No Fail Sausage Gravy Secrets Revealed - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks so welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making sausage gravy biscuits and gravy is like the traditional country hillbilly breakfast and everybody who grew up in the country has certainly had biscuits and gravy for breakfast but for some reason gravy seems to be something that folks have trouble with these days so this video I'm going to focus just on how to make the gravy and nothing else I've got some fresh biscuits in the oven bacon up and I'll post a link to the video so you can get the recipe for the biscuits and all the directions for them but what you need to make sausage gravy well you don't even really need a sausage but you got to have a pan that has some sausage cooked in it and I've got a pan over on the stove that I'm cooking sausage in but what I like to do is I cut a pound of sausage into pieces slice the roll up and then I keep the two end pieces and I put that in my gravy because they ain't very pretty anyway you don't have to add the extra sausage to your gravy though you can just use the drippings in the pan and you need about a quarter of a cup of flour and any flour will work two cups of milk and salt and pepper and that's it so let's take this over to the stove okay I've got my pieces of sausage here pretty much fried if you don't want to do pieces of sausage if all you want is just the gravy to go with the biscuits you can actually take just about this much sausage just be in pieces for the two cups that's all you need and you just fry that up in your pan and you can make your gravy in that but generally folks around here like some sausage with theirs so right up the whole pound and then make the gravy in the pan after I get done frying it then I'm just gonna mash these two pieces of sausage here up and bust smoke until they're really small because I don't want real big chunks of sausage in my gravy this is just kind of a seasoning for it don't worry about all that stuff that's sticking on the bottom of the pan because when we start mixing up the gravy that's all gonna come off and that's gonna give a lot of flavor to the gravy if you use the sausage like this just season your gravy with or flavor it a little bit more you want it pretty fine like this and get it pretty fine just by stirring it while it cooks and it just takes a second to cook it because you're stirring it around and there's not much in there especially if your pan is already hot and the type of gravy or the type of sausage you pick is really gonna determine the flavor of your gravy I like Wampler brand sausage I think it has a really good flavor Jimmy Dean it's available on a wider market it's also pretty good and both of those brands now have an all-natural version that doesn't have the MSG's in it so I try to get that whenever I can okay now once your sausage is cooked you're just gonna sprinkle your flour in your pan and you're gonna stir that until your flour and your grease and your sausage crumbles are all combined together really well and you can see there's not much grease in my pan or there wasn't before added that flour if you've got some kind of sausage that's really really fatty you might want to take some of the grease out of it you don't have to but I'm not a big fan of greasy gravy so if I've got a lot of grease in my pan I usually and get some of it out of there I just like enough grease to make my Roux and it doesn't take much grease okay and now you add salt and pepper to it and like I said don't worry about what's stuck on the bottom of the pan because when we add the milk and we start stirring it all that stuff that's gonna come off the bottom of the pan and that's what's gonna get your flavor in your gravy and how much salt pepper you add is entirely up to you and you can make hot gravy by using hot sausage I used to make this at church for breakfast a lot of times and I would just do biscuits and gravy and I would make a gallon of mild and a gallon of hot and if you're making a gallon you're gonna need a whole roll of sausage in your gravy to flavor it and then add your milk all at once while you stir you can use a whisk for this and sometimes I do or you can use a fork but whatever you're making it in you want to be able to scrape the bottom now you can certainly make this in a nonstick skillet but if you're doing a nonstick skillet you want to use a nylon coated whisk or a nylon fork and I'm skillet I think forth works about as good as anything once you add your milk you do want to keep stirring it you don't want to I mean you can let it sit for like just a second while you stir something else like if you were cooking a big breakfast and you were doing some eggs and fried apples and all that stuff it's okay to stop for a second while you stir something else but you pretty much want to keep stirring once you've added your milk and I don't know if you can tell the difference in the sound of the pan or not but when I first add in my milk and I started stirring and couldn't hear the fork on the bottom of the pan it scraping on all that stuff that looked like it was stuck to the bottom of the pan maybe even look like it was burned a little bit and now you can hear the fork on the bottom the pan and it feels smooth as I'm stirring it it doesn't feel real rough anymore like it did when I first started that's because when you dump that milk in there it makes all that stuff release and it's like I said it gets in your gravy and gives it a really good flavor now there's only a couple of things that you really need to keep in mind with gravy there's two ways to really mess it up one is burning it that's not stirring it enough and the other way is trying to add more flour after your milk starts to boil because your gravy is too thin you absolutely cannot add flour to this once it starts to boil if it was really really really thin and you cooked it for a long time you could maybe dissolve a little meal or a little flour in a little cold milk and then add it to it and thicken it but that really doesn't work very well if it's too thin the best way to get it thicker is to just keep cooking it because it will cook down and it will thicken and it doesn't matter how thin you got it I could have put a tablespoon of flour in that much milk and eventually cooked it down and got thick but that would have been eventually now the other thing is if it's too thick if you make it and it's just too thick all you got to do is add a little bit more milk and then stir it until it's smooth and you can add milk as many times as you need to and when it gets hot it will smooth right back out my granny used to make a big pan of gravy in the morning for breakfast especially there's planting time and harvest time everybody was gonna be outside working all day and then when they came in for lunch she would add milk to the pan that had sat on the stove from breakfast until lunch and gotten really really stiff and just heat it up and stir it until it all smooth back out and that's what they would have for lunch so the FDA don't recommend doing that these days so don't leave your gravy sitting on the stove till lunchtime and say Becky said it was alright to just add more milk to this but grainy did it our whole lives and none of us ever died from it okay now my gravy started the boil you do want to bring it to a boil and once it gets to a boil and it's gonna thicken up pretty fast when it gives us thick as you like it take it off the heat and get it well you don't necessarily have to get it out of the pan if you leave it especially if you cook it in an iron skillet and you leave it in the skillet it'll help keep it warm but you want to get it off that heat and even if you leave it in the skillet it's gonna continue to get thicker and something else to keep in mind is as it cools it's gonna get thicker like this is not super thick now but Brent likes his gravy really thick and but the time this gets on his plate and he gets ready to eat it that's gonna be really thick gravy so you want to stop it a little bit before the point where it's as thick as you think you want and that's what I've got right there it's that's as thick as I want it it's gonna get thicker as it cools and like I said if it's too thin keep cooking it don't add more flavors that will cause lumps that you will never get out of it and if it's too thick just pour a little more milk in there and if you've got them getting out of bed you know thirty minutes apart and you've got to heat the gravy back up add a little more milk it'll clean it right back out and it'll smooth out and get all it'll get back to this exact texture when you get it hot so you can warm it up as people get out of bed and add a little more milk to it and it'll be fine I want to use this spatula and really get this out of this pan and kind of show you what I'm talking about that all the stuff that was burned in the bottom of the pan came out so you can see none of that brown stuff that was in the bottom of the pan is left the milk lifted it all off as it boiled and this panel be really easy to clean because we already got all the stuck all the stuff out and it's in our greedy a lot of people ask me about the cast-iron skillets on the glass-top stove it is not recommended that you use cast-iron skillets on glass top stoves in large part because they are so heavy so if you do it be very careful because if you sit the skillet down just a little bit too hard it can crack the top of the stove and also because they're rougher on the bottom than most skillets are so if you slide it across your glass-top stove it's gonna scratch it so that's the reason why it's not recommended because it's very easy to scratch the stove and also very easy to break the stove with them but if you have a glass top stove and you want to use your cast iron on it just be really really careful our biscuits are ready and they're golden brown and our gravy is ready and like I said I would post a link to these biscuits these are a really simple three ingredient biscuit so this is a classic country breakfast that anybody can make and like I said you can add to it make a really big breakfast you can do scrambled eggs and even definitely fried apples I mean that's like the ultimate breakfast right there just whatever you want add some bacon to it especially if you got a whole lot of people coming over so you've got a little bacon little sausage the biscuits and gravy now that you know all the tricks to perfect sausage gravy you can have biscuits and gravy for breakfast anytime you want to homemade hot fresh in your own kitchen and if you got a big crowd to feed biscuits and gravy is a super cheap way to do it you can really stretch your food a long way if you're doing biscuits and gravy and feed a lot of people for just a little money I said a lot of us in the country we can grew up on these kids in gravy and there were some hard times thank you so much for joining us a hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already please click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put God first [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 2,711,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, no fail sausage gravy, breakfast gravy, white gravy, brown gravy, gravy and biscuits, how to make gravy, how to make sausage gravy, sausage gravy recipe, recipe, iron skillet recipe, iron skillet cooking, milk gravy, country gravy, easy gravy, no fail gravy, 100 year old recipe, homemade gravy, biscuits and gravy, old fashioned gravy, bacon, world's best gravy, perfect gravy, southern cooking, tasty
Id: pFoUmXnkKw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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