Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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it's Jimmy today I said it's Jeremy why in the world would you have earplugs in because the viewers are concerned for my safety you're so loud my ears is that what you ask Santa for this this Christmas earplugs apparently you got them right not a bad deal there Merry Christmas George and Merry Christmas to all of our viewers merry Christmas to you and you and you DIY nationalists heck door George Jeff all of you guys Merry Merry Christmas all right we've got some big things to cover here today on the live Q&A we are going to get to your questions and we're going to get to as many of them as we possibly can but first thing we have to get to is the money from the safe because it is December 23rd George we had do you know how many guesses we actually had on that I would guys close to 500 guesses more more than that okay higher we played this game earlier today daily 600 higher higher higher higher double that over 2000 guesses on the money that was contained in the safe that George and I thankfully got into over Thanksgiving break and we do have a winner and we're about to share who that winner is so can I get a little roll can we get a little something here if you guessed in the $15 range anywhere from $15 to $16 you were absolutely incorrect not even close we're sorry because it was more than that which is great for the winner the winner guess at 25 dollars but the amount was actually 2503 plus the Obama penny Susan ranker you are the what the Hales winner you get twenty five dollars and three cents you get a what the Hales shirt which we need to know your size where do we email at George at what the Hales is that with a dollar sign or without a dollar sign Justin s Yahoo wouldn't let us use Yahoo just we're gonna take them over someday and we're gonna make it all symbols yeah we're probably not gonna get that big that's okay though all right George this week we got any good success stories from all of our viewers and subscribers - Jaclyn Duncan she bought her first storage unit at a live auction it's something that she's always wanted to do but was too cautious and too scared to do so until now you guys and a few others have inspired me to quote to quit making excuses and just to do it so thank you so much congratulations Jackie yeah good job the next success story go karts and motorcycles etc bought his first unit for only $1 $1 anybody can do this he took a couple items to a pawn shop and quickly made $75 now that's that's a quick flip just take a few items and then done deal all right that's incredible but we've got something else incredible as well because many of you know the 500 or the five Hondo is that what you call the five Hondo unit has this lockbox and so we have yet to find the key but we only went through I would say maybe a third of the actual unit it's so much work and many of you have suggested instead of trying to bust into the actual lockbox that we try and actually pick the lock and so I been watching youtube videos all day I've got a knife and a paperclip George now can you hold that right there baby alright so I've been watching YouTube videos all day right there and we're gonna see we can actually get into the lockbox and find out what's inside we're gonna do a live lockbox unboxing it as easy as it sounds or some of our music oh my goodness the viewers are like a baby burglar balloon is I should have practiced beforehand George you thinking what I'm thinking you thinking what I'm thinking yeah all right all right George all right one second here here there we go all right and we got this George came prepared all right here we go you got it do it do it you are an animal Santa's a little helper right there let me tell you okay all right now we got to move quick because we want to get to your questions but here's a peek here's a peek this thing is packed okay this looks like more Linens okay so can you hold that right there sweetheart all right right on the top we've got Linens now remember we found all kinds of sewing items we've all kinds of fabrics to sewing machines so there's more linens there I so we so we've been told look at this look at this we found all kinds of video games there's an xbox belt how cool is that okay let's see what else is in there tip it over looks like we got another box in there we've got we've got a couple cups some of you may be aware of these foldable cups if you were in Boy Scouts there's a couple I see money down there I see money here is here's a brooch baby how many brooches did we find yesterday there's another one a lot of brooches here is a couple knives this one says number one grandpa this one says camp manitoc so there's a couple knives we've got an old vial bottle I'm glad this one doesn't have any nail trip trimmings in it oh look at this okay here's some of the some of the coinage a lot of viewers guess there would be coins is your arms getting tired yet no all right this coin is for some kind of Grand Prix no cash value we got another one the Discovery Zone no cash value we've got a I don't know and there's not enough time for me to read it so you guys can read it while I keep going through things and we got a 1976 penny never have enough pennies look at this we got a 1943 steel penny so many of you know 1943 World War 2 they took all the copper for the ammunition and so everything went to steel pennies if you ever find a 1943 copper penny they're worth a million if not more wish we found a copper one there's a chuck-e-cheese token okay we've got we've got a prayer card so Lord bless me we got a pokeymon card so many of you probably know the original Pokemon cards are worth quite a bit the date on this 1997 so I think 95 is the original we got some patches that there's some more pennies down there we've got some patches that looks like air force to me we got a patrol leader on my our honor timeless value that looks like Boy Scouts okay there's Air Force all right we got a couple odd random things we've got some paper clips or binder clips we've got screw hooks never know when you need that we got a dresser knob this thing and this thing some other kind of knob and we got a few more things in here oh look at look at that that is a rifle tie tack that may be gold I don't have time to look right now because we want to get to your questions before we open this inside of that let's look at this okay we've got we've got a Lincoln headset collection old pennies let's see 45 there 37 I see 45 37 44 please Bo 43 42 okay we definitely we okay we're setting that right there when we get down time you can see if there's a 43 and if there's a 1943 we're done we retire we're out of here we're going to Hawaii oh look at this we got ninja turtles cassette tape coming out of the shell and then we've got all of this in this little tin this is magnetic let's see we've got some kind of yeah if you don't mind sweetie okay we've got some random odd oddities here's another knife here's a keychain Tennessee keychain all kinds of rain and them things and there's probably the key to the lock box right there okay everything else toenail clippers I see guitar picks I see a random rock there's another knife other than that that's what we got I see a light bulb in there as well random odd things okay so that's what's in there make sure if you see a 1943 baby vacation we are out nice okay we'll check that out all right find of the week we're going to show you the find of the week here it is Cabbage Patch preemie may be thinking Jeremy why a Cabbage Patch preemie well this is a toy and when we sell toys particularly on eBay we're not actually selling toys George what are we selling people we're selling memories memories wild time what was your favorite toy growing up um classic hands down Barbie and Kenton nice nice never did you realize that one day you would find your kid so anyways here we have a preemie now you see it's still in the box but the the actual plastic bubble wrapping is gone but the paperwork is there now if this was all complete I looked one up on eBay if it had the plastic box was in better condition one sold for $60 plus twenty three dollars shipping so always better to have a box than no box and always better to have mint condition than bad condition in regards to the box but if you find something like this in a unit make sure you keep it intact don't take it out keep all the paperwork and it's gonna always sell better that way luckily this came from a unit that I didn't pay anything for whatsoever so a lot of times you can actually get units given to you gifted to you there are actual local businesses that have offered all of their units to me instead of going to auction they don't want the headache of auction they say Jeremy come on in take everything just get it out and clean it out because they trust me to do that so you build that reputation that could be you as well now for your tip of the week when you are at the auctions generally speaking when we're at the auctions George what are we looking to do we want to bid on things higher low I always want to start why cuz you want to get more for your buck okay we want everyone's always looking for a deal I'm looking for a deal you're looking for a deal we got one yeah all right so we're always looking for a deal but one of the ways to actually get your competition from out from bidding is jump that price and here's what I mean by that auctioneer says all right whoo give me 200 then drops it down to 150 men 125 175 1525 and then also we're at five bucks and then you could jump that price immediately and go I'll give you $100 for it and what that does is it stuns the other participants and they're sitting there going huh what just happened okay let me give you an example of this you get in the shower all right you get in the shower after somebody or with somebody and you first get into that water and it's scalding hot is melting your skin off right that's the shock that happens at the auction when you jump the price but if you're in the shower and you start out warm and then you adjust the temperature and adjust the temperature then all of a sudden you're in the scolding water and you're like oh I love it no problem that happens at the auction when you go 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 that's adjusting the temperature in the water and you're like no problem I'll bid but if you can jump it sometimes you'll just shock them right out of it and go hey my skin is scolding there's your tip use it at your discretion if it works for you George we got a question and then we're gonna jump into all of our viewer questions yes creepy mcbutter pants ask we all know that the camera adds on 10 pounds but does it also add on ruggedly handsome good looks or is Jeremy filming with a snapchat filter I'm not joking there it is when we first met I asked him to download snapchat because I wanted to make sure that he was real and who he said he was but now he we did I even have a snapchat you did download it for me but you've never used it but so to answer your question creepy mcbutter pants he is just this handsome no snap chill chat filter here too kind too kind mm all right George what do we got for viewer questions tonight quick question from Nostromo once no have you ever been to an auction where a fight took place or where someone went inside of the unit to look and was thrown out or taken out by the police okay I have been to an auction where individuals will cross the plane auctioneer warns I'm across the plane again and you're gonna get kicked out George you've actually been to an auction with me we've seen that haven't you yes okay now I've never seen a fight break out but I have seen the police there as a matter of fact if you look at the videos you're gonna see the police car the police actually apprehended George yeah and I was not too thrilled about that whatsoever which George later is like why didn't you film that highway I'm trying to make sure the police don't take you I was not thinking about filming which in all reality next time they get her I'm gonna record the bow so I've never seen at all oh I all-out fight break out I've never seen anybody escorted off the property except for previous owners trying to illegally come in and get their items back all right just why the police were called yes auction for those of you who didn't see the video the police officer thought I was a representative for the previous owner so that was one of the reasons why he pulled me aside from the crowd and then we heard stories that there was a gun well that specific location a year before there was a shootout and it was a guy on drugs and he was shooting randomly at the business and so they're extremely cautious there now it was not the individual whose unit we bought but that was a year before they had closed down the police had closed down the whole block and everything the guy was on drugs and he was shooting randomly in the business area well all right do you wanna let's jump right into it question yeah okay I had a scroll through George's gonna start asking your questions and we see already many people are saying Merry Christmas merry Christmas to you and your family as well all right mark clap asks j-dog what are your thoughts on buying online units versus personally going to an auction at a facility all right who asked that Mark Clark mark club I actually have a video that is in the link of every video description if you don't know how to find the video description there's an arrow at the bottom of the videos and you go down and I give you an honest evaluation of what I like with live auctions versus the actual online auctions so what I like with live auctions it's a free-for-all you have to be skilled and hone in on your skills in those mere moments and what I don't like about the storage unit auctions is you have ten days two weeks a week it doesn't matter you guys anybody and everybody at home can actually look at that unit and blow it up and study it and therefore your skill doesn't come into play anymore watch that video it's in the link in the description and I go into the things that I do like and I don't like I give you an honest evaluation of it I do like that online auctions gives everybody the opportunity to actually bid but obviously I rather hone in on skill and win that way there's a lot of Merry Christmas comments I'm trying to filter through those Susan are you on the chat everyone's congratulating you hopefully Susan's on the chat so while I'm browsing tell everyone what your favorite Christmas themed thing is to do my favorite Christmas thing to do happens to be with George and it's it's not building snowmen it's it's it's not eating cookies or milk by the Christmas tree as a matter of fact we didn't even put up a Christmas tree there's no there's literally no time every year I change up the ornaments and do a different color theme but we just haven't had too well the real issue is is number one we have a long distance relationship and so we see each other when we can see each other number two I'm getting storage units and then filming and then editing and typically going to bed one one o'clock at night and getting back up in the morning and so there if if we put up a tree there'd be no time for a video so it just didn't happen but my favorite thing to do Christmas with George is sing Christmas carols on the guitar which I know you all love yeah some of our viewers loved your singing others maybe I could break out some right now I can break out so right now so rastaman Ralph said that his girlfriend hates wires and her bra so she took them out and found a good use by making a lot not bad not bad at all you can also scrap those at the local scrap yard that should probably add up depending on the bra size obviously it depends on how much money you're gonna make but not a bad deal there at all little extra cash Dave Pacific Northwest Sasquatch research asks oh yes I have a question for Jeremy and George have either of you seen a Bigfoot in your lifetime do you want to answer that one my the answer is no for me but the the answer is debatable for you well this is not something we probably want to get into in regards to this live Q&A but I can tell you that there are individuals that I am friends with that firmly believe in Bigfoot and one individual specifically because we are so close to where the Ohio grassman is most cited that individual has actually gone to all of the reported sightings taking hair samples castings the whole deal and that individual was actually a taxidermist so he created he created giant Bigfoot family and he would take that display from Malda mall the mall the mall I was paid to do that and you could put your foot up in Bigfoot's foot and you could see how how your size was compared to the actual Bigfoot and then he donated all of those those structures to me when I was running a different organization and I was able to use those with kids for fun tell them about how you saw Bessie how about not we don't have another question we want to talk about that scent mark Sudha said he saw a sasquatch in Oregon on the coast seaside all right mark it was a steakhouse called Bigfoot that's probably appropriately named probably appropriately named all right business questions eBay questions selling questions buying questions Steve is from Norton Steve Kerr big Norton nice that's where that $500 unit that we just started to unload and unboxing from Northern yes yep Robyn Gomes wants to know where is the sword Robin which sword the dragon sword that she found last time or or the sword from the 500 dollar unit because that that's a big difference there Randy Richardson wants to know have you ever got a unit with bedbugs that's my biggest all right Randy unit with bedbugs now here in Worcester Ohio that is a concern and so to my knowledge I have never received a unit with bedbugs to my knowledge not one of the things that I do after I work in a unit I watched Michael I come home the clothes go immediately into the washer even though I wired the same thing every day literally the same thing every day you have these that you rotate okay yeah but one hoody is for special events and occasions two hoodies one hoodie is for bidding at auctions and one hoodie is for actually working and unloading and sorting and and so though then you've added the fourth hoodie is is business attire so this is what I have to wear to work sometimes you understand okay so all that being said I have not received a unit with bedbugs and to not would not receive one that's not where the wood is to not receive one I would encourage you to properly profile your units again if it looks dirty then you're probably not gonna want to buy it but if it looks clean hopefully somebody took care of it that doesn't mean bedbugs in all cases are gonna aren't going to be an issue the other thing that you have with bedbugs when they're in extreme conditions and temperature wise that's gonna kill it off also if there's no food source anymore being you as a human they're gonna die off as well so depending how long they were in there some of them may not even survive and that very well could be the issue I've never received bedbugs and I've never brought anything home and never brought bedbugs home flees home roaches home anything nothing Gary Griffis wants to know what our ebay store name is Gary you'll have to look at any of the videos that we upload if you click on the little disruptive description arrow the box will drop down and there's links to our eBay store the ones with the hoodie and the t-shirt is mine I'm slowly building up my inventory and then yours is on there as well yep what are heels a few people are saying that that knob is for a pressure cooker that this knob that knobs for a pressure cooker well there was a there was a dresser knob but why in the world would this knob be in a safe there was this knob as well yeah that wouldn't be for pressure definitely not pressure heard that's that's burning someone and then I think this is probably like screw top to a lamp I really think that's what I think all right um [Music] Stephen Wagner wants to know what's the best thing you've gotten in a storage unit door see me I found George she was living in a storage unit they opened the door and I went I don't care what it takes I'm winning this thing best thing best thing I've ever found in a storage unit the best thing is so objective or subjective it all depends on what you think is the best thing Steve so you may love old coins and you may go man that's the best thing ever and somebody else may love firearms and go that's the best thing ever and somebody else may love baseball cards and so many months it's like a sword magnet like sword so it all depends on what you think is the actual best item there's probably nothing I haven't found yet I enjoy finding video games and the reason why I enjoy finding video games is because they sell so easily on on eBay is just you put it on it's gone and so I like the quick return but at one point my goal was to to actually own the entire library for the Sega Genesis the way I paid for my undergrad college I never took out a student loan it was all through eBay I sold my video game collection and that paid for my undergrad I but I would I would schools expensive schools extremely expensive so that was my undergrad with a dual major it wasn't it wasn't cheap but video games paid for it till this day I'm still paying off my student loans you need to find more video games instead of swords Tom Stone says when you forego the deposit on the unit does the storage place tag you meaning do they keep you from bidding on future units you want to answer that one I feel like it based on my experiences I haven't been doing this very long I've been kind of learning along the way in learning from the best every storage unit is different the storage unit that we forfeited our deposit on what they do is we left the unit nice and neat we we we cherry picked and picked what was valuable to us and what we thought we could flip right away and we left mostly like children's furniture and stroller children's toys and children's clothes that storage unit will just auction off the next second they have it next month to auction it off yeah so different storage unit facilities by the way while you're talking about the one that you four forfeited the actual cleaning deposit the mattress was in there the mattress was sold within days for the mattress and box spring for $200 now could have got a whole lot more for that remember storage cost money too so yeah Sealy and/or no it was original mattress factory seal but King said but if you got to store this stuff it costs money to store it and I'm if I'm gonna keep buying things have to move so she bought it for 25 then there's a $60 clean-out fee so 85 but immediately one item paid for the entire unit and then some so some facilities will have a security it's called a security deposit or it's also called a clean-out fee and some some facilities may call it other things it all depends on the facility that you attend to one facility that I go to they don't have a security deposit if you look at the video the quick flip that's that spruce tree they don't have a security deposit if you don't clean out the unit you get banned that's it that's their that's their policy the unit where you see me a lot of people call it the shady guy unit where I actually sell back the unit to the previous owner there their clean-out fee was $200 you hear me say that in the video it was $200 so we go from one facility with with no security deposit to another with $200 it all depends on the facility and the terms of the auction where you are actually bidding at so if you're going to forgo or forfeit your cleaning fee your security deposit you need to know the terms of the auction or the policies of the actual facility before you do something along those lines now is that something that you can find online be prior to going to the auction typically they're going to post the terms of the auction online but they're going to either say $50 cleanup fee hundred-dollar clean out the $200 cleanup fee they're probably not gonna say well this is our policy if you leave it all behind we're gonna ban you or we're gonna do this you've got to talk to the actual facility and find out what their policies are yep make a phone call ahead of time if you plan on doing that Denise Pratt says she has some 1943 World War two pennies about 20 years old copper or steel so Denise it all depends on if it's copier copier copper or steel and how much it's worth winter night warden asks what do you recommend for resale items when you have no bank account to link up to PayPal all right winter night warden what I recommend for resale items and you have no bank account to link up a PayPal there's always those those cash cards well I would think that okay winter night warden I would think there is more than one way to link an account to PayPal number one I wouldn't think it would have to be your account so is there somebody that you can work with in regards to linking a bank account now to receive payments through PayPal number one I'm not positive that you actually have to have a bank account linked you may I know you have to have a bank account linked to actually make payments or you have to have a credit card linked to make payments but who says you have to resell on eBay through PayPal why not why not resell with small items right in your own home right now that you're not using place those on Facebook marketplace do you have a toaster do you have a blender do you have linens and towels do you have old furniture that is just not being used you could post that on Facebook marketplace and sell that really quick let's say within the first week you you grab a handful items that you haven't used in the past year and all of a sudden you go alright I'm gonna I'm gonna put this on Facebook marketplace or even Craigslist if it's a bigger item and you make a hundred bucks well now you got a hundred bucks to actually put into your PayPal account or you got a hundred bucks to put into a bank account and you can link that in to your PayPal account so there's always ways if you're willing to look for solutions you don't necessarily need PayPal to make money it's gonna be it's gonna be imperative to use PayPal if you're gonna be making money on eBay but even then as I say this now a year from now that's all going to change because eBay is moving away from PayPal and they're going another payment direction so a year from now you may say well what's the deal with PayPal well PayPal may not even be an issue in a year because the direction eBay goes and we've got to move with the direction of where the money is going as well if we're gonna continue to make money hope that answers your question winter night warden so so in other words like you would have to meet someone in person and just do cash sales you can try you can do that on either you can do that on eBay as well you can do a local pickup and it can be a cash sale and it could be a local pickup if you a big item on eBay now it's going to be harder to sell something on eBay like that because everybody wants it shipped but still good question and with the cards as well yeah cards a lot of them are free and I don't think there's a minimum I help some of my clients with them all right while you're finding your place other places that you can make money in regards to quick cash if you were to even just have a garage sale depending on where you live garage sale flea market and get that cash flow going and then you can put money on a card like George was already stating you could put money on your bank account if you are indeed going to have a bank account and I understand there are some individuals that do not have a bank account and they don't have it on purpose I get that there's life circumstances and situations I understand completely so there's always another way to make money and to flip something and there's always something that you can flip that you probably already have but the goal is to take that item that you're flipping take the money that you make from that item and then get another item flip it and then another flip it another flip it another flip it and then you'll find yourself in the situation someday remember it's it's not going up and bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger to the point where someday you're actually flipping houses which I do as well never thought 20 years ago I'd be flipping houses but Here I am someone wants that Norman Edward crafts wants to know if you ever got the stamps checked out all right Norman the stamps were they ever checked out we did have a subscriber as a matter of fact you've seen that subscribers name is Sam he was in one of the videos and I invited him out to the warehouse he came out to check some some cards for me and also the stamps and as of right now based on his observation of the stamps we don't have anything that's too much of value but then again come to think of it I didn't have all the stamps out there either probably the stamps that you're thinking of came from that's that chest from your first unit and those are in the garage on themselves so Sam did not even see those stamps and I didn't think about it because there's just you would just he would just look at me if I always tell George's like there's money sitting at the door into the garage there's just there's just money there and it's silly and I don't have time to do anything with it and their stamps and there's there's also all kinds of security and lots of guns the goal is for me to quit my nine-to-five so that I can help him full-time Jeff Poole wants to know how common is it to have a previous owner show up alright Jeff Paul how common is it for a previous owner I've had previous owners show up a handful of times within my life so I bought one unit and that that unit was posted as a garage sale because it was just all household stuff it was posted as a garage sale on Facebook marketplace and this this woman in a bathrobe and slippers no lie I mean just a bathrobe and slippers came down the driveway and said this is my daughter stuff well I already knew the daughter was in jail the daughter was in jail for a number different things number one drug trafficking number two a death and she was a part of that homicide because there was an overdose in her home so she was part of that I had all the paperwork the story is there and so the mom came down and she goes this is all my daughter stuff and she goes I need it back and I said okay I said well let's I'll work with you I said she goes well tell me tell me what it's gonna take I said well you cover my expenses I'll bring it to your home I will unload the entire thing for you two thousand dollars you can have it all back she goes what can I get for 45 bucks there's there's the first one I had another family tell me I had another family show up at I'd sail as well they recognized the items that were on Facebook marketplace so the story went that the dad passed away and then the this was this was a family dad was in a marriage had child then remarried a woman there's another child so there's child's on this side on dad's side and there's children on the new wife side and they're all fighting over the estate and so one child takes items and sells them to me and then I'm flipping them and reselling them another child on the other side sees it and goes we're getting the police involved and I went great I still legally own it all you can do whatever you want never heard from him again so I actually had a Youtube subscriber as well contact me through Facebook George's first unit that she bought how much was that one hundred and one hundred and fifty or something like that yeah so you've seen that unit her first unit youtube subscriber viewer contacted me through Facebook and said that's that's that's my stuff that's my mom's stuff and so I contacted him on messenger and we started talking and then we started telling him some of the names that were in the unit and he went oops sorry mistaken identity not my parent stuff so a little bit of everything happens you never know what's gonna happen um abdel asked just to check since you are already a reseller have you ever tried liquidation ok liquidation is another way to resell and you can find a lot of liquidation websites online and what you're doing is you're buying in bulk okay you're basically you're buying wholesale and then you're gonna take those items if i buy a whole bunch of pens wholesale then i'm gonna sell them individually resale i'm gonna mark it up resale markup typically you really want that markup to be roughly from wholesale to resale depending on your item is generally in business is gonna be anywhere from 15 20 percent man if you're getting thirty percent i'm markup and resale 35% you're doing amazing if you can find that type of item but you're taking that item and you're marking it up me personally I don't like only making fifteen twenty ninety-five percent I like a hundred percent profit turnaround I like a thousand percent profit turnaround and so in this realm and storage units it's very very possible to spend to spend a couple hundred dollars and then to make a couple tenth of tens of thousands of dollars and so one unit I could spend five hundred bucks on and I can make 25 grand on it I like that turn around a whole lot better vicarious shenanigans asked what is the weirdest thing you have found for me it's been toenail clipping toenail clipping how do you top that was there what did you find dog nails or dog dog teeth that was so gross dog teeth toenail clippings you'll find I mean again not to be disrespectful and not to be not to make light of it but you will find individuals ashes and so you'll find urns everything you'll if you can think of it you'll probably find it in a storage unit a couple of viewers wants to know if I have a sister yes I do but sorry guys she's not single she's in a relationship someone old guy wants to know do you ever go to police auctions I've never been yes I've gone to many police auctions maybe you already had a run-in with the Popo you want more of a run-in with the Popo yes recording it this time alright so police auctions yes and he may be referring to a couple different things he may be talking about a sheriff sale sheriff sale where they actually auction off property where we're at right now this home was purchased at sheriff sale and it was completely gutted of all the copper because when those when those legal notices go out that is going into foreclosure what happens is the thieves come in they steal off the copper and it's a complete and total remodel so this home was bought at a sheriff sale not a police auction but a sheriff sale and completely remodeled from the exterior to the interior and I've gone police options before where the police they will actually apprehend individuals and items sometimes their stolen items and then the police have a problem with actually reconnecting that item with the individual that owned it or its surplus in the county or the city and they'll auction all those items often yes I have gone up I've bought everything from a table saw to a bandsaw to two traffic lights to all kinds of things so I I like them so what's the difference between a police auction versus a live auction or a storage option nothing else it's just it's police cars and it's stuff that was apprehended it was stolen and they couldn't give it back to the individual or usually nine times out of ten it's City surplus items so where are the items found you know it's wherever they broadcast it and they'll go oh this is the City of Worcester police auction okay so they just pick like a an empty building that'll host it all depends on the auctioneer it all depends on what they're doing interesting st. Raven SWR wants to know what is your favorite item or items you found that you actually kept toilet paper toilet paper not used of course like brand new in the package George and I have actually been talking about doing an episode of cribs and showing everything in the house because everything in the house in my house is actually from a storage unit because when I went through a horrific divorce I actually gave every single item except for a toothbrush and an air mattress to hurt and so I start from I started from the ground back up built up so one of the things that we'll probably do in the future is when there's not a lot going on we'll do a cribs episode we'll show you some of the favorite items but a favorite item would definitely be the couch so that's that's nice it's a very very comfortable oh my goodness you fall asleep have a fall asleep making replies to your guys it's like floating on a cloud it just hugs the body oh it's amazing movies I think I have 400 movies over there by the TV and I probably have 2,000 at the warehouse so I do hold onto the movies for viewing pleasure toilet paper is an absolute I do not buy batteries anymore I I don't my stamps anymore I don't buy I have a shaving cream I have so much shaving cream from units if it's not been used any kind of oral height sampoo I don't have to buy shampoo I don't buy toothbrushes I probably got 32 Thresh's in the in the bathroom and again not use they're all they're all packaged in a brand new I have a drawer overflowing of band-aids you know how your your kids all like to take band-aids because they think they're stickers and they get in the drawers and then you know just put them all over their body I could keep a couple kids going for a couple weeks and they would be okay just with the band-aids that I find so anything that's at the house is actually used because we need it at all um skip Thomas asks do you ever use a GoPro or anything other than your phone to make the videos we actually talked about that today you found your GoPro well I found a GoPro well over a year ago in a storage unit and I just showed it to George today I said hey here's the GoPro I don't know how to use it but if you want to try it but we are actually looking at another another piece of equipment and we're probably gonna upgrade here pretty soon a pretty amazing piece of equipment that a subscriber actually shared with us it is amazing what this thing can do and it attaches to your phone so the what what I typically do everything is done on my phone so what I don't want to do is and I told George say I don't want to get the GoPro take the information from the grow Pro put it on the laptop then then I have to then I have to edit it in the laptop and then I have to go here and here and I have to do this and this on the phone and what I do right now everything is on the phone and it may not be the highest quality in the world but it's the ease and convenience all the filming is on the phone all the editing is on the phone all the loading is on I do everything on the phone the issue that I have with the phone is what the amount of time that I can actually film like last night we did a 51 minute video seconds more and I would have been full capacity of what I could actually put on my phone not to mention the editing program doesn't allow me to go over 60 minutes anyway my phone can't hold 60 minutes but the editing program doesn't allow more than a 60 minute video and you have to hurt hit certain thresholds on YouTube to even go to that length of a video which I've hit the threshold long ago but the other issue is would you actually even watch it Griego stone once no have you ever been stopped by a 1 units previous owner or followed to your warehouse I've been stalked plenty of times in my life but never by a previous owner usually by a woman [Laughter] DIY nationalists wants to know any luck hiring Warehouse help you want to answer that we've had several actually a ton of people apply and Jeremy will schedule an interview with them and a lot of them no call no show so we have a lot of people that are interested that reach out to him and have applied but they no call no show so it's hard to find good help it really is so right now you would say how many employees would you say you have maybe 2 or 3 you're 5 foot 2 how many do you come as I'm part-time help right now I'm I'm 6 1 so I guess I count as 2 people I mean in all reality you could probably say with the help I have here and there roughly 2 people max 2 will say two people max in regards to man-hours and what actually gets done um thrill of the hunt wants to know how the heck do you do it guys I'm still recovering from my past units the sorting and organizing ever end all right throw the hunt number one it's how the Hales do you do it the the sorting and the the whole process again most of you guys do not see that over the video what you're looking where you're looking at a 16 plus hour day and you're seeing it in a 25 minute video and the funniest part is and we laugh at this because people will make comments like they know exactly what's going on and you this and you then we just crack up at it because you have no concept of reality whatsoever so it's a tremendous amount editing alone takes a lot of time so for those of you who have never edited a video there's a lot involved in it and what you're seeing in the video is I'm typically uploading I'm generally editing four to five hours just in what you're seeing and yeah there's nothing special about that and he makes it look easy but in reality isn't off camera I'm just moving all those heavy boxes and it's not you're ready to tap out yesterday it's it's hard labor she was ready to tap out and I told her I was like George just go in the truck go get warm she's like no I'm not quitting on you I'm not quitting on you it was like it was like Titanic and I'll never like you can go get warm suck it up and here in Wooster Ohio it's cold it's freezing so you have to wear layers and three I work three pairs of socks boots usually when I get home my layers of sweaters I go home and I get in the shower and I turn it on hot water just because you feel the chill into your bones after being out all day Pamela n-- wants to know could you make a sorting video well in all reality Pamela I show some of that in some of the videos because I want people to see the reality of it this is how much junk there is this is yeah I do recyclables I do garbage I do I'm sending to auction I do donations and so I could do a sorting video but honestly I doubt anybody would actually want to watch that except for you so that could be something that we actually consider but really you're seeing that in a lot of my videos anyway listen to the noises in the background where you guys go ah he's too rough with stuff usually because I'm throwing it in a garbage can so I'm going oh well this will be donated and I'm throwing it because I have to be fast doing these videos for you guys increases my day it doubles my day and so to share the information with you as a tremendous commitment on my part with time and then if slows slows me down completely with what I'm doing as well so just watch the I would say just watch a lot of his more recent videos he'll show the recycling bin there's a huge garbage bin and then he'll show what he's donating he just doesn't show exactly what he's doing he just it's kind of like sorting the aftermath and a lot of times I'll show you and I don't know what videos they're in but I'll go hey look this is all the garbage on the curb and my garbage man is amazing because he doesn't have to take it all but he takes care of me I try and take care of him and I forgot to apologize in advance if I if I put your name Paul Prudhomme once no seriously what do you do with mattresses well mattresses one or two things happen mattresses sell extremely quick depending on the condition on Facebook as a matter of fact somebody just sold a mattress where was that one from that one was from the that one was from the police unit all right the mattress that you saw in the police unit that sold today for a hundred dollars so we bought the police unit for a hundred and twenty and an employee sold it today for a hundred dollars so it was gone just like that yeah the condition was great and on face book marketplace they sell quick now when I say that I want to say this with respect as well but your face book market are going to be your lower-income customers your Craigslist individual customers they're willing to spend more money and probably have more money and then your eBay customers they have the most that's where the money is I mean there's just an untapped wealth of resources there so the rest of the mattresses they get wrapped in plastic and they go on the curb lawn here in Worcester we have to wrap them in plastic so that the garbagemen don't get bedbugs Jerry's Jerry Stahl Necker wants to know he says George seems like Jeremy has changed has changed your life substantially what are your thoughts I look at him every day and I and I say what have I gotten myself into he has changed my life and I'm learning every day from him and again I'm learning from the best and eventually I do want to quit my my nine-to-five I've been working in the health care industry for 20 plus years so it is time for a change and I'm willing to to quit just to help him full time because it is a lot of fun and then we're gonna pack up the planets eventually pack up and to move south somewhere warm so that we don't have to deal with Ohio winters any more winter but don't worry we'll still continue doing the videos we'll do storage units down there in the South once once we make that transition and then we'll probably continue to do the the q and A's so just because we're moving south doesn't mean that we're going away so good question thanks marine says I seen a big Bigfoot at Subway I'll show you a Bigfoot right there 13 double-wide someone wants you to break out singing but then someone else said please no singing well I do have the guitar nearby not on this Q&A we don't have much time okay all right guys Wow that hour went by quick let's see but take the safe remark we'll take three more because we opened the lockbox three more questions okay um Chris Sal Dean wants to know have you guys ever had a previous owner of a storage locker see a video of yours and requests it to have any item returned or sentimental for sentimental reasons let me answer that yes because I don't recall all right yes actually one of our YouTube viewers contacted the individual the family because I erroneously showed the name and what this individual did what they thought they were helping is they created more harm and hurt for the individual and the family members because the unit was was willed into the name of the son the son wanted nothing to do with it therefore it was abandoned that's why it went up for auction so then you go backs this individual who thinks they're helping and actually created so much harm and hurt goes back to another family member and goes hey this guy is on YouTube and he has your families now this individuals had tragic tragic horrific things happen in their family and the story goes on and on and on and they're requesting sentimental things so the answer is yes and I don't appreciate it whatsoever when youtubers think that they're entitled to actually contact previous owners but that's my fault because in the editing I knew that I needed to edit that information out and I got so exhausted and I didn't I forgot about it and there was it was out there and at that point it's already out there it's done so you learn the lesson and you move on and and you go never let an individual or a family member get hurt like this again all right um before we wrap up Jeremy's gonna share some more success stories we're gonna take two more questions we said three in them we did didn't we you just gotta find two more okay Jason Springer wants to know who is Bessie Jason Springer Bessie is the cousin of Nessie Nessie is the Loch Ness monster Bessie is the Lake Erie monster here in Ohio or Michigan that's who Bessie is and as a wee lad I was actually in sixth grade seventh grade on Kelly's Island I saw something I will never forget but we will not go into it on this episode alright last question Jason Connelly wants to know what's the most cash you have found in a unit do you want to answer that one it was in the one unit were you we opened the safe I don't think I was in that one no but we were together the safe one at the end I don't remember how much was in there I'm saying I must be thinking of a different video which one you found like roll a roll of cash yeah that's the one on yeah the same thing I was there you were there but we were together I don't remember how much cash it was remember either like maybe a grand there was more than that I don't remember how much there was but the one that George is referring to the opening of the safe in the warehouse is a roll of cash all right so we're gonna wrap things up and Jeremy's gonna share a success story all right from our viewers and subscribers no vets 1 9 6 8 1 9 6 9 so thanks for all the the info you guys are awesome I've been doing auctions for about a year I paid $5.00 for a small unit someone drove by while I was taking things out and bought the bed rails for me for five bucks perfect are you paid for itself I sold items to my sister for 30 I found an Ellis Burks signed autographed baseball I found the 1994 brand new in the box with receipt World Series baseball bunch of jewelry that I still need to have checked out I found a 1985 Nintendo video game game and watched tropical fish model number TF 104 made in Japan three tool bags with tools my brother wants to check them out before I sell them not bad for a five dollar unit by the way it was raining during the auction that day and I did find a used crack pipe condoms and adult DVDs no vets 1 9 6 8 1 9 6 9 congratulations on your $5 investment can't beat the quick flip we also have Arthur / ñè oh hey Jeremiah someone across your youtube channel a couple months ago I just really enjoyed watching you having fun doing your thing so I decided to give it a try I won an auction on storage treasure site the unit I want on the website from the pictures look like a lot of trash but thanks to your tutelage and you you can do fus is that another word for a like tutorial yes yes I noticed some small boxes lined up in the back corner that looked to be like electronic boxes I won the unit for $25 including fees when I open the unit I found hundreds of small electronics so a massive score and I'm sure beginner's luck but regardless thank you for making this whole thing seems so fun enough to give it a real try congratulations Arthur hey if we can do it you can do it this has been Jeremy thank you so much for tuning in merry Christmas to you and your family and we will see you next Sunday we might even see you before then who knows bye guys
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 12,338
Rating: 4.8511 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: xmb74S9eNzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 1sec (3841 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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