Hairdresser Reacts to People Going Brown to Bright Red

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hi beautiful how you do it listen first of all I have to thank you for being a so amazing today it was the launch of my new shampoo and conditioner my first shampoo and conditioner Project X and I want to thank you if you purchased or if you just show us support thank you so much I really appreciate it it's been incredible having X mondo having my own products night works so so damn hard on all of it to see you guys purchasing a lot is really really cool really grateful to have you guys in my life and to have you all watching and supporting and helping me live out my dream thank you it's all I really wanted to say thank you I really appreciate it if you guys haven't checked out Project X yet it is a link below its my shampoo conditioner it is fabulous all the details are on the website so if you'd like to know more about the product links below or at x1 hairy donkey if I look crazy tonight it's because I'm deathly ill I'm here and I'm taking sneeze breaks every five seconds but I'm still ready duty calls his reaction Sunday today we're watching some girls go very rightly Rihanna red when she did that thing really really really really bright red and now listen love a natural redhead love a copper girl love a girl with some ginger hair love that it's so good for them it's so good for me I love it I love it I love it however when we start going into the movie violet Reds and know right Reds and not red rad the deep deep deep deep deep reds I'm not a huge fan I don't know why that is but it I think Reds just remind me of like young people and you're using box day you know I mean it's just not my favorite we're gonna watch some girls color their hair fire-engine red today and will I like any of it I am unsure of that probably not I'm gonna try and like it at least they're changing their hair color let's watch some girl go from natural brown attempt right ready let's do it all right our first video is by de CAE and it's called dyeing my curly hair red and don't worry she used to do this all the time but I don't know this is gonna work today because I recently well not recently like last summer I try to dye my hair red again and it didn't work because I had black on top of it and then I dyed it black again well that will do I'm not gonna lie I really like this color on her like this natural brown like it's really pretty maybe some highlights would be nice or just like be a redhead thinking it's probably not a good idea better than having brown hair I guess I don't know what did I just see I like the brown then I didn't like the brown I don't know anyway I'm sick it's my excuse for everything today I don't know what's going on she is very copyrighted music I'm not trying to get demonetised here she's using hi color in shade aged 9 this seems to be the go-to for everybody doing at home red color what developer is this ain't nobody telling me I think she said 30 volume but we may never know this stuff like really really is really pigmented I mean this makes the most hair so damn ready whoa okay cover that sink girl we don't want to get them ready anywhere it gets everywhere it is violent okay mom look at mom go she is living ah mom is going in with that red she is gonna hit those roots and she's gonna get in there this is that heart of an application process because she's between Oliver color Asia says she has a black color on her hair already didn't she a Mayan curing things right I think so here's a little good pointer I think it's this once before color does not lift color you have to use light nur to lift color out of your hair if she does have pre-existing color in her ends we're all around her hair the red might not work out so well or she might get like really red roots and the ends might not take it all because other doesn't love color I am excited for her to not have you know just brown hair you know what I think there's always something better to do with your hair than have a brown I'm just gonna put it out there you can have brown hair but I think everybody needs some kind of dimension in their hair I'd just be like a solid brown color that doesn't even reflect light like most people with their natural brown colors it's very dull it's very like non reflective I think everybody needs some kind of brightness to the brown I just think it's not a good idea to have like solid brown hair and her hair is already turning a bright red and mom is a lathering of that stuff in there ouch I hope she doesn't wash your hair in a while because otherwise her scalp is gonna burn but like her curls at the red is gonna look kind of good but I still hate like fake red hair gonna hate it but it's just like a lot but let that process [Music] okay so she's just saying how long she's letting it sit on her head again very copyright music I thinks it's like when you with me I'm ready whatever that song is thank you you can tell her ends did not take she's living though she's ready for this change girl she is ready and so I I'm so I honestly thought her here we're gonna be so red and it's not at all there it is color does not lift color this is what happens when you try to color your hair with color and it's already pretty colored it just doesn't work it doesn't do anything the chemicals don't react with each other they cannot lift each other out I just very weird actually now that I think about it as you can see her roots got red and her ends stayed black she's saying that she's not exactly happy with the outcome which is very understandable I'm gonna have to narrate this a little bit because girl you're still using copyrighted music can we stop okay so she's talking about how her curls are now destroyed and she's very upset about it and I don't blame her she's been trying to hold back apparently and now they're gone again and um that's devastating but that's what happens he put probably 30 or 40 volume developer on your head when your hair is already pre color it just gets a little damaged you know a little girl we're gonna need to lighten those ends up a it's not looking too good cute okay it's cute up so she's loving her hair up and I agree I think it looks so good up you know what I'm happy she doesn't have brown hair anymore just like dark brown no highlights no nothing going on I think this red complements her a lot more and brings out her personality and I really respect the change Bravo deja I live for it I think you actually great but I also think it could have been done a lot better because those ends do not look good those dark ends are kind of a mess I think we need to go back and recolor those I would recommend maybe using 20 volume and Lightner going through lightening all those ends and then using a giant permanent violet red a two-tone the end and make it all one solid color or make the ends kind of like a lighter red I think it would look really pretty if you had that deep red on the top and then a lighter right on the bottom or even like a pink that will be so fun for you latisha I actually proved I'm surprised okay this next video is by I'm wrong okay how to dye your hair without police very easy and today I'm gonna teach her hair from light brown to red like my cousin red and you know I'm gonna but do it right you feel me you feel me right to go right so yeah it right you're right girl if I just say I'm gonna burn your hair nobody cute I'll be using the color magenta everybody uses this color hi color it's just I guess the thing to do I think I did use this on people when I was younger I guess I'm just like the most intense bright red possible 40 volume oh that is gonna make our hair is so red 40 volume with high color Oh gonna be reddish sexually please okay so they are applying some protective putting Vaseline on her parts you can put vaseline on the primer of the hairline but I would not recommend putting it on your hair because the color maybe won't go through because the Vaseline is gonna fill all those hair fibers in and not allow the color to fully penetrate the hair cuticle I would never put vaseline on somebody's hair before I color it that doesn't make sense I wouldn't really recommend vaseline on anything to be honest it's not a good hydrator you like think it's hydrating but it's really just like putting a barrier on your face and your skin and whatever you where you put it it's not actually hydrating it's actually just disgusting it's like petroleum ok we're using a cup a solo cup to mix I love that I love [Music] [Music] okay so she is going in with her head she's getting that red all over her brown hair and it's gonna go away in a few minutes we're gonna see her with the red hair kind of excited this is gonna be a big change for her I think it's going to really look good though oh yeah do you like red hair I having a red hair awakening right now oh wow that is red holy crap okay so especially with her fine hair she has thick hair but she's fine hair fibers that is going to really lift her hair if she has her natural hair color which I think she does and they're not trying to color over a pre-existing color this is going to be extremely bright red and I'm ready for it I think oh wow did you see that oh wow she is changing bad hair color and it's gonna be for the better it's almost like pink rather than the brown color she had before it was just boring come at me bro I don't give a [ __ ] I don't love solid brown hair I just don't I don't think any of her sales really does oh whoa this is refugee washed it oh my gosh she did a great precise job at coloring Oh yeah yeah because she has pre-existing color on her and probably I don't personally like when it goes light to dark because it doesn't make any sense but uh maybe dark to light would be better color the roots a little darker I don't give a little more of a natural interesting look if the top part of her hair was darker and the ends were lighter you can even go in with a darker red on top now on top of this with a little bit of a toner situation deep in the top leave the ends the way they are even it out of bed in my opinion that would look better but this is definitely a big change it's kind of fun kind of not my favorite but kind of fun at least she changed it her hair at least she took some risks he's know what life's about is so rad anyway so I'm like Brown to them right no not my favorite either lighten the ends deepen the roots make it a little more even I don't know I'm never coming out girl that grows out at each their own you know okay we have Cristina GTO going from dark brown hair to no bleach let's see what happens in color again yes Country Crock the best mix of containers they make the best mixing bowls this is gonna be wild put that $30 in that thirty million in that Cup don't ya think about in that Cup bid don't get out don't Oh Joe I can't get over how red this stuff is what do they put even that color it looks like she also has pre-existing color on her ends you can see it color doesn't lift color guys it's not lifted out we'll see though she's probably to end up with dark ends and light roots like everybody else okay like even if I don't love the change I think change is so fun that I just like can't help but like it even if like it's not my total style like still fun and the application process is good she is starting with the ends which by the way if she didn't have pre-existing color which I think she does so it doesn't really matter anyways if she had her natural hair color all the way through her hair you would serve the ends in this case because the end is processed faster the roots and if you apply the roots first you'll get what's called hot roots which is when the roots are literally like they look hot because they process too long and the ends didn't process enough so you get darker ends and letter roots um even if you're not using bleach that still happens with regular colors so when you're doing like a virgin color application is what it's called you start at the ends if they're the coldest point of the hair then the mids and then the roots which is the warmest part of the hair because you get the heat from your scalp because like as a human you have like heat coming to your body I don't know if you knew that or not but like that's video and we're lathering I need to make a t-shirt says color doesn't lather because the amount of people that try to lather color and bleach it doesn't lather it's not shampoo it's not gonna help if you go but I have red hair now yeah show us show me show me my said before okay got it got the visual Wow actually worked out so well whoa dude it that looks sick Wow this shine on her hair I see you blow out that looks so good I wish I could see her face where's your face girl if you like it better than the darker okay fine guys I like red hair I don't think it's the optimal choice but I like it better than just plain brown this is fun this is great and that is bright red honestly it's a really gorgeous deep red it has a lot of depth it looks fabulous it looks like a High Definition color I professed it's good for you okay okay they were good it was fun that was good to watch they all have pretty good outcomes I'm not gonna lie I like it better and what they had before they all look brighter funner cuter I don't know it was good for them the red hair looks nice and that is all I have for you guys today today today - a new episode of bread and Eric will be out next week on my other channel virata and eric which is linked below and linked on the end screen check out my new shampoo conditioner project eggs linked below and thinking for the support on that follow me on social media grab on NYC and my brand x mono hair on instagram and twitter that is all for today I'm gonna go rest and get over this sickness thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,808,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser, reacts, brad&eric, Hairdresser Reacts to People Going Brown to Bright Red, brown hair to red, bright red hair, best red hair color, fire engine red, violet red, how to color your hair red, hair stylist, diy hair, at home, hair fail, fall off, 40 vol, gone wrong, box dye, hi color, 40 volume, hi color loreal, hi color loreal deep auburn red, hi color loreal intense red, bright red hair on dark skin, bright red hair without bleach
Id: krPgdI5Qn_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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