One Pot Broccoli Cheddar Soup - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making homemade broccoli cheddar soup now I've got the ingredients sitting out here all fresh ingredients to make this completely from scratch but don't panic over all these ingredients because when we get started I'm gonna give you some substitutes since maybe some things you can do to make it a little easier and not have so much prep work but what I have here are two heads of fresh broccoli I've got the flowers here and this is the stems I peeled those and chopped those up because I'm going to use those in my base to make my stock for the soup I've also got a stalk of celery that I chopped up fine and a medium onion that I chopped up fine one carrot that I shredded and that along with the broccoli stem that's gonna make my vegetable stock for my base I've got about 1/2 teaspoon of pepper a teaspoon of salt and you're gonna want just that to taste 2 tablespoons of cornstarch now you can use flour to thicken it you can use something like potato flour you could even use instant potato flakes but this is a gluten free vegetarian soup so I like the corn starts better really to thicken soups and stuff with it just dissolves easier I've got two cups of water that's gonna make my stock and two cups of half-and-half that I'm using for my cream base in this soup you can use any milk you have in this you don't have to have half-and-half you can use whole milk skim milk the kind of apparated milk just anything you can even use powdered milk in this this is actually soups or a really good way to use powdered milk up if you keep a little extra in your cabinet for maybe when you get snowed in or something and I have two cups of shredded cheddar cheese and half a stick of butter and I'm gonna start by taking my butter my broccoli stems my carrots my onions and my celery and my salt my paper over and putting them in the pan now I'm cooking this on medium heat and like I said I'm just adding in the butter and then all the vegetables if you melt your butter first it kind of keeps everything from sticking to the bottom of your pot got my onions and then my celery and you can add this in whatever order this is my broccoli stems if you use broccoli stems in yours you do want to peel the stems I know we've all bought that really cheap frozen broccoli that has a big woody stems in it the center of the stem of broccoli is really tender and it has a lot of flavor in it you just have to peel the outside off before you chop it up and that's what I did and my broccoli was actually broccoli flowers I mean it just our broccoli crowns it just had the top and a little bit of spin but it still had enough that once I peeled it I had a little to go in this so that I would have some broccoli flavor in my stock I'm also going to go ahead and put my carrots in there and my salt and my pepper and like I said you gonna want to adjust this a little bit and you can wait until the very end add any salt that way you need less salt in the whole dish but I'm gonna add a little in here now and I'll taste it at the end and add a little more if it needs it once you get your vegetables and your butter and your salt and pepper in your pot go ahead and put a lid on it and I want to cook it like that until the vegetables start to get tender and some of the flavor kind of has a chance to mesh with my butter that I put in there and while that's cooking these pieces of broccoli here are a little bit big to go in the soup so you want to cut these up a little bit smaller or break them up a little bit smaller I usually just break mine you don't want pieces quite that big I mean you couldn't even get that in a spoon and you can cut it up really small if you want to you can even take an immersion blender and cream this soup okay it's only gonna take I don't know maybe five or six minutes or your onions and celery and broccoli stems and stuff to start to soften up and you can see the color gets a little lighter and that's all you want really at this point you're going to go ahead and add your water and then we're just gonna win that sit there and simmer for about another five minutes or so and that's gonna get all the flavor from all those vegetables into that water and you can see it's already a really rich looking yellow color even before it simmers and I say when I started this that I would go over some stuff you can do to make this recipe faster instead of making this vegetable stock you can buy a vegetable stock and add to it you could even use chicken stock or something like that I really don't like adding any Cann stock to my homemade soup to me that kind of defeats the purpose of making homemade soup I think if you're if you put canned broth and your homemade soup it kind of didn't homemade anymore it certainly isn't fresh anymore when I'm in a hurry or when I don't have the celery and the onions and the carrots and all that stuff or I don't have time to cut it all I use dried spices and just add extra dried spices into my soup when I'm making it I'll use onion powder maybe a little garlic powder you can use dried diced onions or garlic anything like that to get that flavor in your soup rather than going with those canned broth and something else to keep in mind if you're using fresh broccoli that broccoli is going to be cooking there and all vegetable broth is it's just the water that vegetables have been cooked in so if you're starting out with fresh broccoli you don't need quite so much extra I did it just to show all the stuff you can put in there pretty much anything I put in here and you can leave out something else if you're making homemade soup and you're used to canned soup or even the stuff that comes in the jars and stores it's more expensive you're probably going to want to add a little bit of sugar to it because all of those soups have added sugar and most restaurant soups also have added sugar in them so it's not going to taste quite right to you if you don't add a little bit of sugar you don't need a whole lot and you're gonna add it about like you do your salt start with just like a teaspoon and taste it the carrot in this it's going to add a little bit of sweetness which is plenty enough for me but I'm feeding other people and I know that bread is not gonna like this unless it has just a little bit of added sugar in it now I'm not even going to add it to the whole pot I'm gonna sprinkle it at the end like you would add extra salt on the table and that way there will be less sugar per serving in his and I don't have any sugar in mine so you can do the same thing to your salt rather than add more salt to the pot you can put the salt on the table but like I said everything we've done up to this point you can almost totally skip this step and just use your dried spices and stuff and go ahead and dump your broccoli in your water and start cooking I'm gonna go ahead and add my cornstarch into my half-and-half and I said any milk will working this you can use evaporated milk you can use powdered milk you can use skim milk regular whole milk just anything on work and the lower the fat content and your milk of course the lower the fat content in your soup okay my onions and my carrots and celery and all that stuff have been simmering for about 10 minutes now if you don't want any of those pieces of vegetables in your broccoli soup you can strain this and then add the liquid back into the pot before you put the broccoli in but I think it just adds to it and not only that you would be throwing away an awful lot of food if you strained all that out it puts just a tiny bit of extra color in the finished soup and you can see here about what size I've broken my broccoli up into you can do it however you like it if you want much larger pieces or much smaller pieces that's entirely up to you and I do wait to add this until all the other stuff is pretty tender because I don't want to cook the broccoli so much that it just completely disappears in the soup I want to have some pieces left in it but like I said you can't cook it until it just completely disappears you can even take an immersion blender or something and blend it up so that it's a creamy soup now I'm gonna put the lid back on this and I'm gonna let the broccoli sit there and steam for about 10 minutes to soften it up before I add my milk and my cornstarch I'm filming this video at the end of February 2020 and if you live anywhere on this planet you have heard about the virus that's threatening to turn into a worldwide pandemic and there has been some panic and certainly the situation in China is not good there are examples in the Bible of how we are supposed to act during situations like this and one of the ones one of the big ones the most detailed ones that comes to my mind is a story of Joseph in Exodus where it explains about the seven-year famine in Egypt now I certainly don't think that this virus is going to be a seven-year ordeal or at least I hope it isn't but there have been official warnings that we should prepare for some disruption to daily life now our president has reassured us that they have the situation under control and he does not think it is going to get bad in this country and I certainly hope it doesn't I don't think this is something that we should worry about or grieve over or certainly it's not something that we should panic over but the situation in China is fairly desperate for a lot of people so I think we should follow the Bible's example and prepare because we have been warned to prepared and I don't think that means that you need to necessarily today order $25,000 worth of freeze-dried food because not very many people can do that but I do think that it would be wise of every to at least make sure they have a few weeks of groceries and non-perishable groceries in their house and we can all do that just with canned vegetables and fruit and canned meat and all that stuff has a several year shelf-life and you can use it later if you don't need it right now so it's not like you're gonna lose anything if you buy a few extra cans of green beans or some canned potatoes or something like that and stick it in your cabinet the best way to avoid panic is to be prepared for a situation and if we have been warned that as good citizens and as good Christians we should do that we should we should make sure we're ready and certainly if we're asked to stay home for a few weeks in order for an outbreak to be contained it's gonna be far more comfortable if we're not sitting in our houses starving to death so while you have time go ahead and buy little extra stuff and put it back so that if our government does ask us to stay home you can do that without being part of the problem and without contributing to the chaos that something like that would cause you can sit at home and you have I need to eat and you'll be warm and safe and out of the danger of any outbreak I mean it only makes good sense and like I said it's something that we've been told to do and as Christians it's something that God tells us to do he's given us examples and he's shown us that we're supposed to do that so I don't want to in any way contribute to this chaos that's going on I don't think this is the end of the world or anything like that but I just think the whole situation would be far better if we were all ready for it and it didn't cause great distress if we had to stay home for a little while so that's something that you might want to think about especially right now because a lot of people have tax money coming back and you have a little extra money in your pocket and like I said you're not losing anything it's not like you're buying stuff you're not going to use that's just my take on it not paint it pray about it and get ready for it okay you might want to check your broccoli with a fork and make sure it's tender it is gonna turn colors when it gets done and you can see that mine is turning colors and mine is actually breaking up a little bit when I stir it so I know it's tender and I'm gonna go ahead and add my cornstarch in my milk now even though I already put this in here and I stirred it you do want to give it another little stir because all your cornstarch will settle to the bottom of your cup and then it'll be stuck in there are no cause a big lump in your soup and if I didn't already say it frozen broccoli will work just fine in this soup and in the winter I usually do use frozen broccoli to make it but I just happened to find that on sale in the grocery store the other day so I bought the fresh stuff now at this point all we're going to do is keep an eye on it because we've got milk in it and milk a little scorch and we want to bring it back to a boil and let it thicken and stuff like cooking soup from scratch it takes a little bit of time and it is a little bit of effort but it is definitely worth it even if you don't make this completely from scratch every time you make it it's something you should do occasionally because it's absolutely delicious and it is such a treat and the only thing you really need with this to make a meal is some kind of bread and any kind of bread will work you could do corn bread you could do rolls or bread sticks and just anything litter even biscuits would be good with it and you really don't even need that I mean I just need extra suit myself but like Brett you would have to have some kind of bread with it and all of my kids would want I'm bread with it they wouldn't want just the soup okay it's starting to boil just a little bit and it is getting thick really fast so now I'm going to go ahead and add my cheese you can cut the heat off as soon as it gets us thicken morning I'm gonna let my cook just a tiny bit longer and a lot of the flavor in this soup also comes from the cheese I use mild cheese because aged cheese's are a migraine trigger but you could certainly use aged cheddar in this and it would have a lot more flavor and I'm going to save just a little bit of cheese to garnish the top of the bowl and that's about thick enough so I'm gonna turn my heat off and start my cheese in the melted and because this is boiling that cheese will melt new problem you can see how thick it is because when I stir it the spatula I'm using like leaves a trail in the soup now this does take a little bit of time to prepare I mean cutting up the vegetables and stuff like that but it's not hard to make and it doesn't take very long at all to cook and that's literally all there is to it and that I'm just back guarantee you is the best broccoli cheddar soup you've ever had and I don't care how much you paid for it in a restaurant so whether it's a cold winter day like today are a hot summer day and you don't want to keep the stove on all day long and you've got a lot of fresh vegetables you want to use broccoli cheddar soup is a really good choice for I think it's a special meal even though it's just soup if you make it from scratch it's a lot more than just soup it has so much flavor you're just not going to believe it it is absolutely delicious and like I said you add a little bread with it and it's going to fill up anybody even the hungriest man so if this a try it's not hard to make it's a little bit of time to repair but not hard to make it off thank you so much for joining us in hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember put God first [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 248,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, broccoli cheddar soup, soup recipe, broccoli recipe, cheddar recipe, how to make soup, homemade soup, homemade broccoli cheddar soup, vegetarian soup, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian broccoli cheddar soup, gluten free recipe, gluten free soup, creamy broccoli cheddar soup, soup, cooking, baking, whole food recipe, one pot broccoli cheddar soup, One pot meal, panera broccoli cheese soup, vegetable soup, chicken noodle soup
Id: Nnt9NO5HUCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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