Teaching My Brother How To Balayage Through Only An Earpiece

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Oh what is up beautiful so I'm not hallway now actually yeah it's what it looks like and there's a good reason for that because Eric is behind the door in my beauty room hi Eric Eric say hi hi and that is because we are doing a hair challenge today I think this is gonna be really interesting to see if Eric has any kind of natural hair talent which I'm not too sure about Eric what do you think you mean natural hair talent do I have any hair doubt yeah I have a lot of I mean we both grew up in a salon my father owned a salon so we'll see so basically what we're doing if you haven't already put the pieces of puzzle together I am wearing a microphone Eric is wearing an earpiece Eric can hear me through the earpiece but cannot see me and I cannot see Eric Eric is going to listen to my words to learn how to balayage paint miss many twins hair he has never in his life highlighted hair right Eric Brenda we're not doing by liège he can't even say the word nevermind do it so Eric in front him has a bunch of tools these tools are everything he's going to need to do balayage painting then tone it to rose gold and then style it Brad don't make simple like we were potentially doing a haircut no we are fully going for it Eric if we are gonna do it we are gonna do it hardcore of course so I will be teaching him only through his earpiece you will not be able to see me I will not be able to see him and this should be difficult however I think that I'm a good teacher so I think this might be fine we'll see how good Eric is at following directions though that might be where we go wrong excuse me so Eric yeah you hear me so the vibe we're going for today is a nice vibrant rose gold balayage that's what your client wants today have you met your client yet yeah what's her name miss Minnie Quinn miss Minnie Quinn oh and please put on your put on your apron it is of course hair because we cannot do hair color without having a cute apron on there we go that is on great great job miss Manny Quinn would not shake my hand but she I think she's ready to go great so Eric we are going to start off by lightening the hair with bleach so to begin we are going to section the hair out in a halo section of course I want about an inch and a half all the way around the perimeter is sectioned out and the rest clipped up in a bun an inch and a half from the perimeter of the base a messy bun right yeah like you want the perimeter all taken out and I want the perimeter to be an inch and a half wide does that make sense no what part of that is not making sense you know what a halo is like like an angel halo of course I do Brad okay it's like you're going around the head and it's in one solid strips that make sense sure are we just started but Brad I feel I feel confident in what I'm gonna do okay am I so use the end of the brush or the end of the comb I would use a comb and lay it flat on the head and go around the entire perimeter and section it out so lay flat on the head and then go just sections out the perimeter and please try I am literally trying so hard right now yo this looks easy but I don't think it is wait alright this will be easier for you just split the hair down the middle split it down the middle yeah okay hold I need to comb her out again okay I'm gonna like to pick up the pace a little bit because you know we do have like a time limit here cuz miss Manny Quinn actually said she has a date tonight okay Brad I just want to say I'm really having miss manic Quinn has no nervous system because I don't think she'd be very happy with me right now no no this is also just an easy way to paint for beginners because there's not a lot of sectioning involved and it's a very easy way to paint if you're just learning how to paint mr. mondo yeah is this gonna look like highlights yes okay so what balayage refers to is not how the hair looks it's a technique on how to highlight hair so it's like a free-form way of highlighting where you're just looking evaluating and freehand painting the hair does that make sense yes okay it goes up and down right it goes up and down I don't know if that means okay I think I think I answer my question okay so now what I do is put some gloves on kind of visualize this in my head what I would do okay cool of zoran now I'm gonna open up the powder bleach powder bleach yeah I should call Lightner I shouldn't probably just like an ugly word my cosmetology teacher would be very mad if they called it bleach so Lightner Eric it's always called Lightner I do have the powder Lightner Lightner it's prettier than just seven levels of lift how many scoops we can do too what happens if I do more than two you might die are these heaping scoops these are large scoops okay I 2 scoops check 2 scoops now let's open any 30 volume developer the 30 volume developer check yes okay so we have that we're gonna now mix 30 volume in we're gonna eyeball this we're not are we supposed to I ball it if your eyeballs are over there that is right these are gonna be my eyeball open that structions my eyeball again pour enough in so it looks kind of even with the powder but make it look a little bit less than that okay those are the greatest directions I've ever given in my life I think and just whisk it together whisk it together okay so you want it kind of like a little bit more liquidy than toothpaste like it's like uh kind of like Cool Whip okay okay is it thick I would say it's kind of gelatinous we're gonna go with that hopefully let's grab a brush of your liking I wouldn't prefer something with a nice tapered edge something maybe medium-sized there's a few different brushes there whatever it feels natural to you I'm gonna use the one that's on black and small on the top and it has a really pointy end that one's more for like foil highlighting but if that's what feels bad no I'm gonna use the blue one going so you're gonna grab the right side which rights just pick a side okay grasping section you have a brush in one hand that is correct Oh God in my tribe visual okay this is so hard put the brush down put a bit put it in the bowl okay it's the ball we've read boss yeah quick question what it's mostly please going in the roots or is it going on the non room I won't show you okay okay so grab a comb got it and comb that section out you got it yes put your hand up whichever hand you feel like holds the hair naturally there and do like a scissor with your hand oh my god I just did that before even set it oh my god but I did it with the other hand though okay go okay so now you're gonna comb with one hand and scissor with the other one down the hair okay and then hold it taut and then we once your gets the end with the comb put the comb back on the table and everything I'm doing just to make sure I said work and then we are scissoring so it is nice and like your taut taut so now you're gonna start towards where your fingers are at the end of your hair at the end of the hair yeah oh yeah I'm stroking upwards you're stroking stroking very light strokes upwards I'm downwards okay oh God so now you're gonna start painting but you're gonna keep stroking okay if you stroke one more time this is gonna come out so crazy are you going it's going well okay you're stroking right yes stop you're stroking it oh my kids I'm saying it yeah so you're kind of starting near your fingers and you're going upwards oh wait a minute I asked that you said go downwards okay so it's a downward stroke but you're going upwards at the same time it's an upward downward yes like you are going towards the root you're just not stroking towards the root right I'm sure we want to do this yes okay so would you say the surface is lightning is Lightner on it that would be a yes does the entire thing of Lightner just the surface the surface great now you're ready to finish the ends off because you did the the rest of the hair shaft right okay I kind of lied when you asked me I did finish the ends already okay so the whole piece is done yes and you let it go yeah I let it go I feel like I didn't give you that direction you're not very good at following directions there yeah it's just it was taking a long time my fingers were hurting okay so the whole piece is done the ends are nice and saturated right I would say the ends are saturated you can always lay the hair on the back of your hand at the bottom and then take the paint brush and gently stroke the ends once to get that last glob of paint on the end there's nothing worse than having like a dark piece at the end okay I think it's good so now that's our first piece Eric now you're gonna skip an inch in between and go on to the next section so you're going around the head towards the front yeah skip an inch grab 2 inches of hair and start painting again okay there's only looking an inch left if I skip an inch okay well whatever you do we want to make sure that the last piece you do on that side is in the very front of her hair okay I can do that because we want a very impactful highlight piece in the front okay are we ready I'm gonna I'm gonna explain to you exactly what I'm doing okay great so what I am doing is I am scissoring the hair with my with my now I'm using my thumb with my fork my index finger okay I have combed through the hair so it is very nice and taut and now what I'm going to do is take my brush full of bleach and I'm going to do upward strokes starting at the bottom of the head downward strokes going upward you got it I'm where the strokes going upwards yup great you sound very confident and now now I'm going to the bottom of the hair and making sure this plugged on it is it taking you a long time to pan you're just doing like two strokes and done no that was it I just did it Wow okay seem very confident how do you feel um so I feel like I think I know what I'm doing but I don't really know okay and so the ends you just did the end yes the ends I would say have been stroke okay and it's not bleeding through the other side I would say that's actually a no mr. Monda great so now we're in the last section on that side right I would say that was the last section Rick I just told you last section needs to be the fries that was the front no like the last section she's a small head doesn't she I I thought it was like just two sections no we need like at least three probably on each half of the head on each subsection III it supposed to be like bleach blank bleach blank bleach okay what's going on with the front hairline though it is currently up in the messy bun right I knew something sounded off but the halo Reverend Eric it it's not a literal halo oh sorry I haven't I haven't seen any pictures of angels lately have you it also Brad like I said the halo sits about two inches off the top of the head so this reference sucks anyway okay so now arc your last piece it's gonna be what we call the money piece the money piece right after done blow drying this is where every girl looks first it's kind of like it's where the where it parts in the middle right yes we're at parts we're gonna make the money piece about an inch wide but I would say mine is about an inch wide okay this one's will be a little different because we want it to be very bright in the route down you're gonna take the bleach this time you're gonna start up in the kind of the middle of the hair okay and you're gonna want to add a lot of bleach and then once you start getting to the root maybe add a little more bleach to the brush and then feather it like slightly to the to the to the root to the very skin that makes sense yes and I'm going all the way the root right all the way to the root but you're feathering it to the very root I would say I'm done with this section that make sense er can you repeat that please listen Brad it's hard to hear and do things okay just listen for a second it could be you want this front piece to be kind of bright in the roof but not too too bright I would say that piece is done you want to literally take the rest of the hair Eric and literally put so much bleach on there that it's like fully saturated everybody eyes yeah both sides yeah all right yeah changed there and now take your saran wrap oh god I knew this was coming be very gentle with the saran wrap it's a little annoying mannequins by gonna suffocate probably definitely she is completely dead okay good okay she is cleft and she's in okay so now that you have your first entire subsection done you're now gonna hustle through I'm feeling pretty good about it okay so now you're gonna do the same thing on the other side um how are you doing miss Manny Quinn how much hair do you have left after all all this halo section is done it's like a good amount all right so what I'm doing is I am getting a good portion of bleach on the brush like so I'm starting in the rear of the head downward strokes going upward oh look at you okay okay I know it sounds good ride don't know if that's actually the case I'm so excited to see what this looks like I'm feeling kind of good for you I thank you for the confidence Brad here I come manikin feeling really really strongly about this okay perfect all right now I think I'm at the money piece now you move fast hey I got a lot of clients due today I have a blow dry at 2:30 no no you don't blow dry here at color red I have a correction in three Manny Quinn died about three hours ago she died from the inhalation of bleach and her nostrils and then she died because I so much hate there with the Sirhan rap Eric have you checked on the other side how its processing absolutely not okay well why don't you just take a little peek when you're done with that all right I'm so in the money piece though I'm really dabbing it on there okay you know what the saran wrap is doing is keeping the heat in keeping the heat in correct but it's not gonna produce as much heat as safe oils so if you really want a massive amount of lightning you're gonna want to use foils instead but we use saran wrap in order to keep the heat in and keep our sections clean so back of the other sections so the back of the other sections don't mix in with other sections of bleach so if everything stays nice and organized and clean that makes sense yeah okay she's really like wrapped up like a Christmas present we do have some lightning occurring has a look nice go I would say it's like a like a 6n do you really know what that is no - let me go work faster because what's gonna happen is one sensing a process faster than the other so now let all the other sections down cool done your aim is to have six total highlights Brad I just need to take a moment to say that you make this look a lot easier than it is IRL I know it's not easy it's really should not recommend trying in-home or even with a hairdresser in your ear so just FYI starting about in the middle of the section and painting all the way to the top don't go all the way at the top no and I'm not going all the way to the top oh yeah I would say that section is done Brad okay this is not gonna come out the right way why because it looks like there's like three really strong strokes of bleach oh yeah I know it's must be like that okay yeah yeah I might look a little stripy just cuz you you've never done this before can I go on my own okay I'm going to the side first and there we go saran wrap the whole head and one way to Walmart Eric exactly I am working hard over here from Andy Quinn listen if this doesn't tip me I'm so over here next time okay so wait you rented both sides yeah wow you're pretty faster I mean I have a lot of things to do to that lightning going they peek under the hood Oh Manny Quinn you're gonna love this we now every and wrap it yes so ran wrap everything you can do one giant piece if you'd like hey whoa that was literally perfect she did it yeah I'm actually feeling really confident whoo now how much hair do you have up there I would say like a handful you give me some square footage square inches like a 5x5 okay that's kind of lot so now pull all that hair up basically into a ponytail in your hand the pony so now I take the back of the tail comb you're gonna go across like a slice of bread so imagine there being so our do explain imagine it being divided into three sections right Roy Roy and you want to go horizontally as if she had shoulders like I wanted her to go horizontally in the shoulder no let it all down again is it all laying flat yeah okay you want to take three pieces of a pie okay and you want to start in the back so you want that to be your biggest pie piece yeah all right why is it it is a vegan apple pie can it be like a pumpkin pie no and now you can start painting again but just do not go up to the root all the way don't go to the roof I would say this is this is really well done well and you're still holding a brush crackling yeah okay just visualize this so whatever you're painting right now is gonna be light and the goal is to make it all come from the front of her hair and go a little bit deeper in the back does it kind of have like a V slant going back yeah though okay great okay now do the same thing on the other side and this is your last section obviously can I do some designs on the top No make sure the back doesn't go higher up though than the front or pieces right we would make sure the back isn't higher up with the lightener then the sides you did okay it's not okay Craig okay now you cover the rest of it with saran wrap and then we're gonna let that process until it is sort of a yellowy blonde okay there is no question about it that she is now dead I actually forget which side of her face is the front okay miss mani Cranham we are gonna waste 35 minutes and we'll check your highlights and then we'll see if we can rinse it okay miss mannequin we're gonna weigh you 30 minutes and then we're gonna check your highlights and then we'll see if we can rinse it can I get you anything here coffee tea or coffee [Music] and it's manic when you look so beautiful and how do you feel about your work so far I feel really good about it I would say that the money pieces are absolutely money I'm really excited to see it me too okay so now you're gonna take the rose gold overtone in front of you and you're just gonna take the cap off and you're gonna work right out of the bottle okay yeah so what this is is a toner so it's not gonna lift the hair it just gonna deposit tone on top of the already pre lightened blonde hair you just did with the lightener aka the bleach okay so I just dip into the overtone but Oh Eric yeah um do you think everybody watching has subscribed to our new channel I don't know but I think that they should I think not and I think you should get on that I think they should link below our first episode is already out our second episode is coming out okay good yes okay anyway alright continue explaining I'm gonna put the gloves on why you're explaining okay so you're gonna just you know get it on every light and piece of hair there's really no point in putting it on the dark parts because it's not gonna do anything it's such a light color do I need to section it yeah I would section out like the bottom part first so just like put your finger through it and like section out into three alright I'm going to begin to put the overtone rose gold onto the hair sections I'm just going to saturate the blonde pieces can I use my hands yeah and just push it in with your hands like get really deep in there don't be gentle with it get it really in there I'm really making sure it's in there I'm liberally applying the overtone rose gold to the blond pieces again very thankful that my client here has a very high tolerance of for pain and then just make sure your motion in art push it in there okay get it on every hair strand section that's complete and this section I'm gonna do next it takes the overtone and put it on the top making sure I get it on all the different parts are you done yet I'm getting impatient all right I would say it's pretty heavily saturated I'm gonna rub it in like a head massage all right so let's rinse it off in 20 throw some glitterati stylings here a minute solo dry it and then I'm finally gonna see what the outcome is I'm really confident okay amazing it's all finished you're done no wait I'm not but it's blow-dried yeah I mean like have a chance to fly on it cuz she's running late for a date but does the blow-dry look good oh it's a it's a little frizzy but like it's there alright put some effort into it wow do you think I know how to blow-dry hair all right I'm gonna come see it alright come in okay I'm scared it's like really good we let me examine just don't look like too far in the back Eric this like is it bad okay for me teaching you without even like being here I would say that this is actually quite nice like I could see a person actually going out wearing this look at your money money piece I mean it's mad chunky but it's kind of cool it's kind of cute right like in look wait see see up here but blending yeah but that consistency are you proud of it so proud what do you feel like you excelled on what do you think you so I think I really really went for the money pieces they're definitely very like visible yeah on the head but honestly I think it's kind of fun yeah it's kind of fun it kind of makes me back to like the 90s a little bit you know I think I was pretty good with like the consistency to you know like I didn't really like like if I was going in I was going in okay I'm not seeing a lot of bleeding or anything do you like doing hair no I swear guys I did not look once and I did not help her I did not look once I came in and watch the footage though and see what you actually did okay I will say I point to improvement my sectioning was all over the place this looks great I brought you some nice blending here but like the blending you did in the back like you gave her like almost an all around like nice look at the eye and hair color I know let me see that ends dude they're lightened through you don't have any bleeding in here and honestly how easy was that technique not easy for the first half I'm not gonna lie I wasn't doing the technique great way what would you give me for grade for the task at hand and for all the obstacles you overcame I don't have to keep you hey I'm really satisfied with this for not even like getting help in person and only listening to me it's really impressive alright well that was fun you know what really did it what the glitterati the glitter glitterati really did it I play Mary well guys that's all for today thank you for watching thanks for being you of course thanks for instructing me make sure you guys follow Eric on Instagram and Eric mondo underscore makes you follow me see makes you follow our new YouTube channel of Brad and Eric will be linked below and also linked the end screen so you can wait for that to happen it's really fun Channel about the behind the scenes of our lives yeah chuckling shop the new March below I mean so cute and don't forget to look for extra life and I will eat [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,461,165
Rating: 4.969954 out of 5
Keywords: Teaching My Brother How To Balayage Through An Earpiece, brad & eric, brad and eric, hairdresser reacts, blindfold, challenge, hair challenge, hair, funny, long hair, natural hair, beauty, style, bleach hair, balayge hair, learn to do hair, cosmetology, learning to do hair color, highlight at home, twins, brothers, fun, comedy, 40 vol, bleach, pink hair, blue hair
Id: uwVyte1ShFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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