The Man From the Window

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hi my name is markiplier and look at this this is our new cloak slips it's our extremely comfortable slipper that we made ourselves available in four colors we really didn't make it i believe the prompt to ideating this thing was a sleeping bag for your foot and so we made just that a sleeping bag for your foot i actually unironically have not taken this off since i got it it's very nice so check it out link in the description thank you have a good day look at this son of a zoom zoom more zoom more zoom more more more zoom more there more wow this is the man from the window the premise of this game is that there is a man in your window and he will be inside soon and there's nothing that you can do about it literally through the duration of this game there is a man trying to get into your house to this game because he's going to teach you how to do this start a new game press x now to skip interest i've never played it oh hi [Music] what in the what what in the goddamn hell is this i'm sorry hold on what there was nothing nothing about me looking at this and downloading it that would indicate that a rabbit with the biggest boobs i've ever seen on anything ever would walk and flop a pizza down on the table i sat on the couch there was nothing no one anyway oh my stars i am tired what a long day seems like i keep getting home later in late is this me am i playing mama rabbit but that's just how it is sometimes i ain't giving up i'd better try to get some sleep gunny need to be up early bright and early to cook breakfast for the little one oh mama mama junior what on earth are you doing up this late you know you have school tomorrow but mama the man from the book is gonna get me huh what man what book the man in my story book see oh i get it the man from the window give it here you got a convenient shelf to read that on the man from the window is quite the odd fellow with his big beady eyes and sunken nose why he just wants to say hello as he smiles from ear to ear the man wanders the quiet night through alleys and backyards he goes making very sure to stay out of sight he silently peers through windows searching for one thing and one thing only a new friend is all he wants for the man is very very lonely once you hear his tap tap tapping at the window you'll know he's found a new friend to play for now you have only five minutes before before he takes you away but do not fret for staying in one place is the man's only peeve keep him at bay for another five minutes and he'll leave the man is in his element doing what he does best next he will look under the place where you often rest the man will more walk than he will lurch the place under the mirror is where he will search the man has no useful trinket or token he will now check under the place where bread is broken the man indeed is very very bold soon he will check inside the place which is cold the man has no friends no family no son and no daughter next he will check the place which holds water junior this is just one of those scary books people write you're too young to be reading this kind of stuff it'll scare your little mind after death but mama i saw him outside i really did it's just a book sweetie it ain't real now get that cottontail off to bed right now at this rate you won't want to wake up in the huh what am i seeing why do i i see something out there but it doesn't look quite like the face of the the man in the window it's him he's out there calm calm down junior whatever's out there i'm pretty sure it ain't a monster junior yes where'd you get this book from it was on the table when i got home from school you got it for me right oh dear lord this ain't good okay am i am i i am mama junior huh junior follow me okay am i about to die you said i have five minutes should we leave oh my god oh my god okay i better take my keys with me picked up keys i'd better take some donuts eat the donuts okay um so junior junior could easily get under there and hide don't hide him there i think i remember something about going on her table and then inwards cold don't hide him there the microwave junior all right fine if i were to uh be relatively not stupid about this i see something outside cabinet sync is big enough for junior to hide don't hide him there just very curious as what's gonna happen oh well that's inconvenient oh no wait no that's fine man i'm slow i'm a little sluggish you know oh no oh no [Applause] oh no god why am i immature am i am i just immature is that what is that what this is amounting to oh my god holy okay well that's a problem um let me take another peek there peekaboo ah this is fine this is fine um did i lock the door i don't know okay still just looking there okay hey how you doing well listen uh i'm gonna kick the out of you if you open that door i'm gonna just i'm gonna chest bump you and you're gonna be sent into orbit don't even try it you don't even try it i'm gonna crush you in between my massive mams are you prepared for this i don't think you are i don't think you are yeah maybe if you blink some of your eyes wouldn't be so bloodshot nerd you think you could handle this no now you can't handle this no you can't milk me you'll never milk me i have no idea how long it's been still there are you waiting for me to do something or or is this really just a running out of the clock kind of thing oh it was exactly 2 a.m when the man approached the front door the door was left unlocked and unbarred so he walked straight in i didn't know if it was an option to do anything about that oh hey yeah one of it what are you gonna do the man had found his new friend he has to be nearby still in a way they've got this far this quick i'll go find him myself if i have to in line the man broke in and just took him i couldn't stop him please someone just find him please how did he get by me i was right there i was right on top of the play he literally couldn't see him around me all right okay i know where to hide him i think under unless there's like a different story each time but i think under the sink would be the logical place right that would be the logical place okay junior could fit in there all right come here junior follow me oh what if i like open the box is that gonna help open the box you want some donuts buddy should i take the keys i'll leave him no i'll take him i got keys hey uh junior god get out of the way junior uh junior hop on in you you do that wait what about is there there's no other place no no no i think that where the water is held would be the wash tub okay get under there hide under the sink don't come out until i say so don't be we'll be all right i think maybe stay put i could probably hide here don't hide here wait am i supposed to hide too i didn't know i was supposed to hide oh my god okay so it's not letting me lock it so i'm assuming that's not really the idea push in front of the door it'll take about oh perfect oh interesting okay well that's helpful oh yeah again it's not really letting me lock it i sure ain't fitting in there yeah i i see that and i don't think i'm not gonna be able to hide under there what what happens if i hide in the wash tub i don't think oh my god i'm too girthy for that i don't think that's gonna do anything wait hang on like i think i better close the door first don't worry i'm gonna take a bath he'll never find me it's exactly at 2am when the man appears the door the door was left unlocked but then man was unable to open it a large and heavy couch had been pushed in front of the door took the man an entire minute to break through the barricaded door the time was now 201 am the man spotted a box of donuts sitting on the table the man took an entire minute to eat them all perfect it was 202. perfect perfect hey hold on the man looked under this wait i didn't hold on hold on wait maybe i read the story wrong hold on wait a minute wait a minute just me in the tub oh no better not find me i get it now the red and blue that's supposed to be like police sirens oh my god okay so there's got to be a way to lock the door right that has to be a thing because if it wasn't a thing then why would it be a thing right so there's a way to lock the door that would buy me another minute the donuts is another minute um let's see turn pages left click lock holding key i have an inventory ah tab to cycle the ah okay got it okay just stay right there junior don't worry about a thing i got this junior don't worry about it i don't remember why you he went straight for under the sink as a little strange no not that not that hold the horse oh god okay next he will ch check the place that holds water oh water cold mirror so bed no oh rest okay so i need to put him in the rest place okay here we go let's lock the door did i lock it i'm assuming that's locked i don't know whatever open the box follow me child under here hi hi junior and then i'm gonna go in the tub don't worry this is fine oh damn it i got this junior don't worry i'm hiding okay here we go door had been locked there we go 30 seconds a large thing okay that was not too many it was a minute and a half okay to a one ish to one one and a half it's delicious donuts great okay entire minute 202 stomp stomp stomp uh well this is awkward that's fine don't worry about me oh wait no hold on wait oh hold on oh where me me ah uh-oh mama that's coffee come out oh boy oh that's sad well that's very sad um i am now dead or something but hey at least i still have my personality and my incredible rack uh okay i'm just gonna look at the last ones so br table and water okay got it okay that's perfect all right so i'm gonna grab this open this it takes a minute to open this probably i don't know okay and then um like this okay that's locked i'm sure of it 100 okay so it was table and wash tub i'm gonna put junior under the table okay junior you're coming with me follow me actually you know i guess it doesn't really matter considering okay so you're there just get in the tub don't worry it's fine probably don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it i'm going under the table me first i am priority after all perfect okay yes don't mind me you can't see me you can't see me delicious okay now i've got this easy peasy wow don't yes yes easy looked under the sink nothing idiot wasting time like a fool 203 under the bed a nice try idiot found nothing stupid [Music] oh man this guy is dumb and bad oh i wonder if i can like turn on the tv or something would that distract him i have no idea i don't think time is passing nearly fast enough i think i may have still there might still be an element that is missing here because um oh no oh dude oh junior uh junior oh no junior um oh ah ah junior please uh frick god i've got too much blood in not the brain part of my body i'm i'm not talking that i have a bone or i'm talking like my massive memories just require too much blood none of it can get up to my head even my analogies fall flat on their face much like my attempts to rescue my child trying again okay there must be something i i must be able to like turn on the tv i bet that's the thing or some other distraction can i please junior do you know anything else of what to do there has to be something right no way i'm fitting there see that tap i mean there's clearly this which open the box take the keys that's clear that's obvious there's no lights or anything like that microwave's not a thing really is there nothing else that i can do i feel like i might be dumb oh frick uh hold on that's not gonna work obviously so there's gotta be something else that i'm missing [Music] oh right of course okay i got it i got it this time i have it junior don't worry it's gonna be fine okay move couch in front wham what i do is i take the keys open the box of the donuts i take the keys i be sure to i locked it apparently i i think i did so what's gonna happen is junior gonna come with me follow me take my hand and you're gonna go in here they're both in here is the last place so hi junior there you're scared yeah whatever shut up kid get under the sink when you stop complaining for a moment then just do as you're told okay so what's gonna happen i lock that door and then i close this and then i lock it and then i hop in the tub rub-a-dub-dub i didn't realize i could lock the other doors hehe there we go now we're in business and then eat the donuts mosey on it's now technically two minutes and 30 seconds and now yes yes there we go now it's two minutes it's three minutes so now it's three minutes curl cure cure kill kill kill kill cure nice nice nothing idiot done done done i win i win i win i win i win i win i win so then bam nothing 204 looking here it'll be another 30 seconds and then the door and then boom nothing fool fool and then one last thing oh didn't even need it two or five the man's time was up and he knew it so as quickly as he arrived the man from the window left whoa oh my god he did not arrive that quickly i will admit mama is he gone he's gone don't worry hooray i knew you could do it oh no what mama eat all the donuts i wanted one oh my goodness child don't scare me like that i'll bring you some from work tomorrow okay okay and junior huh no more cursed books all right i ain't up to dealing with that again well what are we gonna do about the woman from the door the who just kidding where am i what am i going to do with you what am i going to do with you throw you through the door i had way more fun with that than i thought i would um one star are there more stars to get what do you mean one star what do you mean don't do this to me i'm having five nights at freddy's flashbacks please please have mercy have mercy it's fun i like that a lot it's obviously like there's some rough edges to it but weirdly it had like a charm to it it kind of had like grandma vibes you know grandma the game not quite as intricate as that but still it kind of had those vibes just very simplistic and also just like god the character model i of all the things that i expected to walk through that door bunny mama was not it by the way that was very fun so thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed the man from the window i look forward to the woman from the door it should be a fun interesting time and and honestly literally i think this was really good i enjoyed it a lot so thank you let me know what you thought down in the comments below check out all my links down there for various podcasts of which i am a part of that you will enjoy very much with bob wade and tyler and also if you haven't seen in space with markiplier i recommend checking that out it's my biggest project yet and i know you'll love it thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye thick bunny [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 10,014,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, scary games, the man from the window, home invasion, horror games, markiplier scary games, indie horror, jumpscares, horror, steam,, markiplier reactions, scare reactions
Id: 35gE6LtbLR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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