Stay Out Of The House

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20 men puppy I thought there are violent and disturbing images in this game great oh welcome to stay out of the house you know puppet combo those guys I played many of their games they make good games all VHS style if that could be even qualified as a game oh retro style pretty much anyway this one should be horrifying I'm not excited about it because I know I'm gonna die difficulty you might not make it out alive the intended difficulty sure I guess take the night shift yeah I didn't even know there was multiple levels to this well let's see if I can do the night shift at least I don't know what time are you getting out six and even read that text want me to pick you up ah yeah it's too far to walk no I'll get a ride well any money mo oh there could be murderers about yeah too far to walk yeah as if I'll be conked out by then what are you offered a beer for you later you you offered have fun when you you offered you you offered you offered me a ride fine where am I why am I at a gas station this was called stay out of the house I thought anyway hello Hi how are you cats just in time hurry up and punch in oh I work here yeah we've got a hot day tonight you wish come on I've got to go huh is the phone fixed uh that's my concern is the phone fixed no the telephone company never came it's still dead you shouldn't be making phone calls at work anyways hey Rick with Alyssa side work to do on your shift now I've got to get out of here what you got to get out of here yeah one more thing I can't find the keys anywhere the bathrooms are locked up so go behind the dumpster I guess lovely lovely hey I'm just trying to be pragmatic you should try it sometime we're going behind the dumpster or uh being pragmatic because I I neither of those appeal to me how do I punch in who do I punch mostly porno mags that's weird how do I who do I punch can't drink on the job you sure about that oh I'm bunching time card punch clock you've never worked a job where I had to do that okay I'll work here now one of those things oh I can't read this good God I can't I actually can't read this okay oh okay sorry the phone line not fixed your have to bear with me until the phone guy comes don't worry do not expect my any I'm not expecting any emergencies you you yeah you definitely expect those when they come greed you guys to do a better job on side work during your shift I'm a expecting this to be finished when I come by in the afternoon sweep the floors place to the well I ca I I can't hold on I I literally can't I I wish I could let's do this this is okay I can I can do this I I oh God it still has the aesthetic and I can do it I still can't read that my eyes don't work place items that weren't picked back where they belong clean the bathrooms okay oh you can't do this to me well I was right all right whatever Rick whatever Rick motor oil I don't know where that goes where's motor oil go motor oil power drill Massacre where does this go I don't even know where it goes let's go outside or something I can't leave the store where's one put motor oil where did motor oil go oh in the fridge Maybe I don't know well this is not helpful at all motor oil car accessories oh it does look like that okay all right a one Chips I saw chips here cereals and whatnot chips chips chips chips chips chips chips shelf doesn't look like chips some candy chips that looks like chips that's chips isn't that chips that's so chips how's that not chips oh okay whatever you say and you go right there on the weird door okay maybe a little gaming oh no Jeff wake up don't worry I'll get it Factory one oh there's a customer coming hello how did Lee hey ho hello [Music] ah thanks you're welcome all right ten dollars for that uh how far are you going bud oh you're welcome I did it I'm the best oh I needed to sweep the floors and eventually I need to find the bathroom key probably hello I'm sweeping oh my God really I'm sweeping it's like I'm just gonna treat this like power wash simulator [Music] [Music] hey hi who's that welcome come on in nice van where are you going huh that's weird that that's weird that was very weird or sweep the power of 10 employees so it seems like there's more people here can I be done sweeping how do I how do I be done oh oh more refrigerator door okay back doors locked where is the bathroom door I thought I said there was a bathroom door extra stock wasn't there supposed to be a bathroom door am I crazy I don't see a bathroom maybe he said back room and I thought it was bathroom I don't like this oh there's a customer hello hi how do you do how are you hi can I help you yeah I just need some cigarettes okay which brand uh Banshee red with a filters okay Banshee red with filters thanks oh hey can I use the bathroom uh I can't open it open good luck oh it must be a bathroom that's like outside or something yep uh you can go behind the dumpster that's what I was told I was informed of okay well if I could find the damn Keys maybe I would be able to do something but I don't think it was like behind any it might have been in one of these back areas I'm almost at back rooms but God banished the thought oh nothing there nothing special anyone seen keys um oh maybe I get it if I actually play this game well I didn't even think about that I got a key wow oh wow oh huh lower levels hi again what are you doing here what are you doing yay you're gonna get some gas you you gas it bro okay la la la [Music] I love a mini game well that's probably not good us I don't know if that bodes well thought I explored every part of this maybe not oh there's two levels to the lower levels I did say plural okay all right attic I feel like I feel like maybe something should have happened whoa whoa whoa am I missing something I feel like I shouldn't feel like I shouldn't be spooked by a game within a game no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] well that's unfortunate that's not what you want to see no you don't oh no you don't okay where's that red Keto oh what hey don't oh well this is a terrible idea because I know this is a dead end oh well I'm boned well problem problem problem whoa whoa oh foreign basement God damn it oh hello hi who are you hello oh hello hi hello how are you ah there's a customer coming yeah there is there definitely is I I no my coworker coat in the back what uh oh you okay bud yo you all right you need some assistance just browsing brows away huh hey what's up hey what's going on you have a gun knife don't be my high score hi -dokey then okay okay well that was great time to play more death game oh what was that fair oh what was that oh no no okay big blood grape I hope this isn't a dead end be extremely unfortunate oh okay I'm fine huh sugar tunnel what I don't know what that means also I don't know if I'm supposed to find the key elsewhere and I'm just wasting my time by playing this game um I'll keep going I don't remember the I I don't really remember I don't think I ever finished power drill what what did you just say to me oh what what quacking at me okay lots of dead ends very bad place to get lost in okay oh boy oh boy oh oh the gray things are vents I see I just need to stay away from the vents my god really oh that was a mistake oh well I'm dead now why do I have a bad feeling why do I have a very bad feeling that I'm missing something why do I have a very extremely bad feeling oh am I gonna have to go through all that again I probably am oh boy what did I die what oh what oh well that's fair so if you click you go faster that's new you can Sprint interesting interesting doesn't help if I run smack into him but hey you saw something oh I could not be worse doesn't help if you're terrible at the game doesn't help doesn't help at all actually just makes you die faster I think it is waiting for me to finish this game oh no oh no Killer's Lair this is not where I want to be [Music] holy crap that's oh you're just gonna be here this is your home right I I get it now oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy almost there oh so yes Escape what do you mean oh my God oh my God I can't I can't I couldn't possibly do this I'm not equipped for this mentally oh my God I'm not equipped for this mentally oh God damn it no noru come on come on come on okay down and then down and then across up up this way okay making it making it I got one key somehow oh my God hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry that was bad okay up down let's see up down come on come on yeah I'm free I'm free I almost went right back in ah Freedom Megan has suffered emotional shock she'll recover in a crisis center you win I did it oh is that all okay well good why did I do that what's happening oh but you just said I couldn't leave what that's been saying I can't leave for so long oh why why oh weren't these locked how do I clean the bathroom I'm done sweeping I don't know how to clean these how long have I been able to do that oh wait a minute wait a minute who's in there oh what are you what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what's happening haunted door like what oh you're trying to kill oh there's something trying to kill me what what okay yeah I don't know why it still got me why did it still get me I knew it was happening why did it still get me finally awake huh what's up sleeping most of the trip what trip what trip what are you talking about [Music] sleep all you want I'm going to stop soon for about this break who are sheep and God does not CH and God does not want you to be successful in the eyes Trump said no I haven't truck has worked too long I'm going to pee I'll be back okay cool foreign why can't I see good did I forget my glasses how long have I been I don't know Brendan Brandon how is he not bow I don't know how is he not back yet Brandon Brendan Brandon Brett Brendan oh Brendan Brendan oh well I'm not gonna look come on just please okay uh hello Brendan sorry I don't mean to laugh I don't need to laugh Brandon Brendan Brendan suspended Brendan Brendan Brandon I'm a little confused I was just working my time job and then now I'm looking for Brendan Brendan Brendan suitcase Brandon [Music] Brendan Brendan at the beginning of this upcoming month all work in production conducted at Crawford Mill will cease to continue due to the lack of business over the past year the owners unfortunately cannot afford to keep the mill open and running therefore it will be condemned and sold to the state where they will either repurpose the building or demolish it furthermore the owner of the establishment has been diagnosed with stomach cancer likely due to raid ideation exposure himself and his wife will be moving away from Cedarville in hopes to find a better Treatment Center closer to the city he sends his deepest apologies to the employees who've dedicated their time and efforts towards the betterment of the company you may gather all belongings within the last week of production otherwise they will be thrown out as the building gets clean before being condemned thank you all okay what's causing the radiation never never before when I play other war games do I constantly just go I'm sorry what uh we mean radiation what do you what do you mean power drill what do you mean power drill to my frontal robe what do you mean that what do you mean roof perfect well hi puppy hi puppy hi hi puppy hi boy where did you come from are you lost me too yeah me too I was at a convenience store I don't know what happened what is a sound that can't just be wind follow me puppy I feel better already I feel worse what is that is that a defense post that better be a fence post okay it's fence good good good good great actually what is this this is nonsense I can't even see it up are you there good puppy hello all right so I really don't know what the hell happened you know I didn't actually get anything done at the I oh teddy bear it's child drop this up up I don't want to say hopefully because all of it's not good lost in broken glasses yeah this is it this is a Troublesome path that's purposeful why would someone drop their luggage why would someone why would someone why would someone I was using get over here oh it's derelict okay oh great Bobby you there oh you were in the car come with me puppy please tell me you're still fall good I don't like this at all isn't the rule when you're in a maze you always make left turns just keep making left turns until you can't make left turns you make left turns nothing but left turns and you'll get out of a maze eventually and you won't get lost left I can't left oh I made it less turns never steered us wrong right puppy that's right that's right that's right hello to all members of the Cedarville Assembly of God this letter is to informal puppy where are you going all persons of the Cedarville assembly God unfortunately said in an upcoming change to our standards curriculum a heavy heart of family even though it turned elsewhere sanctuaries they found three further from the Bible in our God and unevenly thought in fact they are not following the Bible oh a puppy are you just having fun in here were you waiting for me to finish reading I was worried that you were going somewhere that I was going to get you lost but apparently not come on [Applause] [Music] you found something hope you find something okay you stay there yeah that's a that's a good place to stay you stay there probably for the best taste the other side of the fence nope it's not I can't radiation it's like radiation town radiation bill big radiation did I not make it the right way out of the maze did I forget some here was there something important here uh I do not wish to leave but I feel there's a no choice and for kindness understanding okay maybe if I go the other way in the Maze that'll be better for me somehow what's that sound hi puppy you stick close Poppy things ain't so good around here oh maybe there was just much more maze than I thought there would be oh there was much more maze than I thought there would be okay what's up what what's up what what's up what's up pup left good good you're learning yes left good what's uh what's on the ground here why does the ground look different left yes good puppy good very good you'll make it out of here alive yet oh um what is it Robin they must have left in a hurry still fresh they they're in such a hurry they left their blood behind can they get anywhere weird what happened here ah Joanne Mann Joanne man our mission our pastor our room James F Bean authentic server of God through worshiping God is his in his God goodness has called me to preach okay um well thanks pup for leading me here that's cool um kinda weird but you just followed your nose and you did as you were supposed to do which is all lefts all the time then another left maybe I shouldn't be sprinting through here no no left left this isn't a left oh oh this is scarecrow well I'll go into the weird ominous house with red windows and flamingos yeah yeah what's up what's wrong you hear something what's wrong hmm a house huh uh-huh well there's this weird radiation symbol what what did you go in dog Bobby what puppy oh God I shouldn't have gone in the house puppy huh I can't tell where that's coming from that doesn't quite sound like the dog you okay oh what happened what oh oh my God the strength of 20. men puppy I thought oh my God oh oh well and that's why you should stay out of the house what was the whole thing about the night shift that's it that's it everything you stare at a goddamn house period no exceptions oh wait a minute wait hold on hold on hold on wait a minute wait a minute and we're live I knew it my stomach what did he do to me I don't know a bucket what is this used for I'll give you a guess oh hole I'm bending it oh sure take chair lamp made of flash I don't know how that happens okay well at least I have this I don't know if I can hide there um it's turned off oh good this is uncomfortable yes yes it is night shift abductor strikes again Mill Creek Oklahoma the gruesome realization of the confidence of our once trusted police force shines its head once again after the six and what it can now be considered an undeniably connected series of kidnappings from late night shops and 24-hour restaurants across a large portion of Western Oklahoma as of last night 34 year old Deborah kapitzky is the latest victim of the notorious night shift abductor that has had a considerable presence in terrifying our communities over the last four weeks though initially thought to be unrelated disappearance of three locations show video evidence of the same abductor at multiple locations between Custer County and its surrounding areas do not appear wrought be slowing what these incidents do not appear to be I'm assuming that my eyes just went super cross-eyed and not that was in any way conventional a bullet good thank you valid customer brand new lock preset code which cannot be changed four six two four six two okay four six two oh oh I just chair of a hole in it four six two oh great so if anybody finds a wow leather huh okay that's horrifying I'm uncomfortable lightometer I can tell that with my eyes where am I am I in the clock what happened oh my my lamp right wait oh my God I I was very confused okay oh padlock four no come back yay crew driver that's like granny but very much like a soundometer how does this help me how does this help me it's up to nine o'clock should I remember that I will now nine o'clock okay it's nine somewhere oh oh emergency gas oops oh wait no wait no wait no wait what did I do I didn't know the button would actually do a thing well it's probably fine okay so there's something to do with that clock the alarm clock which is now lost there it is it said set alarm okay set alarm nine oh it would draw attention I see okay okay so I didn't mean to do the gas thing that's strange okay I don't know what that's for well a good thing I have a screwdriver okay oh good oh good in the vents the blood and rust colored vents that's where I want to go I don't know anything that's happening I haven't a clue I haven't got a clue of what I'm doing where am I where am I now where am I now chapter one The Bare Necessities what what food water medical tools and treatment stay hydrated that's not helpful how do I keep myself from being turned into a rug save game oh and the game begins somehow I don't know how but it did begin okay well that's nice I have a hidey hole that I can save my game in that I definitely will feel very safe in and won't be surprised to see uh I don't like that hole oh oh he's chopping something on the table looks like it's littered with severed body parts but that's just what it looks like that doesn't have to be what it is what what smaller bathrooms through oh I don't want a solid drop just yet I I don't want that I don't want anything about that I want to know as much as I can oh God all right fine frick it oh I can climb can I climb back in no God damn it that's awful I hate that another bullet might I be able to blast him to infinity and beyond I don't know if I want to unlock that oh you can oh ah takes a little bit of doing but you can do it okay that's good to know um okay where is this then oh this is not helpful wait wait wait wait wait oh I am okay yeah okay all right I thought foreign [Music] I gotta get out except Granny likes to scream s oh I'm in a different spot uh-huh is there gonna be a way out this time yeah no oh boy oh okay let me just shimmy Sham this without making too much noise yep it up okay made it out of there well that was awful um but now I'm uh totally cool to go home what did I oh oh how did I not notice that before you know I just don't know no running water what what was that what was that what was that [Music] a hammer that's nice and I can actually swing it so that means it's usable for something locked need something to open it okay so I've got a hammer what do I do with a hammer who's calling me at this hour who would dare go away why was there like a what is the Red Mist what is glowing over there oh what is that I don't know what that is something's going on oh you're locked too it's too complicated to pick I need a key okay but I did get you please close would be great good enough I guess all right so I did get some kind of a please oh you're just gonna yeah you are whatever it don't it whatever okay I had I thought I need something open I got a like a hairpin didn't I didn't I get like a hairpin here we go hammer okay never mind there we don't go no hammer all right I guess I gotta go downstairs you have a robot oh it's the camera of course it is because I'm an e man idiot oh God oh God oh God I'll swing you take this I'll I'll kick your ass uh yeah okay that don't work on you um [Applause] my attempts at combat were unsuccessful ah [Music] oh I see um I'm more than angry bro I am gonna get out of here for sure oh God where am I oh God camera film camera pieces whoa whoa It's Made of boat what oh god it's locked oh god oh wow wow wow what in the hell how did you go do glares that doesn't make any sense oh no [Applause] [Music] all right whip I did my best and uh it wasn't good enough well that was my first attempt to stay out of the house oh I went through all of this plus of mysterious part four but I did save so that was uh that didn't go good for me but that's okay because if you guys want me to I'll try it again and this time I'll stay out of the house maybe the only way to win is to not play at all so thank you everybody so much for watching um don't go into any mysterious radiation Laden houses just as a suggestion thank you I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,211,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, scary games, horror games, indie horror, stay out of the house, powerdrill massacre, jumpscares, scare reactions, haunted house, escape room, grandma
Id: ey22EdpkMDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 14sec (3134 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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