Dems Panic About Biden But Do Nothing | Clooney Wants A New Nominee | Lindell Wants To Run Elections

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welcome one and all in here out there Mr and M America and all the ships at Sea to The Late Show show I'm your host Steven colar ladies and gentlemen you know it is I don't think I'm telling any stories nobody knows here it's an anxious time for a lot of people including President Biden but you know what he's hanging tough he's Resolute he's staying on Mission yesterday the president hosted a high stakes NATO Summit and going into it the question on everyone's mind was you know they say Biden has good days and bad days and yesterday was a very good day because he nailed the speech here he is reconfirming our commitment to Nato with gusto again and again at critical moments we chose Unity over disunion progress over Retreat Freedom over tyranny hope over fear here at this Summit we gathered to Proclaim NATO is ready and able to secure that Vision today and well into the future yeah that's the Joe I know that's the man come on and here's the thing here's the thing let's hold the election right now okay any loose paper near you is officially a ballot or just grab a hunk a birch bark and sign your name slip it through the window of the closest elementary school or just anything near a bake sale Legally Legally they have to take it now to educate the public about the importance of of yesterday's event the administration hired a social media influencer to film a promotional video for the NATO summit though the influencer later admitted that he initially thought he was being recruited for a shark NATO project shark NATO do other people think that NATO is part of shark NATO boy cuz that would certainly explain Trump's hostility to Nato NATO no thanks is full of flying sharks every time every time I would choose electrocution electrocution despite the president's strong performance yesterday many in his party are still worried that he's not up for the job reportedly behind the scenes Democrat are panicking about Biden but doing nothing that explains the public safety posters in the Congressional breakroom if you see something no you didn't so most Democrats I think this is true most Democrats even those with serious doubts are falling in line for now while reportedly they're hoping Biden makes another major public misstep Mr President thank you for touring my District's new banana peel and mop bucket Factory now just for safety sake wear these roller skates and hold those 10 banana cream pies but until something changes many Democrats are speaking up by saying nothing do you support keeping Biden as your nomy no com do you support keeping Biden at the top of the ticket do you support keeping Biden at the top of the ticket no com do you think that Biden just stays your nominee I love that time nice of him to say but it's rarely the answer you want to hear to a serious question Helen do you take John to be your lawfully wetted husband I like that tie really love that tie is that your tux unlike some of his colleagues South Carolina representative James curn is all in was there more people saying Biden should step down or more people saying should step we riding with Biden we riding with B that we riding with bid we riding with bid your conversation vice president how there we Riders yeah man that's it that's how you do it we're riding with Biden now granted you got that that's loyalty right there now granted riding with Biden is catchy but if it's all going to be based on Rhymes maybe prepare us for Harris or jump in the car with clob buar or take a closer looker at Senator Corey Booker here's the thing here's the thing maybe Biden can't win or maybe he's the only one who can win I don't know what the right answer is and I'm not alone because here's what one democratic rep had to say coming out of yesterday's closed door meeting you all on the same page no what do you mean you're not on the same page they not even in the same book wow that's pretty rough well uh could I recommend a new book oh the Places for Joe is he mentally fit can he serve a whole term can he beat RFK with his brain full of worm just ask him just ask him the man loves to talk as long as you ask him before 8:00 whatever while Congressional Democrats are conflicted we got a clear message today from our nation's most powerful Democratic leader George Clooney George wrote A New York Times opad titled I love Joe Biden but we need a new nominee adding we also need a money guy a safe cracker an acrobat and Brad pits it's the plot of oceans 24 amal's busy with human rights stuff and I got bored I watched that now Joe if he does step aside we we have a clue of how that might go down thanks to a new poll showing vice president kamla Harris is running ahead of trump at 42% to 41% yeah oh yeah I like the sound I like the sound of that she could beat she could beat Trump running on Biden's record and on all the stuff she did as vice president which we will definitely learn about eventually well I think I think it's presiding over the Senate and cutting the ribbon at the opening of any new Jamba Juice but Harris isn't the only one beating Trump in that because Hillary Clinton leads Trump 43 to 41 Hillary Clinton oh my God what year is it how old am I Hillary Clinton polling ahead of trump and is this is this true I'm being told we're going live to chapaqua for a reaction from secretary Clinton she still got it all now Trump's clearly aware of this polling of of the options that he might face because last night at a rally he took aim at Harris laughing Cala L A FF i n apostrophe laughing laughing Cala does he think he's at a nickname spelling be I'm telling you meatball Ron that's meatball Emmy t-ball I'm sorry could I could I hear the word in the form of a sandwich please Trump also proposed a new presidential contest I'm also officially challenging Cricket Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here it will be among the most watched sporting events in history now listen picking a president via a sports contest might sound strange but it's not unprecedented remember in '92 when Clinton Gore ticket won the presidency with synchronized swimming but it's possible a little Clips hey hey whoa watch you can't do it anymore Trump also looked back to his time in office and revealed the depth of his knowledge about NATO on his first day I went I didn't even know what the hell NATO was too much before but it didn't take me long to figure it out like about 2 minutes that certainly inspires confidence It's Like a Surgeon saying uh to be honest Mr Hendrick before this morning I didn't really know what the hell the heart even was but you know what I watched a YouTube video and figured it out in like 2 minutes so what do you say you go sleepy by and uh I scoop out the squishy pumpy thing can I get a melon baller nurse can I have a melon baller or a grapefruit spoon we don't we don't yet know who Trump's VP I didn't announce since I came out here right no announcement we don't know who Trump's VP is but there's one person who's already looking for a gig in the second Trump presidency it's my pillow CEO and hypnotist trying to convince his ex to let him see the kids Mike Lindell yesterday Lindell one on a podcast and asked Trump to put him in charge of American elections in charge he's the biggest election denier of all time that's like making E coli the manager of the salad bar here's the thing I can tell why it may not be I think it's I think it's right here it may not be it may it might be he just needs the cash from an extra job because he's still the target of a one .3 billion defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion voting systems Mr Trump [Music] Please Mr Trump no no no quiet don't shout me down Mr Trump please put me in charge of America's elections or at the fry station at Wendy's I owe a lot of money to some really bad ombres you wouldn't turn on me would you pillow oh God H pill possessed by the ghost of Hugo [Laughter] [Applause] shavez we got a great show for you tonight my guests are Michigan governor jeton Whitmer and Martha Stewart will we come back Trump's not so secret plan to destroy the Govern stick around [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Views: 105,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Show, Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Steven Colbert, Colbert, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, late night, talk show, comedian, comedy, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny video, funny videos, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: T1ENoksbktk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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