Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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[Music] you're leaving me again this week like all the other past few weeks Columbus Ohio we've gone to Virginia Virginia back to Dayton again yeah which yesterday we were stuck in Columbus hours and hours and hours we are in a construction zone now not one trailer and we're so lucky that the trailer didn't jackknife extremely lucky one lane construction on route 70 in Columbus one of the busiest routes it was insane and don't worry we are going to get to the memory cards and and USB sticks tonight and this is the one this is the one you want to wait for because we got a laptop and about 15 other things to go through tonight oh yeah this what is the craziest thing we've ever found in a unit it's gonna be what we find on these lorry sticks so I'm kind of thinking that we should probably sing a little song to the storage okay what do you think we've been all over the road spending a lot of time which is why when I wake up I'm gonna be the man in Columbus we have 8,000 miles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when I get [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Portia's got a thousand miles why aren't you singing with me cuz I can't sing oh happy Labor Day weekend happy first of the month welcome back to our weekly live Sunday QA we have so much to go over the next hour you guys with us for the next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we've got like 14 USB drives this is a media mp3 player and there's stuff on here yeah they're gonna it's USB they're gonna want to see what's on that too but this is the one now we also have the mini laptop now you saw you saw actual videos all week saying that me we're gonna show this stuff and we found the charger today we actually don't even know what's on the laptop yet we just plugged it in because we just actually found the charger yeah earlier so George why don't we do this I'm not even in the chat yet and you are so let me jump in there do you have do you have mail by the way we we've been everywhere we even got to see Manny the mannequin today so that was kind of Awesome he was extremely extremely excited to see us extremely without a doubt without a doubt for sure let's see if we can get 2,000 2,000 people tonight in the chat you think we can do it George that would be record-breaking of well 2,000 they if they tell everybody on their social media their Facebook and everything to jump on to see what's going on then we would break a brand new record and I the way I figure it we've got to go through one of these every month this is our rather large package that's thank you do you want me to sing the male song yeah okay are you ready this rather large package is from our friend ona Breeland all the way from Tyler Texas I know we have a lot of Texas folks on the chat Grimes finds is one of them Texas is our second most viewed from state you ready for the male song yeah I was all right we got 696 on the live chat right now at work we're aiming for 2000 so everybody share on your social media feeds as we're gonna share with you tonight what is on all of these memory cards flash drives and laptop let's see if we can beat our record tonight and get 2000 people in the chat invite all your friends and family what is that joy this is a handheld metal detector and we've been telling a lot of our subscribers that we want to incorporate metal detector we have pewter and that's one of the things you do remember tonight if you want to get a question or you want to get a comment up in front of us the easiest way to do that is to send a super chat and so the super chat for you I got a look at the screen it should be right down there no no other way it's it's reversed so it's actually right down there you see that s down there that dollar sign you would click on that oh sweet a pro metal detector how cool is that Wow thank you so much we're gonna have to please to use it's really late yeah we could take him in the creek next to the warehouse we're at 748 right now and we are gonna try and hit 2,000 tonight you got a letter - yeah it says dear Jeremy and George I was looking for a hobby as I am 74 and legally blind I can no longer do my old hobbies so I decided metal detecting looks like fun my friends had a fit I don't walk well on flat surfaces and uneven ground is extremely difficult for me plus I don't have any way to go to go anywhere to do my detecting all in all a horde a really horrid idea what was I thinking I think she meant to ask what the Hales was like that's probably what she was meaning for sure what the hell was I thinking and then she goes on to saying that wishing happiness good health Prosser prosperity for you on a Breeland PS you bring a lot of happiness and giggles just paying it forward maybe Jeremy could take some singing classes though put it to use very very very okay so we are aiming for mm great that is a great number make sure you invite all your friends all your family your auntie your uncle we've got some big news and we've got to go through 15 memory cards and a laptop and flash drives now here's the biggest news if you solve the video manager stops auction most likely if you're super fan you saw that video because a lot of people did the auctioneer actually reached out to us the auctioneer actually teaches at a local auction school and so the auctioneer has invited us to actually come to auction school free of charge and what he's allowing us to do is to bring you with us to auction school how exciting is that and a lot of you may already know this but something that Jeremy and I wanted to do was get her get our auctioneers license how fun would that be to see us auctioneering so he's 69 and he runs the part of the auctioneer schools it has to do with all the laws all the legalities of auctions there is no doubt you guys have a ton of questions in regards to the laws and legalities of auctions you probably have some just based on that video so what we've been able to coordinate with him is we want to take you along with us that we are gonna livestream auction near school so this is where auctioneers go to get certified to become an auctioneer so we're gonna see bonded in the state of Ohio we're taking you with us now it's going to be a very specific time a very specific timeframe and he's going to take questions from you directly from the chat step stacker sent a $2.00 super chat says Renee said you're serving a cold cuts deli tray we are it's down in the kitchen we're gonna serve it to each other afterwards Renee from Dane Casey from storage wars so auction school for you for you appreciate its up stacker and Eric sent a $2.00 super chat appreciated Eric September 19th we'll continue to keep reminding you September 19th 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we will go live from auctioneer school speaking of time Helen cook sent a $2.00 super chat says it's 2:00 a.m. in the UK what the Hales am i doing awake I have no idea so we are going to auction school we're taking you with us September 19th 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time mark it on your calendar because the auction near teacher is going to be taking your question in regards to all the walls and legalities of auctions alright baby Northwest RC club said in $2 super checks is gonna be another great live show tonight it's almost 9:15 in the way that is from the UK as well a lot of UK viewers free shaving cream 97 said can you please give me a shout out you think shout out let's not do it alright so that being said I figured the mathematic equation we have to go through one of these about every five minutes now this is the good part okay we've got a ton of and remember this is the one you're waiting for this one this one is a little juicy actually there's a couple here that are little odd and we got so many really so many this week okay well the one unit there was an entire Ziploc baggie of members and I found and actually these are all mixed up from all the units I don't even know we've been so all over the place I don't even know what's from well now they're coming so this is actually just an adapter for the micro but there is no adapter in it so that one's an easy one okay and this one is also a micro SD adapter with no micro SD card in it so again that one is an easy one now this next one that we're gonna hit these these I'll just throw away because these are nothing the next one I'm gonna hit is actually a USB Drive and you may be thinking that doesn't look like your standard USB Drive well this is what's inside of your USB Drive so we're gonna plug that one in and you can go ahead we just got a super chat we're gonna see what's on this one see what we can do here music 55k piece and a three dollar super chat says check out youtube curiosity incorporated from canada we do we know all about him we watch his videos we do yeah okay so I'm getting under the first flash drive you let me know if we have any questions whatsoever okay okay all right I gotta do this again and this one Mary Miller says she's a retired auctioneer in Wisconsin Oh Mary you how many years Mary can you give me one what about whatever girl so when we were in was it Columbus yeah it was Columbus wasn't it okay number three just quick pause this is not registering in the laptop so we're gonna go ahead and move this one on okay I'm gonna move on to this one now when we're in Columbus we had a female auctioneer she was amazing and I've never seen a female auctioneer I've seen female managers that were talk Shamir's but this one she was amazing this one is another micro adapter so we don't have anything in it so this one's gonna move on so that's four strikeouts so far but don't worry I promise you they get better Donatella bought Selena said my phone died can you please repeat everything I miss yes yes we can I hope it's your safe and the hurricane you don't get affected by the hurricane she's down in Florida do we have any questions yes we hurt all right let me try that memory card again well I think it's clione King I think everything is what the Hales now my boyfriend and I are getting back in the game of storage auctions we missed going through people still 16 gig card it will not register on the laptop but don't worry there are those that will I put all of the ones up front they got nothing so we should be done with the duds I just wanted to test them again and remember we still have the laptop to go through we have the laptop laptop and everything else here so we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine more things to go through this micro adapter does have an SD card in it and we're gonna get into it bargain hunter strip wants to know when is the wedding I need to plan ahead he says you're funny okay this one is up on the laptop so we're going good there how are we doing on how we doing oh we got over a thousand watching right now we're aiming for two thousand tonight it's a holiday weekend I bet we could get two thousand let's see what you guys can do a lot of people are off tomorrow let's see what you can do are there any questions baby supreme 97 says I would buy storage lockers but I have no money so I can't so one of the things that we talked about a couple weeks ago mana chick Oh five said Jeremy have you lost weight you look manager she's put it's ridiculous I keep telling her I'm like this is out of control this is not okay anymore and she's like oh no dad bumped her in dad Bob's heard the thing now and I've put 25 pounds on actually is probably more it's 26 27 now since I've met her and she is she is an eater and she'll just eat me in intial my morphe it's genetics and then what she'll do is show eat one corner of it it should be like oh I don't like food to wastin so she shoves at him she literally will put it in my mouth like this until I eat it because she doesn't like to see food go to waste which is why she makes me eat expired food in the storage units hence oh okay so back to back to the people that want to buy storage lockers but don't have the money what we usually tell people is - we are in ok ok let me so far nothing extra large icons is to go on Craigslist people are always giving away stuff start off with the free items on Craigslist and flip those into a profit USPS offers free boxes and free tape there's there's so many resources and free items they could do and then use that money and then buy more inventory and then also Dollar General has penny sales there's DJ pickers and orey's I look at $4 yeah and then Walmart Target you could do retail arbitrage where they have or just sell fries yeah if you live local and you want to sell for us that's and you don't have the capital all you have to do is just work on getting when you're when you're reselling you just have to learn how to work the different selling platforms all right I'm ready to share this ok remember we are sharing all of the flash drives and all of the cards tonight that we said that you saw presented in the actual videos this week and this is probably the one you want to wait for so we're going to do that one at the end now what we just did was opened up a a card and what you can see here this is the this is really the the that's on here this is a a family birthday party and the biggest thing on here is a toilet paper fight all of that white that you see is a toilet paper fight Shirley Pearl sent a $2.00 super chat appreciate it Shirley so what I would do now is and this is exactly what I'm gonna do why we're here on the live I'm just gonna delete everything from this card yeah and so we just delete it and then it goes it goes in my desk drawer with all the millions of others so there were 95 pictures on that card they were all of basically a birthday party with a toilet paper fight so Calvary no man sent a $2.00 super chat says have you been to auctions in Kansas no not yet but if you follow us on Facebook we will announce which states will be traveling to for auctions in the future so make sure you guys follow us on Facebook a nother micro SD adapter and there is something in there okay so we're gonna pop this one in this time winter night warden sent a $2.00 super check said cool with a cute little emoji appreciate it okay any questions baby mom well I'm looking this up here let's see what we can get all right and that one doesn't seem to be registering let's try again oh now it is okay this this card has photo and video so let's look at photo first all right here's the photos on this card I'm just gonna show it to you that way easiest thing to do that both horrible photos nothing it is it just Blair now I'm gonna click on video there is nothing on the video folder video folder is actually empty on this one so this one's gonna be easy one I'm just gonna I'm gonna take the pictures off those were blurry pictures nothing and we're gonna pop the next one in because we got so many more to go Joe Mel feasts says hope you guys come to my town Michigan I live in Midland Michigan oh I've been the Midland I've preached in Midland didn't you go to school in mission you know I lived in Ohio my whole life sweetheart I thought you went to school in Michigan I I was serving at a Christian camp up there while I was working on my Master's so I was working full-time and Christian camping and doing my math in Michigan and I did my masters I did I doubled it up basically the same way I did my undergrad I did my undergrad I did four years of college in two years and I doubled up my master's as well Sal Rica wants to know what's the scariest thing you have seen in a storage unit you have bought scariest he's askin gosh probably adult toys probably probably these things the things that we find on these memory cards what about that adult toy that you found today that was Gary that was just gross it had a lot of stains on it which is gross okay we are in this one as well and we have okay all right this is I know this just from seeing I mean there's three folders okay I'm just gonna show you really quick this is the unit that we bought in Dayton this was the Marine okay now he loved NASCAR that we're gonna tell him what else he loved cuz we got to be really careful here I just said NASCAR okay he loved NASCAR and he loved Playboy Playmates as a matter of fact today we found a hole how many were there autographs of him with Playboy Playmates yeah sorry about six six different models now not only did we find that we found a we found a picture of him and with he was he was displayed be in front of and when I say displayed he was completely displayed in front of all of his autographs of all the Playboy Playmates he's he's been with and known so this guy was a man's man loved NASCAR and women so we have to be very very careful here and suburban beard was with us today as we found those autographs and so if he's here in the chat suburban beard will verify that we did find this today so we have to be very very careful here on this card because I can already tell by the picture this is the Marine unit five hundred and twenty dollars and that was in Dayton Ohio we do have it all back we got destroyed on the road trying to get home and you'll see all of this video footage later this week monday monday could be Monday Monday stub stacker sent a two dollar super chat says got a plunger someone in the chat clogged the toilet so he has the other thing this guy has is he has like NASCAR autographs and pictures with every driver you can ever end up we found a ton of sports cars and here is just a look with some of the the drivers okay and so that's just a look with some of the drivers I don't see anything really there's two more folders here let me go into the next one mama Jebus is on the chat hi mama Jebus she wants me you went to school I went to Appalachian Bible College for for Christian camping administration and Bible theology so I pulled a double major and anybody who went to Appalachian Bible College you have to pull a Bible major and you pull a double major so the crazy part of that is is I did a double major which is a four-year program in two years and I still graduated with highest honors and so you might say I'm a little bit of an overachiever it was not easy it was very difficult and then I went on to get my master's degree in in organizational leadership specializing with nonprofits or social services or service sectors of community so not for profit nonprofit which again any business has to make the price Envy wants to know what happens the man living in the storage unit that's a good question yeah after we left the option we didn't see him again here is folder number two looks like a birthday party for the family with a bunch of inflatables there's one more folder and okay you could probably show that this is part of his autograph collection with the playmates this this looks okay to actually show maybe not that last one okay let me hold a second let me delete she said that's not okay okay he has a ton of autographs from playmates from like the old days so there's a couple right there so here on this card here are some of his autographed pictures right here from what I can figure this guy not only this guy was hanging out with these these women I don't think this is just this guy was hanging out with these women we see personal pictures we have totes and totes and totes of personal pictures this guy honestly in my opinion I think he was part of probably creating adult content or material or videos things like that yeah we found a lot of negatives that were labeled amateur and then yeah the females named tons and tons and tons like he is doing photo shoots with them and you're never gonna see that in the videos and we're probably over showing as it is right now so here's a 4 gigabyte how many do we have in the chat right now this was his unit about Windows this one is in a we are at 1235 how are we doing on how we doing on Kevin Tran says you guys have don't have merch yes we do have merchants on emerg there's we have the the what the Hales white t-shirt and then the what the Hales hoodie let's take let's take a question before we open up one of our moderators can put the link in the chat and then if you look at any of our videos it's called a YouTube shelf we have we sell the funemployed t-shirts so you just have to learn how to navigate YouTube look at any description box in any of our videos and then look at the YouTube shelf for our funemployed once once inventory is out on these what the hills I don't plan on ordering more I want tea springs to manage our our merch George George is there he just said welcome to the party George George I tried I tried to stop by and we almost called you we were stranded in Columbus and we almost needed you to help us because no tow company would actually get us standard tires and bring them to us as we are we're we are actually had to make six phone calls just to find a contractor that would come out and bring two trailer tires to you triple-a don't want to do it because that was crazy they didn't want to do that okay four triple-a and triple-a called me and said we don't take care of anything that a doesn't have to do with your vehicle all right I'm pulling a 20-foot trailer it's attached to my vehicle why am I paying for triple-a and so there was one company that was willing to come out they had to go and buy our trailer tires at Tractor Supply Store and then bring them to us and then they I couldn't my trailers too heavy I can't take my standard Jack from my truck and just you know up my trailer and change my tires and so I couldn't disconnect the trailer to go buy tires I literally was stuck I had no tools to do what I needed to do or actually George would typically take care of that and fix everything for me did you mention to them that they we would have they told you you would have to buy the tires and then they would change it for you yeah well other other other companies said well you have to go buy the tires then we'll come out and change them for you I'm like it's too heavy it's on the rims and they just they couldn't get in one company was amazing to help us out you might have seen that in the story but you will see the complete story tomorrow and yeah adventures with the Hudson send a five-dollar super chat says wanted to share that we made our first eBay sale this week and our channel is growing everyday a lot of this is from advice you two have shared thank you and then heart emoji you're welcome Beth and Jim they have check out their channel they buy storage units and they they record their adventures as well fun Channel fun couple I think up on the lake this Kevin Tran said what's the most talkbox you ever found in Locker I'm not sure what he means by talkbox I don't know about that one uh tell us the company that helped sandy woods you are gonna find out the company and their phone number so that you can use them in the future and so I promoted them in the video you'll see that tomorrow so remember you're seeing videos that happened a day ago two days actually that would have happened yesterday you're going to see it two days later and so you will get to see the company and it was just phenomenal the man was phenomenal he went to the store for us he bought the trailer tires nobody else would take care of us and were stranded I mean we literally are abandoned like a storage unit and he went above and beyond he literally was texting me saying I'm at the store right now and he was sending me pictures are these the right tires and I'm on my way I'm five minutes away I'm yeah it's just it was incredible so the communication was oh my goodness I loved it I could have kissed the man and I'm not I'm not a man that kisses anybody do you want to share that he anybody's house how he started his business no he didn't want me to share that okay hey I'm not a person who kisses okay remember we're still going through all the flash drives and the memory cards for all those new that are just jumping on I've got the next one in you still have a question baby lorilee was was once no what was on the hard drives from the DC unit Vivas has the hard drives he has those and from what he can see there was just a bunch of deleted emails right okay this is the next on the memory card whoops so if you can see here on this memory card there is a folder called private I can't see where it is right now because we're not screen sharing so there is a folder called private right there and there's also a folder called DCIM which is your pictures there's a folder called SW smw apps boot me okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna open boot me no nah I'm gonna open s WM naana chicks sent a five-dollar super chat appreciate it says could you please get different colors for your t-shirt yes if you want to get the fun employee t-shirts those you can get in different colors so make sure you check out the merchandise that we have on our YouTube shelf which is underneath any YouTube video those you can get in different colors okay now this this file on this card is not what you would expect at all this is actually if you look here it says we and then it has a file and this has homebrew this is what you call a mob we program homebrew is a way that you get into a video game system and when video game systems make their systems they lock you out as a matter of fact that's a big controversy in the gaming world because the video game hardware says we only a hardware you're only using it you can't modify it where the buyer goes I bought this Nintendo Wii I'll do whatever I want with the ten to ten do we I can make it do whatever I want so the homebrew program is a modifier which can put all kinds of old video games normally that's what it does it puts every NES any Sega game on there he has that program on this memory card it's the homebrew for the Wii so this is he modified his Wii I have a modified weep and it's got thousands and thousands of games on it so he modified as we and in the private folder it just has the Wii programming and so that's that's this is a homebrew modified we programming you would put that in your SD card reader in your Wii and then you would run the homebrew program here we go another one we've got one so are you ever planning on coming to Alaska we're going everywhere this is the one you're waiting for I promise you this is the one you're waiting for we're gonna hit up every state all 50 states so make sure you guys follow us on Facebook and we'll announce which state were coming to next in the future we're trying to hit 2000 on the live stream tonight we're at 1330 right now if you share this with all of your friends on your social media we'll see if we can get a brand new record of 2000 honestly don't know what our record is but we're gonna say we're trying to hit 2,000 and Ryan Brown said hi Jeremy and George loved the videos Ryan Brown were sending the love right back to you how about Providence's a bear hoarder picker says probably a right George well we want to focus on the States and in the u.s. first and then we'll talk about international traveling come and Tran wants to know can you do can you walk around in your warehouse I want to see a video if you watch some of the older videos Kevin we do show the warehouse so make sure you binge watch and you'll see that Adam Thomas just sent ten bucks he's looking to buy the rock that you found in a unit a while back if you still have it we actually do have it it's sitting right by the telephone pole outside of the warehouse so if you know where the warehouse is you won't even have to buy it you can just pull up in the middle of the night take it away so it's right there I didn't know what else to do with this right here Adam if you're interested in buying something make sure you email us at what the hell's at yahoo.com keep in mind though the heavier the item is the more expensive shipping is going to be a lot of our subscribers will email us wanting furniture we we don't ship furniture just because it's so expensive you end up paying more for shipping than you do for the item and we typically only allow those types of items to be available for sale at our warehouse for local pickup only so you can buy the rock just keep in mind that it's gonna be really heavy it's probably more than ten pounds would you say you know for sure it's probably close to 20 pounds so if you're willing to pay for shipping then you know we'll sell it to you but keep in mind that shipping is gonna be very expensive Mikayla Polly says George you're so beautiful Jeremy please marry that girl I think they're waiting for you to house he wants me to ask him let me know in the chat if that's right if the female should ask the middle how about we don't put that in the trash let us know in the chat just forget that we go on to the next memory card so just email us at what the hell's at yahoo.com I'm the only one that checks it and our schedule is so busy between trying to read we get thousands of email requests so please be patient between trying to read all of the private messages that we get on Facebook all of the private messages that we get on Instagram all of the email that we get I try and do like first-come first-serve and then if you went if you are interested in buying something from our from our videos when you send that email it'll give you an auto response and it'll itemize exactly what details we need because we handle so much that it's hard to remember what the item is from every unit ok we I am in the next memory card this is from the Marine unit this guy collected autographs like crazy we've only just begun to find them yeah this is uh this is pictures of some of his autograph sports memorabilia not only that it's some of his gaming stuff as well so you can see the old school sports autographs in here I'm gonna scroll down I can't see to do it over there just because of the angle that were on I'm gonna show you some more stuff I can't open everything up this guy love does pinball machines too and I can't wait to see if we actually have some pinball machine memorabilia which obviously there was not a pinball machine in the actual unit but this dude's got pictures of pinball machines that I'm sure he played this is so cool let me he's got NASCAR he's got NASCAR autographs in here here's Dale Earnhardt all right so here's Dale Earnhardt certificate and no less senior and the pinball machine this guy this guy had everything okey treasure hunter sent a $5 super chat appreciate it okay this is the only the only folder on this now we're into a house we're looking at a house now like a empty vacant and there is a cans of pinball machine like here's wheel of fortune here's a here's another pinball machine here's the Wheel of Fortune pinball machine okay so nothing risque on this just pictures of autographs and basically it looks like we're gonna find this stuff this I I hope like I hope like hails we do because autographs can go for a lot of money we're at 1342 right now George and we still got one two three four more things to go through and this this is the one you want to wait for so we're getting to that point and we got another this is a 512 megabyte SD card we're gonna go ahead check this one out now we got so many this week usually we just send it to Jebus because this is jesus's thing but you guys have been getting curious so yeah and we've been getting curious to Adam Thomas sent another $10 superjet says also in another message please take the rock off the street I might even take a ride there Road Trip golf wins sandy dollar says the glasses do not have lenses any clue what she's talking about what classes I don't know maybe glasses that she saw in one of the videos I'm not sure okay one bring Chapman sand a $5 super chat appreciate it Frank let's see if we can bring up yep we do we got DC I am on this one and miscellaneous this is a cannon a cannon DC memory card clip it has one two three four five six seven eight folders in it I'm going to show you the folders that are in it now there are eight folders let me go through it are there any questions at all while I'm trying to figure out if there's anything on here oh we got something okay this is this is the eight hundred and seventeen dollar and 25 cents unit that was up in Youngstown this is from that unit and it looks like the family is that a Cleveland Indians event and they're actually getting autographs from all the Cleveland Indians members so we may actually find the autographs in the unit so they're they're going through they're going through at an event and getting autographs let's see what else we can find on here there's so much to go through this time oh there's slider our mascot there's mustard and ketchup Tammy rapacity says do you have the Kentucky Derby items my uncle Merv lock B was a race horse jockey and owned horses at the lock B thoroughbred farm we have it it's all in the it's all in this trailer I tried looking for maybe we're not left through that time yeah we have to get dig we got to work we got so much work to do all right so this is all Cleveland Indians event so there's a lot of autographs there must have been a special event that was going on with the Cleveland Indians and this is the only thing that's actually on this card so family outing Cleveland Indians really cool nice stuff there we're gonna go to the mp3 player next we're gonna pop that in because we still have a laptop and we still have this bad boy that you've been waiting for and that one's gonna freak you out a little bit I'm just telling you ahead of time that one's gonna freak you out a little bit exile ugh says what the Hales how are ya I want to buy items from you where can I get links keep in mind guys that not everyone whether we do videos a lot of our subscribers will email us directly so those items get sent out they pay me and then I ship them out directly to them so they don't even make it to eBay and then a lot of items that aren't even eBay worthy we sell them at the warehouse during warehouse sales so if you're interested in buying something that you see in one of our videos just email us at what the hell's at yahoo.com and then make sure you include the important details that I request when when you get the automated message if you don't respond with all the details that the automated message actually asked for you we get so many messages she just deletes it yeah I just have because I management and something to keep in mind is that I only accept paypal only so a lot of people that are interested in buying they don't realize or they don't have PayPal and then they're no longer interested because they don't have because they can pay just a reminder we're going to auction school September 19th and you're coming with us so mark it on your calendar it's gonna be one o'clock Eastern Standard Time we're gonna go live from auctioneer school where auctioneers go to get certified by the state of Ohio he's gonna be in the session all about laws legalities and laws surge auction pirates as he wants to come and the auctioneer that's teach I bet he'd be okay with is the auctioneer where the manager shut down the auction in Cleveland and so the auctioneer is going to take your questions mark it on your calendar now September 19th we're going live 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and get your questions in ahead of time if you're on the live he's gonna take your questions it's gonna be amazing and we are on the mp3 but before we get into it Kevin Tran just asks do you sell at the swap meet as well when you buy storage unit lockers we don't we don't have a local swap meet next to us anywhere and we have a 7,000 square foot warehouse so we'll open the warehouse to the public we are the swap meet yeah we truly are our warehouse manager does it we don't ever open the warehouse but our warehouse manager will open up the warehouse if you follow us on Facebook will post the days that it's open in the time so make sure you guys follow us on Facebook okay we are on the mp3 now as you can see here in the USB Drive and we have let me let me increase the size of these folders storage blender sent a $5 super chat says hey guys killer contact all week hope to see you next time you are in PA our channel name has changed finally no guessing what we do okay I bet there that was a beep wonders oh yeah I guess it was used to be okay so we got a music playlist on here another $5 super chair I want to read from okie treasure hunter okay says I just found a 2 terabyte hard drive that has over 1,100 movies on them would that be legal to sell or would that go against piracy laws most likely it's copied material and you're not the one that perched purchased it so therefore it would go against piracy laws I would be very very IV hesitant to like that I just I wouldn't I wouldn't because you're not the original purchaser even if they had a copy they had a digital copy and they could put it on there they're the original purchaser you're not and therefore that doesn't carry on to you as far as the digital copy and then for you to resell that that would probably fall under piracy I wouldn't even get close to that line here is the music on the mp3 player let's see what we have here I'll just read it to you but I have to turn it around to actually read it to you there's Chris Taylor Brown Flyleaf Green Bay I know that one green jelly kiss I know kiss light light lifehouse Motley Crue Nickelback Phil Vassar Rodney Atkins and the unknown artist so that's what's on the mp3 player we're gonna set that aside and that means we're down to two things we're finally down to the flash drive and we're down to the HP mini laptop let's go to the HP mini laptop Joe's now snow Joe's snowmobile says maybe somebody asked us already but if you find a bunch of personal photos why not give back the flash drive along with the personal paperwork well the reality is is every unit you buy you can't give it so there are so people you know what we do is when we buy the unit we search for the names that we find on paperwork in the unit because a lot of times the lease agreement and the stuff that's in the unit are two separate people right so what we do is we do the background check we check the County public records to see if they have a criminal history if they have a criminal history we cease the search and we no longer have a criminal history a lot of more in jail and we don't want to contact them if it turns out that they don't have a criminal history then we'll try to return a lot of the personal paperwork back so something to think about when you when you get into this business or if you're if you want to be part of like the restores the love movement always do the research in the background of the previous owner before and then that'll help you determine if you want to return so items and now some of you may be thinking we'll just leave them with the storage unit facility and some facilities well 99% of the storage unit facilities here that we deal with will not accept anything you leaving behind because there there are accesses there are they won't we raid their build they're not returning our calls why would they come back to understand the storage unit facilities spent months trying to contact these people work with these to work with these people there's no contact that's why it's abandoned that's why it goes up for auction and so most of the time it's because they're in jail you can't contact them so if you want to take those items to jail feel free we just don't we're not going it's entirely up to you how you want to handle it but that's just something we choose not to do okay we are in the HP laptop we just found the cord today working at the storage not at the storage unit but at the warehouse we found the cord we could not get it on without it now the one thing that happened when I plug this in if it's unplugged the battery doesn't have a charge anymore and I cannot log in under their name it's only allows me to go in as a guest so you can understand what happens when you go in as a guest now I'm curious to know if any of you know how to actually get into their thing all right Suburban beard and Manny are on here and suburban beard can verify that the gentleman the marine has a lot of autographs from some some people okay people some female and he also can verify that Manny was extremely excited to see us today extremely Timothy court man she I hope I'm pronouncing that right sent a $5 super chat says how often do you sell items to other buyers before you can get them from the unit to the trailer daily whenever we go to auction somebody wants something yeah all right laptop there's basically nothing in it as a guest that I can get to there is no documents no pictures no music no videos it's all samples and oh there is I even the the recycle bin has stuff in it so let's open up the recycle bin I'll show you what's in the recycle bin Kevin Tran wants to know do you need a cellar permit to buy storage lockers nope you don't need anything but cash and your ID all right so I don't think you can view it it says frostwire frostwire and my projects that's what's in the actual recycle bin and there's nothing in the my projects folder they just actually put the folder in the recycle bin so there is nothing on this laptop that we can show you unless we can figure out how to go from a guest to the actual logs dem camp project says the easiest way to get into laptop files is pop the hard disk out and hook it up to the external USB second way is you can buy a password breaking USB key on amethyst just will send it to Jebus jesus and amber can get in it they'll know what to do we'll send that then suburban beard and mani say even if you wipe it to get in you can easily restore the hard drive files okay so maybe we can have we can give it to suburban it does mani want it anybody can do it mani can know when is your next storage auction and when when will it be on the youtubes Monday Monday Monday ok we are finally at this one which you wanted to see let's take a question before we actually get to it because this is the one they've all been dying step stacker Center for 1517 watch right now I don't know if that's a record or not it's probably not I think it is we always say that you never know we never do traction we never keep our moderators were let us know sub stacker sent a $5 super do you think we can get to 2,000 before we actually show what's on this flash drive I don't think should read should we wait until we get to 2,000 and show do you think they're ready we only have 6 minutes ok says I show how to die wealthy investing $20 a week silver stacking give me a if you want to leave something for those you love or retirement the other way the die wealthy is to buy real estate but silver is great too Monday is a holiday yes Monday is a holiday William but we upload daily and then Sunday for our daily uploaded is our live Q&A so Monday through Friday through Saturday we upload a video regardless whether it's a holiday or not treasure freak says it's getting really rude in here tonight relax people don't worry treasure freaks the haters they make us famous they don't even know it I think they're getting cranky because it's time to go to bed well they could be getting cranky because they're waiting to actually see what's on this USB so we've got 1539 please William Ward sent a $2.00 super chat wants to know how do you feel about online only storage sales why don't you answer that question we don't we prefer live over online and then eventually rumour has it is that eventually ten years from now all sorts facilities are gonna merge to doing online only so that's gonna upset a lot of people we don't prefer it just because there's no excitement to online bidding and you can't smell the units because a lot of times those units stink now remember this is all locationally based as well so if you talk to other people they're gonna tell you different insights based on their region so you really need to know based on your region but in our region if it goes online it sells for four to five times as much so what happens is the storage unit facility they booked it out to a third party online they get more money less hassle less headache plus people unless people on the property and why wouldn't they as a business go online so I've tell George all the time if we own a storage unit facility how would we sell them online online okay now we want to look into is investing in storage units that'll be the next thing it won't be another rental price won't be apartments it'll actually be Cathy Kramer sent a $5 super cheese hi from Philadelphia love you guys okay to capture as a buyer hate hate online auctions the only time I do it is if it's extremely dry with live auctions and our area and there's no closed auctions all right you ready to show this freaky thing is storage fence and a $2.00 super Chet says happy long weekend oh thank you we've got 1577 on maybe we should wait till we get to 1600 and we show them I I do want to prepare you you they may get their pirate baby they need 20 more 19 more nice lie and we can show them now they need 21 more and we can show them I assure you I assure you this was worth waiting for they need 18 more and we can show them let's get to 1600 get us to 1600 and I'm gonna show you what's actually on this Drive there are two folders on this Drive they need 17 more 17 more I will show you what's on this slow speed drive purple pickle cent at $20 super chesses hi George and Jeremy from Medicine Hat Oh baby need 13 more 13 more and we're gonna show them they need 11 more and we're gonna show them what's on this thumb drive there are two folders on this thumb drive I'm only going to show you one they are ten away you are ten away right now your last song to the haters can y'all sing this all right I love you you owe 12 well for the views you don't you hate that you love me too nine more and I'm gonna show you seven more and I'm gonna show you what's on this flat the USB thumb drive is everyone like a little different there are two folders on here I'm only showing you one folder this was from the unit in Youngstown now they need eight more you guys are so close oh oh oh you're going down you're going the wrong way 13 more I told you guys I can't sing 13 more you guys are so close this was pop this was okay there's seven more they need and then we're gonna get there JJ sent a four dollar super check one more one more Holbrook Arizona one more to the west all right $15.99 Oh no five you guys did it here we go here we go they did it 16:05 this is the craziest thing oh my gosh look at this this is hid this is part of the set eight hundred and seventeen dollar and 25 cents unit this kid has a revenge list folder now there's another one as well well wait till they look at the pictures and what he did so the other folder I'm not going to show to you this is the one I'm gonna show to you I have two big view yeah extra large icons this is what is so disturbing you guys see the X's on the eyes this right here tell me that's not disturbing now you wonder why we may not go back to somebody this is the reason why we would not go back to somebody because we find this stuff yeah constantly so always a reason be so if it makes you feel bad tossing away their personal items when you find something like that you don't have hard feelings likey you don't feel they don't want anything to do with it you don't want to be tied to it so you have to be safe you always want to be safe and they got us to 1,600 give it to the police well that's we could do that as well we do have their names yeah so we have their names and that's something that we honestly we could do but this was the one that freaked us out when we actually found it so in a nutshell we got like 15 memory cards USBs we got an mp3 and that was just from this week and there's still more to be found way more to be found yeah so again if you ask us what's the craziest thing we've ever found in a unit it's always what you just witnessed is the craziest thing we've ever we've probably found crazier than that no that's pretty crazy what song are we ending with tonight you know type what how about that happy and you know it time what the hell yeah yeah if you're happy and you know it then the chat will sure do you show it if you're happy and you know it type what the hell go ahead and type it in the chat guys or wth for sure thank you guys so much for hanging out with us it was so fun hanging out with you guys for the last hour remember September 19th 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we're going to auction we'll see you guys next Sunday don't forget this one away or pirate what yours truly will be hosting options and [Applause] another click on story talks interaction wearing good night guys take me good night Oh [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 18,761
Rating: 4.8668342 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: ez0iBXuPl1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 2sec (3722 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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