World's Best Hot Dog Chili - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making the world's best hot dog chili [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I'll make this exact same recipe down at the store once a month for our chili dog special and we serve it up on a homemade sourdough bun and it's a premium hot dog and everything and I can tell you the better the hotdog and the better the button the better your final chili dog it's gonna be but pick a hot dog in a bun that you like to go with this recipe just what you prefer and I have also learned that not everybody prefers a big premium hotdog there are two ways to make this and I make it two different ways I'm going to show you both of those ways and I'm going to do the one that has a couple more steps I guess but this recipe originally started out as a camping recipe I would make it when we would take the kids camping and we take big groups of kids camping so I'd have to make quite a bit now you have to start out with a pound of ground beef I really like something at least 8020 in this because it does affect the flavor if somebody happens to have a 70/30 and ground beef on sale use it that's fine just make sure you drain it really good and I just Brown that and season it with salt and pepper and I do have something to pee I'm in here already on the stove so I'm gonna move this stuff out of the way but you need salt pepper oh and a little onion powder put a little onion powder in it find it really good and drain it and you can multiply this recipe make as much as you want but this is for one pound and this will do Oh 810 hotdogs depending on how thick you like the chili on your hot dogs now when I'm camping I use this stuff right here just a pack of taco mix and all this here not that but this is basically what's in here now you do when you buy your taco seasoning you want to shop for it just a little bit get the stuff with no MSG's in it those things are awful you don't want to eat them but for the sake of the video to show the more complicated way to do it we're going to use this stuff here now I have about a tablespoon of cornstarch here maybe a little more you're going to need that to thicken it with those taco seasoning packets they already have that in it if you've ever used those you know that you add about 3/4 of a cup of water you cook it for a while it gets thick that's what the cornstarch is going to do you also want a little bit of sugar those taco seasoning packs already have that in there I'm using about a tablespoon adjust it up or down to your taste and this is a bulk taco seasoning here and a lot of people are doing the bulk spices because you can get them a lot cheaper like I got this far four dollars and you can get them at bulk food stores they're popping up everywhere that's what yesteryear is that's where I said I make the hot dog specials once a month and this is what I use in them at the store and I've only got a heaping tablespoon of that in here that'll make a lot of tacos and I've got about a teaspoon of chili powder because this doesn't seem to have it doesn't have quite the same flavor as the packets do so I like to put a little bit of chili powder in here so this is like three two one three parts the taco seasoning bowl taco seasoning in one part chili powder so I'm going to go ahead and dump that together and I'm going to dump my sugar in here I said that's basically what's in my taco seasoning packet plus the cornstarch now the other thing you're going to need get this out of the way too if you watched my regular chili video I said all chili has to have some tomato well because this started out as a camping recipe I always use ketchup in it and I've got about a third of a cup of ketchup here you can also adjust that up or down to suit your taste or the taste of the people you're cooking for but about a third of a cup and a pound that's plenty it gives it color and a flavor and you can use tomato paste or tomato sauce in this if you're making a lot more but you're going to have to add a little more spices to get that same flavor that the ketchup has ketchup it's easy just about a third of a cup and I've got a cup of water here in hot dog chili you know you have to have that sauce not just the meat so that's what the water is far and you would use that also with the taco seasoning packet so let's take this stuff over to the stove now when you brown your meat and you drain it you want to make sure that you chop it up really really good because if you have great big chunks of meat in your chili for your hot dogs like some of these chunks in here it's just gonna roll off your hotdog and make a big mess you're not gonna be able to keep it on there at all then you want to add your corn starts directly to your water you don't want to put that in your pan and you don't want to put it in after you put your water in because you have to add the corn starts cold water or it will clump up and I have made this before and not gotten enough corn starch now if you do that you cannot add more corn starts to it once your water gets hot once you've added it to the pan and it starts to get hot don't dump cornstarch in it you'll have lumps and it will not be good it's well I'm not going to say what those wants or the consistency is because we're making something that tastes good but they're very slimy lumps don't put your cornstarch in a hot pan just kind of keep busting this up until you get it all busted up really fine because like you said like I said you don't want big chunks it'll just roll off of your chili dogs you also want to make sure you drain it really good too nobody wants a greasy chili dog if you can get leaner meat on sale use the leaner meat in this it's fine I mean like I would never use the the super lean stuff for a hamburger because I'd only has enough fat to have good flavor but in this it's okay and a lot of times our local grocery store will have this stuff that's like 97 percent lean cheaper than they have regular ground beef I don't know why they just run specials on it and when they do that I get it for stuff like this you do want to give this corner stocks of a little stir after you dump it in the water because it all goes right to the bottom and like I said if you don't get enough it's not a big deal you're just going to cook it a little bit longer and it happens that you put too much cornstarch in your water then you just add a little more water to your chili it's not a big deal a little more water it will send it right on down if it comes out too thick [Music] okay and then I'm gonna add my spices here and you want to mix that up and if you never use those taco seasoning packets you can see that pretty much looks like it looks when you add a taco seasoning packet to your ground beef and I'm gonna go ahead and add my ketchup and you do have to let this simmer until it gets thick and it won't take long once it comes to a boil you'll cook it just a few minutes three or four minutes maybe unless it's thinner than you want and if it's thinner than you want just cook it a little bit longer and keep an eye on it and it will get thicker and if you're doing it for like a Super Bowl party or tailgating or something where you're going to be you're going to have to keep it one for a long time for several hours you want to make it a little thinner because the longer it cooks the thicker it will get and if you're if you have it simmering for a long time keeping it one for a long time you might have to add a little more water to it after a few hours but you can literally keep it warm all day long and it's like regular chili the longer it cooks the better it tastes so if you're doing something even a big cookout or bonfire where people are going to be eating over the course of several hours you know coming and get them a chili dog or showing up one of the time and eating chili dogs or though this is a great recipe for fundraisers too if your kids are on a ball team or something and you want to do a fundraiser and do chili dogs because you can keep this warm like I said all day long just keep an eye on how thick it's getting if it gets too thick or too dry you add a little water and it's not a big deal it doesn't hurt it at all okay keep an eye on this you don't have to like stir it constantly or anything but keep an eye on it while it's coming to a boil and while it simmers for just a minute while we're waiting on this to cook there's something that I want to share with y'all and I know Brett always puts a skip ahead on these but even if you don't want to hear this because you don't believe in God or you don't believe in Jesus I really wish you would stick around and hear this because I want to talk to y'all about forgiveness for just a minute and that's a concept I think that we all struggle with on a daily basis and there is medical evidence and scientific proof that having unforgiveness in your life holding grudges holding on to hurt when somebody has done something to you causes both emotional and physical health problems if you don't believe me you can look up the studies yourself or you can sit and watch dr. Phil or any other talk show and there will be somebody on there who has destroyed their life because they just can't let go of something that somebody did to them and I want to tell you what God says about it what Jesus said about it in Jesus's words and all three Gospels and in the first place it appears is in Matthew chapter 6 you can read Matthew chapter 6 for yourself but that's where the Lord's Prayer is and that's they asked Jesus how do we pray and he told them that and everybody has heard the Lord's Prayer you know forgive us our debts forgive us our transgressions forgive us our sins forgive us our trespasses however it's worded in your translation or in the gospel that you're reading it all means the same thing forgive us for what we have done is we forgive others for what they have done that's in the Lord's Prayer and I've heard that in churches I couldn't even tell you how many times but I honestly don't believe I have ever heard any pastor or television preacher or Internet preacher talk about the two verses that come after the Lord's Prayer and I don't know why that is but they don't what Jesus said is for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses well that's fairly clear God expects us to forgive people if we expect him to forgive us and I can tell you that forgiveness is something you are going to have to seek on a daily basis and you are going to have to give on a daily basis and there are people out there who will say you have no idea how bad I've been hurt and I can't possibly forgive that well you can and you will feel a whole lot better if you do and I know that you will because I've had to forgive a lot of stuff too and I'm not going to get into what I've had to forgive but I will tell you this that there was one thing in particular that I literally prayed for three years for God to help me forgive it now I've had to pray for God to help me forgive a lot of things and God will help us forgive and that doesn't necessarily mean that you forget what happened but it certainly fades the memory and once you forgive somebody for what they have done to you no matter how bad it is that pain will go away the depression will go away the hurt will go away and your outlook on life and your life in general will be a whole lot better you we'll feel better you will think clear and the world will just be a better place and I promise you I do know what you're talking about when you say I don't and I couldn't possibly understand and even if you haven't had anything totally horrible happen to you that seems unforgivable if you live in this world you're going to have people step on your toes stab you in the back and rip your heart out and you're gonna have to forgive them and I promise you there are people that you will hurt and even if you think you have never hurt anybody you're probably wrong but you have transgressed against God's law you have broken his law and when we break his law as his creation it hurts him so there are things that you need to be forgiven for and I know there are things that you need to forgive other people for and like I said it's one of those daily things but once you forgive it takes away the pain and it doesn't do you any good to be mad at somebody else because when you're mad at somebody else and when you hold a grudge against them it doesn't affect them in the least most of the time they don't even know you're holding the grudge it only hurts you it makes you depressed it makes you physically sick so forgive them so that God will forgive you and when you learn to forgive other people and when God forgives you you'll also find you can forgive yourself for a lot of things and I know that most women tend to blame themselves for a lot probably a lot of things that we shouldn't but that's something that I wanted to share with you and it's something that I tried to live by daily and sometimes I get mad more than I should before I hear those words but you know I said it's a struggle and sometimes you have to pray for God to help you forgive because it's more than you can let go of but he'll help okay so we're getting pretty close here to boiling this is pans been on medium all that time I don't know how we don't have bubbles maybe because I hadn't finished but you can see that it's starting to get thick and it looks like hot dog chili all of the meats and busted up really fine and that's what you want so that it will stay on the hot dog looks like that tablespoon of cornstarch was just about the perfect amount this time but like I said if it's a little too runny fari if you want it thicker you just cook it a little bit longer or if for some reason you got a little too much in there you can add a little bit of water and thin it on out and I know when we were kids hot dog chili really got stretched so this chili here probably would have had at least another cup of water in it and if you want to stretch it you can do that too but add a little more seasoning if you're going to add that much more water because you can't stretch it I mean you know if you got to feed a whole lot of people stretch it a little this is a super meaty batch of chili here for hot dogs okay there we go it's bubbling now and I'm going to call that good enough if you wanted to keep this warm you can keep it in a crock pot if you're going to take it tailgating or to a cookout or something like that you can put it in one of those little aluminum pans and sit it right on the grill and keep it warm that way if you want to keep it warm on your stove if you're having a party in your house and you're using your stove to keep stuff warm just turn it down to simmer and let it sit there and just keep an eye on it so you know don't dry out and it'll be fine for endless hours all right you want to make sure at the very least you've got some chopped onion and some shredded cheddar cheese and some ketchup and mustard to serve with these and you can have other fixings with it too the best way to cook your hotdogs of course is on a stick over a fire when you're camping but we don't get to camp every day and we certainly don't get to camp every time we want to have a chili dog especially if we're gonna be having it or a party or something you can make a whole lot of hot dogs in your oven just turn it on about 350 or so pop them in there on a baking sheet if you cover it was aluminum foil you don't even have to clean it up afterwards and cook them for 25 to 30 minutes or so they'll swell all up real big at 350 and they'll Brown nice okay these were in Irving a little bit longer than 30 minutes so they'll really swelled up but I did want to address a couple hot dogs before we ended the video so you can kind of see what it looked like but whether you're doing a Sunday football party or you're doing a big cookout or bonfire going camping whatever you're doing this is a really good chili dog recipe and it's really easy give it a try let me know what you think of it don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave please share our videos until next time remember to put God first thanks for joining this [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 355,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, gabby grows, hot dog chili, recipe, hot dog chili recipe, chili, chili dog, chili dog chili, homemade hot dog chili, how to, how to make chili for a hot dog, how to make hot dog chili, chili dog recipe, world's best chili dog, world's best hot dog chili, betty's kitchen, laura in the kitchen, ground beef recipe, easy hot dog chili, chili without beans, yesteryear county market chili dog, worlds best chili dog, homemade chili dog
Id: TCGBNm10Hno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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