Making Ground Beef from Carrots and it's GOOOD

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okay so to get started i have about a pound and a half of carrots now these are just organic carrots i got at the grocery store uh we're going to start off by just kind of chopping the top off of these guys we don't want to lose a whole lot because we're going to be using all of this for our ground taco meat now you know the funny thing is i have seen carrots used for so many different things in the plant-based meat world i recently saw a video where merle over a good full made tap with the browns carrot hot dog and p you know people always say that stuff comes out pretty good i know the carrot hot dog doesn't really taste like a hot dog but supposedly it comes out good i haven't tried it yet okay so our carrots are clean it's gonna suck in a lot of that water that's okay at this point we're just gonna chop the carrots you know probably roughly finger size um or smaller it's not gonna make a huge difference how big they are in the end we're just going to throw them into a bowl what do carrot hot dogs and carrot salmon get all the love like what about carrot tacos why is that not like a thing i looked it up there's nobody doing it so at this point all we're going to do is just we're going to toss these in a little bit of olive oil and then we're just going to sprinkle in a little bit teaspoon of soy sauce over toss the carrots top the carrots over top of the carrots now all that soy sauce is doing is just going to get the meatiness started we're not really this isn't like the end-all of the flavor it's just a touch of the flavor so at this point i have my oven preheating for 500 degrees fahrenheit i'm gonna drop these on a baking sheet throw them in the oven and bake them for just 15 minutes we're going to roast them for 15 minutes we don't want them to go too long because i don't want the carrots to get soft still want the carrots to be firm i just want them to be semi-roasted in this oil so while the carrots are roasting let's prep the rest of the ingredients let's make the taco seasoning now just to celebrate the fact that taco bell is testing some new plant-based meats i don't know if you've heard that or not but it sounds like it's gonna be pretty good they're gonna be testing their own meats and i've also heard that they might even be using some beyond meat i'm gonna make a taco bell-esque copycat recipe uh so to do that one teaspoon onion powder one teaspoon garlic powder two teaspoons of cumin one teaspoon paprika one teaspoon chili powder quarter teaspoon cayenne pepper and now my own variations to make this extra meaty we're gonna be adding about a half of a teaspoon of cocoa powder one teaspoon of my shangy beef broth mix now this is a vegan beef broth any vegan beef broth flavoring powder will work here now we're also gonna add about a half teaspoon of sugar one teaspoon flour and now this is optional it's only going to add to the mouth feel and make it feel more like that like ground taco meat i'm going to add about a quarter teaspoon of xanthan gum that is really going to give it a thicker feeling you know something that's a little bit more chewy instead of just like individual little pieces of meat that's going to kind of help keep the meat together now at this point we just want to whisk this all together make sure all of these ingredients are nice and combined it's really going to help once we add this into the ground meat to kind of put it together okay so let's set this to the side and then at this point we just need a clove of garlic and i'm gonna do is just don't even need it prepped i'm just gonna kind of chop it in half kind of actually i'm just gonna smash it it's probably gonna make things a little easier i'm gonna do a quarter of a yellow onion and that's just gonna be peeled and then roughly chopped um we're not doing like a whole lot of like extensive prep here because this is all kind of going into a small food processor and honestly i'm just gonna set this quarter on you to the side i'm not 100 sure if we're going to use all of that quarter onion when i was testing this recipe i just chopped up a little bit and threw it together and it came out pretty good so we'll just eyeball it and see in the end it just might be you know like a quarter cup you know a smaller portion of that and then i love cilantro in my taco meat so we're just going to kind of just roughly chop that up and again we're just going to throw it in with the carrots when they're ready so now at this point we're going to take our carrots out of the oven throw them in a colander and i'm going to run them under cold water i want to stop that cooking i want them to kind of firm up pretty quick i don't want them to keep cooking and steam themselves and get soft okay so cooled the carrots down they feel pretty good there's some soft like i said there would be and some really firm carrot here i think this is going to come out perfect and exactly what i said that one and a half pounds of carrots cooked down to almost exactly one pound which is perfect it's exactly what we need for this recipe okay so at this point i'm just gonna add a little bit of the carrots in to a little small food processor at a time in this first batch i'm just gonna add all of the garlic and we'll add you know some of the onion here we'll just kind of keep adding the onion until it looks good in the end result let's throw the top on and we're just going to pulse we don't want this to go to a mush we want to make sure that we have individual consistent carrot bites oh this is looking so good this is gonna be perfect and then just so you can see it's just small kind of like fine pieces of the carrot just imagine like the little individual pieces of meat almost let's pulse this half now this half we might pulse down just a little bit more because it's the smaller pieces might get a little softer thing that's going to kind of work in as a binder we'll add some of these onions yeah maybe it is going to be that whole quarter onion and some cilantro right off the bat and let's pulse this so real quick i actually got that idea uh to like blend the second portion down finer from nikki vegan she made a veggie burger where she had like the consistency but then she took half the mixture and blended it down super fine to make a paste to make the binder and i just thought that was i just thought that was brilliant so uh yeah that's that's where i got that idea so so back to the video okay so now we're getting into some meatiness now part of the taco bell seasoning packet like when you look at the taco bell flavors they're ingredients that includes yeast extract yeast extract marmite is just a very meaty ingredient yeast extract is pretty much pure glutamate it's just savoriness is all it is we're going to add a good size teaspoon to our carrots and we're gonna give them a good mix in okay you know what and honestly with the amount of carrot that we have here i'm actually gonna do let's do two teaspoons so at this point we have some meaty carrots i'm gonna go over to the stove we're gonna throw about a tablespoon of olive oil into a skillet we're gonna heat that skillet up to a medium medium-high heat we want it pretty hot at first we're gonna throw these carrots in we're gonna saute them up for just a moment that's we're gonna add the taco seasoning you're gonna add all of that seasoning to this mix make sure you mix it in really really well once it's mixed in well you're going to start adding some water about a tablespoon at a time until this mixture starts to thicken up and it really is wild how much this actually looks like ground beef it's kind of crazy probably have to add some more water to thin this out just a bit this stuff is unbelievable look at this look at this stuff oh my god now real quick just for fun my local grocery store was out of tofutti so i'm going to make my own little sour cream mixture real quick we're just going to use some silken tofu and we're just going to kind of mix up now commonly for this i would use like a lactic acid lactic acid works really great in this scenario it's going to give it that sour cream taste we're going to be using this on the taco so i'm just going to use some lime juice the lime juice works in this it gives it like a little citrusy taste the lactic acid really works really well because it gives it that like dairy taste it makes it taste like real sour cream if you have lactic acid use a pinch of lactic acid probably just a quarter teaspoon now again just to get the texture right we're going to be using about a quarter teaspoon of xanthan gum whip this really quickly into the mixture now i'm just going to add just a touch of salt to this and really this is going to give us a pretty good sour cream consistency the gums along with the tofu nail it it's pretty good i'm pretty happy with that let's build our tacos we're just going to heat up some tortillas i just got these little street corn tortillas commonly uh make mine but i just felt like being lazy today we're just going to top these with some of those leftover onions touch a cilantro and touch who does a touch of cilantro and tacos i'm sorry and then i'm just going to give it a little blop of my sour cream we don't need a whole lot on there i mean look at these look at these tacos i it's just i mean just look at that i don't think somebody would know the difference okay baby we are finally eating something that's for me i love tacos how much do i eat tacos oh my god all the time that's all you ever want i love it's what i want for dinner most of the time so they look just like tacos there we go okay cheers cheers this is really good delicious yeah i mean really i don't think i wouldn't i don't think i would know like you know that this wasn't me you know there's it's different like it's definitely a little bit different but like you wouldn't question it you know like it's different you might think that some of the texture might come from the onion or something like that so i can say that like it's definitely not like um you know a big chunky piece of meat that you bite into or anything like that like but it definitely tastes like taco meat you know you wouldn't question it it's not like it tastes like even heavy carrot or something like that no there's very really like flavorful it's kind of like a taco bell taco meat flavoring although better i don't really let i know i might get heat for this but i think taco bell tacos are gross but this is better um it is it's delicious and it's um tons of tons of flavor yeah so real quick i've asked you on the past on my community tab what you felt about the taste tests these are the new taste tests if you got to this point in the video i would love to make this video do a little bit better than some of my previous videos so make sure you please click the like button it really does help and leave a comment in the description below about the taste test let me know that you got to the taste test section that'll help me just keep the taste tests in the video more in the future because i like them being in the video but i also want youtube to promote my videos so it's a win-win for everybody that's it we have a ton of taco meat left so let's awesome pack it up for lunch tomorrow so exciting yeah this was really good it is i know you
Channel: Sauce Stache
Views: 607,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taco Bell meat, carrot, carrot meat, carrot taco, carrot taco meat, how to make vegan tacos, making ground beef from carrots, plant based meat, plant based protein, plant based recipe, sauce stache, vegan Taco Bell, vegan Taco Bell meat, vegan Taco Bell meat recipe, vegan carrot meat, vegan ground beef, vegan recipe, vegan taco meat, vegan taco recipe, vegan tacos
Id: PM-zYubvOnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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