100,000 Subscribers THANK YOU Subscribers ... WE LOVE YOU!

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George George what are you doing George we got we hit a hundred thousand subscribers and you start going crazier dude my goodness something seems off right now what your hoodie it needs to come off what's off with that we said that once we hit a hundred and thousand subscribers that this ragged hoodie would come off and I can burn it it's almost a hundred degrees here on Kelly's island so I'll take it off you guys get to see it first he's taking it off so we are on Kelly's island in Lake Erie Ohio we have no reception at the campground whatsoever and you may be thinking you may be thinking we we haven't seen any storage unit auctions from them that's because there are no storage unit auctions it's a holiday week we're on vacation so we finally took the time to do something because we've worked so so much for so long so and I think now would be the perfect time that it was the perfect time we why we were on vacation so we've been magnet fishing so far we're doing a whole nother type of treasure hunting today we're gonna teach you how to make money with rocks and so you may be thinking right now that's absolutely crazy well it's crazy that we got to a hundred thousand subscribers and there's no doubt whatsoever that it's because of you guys I see lots of people on here John my great find you Northwest RC Club you just sent a couple bucks thank you so much we don't have the fist with us because we're on vacation devvra anti leases adventures bad back 60 I'm gonna start a GoFundMe to get Jeremy a new one yeah she has been everything treasurer hustlers just said Congrats so we we we took the pin off cuz this isn't gonna burn I'm not burning this this came from a six year old subscriber so this stays that's true then we will cut that son off just a little bit we got storage option pirates at center buck ninety-nine congresso so we see treasure hustlers on there we see storage auction pirate and so as we have hit officially a hundred thousand subscribers I think there's absolutely some people that we truly want to thank this isn't an acceptance speech but this is we should two hundred thousand we should get rid of Jimmy there we go yeah we do have some people that we absolutely want to thank because this community has helped us learn and grow and understand YouTube so just like you guys learn from us we definitely learn from you as well and without you guys we couldn't have made it to this milestone that's only because you guys watch and frankly I even told George today as we were hitting a hundred thousand I can't believe and and I truly mean this I honestly cannot believe that people actually watched the channel and not only that enjoy the channel it's just daily life it's just daily life and I I'm just an all that anybody would want to see me by and sort through junk every day and then I realize most of you watch because of George that's what you really want to see but but you're the one with the brains this is this is the guy with the brains cuz I'm learning from him so I'm very new to the storage unit auctioned Ames since last November right it hasn't even been a year for me so and I'm still learning every day and that the great thing about storage units when you're when your treasure hunting is that you're learning every time with every unit and because the chances of finding the same items over and over are very slim so you're constantly finding new treasure and new it new that's one that new that said he's watch before George he was he was one of my original subscribers so why don't we let's go through let's walk a little bit through the path of the journey as we celebrate today a hundred thousand subscribers so the whole channel was birthed out of it was more of a hobby level it wasn't it wasn't even an a hobby the individual I was with at that time said Jeremy you make our life so incredible people would want to watch it and I thought I thought yeah right nobody would ever want to watch this so I threw a challenge at her I said hey you create the channel and I'll create the content and she did and then it became me and Olivia those hoops being videos of Olivia really doing things for camping and building fires and stuff like that until one day I went to a storage unit auction and I decided to record it as I've always gone to storage unit auctions and all of a sudden hit a chord and people wanted to see it in that very first video that very first that very first storage auction video is still on the channel although many of the original videos have been have been deleted from the channel that video the one that started it all with the storage units is actually still there Canon Lewis just sent five dollars thank you so much Tanya from that point I started hearing about unboxings and stuff like that and I I bought a unit filled with antiques for a thousand twenty-five dollars and I thought I'll video it just for the fun of it and that unboxing video which I believe is no longer on the channel no maybe I think it still is that unboxing video people started viewing it and it was getting you know was getting a lot of views and I went holy cow maybe there's something actually here well at that point I went through a pretty major life change and five months later police had just sent a $2 superset chat said you two are so funny love watching appreciated Tyra wants the sweater five months later after doing nothing on the channel whatsoever what happened then I came along so I meet this Egyptian chick and and so he decided he wanted to record one of our dates because I was already I was doing it before and I just thought oh man this could be fun and you were not too thrilled with that concept all that bad ever yeah you were just like in whatever I'm still camera shy but even back then I was like no no I was like I just want to record this I'll make a little something for us just for the fun of it Melvyn wants to know how do you like the new truck we love it George actually was sleeping we are here at the marina last night till 2:30 3:00 a.m. this is the only place so we were here not because yeah the rest of the Islanders are probably hungover we were here actually working on YouTube so I meet this Egyptian chick and I tell her I want to start recording some of you know our outings and things like that and I would record it and then I would send it to her she would not she refused to let me do anything with the videos unless unless I approved at first I wanted to review it and and approve it and there were a couple videos that you made that I was like you need to get rid of this clip so he wasn't allowed to promise it on the on the channel unless I approved it so that was really really odd for me and I'm gonna have to turn the air conditioning on you're gonna hear a diesel engine and a CC but if we don't have the AC we're gonna die it's almost 100 degrees here we'll turn that off so it to that point I was still doing nothing with YouTube again because of the life change I was just hanging out with you when I could and in October last year I said I said hey I want to see if I can bring this thing back up I want to see if I can do anything with the YouTube where you say October I said yeah go ahead you know she said I don't want anything to do with it but I support you that's what she said I said I didn't want I couldn't picture doing anything with storage and at Auctions it's not something reselling wouldn't be something that I would be interested in doing but I would support him with whatever decision he wanted to me they want you to auction off the sweatshirt a lot of people are saying option offer frame it and then a lot of other people are saying burn it it's smarsh mellow attack so George in October says I want nothing to do with the channel but I'll support whatever you want to do I didn't say they want anything to do with the channel I said I wouldn't I don't I couldn't I can't picture myself doing anything with a reselling with story unit a unit auction and reselling so I start making videos again he took me to my first auction in November November you like first one I went back and I did the research it was November 10th that he took me to my very first live auction closer to Columbus when I was two hours a week you spent how much money on that unit your first one 125 remember what you found in there your very first the first thing you saw was the sword there you go that video is there for you her very first sword yes he does that auction off the hoodie thanks Sam after that it just snowballed where we found swords in just about every unit but truthfully big time we're celebrating a hundred thousand so from that point the history of the channel to get us to this point which has been what is it nine months we've really put in about nine months we've gone from in nine months we've grown from 200,000 subscribe or excuse me 2,000 subscribers to a hundred and thousand subscribers three when I met you I don't ok so here's three when she met us dating treasure hunter says it's too hot in Ohio yes it is yes it is that's why we're gonna go in the lake we're going treasure hunting in the lake here after the lives so from that point George actually got very interested in YouTube and the channel and she had saw that this other youtube channel who did storage unit auctions left a comment on the unit where she bought her first unit you remember what what channel that was you don't remember the channel remember you saw that another storage unit channel left a comment on the your very first auction video and the name of that channel was treasure hunting achievement treasure a great genius exactly Jim hammer and that's where it all started with Jebus it was actually George that went hate this guy commented amazing thumbnails and then literally coincidentally he commented on on that video so thanks James 73 it was George that actually said why don't you start a conversation with treasure hunting with Jebus so we started talking we're like hey you want to get together and do a video and so I drove I think I think Jebus and amber drove like two and a half three hours I drove six hours and we got together and it was all in the same day and had to drive back we literally met each other we talked as fast as possible said this is how we're gonna do it we'll split up the price of the unit will film this way we'll film that way film that way and and then we left and we talked we talked a lot of business in a little bit of time that we had that friendship truly has blossomed our Channel and I'm Casey Collins I would hope that it is benefited treasure hunting with Jebus as well because we have created a relationship with them that we absolutely absolutely now from there and we want to thank treasure hunting with Jebus Jebus and amber are just incredible think-tanks they they are inspiring and I love absolutely love their mentality of how they they do what they do on a daily basis and so William Merrill do the truth appreciate it William from there that they've been an inspiration because they hit a hundred thousand weeks ago oh no I think they're writing about months ago he's a hundred thirteen last I look might be more I think it's one sixteen now from there so treasure hunting with Jesus absolutely love them and then comes our second love because all of a sudden storage auction pirate and I start a conversation and we have this crazy dream we want to get the channels together and the crazy thing is is storage option pirate is thinking the exact same thing that I'm thinking hey let's get them all together let's do this big thing together and out of that berth this entire East versus West collab and so storage option pirate has such an incredible heart and such an incredible love and so he was able to get all of his friends over on the east together and so you have storage auction pirate you've got Locker nuts you've got storage stocker he was able to get bargain hunters thrift stores hunters Vegas and he we we were able to get treasure hustlers we adopted treasure hustlers and this entire youtube collaboration became a youtube family there's just no other way to say it except we all became a family together and then from that point as all of these other amazing channels became a became a part of frankly the what the Hales family and the channel we've been able to add somebody else in there as well where we have fallen in love with this channel called Grimes fines and so the humor and the passion that these guys have for what they do is just absolutely incredible and so this family keeps growing with channels and we want to thank them because they motivate us they inspire us on a daily basis they understand what we go through on a daily basis the wisdom that comes from all of these channels together whether somebody is struggling with something whether somebody has a great idea and we can all implement it together I can't I can't tell you enough to value KC Collinson $2 a super chap matches for the for the sugar we got the matches the value that these channels bring but all that being said none of it someone started a new movement and Stephanie shave the hood hashtag save the hoodie nice none of those guys $2 said watching from New Zealand you guys are awesome appreciate it none of this happens without the 617 viewers right now that are on this livestream helping us celebrate we we just are in complete and total all that you around the world watch this silliness and there's no doubt there's no if you watch the videos hopefully you understand 95% of the humor in it because we don't want to do it and be boring there's sarcasm and there's humor and then we're just well make sure you guys are not doing now not doing this while you're watching the videos we are completely humbled that so many of you invite us into your home's into your family into your lives and and we truly do appreciate that and we appreciate not only that but this community is really rallying and getting on board of the movement more storage the people suggested that we get a t-shirt and do the same Frankenstein so job on the t-shirt instead of the hoodie what do you guys think you like that idea we'll take like a what the Hales hoodie or what the Hales t-shirt and do the so job like this I I would probably wear it suppose I wore this someone thought this was shoelaces but youth black yarn I sewed it myself so through it oh wait hold on a second I called you one day while I was on lunch break and you were so quiet on the other end and you're usually not quiet I'm like baby what are you doing you're like I'm sewing like I didn't even know that you you sewed I didn't know you were domesticated like that you're like yeah I'm sewing my hoodie back she destroyed it and I had no idea that he was gonna use black yarn so when I came home I was like wow that's actually pretty neat a lot of people think this is part of the design of the hoodie I've got no idea that you so did they've never gotten to see because they're never behind me that the back matches yeah and before he sewed the back he used duct tape and duct tape on the sleeps he actually ripped the sleeve they haven't seen that video yeah because you she took the sleeves yesterday you haven't seen the video asleep I think you should shown the sleeves yeah so she took the sleeves yesterday a pre ceremony before the hundred thousand I saved them so she's got the sleeves now she's all set already for so a lot of yours a cash tag save the hoodie through this entire process not everything is is completely fun all the time it is a tremendous amount of hard work so they Claire just sent five dollars congratulations from the UK and the poor thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I didn't mean thank you but I mean thank you so there's a ton of hard work the past two nights last night I went to bed at 3:00 a.m. all working on YouTube George was literally here in the seat at the marina I swear she was sleeping and she was upside down sleeping and she was snoring and drooling and they're gonna they're gonna get to see that later this week Big John I love George too now George let's let's have a bit of transparency because a lot of these these channels they want to grow to this point as well so let's let's dig into it just a little bit why we have the time here we're at a hundred thousand subscribers and there are a lot of channels that have a lot of subscribers thrist McKay $2 who t giveaway thank you so much what really matters on a channel is views not necessarily subscribers just says we all drill George apparently we all swallow eight spiders in one calendar year woohoo apparently that's a known fact I think we're swallowing mayflies now that we're up here so we're at 19 point 1 million views with a hundred thousand subscribers a small amount of time which basically the bulk of that has happened in about eight to nine months yeah it would be about eight to nine months I'm coming to a realization that that is not normal at all whereas I have thought that it was normal but it is not normal and and we're continuing to learn that that's not necessarily normal and so now getting to that point George would you be so transparent to tell them how many times you've been in tears saying that you're done you're not gonna you want nothing to do with you kidding I was Jane our treasure chests chests and the $2 says congrats Jeremy and George thank you desert dragon where did you get away congrats you guys thanks Lisa appreciated Lisa in the beginning because Jeremy's used to being a public speaker and he knows how hateful some people can be and how mean people can be and I'm not used to that I'm not used to being in front of a large crowd I'm still till this day I still am camera shy I stutter a lot I forget how to speak so being in the camp in front of a camera for me is still an adjustment and there were a lot of YouTube trolls leaving really mean comments and was attacking him in the beginning and I took it personally and I've had emotional breakdowns where I cried and I was like I don't want to do this anymore but then the next day I was finally let's do it Uncle Mike is in there too I think I've had like three emotional breakdowns in the beginning flipping adventure set $2 said hashtag restored the hoodie thank you so much fist pump says they're sending super chats somebody just sent us a sponsorship offer Spencer said $5 says Congrats guys Thank You Nicole here's fist pump for all the people that that we menace that's them ready double BAM so George you've what would you say like three times you've been like nothing to do with this in the beginning like between November and December is when I had three emotional breakdowns just because people are mean I didn't realize like how cruel people could be but then he told me and this is something that he's told all of the channels that we've done collabs with is that 95% of the people will love you 5% people will hate you and see main things ignore the 5% and just focus on the ninety five percent that love you and support you and so after hearing that that's when I was like okay so number different and if we were really transparent even in California with the East versus West George was like when we get back I'm done and so she's still here so she'll say this stuff and I'll be like alright well in the morning everything will be fine so this morning I'm so exhausted from all the work on YouTube and editing and all then this morning I I she's like in the in the bedroom over there and she's on her phone she's got a live countdown watching it so she it's her that watches the numbers it's me that just tries to get all the video now we shared that negative part with you because there are very cruel and there are very mean-spirited and frankly miserable people on YouTube and they want to spread that don't let that deter you so for a lot of our subscribers that have been inspired to create their own channel we want to kind of give you a heads up that you're gonna experience this and it's and it's okay because everyone gets to experience that everyone will experience it you just got to learn to to have thick skin and ignore it and this is why we do it you see this we got Heaney kid TV sent a dollar Oh hm Iike TV sent a dollar he Fanning won we got just me Kathy we got scuba spoke to you storage pirate William Baker Gale here its Hill because of you guys this is what makes it worth it this community that feels like family done horror aurorus he's in Germany Stephen Peter Center Melissa Cate one of our very well I'm not allowed to say favorites right I judge gets mad at me when I say favorites did you hear that Melissa W Big John Senden love Scott Randall Barbara Barbara Jay that's my mom Barbara Jay that's my mom I think you should do it yeah okay so that does that me is like a it signifies like a celebration like a like how the Americans go will poop so the exactly is like similar but in the Middle Eastern culture you ready yeah I'm gonna do it for with me though I see profits bought his first unit after he saw me by the that that unit probably brought in $50,000 and there's still there's still stuff to be sewn from it I don't know how to do it but let's go let me sing and I don't know how to sing ready [Laughter] that's how we roll man at all that's how we roll all right so yes so we do it nor the hater and the YouTube trolls and we just say positive and move forward because adventures with the Hudsons congrats hope you made it to Kelly's Island we are we're on Kelly's Island we made it safe and sound think we are at the marina which is the only place on the island where we can actually get reception $20.00 Ozark Mel Wow how awesome is that I pray for the haters they needed congratulations in that period too and we all need prayer there's no doubt about them and bam so this has been a hard work long hours and many times we plus nights because you live your life then you video your life then you edit your life then you compile your life then you upload your life and then you respond to everybody about your life so that makes it like three full-time jobs but it's been a ton of fun because we often say it and we're gonna emphasize it again our YouTube family truly feels like family there the reality is Melissa W Northwest RC Club Treasurer hustlers you guys feel like family to us more than frankly a lot of times more than actual blood and so Jorge anything else I need to say Jr's vintage toys and more says Cedar Point question we can see it from right here behind us yeah we can see the point from here from the island just hacks well $10 thank you thank you we do appreciate it and again we want to thank treasure hunting with Jebus we want to thank storage option pirate Locker nuts storage stalker we've got storage hunters Vegas we got bargain hunters thrifts we've got treasure hustlers all of these groups and these channels our family to us grime spines as well we love them dearly and they they frankly are foundational in the growth of this channel but the true growth comes from you the viewer we're humbled we're happy to celebrate with you as well we at times we can't even begin to understand why you watch but we sure are glad that you invite us into your family into your life on a daily basis and we'll continue to try and give you and gift you that content that you desire as we restored the love not only here on Kelly's Island which we are attempting to do as well if you watched this morning's video which all happened yesterday yeah I think it's a go because I get motion sickness so they had the boat anchored that they had a small fishing boat that he was anchored and there were a lot of waves and when all the bigger boats are driving by crates weight wakes and then even more waves like I would have vomited and not had a good time magnet fishing treasure hunt you guys make it all possible so let's hit some of our goals now that we're at a hundred thousand Richard G Fox sent two dollar sets time for the hoodie to join the choir eternal we've got some goals for the channels would you like to share with everybody the first goal that's already taking place that they may not know yet done burned ran set a dollar ninety nine super chat says congrats keeping real love you do thank you don [Music] all this love Ola from Sweden wow thanks Ola BAM boom we're a little behind yeah but we're having a party so it's a working party but yes so we do have goals and one of those goals have already taken place treasure hunters is they're almost gonna hit 11,000 yeah sweet Julie says love you guys from the UK we love you too Julie here you go so do you want to announce what officially has taken place for all of our viewers since many of them may not know yeah so July so I went from I couldn't picture myself doing anything with storage units and reselling to I quit my job July 3rd and she is officially so she literally t-shirts made for administrative medical field job to go full-time fun employments to be fun employee and it was it was a bittersweet day for me on on July 3rd because I've worked in health care for 20-plus years I started off when I was 16 and just kind of worked my way up and I've worked maybe 13 different positions and the last position that I was in was probably by my job was by far my favorite position and I truly loved thanks Patti 72 but my son graduated from high school last year and all of my student loans are paid off and after being diagnosed with cancer in January two surgeries later six weeks of radiation treatments I figured you know what now's a good time life's too short I just want to go ahead and be my own boss and just enjoy life a little bit more storage virus has storage ology degree so the timing I think was right for me to become funemployed so Here I am goal number one it's happened it happened this week so golden Elijah yours was a double celebration for me independence independence of our country and independence and in unemployment so goal number two storage option pirate George how's your first day of unemployment go it's been pretty good it's hot it's right here but this is this is the weather that we've been praying for because the snow out here in Ohio the winters out here which leads us into goal number two you want to talk about that a little bit which actually the purchase of the truck for some of you you may be thinking well they broke down they had to get a new truck well we did have to get a new truck but the new truck and the bells and whistles on the truck are actually for future goals for the channel which consists of what yeah because we're gonna we're gonna use we're gonna need the truck to be able to haul a camper sarcastic stacker sent $2 congratulations George and Jeremy the purpose of upgrading to a truck is because one it's it's gonna do the job of hauling the camper and because once we take our channel on the road January of next year we're gonna be doing a lot of driving we're practically going to be living out of the truck so we wanted something that's going to be comfortable that that's got enough storage space and that's got enough space for the both of us TV plunders and finds $2 Congrats love you guys thank you we appreciate it there's some love back for you so the goal is January 2020 and if you think about that and wrap your mind around that that's less than six months away we are gonna be on the road full time to meet with you yeah and the goal is for us to go to the auctions with you the viewers the subscribers to buy you a unit and to get your side hustle going and so we'll have a process that will actually announced in the fall for us to choose you to come to see you take you to the auction buy you a unit and we'll announce that in the fall as we plan for the process to take the entire show on the road in January which the truck is part of that goal the camper is part of that goal and we still we have yet to actually upgrade the camper we have a camper that will do the job that it needs to be done but we still want to upgrade into a different camper because it literally will be life on the road so that's the biggest biggest change coming up is we want to take the entire show on the road starting January 2020 that is the goal for us to come meet you be with you spend time with you buy a storage unit for you and help you get your side hustle go that'll be our gift for me from us to you guys and a lot of you watch our Channel by curiously not knowing or have never bought a storage unit before so yeah we want to give to your first unit meet you at your very first auction buy your first unit or for those of you that used to do it and want to start doing it again I think this would be the perfect opportunity to do it as well so many of you invite us into your home we basically are gonna invite ourselves into your home and we're gonna we're gonna go all right we're here for real and some of you might be wondering like well if George if you're unemployed why don't you guys take the channel on the road now treasure hustlers said they want to meet us we can make that happen treasure hustlers we can make that happen a lot of you are probably wondering well why don't you take the channel on the road now since I'm unemployed with you there's a couple other goals that we want to accomplish before hitting the road so there's a lot of things we want to take care of prior to doing that so there's dominoes and just like anything to hit and fall in fall in fall in fall fall fall fall and so those things have to happen in order so that we can actually make our goal become a reality David am the carbon picker two dollars restored below if we miss your super chat we're so sorry there are 817 people on chat right now 819 people make sure you guys hit that and so Jeff moco says what the Hales George is unemployed yes she is we're actually on a cell phone hanging from the visor of the truck right yeah I love it it's actually storage option pirate as I share with you that the channels that have impacted our channel and lives storage option pirate the gadget that we're using what you can't see right now it's because of storage option pirate yeah and so there's just another practical way that these channels have become family and impacted the way that we do things on on the national champ it's like it's some type of tripod that you just clip anyway you can clamp at anywhere you go whether you're in a storage unit or if you want to do an unboxing or here in the car it's actually pretty nice and it's at the right level to it is George anything else because we got and I have treasure hunting that we have we don't have to even though we're on vacation which dries you're always reading all the time so today we're treasure hunting we're gonna find that we're just gonna give you a spoiler there are certain rocks that are worth thousands and thousands of dollars Kelly's island is filled with them and we're gonna go find them and then tomorrow appreciate it's on tomorrow we're going to an abandoned castle and so we're gonna see what treasure we can actually find inside that abandoned castle not many people know about it it's gonna be amazing used to be a wineries to be a winery coolest thing in the world this island has so so much history and it's so deep and it's just incredible so love it mrs. Locker nuts is on as well look at that alright anything else we gonna share with them Jones just want to say thank you guys so much for helping us this milestone and then I did have fun employee t-shirts mates have b72 we're working on the bottle cap challenge but we're probably not gonna get to it while we're here this is going to go it's gonna go on Curious George which by the way is a whole nother chant is a whole nother goal there are actually two more channels that will be released and one of them will be well you'll find out that information I'll start I hit over a thousand subscribers what was it last week well for the people that are on here the 800 that are here so there are two channels that are already created and somebody already knows what we're looking for somebody put it in their new teaser what kind of rock is worth money there are two channels that are already created that we haven't shared with you yet and so one of them will be all George focused obviously I'll be a part of it but she will be the whole person and then we have one other family member as well that is typically with us but it's at summer camp right now yeah and so that family member Benjamin will have his own channel actually Artie has his own channel its own invention you'll have to wait to see what happens there but I promise you that we document promise you you will not be disappointed anything you guys appreciate are goofy miss then you'll appreciate these these videos and they probably won't have anything to do with storage units or reselling it at all at all it's just us having fun living life all right couple shout outs before we go who cares so congratulations we thank you who cares we thank you that you care Barbara Jay sounds sounds like fun you have my mom's first name and middle initial Steve Nelson says send the hoodie the Smithsonian Mad Mike Congrats thank you Matt Mike Carlos Rivera look a lot like the obsidian stone auction the hoodie storage pirate love you Carol Reed oh man congratulations on the sub much left Thank You Sparrow Alex she said something but George just scrolled through Otis Otis pointer says congrats and Connie says come to Kansas it should be a ton of fun Sam Anderson New Zealand stuff says she misses the hoodie already it's still here for now we can't burn it as a marina there's too many police out because of the holiday week and I'm gonna try and sing well now all these people are trying to start a movement of safe the hoodie storage they're gonna be storage the hoodie so maybe we will maybe I won't burn it what maybe I won't maybe we'll come up with something else stay tuned stay tuned love you guys boom boom boom thank you for helping us and we're out [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 19,870
Rating: 4.9414778 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: Plz086Tje_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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