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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
so [Music] hmm interesting hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to tealerland it's been a while since i played a five nights at freddy's fan game and this game came out a month or two ago and it seemed to have some interesting elements that i have not often seen in these types of games before but let's see what taylor land is all about i'm curious [Music] years have passed since the unfortunate closure of the tealerland amusement park founded by you david david along with your brother teal thought i had more time since then you've both moved on and gone separate ways oh after all this time the park still stands abandoned untouched until now hello hi mine well this is kind of intense it's a bit more intense than i thought it might be very interesting hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the thing about five nancy freddy's fame games sometimes you find one that just has polish now i don't know if the game itself has polished but if this is how much work is put into just the cinematic i'm actually kind of impressed this is not bad welcome to tealerland now abandoned lifeless amusement park untouched unwanted to navigate within your environment use was mouse to look around left click to interact what oh that's fun when you're ready to go beneath find a way into the storage facility hiding below an entrance dilapidated sign shines at the tops by years of wear who's paying the power bill certainly not me all right no s hi what appears to be a cardboard cut out of the park's mascot okay so i i see a problem right off the bat this was never appealing this was always horrifying very interesting an out-of-order teacup ride the rain has damaged some of the paint all right hey [ __ ] what you do in there i don't have anything to say about that nobody's here yeah i didn't notice the big lumbering behemoth that slunked out a frame all right large statue of taylor good god polished in a fine golden paint to welcome guests that thing's huge all right whatever okay cool i'll just keep going forward then a group of rather suspiciously placed trash bags it's likely that something is hidden beneath them oh i wonder i wonder where the entrance could possibly be okay all ah right at that very convenient this is weird it's got like a bit of um uh ex mortis feel to it you know what i mean you guys remember ex mortis the flash game oh fun climb down the ladder with s and look around with the mouse when not climbing your flashlight will activate after a short cool bound period when the flashlight is on and tealer is [Music] oh oh we're going right now dealers all right hi dealer oh we're going right now right now is when we're gonna go aha right good thing he's scared of a flashlight hey bud all right you're not so scary hey hey hey you big [ __ ] you big [ __ ] you oh hey get out of here you what a scamp oh oh oh oh oh this is the level select scoop uh oh pb 187 seconds oh custom oh i'm gonna go back here i just want to see something real quick [Music] peekaboo oh god wow that's great okay i'm gonna go back now all right tutorial times are not recorded for this level great i have a funny feeling i need to learn a lot because this seems complicated player lure movement restart interact gather heal assemble heal oh boy okay including willow i don't know who willow is oh here i am you're currently in the control room which is one of the three main rooms you can travel between no enemies are active during this night so take time to explore use the wasd and e keys you can move or interact within your environment from here you can access the main computer the left side door or your checklist needs assembly objective find the supplies room far left the hall and control room i don't know what the hell is going on oh no what the hell you talking about all right wait let me see this oh no signal detected please check if t-lure is assembled correctly i don't know where the t-lure is when your lure is assembled it will let you control it as well as show the map of the entire facility you will want to come back after you have assembled the lure as until then you cannot access the computer's interface okay i'm on my way going through the store will lead you to the main hall when next to a door remember to check the keyhole before going through by pressing e to make sure nothing's outside i can't tell if there's anything there i'm gonna guess no oh a little map up there too main hall the door on your left leads to supplies threats can enter through the hall and you defend against them the same way you do if you see them in the keyhole here growling move to another room no audible growling noise stay still and stare okay right the supplies room is where you assemble the lure robot each night this uses spot to lead enemies into their containment rooms thus completing the night find spare parts that randomly spawn any other floor click to gather them click and hold the lure about to apply the piece after three pieces complete okay that looked like an arm but okay i need to find more parts on the ground looking through and great oh part all right oh part no no part not a part oh hard oh hi now that your lure is up and running you will need to access and control it by going to your computer in the control room when threats are active be sure to move as quickly as possible to control room to prevent risk of the lure being attacked before you're able to control it great ah oh it's gone okay like i said complicated oh no looks like your lure got corrupted remember to always move your lure back and forth when near a threat to prevent getting corrupted fix lure go to supply room what oh god oh god what oh what do you mean firewall [Music] corrupted files always start with zany okay nice work after the tutorial now remember that you will only have a limited amount of time to fix your lure before it becomes fully corrupt right okay why am i here move to continue uh core lure the training dummy into one of the containment doors oh i'm lured okay oh great job in the event and an animatronic attacks here takes away some of your hp you can regain it with the one-time use syringe located in the supply room med kit you've now learned the basic congratulations you can click on the task in the checklist and proceed to the next level select okay learn the ropes i have learned the ropes i thought but did i though but did i though but did i though [Applause] okay oh boy oh boy i don't know what i'm doing i don't know anything about what i'm doing i don't know what i'm doing here we go okay assemble it i need to assemble the lure every time that's what i'm getting from this i don't really know what the lord does nothing hi buddy great is there something there no way jose [Music] oh god oh god oh god oh god i didn't know if i was supposed to stare or not well that hurt i'm gonna heal my hp is nothing like some sweet heroine to ease the pain all right that was great oh god oh god what do i do i'm leaving i'm leaving what do i do contain dealer how hello okay i'm not just gonna not this is great where's there's that last piece all right and we're up and running i think firewall looking good okay all right well that's great uh hey pal you want to come over here buddy you want to be lured corruption is occurring come on oh god oh god okay what do i do about that oh god what do i do about that oh what have i done what is happening did you get corrupted ah shoot i got corrupted here we go whoa firewalls annie i'm going i'm going i'm leaving i don't know what that was i don't care shut up all right this is great all right come here you let's get you out of here let's continue nice what is this about what is with that guy okay am i done i did it i think i did it welp job done what did i do i contained the tealer wow i did it with enough effort you that is an unhealthy way to look at your surroundings and the people around you what hmm you've unlocked a few character descriptions great hi tealer healer is the titular character of tailorland park his character is depicted as a gray dragon with a jester outfit the axe is part of the outfit him along with the others were constructed by david artel he is one of the many lurable threats that lurk in the underground facility and one of the first to activate within each hour he will try to make his way towards the main hall and then one of the key holes upon his arrival do not stay in the same room or stay in the keyhole for too long to avoid getting attacked he is the slowest to lure out of all the threats if the lure stays still for too long within taylor's range taylor will proceed to infect the lure forcing the player to use a firewall great i'm guessing we have a new friend all right frill frittle my boy stop looking at that you idiot all right again nothing easy oh that was a piece i shouldn't have just i shouldn't have just looked [Applause] nothing i'm a god i'm a goddamn genius easy easy easy easy got it lure lure baby lure lure baby no you don't not today stop you won't stop no you can't you can't oh yeah you're lord oh god oh that doesn't sound good oh that don't sound good oh that sounds bad okay oh god oh god what what is it what yeah get out of here i was just guessing that that was what i needed to do you dill weed oh that doesn't sound good that was a little bit no no no no oh oh what happened that's a way hey screw you that's what i thought better not corrupt my dude ah there you are okay this is an interesting mechanic i gotta admit you know i'll be the first to admit this thing kind of is cool it's kind of dope okay can you get in there oh do i have to what oh do you have a different control i bet ah you have a different containment room okay that makes sense now you can't escape me it's like a game of chess here did i just let the other one out i hope i didn't okay no i did i didn't i did it i'm a goddamn god boing point done get out of here love it check check check check god i'm good at this game i got a perk point i should spend my perk points i should spend my perk points his machines have far greater potential than what they were made for sitting in this facility rotting away [Music] thank you why are you talking over the loudspeakers oh that's a triceratops that's a triceratops okay all right willow is that who you were willow is an ambient threat within the facility her character depicts a red and white wyvern with a magician outfit ambient threats are unable to be lured oh ah so the yellow ones cannot be lured regular make your way into the hall so you can even go to the hall even if threats besides steeler are already there which around people laugh you'll limit out time to go in the halls oh i have to stare at her in the hall frill lizard with knight's armor has ability to infect the lure aha okay so bang on the door until you look through the keyhole okay so but will not attack i see all right hour three it is get ready to get fricked get fresh right in your right frick hole that sounded bad nothing like the [ __ ] it is nothing as i suspected previously give me that i'm a god at this nothing that's what i thought begin the luring no no no you come back oh god oh god what is that what is that fuel was that fuel oh that's not good oh god here i am shut up i'm luring oh wait hang on wait no hang on okay yeah what is it what is it oh i think it's been infected oh god i think i need to go out and stare no oh firewall zany oh that's that sounds bad i'm staring at you i'm staring at you i'm staring at you okay a lot going on here locko and i have fuel for some reason i don't know why i have fuel facilities power becomes faulty lure has access to the jet oh god i have to are you kidding me are you kidding me okay well that's one okay you're there which is good come on you're you're lord yeah yeah yo okay oh god oh god what's happening oh god oh god oh god i'm doomed i'm doing i'm doing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop nope hang on what what what [Music] i guessed right i guess correctly oh god no i'm staring firewalls annie oh god this is complicated but that's okay okay see the generator meter on the left if it depletes i gotta go okay wait oh god it's the thing no no no hang on don't don't unlure don't unlur why does it take so long god i gotta re-lure you oh god okay come with me come with me you're going to jail you're going to naughty jail you're going to they're going to horny jail get out of here okay uh well i'm done i'm i'm i'm done it's amazing that i get decide when i'm done does that mean i could just leave right off the bat could i check them all off i didn't spend my perks blam no also who are you who you did i made these things i made them you didn't make them i made them so shut up casey uh mischievous huh okay all right works right longer lure infection cooldown after using firewall i don't need easier to spot that's dumb four each increase the speed of map doors opening max hp lures range of view lore movement speed that's probably the best one i'm gonna save up one more and get that one oh hey whoa hey whoa hey whoa i'm done ah [ __ ] i was worth a try wait no i don't need to do that [Music] i like that it doesn't last a certain amount of time because then i'm done whenever i'm done and my skill is what oh oh god oh god i'm leaving oh god i left lure lure me luring oh that doesn't sound good oh that sounds bad oh god that sounds bad okay your lord come with me hang on i'll be right with you i'll be right with you pal all right that's one down on me can i help you oh don't like that oh that's not good what's happening oh can i lure you pal oh who's jiggling my handle why hi oh it's you and i gotta check the firewall what is on the ground there what what is on the ground there oh no i'm looking away that's right not you no no no no no no no all right and totally clear all right let's get this bad boy going i'm almost out of generator oh no did one of you break the other dude out you did didn't you you [ __ ] come here can your got great oh that's not good oh that's that's the opposite of good okay that's that's bad hi how are you doing i'm here i'm staring i'm going back in well that can be hey hey don't you do nothing are you breaking them out oh it's a lot of noises happening come on wait wait wait wait oh god oh i already oh duh duh there we go okay i did it oh why do i have an alert here hello why are you jiggling my handle stop it what's going on in here lore that's what's happening interesting well guess i'm done here i'm a god i'm a god amongst mere mortals i'm a stunning king [Applause] excellent one more step until the plan is complete the clock is ticking are you doing this while i'm here while i'm in here are you doing all this because that's kind of mean oh oh that is some lore all right so anyone who wants to know the lore there you go oh hey oh i can only grab one lore per night i see mischievous i don't like your eyes never go towards keyholes [Music] the doll the the doll the doll okay so i gotta find it and click on it is what you're saying this is too much to know this is too much to learn this is too much to keep in my tiny brain actually my brain's huge that's why my head's so big and that's the only reason everyone else shut up okay here we go i love building the lure i hear that oh hey pal [Music] oh my god okay hey pal what's going on friend hey how you doing hey come on no be nice be nice be nice be nice that's right that's right that's right that's how we do oh god oh god that sounds bad hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on oh god did i get it i don't know did i get it hi hey what's up i think you're good oh god what do you mean what do you mean i'm staring at you [Music] what is [Music] ow my blood all of my blood how do i fix the generator i don't know i don't know i don't know oh god hi i'm almost dead now thank you for all of that you've done for me i fixed the generator i fixed it did you know i fixed it because i did you guys jailbreak yourselves that's a real dick move okay hi yes hi i need to get to the thing hello go away okay a lot of beep blanking going on around here oh my god okay so that was uh healer land i think that's fascinating finale yeah right finale oh man i need to do some research because the only reason i was getting by that is because i was just getting lucky so uh yeah if you guys want to check out this game definitely check it out link is in the description yeah and let me know if you want me to finish this because i was kind of fascinating and also i forgot to get my perk of faster lure speed which i'm sure was incredibly valuable and will definitely help me oh unlocking my first perk thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed it check out more five nights at freddy's fan games i played in the playlist available in the description check out distractible if you haven't heard of it already it's my podcast with bob and wade and thank you again and as always i will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,729,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, five nights at freddy's, fnaf, fnaf fan game, fan game, five nights at freddy's tealerland, tealerland, tealerland part 1
Id: UGnMb5vnpDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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