Hamburger Soup

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good morning it's Sharon with soups and so on we're gonna be making another soup today it's really just a little bit of a twist on vegetable beef soup I don't use stew meat or roast beef like my mom used to years ago a family moved in next door to us from Kentucky Nancy and jr. and Nancy and I became like sisters we still are to this day although she's back in Kentucky she said Sharon I make that same soup but I use hamburger meat instead well hamburger sounds great to me because we're on a budget I'm out we're both young stay-at-home moms and we're trying to stretch our food dollar so hamburger meat sounded just fine I started using it with a hamburger meat and I love it I actually like it better sorry mom I like it better there's a couple little tricks I want to tell you about with using the hamburger meat and I've got my pot back here I'm gonna turn it on I'm not gonna put any oil in the skillet I don't I don't want to fry this me like you would for taco me or spaghetti your chili I want to actually actually I want to boil it but that's about a pound and a half that I just put in there I found out a long time ago if I put a lot of water in that's like to make soup what you get is a up unappetizing Brown foam that rises to the top you have to skim it off it just doesn't look good I don't like it so I put it in here and put just a little bit of water over it just just enough to cover it not very much at all and it's already thought out it's pretty well broken up many times as before when I mentioned with the chicken if you forget if you're in a hurry and you don't get the hamburger meat out of the freezer I've put blocks of hamburger meat and just like that cover it with a little bit of water flip it over over over over with this fork and rake it off flip it over Ragan off takes about five or ten minutes that the most to thaw it out so if you forget to thought-out start it frozen anyway it doesn't matter I am gonna salt and pepper it and I don't manager sorry that was probably a teaspoon and probably three-quarters of a teaspoon of pepper and another seasoning I can't live without Kevin ders Greek seasoning I think I put this into everything except desserts I love that so this is going to take a few minutes for that to more or less not gonna Brown like hamburger meat it's gonna take the pink off and get cooked as soon as it does I'm gonna add my potatoes today I used red potatoes I use russets many times not much difference if I use russets I peel them not really crazy about eating that peeling and a soup if I use red like I did today I just scrub them real good with a scrub brush and there's any little blemishes on the outside that looked bad of course cut it off but this was for medium to small potatoes they weren't real big not real smaller this is about four medium potatoes and I hear this bubbling behind me I'm sure you can see the steam and actually I can go ahead I'm gonna go ahead and get the potatoes in because it takes them awhile to cook I don't like to add my other ingredients until these potatoes get cooked and at this point I'm gonna add more water and I wish I could show you what this looks like I'm just going to let this cook for probably 15 minutes those little potato chunks and yet tender and if you've noticed I dice these up pretty small my carrots celery and onion are really small I just don't like big chunks in my soup some do I don't that's why I cut my things pretty small so we're gonna let this cook for a few minutes be back in a minute this is kind of what that meat the hamburger meat and the potatoes look like in the pot all blown away probably give that about 5 more minutes okay this soup good as far as the hamburger meat and the potatoes are bubbling away I'm gonna turn this stove on and we're gonna saute my carrots onions and celery that's that's what's gonna happen right now I've got about 6 tablespoons of butter I'm gonna put in this I'm gonna use some olive oil from the clean Creek olive mill out in Queen Creek they uh you've never been there you need to go they have wonderful olive oils balsamic vinegars olives just a bunch of things that's really high-quality there their olive oil is the greatest and I'm going to use son that's a roasted garlic flavor that won't hurt my soup a bit and I probably put two tablespoons so that's gonna get to sizzling and then I'm gonna saute the vegetables as soon as this don't put them in there until it gets really hot you don't want to burn your butter but you really need to get it hot there's nothing like the sound and the smell of these veggies hitting that hot butter and oil and that sizzle I love that sound soup is bubbling away over here I it's time to put the veggies in scrape them in there I think it's nice and hot yes I like that sizzle I love that sound [Music] my trusty little bachelor that I've learned to love I don't know why think it was because it was at Louise's once again an assault these vegetables ever again Greek seasoning again sometime I put garlic powder but I won't since I just used that garlic flavored oil from clean-freak all of them I was so excited and I go to their garlic festival every year it was two weekends ago and I Phi two years supply of garlic that's right I do I'll tell you about that someday how I preserve that but I got a phone call from him yesterday I was so excited I won a huge gift basket there it's about $200 worth of items from the olive Mel's I'm I'm pretty excited about that okay I'm gonna start adding some more things to this pot I don't like to use a lot of canned goods I usually cook with fresh ingredients but in this soup I do and there's five things I put in it number one I'm going to go ahead and put in a can of diced tomatoes we grab another spatula there's my diced tomatoes that's going in and next I put a can of cut green beans and I'll have all that listed there's my town of cut green beans now about a year or two ago I went to see Nancy in Kentucky the one that told me about the soup from the start and she had some made when I got there she said Sharon I've been adding a new ingredient to her soup and I said what she said water chestnuts and I got water chestnuts are you kidding me you know an oriental product in this soup so I tasted it and I really liked it it just have this little crunch to it and it was so funny I forgot to tell you from the beginning that this soup I call it Monique's soup because I have a granddaughter that's 33 every time she came to the door yummy do you have any homemade soup well to her this is homemade soup it's the only soup and she loves it to this day all color and I'll take some by her job and she loves his soup so it's money soup but she was here a month or so ago and I gave her a bowl oven and she ate about two bites and she stopped she's his nanny what did you do to the soup there's something different I see you you could tell she said of course I could tell I've been eating this for 30 years so she recognized right away that there was something different but I really liked it so here is my can the water chestnuts and if you'll notice you may you might not have noticed but I drained that and the green beans I really don't like to put there liquid in my soup I like to know what's going on my soup and so I drained those the next I am I'm gonna put in I think I better put these soft a vegetable right now they are sizzling away there's no paddle there but I'll use this one gonna go ahead and put those in so that's taken care of and next is my creamed corn I know all about carne I know we're not supposed to eat it I know it's not supposed to be healthy for us but in this I put creamed corn I don't like whole kernel corn now in it I've had it in there in a pinch but I don't like it and the only reason I can think of is because that's why my mother did so I always use a can of creamed corn in this soup and that's going on and this little ingredient I started Abnett several years ago it's a little can of v8 juice I just love added little zip that this gives to my soup and so that is it everything is in the soup I'm gonna let it bubble for a little while and cook and blend those flavors and I think I've got to have some more liquid it's too thick about looking for more like a casserole than a soup so let that cook a while and do you guys wash your lids on your cans before you use them I do I can't bear to open a lid if I haven't washed it all I can picture in my mind is a big warehouse with a bunch of little mice running around playing tag on my vegetable cans and I don't like that idea so I always bring my cans over and wash them around the rims of the lid before I use them kind of quirky but that's what I do that's what it looks like bubbling away it's just chock-full of veggies there it is ready to eat this is my favorite well there you have it another segment of Sharon's soups and so on I think this is my favorite soup of all I hope you'll try it I love it give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and most of all hit that little subscribe button if you haven't thank you so much until next time bye bye
Channel: Sharon's Soups & Sew-On
Views: 9,393
Rating: 4.9425287 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: A1zHvSV8f6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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