Half in the Bag: Episode 87: Disney's: Marvel's: Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Well that's the thing, Rich was EXACTLY right. They would have made a terrible movie unless the "Marvel Tone" was drastically changed. Which it was.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nerdfighter45 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rich Evans also said that Tums Festival was in Samurai Cop.

He isn't infallible

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lars5858 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The funny thing is that the stuff that happened in Infinity Gauntlet that Rich was certain wouldn't translate in Infinity War... all end up happening in Infinity War. Marvel ended up taking that risk and it turned out very well.

The only thing that didn't make it in is the concept that Thanos is in love with a female embodiment of death.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beercorn1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

More like Red Letter Media DOESN'T predict everything. slide whistle

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheVerySeriousLewis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

These hack frauds never get anything right.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/herrmannator0013 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know a lot of reviewers already said this, but Marvel making this Thanos's movie definitely subverted the expectation going in that he wouldn't be fleshed out enough for us to really care. This movie's 2 hours and 40 minutes and every second is utilized perfectly IMO, and I even would've taken an extra 5-10 minutes going more into detail about Thanos and Gamora's relationship

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deeejo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

They, especially Mike because of his hyperbole, are constantly eating thier words.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1ronspider πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well, Mike also said "sold," in a bad way, when they were talking about JW in the Christmas Special BOTW

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SilveRX96 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That fffffffucker Rich Evans!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gandalfsmagicgaydick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
half in the bag [ __ ] all this stupid popcorn [ __ ] well J that certainly was a very exciting ending to a long story line we stopped those jewel thieves we saved the president and we even taught that conservative town to enjoy rock music that's right Mike although I do feel bad that we left blankets stranded on top of that mountain oh right whatever what's more amazing is that we made it down that freezing mountain with no coats or climbing gear well Mike we should probably get back to work I'm sure we have hundreds of orders from [ __ ] hipsters that want their VCRs repaired that's right what - [ __ ] those things on the walls there's like a little cartoon pig riding on a Twinkie oh my god it's a tarted certainly is what the [ __ ] is all this oh hi can I help you do you need your uh Terry 2600 fixed the [ __ ] is that or your Nintendo or Sega Saturn what are you [ __ ] doing in our store you must be Mike and Jay the landlord told us about you he said you've been gone for months and never paid your rent so he let us have the building what's rent [ __ ] you yeah we took over this business legally from Tim Heidecker right after he flew through the ceiling to start a web series about two guys that review movies well sorry dudes but it's our shop now and business is bombing a booming business is booming what's wrong with that man yeah so take that box of personal stuff with you when you leave Mike what are we gonna do I'm sure I'll think of something really terrible and stupid but first we've got to stall them hey guys I feel like we might have gotten off on the wrong foot what do you say we all go out together and watch a movie how about Disney's Marvel's The Avengers to the age of Ultron No yeah what do we look like to you a couple of mouth-breathing man children hey I resent that good sir I am NOT a man-child oh geez the bottom broke on the box damn it oh all of our manchild toys fell all over the floor give us a moment to pick them up oh no my gizmo lost his body that's not gizmo that's the other grumbling from grumblings to the new batch my Lenny lost his bot that's right oh no my Return of the Jedi speeder is broken warp zone can Jacques's this is so sad to watch I Stay Puft Marshmallow guy I feel sorry for them why don't you put that Pokemon machine down we'll just go watch the movie with them sure sir can I can I bring my portable Pokemon machine oh god yeah of course you're bringing two portable pokemon machine Jeff give emerald or Ruby Oh oh good I was designed to save the world people who look to the sky and see hope I'll take that from them first the 2015 summer movie season kicks off with Disney's Marvel's The Avengers 2 age of Ultron that's right man children it's that time of every other year when the Avengers Assemble to fight something smash buildings and learn the important lesson of teamwork in this second film Ironman makes an AI crazy person called Ultron Ultron wants to kill all life on planet Earth his counterpart is a man with red skin who lives in a metal box his name is the seer or the watcher or the knower or something he shoots at Ultron with a laser crystal on his forehead and other characters have some development the film ends eventually so Jay rich Jack what did you think of Avengers 2 you get that porno give you what did you think of Disney's Marvel's Avengers 2 a lot of explosions happen but that's that's not too shocking I enjoyed the character moments when they all lived on a farm for like a week let's talk about the game they're inevitably going to make about the movie wait let's continue to talk about the movie jack or man what did you think of Avengers 2 I liked it it was less focused than the first Avengers movie and I think that part it's also missing a lot of the hype from the first Avengers movie and so it fell a little flatter for me it's missing the excitement of like the first movie it's like they're building up all these movies and it's like BAM the Avengers they're all together and they're in a tightly crafted story with lots of great little moments and good character work this is exciting and now we've had all these other movies and now we just have another Avengers movie well it's kind of the opposite the first movie is about them coming together this movie is about them flying apart yes that's true the whole movie the theme is breaking down of things and and I think that's going to be because of civil war as they need to be enemies by the time Civil War comes around from the enzyme I think the point is though with the opening is you start off they're a cohesive team that's the point of that scene everything works together fine they're great they all work well together number the end iron man wants to do things that Captain America doesn't like and Thor's angry at Iron Man for trying to do this or that and they all go their separate ways it's a breakdown and all that's fine okay Avengers age of Ultron it's about Ultron right sure and that's was a neat storyline I thought unfortunately it's clouded by tons and tons of other [ __ ] that's gonna be related to other movies setups for future things just introducing all these characters because hey look it's Quicksilver or it's fast man that isn't Quicksilver and he's not a movie they didn't introduce too many new characters well there's like them and there's uh they got to bring back all the elders side characters in the previous movies we had to put stone skarsgΓ₯rd in it cuz he was in the other room there he was barely in this we have to introduce Hawkeye his wife for no reason what's the best part of the movie though well here's the thing okay nothing in the movie was a problem on its own like I liked all the elements and there was lots of fun stuff in it the problem was like you got a you got to stay focused like you got to cut out some of this stuff or save it for a future movie it was like everything oh my get this movie is like an ice cream headache that's like ice creams great but you don't eat it so fast you gotta savor it because if you did it too fast and it's just becomes headache-inducing oh no and like we we get introduced to major players like the arms dealer is a big part of the Marvel Universe vision Ultron Pietro Romanoff and Lady Romanoff the two people who are not mutant they're not me and they're definitely not mutants so Quicksilver is not a mutant well not at Miss Universe which well which one the curse quits Quicksilver is in x-men Days of Future past mutant in that because they have the rights to call him a mutant in the in the comic books Pietro Pietro and Marv and Wanda are Magneto's children oh that's right yes quicksilver's Magneto's I remember that and so here their genetic experiments certainly not mutants because they don't have the right but they never call them Quicksilver because they don't have the right or Scarlett experiments on them that just happened to mutate some of their genes he's he's quick and has silver hair white lightning bolts in a blueish suit she has which like powers that turn red some would say scarlet I was confused about her powers is that similar to the comic like I understand the making everyone have weird nightmare visions but she was like shooting red beams out and like what was that do she doesn't which she should she technically speaking has reality-warping powers she is the most bizarre mutant or not mutant in the movie character in the Marvel Universe she has reality-warping powers which mostly make them means that she can pick stuff up and throw it okay but it's changing reality my smashing things yes she's gotta be able to fight sure yeah can't fight in the scene then you got to get out of the movie that's why they got rid of Jeremy Renner Jeremy Renner is the best there's been a dialogue in the whole [ __ ] movie bring him into a comic relief character it was a great day that's a great idea because he has nothing to do so there's a great little scene with him and not Scarlet Witch or he's talking about exactly what's happening he's like we're on a floating city we're fighting robots and I'm shooting arrows none of this makes any sense it's the best light in the movie yeah actually this is a really great comedy film I don't think I don't consider it like it's a comedy action and after watching the trailer for the the god-awful looking Superman versus Batman yeah little fun allow it's like this is this is a comic book movie not in a Joel Schumacher this is a comic book movie kind of way but this is a comic book movie in the way that it's it's fun yeah it knows how serious to take it but still along with the cop yes yes and they went a little too far here and there with their with their wink wink humor but I didn't care personally yeah I don't I don't take these I don't take these comic book things all that serious if you do like cattle I you-you-you bring up like the Batman vs Superman trailer and just how funny depressing that movie looks it's fun watching the heroes like worried about saving people's lives there was a significant amount of action dedicated to stopping people from falling off of bridges and getting them out of buildings that are collapsing but they need the threat at the end of the movie is we have to rescue all of these people not we have to stop the blue laser though there's some kind of blueish laser esque things going on but there's no blue laser forget Captain America is a hero he just rescued that lady that's great he took time out of all this massive chaos to get this one person maybe he won't save everybody but he'll try and save people in that nice that's why their superhero was here our heroes they're a they're heroes they're not emo people with superpowers the right right I just want to beat the [ __ ] out of each other they just want to see who bleeds Superman on Batman I want to beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of your face call me next summer that's what superman/batman we're all about yeah that's exactly what made them popular they're gonna have a little Happy Meal toy so Superman bleeding just a giant head wound it'll be like a red piece of paper that you shoved through it so I'm making him it'll be a ketchup ketchup toy it'll squirt ketchup on your fries so a little Superman doll squeezes it that's brilliant that's pretty great a man makes him bleed on my fries it seemed like they were lacking a lot of the build-up to the action you know the first Avengers movie was all build up and then we get the last I want to say half hour of the first Avengers movie is nothing but action that's what makes it satisfying is to build up exactly but here it's like the action starts in an age of Ultron and you're what what where who it almost it almost felt out of place in some scenes there's a little cartoony you've had first vaccine it looked terrible at first yeah when they're all jumping you start laughing and you know it looked a little cartoony a little goofy but then I was like okay I'm alright with that for a moment I had that that watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - moment and I told you about this secret of the use yeah I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one there's a little little darker a little more and then you go in there and then watch the second one and they're hitting like the bad guys with yo-yos and little there's like little kids and birthday party hats cheering and it's like no I shows in the vanilla ice shows I'm you're like home no it's turned to this and so I had that moment that feeling for a moment when they're all jumping like a cartoon show it's like the opening of the x-men cartoon and I like superhero movies like that I wish they were more corny instead of like all this like brooding I like that Ultron was like sarcastic ya know these are just the right level of corny don't compare me with Stark he's a six Junior you're gonna break your old man's heart if I have to it has to break anything clearly you've never made an omelet you beat me by one second so rich did they do Ultron right there Jack and rich I guess sure I'm not the hugest Avengers kind of put buff event the Ultron is a robot built by ant-man who goes crazy and tries to kill him you know Michael Douglas in the ant-man movies that's Hank Pym he's the original aunt Hank pimp pimp Pym ironically he is a pimp though right mm-hmm yeah dog he built the original Ultron he knows how to backhand a hole been banished that's the thing the comic book ant-man hit his wife okay wow that's a really deep reference yeah and it's based it's basically the same thing and you know he wanted to destroy earth to purify whatever and who not and vision is the same in the comic books where he's a spawn from Ultron basically they just replaced Ant Man with Tony Stark yeah so so Ultron wasn't supposed to be a bad guy he just was so so incredibly powerful he realized humans were the big threat to earth he's basically ed-209 where you know if you step out of line even a little bit you're dead it reminds me of that episode of Star Trek The Next Generation when they accidentally create Professor Moriarty well they say they create him an accident they create a super villain on accident you've been the episode the majority and data are playing on the holodeck right and they're playing there they're playing there there Sherlock Holmes adventures and data keep solving all the cases too quickly so Geordi says computer create a Anatomy or create an opponent an adversary that hate is feeding data feeding data and so the computer interprets that interprets that to create something that's I really liked the part where Black Widow was riding on Hulk's back as they climbed up the floating city that was great that was awesome and I also just in general enjoyed their relationship did they fall in love in the last one or is it no no there was a tiny bit of setup for in the last I thought she was [ __ ] the guy with the arrows but that's why they introduced still his wife so you didn't feel bad for him no but like you know she's the one who recruited him and you know she was and they had that their little like quasi fight on the Helicarrier in the first movie yeah and so like there was there's backstory there oh yeah they were like brainwashed or something he was brainwashed no he was just the Hulk oh I'm talking about Silver Streak er that's not even that's a superpower black widow Anna and oak was it guy with the arrow is John Hawkeye Hawkeye Silver Star whatever silver silver streaker is a super spider-man going right nah no the Silver Surfer Silver Surfer is a fantastic four thing and was a hero on his own is that Aunt May's alter-ego of the Silver Streak er I saw giant silver bush run by the speed of light I'm getting out of this city he can't unmask her though so I can't you know you have a hard time making that be the surprising reveal that it's at bay unless he doesn't recognize her until he puts like a dress on her oh my god your Aunt May it's so defected by her naked bodies you're looking away no she that's like the perfect disguise that's an old lady with their clothes up her power is that she runs so slowly it's like Medusa each individual wrinkled flapping in the breeze yeah yeah this is the real reason Sony's spider-man Cinematic Universe completely fell apart because this is what they were planning for the solo in May movie here we are nothing but our wit and our will to save world so stand and fight no way we all get through this I got no plans tomorrow night I'm always picking up after you boys I feel like this is the first real sign of kind of Marvel like cracking under the weight of their own mythology a crack and the Iron Man armor sure sure I don't there's anyone [ __ ] in the armor but what you guys are starting to see now is they're scratching the surface of when comics run out of ideas it gets we get into space vision as a character in general that's how he is in the comics he's a weird red man with a laser in his forehead and it's weird yeah I liked vision I like I heard like Jamar leaving the theater and she were saying that you thought he looked stupid in this movie I loved him because that was the most comic book II looking goofy character I thought he was great walked right out of the 1970s comic books yeah universe though I know when you look at like guardians of the galaxy that's the like the real weird [ __ ] they're doing out there like he's fine you could picture that guy in the Garlic galaxy movie loved it but they had to throw on that tie-in though to the the Pharos and the infinity gems and this movie did not need this just needed to focus on Ultron yeah I'm fighting Ultron well that's we were after the movie we were discussing like what was with the gem the magic gem I know it's the Infinity stone but it's like okay we have a scene where Oliver characters are having moral conflicts about whether they should bring this artificial life with human skin or whatever to life Tony Stark Bruce Banner they want to do it Captain America and whoever else they're like no you can't do that Scarlett and then Thor comes out of nowhere and he throws down his hammer and lightning shoots everywhere and I was like what is happening and then he explains something about like I had a vision and this is the infinity stone and I was like no this is a trick question but how many Infinity stones are there six point B and they put that in there even though is convoluted and confusing to anyone that's not a huge comic book nerd solely so it would tie in with these other movies because ending Cinematic Universe is more important than telling a clear concise story yes I'm gonna say I think I know what your problem is I understood what was going on it just would have been cleaner if they took out the the alidium stuff yes you take that part out it's just the AI who goes mad and wants to destroy old life because I liked all those elements you are talking about but all of that all the other things crammed in it's like going to like a website and trying to read an interesting entertaining article and just like pop up ABS taking over the entire site where you're like seeing the article through it but you're like get out of my way and then you have to click on the hyperlink to understand that annotation you start reading that go back to the main story oh there's another hyper oh yes oh no oh that's another I want to see a story about Tony Stark [ __ ] up and creating an AI that decides that it wants to destroy the world like what that was great that's for sense lot if that happened you'd be complaining those too simplistic no not at all not if it had all the other elements of this would like the characters working together and the the banter but I I got the stone thing I like the fact that this weird alien superhero came out of a box I like that he's a robot a robot yeah and they were all shooting lasers at Ultron at the end that was great I don't mind a little touch of a little expansion here in there I I thought it was more or less decently blended yeah there's nothing that sounds more nerdy than infinity gem it's true it's pretty good story in the house well let's talk it's gonna make a terrible movie okay but let's that let's talk about that then they're setting up for the infinity gems for the Infinity Gauntlet yes Santos will have that I'm assuming is going to be the next Avengers movie no I think they're gonna make a separate movie for it okay but either way you're setting this all up also Thanos is the purple monster that you see in the movie yeah for a play by Jasper well let me ask you a question when Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet and puts it on is the film gonna be called Thanos and the hand of fate yeah but barrettes you were saying okay that storyline great comic why don't you think that'll work as a movie these movies are all about the heroes beating up the bad guys and they have action adventures the Infinity Gauntlet is about a God who worships death that murders everybody and the heroes are powerless to stop him isn't that the new Superman movie basically see that's that's my problem with it these they're told and the Marvel movies has all been been fun the infinity thing that they're building up to is the climax is not just it's just not gonna fit with everything else they've done if they do it like the story is in the comics well then they'll just change it and then make it light-hearted does that make setups for 15 more movie exactly what if Thanos is defeated by the Silver Streak yeah he's so distracted and then then fast man that is in Quicksilver just runs up and steals the Infinity Gauntlet right officer no Silver Streak rosebush caught catches on the Infinity Gauntlet and rips it off oh I got a Brazilian the Infinity Gauntlet basically as the story goes and there might be different versions cuz that's a comic book works in the Marvel Universe there was a singular God who murdered himself and committed suicide and what was left over are the infinity gems and those are the pillars of reality left over how when you die how do these magic gems appear they created the universe as we know it your space space and if you if you gather the infinity gems together you are God in the Marvel Universe for all intents and purposes and Thanos who worships actually worships like death not not just worship that he's in love he's in love with death who is a real person a real person in the Marvel Universe so he gets the gems becomes a God and he literally murders half the universe okay and everyone is completely powered just powerless to stop because He is God because with all the infinity gems you can control reality and the crux of the story is that with all Pharaoh's wants is for death to love him back and she just doesn't she won't so The Avengers will stop Thanos by learning to work as a team well speaking of Man of Steel in this new film okay we're watching this film and it's two hours and 41 minutes long we get to the end credits and there's 55,000 people's names is are these movies now are these like richer saying they could trim it down to a cohesive 90 minutes no no not anymore it has to be twice that length it has to be filled with everything and it has to action scenes have to be so over-the-top so exciting that they need 50,000 people 50,000 computer animators just doing this like is that what movies are now like I'm just speaking action movies exactly my point wasn't that they should have cut it down to my 90 minutes my point was they could have and it still would have had the same plot I think yeah exactly I see that is extended fights you know what it is it's like fast food it's like when they made fast food meals yeah they keep making like the large size cups bigger and bigger and then the fat meals get bigger and bigger and I think that's what it is it's just like an expansion of light because people it only 90 minutes long with no no flawed myths and a lot of exploring it you're right technically they could have cohesively made a 90 minute long story with a couple of sporadic action scenes that was very satisfying but people say no in two minutes it should be 241 minutes and should have lots of explosions and lots of things going on look much like the McDonald's value meal has gotten bigger and bigger and bigger over time because people's appetites keep getting bigger and bigger for entertainment yeah yeah I definitely feel like Joss Whedon was struggling more with this one than the first one is so clean cut it's long but it doesn't feel bloated it doesn't feel like oh this could go this could go this movie I feel like there was a lot of stuff that could just like it wasn't necessarily bad on its own but pull it out have a more satisfying clear-cut story we're not gonna happen anymore oh can I say though for a movie that's just like a [ __ ] of people shoving everything into it they did a good job with it Oh Harry's didn't fall flat on the Train 300 or it's like this doesn't go yeah but it's getting near that point it's like that little Running Man game that we play where you hit ABC obviously well it's like go up it's like clockwork coop coop where it's like running and soon it's gonna fall on its face if and the guy's just teetering and balancing and you're making progress but eventually you're gonna fall yeah but that man is kevin [ __ ] his name Kevin hey G hey G I want to say he's the coop guy right now because a Avengers 3 will not be a cohesive 90-minute film it's going to be three hours and 41 minutes you bring up the amazing spider-man 2 and I think the difference between this the amazing spider-man 2 is that the amazing spider-man 2 is like a a baloney bacon tofu and Ice Cream Sandwich is just all this [ __ ] that doesn't work together the Avengers 2 is is just like a larger cheeseburger it's still a cheeseburger there's just more meat there's more of a lot of there's longer more extended fight scenes buy more meat patties on it or like a bigger cheese like a like like a bigger cheeseburger yeah almost to the almost of the point where it's ridiculous where you look at that guy I could never eat that but you eat it you feel a little bloated afterwards but you're still able to get it down but in the end it's it turns into [ __ ] I don't like this metaphor anymore just a lot more of this metaphor should stop before the digestive process speaking of Marvel movies at the end of the credits we got our mid credit scene which is the first time in the history of any of these movies I knew what it was all these other ones something happens I'm like who's that what is this what you're like hey it's Robert sadar and his final role are you saying danos has played by Robert siddhart Oh rest in peace fine art you can tell he's dying because his skin is purple that's right they film that on his deathbed rich would you recommend Avengers 2 yeah that's a lot of fun it's all you have to say that's all I have to say this if you like action there's gonna be a lot of explosions there's gonna be a really awesome fight between Iron Man and the Hulk and you get to watch good guys rescuing people and if you don't if you're not as big on the action stuff there actually are a lot of good just character moments there's the romance stuff and then there's the family with Hawkeye a lot a lot of good characters just being interesting characters so they up it's good it's fun movie jack agreed I definitely recommend I think you have to temper your expectations it's not going to be the massive climax that the first Avengers movie is it's now it's another brick in the puzzle instead of the they showstopper but I enjoyed it yeah I will agree it's hard not to recommend it it's a big tent pole summer movie that filled with excitement and humor in action everyone can enjoy it you almost say that begrudgingly it's so exciting I guess or whatever but that's what movies have done at this point where it's like nothing is really spectacular anymore you're not that impressed but it's like this is more of what I've seen I enjoyed the first one the first Avengers more you know that's an a this is a good be a b-plus you know and and it has it's it's it's so all over the place it's hard to define exactly what the problem is were you just like yeah but really like there wasn't much of a problem it's just it's so all-inclusive that it's hard to not like it you know I mean yeah well that's what the solo movies are for these Avengers movies are like a big celebration of everybody coming together the individual movies are where you can connect those specific characters that you like you know and you realize which which characters you like based on their individual movie it's like Iron Man's the tops yep and then there's there's Captain America and then Thor is on the bottom no yeah nobody loves the lower like store Thor's me Thor works as a comic relief character and the big movies raising yeah I I enjoy movie Thor more than I ever enjoyed comic book form it was kind of fun yeah a little tongue-in-cheek a little bit one I was so goofy I know and I'm glad that I don't know if they're doing it but I'm glad that they didn't bother to make a solo Hulk movie with Mark Ruffalo no because no one cares that's true yeah we just want the big green guy to smash you think yeah he doesn't need a movie they did two movies with Edward Norton and then everything I was the first one Norton was the reboot whoa yeah and technically the Edward Norton one is Marvel Cinematic Universe yeah that's in Canon yeah it might be fun if they ever decide to do Planet Hulk that's where that's where because hoga so dangerous Iron Man sends him off into space and then he ends up at an alien planet where he fights in an alien gladiatorial arena see and that's a movie that's a little I would watch that yeah III don't need to see the same like super God villain rehashed stuff every movie I want to see Planet Hulk then he takes over he becomes their king and he leads his space army back to earth where he's really mad at hired me there's something in space that's amazing right that's amazing this is gonna be like 2025 Marvel Cinematic Universe yeah J whatever this was Avengers to the age of Ultron yeah I would recommend it it's it's and like I said it's hard to pinpoint I think it's just that like everything is named dishearten is it both of you you know sign dishearten but just remember that trailer for Batman vs super no no this this is the thing like there's lots to like in this movie the problem is it's too much of a good thing like all the individual parts are good but it's just III as someone who likes and especially in this type of movie I want a clear concise story I think because it's the Avengers and it's because they've taken all of these big major hero names they put them together I think they just feel pressured to throw in everything oh sure it's like I said they want to please everyone and I get that but it doesn't create for a completely satisfied story so that's the 25 billion people that watched it oh sure you'll get you'll get you know a lot of entertainment out of it I don't want to come down too hard on the movie I just I just worry I can see the future I can see what's cubby have been directed by Richard Linklater wants to see Thor hood what a loser just be boring I think that was that was that yeah yeah I can't wait for the Avengers 3 where they all get together and fight another super powerful being yeah yeah so Mike J rich and I have actual work to do so please get out after that whole discussion does just treat us like garbage I guess we should go Oh Mike why didn't you say you were gonna come up with a plan to get these guys out of here oh [ __ ] that's right I was supposed to be thinking of a plan you know we just talked about the Avengers for so long I forgot I owe you [ __ ] what are we gonna do now I don't know J but I'm sure it'll be violent and terrible and very poorly thought out oh all those guys coming back they said minutes
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,324,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Red Letter Media, Half in the Bag, Review, Plinkett, Mike and Jay, Age Of Ultron
Id: LAMSey5retQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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