Keemstar's Obsession With Alinity Is Dangerous

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this is our final part of the podcast and as you know I like to talk about my my friend my helper my best friend oh yes stars now here's what I like to do with keemstar some people are tired of me talking about him some people not good enough and Dan just and doesn't like me but you're not you're certainly not alone in that I mean I've talked about him a lot I'm big I mean whatever we should talk about this that you're about to bring up obviously you could really nitpick Kim sir on a daily basis with the amount of dumb [ __ ] or hurtful toxic [ __ ] he does but but then there's stuff that he does that like I feel like he should really be held accountable for and I think with Kim stars that nobody wants to talk about him because it's just not worth getting into it with keemstar here's the enviable position that we find ourselves in is that keemstar has blocked us all on Twitter a desperation he has nothing left to say he has nothing left on earth he is Chewbacca what is that everything he preemptively blocked the podcast whenever tweets him by the way yeah never interact so and so so much and so like frankly I totally understand other youtubers not wanting to bring up game start because dude he'll just literally go on a show and lie about you and [ __ ] ruin you so so that's a force to be reckoned with right so here I want to talk about what he did recently we touched briefly on this in our last episode a twitch streamer named reckful tragically passed on and whenever something like this happens can we just make a real quick reference because we talked about it last week and none of us had realized a fan pointed out in the comments that we actually had like a weird little brush with him several years ago where he was doing an IRL stream while he was visiting bar Lona Spain and ran into your parents so remember that I really had a bad cast we'll remember we watched it on the show that's him yeah I had no idea was him I told her mayor happening and I remember even commenting like Oh that he was so nice and sweet like he was so respectful nice to me yeah yeah I learned that after we know it was a really cool moment that totally didn't forgot that that was him so so he he tragically took his own life and whenever this happens in the community it's caused for a lot of reflection and thought people were on Twitter saying you know let's we need to all be nicer to each other we need to all be more considerate of mental illness we need to be more on like which we have to be careful about the toxicity amount the amount of toxicity in these communities because it really hurts people right well keemstar immediately immediately starts attacking illinit ii who said that she was suicidal on her stream and he was like here so here's the clip she's reacting to wreck fulls passing of now--all entity if you don't know yeah we should just do a little bit of illinit he's got until she gets home she has a bad rap okay a long time ago she like DMC aid one of Felix videos and so she got she got a ton of [ __ ] from Felix and his fans and then she also like was drunk on stream one I and let her cat have a lick of vodka and the cat freaked out and then another time she like I I don't even want to really criticize her for this one but people gave her a [ __ ] for throwing her cat and to me I watched that video it didn't really seem like a big deal she had the cat eye when was mild that one was yeah I mean cats are super nimble and anyway it wasn't really like she wasn't really it a mean throat was more like you know one of these and cats she looked she obviously loves her animals so that's not really in question but she gets a bad reputation and a lot of people dislike her on twitch but but to me what I noticed when the whole dog thing was happening and doc was trending number one together with him awanen t was trending and it's like that immediately just looked wrong to me like the level of the volume of people that were talking about her when she actually had nothing to do with it well just gives you a glimpse to what she gets the angle was that Oh doc gets banned before alehna t right they don't even know what even knows happened to doc right so it's kind of a weird no one even knows what happened to him and whatever happened when heard that blamed twitch then if you have a problem with their decision so keeps wisent twitch trending and why are you talking not talking about them you're talking about that person yeah totally I mean Kim started kind of started this rumor that she sleeps with twitch staff members and that's why she gets preferential treatment there's no evidence there's a horrible lie to say about her yeah and it really if chauvinistic yeah it's totally chauvinistic and it totally just it totally plays into this kind of you know this whole narrative that because there's this there's a strong amount of hate I think the females in general get on twitch because I think a lot of guys should be like you've got your titties out and you got all these subs and viewers and you're taking viewers away from real good streamers or whatever because I think that's just the culture of toys right so Kim starts playing into this by making this this fake story that she's sleeping with twitch staff which she's repeatedly said there's no evidence and it's just not true now so I think what you said is a really good point the fact that she was immediately trending with doctors district because anytime anyone gets punished on twitch it's always like illinit Eden yes but this happened and it's like she really is she gets when I saw that I was like dude you guys need to [ __ ] leave this this poor girl alone at this point it doesn't I don't see here a person that like hasn't changed is mistreating the cat every time there one stream or you know nothing that will deserve the amount of hate that she's getting right now she also did this happen recently I told everyone where she actually showed her tit okay and people were like Elle banner like she was dancing and she lifted up her over shirt and her take him out like for a second totally accidental but like new de su clue stick strictly prohibited so it was like bad lady she [ __ ] had you got a bad as she showed her tit and I think they did suspend her or something I don't remember but people hate her guts and mistake yeah was a mistake but only I mean twitch is pretty hardcore about even accidental nudity so they suspended her it did suspend it for that I don't know I'm not I'm not really into that like I'm not into the whole thing too much either I'm just saying from him from my point of view watching it from the side I can tell very clearly that there was something wrong happening here towards her right there right that's right and so anyway she she in response to what's going on with with what happened to reckful made a video speaking up about you know basically her the amount of harassment she has continued to get for years listen I I just want to talk to you guys about something and I think like I promised to myself throughout everything that's happened that I would never appear weak then I would always stay strong and not throw people how much their words hurt me but I can't do that anymore because you guys need to know that this [ __ ] you guys do and the [ __ ] you guys say really affects people okay like you guys have no idea how many times I wanted to kill myself how many times I've spent my entire night trying to figure out how I was gonna in my life and I just want you guys to know I just want you guys to know that it's really serious that you guys can't just like send hordes of hate towards somebody without it having an effect on a person okay I might be able to cope with it or I might just be really weak and not be able to go through with the things that I wanted to do in the past but sometimes I feel like I would rather be in jail then have to deal with so many people saying so many mean things okay I think in her case it's just like then it's like it's okay to make a mistake hang it criticized but it's like people do not ever let it go and as someone who's gotten as much [ __ ] as anybody on the internet I can say there were times when it felt like there's no other explanation for the amount of and the intensity of the hate that I'm getting other than the fact I feel like they want me to die they want me to kill myself now I was never suicidal but like it's like but like it just feels so bad and I and I really felt like they want me can kill myself there's no explanation for this relentless mm-hmm this relent just it is just relentless so she's getting it bad and really bad so anyway keemstar sees this now this is this is when everybody is like kumbaya right and everyone's like you know what let's take a step back let's think about what we're doing now keemstar sees this video and his immediate response is to start calling her a liar that she's fake crying here let me redo his tweets this is immediately dude right after the sky committed suicide he says doctor disrespect trending with alehna t hmm dear and then of course he tags her because that's that's his thing he needs to harass them directly biggie he truly gets satisfaction from knowing that he's tormenting her he knows that she's not in a position to battle him she says dear Linna d are you the reason doctor disrespect his band asking for a friend what that is just so mean-spirited and that's it there is no reason for that tweet other than to just ruin her day and especially to tag her right there isn't like even and there is no excuse it's just evil keemstar says oh you know what ninja and a Linda T got into a fight on Twitter apparently and they all felt bad and erased their tweets and apologized to each other which I thought was cool keemstar responded today a ninja said I kept looking back at the tweet and saying I wouldn't have sent that if I wasn't a little tilted I apologize and anytime you're all entity and then Kim's service pond said why she threw her cat and fed it vodka and the reason why people still bring it up is because we love pets she was never punished by twitch because of those two things you can't let it go look when you have a list of like dude 1000 the totality of [ __ ] none is in [ __ ] measurable way what has she done throw her cat and fed it vodka like dude those are forgivable things that is really not as easy as I apologize for it already dude you [ __ ] falsely accused Tony of being a pedophile twice and still have never for the second time I mean you are a piece of [ __ ] bro Oh was it garbage garbage yeah so then if we go back let's see he says someone said after a streamer was bullied by the community to the point where he killed himself do you not think that then less than a day later you could stop for a while with the constant abuse thrown around yes she was never punished because they investigated it someone said and he responded quote tweeted it and said do you think it's any coincidence that illinit he started crying on stream about being bullied yesterday uh yeah maybe she was upset like like that is writing that it's almost like the perfect timing right after a tragedy some may say straight-up manipulation excuse me sounds like you're telling us how your brain is thinking she's just so you know sorry this is how people with emotions react to someone killing themselves dude the fact she's crying about being bullying the day after somebody killed themselves and she and she if she's not allowed to cry unless she's manipulating people how about you just shut the [ __ ] up for one day bro and by the way this tweet has 10,000 likes so like yes isn't just him screaming her to avoid he's stirring up a lot of [ __ ] for her when she's trying to move past this right he's he's seen the video and he's anything I'm not gonna let you move passes I'm gonna do everything my power she said I've been suicidal and keemstar was response to that is I'm gonna do everything my power essentially like I'm reading between the lines here and I'm not sure even if Kim stars this like conscious of what he's doing but what he's doing is saying I want you to I want to push you more towards that well even if he is not understanding that he's doing that that is well he's doing she says I've been suicidal from the harassment and keeps her said I'm on I want I want to keep pushing you towards that that's the app I don't know what his motivation is but that's his what his action is doing right is a sports so I mean what the [ __ ] do I mean this guy is my this is my point about him start his day he's dangerous I just and this is I have her by the way all the [ __ ] he caught and the whole dialogue around oetiker right I felt for the longest time for the longest time I used to just just try to stay out of it because following him and the drama that is in it's endless it's every week there is someone else is always in a fight with someone there was always something going on you can't even follow it without going crazy but I feel like I'm at the point where I've changed my mind and I feel like there's a responsibility on everyone to call it out when he's doing this stuff because yes Arica happened no one is saying keemstar killed Erica but he was involved in the in a really really bad situation he was involved in it mhm and now reckful died in a really bad situation and everyone is I I feel like I can't just sit and just watch him do this to people yeah I just can't and I don't care what a limited did okay so she did two bad things to her cat that are really like it's a mistake she moved on she apologized she can grow up and not do it again like let's put it in perspective totally I kind of I have like a massive disappointment with the community to be honest because nobody will touch this but it's actually so [ __ ] up and dangerous what he's doing yeah like nobody will touch this nobody will [ __ ] touch this you know everybody when I made a video about Kim start every commentary channel was so quick and fast to make a video about how I can't believe Ethan called out G fuel but when Kim starts pushing a Linna DS when he's pushing a person who said she's been suicidal and he's continuing to harass her in response to that nobody is willing to speak up about that I just I find the whole thing just disturbing frankly he goes on he keeps swinging about he says twitch community reminds me of a cult I don't really think of any of these individual people have individual thoughts or opinions because he was getting [ __ ] for what he was saying about validity they just kind of seemed like a robots that all follow follow follow the same people bullying a linearly now want to bully anyone that don't forgive her oh so you're not one of them people bullying a Lindy right I'm so shocked the keemstar sees a group of people as not human and having no emotions right he says I've lost so much respect for these streamers very low IQ people anyway so Elena Dee responds and really in just kind of the most sincere way possible oh I can't look at it because she made her tweets of private because she's getting harassed so much that's crazy she made her Twitter private yeah I gotta go to my own Twitter cuz we follow each other that's crazy the church [ __ ] is private good I wonder wonder who closed that oh yeah how did you pull it up well cuz I'm logged into my Twitter so she just quote tweeted his tweet about him saying that she's fake crying and she said please [ __ ] stop I can't do this anymore and a lot of people rallied behind her a lot of support or tweet got fifty seven thousand nights two thousand retweets and a lot of people were were showing support you know and he of course he didn't even erase the tweets there's no uh you know he didn't apologize he didn't really back down at all his response was that everybody's low IQ she actually even DMD me people started asking me questions about how to deal with keemstar yeah I'm like dude don't you understand there's no [ __ ] way to deal with keemstar she's like how do I get him to stop to leave me alone she said how do I get him to leave me alone this happened just a few days ago I asked her I asked her if I could share the contents of this conversation she said yes but I was like look ultimately that's how that's like starting last day there isn't really any legal thing you can do and and and I mean I was like you can make a video and defend yourself that's ultimately what I had to do but then she goes like I can't I just I don't have the energy I don't have I think that I don't have the will to yeah to take on that battle and then that's what we were for a long time too until we decided to make those videos I had to they put me in a corner I couldn't yeah like the amount of [ __ ] and [ __ ] lies and [ __ ] that was being said about me I literally was like fight fight or die and he put me in that corner and so and so she she doesn't feel that she's up to me like challenging him and I don't blame her at all I mean it's a it's a [ __ ] show she just wants to be left alone so I told her honestly I really don't have a good solution for you you either just got to address it or ignore it cuz there's really no there really nothing else you can say or do oh and then there's this other thing that came stars been doing so he was sending pictures of horses to me to make long ELA for a long time until until we called him out for it so much like he stopped I think also no one care doctors well he never blocked heal until recently right but well the responses were so confused people were just like what are you even on about even his followers yeah he just looked like he was insane well he's so there's this guy star killer on YouTube who is a supporter of ours he made a video defending me on go canarios the like you know years ago when it first happened and so like he's known to be a fan of ours and he doesn't like keemstar but he's a very small Channel he had he has at the time like 1500 followers on Twitter and keep star goes out of his way this account with 1500 followers and he starts tweeting pictures of the wicked witch directly to him presumably to make fun of the way his wife looks now the reason he's bringing up the wicked witch thing is because you Starkiller told me that when they were on stream his wife joked that she looked like a witch that day before and so he starts tweeting pictures of witches it's a star killer an account with 1500 once again to start making fun of his wife's appearance now clearly has a prop an issue with women's problem with women I found the fact that he went after her so disturbing because I'm in my mind I was like at least like when he goes after me I've also talked [ __ ] about him and I'm also like more involved in the topic though why you're going after this guy's wife what do you find it weird to like he attacks you and her you're both too objectively beautiful women to try to call ugly yes she's very beautiful it's so stupid so anyway he continues to do it for like I mean he did it for days dude he did it for like a week straight and then you want to know how petty he is he would you would send a tweet of the witch to him and then immediately block him so he couldn't respond and then the next day he would unblock him send the picture of the witch and then block him immediately so he couldn't respond this guy is spending this much time to harass a dude with 1,500 followers for whose crime was simply being a fan of ours not just that I mean he's criticized scamster too here's a picture of the Wicked Witch again now he starts tweeting pictures of Alice in Wonderland the witch munchkins people are like dude you're like [ __ ] five to just get super weird so ela decided to clap the [ __ ] back and dunk on this [ __ ] and I think the King sir really does embody the true definition of a [ __ ] as ela points out she says do you want to know what a [ __ ] be being keemstar with 2.8 million followers I his mock is tweeting at Starkiller with 1,500 followers t to mock his wife's looks see comparing her to a which h haha got two likes first we got to [ __ ] lies I took the King star approach I dedicated to him I learned it from what he was doing to star Kayla I unblocked him I tweeted at him and then I blocked him again and then in return he blocked me blocked you within like 2 seconds 2 seconds seconds and that was great I loved it oh this was funny someone pictures just showed a picture of keemstar with Jeffrey Epstein you look is this real I was like hold on let me report it and find out afterwards yeah so ela dunked on keemstar never apologize never anything just started blocking people again it's just the guy is I mean look dude this is why I keep talking about him that that [ __ ] is all just like stupid petty crap but the stuff about Elena Diaz is deeply disturbing I mean there's every week something disturbing like just a week ago he was making really awful comments about someone's sexual assault story on Twitter and this the girl that she made like one of those long tweets and he basically he was talking about it in a tweet without saying her name as if that matters like I found it in two seconds that basically he's super upset because if the girl doesn't say no then how am I supposed to know that I'm insulting her this is a point because she froze in the moment in her story she didn't she didn't explicitly say no but she in her story she was kneeling there crying I if I recall our story is long - and he it's the one that he said that he didn't read the whole thing he stopped because he was like oh she the whole story has a lot more to it she doesn't say at the end look at this guy right with me let's cancel him he's her friend it's a little more complicated than that she never said he raped her him sir goes if she's crying while I'm having sex with her that's not no those are tears of joy yeah tears are generally you should pause and see what's up if you see - I don't know I I would be crying if keemstar was having sex with me I'd find a way to live my body anyway anyway keep star as a dangerous man I don't I think he is a toxic he is an in questionable stain on this community and he will continue to be a dangerous stain he's incapable of changing and it's only a matter of time before he does something so horribly inconceivable like that we'll all wonder why we allowed it to go on for so long that's that's mass my opinion and I think he's a ticking time bomb it's just a matter of time before another Tony another Etica another whatever this this this happens we all go oh it is Kim stores for cars because it is a pattern of events [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 464,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, alinity, keemstar, drama alert, dramaalert, twitch, dr disrespect, reckful, banned, reaction, cries, crying, on stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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