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welcome to the vlog guys welcome it is day 26 maybe 25 have lost track of the daily vlogs but it's awesome man I'm so pumped to be doing this it feels good it keeps me on track chair that trash can I had to have I paid way too much for that trash can the daily vlogs have kept me as a person on track it gives me a schedule I swear when I quit blogging I couldn't tell you what day I couldn't tell you if it's Tuesday or Saturday it made me lazy I had no real daily goal vlogging is like my nine-to-five it keeps me like gonna wake up gonna make that video just keeps me going guys I hope you got something keeps you going I'm telling you everybody wants to get to where you don't have anything to do but once you get there this is boring man it's not what you want I promise I started go crazy and I'm I'm very thankful be right here with you guys I just posted the vlog now I tell you you guys think I'm up you really do really do I'm kidding it's not the way it went but thanks for watching yesterday's vlog let me show you what we're doing she's barking dudes up I'm sorry I'm coming in with a little a little hot energy like we've been out digging and shovel and flattening riding dirt bikes driving the cat digging shovel again come on vision if you're new to the channel laser surgery equals blurry eyes day 8 still blurry still ghetto wear sunglasses I gotta get this I told everybody that I was going to get this quad this quad works really well for flattening dirt it just doesn't get the fire that looks fun it's on the trickle it's getting cold out so everything dies fast come on I can't get started plus I just jammed the starter peg into the it won't come back at right okay in case I didn't say you guys are having an awesome day we are we show you Jimmy [Music] we are we're working on a fun pump track for the bikes not the dirt bike well you can ride the dirt bikes working on a fun pump track right now you know I got a good idea why don't we do this before it's about the snow so dumb man I don't know I woke up and I was like why don't we have a pump track for the kids they've been on their bikes like every day I need to wear them out I'm using the dirt bike to kind of pack the jump and yeah that's what we're done we've been doing for like a solid 27 minutes or so you dropping off that hill you come rolling up you have multiple options you can go low little pump-action little table we can go long table randon in there yeah did you drop in hit another table winning it in and in there and then blah blah blah we have a bunch we're gonna put a little pumps here then you're gonna hit this berm ran in and then in there and then a wham bam some more jumps send it more Hill Keener's out here helping us pack and build flashes out here hey you want to say hi come on I'm gonna say it just say it oh now you're gonna get shot there you go that's for you guys Brian's out on the cat stealing dirt from over there yeah I don't know this is just gonna be so fun man little hoop did he hope that he whoo why don't we do this in the summer an oasis is 40 degrees that this is bogus I'm so jealous dump it on oh my god I've no idea what Brian oh he didn't he almost ate he's going oh yeah it's so satisfying dirt power shovels actually it did everybody just in time get to digging gonna be all over them berms give me all over them Love Bug burns look at flashes like yo amp I noticed you got a new friend Brittany just sex pieces I need you guys in the basement here we are no it's just in time get to carry something probably Hey all right baby what are you doing sweetie you see all the mud they're muddy boots guess who's there no uh it's again I'm good oh you want some daddy time today yesterday she wanted nothing to do with me nothing to do with anybody but brick huh are you serious but you're giving away the punching bag maybe I use that all the time okay we're gonna I'm gonna okay okay we only have a lot of daylight left so we're gonna use that outside hey you won't say hi see hi my big man all right it's a crazy house over here today we're off you're digging dirt digging in the basement hey sup c'mere c'mere I need love are you serious is he in the Sarah I think you better be mmm oh you smell like smell like man it's not like a man ghost Nova I think or likes me you give me high five boom Oh give me high-five whoa dude it looks cool down here it looks nice right here until you look up you see the ceiling but yeah it looks nice all right we're gonna go finish up yo come here no come back from a commercial look through that hole yeah Chuck's asleep and that's nitro caite new kids are weird so here's something you'll never use again whatever just cuz I blew my back out don't touch daddy's mud you won't touch it look she threw her binky and everything buddy well now that we've spent almost the entire outside shoveling digging building was awesome this one but hey what are you doing nice to see you're not crying in town today tit miss man one day she's woo one day she's all daddy one day she's all mommy she just takes her pick my gosh what are you doing take a shower you lucky ducky okay burn up sometime guys it's getting dark out she's got everything put away actually is darkness it's so early - Oh winter yeah I spent a lot of times everything we're doing excuse-excuse but we're inside now feeling good I'm filthy I'm muddy muddy that's almost been your position the entire like today I feel like every tars logging in the base that you're sitting like this so explain this how does this work how does this work mom so smiley face everyday the week on your chart you get to open that and how are you doing on your smiley faces you got one every day so you don't get to open this on Friday oh man I bet there's probably no no come on there's got to be something amazing in that box probably unicorns that fart rainbows quarter once put something in the box oh that's disappointing hi baby bringing me the planner a plan yeah it's magic box there's nothing in it until Friday because you lost your sticker cane it disappeared I am starting to see the light let's put them eyedrops in I helped so much with my vision I mean everything's still kind of doubled but definitely seeing some oh my gosh look at this really looks like a dentist office in here Brett got a haircut today guys but not the way I should have presented it to you but dude you're living the life boy you kidding me you eating ice cream on a hoverboard welcome to the future oh my explaining this to you guys but I got a haircut today no more beating you all day so this is this is me right now they need to build trailers for those things you can just pull all your crap around they're powerful like the motor is intimate like spring I don't want you to be in any other I'm saving my day for Thanksgiving and I'm having a whole day hey I'll join you I've had a single thing outside your meal plan for this is my third day all right and I'm I'm angry I'm hangry this is a shake with blueberries mixed in it's just skinning I don't know what's in it it's not that bad you look like a freakin what's your deal you slept 30 minutes no no joke I got the camera out because he beat me so many where how many times was it in a row six like literally six times and I was like I gotta film this you're beating me every now and then it's another camera ready why I can't see you guys where did you go Clara gained weight we should lose it you must joke to myself ready you want me to do it yeah I put a hair and sweat hey Korra core where are you core she wants to do know it's because I have metal eyes the magnet sticks yeah that's why they stick see oh yeah I got new metal eyes dude what do you think the magnets that wise it's a magnet you have to have eyes are you ready for the ultimate test you won't do it again I think that's yeah say yeah no say it see ya with your mouth yeah but see say yeah alright I guess that'll work are you gonna eat your apples my whole snack oh yeah wait you're not eating the peel should I yeah I do like the peel that's where all their nutrition zat is in the skin I like the peel oh yeah oh okay oh good okay so I get an apple with this little exact proportion amount of peanut butter which I'm not complaining yeah it's good so what have you eaten today you have had your eggs yet the right spot baby did you have eggs tonight I didn't either I usually bet I'll need them then I don't eat them final Needham usually at night I'm starving and I make my eggs you know what I said you know what I don't need them I don't need them I feel like sick tired today no it's a time change cuz last like three nights also the same amount of days I'm eating this food I feel like I'm dead here's what I want here's what I want I've peanut butter everywhere do I'm swimming in this stuff here's what I wanted that you guys know what we did I mean that I actually from what we did today we didn't do anything we've worked on the track all day for it worked in the basement you worked out I didn't know the work out but we really like it took all day for that so here's what I want today I want you to comment what you did what did you do today just doing the interesting same old same or whatever it is I don't know what you do and I'm gonna pin my hair comment how god I always I always pinned my comment there's so much spam in the comment sections that I just pinned my comment so at least that's up time but today I want to know what you did and I'm just gonna pick one in pin 1 and if you made it this far into the video thank you cuz I'm just literally filming like legit right now hangout kid eatin apples like I feel like I'm eating this thing like I haven't eaten from it's not too short I think it's just smash for my my meanie beanie I told him right back up no okay I didn't do it I do that good sorry two cuties so much for taking the bottle well I don't need it I don't eat it oh I say she just kept sneaking chilli would grab food out of this car are you going body I don't want to interrupt are you going potty she's like go get out of here what are you doing give her privacy what is it with every single one of my kids all went and hid want to go potty why it was like later three he was pooping in a toilet he was potty-trained at three at three yes I don't remember but I do remember all the kids hiding but she legit a girl goes and hides like disappears does her thing oh are you done huh you're done it's like net probably I heard I don't know this is my first daughter but her girls potty-trained faster than boys is that true yeah but in general I think that girls potty trained best of us I don't know I really know I'll let you know she probably trains faster than my boys I love you I love you love it okay nine I love you Oh see she wants daddy cuz I don't take her to bed going mom hey hey Cora night baby well tonight is the best my eyes have been and it's getting me excited it's like I'm seeing it man like literally also our giveaway with GPO has ended and we i retweeted their tweet but the winners were announced on Twitter and I'm just waiting to get everybody's addresses I have all the prizes right there and they're just waiting to get shipped out hopefully tomorrow have everybody's address and they'll leave from smile more and I'm also gonna add some smile more stuff in every single one of those so if you were one of the winners guys one of the reasons I quit doing giveaways way back in the days cuz there's there's just so many people disappoint there's only a handful of winners right there's like one two three four five six and then they added some there's so little winners that I was like it's it's just not without weighing all the lose can't have a winner without a loser Kane don't forget that we love you guys we are gonna call it a day what if I actually blogged an entire day like this or it's just the wrongness would you watch it I'm not gonna do it forget that idea she's already asleep sleep just passed out we love you guys we will see tomorrow streak continues and Kane's still up you're next no that's next that was older than you love you guys gotta go talk then I said 9:30 and I know I can't go to bed not allow you you know I have to go to bed at 9:00 so I wake up at Ernie's there you go that's easy Wow we just saw Jeanne I just rubbed the lamp anything my wish is your command I love you guys thanks man I don't know what to say right now I'm so stoned out I feel like so zoned out today it's the food I'm not like I'm not gonna smash a chief you'll love you guys I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving we'll see you tomorrow you're beautiful I want to know hit the like button if you watched all of this I'm serious love you beautiful little next to it see this kid's gonna run this channel soon he's gonna let you run it I love you guys beautiful you're one of a kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,162,678
Rating: 4.9728785 out of 5
Keywords: Roman, Atwood, The Atwoods, Vlog, Vlogging, Family, Family Friendly, Content, upload, home, backyard, toys, build, building, dirt, pump track, off road, ramp, Kids, Noah, Kane, Cora, Wife, Brittney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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