Hairdresser Reacts To Americas Next Top Model Makeovers S.24

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what's up my beautiful babes I am so excited for today's video because it's America's Next Top Model and if you know me you know what I love America's Next Top Model and also the new season is so good you can tell they got a way bigger budget this year Tyra is back honey though they still have not hired me for the show which I am waiting for okay hi America's Next Top Model hire me I'm here and I'm ready to be a judge on America's Next Top Model hi so usually when I make these America's Next Top Model makeover reaction videos I usually have not even watched any of the season so I just see the makeovers because I haven't watched America's Next Top Model in like five years honestly it just got like a little bit slow for me and it wasn't as exciting as it was before but this new season girl I'm so into I am watching it so I've watched the first two episodes and last night they aired the makeover episode and I have been waiting to watch it so I can watch it with you guys so I am dying to watch this right now all right I'm not gonna bore you guys let's just get this video started shall we let's get it [Music] you are getting a trademark style which will transform your look into an edgy editorial version of yourself that will help you stand out in this cutthroat modelling industry I have been studying you and I am ready Sandra always Christine you're going bigger like my girl Serena Williams Tyler you're going to go rap then a couple of tracks walkers pora you're getting Sakura what are you excited or nervous causes your body to I was so attached now I have to take it off I'm not well the to the look that you already have we think is family they love her so much she's it she already has her look meaning Terra's are you in love with her now to get you started with your amazing looks I want you to meet the co-owner of the ambulance Elan Lee answer crony hi guys welcome we have a lot of work to do so let's get started it's nice well done got the tears coming brings me back to happen it's linen blue I mean people were pulling my hair off on the bus saying that I have cancer that something's wrong with me you start to remember everything that people said are you can we can we take your wig off now because I don't even know what's under [Applause] [Laughter] think it will be so freeing to you are yourself beautiful intimating you take your tragedy are you turning it to your platform you are so brave this world is going to look at you and say if she can do it I can do it you ready they're gonna start the process how many of people don't yeah I'm not beautiful doing this is really scary but I want to show people that it's okay to be bald I'm not oh it was beautiful losing your hair is beautiful [Laughter] removing the wig is really liberabit and it's free Oh No [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] okay and I feel like what we don't have today is there so more color will you take it down it's gonna listen look at your face [Laughter] [Music] like a dry skin condition and scalp mute City moisturize all the time you have to put medicine on this yeah that's not good I got psoriasis when I was 24 it's stressful you think people are looking at it you think people can see it I'm picking it and people think it's gross like it's hard we talked to Tyra and she wants us to hold off okay and we're gonna work with your natural hair you want to do everything we can to make you look beautiful but make you healthy as well yeah I know that she's looking out for my health but I really want the makeover I really want to see what Tyre want my turn Bart looked to be it's a very very hard thing it comes on more and more with stress so let's keep you as low stress as possible we need to rethink this hairstyle and so we can start with that doesn't mean that you can't like it can stop you don't do anything so this last time the two judges that were at the transformation and their me to the world when we do image architect stylist to the Stars and I just got tired of it so I'll share the way but I was still holding on to things that to disguise some of the insecurities that I have and we have a paper magazine true Eliot so I have Goodell I go and so I have spots on my eyes on my mouth on my hands and I always cover it up but today I show it it's for all of those peoples that have insecurities I've worn mine on my face every day I have always preached about accepting who you are it is all beautiful this is such a good message okay so that was such a great episode of America's Next Top Model of the makeover as a season like nobody cried over like they're stupid makeover besides the growth alopecia but like that's completely understandable I'm sure she was very uncomfortable and guess what she got through it and now she is rocking a bald head and she looks so fierce I'm just so happy for the girl who removed her wig she is helping so many people in the world and it's seriously inspiring and I've had a lot of skin issues in my past and I will be making a video about that in the near future and it is gonna be very hard to me to make because I've never really told anybody about you know what fully happened to me and it's really hard for me to talk about and I'm not really an emotional person but I will be making that in the futures but I really do want to share my story with you guys I think it's so important to grow from these things you've been through and get past them and help others as much as you possibly can besides all of that I love the makeover of the girl who went from blonde to a coppery red I thought I was gonna hate it and she looked amazing but they said they were making her red they were they made her copper those are two different things I mean like the red family but she went copper like orange not red I saw them they can Rhianna red and it was not issued for like she looked fears and girl she worked it in front of the camera like oh my god she might win this competition just gonna say it let me know what your favorite look was down below don't forget to give this video a like it really helps mean I really appreciate it and if you're not already subscribed to me like the buttons right there and it's like super easy to press I promise you just like go and you go and it's like that's it like you're subscribed you're good to go and then like if you really want to like hit the bell button and you'll get like notifications or like when I post videos and like that'd be super cool too what if you don't want to I completely understand and today's Instagram shadow goes to Nick this is his Instagram name and this is what he looks like he says hey Brad I love your videos and I think you're really funny oh thank you right now my hair is a medium dark brown and I really want to switch it up should I go bright yellow it's my favorite color Wow right yellow huh that would be I mean girl live your extra life right you want to go bright yellow I think you could totally do it that is such a statement I think it's dope but I would really love to see your hair blue oh I think it would look so good with your eye color and your haircut I think it would look so I am amazing go for that yellow if you feel strongly about it if you have the confidence to pull off yellow then I say go for it and if you have not checked out my lid your extra life merchandise yet why it's literally the most fabulous most glamorous most extra murder to ever have been made so you need to check it out right now what was that oh where can you buy it oh well just go to live your extra life calm and you can purchase whatever you want and thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 21,295,769
Rating: 4.8735542 out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL MAKEOVERS PT. 9, cycle 24, america's next top model, bradmondonyc, insane, america's, brad, mondo, reacting, fails, hairstylist, jenna marbles, model, hair, season, top, next, americas, beauty, style, funny, haircut, cycle 16, tyra banks, fashion, makeup, entertainment, hairdresser, usa, hilarious, salon, girls, makeovers, glam, trends, mood color, waves, braiding, jeffree star, fall off, tana, bleach, awful, dramatic, gay, bangs, blonde, diy, how to, tutorial, brunette, antm
Id: PIqoC16uRHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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