Hairdresser Reacts to People Going to The Lowest Rated Hair Salons

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hey how you doing thank you for being here thank you for choosing me to entertain you today I don't know why you chose me but gonna do my best to entertain you first time I do this super fun second time I do this is today we're watching some people go to the worst rated Hair Salons and it's gonna be hard to watch I already know what very interested to see what's gonna happen to these girls when they go the worst rated Hair Salons and by the way before I watch these I wouldn't recommend going to the worst rated Hair Salons it just sounds like a bad idea so please save your hair and don't do that or do but please record it in other news I have shampoo and conditioner with my name if you didn't see me already infiltrate every social media network about this well here it is again launching on September 13th and I'm so stoked about it and if you haven't heard yet I'm also doing a mondo makeover giveaway I'll be picking one of you to fly to New York put you in a hotel give you a makeover film and put it on my youtube channel it'll be epic it'll be amazing all you gotta do to enter is share your love for ex mondo on Instagram or Twitter and or purchase a bottle of Project X shampoo and conditioner or glitterati or anything just really share your love for the brand on social media with the hashtag Mike's mondo and mondo makeovers and that's all you're gonna do to enter I'll be picking a winner on September 22nd that will be posted on my Instagram so if you would like to possibly get him on to makeover do your thing just make it known you want to win and put those hashtags on there and that is all you gotta do let's watch some people go to the worst rated Hair Salons eat in the world let's do it our first video is titled I went to the worst hair salon in my city this one's for you Brad mondo thank you also No thank you but thank you you guys know what I always say if you gotta ruin your hair please record it otherwise what's the point and this video is by dave x hey Sean what's up Keisha you are beautiful from what I can see in this screenshot alright let's watch the thing [Music] a little adventure I guess you call it I'm gonna be vlogging my whole day today but I'm going to the hair salon to get my hair done after all I keep my hair out of like the friends that you not like fully see what it looks like I'll show you God honor okay so we have enter so we're starting off some level for hair naturally curly beautiful locks looks nice and healthy great place to start when you're bleaching hair it looks like it's her natural hair color looks like she hasn't colored it in a long time or ever maybe I don't know looks great though I think this is gonna be great for her wonder what kind of blonde she's gonna do okay so we are starting the application process we are going in there with a lot of light nur and looks like looks like we are going blonde blonde not just blonde like blonde okay so looks like she is doing a foiling technique where she covers every single hair strand I guess we're going bad net or maybe there's like a rooted blonde look um and so far I don't mind the process besides the slight messiness of the foils I am a foil snob I do like very clean foils she looks like she's doing a very thorough job she is fully saturated most pieces I wonder what she's using I do not know and she is going in there and she is covering a lot of pieces however I do believe these foils are a little too thick you aren't gonna get the most consistent lightening if I was gonna do this kind of process I would probably go in with very tiny slices it is so much damn work and it is so much damn time I don't know maybe this hairdresser was dealing with a time constraint you never know but I would probably go in with a smaller tiny little foils that way all the bleach incubates hair section properly and easily and it's just like boom penetrator I think we are going in the right direction for Keisha I think that this is going to be excellent for her um for an application like this I'd probably be using blighter with 30 volume developer we are combing I have to say I've never really used a comb when doing a lightening process I don't know maybe it's the [ __ ] I however have never tried that I'm just doesn't seem like the right thing to do we are doing a lot you're going in out so I see a lot of feathering going on to the route I don't think we are trying to make it blond route ends like a double process would be I think we are going for more of a way to look which will be nice for Keysha I believe this is going to really brighten up her face bring out that beautiful skin tone she has and warm her up and had a lot of glow enos to her I feel like this is a great idea with her curls also if she was if she leaves it naturally to dry I think that the blonde is really gonna enhance her curls and bring depth to her hair the other thing is I don't know how people like sit there and record people on to their hair if somebody was recording like this I'd be like what are you doing are you okay and I'd be so nervous you chose Mac Boyd right now get me the hell out of this chair you give me five minutes and a salon chair and I want to crawl out I hate getting my hair done he's the worst torture ever there's nothing fun about it to me besides the outcome when it's done and you like i feel so good about myself so pretty i am the most beautiful the most charming intelligent person in the world that feeling get when you're done getting her hair done you're just like I'm beautiful you know what I mean you all know what I mean so the lightening process looks like it is happening and it is going well I mean that's a good amount of time I think 30 minutes for her curly hair very fine hair not thin fine I'm not saying she's like balding I'm saying she has small hair fibers when you have small hair fibers that is called fine hair get with it okay she was that thin hair she's fine hair it looks like medium thickness lanes the easiest in my opinion and it gets to like pure white so Bravo that hairdresser they seem like they're doing a fine job and I don't know where this is going to go wrong is it going to go wrong I don't know oh my god that looks dope I feel like it's gonna actually be really good on her and Boris braided hair still on where where Kisha where I don't know where we are taking the foils out um okay we are seeing a bit of yellowness like an 8g kind of color a gold interesting interesting with this very dark route oh it's quite orange and kicks out does not look happy but I hate it's sort of to be expected when you're trying to go like for the first time from a level four colour could probably avoid a lot of that yellowness if you define airfoils I'm and did more of them and maybe up the developer I'm not sure where she was using the real handiwork is going to come when she gets the toner put on her hair because that is when you can really change the look of the blatant hair toner is a deposit only color so it's not gonna lift your hair anymore it's just going to pause at age hone that you desire on your hair oh my god it is your Inge yellow-orange over here I mean I lost my train of thought I don't mm-hmm okay it was all going good and now I'm seriously working 200 please say be literally please save her this is where we are going to see the real talent come through this hairdresser is talented or not because this toner could make or break you don't want to go to ash toned with this toner because the ends are very porous and it will pick up gray if you do too much ash but however you want enough ash set that orange midsection will be toned just enough so possibly doing two different toners on the roots mids and ends is probably we're gonna need to do and work for it to come out evenly maybe we do a bit of a roof shadow on the roots then we do a mid section toner possibly with a ash tone level 8 toner on the mids and then on the ends maybe an 8 neutral to balance out the porosity on the ends that they don't pick to silver or gray you're probably gonna do a triple toner for this hair that's at least what I would probably do however I am not fair and wear life to see what's going on so I can only give you my professional opinion but please don't save her hair she looks like she's doing a bit of a root shadow so that's good she is not shy with this camera work she is going in on this woman who could be so nervous this is too much [Applause] because of the Braille so do you see you agree we did okay Wow Oh Keisha is a cosmetologist I think for what she was working with and for going to a mall salon no offense to mall salons I mean they just don't have the best reputation all the time thoughts saying that somebody from mall salon can't do good hair just not always the best rep don't come for me she looks stunning but apparently she's not happy with her she was outside on her hair before she got a seat and that is why humbly a team a little bit orange but the warm tone looks great on her I don't think she needs a SH toned air or light white hair I think the bronzy blonde is really complimentary to her skin tone and really makes her look she looks really great in my eye I think I think the hairs has really pulled through and did her very best to work with what she got I like it it was nice this next video is called he ruined my hair new hair big fail before and after this is by princess monet okay princess oh let see what happens my blonde is so damaged I've been gone for almost seven years I have to get rid of it morning my hair I'm not obsessed with that are you asking for that I just like not really into that but that's just my main sectioning oh my god whoa her hair is white and damaged man how much so here roots do you want dark silk she doesn't want her roots colored all this guy really has to do is put a toner on her hair blend in her current roots to her current ends just smudge the color down into the blonde give her some variations and height of where the blonde starts and ends to give it more of an ombre feel and then do a maid color and do an end color and have it kind of run from dark brown to light brown to blonde she could be in and out of the salon within an hour like it this is an easy easy process not super easy it's very artistic but when you're trying to convert me back to blue mess when they bargain this blonde is not really like the hardest process it's the other way around that's hard is like making me blonde from brunette honestly you could just put a toner in her hair and call it a day I don't know what he's doing with bleach right now but that is very concerning right that's what I would have seen you why is that so many coils this crispy ends about to be gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's not even the link that she asked for were the color so I'm home I'm annoyed I'm irritated I'm not really feeling my hair I walked in with the pace job exactly what I wanted and he said perfect you know he could do it I left looking nothing like the picture nothing dying my roots bleaching them at that so I've been growing with my hair off for like a few months so I don't have to bleach the roots and I could just die everything grout but he bleached them so that's that I'm just so highly annoying oh I know how that feels all right such a painful process growing out your roots and then to have somebody like just ruin all that work you did with like waiting and waiting and waiting for that new hair to grow in and then somebody really tching them after you waited so long to get healthy hair again I am so sorry that happened to you but next time just ask for a toner Berklee's to be added to your hair that's all you need smudge those roots down deep in those ends you don't need any more light nur put on your hair you don't need any more developer put on your hair you need just a toner and more of a haircut she didn't even cut it as short as the girl had in the picture my hair like still blonde but I had to cut it my hair is still damaged my hair it basically is what I already had just not yellow like its tone okay update I'm trying to get myself used to it it's not that it's like hideous or anything I just work with it and what I'm hoping for is I'm hoping when my hair is curly that it actually looks good you know what I'm saying straight it's just it's just not working for me especially because it's not done with the flat iron and I'm not supposed to be using the flat iron anymore I'm supposed to blow dry it or go onto the rollers or do whatever it's all comfy oh whatever I'm so sorry that happened to girl next time hopefully it's not as painful as proud of a process and actually first ones pretty decent second one Oh mmm do your research when you go to a hairdresser not all hairdressers are created equal unfortunately just because I say go to a professional and doesn't mean they're always gonna do the best job check out their Instagram I don't know do some research hopefully this doesn't happen to you guys if you go to a hairdresser follow me on Instagram and Twitter at Brad mondo NYC check out my new channel Brad and Eric linked below don't forget about my new shampoo and conditioner launch happening on September 3rd t so excited about that follow ex mondo and Instagram and Twitter ex mono hair to stay up-to-date with what time the new product launch will be and new product launches in the future and that is all for today thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life I will see you [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,966,673
Rating: 4.9459958 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts to People Going to The Lowest Rated Hair Salons, bradmondonyc, hairdresser reacts, brad & eric, eric mondo, brad mondo, how to, fall off, hair stylist, diy hair, hair fail, jenna marbles, hair dresser, at home, gone wrong, video react, 40 vol, lowest rated nail salon, lowest rated hair salon, professional react, reacting to, worst rated, yelp reviews, bleach fail, worst reviewed, natural hair, worst review, 1 star review, box dye, hair fails
Id: jNxPSUnl-Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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