Potato Soup - 100 Year Old Recipe - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making my granny's tater soup that tater soup has been complicated greatly over the years and I'm not quite sure why pater soups also called root soup it's because you can make it out of the stuff that you have stored in your root cellar in the wintertime what I have here is what you're gonna need for half a batch I've already got half of it on the stove cooking so that it'll kind of simplify the editing process but I'm going to tell you what you need for a whole pot of tater soup you need about four or five cups of diced potatoes and that's not a lot of potatoes I'm talking about five or six potatoes you know just average size potatoes if you bought the big ones probably two would more than do a whole batch of tater soup you want a cup of diced onions and that's gonna be about a medium onion just something you know not so big around a cup of grated carrots which is just an average sized carrot now the carrot in the soup is gonna give it it's gonna make it sweeter and it's gonna add a little color to it and it adds a lot of flavor to it too and you need a half stick of butter 4 tablespoons and I said where I got half of it in there you're gonna need 2 cups of milk and two cups of water now when I'm making soup and stuff I always use filtered water if you're on city water if you're making something cooking something that it's gonna keep the water in it like soup if you filter the water you really will notice a difference in the flavor all those chemicals that are in city water totally changes the taste of your food you can use any milk in this recipe this is a good recipe especially if you're making it in the wintertime maybe you're running low on fresh ingredients because you've been snowed in or something but this is one of those really good recipes to put powder of milk in or you can use some evaporated milk or you know some shelf-stable milk you can also put half-and-half or even heavy cream in this to make it richer and then holdbacks you're going to use about half a teaspoon of pepper and a teaspoon of salt now you can adjust that to taste but it doesn't have any broth or anything like that in it and it doesn't have it doesn't have anything else in it this is basic potato soup now of course you can dress it up with all kinds of stuff but to start we're going to take our onions and our butter over and we're going to brown those first what you want to do is you want to turn your pan on about medium or so and add your butter and your onions and you can jump them in there at the same time and you won't let that cook until the onions start to get tender and they start to brown a little bit that's going to put more flavor in your soup and it's of course you want the onions tender you don't want crisp onions in your tater soup the flavors not as good and the texture is not as good I'm gonna save my salt in my paper until my soup is almost done cooking when I add my milk at the very end I'm gonna add my salt in my pepper and that does a few things mainly what that does is that that makes your salt have more flavor without having to add more salt like a lot of spices as it's cooked salt loses its flavor if you use hot peppers and things like that you know the longer they're cooked the more flavor they use will salts the same way but now you can add a lot of stuff to potato soup you can certainly add meat to it some diced ham and it's really good you can add all kinds of cheese to it you can add cheese without any meat most of my kids like it with cheese added to it you can add crumbled up bacon to it you can even fry your bacon and then add your onions and your bacon grease and use that for the fat in your soup and then crumble your baking up and your finished soup but some basic potato soup doesn't have any kind of meat in it it was in one of those get you through hard times the dead of winter recipes when there was nothing left to eat you would go to the root cellar and take out your onions and your potatoes and you care it and you could make a pot of potato soup and my Grady would make this in the wintertime with a pan of cornbread or a pan of biscuits and that wouldn't be dinner okay it only takes maybe four or five minutes to for your onions to start browning but you do want to cook them to the point where they start to brown just a little bit watch your butter and make sure it doesn't burn because that will change the flavor of your taters hip - and not the good way but you do want to cook it long enough for it to get that kind of just a golden slight golden brown color and we're almost there okay my onions are starting to get soft now and my butter is turning a real nice kind of yellow color here so at this point we're going to number our carrots and dump in our taters and add our cup of water our two cups if you were making a whole batch give that a little stir and you want to put a lid on it and you're gonna let it come to a boil and once it comes to a boil then you're gonna turn it down on low and then let it sit and simmer for about 45 minutes cook it slow and low and in 45 minutes the pots gonna magically change and it's going to look kind of like this now you can stir this a few times but you don't have to go crazy I think I've started this maybe three or four times and you can see that potatoes are falling apart there and the carrots are all team during their kind just soaking up into the potatoes sort of we're going to add our salt my pepper and I'm going to try to just have this in there because it's half of its for the rest of the soup and we're going to add our milk now another thing folks tend to do with tater soup that complicates it is they come up with all these ways to thicken it now you can add cornstarch to your meal or you can add a little flour to your milk you can even use the Box potato flakes like you would get for instant mashed potatoes to thicken it if it's not thick enough once you stir your milk in and heat it up to the point where it's boiling it's really really simple to thinking potato soup how do you do is I actually just a little bit now you don't want to match all of it because you're not making runny mashed potatoes but my granny would take a tater Vanisher and just go down in it maybe once or twice to thicken it up or even take a fork and mash some of it or whatever she was stirring it with but it's really simple you just mash up enough until it gets to the thickness that you want it this spoons working just fine I don't need to get a fork or a tailor's masher or anything and it's literally that simple to thicken your tater soup you don't need to add anything else to it and you can see the butter and the onions make a really nice broth in it so you don't need to add canned vegetable broth and almost every recipe for homemade soup that is on the internet now our in cookbooks every single modern recipe has can broth in it Tan broth almost all has MSG in it and it is absolutely loaded with sodium and people are all trying to cut down salt because the American Medical Association and the American Heart Association tell us too much salts bad for us well too much soap that is not nearly the bad for us is MSG's which are added to food to enhance flavor so basic salt is a far better flavor enhancer than what you're getting in those cans of broth and to me it doesn't make any sense to go to the trouble to cook homemade food with fresh ingredients and then add commercial additives to it if you're having migraine headaches or about a million other health problems that you're gaining weight you can't lose weight check the ingredients in your food if you're eating a lot of MSG's that's probably what's causing it as I'm stirring this and you do want to stir it at the end the milk because you don't want your milk to scorch I'm just kind of keeping an eye on the texture of it and every once in a while I find the being junket taker I'll squish it a little bit and that's how I thickened it I just keep kind of stirring it as I'm heating my milk and just mash it a little bit at a time until I get it to the point where it's thick enough if you're gonna add cheese to it and like I said my kids will love it with cheese in it you want to allow for that when you're trying to get it the right consistency because the cheese will thicken it some too okay my soup is starting to bubble just a little bit again which means my milk is getting hot the consistency of the soup looks really good now I'm busted up enough of the potatoes in it that it gets plenty thick enough I mean you don't want to have to eat it with a knife and fork and I've still got plenty of chunks of tater in there some little bitty pieces and carrot now you can also add a lot of different spices to this if you like dill weed is good chives are good you could add some parsley maybe you can add fresh spices to it if you have been they dried spices were more available in the winter time since the it's a winter dish and sometimes also spice it up I'll add spices so it kind of has like a ranch flavor to it that's good we can cut this off but sometime this winter get this basic recipe a try maybe without all the extra stuff added into it for me the basic stuff really it's better sometimes because sometimes you're just not always in the mood for all the extra stuff but I said it's really easy to dress it up add some meat to it diced ham crushed bacon egg cheese sour cream more spices and it totally changes it but if you have the basic recipe to start with they can have all those other things that you can work with and change it into a totally different soup and while you're cooking up your soup make sure you throw your panic on bread in the end go with it especially if you're making Tiger suit because I'm telling you folks they just ain't nothing better in the world on a cold winter knee that's a tiger and some cornbread if only this heatwave would break this would be absolutely perfect it's got to sooner or later though right it's the end of September [Music] well before we leave I want to take this a second and welcome all of our new subscribers we've added I think I looked a while ago with my 12,000 subscribers and last month we've added about 45,000 in the past five months so I want to welcome all of you and I wanna thank all of you and thank all of you that have stuck with us while we were all hoping Samantha built our store and get it started and you're still here we are truly grateful for every single subscriber and everybody who watches us on a regular basis we consider you all to be a blessing from God and we really really appreciate you all being a part of what we're doing here thank you so much for joining us in the ability and if you haven't already please click subscribe or you leave and give us a like and until next time remember to put God first [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 393,389
Rating: 4.9419761 out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, potato soup, tater soup, root soup, 100 year old recipe, heirloom recipe, how to make potato soup, world's best potato soup, potato soup recipe, recipe, tater soup recipe, root soup recipe, cooking, old recipe, soup recipe, delicious soup, best soup recipe, best soup, old fashioned potato soup, old fashioned soup, granny's soup, granny's tater soup, potato recipe, vegetarian soup recipe, vegetarian potato soup, easy soup recipe
Id: ckN91cpn8cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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