Hairdresser Reacts To DIY Cap Highlights

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hi beautiful are you doing look at you look we're talking about cap highlights which is something that I frequently did when I was younger when I was about eight years old my dad would like put a cap on me pull the hair through and do highlights and I thought it was the coolest thing ever I loved it I loved everything about it and then I found out what foils were and then I moved on from cap highlights I never looked back I've also been seeing a lot of cap highlights being done by a professional hairstylist on social media lately and I'm like what is going on are we back in the cab highlight era do babies do a little bit too much for me cap I like I don't trust them all right but I'm open I'm open to new things I love trying new things I want to see what goes on today in these videos but there's cap highlights I want to see if maybe like I should go back to the cap highlight phase my life who really knows honestly anything could happen today but we're gonna watch a couple of girls do some cab highlights on their hair and see how it turns out also have a giveaway going on today it's probably the last day you can enter I'll be announcing the giveaway winner on September 22nd and if you guys would like to get a mondo makeover by me be flowing out here soon get my channel everything like that get your hair and data I'm thinking one of you to get that done and only gonna do it shook your love for my brand X mondo on social media do whatever you need to do just show your love support anything it makes you follow its motto on Instagram and that's basically it so just show your love harass me harass my brand on Instagram and Twitter spread the word about X mondo and that's all you've got to do to be entered and hashtag X mondo hashtag mondo makeovers in order to officially enter a hashtag that and whatever you end up instagramming or tweeting or whatever you decide to do hope that made sense okay correct um and if that doesn't make sense it'll all be written below for you alright let's watch some girl do some type highlights I'm scared our first video is by Brittany and and it's called polar cap highlights today I like the color she's working with I like what's going on here it's very cute all she really needs a few more highlights some face framing of highlight just a little something to brighten her up a little bit in the front and a little bit up here but what she's going on is so cute and I'm really actually into it so hopefully she doesn't screw it up but it never turns out like I would make you so blonde you would step out of that salon being like in the sunlight sunlight is me so since I am a cheap person today I'm trying something different Maryana it's the very end with one of those highlighting a pull-through cap things because I'm not fancy enough for that oil stuff because I don't know how to work shimmering light lightening cream anti brass conditioner timer ass and the powder shimmering bleaching the powder one glad we're using bleach and we're not using uncoloured because she has pre-existing color on her hair and guess what you guys guess what caller doesn't live color for this it's like a highlighting cap right this looks horrifying is it not yes oh my god I need to wear one of these out to the club but I look fierce I'm sorry but if anybody says differently I will disagree with you I would look years and a cap highlighting oh oh my god I always put on backwards then Wow good for you looking at the pictures and their directions I see you let me okay so we are brushing you got to make sure that your hair is no you and I very nicely parted and brushed underneath the cap highlight or else it really won't come out the way you wanted to I love her hair it's really pretty I mean I guess okay so this is what happens if you'd ever seen a cat pilot before you pull the hair through the holes it's so weird you pull the hair with a crocheting hook through the holes in the cap okay and let me just explain to you why this is so scary to me and if you haven't already realized why how do you know where you're pulling from on the head how do you know that you're getting the front pieces if you want the front pieces like how do you know if you're into the side pieces how do you know if you're getting what what what what you don't you don't have no idea you have no control over where the it's go I mean very little control you know you're on the side of your head when you pick out a hair on the side of your head but you don't know where that hair is you could be taking the hair from the same spot twice there's no way of knowing where you're pulling this hair from and that is why cap highlights don't really exist anymore with a missile on it's the least precise way of doing highlights and you're gonna get random highlights wherever if you're into the random highlight look go for it otherwise don't go for it I think it's will be that bad on her because she already has blonde hair so I don't think it's gonna be like tragic um but with dark hair doing this I would be like but then the bleach yes and she's bleaching her ends again even though they are arty plenty please she did not need to redo those ends with more bleed she already has light ends but done the bleach Brittney supposed to wait like 20 or 30 minutes whatever I didn't keep track of time so we're just gonna look at it I wouldn't see how it turns out and when I got scared of how light it is oh that's a little rinse it out honestly thought I bleach my hair I wait like 45 minutes in lycra it's gonna fall out soon so that's perfect let's take it off now it's getting light wash it off she's really pushing it got bomb I like that honestly though she should keep pushing it a you get later Thursday honestly when the bleach is on your hair if you want really bright white highlights when the bleach is on your hair it should look literally white before you wash off if you have any bit of yellow in there done wash it off cuz when it looks white and you rinse it off usually there is still yellow there and when it is yellow with the bleach on and you rinse it off it's like orange so just give it a few let's a lot of hair she lightened yo that's actually kind of nice that is wild why why didn't you do her front hairline and dive OOP good and I should be happy that it looks good but now I'm getting worried all you out there are gonna get some ideas it's not a good idea No a lot brighter than it was and actually looks really gives my hair some dumbass yawn again there are some spots that are like alright like cheetah print yeah so when I had the cap on and stuff like that and towards the end I had just don't develop a cream or whatever in my hand and that's great putting it all over my head because you don't pretty much I pushed the developer cream nice Brittany what I know that she did this at home maybe not would i look at it what's up what I know that she did at home yeah I mean if you go to a skilled hairdresser you're gonna get some really nice nice foils that no matter where you part it it is going to be perfectly symmetrical even perfectly placed you're gonna have a really nice piece in the front that accentuates your face your skin tone it'll make you look so stunning I'm gonna give it to Brittany today I mean she she really pulls together this is some of the best at home I think I've ever seen I don't know what else to do like you know what I mean like I don't know that's it alright our next video is bye diandra nunnery this is DIY highlights using a cat revlon frost anglo highlighting kit i have done a highlighting video before it was like my second video that I ever did yo she has dark hair she's about to use a frosting cap that sounds sketchy which I'm here for whoo this can't look sketchy as hell too I'm going to put the cap on up pull the strands of hair out and then highlight my hair I do have a want a bomb I'm scared so I don't want the highlights to go all the way to the roof like artists do typically I will just let it sit for 20 minutes and doesn't pick up the actual bleach because sometimes my hair doesn't then I go in with some heat like a blow dryer and it tends to help process the highlights a little bit better I am NOT a professional I have never gone to school for this I am just showing you how I do it at home first I am going to brush out my hair and make sure there's no not by the way if you curly hair please please don't drive it please don't try this do you think I've tried this hell to the no I haven't No mm-hmm I know cuz she has jet black I'm not really a jet black hair but like very dark brown hair putting highlights in this hair is going to be a task I don't know if she has pre-existing color in her hair or what's going on she has virgin hair we may never know but in the video it was an actual like cosmetology instructor teaching a class on how to do it so I'm gonna go buy that okay hopefully it works out for me but what she said to do as far as applying the cap said to brush the hair back yes and then apply the cap with the hair pulled back this cap shows you where the back is the crowd oh my guess that makes sense because you're like sticking the needle in and pulling from sections you don't want your hair to be parted because you're gonna keep on pulling the same section again does it look like I know now that I got my cap on I am going to start pulling my hair out so the tiniest little piece of hair like I said this is my first time doing it so that looks so hard you know those are the tiniest highlights I've ever seen in my life you gotta get more hair out than that oh my god you're gonna have like little tiny specks of highlights right yes what she's going for I don't know what she's going for man I'm just I'm just getting all that hair out now she's going really really a lot yo this looks mad stressful like I'm watching it and I'm like dude I'm stressed like I'm not even there and I'm like so this part just kind of take your time and make sure that you're getting all the hair that you want out by taking your time the results are gonna be better I want to know how she got the back of her head that's really the only thing I'm trying to figure out here if somebody can let me know I would love to know okay now we are mixing up that bleach and I'm happy it's bleach again it's not color no idea what developer it is because box size don't tell you what to belabor it is that's the sketchy part about it you don't know what tie held you can put it on your hair you are putting a one-size-fits-all bleach on your hair and that's not help leach works it is not a one-size-fits-all kind of moment nothing really is in life I don't know if you noticed that there's not many things that are one size fits all on the sides I am going to apply the bleach starting at the bottom I wasn't really expecting huh okay we're not going to the roots okay so there's one side done I don't want to go all the way to the root because I do want a Bali eyes effect so this hairstyle is coming from my job on my channel this actually might be kind of a good outcome I'm very interested to see what's gonna happen here hmm okay and she's doing the same thing on the top she is going kind of like halfway mmmm I don't know just like not on her roots she wants a kind of like a face frame so she's going a little higher in the front this is very interesting she knows what sort of what she's doing I'm just gonna let it sit for about 20 minutes okay so this is the color after about 30 minutes it does look like it took pretty well but I do want to apply some heat just to get it a little bit lighter every time I do highlight it looks lighter before I wash off the weight when I think I'm gonna wash off the bleach it's not as light as I wanted it when I say I'm gonna take a blow dryer and apply some heat I'm going to put the speed on low and let it sit for five minutes on each side don't ever blow dry bleach you're gonna actually make it process less if you blow dry it we're gonna do is just dry the bleach out and the way bleach works is when its moist it's lifting higher and the moment it dries out it stops you putting a dryer on it it's not gonna do anything what we usually do to make leach process faster and lighter is steam it that way it keeps the moisture in while heating at the same time you can also put the blow dryer on a very low dryer setting it's only delivering heat and not wind when your hair is in a foil sometimes I'll heat up a foil with a blow dryer but I will put it on the lowest blowing setting and the highest heat setting that way it's not drying out the bleach is just heating it up so doing this it's actually gonna just stop the bleach from working so and it looks like it's already dried out so that's probably all it's gonna do her hair I don't think it's in of light anymore and then and what it is right now oh oh my god it looks really pretty what the hell although she should have definitely done like just a few like underneath but what the hell it looks so good like way too good I'm upset it looks amazing it also looks so much better than it did before this is what I'm talking about when I when I say dimensional brunette this is a dimensional drew net this looks amazing I love her dark hair I love her brown hair I don't think she should ever go blonde it looks stunning on her and Wow okay I still wouldn't recommend you at home I think she got lucky and I had a good technique but it looks really good if you're gonna do at home just be careful I feel like by making this video I just told a bunch of people probably million people I think should do this at home I still don't think you should I'm just gonna say that they don't look bad all right that's all I have for you guys today don't forget to follow me on Instagram grab on omic and twitter and my brand ex mondo hair check out my new product release which is Project X my shampoo and conditioner my very first shampoo conditioner you guys have been loving it thank you for the amazing reviews cannot be happier and I love seeing all the pictures you guys pull this off your new shampoo conditioner and I'm just seeing you guys excited about it makes me so excited so thank you so much for that the websites link below if you'd like to purchase and that is all for today check out my other channel from Eric for more content and more behind the scenes of my life thank you for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I will [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 4,698,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To DIY Cap Highlights, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser, reacts, brad&eric, cap highlight, frosting cap, DIY highlights, highligh at home, balayge at home, hairdresser reacts, diy hair, how to, hair stylist, hair dresser, brad mondo, fall off, hair fail, 40 vol, gone wrong, jenna marbles, box dye, funny fails, frosting cap highlights before and after, frosting cap techniques, frosting cap tips, frosting cap and needle, frosting cap before and after
Id: dgWgu3CWJHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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