Hamburger Soup - One Pot Meal - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks so welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making hamburger soup now hamburger soup is one of those things that you really can put in whatever you want however much you want somebody called me and said I should really do an apron that said put it in however much you like or however much you like but this is an add however much you like recipe for sure I have about a pound a very lean ground beef and you can use any grade of ground beef they just happen to have this extra lean stuff on sale when I was in the grocery store so I bought it if you use something that's fattier you will probably want to drain it if not completely drain it drain most of the grease off of it and if you don't want any ground beef in this this recipe works really good for just a plain vegetable soup you can totally leave the beef out and make it a vegetarian dish but start with the pound of ground beef if you don't want the vegetarian version I have about a pound of carrots here that I have diced up and about a pound of potatoes I also have a little less than a pound of corn this is a 12 ounce bag of corn and I usually open everything but I left this in the bag to show you this right here this is non-gmo I had no idea that there was even a commercially produced brand of corn that was not labeled as organic that wasn't GMO but sweet picks frozen corn from sweet picks farms and they have a whole line of vegetables they are actually all grown in America so you're supporting American farmers if you buy this and they don't have Monsanto corn so I'll be buying lots of this I just saw this and I bought sweet picks before but I never oh is that so anyway I'll definitely be be buying more of that and you could have to have some tomato in this recipe when you don't have to but I always do today I'm just using plain tomato sauce you can add other stuff in it and one of my favorite shortcuts or substitutions in this recipe is to use spaghetti sauce B now it's just bread nice so we always have leftover spaghetti sauce so when I make this a lot of times I'll use spaghetti sauce in it and a lot of times when my kids were little half of them didn't eat spaghetti sauce so I had a spaghetti sauce left over we'd have spaghetti one night for dinner and a couple nights later we'd have this soup and I just use the leftover sauce in it because I'm using plain tomato sauce today I'm gonna add a little garlic powder and a little onion powder to mine not a lot and it really is to taste and you can do other spices with this you can add like Mexican spices to give it almost like a chili flavor only instead of beans you've got vegetables in it I also have a cup of chopped up onions I'm gonna put those in my beef and brown my beef and I've got a little bit of sugar here now because I'm using this plain tomato sauce I am going to add a little bit of sugar because the sugar kind of cuts the acid in the tomato sauce and it also really brings out the flavor in it and I've only got about a tablespoon it's optional the corn when I make mine with corn especially when my kids were little I always add the corn at the end of the cooking process because you don't want to overcook corn it makes it tough and also because half of my kids didn't like corn in it so I would cook it then divide the pot and put corn in half of it and leave the coin out of the other half so and another thing you can do with this too is you can add some pasta to it like some elbow macaroni noodles something and that's a great adding in it I used to do that a lot when the kids were little but not always it's just kind of what you're in the mood for and I'm not adding any pasta to this today because I actually have some leftover pasta and I may add it to some of the soup as I heat it up and heat it but anyway let's get this started oh and you do need some salt and pepper gotta have salt and pepper anytime you're cooking any kind of meat gotta have a little salt and pepper we're going to take our hamburger and our onions and our salt and pepper over here we're going to brown hamburger first with the onions I should have already had this pan preheated and I usually do this over about medium heat I'm probably gonna turn it up a little bit because I'm going to be standing you're watching it but if you're doing other things in your kitchen your cooking other stuff you won't want to turn it up very high you'll want to cook it on about beat him because ground beef and onions will burn really really quickly if you're not watching it it's tucked up too high but on medium heat it can kind of sit there and cook okay while this meat is browning let's talk about our vegetables for just a minute now you can use canned vegetables in this recipe you can use frozen vegetables in this recipe they will both speed up the process and we've talked before refresh it's always best when you have time and when it's available I know it's not always available so if you don't have it or you don't have time to peel and dice up potatoes and carrots you can certainly use canned stuff in this and I have many times especially on the most busy weeknights when the kids were little if you use fresh though carrots cook much faster or much slower than potatoes your potatoes are going to cook really fast and your carrots are going to cook really slow so I have cut in different sizes you can see the difference in the size of my potatoes and my carrots here and because the carrots are smaller I can add the carrots and potatoes at the same time and they'll get done at about the same time so if you're using fresh vegetables you're going to have to be your carrot it's a lot smaller than your potatoes are you gonna have to add your carrots about 15 minutes before you do your potatoes now I kind of like the carrots is small especially in soup because it spreads the flavor out more evenly in the soup but if you wanted to just do them in slices and you're using fresh ones I said just add them about 15 minutes before you do your little potato chunks and that way all of your soup will get done at the same time and your potatoes won't be absolutely cooked too much and disappear in your soup because if they're the same size your potatoes are gonna be way way overcooked are your carrots are going to be really crunchy okay I have my vegetables covered with water here now I'm not going to dump all of this water in my soup when I'm making the soup this would be way too much water I just had these covered in water because I didn't want him to turn brown while I was getting ready for the video that's the only purpose for this water I'm going to drain these but as I cook the soup I will want to keep enough liquid in it to keep the vegetables covered and I also want to keep enough liquid in it so that the consistency is like soup and I'm just going to add water to it I'm not going to add any beef broth or anything like that if you want to add that you can keep in mind that does add quite a bit of salt to it so you're going to have to adjust your salt the salt and stuff that I'm putting in mine is just what I'll need for my vegetables so but if you're doing I can broth or something it is going to have salt in it I'm not a fan in the can boss I said that before because they almost all have the MS DS in them and I am very sensitive to MSG's and food they do cause migraines God proportioned the MSDS that are naturally occurring in food in the write-up of in the correct amounts for our body that process them so eating a tomato is not going to give you a headache but if you eat something that has those added MSG's in it and you get migraines it probably is going to give you a headache if you eat very much of it at all okay my hamburger is pretty well done and my onions are starting to get tender you do want to crumble your hamburger meat up pretty good it so that it's evenly distributed in the soup it makes the flavor better and just the overall texture of the soup a little bit more desirable I think and you can see this meat was really lean it doesn't have hardly any grease in it at all so I'm not going to drain it but if you're using the regular ground beef or even ground chuck you're probably going to want to drain some of that grease off so the first thing I'm going to add is my tomato sauce because I want to start getting that flavor in my meat and I want it to cook in with my other vegetables as soon as they start and like I said you can use spaghetti sauce in this if you want to it would probably even be good with some kind of salsa in it if you want the Mexican flavors in it and that kind of spices you can really season it any way you want to all right and I'm going to drain these vegetables okay once you've got your vegetables in there you are going to want to add enough water to cover them up and they do need to be completely covered and at this point you're going to kind of get your soup from the consistency that you want it when it's done you may have a little more liquid in it than what you want to have when it's done but not very much because this doesn't take a real long time to cook and it's not going to cook down much and this soup is not going to thicken up much so whatever consistency you get it out now is going to be about the consistence you give your soup now I am gonna use filtered water in this I said that before any time I cook something like soup where the liquid is gonna stay in the recipe are in the finished product I want it filtered now that took about two cups I may have to add a little more later but probably not mmm yeah maybe I'll probably add a little more later this is a little thicker than I like it and if you were going to put pasta in here you would probably want to add it now if your carrots are this size if your carrots are bigger weight to add your pasta until you add your potatoes and I have never personally tried it but if you wanted to do a really low card version of this you could probably use on chunks of cauliflower instead of the chunks of potato in this and it would probably be very very tasty yeah I'm definitely going to have a little more water I put about two cups in there I'll probably put another cup and a half or so my sugar in the like I said that's just about a tablespoon the onion powder is just a season the tomato sauce a little bit it's not really to season the whole pot of soup because we had all that onion in the hamburger meat if you didn't do the hamburger meat though if you were doing a vegetarian version of this you would probably want to still add the onion or it wouldn't have enough flavor or you would have to add a lot more onion powder or maybe some dried minced onions or something I will add more salt and pepper to this or the potatoes and the care the corn and stuff but I'm going to wait until it's very close to being cooked and taste them and add my salt and when it's very close to being cooked because it will take less salt to season them once they're cooked then it does to add it now and then cook it the salt will lose its flavor as it's cooked and I'll have to put a lot more in it I have about three cups of water in mine now you know I'm going to see how that does and see what it looks like after I've added the corn and like I said I'm not going to add the corn until the other vegetables start to get soft this is about the consistency that I like mine here I like so I'm souping it and but you know not totally watery and once this pop comes to a boil we're just going to turn it down to about medium little heat just so it's simmered now we're going to let it sit here and simmer until our potatoes and our carrots are tender and then we'll add our corn and we'll heat it enough so that everything's heated good and thoroughly and it comes back to a boil it doesn't have to come back to a rolling boil just enough so that we know we have everything getting hot okay our soups really boiling good now so at this point you can turn it down and put a lid on it you want definitely want to put a lid on it either that or you're going to have to stir it pretty often to keep it from splattering all over your stove yeah a little not only keep it from splattering everywhere but it will also make it cook faster I had something that I wanted to talk to y'all about today but I've kind of had to change it because I feel like I really need to let you know what's going on I had we made a lot of changes I had mentioned that YouTube and Google had changed their policies we did a lot of research into it find out just exactly what was going on and just exactly what was affected by these changes our channel took a hit but it was a little bitty hit compared to what a lot of people what happened to a lot of people some of the changes that we are making are so that these changes that Google and YouTube are making they won't be so critical they won't affect us so much we will be able to talk about topics maybe that have been striking for lack of a better word some of the things that you are no longer allowed to talk about YouTube without suffering some serious repercussions from Google or anything that has to do with past you can't even say other words for the past you can't meet in certain dates or events there are certain things that have just been basically banned there are some products that have been banned certainly instruments of the Second Amendment have been banned and there are many youtubers that only deal with those subjects they only deal with the second Second Amendment products and they only deal with the past and things like that well those creators are no longer receiving any any kind of income from YouTube but a lot of them a lot of the bigger creators they have product deals or sponsorships where companies are sponsoring their videos and that is something that we are certainly looking into it is something that we would like to do in the future but that's only possible with our viewers you have to have at least a hundred thousand subscribers which we are getting very very close to because so many of you have subscribed if you have not subscribed I want to ask you to please subscribe and also click the notification bill because as things change we want to make sure that you stay updated on what's going on we don't want to lose you and we certainly don't want to lose our ability to get in contact with you if you click that notification bill you will get a notification it when we whenever we upload a video no matter what our status is you know with Google and YouTube and unless they completely closed down our channel which is a possibility they are closing down some channels just wiping them out and if you're on Facebook you know that Facebook is doing the same thing only they're suspending channels for a few days or weaker or lots of channels accounts they're suspending accounts for a few days or a few weeks and things like that and eventually they will take away your Facebook account if you continue to get strikes against you well it's the same way on YouTube so we have a Facebook page and we are trying to get that turned into a video creator page I've been working on that some today so if you haven't if you're on Facebook and you have it already pull up the hillbilly kitchen on Facebook and like our Facebook page if nothing at all else happens if you like our Facebook page you will have a way to send us private messages because you can still send messages on Facebook you used to be able to do that on YouTube we used to have a messenger type thing on YouTube where you could send a private message and I could send one back we don't have that anymore so if you haven't already liked our Facebook page please go do that more than anything just so we have another way to get in touch with you if something happens so all that what I have discovered from all the research that I've done is that the agenda of the people who are in control of these new policies it's far more important to them than their business because when they be monetized all those videos and all those creators they also lost all of that income and I would speculate it was probably half of the income that YouTube was producing which is a massive amount of money and they were willing to sacrifice all that money in order to push their agenda at this time they are not censoring anything religious unless it is considered hateful and you use slurs and stuff like that which we don't do here or we certainly try not to do that so we are allowed to say that Jesus is our Lord and our Savior and we certainly hope that you find Jesus and you know him as your Lord and Savior because it truly is the greatest decision that you can make in your life to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and if you have not done that if you were interested in doing that please leave a comment I'll get back with you somebody who watches easily give us we'll get back with you because we want you all to know Jesus we want you all to know the peace the power the love of having God in your life there is truly nothing greater than knowing the love of your Creator so we can continue to spread the gospel and as long as we can continue to spread the gospel we are going to choose our words carefully it's I've said this before we know now what works googles computers are looking for so we're going to avoid those words and we're going to continue like I said to share the gospel we're going to continue to talk about God's great love for his creation and as long as we possibly can now I do believe the day is coming when those works will be censored and we will no longer be able to do that but as long as we can do that and as long as we can keep the videos up here we're going to please didn't go like the Facebook page so we have another way to get ahold of you and please click the well so that you know and we've uploaded videos so that if our videos aren't as visible as they are right now you will still know when we put them up and you will know when something changes like I said we are looking into some product deals and hopefully soon we will be able to get some of those so that our livelyhood won't be tied to accidentally saying a specific word we're also looking into some products people have asked for a cookbook I'm working very hard on the Facebook praying that it's ready maybe around Thanksgiving so that people can order it for Christmas it will be available on Amazon or going to self-publish on Amazon so we're hoping to have that done around Thanksgiving we're also looking into some t-shirt designs aprons and that kind of thing and we're kind of seeing what we can do with that we probably are not going to go through YouTube's regular channels and just give them control of that and that will be handled privately so that that's something that is not controlled by their policies so keep an eye out for that we're working on it I'll let you know as soon as we have anything like I said I'm working on a cookbook my mother-in-law's been coming over to him when we type it because she worked in offices for years and she is a very she's an excellent typist Brett's pulling together a lot of our photographs out of all of our old files and he's getting those to me and I'll have to take some new pictures because some of our stuff the pictures is not so good but we're working on all that and we we're gonna have that all put together really soon so let's check on our soup you can see that's been popping pretty good and without a lid it would have been all over the stove and all over the kitchen I said I don't like to add beef stock to it but if you do you certainly can and when I give these just a few minutes then I'm going to test my salt and my pepper and see how much salt and pepper I need I like this little with a little more pepper in it than most people do but I usually don't add as much as I like to the pot because I can always add a little in my bowl and that's something to keep in mind with salt too some people like a lot of salt and you can always add a little salt soup in your bowls so you don't have to get the pot of soup super salty just get enough in there so that it's got some flavor and I sprinkle we'll finish it off for those people who like a lot and they all seemed pretty done I think I've done enough that I can add the corn and cook it just a minute and it'll be finger now you do want to taste it because you have to just the salt the pepper and the onion and the garlic if you use the canned broth you're probably not going to need any more soup if you used the spaghetti sauce instead of just the plain tomato sauce all your spices are going to be pretty good except for salt and pepper and you'll have to add a little salt and pepper probably a lot of people comment and they say I wonder why you don't taste it at the end of the video like a lot of people do or they'll ask why I don't taste it well my mama told me not to talk with your mouth full and I know they do these videos now they're called mutt makes or something works just somebody eaten food usually it's not very appetizing looking food either but I tried to taste stuff at the end of videos as I was saying goodbye the past and it does not work my mama was right you shouldn't talk with your mouth full so don't taste the food at the end of the video and I won't be doing MUC bakes or whatever that is that they're called I think I'm pronouncing that right but I am going to taste this because I have to adjust the spices well that's actually pretty good I think it's got enough salt in it I did add some after I put the vegetables in there I didn't measure it I just shook it in there and it really is to taste how much salt and pepper that you put I only put a tiny bit of garlic powder in it because I don't want the soup to taste the garlic in the soup to be overpowering and you could add a little fresh garlic when you cook your hamburger meat I didn't have any so I just used to call it powder and you can also get the minced garlic cause I'm did have some of you know on the spice aisle that you add to it I just didn't think about that I could have added that my hamburger but at any rate wherever you add it or whatever kind of garlic you used to use and it's up to you again how much you put I don't like a whole lot in this just enough to accent it a little bit okay it's pretty much back to a boil now it's not a rolling boil but that's plenty hot enough our corn is heated good so it's safe to eat and everything it does say you want to cook it thoroughly it certainly has far more ingredients than just the liquid but it's not like can see we're not making cans of beer but that's all there is to that like I said you can substitute about anything you can add other stuff um you certainly had peas in it turn the stove off and take this over here now this would be a good recipe for those programmable pots like the sim pot that we reviewed on here are the instant pot you could cook this entirely in one of those you can even Brown your beef in them and then just throw your vegetables in and put the lid on it and program it for a couple of minutes and it'll all be done even in those though I will probably add my corn after it was cooked because it really does make corn tough if you boil it far too long so save that until the end when I eat this I don't need anything else with it my daughter Alex she likes half pan rolls with it so if you want bread with it some kind of rolls is great this makes a really good lunch or dinner in the winter because it's got so many vegetables in it it's gonna fill it up but it's quick enough that you can really make it for lunch if you want and it's good for those big gatherings because you can double and triple the recipe you can stretch it with as much meat as I had in there I really fed have doubled the vegetables and it would have still been okay so if you need to stretch your meat and stretch your money a little bit you can cut the beat down and add more vegetables you know like with a pound of carrots and pound the potatoes and stuff you could have just done a half a pound of meat to stretch it more or if you've got a feed crowd you can add twice as many vegetables it's a good one to fix in the morning when you gotta leave and put it in a crock pot or something just Brown your beef and then throw everything in the crock pot but I hope you give this a try this winter because it is certainly good on cold dreary day like what we have here today we were supposed to have sunshine 70 degrees we have clouds drizzle and 58 degrees so we went straight from roasting this summer to freezing to death this fall okay well what are you gonna do we really appreciate you joining us please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave click that notification bill so we can stay in touch go find us on Facebook at her on Facebook until next time remember to put God first [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 367,917
Rating: 4.9250436 out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, hamburger soup, hamburger soup recipe, soup, soup recipe, hamburger meat recipe, chunky soup, hearty soup, hamburger vegetable soup, vegetable soup, chicken soup, chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, one pot meal, ground beef recipe, hamburger recipe, instant pot hamburger soup, keto hamburger soup, instant pot soup, baking, cooking, world's best hamburger soup, world's best soup
Id: t-1qL26Dpbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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