Hairdresser Reacts To TikToks Addressed To Me

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hi beautiful what's going on today we're watching some tick tocks i had someone on my team look up my name and find some videos that were addressed to me or have me involved in it in some way or another and the best part about tick tocks that have anything to do with me is that they either go extremely well like they're coloring their hair and it comes out beautifully and they want me to see it or the complete opposite where it comes out so horribly bad that i literally gasp so i'm sure we're going to see some of those today yeah i'll be doing some stuff to your hair let's see what we have in store for today i'm sure we're going to hear a lot of i'm sorry brad mondo oh god every time i hear that audio it's just so annoying it's a lie it's like a lot of brads let's watch some tick tocks let's do it [Music] i guess we'll start at the top this first video is by william tyler of course the caption is sorry brad mondo please tag him so he can see his colors in action oh so he's using x mondo that's fun of course the first video i click on is the one that is going to say sorry brad mondo 500 times i'm sure let's let's watch it it's not okay i'm pissed already sorry brad mondo okay so we're lightening his hair first just to start he already has a bunch of colors going on i'm so curious what they're about to do and what x model color they're going to use and i'm really intrigued and really excited sorry brad bondo he looks damn good as a blonde i'm really into this look right now whatever is going on in the screen right now sorry i'm a little distracted let's get back to where we're watching sorry brad mondo oh that looks scary so far he's hopefully not trying to go blonde and i actually know that he's not going to go blonde because i don't have a blonde color out right now so if he's using my color he's going some kind of bright color so this is fine my hair color will go over this sorry red bondo next step thank you for purchasing all those colors that's very sweet sorry brad mondo i'm sorry brad mondo oh yeah this is gonna be sick i'm sorry brad mundo i'm sorry brad oh okay so i haven't seen yet here's my first reaction to it but sorry brad mondo oh my god so good that is so bright actually to be honest whoa anymore brad mondo thanks for the color you're welcome by the way my friend did this so all the credit to her his hair looks so healthy so bright i know i've had rainbow hair recently and it's faded out now but um this definitely made me want rainbow hair again you did such a good job your friend did oh my god 10 out of 10. that was an exciting video to start with besides the i'm sorry brad mondo thing i'm very intrigued right now what else we have in store today okay the next one i saw this one literally today but i'm gonna watch it again for you guys because it was awesome this is by irregular thinking and this is called how did i do brad mondo it says i've been growing my hair for three years but needed a change oh yeah she really just took those scissors out and just started chopping away and i was so happy for her when i saw this video i was like yes get rid of that dead i love a good bob i think she should take it even shorter though and then she went orange on top of it just completely redid her whole look yo that hair color is vibrant i feel like it brings out her personality i feel like the long pink hair was cute it was a moment but i just feel like the orange suits are more is it just me i really enjoy what she did there besides the haircut the haircut was definitely scary to watch uh because she had literally no sections going on her hair was dry and um she just started cutting really she got lucky i guess probably in real life it doesn't look as great with the haircut you know come on i'm sorry girl but i'm gonna call you out for that one but congratulations that was a stunning transformation and i applaud you and your question was how did you do i say you did fabulously next tick tock is by lauren page and this is called this was a journey part two we'll have the reveal okay at brad mondo let's see what she does i decided i am over my one and i decided to switch it up and go silver okay i'm over her blonde too like i i don't i don't even know her but i feel like she would look good in a lot of things and why not switch it up you guys know me i love a change i say it all the time so i feel like i'm gonna like this adding the developer okay we're doing a permanent color moment not totally necessary at least she's not putting in 30 volume developer for no reason i'm doing but i know you're supposed to section bran mundo to say that i am doing a fantastic job sectioning you're doing a fantastic job sectioning yes thank you for doing that you sectioning queens i see you baby girl hello bride monday if you're watching this we're currently mixing two colors because i ran out of the original color that i had and and if my hair messes up i may need you to help me so really sorry brad monday oh no that is the worst case scenario like running out of color in the middle of doing color is like just really not great that's happened to me before it's not fun nope not at all i need to like come up with a different formula that sort of goes with the last one and try to make it all work and you know it's like putting a puzzle together and it's like i don't want to put a puzzle together if i want to put a puzzle together i would have a puzzle so far it's looking really dark i hope she doesn't turn out with something that she doesn't want so my friend went back to sally's to get another color that would be close to it okay dusty violet was like a a silvery grape right and she got a purplish color and this chrome color to kind of mix to make the same thing and the people at sally's were like oh yeah that's gonna look great and now i'm straight up gonna look like mel from the descendants this purple i still feel like it's gonna look great it doesn't look like a weird purple it looks more like steel like a steel purple rather than like a dusty purple it looks pretty dark i'm gonna be honest with you it looks damn dark so another update i don't need your help red mondo ah she said you're cut i don't need your help brad because i look hella good yes you do you did a great job that looks amazing like what lauren keep that color that's stunning for the most part you did it pretty right it looked quite even as well so again i applaud you up next this video is by emily ward and it says lord help me hashtag mondo and already her hair looks destroyed putting some of this in my hair anyway oh my god i fell asleep with bleach in my hair no for two hours ah this is not okay the tips of my hair are clear this is not the first time i've heard somebody falling asleep with bleach in their hair how are you guys falling asleep with bleach in your hair you must be mad tired get some rest because that's concerning i was girl oh my god you got it you gotta cut it all off um now did you say a trim i don't think so i think it needs to be like literally cut off like bye starts to literally stretch and then cut it there so the whole thing is stretching this part right here like wait for it oh stop pulling on it this is the finished product we chopped it and it's like this lilac purple color i think this was a blessing in disguise i don't know if it was a blessing in disguise i think you destroyed your hair at least you could save some of it at least it dried honestly because hair that damage usually does not dry i'm not happy about what i just saw let's not push it that far again you're really destroyed this tick tock is by machine gun kayla uh this is called my mental health is crashing but at least i look cool impulsive decision time brad mondo if you see this just trust the process okay i'm definitely gonna try and trust the process i'm not easily very trusting so this will be hard for me we got bleach going on okay and we have our hair right now the process is not trusting me or you it's fried and frizzy yeah all right at least this color is really dark it's going to go over that yellow i'm sure which is probably going to turn it into more of a turquoise which thank god because that would have been so yellow if she tried to keep it blonde i'm 100 sure there have been spotting all over the place and it would have been completely pure yellow and we're rinsing oh shoot whoa i was not expecting it to look this good yes yes and yes you look incredible you should never not have that hair color you own that color i've never seen anybody look better i don't even look that good in blue i mean the process looked a little risky a little shaky but you definitely got the finished result i would have liked the canvas to be a little more even next time maybe take your time i don't i didn't really see the process but just make sure you're you're sectioning you're taking your time you're making sure everything processes at the same amount of time making sure you're not rinsing off the lighter before it turns nice and bright and pale yellow because otherwise it's just not going to be cute but great job oh okay this one i have seen this is by jenny nicole and get ready for this this is crazy i followed brad mondo's tutorial on how to cut your own hair okay i'm happy we're straightening the hair would have been better to just wet it you don't need to straighten it you can just wet it you don't need to add damage to everything okay and now we are putting the elastics in seemingly incorrectly i don't know i i didn't see what she did before this but you're supposed to have the ties behind you not in front of you that was a big thing when i made that video you have to keep the ties behind you now she's chopping away and i again am nervous for her but i'm glad she's getting rid of all that damage she's also cutting way below the elastics like why did you cut this much below one elastic and then this much below the other elastic of course it's not going to turn out even what the hell happened see see why do you think it turned out uneven do better we're going to trim it up and the back is still going to look crazy but at least the front will look fine i guess and now we're bleaching the roots okay we're using a little manic panic green ho lee i forgot about how it looked when she was done every time i see this i'm like it's so bright i love lime green or like neon green oh my god it's like one of the most beautiful colors but let's just talk about this before and after if she needed that i could see her confidence boosted at the end i could see her endorphins flowing at the end this is exactly what she needed i think the process she did was great i think her hair looks healthy the cut looks so much better i like it short a lot a lot better than before awesome job i love to see it i like stick talk oh my god the screen what it's on right now is giving me a panic attack nothing scares me more than when people get brushes stuck on their hair and nothing scares me more than when i get a brush stuck in somebody's hair like i've never done to this extent i've never like had to cut somebody's hair out but i've had times where i'm blow-drying hair and i'm like the panic sets in like it has happened to every single hairdresser out there i know it has and you just start dripping like one little sweat going down your face just running down you're like oh my god because you don't want the client to panic so you have to pretend it's not happening and like distract them somehow but it's really hard to like distract while you're sweating while you're panicking and while you're trying to get a brush out of their hair oh my god i've had clients where they're like super mean and obsessed with their hair and then i've got a brush stuck and i'm like and i'm like it's gonna be fine they get stuck easily okay this tick tock is by yes janelle daniels time to upload this horrible moment for 10 people to see um brad mondo any thoughts uh you have 600 thousand likes so i think more than 10 people saw anywhere it can't i get it you need to do you hold the hand okay let me keep holding it oh she's not crying oh you ready oh no oh these are just like really intense layers now don't i already have layers might as well keep it going girl i think it's gonna be more than intense layers i think it's gonna be a whole thing chopped on the top of your head it's gonna look a little wild okay also though i'm kind of pissed because you guys could get this out you're gonna wet it down pull like a deep conditioner in there let it sit let it loosen up those hair fibers and then you just start pulling strand by strand takes a little bit of time but you could have got this out of your hair without cutting it don't get it cut back i can't believe just gotta cut it down here you always pull it dad i can't believe this is happening to me at least it's like the fringe part of her hair is she crying just take it out the suspense is killing me you ready no you're not even cutting my hair i was okay just do what you must oh my god it's so bad oh my oh shut up they just cut it all off thank god this girl has a sense of humor because anybody else would have been like crying [Music] oh it's her mom doing it i look like a boy right now oh my god i have a mullet next time you guys you need to work on taking it out instead of cutting it out it's never the answer i mean it is the answer if you want to get it out really quickly that should be like the last last resort thank god you don't care that was tragic to see you it made me upset it was scary it's gonna be my nightmares tonight this tick tock is by hilary alvarez and this is captioned i always have fun with these says hi here we go again oh god with real scissors love that curtain bangs ah yes oh and she's following my tutorial oh round of applause for brad mondo so she's following the how to cut a shag tutorial and the how to cut your own curtain bangs one oh a shag with some curtain bangs that's my absolute favorite okay section she's doing good i love the way she's cutting with the correct fingers and doing a very precise cut it looks very nice and i love her hair color already oh this is the hard part can you do it right can you do it right that over direction can really trip people up ah it looks perfect i mean you could have over directed a little bit more so you get more of that you know sweeping moment we're taking the hair to the top of the head and chopping it off and now we're giving layers around the face oh i love it oh my god and she's doing pink on one side and orange on the other one of my favorite combinations of colors ever i can't wait to see this haircut oh my god can we talk about how incredible you look the haircut and the hair color combo it's like damn you didn't have to do it that good that looks sick absolutely you did a 10 out of 10 an amazing job i'm happy you follow my tutorials and you did it very well amazing job i wish everybody followed the tutorials that well sometimes it can get a little bit crazy that was a journey it had ups and it had downs but some amazing hair transformations and i'm so happy for you guys besides that girl that burned her hair off i still feel bad for you are you okay let me know if you need anything if you guys like to follow me or my hair care brands these are our social handles also you can check out x-mondo hair and ex-moto color linked right down below that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,108,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To TikToks Addressed To Me, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, tiktok, compilation, tiktok hair fail compilation, hairdresser reacts, hair fail, at home, hair stylist, fall off, brad mondo, diy hair, box dye, brad mondo Tiktok compilation, tiktok hair, hair dresser, gone wrong, funny fails, hair fails, hair cut, 30 vol, bleaching hair at home, brad mondo reacts, natural hair, how to cut your own hair, bleaching hair, diy haircut, Hair color
Id: wItAehytrCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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