Hairdresser Reacts to Ramen Noodle Perm

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what's up beautiful how you doing today oh you look stunning thank you for being here welcome back or if you're new welcome oh that was such a youtuber thing to say I hated that oh I'm not prepared for this intro but it's okay because you know what's going on I'm Brad I'm a hairdresser that's what I do I'm gonna watch a video today maybe a couple videos of girls messing up their firms firms are a difficult thing to do even if you get them professionally done sometimes they come out bad because listen it is a very very hard technique to master there's a lot of things that make up a good perm there's a lot of things we just think about there's a lot of experience you need there's a lot of a lot of things and we'll go over that today while we watch this girl today get a ramen noodle perm I was all over YouTube yesterday looking up some hair videos and came across this thumbnail and I was like oh that is either badly permed hair or somebody laid freshly cooked ramen noodles on their head and we will find out which one that is today let's watch some work of perm jobs be done yesterday our first video is by Annabel Campbell I got a curly perm before and after let's see what's going on okay so immediately we are starting off with some really really long luscious blonde hair and there is no sound this video by the way so if you're wondering what they're saying I don't know she has pre lightened hair she has bleached her hair she has definitely probably caused some damage to it we're definitely gonna want to go with an acid firm hopefully because those are much gentler with a lower pH value than an alkaline perm we definitely don't want to be using alkaline because probably fry your hair off and hopefully that doesn't happen I would be weary about harming hair that had been lightened this much it's just risky you're probably not gonna get this hair perm you won no matter if it's done right or not just because the chemicals don't like to work like that on damaged hair we my salon actually loved permis but we did like beach wave perms so like a lot of young kids came to get them it was just such a tedious process and I was like dude I don't want to do this Oh aha why are we going in with literally the smallest perm rod possible there's no way this girl came to get her hair done it was like I wanted the tightest smallest littlest tiniest waves you can possibly put in my hair I wouldn't be using rods at all honestly I'd be using these things which are like long metal rods that go in the hair and kind of form a beach wave rather than like a tight tight curl there are different rods out there for different techniques and modern curbing for younger people you're not gonna want to use rods man you're gonna want to use these things they'll so give you a lot of curl but it'll be more like this instead of like this you know so we are doing miniature sections and we are doing vertical curls which is gonna make it even extra corkscrew they're gonna be like this when you unravel them they're not gonna be like wavy they're gonna be like and this girl has a million of them in her hair she can wrap a damn rod that is not the easiest thing to do especially the hair this long but you can tell she got those things tight in there I see you that's about the only good thing going all right now listen I'm not an expert in perming but I know this ain't right I still got my much a lot tape and boy does it taste good it's good oh this I think will be the most accurate depiction of ramen noodle hair I think I will ever see in my entire life I already know how this is gonna come out but I also have interested in how she applies the rest the perming solution the neutralizer and then I want to see how she kind of styles it I still want to know how this ends up oh no I haven't seen anybody put their head forward and then put the waving solution on because if you get that stuff in your eyes you will go blind not really you will actually go blind but like it's a possibility it's very very bad it literally reforms the bonds near hair I'm not going into your eyeballs you wouldn't want that so you're not gonna want to put your head forward you're gonna want to put your head back so that way the hair stylist can drop the solution on your head and it'll all fall back instead of falling into your face and then basically with waiting solution you got to go on each strand up and down up and down everything has to be undone so even it is so meticulous and everything has to be perfectly coated and words they get very consistent waves she's going in there and she's gonna keep going and going and going until probably the solution is gone and it's pretty boring it looks like she's doing a very consistent job so we'll give her that will give her what I did do promise I was always taught to put the waving solution literally directly into the hair so like the rods here the hairs wrapped around you would literally go like aim to the hair put it in there because sometimes when the hair so thick and you wrap it on the rods there are so many layers on the rod that are wrapped around that you end up only getting the wave solution on the top surface and not actually inside of the rod so you kind of have to like inject it like a little needle I don't know she has so many damn rods in her head I don't think it's gonna matter anyways I think it's gonna penetrate the entire rod no matter what should be fine why are we rinsing her head forward that is so bad this is like perming 101 it's like to never ever get the perming solution in somebody's eyeballs and all I'm seeing is like danger I would never oh my god rinse somebody's head forward what is even the reasoning for that she has like a hairdressing stick just lean your claim I think she cuz she's trying to get like the back of her neck but like there's other ways of doing that just have the client moves her head side to side while you're rinsing it and it is a painful moment in time do you notice that how much I hate permit I will never do one again basically what happens in a perm you put the priming solution on the bonds are snapped so they're like this the hair and naturally these people's hair people usually get perms have straight hair so the bonds and the straight hair are snapped and there reformed into a wave and they blew back together with the neutralizer in this formation so they're like science man it's pretty cool after you put the new trussing solution you gotta wait I think about five minutes I've kind of forget I'm not gonna lie it's been a while 90% sure and then you get to do the reveal and oh my god in what world in what universe is this acceptable oh my this girls like and what in the hell did you just do to me what is happening here this girl is not only gonna have kind of the ugliest curls ever she is gonna have damaged hair it's gonna be dry as hell all the time and it's going to probably be very very frizzy after this now we're rinsing and the rest of the neutralizer out and this poor girl she seems like she loves it though what are we doing back there you are not supposed to brush out oh no you honestly should just take your client back there see after taking the rods out rake your fingers through reform the curl scrunch it up put some nice holding gel or something that'll give your hair hold and then just diffuse it and just try to not rough up the curl at all because your hair is still setting in place the reason why we don't brush it after we take the rods out is because if you brush it you're gonna create frizz and you can literally perm frizz into your hair the fridge will just never go away so that is what's going on here and I'm guessing that our hair is gonna be super duper ooper frizzy because she's literally brushing out ramen noodle girls right now stop brushing the hair stop never ever never ever do that don't do the hot no no no no no no no this would be good for maybe like a nine-year-old woman who like never changed her style but otherwise oh no what oh my god put a diffuser on your blow dryer put it put one on stop roughing the curl up I mean like don't even bother if you're not gonna do this properly just let it air dry the frizz is horrendous she is living her ramen noodle life and at least she's happy with thanks for watching my beaver auditory damnit man she forgot to active flavor pack but kind of feel bad but also like madam chicane now let's watch Carina arc hair perm fail do not try this at home I hope nobody tries to settle them even some of the most experienced hairdressers don't know how to do them so just find a perm again sport or some like I don't know man I'm not saying if you go to a hairdresser you're gonna get a good one because you might not this one is just hard I saw one of my co-workers perked her hair and it looked really cute on her so I'm like oh perfect I'm gonna do that at home great there is a quite a big of a chance that my hair might fall out so and just like this so nothing Corina there are different kinds of perming solutions acidic alkaline exothermic you bought a box kit I don't even know what kind of permanent solution that is you don't even know it could be anything and I would not use an alkaline perm on you because your ends aren't compromised those things look a bit dry and damaged already I would not go in there with another thing that is where I draw the line I would not do that this is like funny and all right now but like I think not I'm figuring like one it's not gonna be as much damage as I don't know maybe six months of using heat all the time in correct honestly you use the younger hair for six months it's probably better than using an alkaline perm on your already pre light and air Thanks I use these wrappers to put at the end of my hair like the curler and steam it these aren't like my hair is not gonna look like telephone cords but it's gonna be like a little bit bigger and I'm gonna use bigger sections interesting cuz the last person I think was the hairdresser and this girl is not and she actually knows a bit more about how to form they type away she's looking for because she's using rods and she's using end papers she's doing bigger sections that's probably something that I would have done this is so far actually not the worst except it's gonna get bad when she uses the alkaline priming solution on her pre light hair feel like I might just start like at the top or the crown area of the videos my hair is just like so damaged I have to be really careful in the shower when I do it I would never in a million years allow this girl to perm her hair such a bad idea even looking for the screen right now I can see just how much damage is going on in her hair and it is concerning I would not advise like never advise do this ever [Music] those things are so hard to master you gonna roll it can you twist them in the front what is the section what is that it's not like the worst I don't know fine petroleum jelly around the hairline okay I'm done so absolutely not saturate every curl for most results no I mean we have some sections going in all different directions girl there is no pattern going on here I think she just put them all in you're gonna focus on which way the rods are going directionally you play some going back up here you're gonna get more height you play something on the side going back you're gonna get nice way it's going back depending where you place them it's been any different things so that's the part you listen to to wear gloves no nothing else it says do not even do this on your hair and you're still like okay I will do it and they're like wear gloves and she's like I 100% I'm wearing gloves my entire life especially the ones from like CES probably smell like absolute crap the new ones like don't smell that bad they've done a pretty good job at like masking the odor these days you were smelling your hair for like a month later so she's also dragging her hair very far from the back forward she is going to literally perm her hair so that it is flat to her scalp in the back she's not gonna have any volume anymore the back of her hair is just so flattened out so when that perming solution goes on there it's just gonna perm our hair into an literally flat as can be formation I'm lucky if I'll get rid of two drops I'm just going to solo but I'm genuinely getting [Music] I'm gonna try to check the crew I guess you don't unwrap the entire thing oh the whole perming process is just very gentle you gotta be super super gentle with everything so if you're trying to check the curl you unravel it a tiny bit and you just push it back towards the head you see if the curl kind of bounces out and then you gently wrap back up put more solution on and let it sit this is a very very gentle process and she missed an entire piece of hair does she even rinse it before I'm happy your hair is not falling off because I'm honestly kind of surprised it's not how Glenn perms are seriously harsh that should only be done on people with a very very nice nice healthy thick hair of course the diffuser thought I wanted to use does anyone work this belligerent so we're gonna have a baby that's an 80s horribly done perm and her hair is so freakin frizzy oh those ends - they're sick I'm sure if I put some hair oil and it'll like definitely like kind of call me I acknowledge because hair oil is gonna seem to at this point [Music] just promise me if you've seen this video don't do it at home and if you could or professional please do your research when getting a perm it's a very specialty sort of thing not a lot of people do them and not a lot of people do them right it's very very difficult it takes a long time to master the art of Parma and clearly it can go very wrong and that is all for today follow me on instagram at Brad Manoa myc and Twitter I've rambled on YC follow my hair care brand ex mondo hair on instagram subscribe to my new channel Brad and Eric for more content show my new merch linked below and that is all for today thank you guys much for watching don't forget to leave extra life I'll see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,211,943
Rating: 4.9194241 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts to Ramen Noodle Perm, hairdresser reacts, brad mondo, hairdresser reacts to perms, perminant wave hair, hair stylist, diy hair, jenna marbles, how to, hair fail, at home, gone wrong, hair dresser, joana ceddia, brad mondo joana, ramen noodle perm, ramen noodle hair, hilarious, funny, at home perm, perm fail, bleach fail, color fail, haircut gone wrong, at home hair cutting, male baldness, how to color hair at home, color hair pink, blayage hair
Id: b9wuoZLqv9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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