I Found ANTIQUE ARTWORK In An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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set of three hand colored engravings ain't a'no quarter by six and a half so these are hand colored engravings here's it's a set of three viola Costain copyright 1832 1840 all right guys day number three at this steampunk storage locker that we picked up right here let me open this bad boy up let's see what we can't find today we've had a lot of success so far and hoping to find a lot more goodies we've got a whole lot still left to go right here and let's see what we can find okay as you can see we're only like 40% through this storage unit and we're gonna try and get at least another 10% in the truck today so we're gonna start right here this is uh family photos craft hey by the way this is Valentine's Day today everybody this with a lot of press stuff here this is a where they call this I can't remember of course corset is a corset I don't know why it says 135 dollars on this writ handwritten tag but that's what it says that is interesting let's just stop about it does it have a sign back here no that looks cool very well made though [Music] belt buckle ours says sooner Chron sooner Kronstadt so at a convention wow this is a little toy from Star Trek so that's intriguing [Applause] Galaxy Quest a whole lot of different things in here take a word poins got a whole bunch of nickels and dimes why are they that plastic bag are they silver [Applause] they don't look 1977 I think 74 is on nickels right 79 now this is a pretty wild-looking hourglass Wow a bunch of random stuff in here guys [Applause] [Applause] looks like a lot of files that is a wooden fish wouldn't carve a betta fish I think that's what it looks like yeah [Applause] here's a wallet $2 bill I'll have to I'll have to go through this is that the author's okay I'll have to go through this here's a checkbook yeah I have to go through this later returned all the personal information these look like bankers boxes and stuff so take this stuff out here now we're gonna get into this this says framed art this side miscellaneous framed art in this box here so let's take a gander here I'm gonna be careful with this knife there's actually framed art what is a con store this is fro by con store what that box yeah see you have store I don't know I've never been to a college store some of this looks like framed art here's a box this is eg a seminar [Applause] here's a tank car locomotive tank car here's a vintage I say Vantage it's one of those bill but it's not well the tweet in China so I can't imagine it being Vince just a large Bach random stuff in here guys wow that looks handmade India tart yeah this looks like Native American artwork I wouldn't even need to know how or how to price something like that I have no clue Oh people like that [Applause] why even this box was just filled nothing here - you look nice these are metal battleships yep pretty magnificent I mean every it seems like every single box has nearly something of value this is a cross-stitch work this hostage stuff paper was all about do my little what the paper was all the back it was a wrap I think this was something to pin cushion I'm collecting cushions and that they're worth working on here is the ball of yarn or a ball of thread what I bidders to did is a glass it's in it's press flash it says k16 or kj6 Indonesia it's pressed glass but it's a good quality just a bunch of random stuff in here this Neopets from Burger King keep them tear that up bubble wrap up so you say this you can reuse it around it again if possible [Applause] there's this that's interesting closer to the lithographs guarde Imperial lithograph and I think so yeah looks like it's made by the coast ain I don't know oh here we go set of three hand colored engravings painting a corner by six and a half so these are hand colored engravings there's it's a set of three viola Costain copyright 1832 1840 yeah Fine Arts the so this this is 1832 1840 there's a set of three that's the first one here's the second one [Applause] and here's the third it's less you know the back hold any of these all safe they go to all three of them yeah that's good and we got this guy no information on the back he don't need it reduction that's pretty amazing so here we have it [Applause] another random stuff in here though you need to wrap those back up I'll take I'll put these in the front seat of the truck okay that's Todd you have a few minutes off I want you to research those little jewels to see what Amazon says about of our Google VCR random stuff hey we found our first piece of trash Oh No why is it in there this is all the money guys this is old money Mexican Mexican money what's that head crafted below it huge earrings so those were probably dated somehow rather yeah their pesos says American bank note company American bank note company Banco de Mexico that's interesting you need to research so little jewels two of them yeah there's one that's a five and one that's a one he's carried those things for a lot of years they're bound to be a value to have at least whoever it's like those are good wallet carried this is the kind of genius you need to research we need to like scour through every individual [Applause] you get that the good stuff first why do you do that but that's more jewelry oh [Music] boy play this stuff guys Oh It's Made in Taiwan Taiwan I don't know if it's anybody worth anything at all look here sir this just fell out of this bag here this little thing with this here this might be sterling this little much pewter that purity he could be gonna feel of it no I stopped to you it's too heavy oh look yeah that's pewter hey jets topless damn computer okay thinking I used to see it pewter well I don't think you got gold in here we definitely have a lot of costume jewelry showing you that's no devil we got this stuff here nothing of great importance I don't think there's more random stuff it's just costume jewelry 999 p.m. tailor handcrafted jewelry in 14 karat gold sterling silver and for male so how you say it I don't know there it is it's a dragon so it's probably dependent of help you yeah that's oriental party it's not pointing towards oriental ownership what are these little things [Applause] get your golf miniature gas cans I don't even know how they're little lights okay I think just random little bitty things more I don't know if there's anything of value in there we simply don't have the time to go through it all empty that's key that's neat I like there you look at the bracelet Oh [Applause] looks pretty good to me well it's not it's not gold or anything it's just just costume jewelry okay so there's that got more jewelry stuff in here don't know down oil bags now we're getting into more personal documents top down to the bottom here we've got book [Applause] the Marvel Comics thing full of list to be Slammers for pogs wow yeah we got pogs and Slammers in there yes and some coins here we've got some coins in here Lauren Coolidge their foreign yeah we've got some foreign coins Oh some Spanish coin cui's finish yeah so that's what we got in here [Applause] Wow and this is what we got left I don't believe this you will try that yeah big cat statue I've been intrigued by this big cat statue heretic fragile be careful with it cat statue [Applause] [Applause] act very well if you want to make sure you do the same thing Wow [Applause] I don't see doe cat Wow this here to pack that good me neither all right there's a lot of nice towels you didn't get anything else out of it you've got a lot of nice towels blankets [Applause] [Applause] Wow don't drop that be careful with that how you scared me today with rap with a half a ton of plastic [Applause] there it is it's a big cat statue it says Toby teal I think that says Toby TOB ey copyright anybody know anything about this a little nick right here that just yeah that looks like a little bitty chip I would worry about it just make sure you wrap it very tightly back up just like you had it you'll have to research that baby that neighbor give you some idea of what's going over there [Applause] this is the cards of some sort Wow these are different trading cards here [Applause] never even heard of them I don't even know what these are let me show you all so that maybe y'all will know see the stuff that's on here and this is what the says up Bob egg egerton I guess and there's other ones too over here see these Chris Achilles I have no idea what these are and these say something with it starting with a C and then vas Wow so we've got all these really cool artwork honestly research research you have to take the next year off do some research now this is TI double good earner he's cool cut some books in here that's their here have no idea some plush stuff can be worth some money now this says citronella candles so I will assume open it okay said domo su photoshoot that makes an ass out of you and me could be candles oh wow [Applause] much more books in here this alright here's here's some these are books by Robert asprin it's just uh miscellaneous stuff in here there's like little toys and things like [Applause] and material just looks like a lot of paperwork there's more flips down there some of these books are pretty wild-looking royal Capitol Puritan Windsor in Civil War and Commonwealth and that's old enough not to have a bar kid in perfect condition it's probably been sitting in this bus a bunch of Neopets in here box labeled miscellaneous let's light these boxes no doubt after this one I'll run it out of place to stand I understand miscellaneous another wallet empty wallet random stuff guys random stuff a lot of clips miscellaneous paperwork stuff I'll have to go through a lot of paperwork it looks like yes paperwork more pins brooches up there's approach that's a that kind of allows you long Gina dead crawfish Buster Lobster [Applause] [Applause] interesting show a plate is it silver show up late I'm sure don't look quite yeah it's definitely silver man what's not it's not pure silver says here Merredin be company em er IDE in stamped 1803 its antique a I don't know if it's from 1803 it's just got the numbers you got 8 minutes ok so there's lots flicking stuff yeah you have to find stuff like that occasionally well that's the closest thing to a normal storage unit I've seen so far this tub gotta say so this is the slide projector remember those slides pull it out really hey did you go together [Music] yeah that's fun thank you there's the slide projector we have let's clean up slides you tied your slides keep those together this is crafting miscellaneous [Applause] [Applause] I'm full of unused threads in this bag here bunch of different crafts stitch witchery tape watch the hostage lots of traffic up and then the occasional there's something is wrapped up like it means something you should tell you that's all cat oh yeah what is it I think you just cattle holding on there yeah so I don't see any markings anywhere I see markings all around it this is crap art stuff here we go now dye by labeling tape bunch of books here bunch of books more sci-fi oh yeah there's one it's another ornament [Applause] porcelain hinged box collection my monopoly what $19.99 brand-new in the box I don't want to open it up right now there's more books down here close by the same guy yeah yeah those are by spring yeah here's more stuffs lots more stuffs here what kind of watch is that a little watch that's just paper I do not know there will it focus dope there it is no random stuff again lots and lots of random stuff I'm not gonna dig all the way through this thing because I won't need a leave it at that hit read the back of it stainless steel back base metal bezel just call it college stuff JJ Warbucks guys I'm gonna just assume it's books now these books are all about Elfquest whatever that's about Elfquest look at stuff guys Elfquest 3 this is obviously it's protected so there's something here I think maybe the whole box has to do with that Elfquest holy this is Elfquest here tough quest gettering look at that here's artwork love quest don't have a clue man it just goes for miles is that a tie or what yes no just a piece of fabric I think the land of in Roth that's where the best affiliate is the 3do company Might and Magic the Mandate of Heaven Wow I have no clue no clue guys completely lost so if you have any ideas please comment below time stamp helped me out because I don't have a clue 99.9% of the stuff we're looking at I don't have a clue how much of a on time let's stop it uh we get some time artwork okay more artwork okay artwork parties are a snood are Cecrops times let's see what's there's arts in here in this crafts in here look how excited she was head that the devil the floor gets the wall back there yeah hey hey bro yes sir I mean look they literally took well when they say artwork they meant like twenty pieces of artwork Susan Sheldon ballet print portfolio this is an entire portfolio of some of her prints I guess that's cool that's a calendar same person this is uh by Joan Hank woods Wow yeah he's got research for the rest of his natural life so this stuff is just to be sneezed at I mean literally you just know this stuff from people figure is they're not cool that's pretty cool I've never seen a bobcat like that that is a eagle Oh Bob Bob Iger Mary Hansen Roberts winged links wanly original this is quite original okay okay son that's an original not there daddy 1990 it's pretty obvious they went through a lot of art shows and they were really into this art tenbu oh okay show you that that's amazing no the picture is amazing he says Tambu for Bob aspirin scaled for okay it's scaled I don't know oh it's a lithograph I guess that's what that means hello yeah and that's a that's a hand signature there no doubt that was made specifically for Bob Astros do I even dare David look in the front all of her feminine women collectively womankind by mark Rogers risque mother Barbara Zoo copyright 88 Wow these are really cool Oh Dibble alert okay I can't show you how these are like really sorry they are for sale though if you're interested find a price first then of course we've got this stuff here and there's just so much I can't I can't go through all of it yeah wrapped up with paper towels and everything is that risque [Applause] obviously they didn't even want light to hit it see what's on the back that's what's important I'd love to go through this artwork with y'all but I this is from the same artist here but I gotta keep moving on okay this whole package here is take together we'll go through this piece by piece at a later time let me see what I would get all right we get one more box as well art these [Applause] [Applause] don't want to look down in here take a gander there yeah those are definitely yeah that's pretty wild [Applause] 25:39 2832 steampunk hat hardest team my life we you got this unit still don't know what it means okay this looks like a lot of miscellaneous [Applause] this is a real leather hat it's pretty wild-looking steampunk goggles here I have no idea what that's all hat the brand is Winfield cover Co Winfield Winfield WI n fi eld cover company San Francisco that's the stuff with driving here alright let's go through this box here this looks like us a good banker's box miscellaneous and crafting more craft stuff you guys I've got craft stuff to last me a lifetime Julie Wow that's pretty cool it's like watch when it's this game her Oh got stamps old school stamps and I don't think say things write home about 20 cent stamps never know for you researching yeah sit here and research forever well got boxes guys what is this yes that looks really cool little wooden box here well made probably crafted probably crafted yo-yo yeah so what more crafting stuff limited-edition yorkshire terrier out brother here's a Yorkie you want that pops oh I've got one those clashes those are suspect we don't know whose they are there's one of those dragon pins here you go I know where let's go right here more more stuffs interesting stuffs here a lot of different pens there's a whole lot of different just a whole bunch of weird work is that calm down those are some old spectacles and look there's price tags on them so I think this person may have had an antique booths possibly well that may be what paid for that's pretty well and the reason why I think it's an antique boots is because they have has initials on it which is probably one of those antique malls you know they probably do shows there's no talent yeah that could be right to those art shows miscellaneous books framed photos on top go talk to your dog utter with at hope I'm watching this video my little dogs go crazy this is more cross stitching stuff here boxes books Harry Potter stuff these are stamps some stamp collections can go for some money depending on what they are there's another stamp where that's a ink bill these are pretty old little stickers here that's pretty cool that's Derrick's three-dimensional stickers a lot of stuff in here guys just a whole lot of I can't even all right put this back we'll have to do that some other time more votes inset huh oh it's down here around playing cards crazy-looking soft there's more collectible card games in here memory first there's magic cards in here too Odyssey I found it if I found alpha and beta magic together in cards I'd freak out jewelry first right there of course there's things in it [Music] just watch parts nothing insignificant value just watch parts a lot of stuff in here guys just a lot of random lists come out of it you come out of one of his desk drawers so there's that and believe it or not I can't even think show you the story of my life right now miscellaneous kitchens can't believe this is miscellaneous kitchen there's a bottle of don't even know hex bomb some kind of wine pop the cork oh tae-suk let's see what oh it's empty oh here's that uncashed chick in 2002 2012 - that's okay yeah your hits it away we got regular people glasses in here I said regular people there's a makhno glass yep Kermit the Frog there's a collectible silver bar little measuring cup I can't dig too deep in this I'll never get it back him what would they have a little measuring cup in a box label like that what's this you know I was curious about that yesterday I don't know what it is Vincent advertising but on there it says Coke Rewards so like baby like one it for hope oh I know what it is what is it it's one of those exercise exercise to exercise sit up back oh thanks stations Thank You NIC crafting crafting tons and tons and tons of beans in here I don't know how the world you go to get rid of that kind of stuff lot it up awesome crashers this is a big box with something very lightning of it filled with brothers house a couple of $100 bills probably could be oh wow cool there it is cool obviously they wanted to take care of this this is fun mvgame master series a game of high adventure fortress America who that dude Oh who's that does everyone oh oh that's a that's the Dom it's Saddam Hussein MB games dude and B games two to four players let's see if there's a date here it's not that old there's a barcode here but 1986 Milton Bradley fortress America wow that's almost 35 years old okay now I'm curious you got it upside down yeah for a reason you gonna do a quick search quick search on it you know what'd be the first time I've done that this whole entire unit just checking on Amazon guess not there let me see if I can image search it's a I can sell it new or collectible condition I cannot sell it and use condition with collectible it's got a really high sales rank in toys 995 but collectible that's sewn for $80.00 give or take pretty cool if it was new no that's collectible condition yeah oh okay and as you can tell he definitely took a while good care but I don't know if this would be pieces and instructions in the bottom I'm not going there but there you go that's pretty intriguing bucks just for that they pretty much cut everything to fit Wow it so much that I can't silk polyester spandex forever treasures this is a graph for cross stitching again your stuff so it run across bits one want more beating stuff here's our puzzle hold you can't express the railroad card game all sorts of stuff in here yes it's all meticulously kept meticulous until I know this is not labeled it's an octopus says evil stevia's toys it's a sometime ice bag it says for cross-stitch are those Cohibas this is all of this done more clock well it's just more more hardware looks like rivets some sort hardware stuff labels self adhesive labels see these that's uh this is all that's what the cross-stitch would be that's across this design well the dragon with a big castle then we just got a bunch more beads lots of beans [Music] this is another crafting miscellaneous box a little mini vac for your your computer keyboard this is enticingly eccentric nose create your own enchanting naughty notes so did it just a lot of craft supplies and theirs alone little boxes and everything it's got me intrigued oh well those were just a bunch of little bitty beads my dad kept me that so likely all this is crafting supplies the beach these speeds and the reads everything in here is just so meticulously packed it's hard too hard to get in here strike the brass bunch of there's a bunch of pans in there miscellaneous arts and crafts stuff in here these look like pins 1998 more pins more stuff for cross stitching loads and loads of crafts yeah this loads a little messed up more pins [Music] where are you this I guess beginning from the top work now or how you go to rid your chef of all that stuff slowly and emptied with that's solid baby this looks like it's yeah it's all fabric there's more fabric see it looks like a riveted bows ribbons there's that not entirely sure what this is it looks like just look for fabulous outdoor miscellaneous this whole lotta miscellaneous know if those are hopefully works up goldfish [Music] something in it that's just an empty CD case that whoops upstairs workshop huh that books workshop maybe it's from 1998 what a lot of Atlas stuff Road atlas stuff goes up they do that for a while goody years this is all good to go these earrings patronize ancient eyes I got more costume jewelry and arts and crafts to last me forever yeah you knew there that across this is an antique metal hanging Lantern mirror with candle holders well I'm not doing this here dance Yeah right there you go there's your antique hanging Lantern boxed figurines oh no here's a blackberry trick-or-treat happy Halloween that's not a trick-or-treat or ornament stuff that's a Christmas decorative berry muumuus one cast my spell oh man who which cow figurine which cow this is a I bump to drink my milk Drac a mullah with cobwebs I used to know a guy like okay is that Ninja Turtles this is pretty as a picture the red roses for love okay what is this the Folkestone collection whimsical wonderful folk art Santa's snowman angels Oh what certificate of authenticity it's like there's semen there I don't want to go through this yeah later on guys later on that'll be about video Twitter 5 Hey look at this looks like it's broken no that's the will force it is no dragon him ok that's pretty awesome it's a bubblehead dragon pen I think I've had one of these when I was a kid no not that time but that's really awesome is it ceramic you touch these and ceramic rubber a giblet it felt like rubber yeah this guy this is Spartan brushes hell spot Wildcats covert action teams yeah from playmates collector's edition it's probably from like Wildcat series what do you think the 80s maybe there'd be a date Oh Darsh of war yeah what's the copyright on this 1995 ok package nights and it's the signature so there it is this is 23 years old 20 almost look 24 years see that yeah they got it on clearance for 10 bucks I bet it's not $10 anymore porcelain hinge box finest hand cast English pewter I could go on and on mixing this that's up looks like a fox head yeah but look here guys the Fox head made out of clay you know they porcelain all right now jigsaw that back together fried Zealand we do that furniture back there yeah see you toolbox too we were yet on time pops what about just seven six minutes yeah your trucks pretty pretty loaded so far fossil unlocks ivory top white heart red beads French porcelain white ostrich egg shell discs bear fur snake skin snake vertebrae milk skin around point what bottle like really cool stuff that's that's Indian oh no that could be like some voodoo New Orleans stuff right there maybe maybe not it would be I have not yet there's over your voodoo fridge to tell you about that Louisiana tell me what is up with that what is this it's like a weird dragon Dave what is this it's a weird dragon he's got a broken he got what his wings poked off yeah I wonder if it's still there so worth look at this thing this is obviously handmade that he's broken broken up pretty bad show place right here yeah that's a dragon everybody does that made out of clay yeah it looks like it that's amazing it looks like why I don't see any markings on him Tok Tok - OH and there's more stuff over here guys I have a knife ritual one blade what this is a ritual wand blade from from Pacific City Oregon that's pretty cool I don't have a clue that's a good strange thing you need alright guys well that is the end of part 1 of day 3 I separated day three into two parts because we got quite a bit done on day three and didn't want to make the video too long so if there's anything you guys saw that I had no idea about please comment below time stamp also if you're not subscribed please hit the subscribe button and hit the bell so that you get notified for when I post new videos also you can join me at my facebook group resellers Anonymous and you can also find me on instagram at thrift underscore trader and until next time guys keep on picking that trash and making that cash have a good night models popping bottles [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 35,491
Rating: 4.8072991 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Unit, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit Finds, Storage Wars, Storage Auction, Bought, Spent, Artwork, Steampunk, Storage Locker, Auction Bid, Storage Unit Auctions, Treasure, Auction Hunters, Unboxing, Found This, Unclaimed Storage Unit, Unclaimed, Vintage Storage Unit, Haul Video, Real Storage Auction, Auction Hauls, Storage Facility Auction, Won A Storage Unit Auction, Buy, Antiques, Treasures, Treasure Picking, Thrift Trader, collector, Antique Art, Art, Storage Finds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 11sec (4931 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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