YouTube Ends Copyright Abuse - H3 Podcast #135

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to rock and roll baby it's Friday and your leader Bhupesh maximus is here to take the lead welcome my super troopers today we have for you a super entertainer a super exciting episode of the h3 podcast fresh as it gets filmed this morning this afternoon and brought to you steaming hot and fresh the same day for your enjoyment thank you to audible for sponsoring this episode and thank you to Eva Klein for being a wonderful care of wonderful mom excellent co-host and I mean truly Oh whooping what man could ask for a better wife and partner in life I thank you it for that so thank you very much I want to thank Dan the producer who dares to care about a show this Thanksgiving I don't know I just send them I'm just following my spirit takes my gratitude okay I want to thank Dan the producer who cares on a level that is well he should care that much because it is a job and we do pay him fair I think a fair wage to care that level but regardless of the of the compensation he does care he's got a great personality and boy do we love to have him that's true thanks man was that not lukewarm lukewarm I mean was it good or did it not no no good we do average Dan we appreciate that in there in problem with it starts to sound like you're kidding I'm not kidding I want I want I wish I could send ongoing problem so we have to address ok well this part I'm definitely not I definitely am not kidding when I say Ian the intern he is there there he is and we love him for being there don't we and Zach of course who could forget who could forget whenever the audio levels are off blame this we love you Zack we're gonna be in guys let's get into the show for Christ's sake we've got you didn't thank Allah o Allah or you know Allah ya Yahweh Yahweh Yahweh see Allah's the is the Muslim God God I'm just minions Yahweh is the Jewish God I don't care about what I'm thinking Jesus or we'll be thanking God we're taking it we're trick question you're both the same thing we are thinking the Supreme Being that put us all here together Wow and this blessed Friday wow thank you so the one true and only God whether you are a Muslim a Christian a Jew that's right this one God is like eight you could call me whatever you want about it exactly to meet it's the regula and we serve it every day Roz again so everyone go down alright let's we have had a fascination with scooter scooter madness scooter people have way too much confidence they have no consideration of other people on the road on the streets they have completely lost their mind and they're out of control there's something that happens when you sit on a scooter that it's like a brain infection where it's like it's almost like a mental illness and I'm not making I'm just saying when you sit on a scooter something in your brain clicks and you're like oh the world is in my way it's what happens to spite him and when he got bit by the spider hmm gives you get the scooter power scooter powers well scooter powers unfortunately have limits and we've seen those limits time and time again I've got a bunch of new scooter content man the one I really wanted to show you guys is actually we decided not to but I'll describe it to you it's this guy in Korea he misses the elevator because somebody I guess did leave it open firm and obviously is on the scooter the whole world needs to cooperate with his demands so here's the crazy part you see the elevator lowering so the guy on the scooter knew that elevator had already dipped out so he backs up rams the elevator full speed and you see him lurch forward backs up a second time Rams a full sleeve to the door flips back the elevator door flips back exposing the shaft and at that point you're like whoa dude that was close and you would think that he would at that point be like well that was a close call he so he backs he goes back a third time slams that he floors this scooter pedal he's going 15 miles per my 50 miles per hour flooring it slams it again tge and he goes slips under the elevator shaft and the funny thing and I'm sad to say it it is funny that he's holding on he never lets go that handles like he still thinks he's in control of the scooter as he slips under the elevator door and you can see him just you know he's holding like he's still got his foot on the gas all the way and he just falls down the shaft and then the door flips back behind him hmm and nothing and he disappeared and he literally fell down an elevator shaft yeah we thought it might be too much to show but I mean it's a it is so the guy you know I mean he probably suffered a terrible fate but truthfully after three times of trying to enter an empty elevator shaft the second time it almost flipping I don't know what else I don't know how much sympathy I have for a man who was prone to tur insanity he had one goal and he was gonna get it he was getting in that fucking elevator that bitch did not open the door I wonder if he just flopped on the top of that elevator ultimate revenge hmm but but anyway we don't have to watch that one but I have plenty that we will watch let's start here that would be a scooter lady in a convenience store you know everyone's here she had to enter here she comes get off get out of my way she's already like out of control and you see how that guy moved that's how he jumped out of the way because he's like dude there was a lady she's like dude if I don't move it I'm losing it and and then here she comes through the aisle just knocked over a whole case the whole display got knocked over and I'm assuming that happened because somebody didn't open the door for her or something so that's I mean we're just getting started here on scooter scooter mania here folks it's good our nation scooter Naish I gotta get me a scooter look at this crazy guy this isn't Australia this crazy mother is on the freeway and he tells the part of fuck off to look at this scooter nation Oh watch this shit imagine getting on the freeway and a scooter it's gonna get into the left lane - yeah he's gonna get into this fast lane oh oh they drive on the wrong side of the road right right it is the wrong side maybe you're on the freeway you're not supposed to be on the freeway I love that it did fuck off mate - Chileans are so great fuck off me you're on the freeway mate it's like like it's so dangerous and scary but they still talk the same you're on the freeway might fuck off Guardian he's calling the police and the police come up and show up and it goes fuck ah mate and the police go you're on the freeway you're on the freeway mate yeah fuck off there's some bloke on the freeway and a scooter yeah yeah does this homie do this on the regular do you think would you pick Australian accent if you could pick one to have it I do love ya it's near the top for me yeah I think so I just love it I love the Vinaya fire that are your dad's good daddy your dad's that might be a New Zealand thing but radiya dad's right even the dispatcher is laughing yeah I just love they just seem to have a great denim they got a great sense of humor as a people and you're on the freeway mate oh he's crossing is crazy why did he get into the lane oh my god his trucks so this is I am by this is not the first time this dude has done this may you're on the freeway yeah yeah fuck off he's a man brown jacket yeah description yeah you can't miss him mate he's on a scooter on the freeway they actually show up really fast I was impressed with the Australian police responding he's really he's travelling quite a distance do you know how many guys do you have on that thing there's a battery electric yeah I can't imagine it goes for that long look at that cop is like alright good excuse me that you're on the freeway so good mm-hmm yeah that guy definitely was a good Samaritan yeah let me go back to the conference that epic confrontation that definitely was my favorite part did they already have a epic confrontation no not yet it's right after this yeah this is a guys buckle up buckle up in those scooter sees we're going 18 kilometers an hour maybe you're on the freeway you're not supposed to be on the freeway I love his outfit no yeah and he's got a cane in back that's my favorite outfit for an old guy just classic as it gets like a brown kind of cardigan and then Adidas tracksuit pants yeah and then you've got like the paper yeah it's a tannic anus yeah yeah move over mate you're on the freeway fuck I've got these guys they're so so I mean scooter mania is Chris intercontinental it crosses boundaries this was us oh this was a short you this was a fan submission Dan yeah somebody emailed this to me oh my god yo you're gonna love this you're getting a lot of scooter submissions people coming I mean I want to exhaust the the pool you know you saw this and in preparation for today yeah exam because did that hit her so hard she's a heavy lady that it lifted her front wheels back shit so like that was a pretty fun in fact you're going quick and she didn't see that just continues on that's the SCOOTER beauty let's go let's slow down here I don't want to miss a frame I think I finally know what to get you for your birthday [Music] yeah you know what happened because Sheena okay she snapped her face on this thing and she kept her hand on the gas so the wheel popped up let's see what she refused to take your damn hand off the gas like all these scooter people refuse to slow down Frank doesn't even seem hurt yeah you gonna buy me a mobility scooter yeah you know somebody raised a good point that our hundred sure challenged I was that scooter guy yeah I was channeling scooter oh this was so fantastic I got a what sorry everyone brag do they cost a couple couple towie probably yeah maybe maybe upwards ten thousand for a really premium shit do you need like a licen permit fuck no dude no way you need a permit for that shit [Music] dude oh I mean that must have been quite an impact cuz it lifted her lifted the whole scooter up looks like they're between 800 and 3,000 that's what I'm saying yeah it's like third for the premium shit you know what I should that would be that it's the most epic prop ever here you look at mobility live I'm already doing stuff oh my god that would be so fun oh that would be so fun the crews around the neighborhood in a mobility scooter did I love it everyone would know me man so well finally I have what is possibly the most famous scooter what's the word vigilante mobility meri is her name and she has a YouTube channel that was quite famous quite notorious she would film herself cruising around in public on her scooter and recording and what her opinion was evidence of people mistreating her as a handicapped lady but what an actuality was her being a scooter person and so this is 12 minutes long and I'm like whoa whoa this is a best-of Curcio or does she post them you know her she has a YouTube channel Wow and so I quickly realized that it's all gold and I'm telling you let's just watch it and we can turn it off when we're over it but it's all gold I mean watch this oh so good excuse me excuse me it's just a dude yeah this is my er look look where it is this is the 405 South yeah I think she lives in Santa Monica or something oh it's just a dude with the bike who's making way for her across the street he literally couldn't get out of the way more think so care yet Mary gets attacked by ferocious man-eating dogs do tiny like five pound cutie pies the sweetest little dog with scars from dogs it's Halloween it's this sweet is that true by the way I guess you have your dogs on a leash anywhere anytime I mean I don't know about the whole of United States but I'm pretty sure you can't speak the whole of united most place yeah I guess so but these are like tiny tiny cute I mean this building on this building goes shredder shredder loves to like say hi to everyone so there was a lady and he jumped at her trying to say hi hmm and she was like you need to have him on a leash was she on a scooter nope I guess she's covered in scars from dogs and she's just constantly mean by the way mauled by dogs especially a dog that's it but watch how she bones out at the end of the conflict Jake all right well see ya face Mountain here's another ferocious dog this woman is probably his head for something she's well behind her I'm sure she can hear her does she not have a bell or something it's something about being on a scooter down telling him oh did you flip her off she there flipped her offer waved it her I I have to wonder it wait that's gone she probably knows her yeah it's probably unknown Oh personality in this new that kind of changed perspective though I got a flip off it's true although she this I wouldn't be surprised if this woman tried to like get her dog euthanized by the city or something yeah and she's like alright I'm not moving out of the way yes she definitely flipped her off oh that's serious beef this is pretty epic she's knocking on her to by standards now she stops in a crosswalk don't argue with pedestrians about it alright good she's long gone and mobilities I could you see what I'm saying I could watch this whole thing easily yeah each one of these is a high light weight this there's a there's a finale to this one that's particularly oh it has an oh yeah dude look how fast oh she caught up oh man this is serious beef this lady won't let me go pastor oh my god she won't just move over for a minute what I love how she involves everyone in her know yo this shit is crazy well she clearly knows what to do she's got a run right there on this is great this is this is better than both most movies I've watched this is the most exciting thing on television right now I mean I have to know what happened with twins yeah because it's like it's quite insane what the other ladies doing it this yeah this is pretty fucked up even if she did try to get your dog you that hates my the city just let her pass this is some real vindictive shit and you can only imagine her screaming at her this whole time excuse me dan this is something else where's this what part of town is this I like I said I think it's like Santa Monica uh yeah jenny is full somewhere on the way on the west side I can't get close to your dog and you're going on YouTube that's true so they definitely have previous beat yeah hold on let me let me examine three that's the best part just call I'm sorry I would just want to hear what they said again now's your chance oh she can't get close to the dog lady you gotta you gotta move along I do feel like she probably called the police on the dog and something here something stupid oh is it gonna happen in my dream what another flip up okay yeah this lady's crazier than this is the crazy lady in the video that lady's up oh my god whoa I didn't expect that now all of a sudden I mean maybe there is scooter discrimination yeah feeling some sympathy for Mary here yeah when I first saw her throw up that middle finger I was like oh the lady doesn't here right huh I have to assume that they have history oh they do she said that yeah I've met you before right but regardless I mean you're not even on a scooter you can't act like that off a scooter Wow I mean yeah but do you see what I'm saying like I'm I'll keep watching us the whole a podcast would just be more no even would you want a three will or four wheel scooter you browsing Amazon it well three wheel doesn't sound stable at all I Who am I gonna run over with more you I think no well they're the same price I went for was the preference what's the point of having three wheels if it's the same price it's like she said it's an element of danger man yeah you can hit turns harder that's how it's good or nice you are you know I want four wheels cuz I need I need balance I need I need weight and I need balance okay I'll add that to the factors I want the craziest scooter you can find and I'll put spikes on the front of it like I could take it to West Coast costumes that would be so epic good she's in the bike lane now man that's pretty he's in the bike lane there's a bus on the right she's crossing the intersection I'm scared for her right now so a car passed on her right and pulled into Taco Bell and now she's chasing him down almost took out a runner to him wait she's going to the drive-through I think she's going after him was that a dangerous movement I did I mean he knew he was going inside the car yes let me let me describe to our audio listeners so she was crossing the street and he passed on her right but he went to the driveway so I think it was fine but she was so spooked that she followed him into the talk about he's in the driveway ordering and she's pulled up behind him in the driveway a talk about he's trying to order on the intercom and she's yelling that's good people get it hard I mean she's definitely stubborn like but people are really aggressive I mean this guy is coming out hard but on the other hand he's like look but she's probably an elderly lady on a scooter would you yell it I would be like yeah I mean right no no I wouldn't course not and why was she she backed up we're going in Reverse with my kids here go away Oh doing you and they're alive you almost killed me know is right she was in the middle of the street yeah it's not a bike oh my god how can so much golden content be generated from one person yeah like I swear to god these are all bestsellers I always find that interesting defense and I've seen it before when a parent comes out acting crazy and cursing and goes I've got my kids here it's like isn't that why he should be chilled out get the fuck out of my face I'll cut my kids here it's like no so you can get 9 miles and gonna charge 9 miles on a charge how far does that forward point 25 speed well-disposed that 4.25 is the top speed 4.25 miles per hour no no see you're looking at bullshit cuz I see her these people going like 15 miles for an hour okay that's garbage okay he needs one he can take on the freeway okay I need one that goes at like I mean I'm looking for one that goes 15 at least okay 4 miles per hour how close that get out here you I thought you loved me that you okay let's check out that $3,000 one yeah what the hell are you looking at you can find me some what was that 1-800 worth that to you so this one top speed eight nine miles per hour see you're not you come out this seat just link to your 15 or the seat is 22 inch wide well you're feeling that I don't know take a measurement I don't know why my ass is these days either you keep doing research on my watch this 15 miles per hour sounds good though under a bridge here she's under a bridge in LA a lot of Hawaii people and Epps fit in LA and so someone has a tent pitch with all their belongings and the sidewalk is blocked although she has a point doesn't she I mean you you really should not be blocking sidewalk yeah I mean there are mobility laws for handicapped people for a reason and I think she has a valid point in this case you know you should check out the after this the scooter in this corn the dancing okay great this is just the scooter episode but I mean I kind of do agree like this is totally out of control there you have to leave space for people to cross but it's more you think this people are choosing anything right now like I understand they're homeless but still like what is she doing there she's she's on the scooter she's travels by scooter on the way to Whole Foods but I love what a tragedy it she was crying yeah it sounds like look as a homeless person you definitely want to not be violating the law because you know if you're trying to live and not disrupt the flow of society then regard it doesn't matter what their situation is they can't block the whole sidewalk hey people on scooters need to be able to travel bikes need to be able to travel people on foot need to be able to travel you're saying it's okay that he's walking the entire sidewalk no it's not okay but I doubt these people anything is okay in their life you know what I mean it's like fine I get it you're they're homeless they probably yeah okay but still I'm sympathizing with with scooter marry this looks like a man Larry yeah oh this is like think about there's lots of places in LA where you're the sidewalk goes under the freeway this is like you're traveling like between the neighborhood it's not well maybe that's true it's going too far she's gone too [Laughter] only got like one more mile left on their battery she's gonna get stuck okay just check out that scooter oh you sent me you want me to look at a scooter yeah cuz it's got a demonstration video let me finish this saga and all open that up I mean just this clip cuz I want to see how she takes him out or marry almost gets it you don't want to watch this first we're at the 30-minute mark this is the scooter up oh it's dark she's on the scooter at night okay I wonder if she's got lights on it gotta stay home I bet you she doesn't have lights on it or anything you remember how in Israel people like go full-speed on the sidewalk can you imagine her dealing with that oh my god I'm on the edge of my seat oh yes I mean let me go back I got it here if you see you totally couldn't see him coming well there's no light she's not she doesn't have lights gonna make any difference well better it hits me that hits you she's like well there you go see someone saying someone who looks like you but she doesn't have like time she's not following this good of rules gonna be I would have dark oh oh oh this is my favorite this is the first one I ever saw this dude on escape I'm not sure yet how they're gonna interact is that a corner I should do it on a skateboard waiting across the street it's not until she crosses that the incident happens she's upset I don't know why okay skateboarders out of frame so then I'm his problem yeah I think there's a long gap here you can fast-forward well they really included her just waiting idle yeah well I'm here for every single moment of it and I'm in for the long stretch I think she's waiting for her to switch is that right then yeah they got they they did us the courtesy of her waiting at this red light yes like kinda bike showed up okay oh she bad wasn't she backed up for him and said sorry I mean pretty needy thoughtful me like an episode of the handmade still you can thinking something's gonna happen alright they could have cut this I mean really okay it's green we got a green light there we go she's moving he's in the street season finale white he's halfway across there's some o'clock in this someone blocking the curb with a wheelchair there's plenty of soot so again once again I feel like it takes two to tango yeah like she is obviously obnoxious and roasts people wrong but so first person well clearly she is enough space yes but this lady is intentionally because she's here to buy by mobility marry she could easily just take another step in the other direction but she's not just despite her but but she's on the street right now so I think this lady is just wanting her to get off the street first and then they'll figure it out you know I mean what's the finger out she's obviously just because she's standing in the direction she wants to go I guess oh I think she just wants to go straight you look here I don't think so no she does she just wants to go straight she's not even turning right wash it let's keep watching [Music] look at her finger I need to get out of the street I can't until you move out of just that's a handicap without you I can't go over the curb right there oh my god you can't move another couple vases oh there's someone in the wheelchair no see she made it perfectly when she went straight oh my god scooter boy that was fun I don't know what can top all that but I'm definitely willing to see what else is out there so Allah sent me a scooter she's got our eyes on a birthday present for me it's called progress mobility comm $3,000 I cannot believe you can get in the door for $3,000 Oh check out this video okay Emily of scooters introducing that's all I mean that's all I saw I love this shot you poor will eat they didn't even add a full screen option they're like these old fucks don't know here I'm gonna zoom look at those this look badass those are like little Vespa yeah yeah we should get till he wheels we know a new member to the e wheels families introducing our new food wheel aw 72 he wheels is a trendsetter when it comes to offering an mobility scooter that has style speed quality and at a price that anyone can afford I mean let's face it our scooters are not like the ones that grandma used to put around on our W 72 powerful 700 watt motor enables this scooter to reach speed 50 miles per hour that's what I'm talkin about whoops with the speed rheostat I need to her to be able to hurt people you know in mile-per-hour which is nice if you're in a crowded space oh that's cool the maximum weight up nobody ever put that down so it's always that 15 I trust my own leg when it comes to school so 20 bucks not bad what color do you want me Oh tell me to check if there is like a scooter for - for talking to me sorry get out of my life do you want me to check if there's a scooter for a family are you like a tandem scooter okay on your own in this mission you want to write tandem with me and Theodore I don't know if that kind of defeats the point that kind of reduces your mobility on a mobility scooter I think we ought to have our own okay you know cuz frankly either you just slow me down mmm-hmm what are we haven't we had 30 minutes yeah break time well that was a lot of fun on this epic Friday this most epic of Fridays it's me a lot of fans very happy we watched mobility marry Tim it was submitted like 30 times he's a legend yes she really is a legend yeah and I'm and I'm gonna say she's not always wrong but he is always Oh a little bit much so that being said guys we will be right back right right right back after this quick commercial break do not go anywhere books is a beautiful thing it's the spark of life that gives us knowledge creativity and entertainment books is a delight it's magic Carl Sagan once said books is the closest thing to magic we can achieve as humanity it's one dead person speaking through you to you through the pages of a book that's why I love audible because audible translates that magic into things that you can listen to it's amazing and also you can do it but previously you had to choose were you reading or were you doing other things with audible that choice is made moot because I can exercise I can game I can drive I can babysit I can do pretty much just about anything and enrich my life while listening to audiobooks it makes us smarter connect it makes us better partners parents it's inspiring voices compel stories opening listeners to new experiences and ways of thinking and guess what there's no better place to listen than audible audible members choose three titles every month one audiobook plus two audible originals that you can't hear anywhere else just go to AUD IBL slash h3 podcast or text h3 podcast - 500 500 and browse their unmatched selection of audio content now here I want to recommend to you guys it's chapter 2 is about to hit movie theaters right freaking now and you are not and if if you have the opportunity to get this epic masterpiece on your audiobook it will give you chills spills spooks and more the narrator Steven Weber is a genius he's got all the moves he creates this beautiful atmosphere and you're not gonna want to miss this part - 28 years later they come back to the town because kids are missing again this is the book make sure the lights are on think as spooky as it gets okay so now here also gets even better start listening with a 30 day trial in your first audiobook plus two audible originals for free when you go to slash Ashley podcast for free yes I said free 30-day trial or tax h3p OD c AST a free podcast text HD podcast to 500 500 and because we have one sponsor today and I am likely running to the bathroom as fast as I can to pee I would like to take this time to say hey how are you nice to have you here we appreciate everyone coming out here take an opportunity to listen to last week's episode it was hamstrung by YouTube because we talked about naughty topics and it got suppressed I think it's a great episode I think we talk about really important things but I think it's a shame that certain topics I can't even say the name that guys like Volta more on YouTube I can't even say his name apparently without getting this rating that suppresses the views so if you got a time this weekend check out last week's episode as well and while you're at it this hot spicy shirt which I love well my favorite shirts we've ever made it's so soft and breathable and it's just great teddy fresh calm you know what time it is Teddy fresh calm you know what time it is Dan how long's this been oh it's been a minute a minute so what do you think we probably have enough time now I'm probably just running back into the office about to sit down now so with that let's get back into the show well I had a lot of fun I was just meaning you were just discussing that we need to make an intro for the podcast where we roll up on scooters or some shit or maybe like Dan's in the way and I like bump into him yeah we talked last episode about this fish cannon okay now I expressed a lot of cynicism and and and let me just say that I was being you know over-the-top I didn't really I wasn't as cynical as I made it out to believe I caught people you know it's real okay I accept that it's a real thing I just think it's a funny way to spend your time here on this planet earth as a human being it's to make a fish can developing right yeah okay and to all the biology's out there who they're all the all the apparent ecologist there you know everyone who's just like of course a salmon cannon is a thing Ethan the fish are extremely intense is like all right yeah it's like all right dude all of a sudden you guys care when I'm wrong about something mm-hmm all the sudden 100% of our viewers are ecologists and know about fish cannons did seem that way in the comments section it did seem that way you said yeah that's what I yeah exactly you know what you you you were just playing it up I was playing it I mean people are people are gonna believe me now but I was playing it up for comedic sake I mean that's what I figured I don't have that big of a problem believing it's real I just thought it was a funny thing you know what I mean so to all the geniuses and PhDs out there I have this to show you and supportive of the cannon being real of which I'm only still 90% sure you know but here apparently these motherfuckers restocking trout lake trout and Utah by aircraft how are these fuckers so I was like man how they survive that impact into the lake these guys are just being dropped out of airplane you know and apparently that's fine is that crazy surely like half of those fuckers died don't think they're just being dumped by air why are we so fragile I want to be dumped by airplane survive that shit these fish have no problem being dropped from outer space until fucking Lake going like 200 miles an hour look at him just getting tossed out of that bitch like a dirty wet fart and that's look like that damn I was trying to think how to describe it yeah well I'm I did major in poetry in high school so yeah I mean it's captivating but both captivating and shocking what's going on here they fish out the the trout and then they restock it this is why we needed the salmon cannon if this is the alternative I can see why this one guy in an upgrade yo so these were the lucky ones and then the plane takes off like goes higher up and you can see there's one son of a gun you'll see they're all pretty much out and then just one is like I I'm fuckin see that last one yeah I don't know I don't like anyway so I thought that was fascinating yeah oh here you go waited till the last second yeah that guy's fucked he was the pilot coming on reddit well in short I still AM only I would say in fairness seventy-five percent certain that the cannon yeah I'm going down now I want to give an update that I got my citizenship interview scheduled for next month now I'm studying for the civics test and Wyoming it's not on the civics test I just started studying don't Cheyenne put me on the spot right now am i right uh wait you don't know don't what that or eautiful is oh no I think it's Cheyenne it Cheyenne good nice you see look at you you are an American citizen Porsche that's the Cayenne so don't don't let the the customs see this why that's very American of me to know the name of the car very true go ahead so I I am starting to study and then when I feel ready we're gonna do the test on the podcast 18 is gonna test me and that's it I think you're gonna nail it you're already getting close I got the first 15 dollars out of 100 question good though I mean we just started like tell me this what are the what are the three words in the Constitution that way to people mm-hmm why what what were what was the civil war fought for um there's three reasons yes name one reason the Civil War was fought there's three reasons that they list there's one obvious one and race so you keep saying and racism I go worse it was worse right slaver yeah it's like racism but way worse yes yeah slavery state rights and to keep the Union together to end slavery that would be crazy fuck you did Civil War okay no no I gotta study none now's not the time yeah I just want to throw one more eye oh oh yeah what's the capital of the United States Washington DC and what's the name of a state that borders Canada Washington State there you go that's a new one that yellow yeah I mean look there's some are trickier than oh yeah for sure but I'm excited you're gonna go in there and they're gonna give you a little American flag when you come out and you're gonna be a citizen that's and you're gonna get to vote in the 2020 election you may be even able to vote fur really good like a little flag I think they give you a little American flag I mean whenever I see pic people of pictures of people coming out after it they have like an American flag so I'm assuming they hand it to him no I'm excited I mean I don't think they're all bringing you know it's funny we have an attorney whose hand helping us with it and she one of the guidelines was dress appropriately when you go on your interview do not wear American print shirts and pants well was that I didn't read that I remember reading that though to like not go dress I can't wear my guy fieri had yeah I mean that is a little over the top but I mean why why not you know I feel like you're trying too hard yeah I think you're supposed to like look like a respectable citizen is the best look because also you have to take an English less so you have to be able to speak English pretty well to become a citizen which of course is a selec YouTube there was a huge development in the world of YouTube epic epic epic victory in the world of YouTube huge this is amazing news so this is something that I knew was in the works but I didn't know when it was gonna happen Team YouTube look at the amount of likes people are people are supporting it 120,000 likes they said new today a policy preventing copyright owners for making money on manual claims for short song clips example 5 second of a song unintentional audio examples music from passing cars claimants can still block monetization or the video it's self but timestamps will help you edit out in the claim even if they do do that I feel like I had to supplement theirs because I don't think they did a great job of explaining it I was gonna say they're doing better though oh yeah they're doing much better like this no you hate this too it makes sense before they would just like come up with statements that would just leaves you leave you with many questions and I don't know we got emojis now yeah I'm so I wouldn't say I like the drumroll emoji table was really cool but I said you know for clarity this basically makes it so that they can no longer make money on brief matches and so the point of this change is to remove the financial incentive of these parasitic claim farms like we've discovered that there's companies that work that are third parties that have just hoards people in rooms watching YouTube videos all day looking for any reason any excuse it has nothing to do with fair use or good faith it's literally just grabbing free money from people that actually deserve it and so what they're doing is removing the financial incentive so if one of these claim farms goes and finds for example mr. beast humming the tune of a song for five seconds they're like okay you can claim the video you can block the video well claim means that you basically saying okay you you own something that's copyrighted here so they can claim the video still they can't and you can block it you can claim and track it but you cannot monetize it that's what they change you so they removing that option and thereby removing the sense of altogether because 99% of time when you have a video that's claimed it's they just want to earn money on you exactly the setting they choose is monetized no restrictions on viewing we just want the money no restrictions no eye tracking no anything we just want the free money ninety-nine percent of the time and so YouTube in this really brilliant play and let me tell you this this play will not come without challenges from these huge licence holders UMG these behemoths a lot of people are gonna be losing a lot of money from this decision by YouTube and I wouldn't be surprised in fact I be surprised if there weren't some big legal challenges court filings lawsuits that comes youtube's way so I want to appreciate the gravity of the situation that YouTube is making a huge play at at the risk of their own you know legal status to the benefit of creators so again YouTube's not very good at Tooting their own horn so I want to help them explain what a big deal this is they're gonna they are going to this is going to cost them mm-hmm a lot of good faith and they're probably gonna get sued by huge fucking companies but there you go I think you know they're standing up and clearly I mean clearly people saying well glad it you did it but what it takes long I think this is something that a lot of they've had a lot of lawyers if a lot of people building the case laying the groundwork you need to have a solid case you can get pretty like great to link when does it apply and when doesn't they didn't say specifically they just gave examples so yeah the specific rules I'm sure are they said in their longer description that it's still like you gotta treat it as you're responsible there's anything that's not yours you know yeah they can't 100% guarantee you anything right right right exactly and so they say this is an important step with more to come towards a better copyright system for creators so yeah this is a huge step and like I saying I think they must have had lawyers laying the groundwork analyzing looking for precedent looking for legal arguments to make this move because you got to be 100% ready for the legal challenges that are never ibly gonna come your way and they got to make sure they've got a strong argument in case and because you guys got to understand there are laws that YouTube has to abide by there are legal precedents that if they don't abide by it the DMCA like then they're the system in which we enjoy is just simply not possible YouTube cannot exist because they have this treaty this you know it's like a diplomatic agreement in a war they go okay you can exist we recognize your sovereignty as a website but we have to have the right to steal whatever anytime anything whatever cannot they don't want the rights infringed at all so this is YouTube's putting a line in the sand shots are been fired you know what I mean I mean this is really this is a big thing here so so can I ask just so I understand it correctly you they're still you know say you have like a five second clip of a song in a video that they can still block your video yes yes right but they just can't get any money exactly and the thing is that they mostly do it for money that's why right it makes sense it makes it they're removing the financial incentive because there are parasitic claim farms that are running rampant that are literally existing for the sole purpose of getting free money and they are basically trying to put these guys out of business right right right because if they wanted to be vindictive they could just start blocking videos but there's no there's no what's that - no it's so damn they're just way Sting's men power and they get no money there's no reason for them to go there it's pretty clever move yeah it makes sense yeah yeah I was very impressed for the longest time the incentives have been all out of whack there's never been there's never been any reason for these claimers to not claim everything because there's no consequence to that mm-hmm so they had a problem of incentive and this was a very great way of addressing it so let's give it up very smart very bold and they use emojis we like that they're communicating right and I do want to say I feel like I want to take a hundred percent of credit for all the changes I really do want to say but I don't even know if I can't say that but I do write you know I mean this way you did talk a lot to the one guy who's doing a lot of all the good changes are good I mean this is all I can't even know if I can say it I don't know what we can say but there's one guy that we love and yeah it happens to be Israeli but is a funny guy that we yell at him a lot and he takes it yeah he like well he's receptive and he's actually working really hard within YouTube to change the structure and do this is all stuff that we've talked at great length over the past two years since I've known him and but every time we get upset then we yell at him and he's like okay keep it coming I'm learning him I want to understand the issue yeah and we're like no you don't understand yeah well one of the big problems one of the big problems a long time a while ago was we were talking about that the main problem here is there's there's no incentive there's you we have to remove the incentive mm-hmm anyway the point of bringing them up is just in short to say that you all actually can just thank me personally no but I do hope that he gets a lot of I'm sure he is Bakshi I don't know if he is because on one hand I don't know if they saw they see it right like he's I hope they I hope he is he's got to be the guy works his ass off he's in there he's the first person ever in YouTube that to actually listen and implement and try it he's like I don't think anyone before him active er actually saw it from the creator's side you know to their defense they had a lot I always had a lot of shit to deal with and maybe they're just at the point now where they can actually start working it from that angle mm-hmm but you're welcome everybody and I always thought if this doesn't work out I'll be happy to take a senior senior office at you they can hire me as a consultant so there you go on the other hand YouTube's being sued by lgbtq+ plus today carry everyone lesbian gay bisexual trans what's the Q again queer no it's not queer yes it is gay is gay is queer no no queer as queer what's everything gay and queer Dan oh and queer queer is more of a I guess you could say a catch-all for you know it I think you guys are wrong no no not did I think you I think it's not where it is queer okay hold on I'm looking it up did I okay what do you think it is then questioning it stands for questioning their sexual identity it's not queer bro queer why would it be weird really queer just means gay and also it's kind of a slur hue stands for questioning bro more nuanced than that but maybe maybe I'm wrong maybe the key was questioning I we're questioning all right they got like a whole spectrum I didn't why is going why do you think that it says hold on and I recognized inclusion of popular variant ads letter Q for those who identify as queer or are questioning so it sounds like both oh it's I don't think where is a bad word there's like that show great where I something is I guess when I grew up queer was kind of a slur it can be used as a slurs but it means weird it means different basically unusual Wow weird strange odd but I you you taught me something I didn't know the question was was part of it so there you go see that damn I have some credibility yeah I don't I haven't lost all my credibility I almost lost it on the fish cannon LGBT LGBT we'll wait where's the Q the Q is not even here well it's a relatively recent it used to just be LGBT Q came later see I've seen some variants that add like several more letters as well it's getting a little long okay it's officially you know Jimmy take you plus but that's the one I most commonly hang on queer just means gay so Q has to mean questioning there's no it doesn't it's not a useful an amendment a queer you know interesting and queer okay what does it mean more than gay it's it's sort of again it's sort of an umbrella term a lot of things asexual and sexual oh you know like it's just kind of like hard to define I guess yes clearly he's a bit queer that's what you say back in the day like he's odd he's an odd one he's a bit queer right that's where I originally came he's a little bit uh I think we should bring him back I don't think it needs to be like a bad word I like it here yeah well like you said you know it's it's been embraces shows that you know self-identify but notice folk I mean I don't know queer seems synonymous with gay like queer I you're talking about bunch of gay dudes in that case yes I think the DI and here is that it's the more like undefined kind of right we need to get some LGBTQ T's on lgbtq+ and then the plus is just anyone else right yes which seems quite broad because that is me no oh so it doesn't include everyone else what's the plus well everybody everybody that is this spectrum of sexuality and gender so right everybody so why don't they just shorten it to plus well they do again I I see a lot of variance on it sometimes they also include I which is for intersex I believe so I don't think there's no there's no there's no council there's no board there's no boards these there's no board of Rex yeah exactly okay LGBTQI plus hello g b TQ oh and then maybe there is a nice sometimes plus sometimes okay i just like with the more i like the more it's funnier the more so LGBTQI plus i'm surprised i can say that LGBTQ y+ l GD b qy plus LGBTQI plus LGBTQIA this one says yeah i think the a is asexual well didn't we get that in the plus i mean guys don't be greedy you got the plot right all right where was i LGBTQI plus are suing youtube they are suing youtube for being discriminatory I guess the LGBTQ I floss I can really good at saying that you want to see this here they made an announcement video they all we they made a huge collaborative announcement video where well let them explain it better than I could yeah but they filed a lawsuit against YouTube officially l GD P qi+ knocks Google and YouTube's treatment of our lgbtq+ community oh she know I oh she didn't that's fucking soda sclusively how the fuck could she not say I do you know what sucks Google and YouTube's treatment of our lgbtq+ community how do you plus they flagged our pride they did not allow us to buy ads they restricted us they demonetised us and they did not stand up for us and they broke their promise of a platform for free speech built off then they blatantly discriminate against us admit that their algorithm is biased and promised to fix it they lie and still they claim inclusion I'm gonna go back I won't with it they blatantly discriminate against us admit that their algorithm is bias and promise to fix it they lie and still they claim inclusion and even what a march in our parades hi We're brie and Chrissy from YouTube and this is why we are suing Google in YouTube our LGBTQ plus content is being demonetized restricted and not sent out to viewers which has highly affected our ability to reach the community that we strongly want to help hi my name is chase Ross with uppercase chase one on YouTube and the reason why I'm suing Google and YouTube is because I'm fed up of the discrimination that we're getting in the LGBTQ community YouTube is supposed to be a safe space for us I don't feel safe at all things need to change the algorithm needs to change we need to stand together because we're more powerful numbers and honestly standing here watching our videos get demonetized it's disheartening it hurts and it needs to end right now so kid stuff on YouTube I'm soon so I'm just thinking coming off of our last episode everything no matter what we talked about got do monetized and what you're writing and what whatever you want and I got it all so I'm just thinking I don't know if they're aware but it's happening right now on everything yeah that my first thought was that well I certainly see it from their perspective of like yeah I'm sure I am sure that like if you type in your if you type in your title like gay or trans or something like that that YouTube will consider it like they'd be like oh yeah brands don't want to be associated with controversial issues yeah why should this video contractors I don't know why it should be a controversial issue right but again I'm not I would need to see specific details because I saw a clip that they showed and it showed the two gay girls making out and they're like this was demolish and I'm like well you yea thou mean so in that case I see why they would do that well if it was a straight couple making out it is likely also yeah I mean I'm pretty I'm like tuned in about feel like I always kind of have a spicy sense about what would be democra night if I did kissing I would not I would expect to yell oh they're just it's gotten so bad I mean our last episode just our live with people got creamed it got a all of our highlights like it got a really severe rating just because of the title because it has I can't even say his name yeah but but even the tumblr conversation yeah it's really bad now when they when there are they mistaking are they mistaking an increase in demonization as discrimination that's my question and it seems like it seems like probably yes because YouTube is pretty LGBTQ I was friendly that's yeah exactly then what happened like reason to discriminate seeing what they care about they always make it very clear that they're very very put out Pro and supportive so and then another thing they have to understand is that again and this was something I always argue with about two is that it's not YouTube I mean so they're talking about freedom of speech and stuff like that and well let's talk about D monetization I mean that's not to do with YouTube those are the brands now that now the systems that YouTube gives the brands is very obtuse and the pre-check settings for like the standard really disc ludes a lot of content that I think should be included but again YouTube being on the on this on the safe side history yeah it's all ever since then and pocalypse yeah so you know we all Google and all of us got a hard lesson and a difficult wake-up call now when you go to the algorithm issue I think they do have a point and that's something that I'm grappling with YouTube too is like so for example our last podcast if you they go well it's not appropriate for ads I say okay fine I don't even care about the ads it's yellow what I want to make sure is that my audience is getting the same exposure to that content the same opportunity to watch it as all my other ones because there are certain ratings they like you can get and YouTube has said this publicly that you can get on a video that can suppress its views and by suppress I mean by like how age-appropriate it is right depending on like the sensitivity of content that's in it right and when it's suppressed it's that you don't get a notification when it goes not that no it's not that it's stuff like showing up on your homepage because they think oh if it shows up on your homepage we want it to be age-appropriate that's a huge one it might even be less recommendations on the sidebar now those drive la traffic and so not and so let's say if you've signed up and you've said your see I don't know like I haven't even seen our new episode on my home page so I don't even know but yet they want your home page to be somewhat friendly so so in the case of a new podcast we're seeing way less homepage and recommended hits so the same thing may well be happening to them no it really is should be taken on a video by video basis because I find it hard to believe that that there's any you know direct direct attempt to censor or suppress I think the problem is like from their point of view I can see that they've what they feel and they probably feel like they have a case you know because there you can just tag a and then it's demonetised which is insane and there are marginalized groups so they looking at it through that yes but I think they need to remove the it's like they're adding bad intention specifically towards them which I really don't think is there on the YouTube side I don't think anyone is targeting them as there's no I feel like there's no way no way let's finish washing cuz queer kids stuff here is about to pitch pitch his reason why he's suing Google in YouTube because from day one as an lgbtq+ creator on YouTube I face discrimination on a platform that touts its support of my community for years it's affected my mental health and my livelihood I've suffered and I've watched and she's complaining about comments I mean how is she being a she's saying that her experience on YouTube is affecting her yeah I think from what I was reading about the lawsuit you know the data on cessation thing is the big headline thing but it it's also comes down to like harassing comments and an inability to from what I understand and you know this better than me but you know there suggested thing is to just turn off the comments but turning off comments also suppresses you and the algorithm because the engagement is part of what that's incorrect that is incorrect that is a misunderstanding okay well I mean that I'm it was my understanding of what you mean actually I think they may have put that in the complaint but that is and as they'll find quickly as YouTube absolutely destroys this case is that comment a comments you will have timings absolutely no tribe has no signals at all so all those people that are always like comment down below to help get this video you know I think at one point that may have been true a long time ago but even then there was no proof ever that it does anything and I mean well look PewDiePie for a long time had his comments disabled entirely and his views you can look even look backward one did there was no there was no drop-off in any way but I mean I've but there that there's no correlation there and I think that the blocking the blacklisting tools are quite robust to but when it comes to how this stuff affects you and mental health and all that that I mean we all go through that it's not specific to anyone as a group you know it's just that is just being on the internet being on YouTube looking at comment section anywhere right it whatever Twitter I'm just I'm not really sure what what to say because she's saying that she's on a platform that's supposed to protect them but you're on a public platform that by its definition I mean we all know what YouTube is you know not really sure what you want done you know has suffered I mean I hate to say I hate to sound like obtuse but I think the answers you're looking for probably within yourself I mean YouTube can't make you more resilient you you have to make yourself more resilient from one of the Articles that the specific aside from monetary compensation because they are suing for money and it's one of the things but it's very number by the way no no I looked around to try and see how much they're suing for it and I guess that would probably be awarded by the court in some way well they're both rageous I saw claim of loss of monetary damages is that one of them they earn 3500 a month and now they earned four to five hundred so I mean in terms of damages I'm not really sure that you can even I mean that's a significant drop-off yeah I know but if I wonder do you sided with the apocalypse where everybody's money drop to that degree you know I know you guys your ad revenue went way down after all we are at Red Avenue our ad revenue dropped like literally 90 percent like for every dollar we were making 10 cents so the other thing was that they want an injunction to stop YouTube from quote censoring restricting restraining or regulating speech based on discriminatory or discretionary use or application of discriminatory animus based arbitrary well vague unspecified or subjective criteria which i think relates to the fact that they're saying that big LGBT creators seem to be exempt from a lot of these problems all right right right that was their main right let me finish watching the video cuz I think sure right there another one of their main points is that creators are unfairly unevenly treated for a long time I wondered why YouTube allows this to happen it's simple they don't care they usually feed their bottom line and they simply just don't care about us they don't care about the importance of our work they don't care about our mental health I mean don't care about our I mean they care about you as much as they care about everyone else which is really not that much because there's like a trillion people on YouTube alright I got anyway I gotta stop bagging process it's high time that we call their blood it's time they pay for the damage they've done hi I'm Ann Sommers from what's the safe word on YouTube and this is why I'm soon google growing up I was in a very religious household I didn't get any sort of gay education let alone queer education that applied to me and the sex that I was going to have I create content on the internet that I wish I would have had growing up but we're finding it harder and harder to create content on this form Google and YouTube continue to censor us and tell us that we're not breaking any rules but that our content is still not allowed and going to be restricted on this platform hi I'm Sal Sidhu Lang and also in steel we're co-hosts of San Francisco's glitter-bombed and we're longtime creators on YouTube we are suing Google and YouTube because of blatant discrimination against us as part of the lgbtq+ community and they refuse us advertising because of the gay thing I don't think they said that LGBT plaintiff in it I think that it was against Google and YouTube we are not going to stand by any longer while our community gets dismissed belittled and discriminated against you can help by sharing our video and our message we're using the hash gbt Q versus Google YouTube hash tag don't be evil hash tag be equal or you can join the fight with us for more information about our case our they bore if you'll never make the part well anyway they got in the video here they say they alleged that higher profile creators get special treatment they cite James Charles specifically in the complaint though they emphasize they don't blame Charles they blame YouTube for playing the roles unevenly they show a video of him I think we watched it of him at Coachella where he's wearing like remember that alpha D was wearing where his ass is totally exposed and speaking a woman's bare butt at Coachella no I don't know why you think that video wasn't be monetized because I think there's a big chance that video was yellowed you know what I mean yeah a lot of the times my videos are yellow and other people ewdiepie and all these huge craters their videos yellow right and you don't really you can't assume that it's green so these guys help with things and a lot of complained and a lot of stuff I think that YouTube can easily dispute yeah by controlling an estimated 95 percent of the public video communication that occurs in the world Google and YouTube wield unparalleled power and unfettered discretion to apply viewpoint-based content policies in a way that permits them to pick winners and losers well that's true that's all that's a whole anti-monopoly law I mean what is it well they're saying they they they control 95% of the public video consumption that occurs around the world I mean sure I'm not gonna argue with that as definitely you know it's really interesting too because I mean that whole point that they're making you hear all the time from conservative youtubers as well you know on the other end of the spectrum saying that they're being discriminated against because of their viewpoints that's the truth right well I think I think ultimately they're all mistaking common look like what's what's the common reality for every youtuber as discrimination or their group yeah there's a there's a left-leaning youtuber that I that I know of PAC David Pakman and there's not a lot of left-leaning I don't know I guess there's the Turkish guys whatever the Young Turks but this but this guy is just a lone operation just one dude and he all the time was getting fucked his channel was yellow on monetized he was complaining all the time about it so I mean I just don't think that there's any I think that's just a a fallacy everyone's getting fucked Washington Post reporter earlier this month that moderators for YouTube are trained to treat the most popular video producers definitely than others by for instance allowing hate speech to remain on the site no way while enforcing their policies more stream stringently against creators with fewer followers YouTube denies this claim I'll clarify this the real truth is they don't apply the rules differently it's just that big creators like myself have direct communication with people at YouTube so instead of a machine making a distinction because they have a trillion videos uploaded every day a human can make the distinction and make more nuanced decisions for you and that makes sense look if you have if you're getting 500 views of video god bless you but YouTube does not have the resources to to be involved in with that many people yeah I mean that's why they have these powerful algorithms there's only possible way that YouTube could exist and the way it does and so someone like me I can say hey you know take a look at this video and they can make that nuanced decision that a machine can't mm-hmm but it makes sense I mean come on who you get it right I mean that makes sense I mean even us we went on for most of our time on YouTube with no any contact there did that was like a recent development yeah yeah pretty much until we met this guy we were talking about two years ago when we're at creator summit mm-hmm up until then we didn't have anyone yeah you know knowing YouTube and everyone that we've met there they definitely don't have very intentions no way it's there's no way in addition to monetary conversation the lawsuit is also asking the court to order an injunction that would stop YouTube from censoring restriction restraining or regulating speech based on the discretionary use or application of discretionary animus based arbitrary capricious vague unspecified our subjective criteria rules go what the fuck on one hand they want YouTube to protect free speech and on the other hand they're upset that YouTube is not doing anything about hateful speech but it's like how are you gonna exactly decide what's hateful speech and expect them to take it down so easily when you know things are really hard to define they expect perfection it's like dude there's like there's so much comment and there's so much videos and there's so many people on YouTube it's just a wild feral place that's why they have these powerful algorithms to try to make it more civilized but hello I mean see youtube it's the Wild West you know shit but I'm just yeah I mean it's interesting that they're actually suing you two but I'm fairly certain that YouTube is gonna really watch you bro yeah even if they did have a more strong case I think their case is extraordinarily weak now I'm not saying I disagree with their point of view and that I don't sympathize with that right I'm just saying from a legal standpoint their case is like air and you're going against one of the most powerful organizations that has ever existed that have lawyers falling out of their fucking pockets you know I mean yeah that's a it's a big enemy to take on yeah but it's interesting right but I think you know I think the only thing out of all of this that you know if it is true I could see them having a point and would hope that YouTube would do something about it is if they're really just blanket getting demonetised for just having a tag like gay in the video or the title I mean that that is that's over the top I'm like you know if it really is happening instantly like you you upload a video you put that in the tag and just immediately be monetized right I agree that that's a difficult situation yeah I'm sure YouTube has already looked into that because I know that there's been a lot of complaints about I mean mmm gay just the word gay yeah I could see that getting going yellow if I'd made it if I said and if I made a video and now and I said I'm coming out as gay or whatever I would be concerned with my spidey sense and I'm pretty accurate that that would go yellow so that is a problem you know but how so but yeah it's mean it's so this happens a lot by the way when I say Jew or Israel or anything like that it goes yellow isn't that fucked up like all of my old videos that say Jew or anything like that yellow because they see it they were viewing it isn't that funny Joo is considered any conversation around you consider you know how did they call it since sensitive well it's and it's probably because of the algorithm right because they've detected lots of you know anti-semitic videos yeah and I mean use that term exactly I know or they like they don't they also don't monetize religious stuff anything has to do with religion right right so it's like whammy whammy bammy but if you make a video said I'm coming out as gay I don't know my boyfriend is gay something's gay I would say 50/50 on that you can dispute though on a pretty strong dispute problem with the dispute process is by the time it gets resolved most of all of your views most of your monetized views have already come and gone but it's just you know it's really tough because say I mean how how does the algorithm supposed to know the difference between someone who's using it in a derogatory way and then then then they're making a video about derogatory about gay people and then advertisers find out that their ads were on that video that's right on one hand they're complaining about freedom of speech and on the other about hate speech being not removed well let me add is the problem let me clarify your argument there's an absolutely no free speech issue at hand here their videos are allowed up right they are not removed they are not age restricted as far as I can tell their free speech is not being impeded in any way being able to monetize that's a different story there is an argument to be made though about like removing the incentive to monetize it could discourage certain kinds of speech you know but I don't know it's a tough situation you know I don't know I mean I underst and I understand their their their anger but I don't know you know I mean ultimately sometimes it's really just you know don't be evil be equal I'll be LGBTQ versus Google YouTube what they do Google YouTube they made that unnecessarily long LG LGBTQ versus YouTube while Google YouTube thinks they just want to get as many people worried as they can type we got more we got more TV guy you see this is a weird one man with TV on his head going around leaving old television on porches over 60 TVs so far now many people have heard say that they think this is kind of charming or he's not harming anyone I personally think it's one of the creepiest things I ever seen you are in fact seeing a person with the TV set on their head laying an older set on someone's front porch and just walking off he wants to be known as the TV Santa Claus I don't know the bizarre discovery happened Sunday morning in Reich OHS Hampshire neighborhood like TV Freddy Krueger it 150 homes we got an old tube style TV 13-inch I thought my son brought it home but apparently not they had way too much time on their hands if they had all these TVs and spread them out over you know all over the neighborhood I love this they're doing multiple neighbors but think it's only a prank targeting no one in particular I think even Martha's murder inconvenience to the community officers and county workers spent Sunday morning picking up the old units the hauling the mission is being some parts too I think history played out in Glennallen the same thing happened in a different neighborhood last August timing that's not lost on some thing it's just a prank some college students who were just bored back to school maybe TV man was he was just ready to strike to put a little humor into our lives in the absence of knowing the brains inside the box I don't know that's what is he trying to prove these homeowners get up stay away from the screens I don't know why do people do anything people are weird bro it's all fun and games until these people start showing up dead you know how they're gonna die he's gonna smash their head into the TV and then they're gonna find their body on the bed or something with the TV on their head dressed like him and he's gonna dress him in the same suit and shit you're watching too many movies I'm telling you dude that shit's real I just watched the documentary about who's that guy that they just caught yeah man that's something he would do I'm telling you I got more footage of this guy I'm not kidding around TV had strikes again shit's frightening I don't find it scary really watch this one the idea of anyone approaching my house at night is like well I find it more spooky if it's just like I let spooky if he has a TV on his head dude your ring goes off at 2:00 a.m. and you see this yeah that's very creepy then he waves by the way Oh God yeah that guy's coming to put your head in one of those TVs guarantee it how do you guys feel about that it's just it's creepy like isn't that TV heavy on his head it's hollowed out it's just it's just my god it looks really anyway Oh hardly terrifying there you go mm-hmm what's going on back there can hear talking yeah package yes package just arrived sorry oh so that's TV guy you know it's all fun and games until head start and then up in TV screens that Golden State killer one was fuckin crazy man oh my god where was that on Netflix or I think so so the Golden State killer this first of all that the Netflix doctrine is really good this guy was one of the most prolific criminals in the United States history and then the the best part is that a couple years ago this guy went uncaught after like 50 years meeting so many heinous crimes I mean the worst crimes you can imagine don't say it because we'll get to mom ties he stops 50 really bad things YouTube sends me a report back they go oh you mentioned this at this minute and a two-hour long podcast so age-restricted yeah but they caught him because they had his DNA sample and then somebody put it in like match DNA to some distant cousin and then from that that was the only lead they ever had on him and the technology just caught up with this guy and then they started questioning the family and closing in and once they found out this guy's like third cousin or whatever then they eventually found the guy he was an ex-cop cuz the whole time this guy was evading arrest and they're like they started to think as this guy a cop is he military how does he know he was an ex-cop and he had a wife and kids right he had a wife and Dawn and two daughters and he was like his victims were all females it's so much like Dexter yeah you know it's amazing they certainly modeled that show after all these cases when they wrote that care mm-hmm but man that was a good show what was that documentary called something about the Golden State Killer fascinating stuff and I think then they caught him like a year after the documentary came out yeah yeah I in part because of the documentary probably renewed interesting anyway that's TV guy on his head so watch out well hopefully this didn't happen anywhere near me cuz that guy's just a moment away from killing people it's the Golden State killer it's not over that's what it's called hmm I wanted your guys take on this Chris como como on CNN he's an anchor on CNN Cuomo kuhmo someone someone went up to him I called him Fredo which is the bitch brother from Godfather's that goes against the family and is assassinated okay and so he's an Italian man and people and and so people that don't like him conservatives usually call Fredo as an insult well this one person did in a video that people yes well that's the story he says in the video too that's why he's so touchy about it that was calm Fredo according to him I mean it's it's duh it's not he's he's afraid of people call him Fredo well anyway he's at dinner with his uh that dinner with his family his children's wife and here is the conference confrontation and I'm curious what you guys think about about his reaction [Music] [Music] [Music] take your fucking [Music] [Music] okay well let's break this down first of all the context is important because his friend is secretly recording the altercation he kind of bitched out when he got called out because he's like I thought it was your name meanwhile his friend is secretly recording him because he knew they knew that they were getting the jump out of him okay do you think Fredo is an ethnic slur for Italian that's kind of a fun on the level of the n-word yeah no no imagine imagine you're the bar of racial injustice is from the Godfather it's from a movie about Italian gangsters and even if you're using it as to disparage somebody it's not like an ethnic thing you know it's like it's about what that character is in the context of the story I guess yeah well I guess he's Italian and right he took it there but right exactly oh you'll have a problem aisle three so I don't know what do you think cuz there's been people on both sides people are saying como has tweeted previously that fro Fredo was an ethnic slur last year and when someone called him Fredo this is let's see this is from I just don't get his reaction seems very he's very touchy about it I mean it seems pretty unstable for he goes for someone who's on the TV every day but you gotta be prepared for people coming at you oh it's stupid whatever good point imagine from his imagine from his perspective it's on a daily basis he's out with his family he's signing hey Fredo okay good point I mean that's a fair point he's on the news every day there's a very fair point hey Fredo just I don't see I think what would have been better he needs to think of a really silly like retort you know hey Fredo hey i'ma throw you down a fuckin flight of stairs Jamie that's what gets me to is it's like he's upset about it Italian stereotype so he starts a very Oh typical like fuckin Jersey Italian dude possible it's funny cuz I've seen that guy show he doesn't sound like that you wanna go to the flight down the stairs look turned into Ethan Bradberry all of a sudden but anyway he last year said no some said okay we noticed when Fredo gets testy they said that to him no reason to use bigoted references to be critical I can be wrong stupid lots of prerogative designations but I take that as an Italian slurp because it is it's from the fucking Godfather that makes you a bigoted full here's a roll don't be a bigot try to follow it I don't know about that man it's the Godfather I think the Godfather is a far cry from from hundreds of years of slavery I think it's kind of applause that's a good thing - yeah come on the n-word it's it's not a comparable dude please it's from the movie I just surprised that his reaction so not classy Jesus yo surprised - I think you're I think you're right he's got a holy shit together he apologized but you know what surprised me people on the on the right side were were defending him for example let's see here it didn't even like Sean Sean Hannity yeah said oh here it is dude everything's a Twitter link everything happens on Twitter these days it's unbelievable I say good for Chris Sean Hannity said he's out with this nine year old daughter his wife and the guys being a jackass in front of his family in my field this is how you'll be able to show example for your daughter I think the way you act is you walk away exactly you let the guy be a douche and you walk away I certainly wouldn't want to get that excited in front of my family in my opinion Chris has zero to apologize for he deserves the apology I think the best way to be like dude have some respect I'm here with my family exactly you know you're humiliated the guy it's like dude I'm here with my family have some respect that's it and then you make the other person look stupid and feel bad totally instead you puff out your chest and threatened to throw him down the stairs it's just it just makes everybody in that video seem like an idiot I'm finish on Hannity's the defensive him that was surprising to be frank you know what let's read his apology and then Trump of course weighed in which we must address appreciate all the support is what truth is I should be better than the guys baiting me this happens all the time these days often in front of my family but there's a lesson no need to add to the ugliness I should be better than what I post that's a good apology yeah that's fair I think that's a great I think that is as good of apology as one can make actually you know Fredo you're afraid you you solidified yourself as Fredo forever and that right with that reaction but now everybody like Trump is calling him Fredo now there's Trump sweet I thought this was interesting because he said I thought Chris was Fredo also the truth hurts totally lost it low rating CNN but then he goes he goes what Chris kimono be given a red flag come on I don't know the fuck he's how do you say that Cuomo Cuomo he's got this Italian shit I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about what is he talking about red flag is that a thing because I saw it people are this about yeah the red flag was a weapon yeah about gun restrictions okay okay so he says uh filthy language in a total loss control he shouldn't be allowed to have any weapons he's not so I was like oh my god is this Trump supporting gun control well after the incident a couple weeks ago he seems more open to it hmm I don't know if that's ever gonna go anywhere but well there you have it he supports gun control only in the specific case of Chris kimono Cuomo Cuomo mm-hmm so there you have it Fredo is a racial slur the fuck man and you know hilarious yeah I know about the much frayed up to us like love him or hate him his politics you you got a credit him his Twitter game his Twitter insult game is pretty hilarious that's why he's president no become being a bomb ass tweeter actually can get you to be President and these things he doesn't know anything about policy yes but have you seen his tweets they're bomb you know trying to make a joke about how like a Jewish character is a slur there's already so many Jewish slurs though I don't need to make those up hmm what is a good Jewish character that could be like comparable to it's afraid oh yeah that's the ethnic slur Costanza Costanza yeah don't hate Constanza is a Jewish slur guys watch ela watch this you're veget vegetables or e nted so what do you think about Arby's they said hey lo they can make meat from veggies then we can make veggies from meat introducing the merit and of course it's Arby's the most disgusting filth ridden meat factory on the planet you're gonna want to eat this you like guarantee it what a sound turn it off cuz oh good good looks like a carrot oh my god what is this yeah yeah doesn't that look just like a yeah oh here we go fuck her up you look great why would you want that see that's why why would they go through all this I'm assuming it's a joke but write down I mean I think they're they're making a pushback against how all these fast food restaurants are getting the beyond meat but this is America what's your problem because it's Arby's they're all about the meat but that's not a real product I hope not that's nothing that look not awful but then when you cut it open it just looks like a hot dog you know oh my god so leave it we have the man-made balls yeah the problem is that is that it's still meat do it's not healthier all these brands think they have a sense of humor you know it's the worst isn't it fucking hate them I will I will pledge to you right now that I will never eat at Arby's or take anyone I know the RV's for any reason whatsoever I this is my pledge to you after watching that merit video I would eat it Zack you really need to get your fucking brain checked bro you would eat that oh yeah I would try it what is that they're going again against veggie burgers really you got nothing else to worry about right a lot of people you know because the the beyond burgers they downloaded this Dan gonna be like intrigued to try though no let's dude I know that tastes like shit bro come on it's it's and it was seasoned in karat flakes on top of it like can you imagine a worse flavor for chicken crimes no it yeah no I I'll show you it was a it was like carrot flakes it yeah yeah this dried carrot juice powder yeah you're right that's you know I'm stupid but the thing so the thing is why it doesn't make any sense and I don't even know why I'm arguing because I think it obviously doesn't make sense but you have a hamburger which is a delicious thing that people want to enjoy but people don't eat it because it has meat and they object to eating meat for various reasons now the problem with this is that these same people Kenny everyone can already eat a carrot yeah we're already can eat a carrot and the people that are vegetarians are not going to eat this carrot no one is eating does it or not except that it's actually me there's literally no target demographic for this meat carrot the burger makes sense people want the burger yeah I think that they're just trying they're trying to stake themselves out as you know a meat defender so to speak they feel they feel accosted by all these beyond burgers showing up that I think it's viral marketing and I think they're winning except we could just show it here's the problem with viral marketing at least in this case they haven't given me any interessant going to the restaurant I mean dude is this what you want - is this what you want to invoke when I think Arby's you want me to think about this bullshit I mean dude they can't even make Arby's look good in the commercials bro they have these newcomers yeah oh my they go we have the meats a new bread with Hawaiian bread and it's literally looks just a disgusting cut of lunch meat its disgusting they can't make it look good yeah to have this commercial that I see all the time and I'm just like this doesn't look good well someone's going on RVs Zach who is going RVs that we're right here dude what do you get from Arby's Zach uh double beef and cheddar a little horsey sauce excuse me horsey sauce for semen it's like a horseradish Oh horse right do they make you say horsey sauce yeah it's called horsey sauce I can't believe RVs is still in business after you do what do you watch a lot simpsons right cuz that cuz in the early era of The Simpsons the RV's was like their go-to to shit on their own oh no they used to just fucking make out Arby's to be so disgusting all the time as a running joke I remember that yeah and I mean that even when I was growing up I ate meat and I never want to go to her because it's just like I think it's my mind was poisoned by all these roses on The Simpsons and all of Ventura growing up a town of 200 thousand people there was one Arby's that sat so pathetic and lonely and it was always there it always hung through but you always expected to close it's still open to this day and I just don't know how Arby's has continued to claw its way yeah and to the high school I went to had an Arby's across the street as well as a Taco Bell and without fail the Arby's I'd never saw yeah and these are like hungry as high school students you can talk about was packed all the time I think I hate to say this but I think Arby's was reserved for them only the most white trash people on the planet like you like you have to be the whitest trash ever Thanks where you take a bite of this are my batch Zach I don't know what you are bro but you have to look at this sandwich let me pull up an image for you guys Arby's new sandwich and this has to look like a gourmet sandwich for you okay this is the fruit over the scooter Anish might be actually so these actually this isn't the ones they show on the commercial the one they show on the commercials is just like literally meat and bread here these look at this it's it's just it's just meat bread and a slice of cheese meat like they can't even make it look good I've seen there's a worst-looking commercial right now I've seen something that looks worse well here this is their classic I mean look at this a more pathetic looking sandwich oh well look at this sila for the hungry looks like a baloney I mean you have to be swiped trash down to the bone you have to be drunk maybe that's it maybe they're kept afloat by that's not enough they have primetime commercials dude I can't get enough for this looks like have you ever tried one yes Zach it's been a long time though give it another shot I already pledged never to I mean I know okay here here's a real picture of what [Laughter] yeah here I mean that's real that's what it looks like right Zach yeah yeah that's not it that's not it yeah MEAP flaps baby I mean this is what it is usually RVs - shut up they need to be happy that they got business you got to look at this and don't push it were you looking I'm trying to find the ones that I see on TV all the time I don't want you to reference this yeah this is them trying to make it look good me just go to a deli if you want a roast beef sandwich that bad you know absolutely it's way better options anyway so everyone's right now so finally did you find it Eli do you want to keep looking no it's fine yeah you get that yeah it's just like there's one that's like super saucy and it's just like this saucy meat and bread on top and bottom Arby's saucy looks awful sandwich looks like radioactive like the color of it is like neon orange I don't call that like this no no neon orange I'll take a picture when it's on TV next I see a lot of Arby's commercials lately man those guys are so pushing harlots yeah look at this look at this fucking thing dude Oh Zach would you eat this probably not no you wouldn't eat that look look how they prepared it does that look good that you know what I need it yeah I mean really yeah mmm oh the head that it's just the healthy beef and cheddar that's probably what you're looking for me no beef it's gotta be beef like some sausage like a buffalo kinda thing oh no it's like covered with sauce okay Buffalo good look I can't get over these real visitors you cannot make that look good I just can't believe that they have the shout-out to uh they gotta go against companies are making a vegetarian option what's your problem yeah don't piss heel off with that shit she'll fuck your whole life up dude she's gonna find these buffalo cheesy sandwiches and make you wish you never made that thing look at this who wants a bite Zach tell me you would eat that it's kind of like yeah what's that little one with sauce it literally looks rotten kind of like that to get a commercial buyback look chicken slider let's look it up hold on buffalo chicken slider this is different yeah what the fuck damn well that actually just for the record this sandwich that looks decent is not rvs oh I need to write Arby's that's why idiot dumbass Ethan okay that's like a cream pie but they made they clearly like made super photoshopped it and it's all glossy and like really shiny I don't think you can beat this one yeah it's kind of like this you can't beat that one I wonder how many people are going to Harvey's right now just you can find a better meal man to be fair the marketing department we're talking about Arby's for 20 minutes now but it's Blatter I don't know if this helps I guess probably all these people who hate Arby's hate Arby's and people who are like Arby's are gonna want to yeah going right now whatever I got my goof self mr. sitting period blood go enjoy your used tampon between bread I will yeah and then finally we're gonna end off on a high note in has to pee has become a cherished meme within the h3 community and somebody made a comic actually got 4000 points so this is a popular stain goes there in outer space they made it to like God or something says welcome to the center of the universe inferior life-forms you have the right to one question only and now that astronauts talk amongst themselves they say well naturally we should ask about the nature of life itself in human existence right I don't know perhaps it's best to ask about the future what do you think in in and they turn around and then in has already wasted the Jim and God has answered the toilet is down the hall to the right I got a piece so bad very good h3 nation warriors well I had a lot of fun we have lots of laughs we had lots of gaffes and goofs Ian are you holding it I got a piece so yeah yeah yeah just hold on the show we're about to end the show right now Ian you don't have to keep interrupting me I did we're literally ending the show I got a piece so it's just roommate tale I know it's just rude that you keep interrupting I'm sorry your mics turned off sorry and I got a very good I want the record to show that I'm the only one that hasn't gone to the bathroom today in this office yeah you're trying to make a point we got it I'm really thirsty what do you have so bad do you have to pee in I got a piece so bad don't mute his mic no I agree don't mute his mic don't hear anything no Ian come back I'm Dan I forgive you from his mics open he's got the control see now you ruined oh my god I wanted to hear from in we'd never get here freedom of speech then Dan I am you infringe on his on his freedom I pledge you that no one will mute your mic again it's open he could talk what we use a mic is open but my soul is closed I got a piece all right well we better wrap this up dan has to be guys thank you so much for watching for coming along for a different place go watch our previous episode because apparently you didn't show it to anyone I you don't even have to watch it just leave it on the background just click it and refresh and that's it folks but a bit of everything that's all folks I got a piece so bad you look quick who was the who who what was the Emancipation Proclamation that's correct about what year was the the Declaration of Independence signed something like 767 something widows that means 76 am i right I better be yeah July 4 1776 let me ask you how many amendments are in the Constitution I think it's a 35 27 oh shit 27 that's the word that was like one of the ones I was like nobody knows that well I know what are the first tenement first 10 amendments of the Constitution called Bill of Rights and what did the Bill of Rights do name three things the Bill of Rights do you mean the Constitution no the Bill of fricking Rights it defines the government no that's a we have homework to do we've got a homework there guys thank you for watching we've got a lot of studying to do so what does the what was been asserted that one oh the Bill of Rights yeah things that it it ensures like isn't it like freedom of religion freedom of the press I don't know that's the question you're mixing it up let's wrap this up okay quickly then mixing it all up and it all right bye everybody see you next week [Music] you [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 809,345
Rating: 4.8525171 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan & hila, ethan and hila
Id: lYeKevWNU0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 26sec (7826 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
Reddit Comments
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the_steve_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

mobility mary is why i call the 65+ crowd the entitlement generation

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skaman111 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

New H3 ep? I look forward to odd nitpicks on the subreddit bringing the tone down to a weird place.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr-Woman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like if they liked Mobility Mary, they'd also like Sean Avery's bike lane rants. Here's one of them. For extra context, he's a former NHL player who was a giant shit disturber and most people hate him. He posts these videos on his Insta every once in a while and they're straight up gold.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ciilk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What are people butthurt about on this one? edit: O nevermind, here we go...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hinkil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please Ethan, never try to do an Australian accent again. I can’t take the pain.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/superfudge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If Ethan actually gets a scooter for his birthday, they better make a vape nation level video with it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beerus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ian got real pissed at the end

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hunter50502019 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does arby's actually taste bad though?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hunter50502019 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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