was too embarrassed to read it to them so I'd make you read it so it's our personal life it's our personal stuff so behind that I had so much to do I didn't get to vlog a lot of this morning I'm just now editing yesterday's vlog vlog it's not even up I'm about to have some pizza Brittany's paint in and yeah let me see let me see your arms let's see the other one I think you're turning into a good painter that is awesome what snow it gonna be are you gonna do one which one oh I'll be all that should be easy for Milan just green dude I found a hole okay Noah and I are out here no actually takes a lot of my Instagram photos for me but you guys saw a few days ago I bought a ski mask for this this Instagram picture I want to do but basically there's all this hype about the Apple the gold Apple watch or whatever it is and I just thought it'd be a funny picture to do about that watch or you know yeah I think so I don't know let's just play around you ready all right here we go this is gonna be good one oh you got it dude give me five good job that's a great shot yeah let's go we got it don't shoot a ball gun let me see your arm is all washing off you were iron man look at this the Dudesons shaving cream pool is still here all the kids have been playing in it put the board up against the trashcan all right you want to shoot hit okay we'll all shoot it that's good just up here come on gain weight pull the trigger oh [Music] okay you can go next okay let let Kane have a couple shots hitting everyone good job I see you found the shaving cream pool guys do oh man you covered it that's some pretty good shootin I know it's the only color how I can miss that side and have them shoot with a bunch of different colors and put it up in the playroom yeah but smile more on it then cover it you guys gonna shoot me you gonna shoot me all right I gotta get our protection oh we have them paintball masks all right okay you want to shoot me I got hey let's go get let's go get more paintballs hey hey hey as much as you guys would love to see me get blasted I'm at least gonna wear an old paintball mask this thing's so old this one's cool I just got to wash it I'll go bear it fair sleeves bear arms wait isn't this what you're supposed to do if you miss a vlog yeah but I haven't missed the vlog so we got to do it anyway eventually maybe this gives you the chance to miss the vlog we can take tomorrow off all right don't sue me yet Hey [Music] yep yeah go all right good job all we heard was so good in the show and the one in the knee is the only one that really hurts you get your bell oh your side too good job three hits do not bad he's loving it you don't wanna get shot at mommy no spider-man are you and your spider web I'm caught I'm caught in it I'm cutting it ah is there a mark uh yeah just a little bit I can't wait to see my knee it was ten times worse you can't lift your pants up the I know they've too tight yeah alright what is this like week four in a row that we're over at my brother's yeah yeah all right you gonna paint me up my battery's dead splashing look so Britney's doing a whole birthday party tomorrow with a bunch of kids so she wanted to practice on I can't take myself seriously I'm talking but it's not me there's gonna be some mini screen shots and we are officially going to bed and that a cool book check it out they signed it I see the Dudesons it's pretty cool man maybe one day I'll have a lot we'll have our own book all right guys I honestly forgot that I'm still Hawking I gotta go wash this off and get some sleep we have are you doing in here coffee any time to do grandma what's she doing I was talking to her about tomorrow night yeah yeah cool yeah hey little monkey I gotta go beat I gotta go turn back into roman hoax hoax gotta go bye bye that was fun Brittany get a killer job she doesn't even do this she just wanted to practice good job baby I'm just gonna be in the shower screw this you're a vlogger I got a word of advice for you don't get around a bright lit room with a mirror you start picking at your face making yourself look terrible then you got to go on camera I can't get this paint off look I got green eyes I'm gonna call it a night gotta get to bed we got a big day tomorrow and we got a new guest coming in soon try to guess who it is I'll give you a hint it's not a youtuber that's tough it could be anybody we love you guys thanks for all the support and we will see you tomorrow mom one or looks like a lot of misshapen into the hey definitely excited for you guys to go so we're gonna sign we're all gonna sign a bunch of these and we're gonna give them away in the vlogs or in the challenge video
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,123,329
Rating: 4.9205065 out of 5
Keywords: new, roman, vlog, day, family vlogs, kid friendly, ohio, family friendly, Natural, vlogs, craziest, pranking, vlogging, pranks, movie, GREATEST, making, RomanAtwood, columbus, Born, kid-friendly, THE, crazy, smile, more, Romans, BEST, everyday, family-friendly, Prankster, roman atwood vlogs, family fun, prank, atwood, daily, LA, vlogger, prankster
Id: Jm1A4_kehJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2015
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