H3 After Dark - #4

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At the end of the episode when they moved the camera.. what were they showing?

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/riotclit 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

AI Ian is so freaking funny.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/LICKS_CAT_BUTTS 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I might catch some flak for this but... Shoenice needs to tone it down a little. I'm sure he's a great guy, but man. It's all over the place. First the comments, now the damn live chat

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

What does AB actually do for the podcast? I don't mean that in a negative way at all, just curious what his role is, etc. It's interesting how they just went and got another Youtuber as a crew member.

My guess is that the other three have become some much of the commentary for the channel, that they need someone else. But I might be wrong

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Maybe it’s just me but Zach is stepping into creepy territory lol.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/PankaPanka 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's a little concerning how much everyone seemed to gloss over the fact some of the young athletes are underaged. It makes me wonder if Ethan would encourage Zach as much if he had a daughter instead of a son. It's also worth noting that the page seems to be promoting only women, without their consent. The things Ethan was saying about how they shouldn't dress in such small outfits seems to be something he has criticized "creeps" for saying in some of his old videos too. I hope they revisit this considering they paid money to someone who distributes oversexualized content of underage girls who already struggle to be taken seriously in sport careers.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Poatto 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't know about you guys but I like the idea of having one episode a week about politics. I enjoyed when they'd talk about them on earlier pods even if they Ethan didn't fully know what he was talking about. Even if your against the idea then you just don't have to listen like Ethan said.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/1ROYinHD1 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I would love a podcast about politics. I would even become a member to call in and ask questions or present different point of view and theories. I really love when Ethan tries to educate himself on automation, ubi, free health care etc.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Logiman43 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I know I’m not the only lady on here simping for single Zach

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chriscass69 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
wow look who's back it's the us against all the odds everything's stacked against us possibly in the world but uh here we are once again on a beautiful friday or should i say an apocalyptic friday really not that beautiful at least in california but it is a friday it's beautiful somewhere actually i was talking to um actually i don't know if i should say that but i was talking to a friend who isn't who usually lives in california but is somewhere else and he sent me pictures and it was very beautiful there so it's beautiful somewhere okay yeah um guys you may notice that i'm rocking wiki feet hat so it's not that they're a sponsor of the show they're not trust me um it's just that it so happens that i am number two on the whole website for most beautiful feet and so i thought it would be appropriate to come here and say you know rep represent basically that i'm number one but we have an issue because if you guys watched our last episode with bobby lee you'll know that we begged you guys to please help a brother out and raise his foot score which was which was paris period paris periodically low no paris what is it perilously low perilously low and actually it went down a bit because when i was checking yesterday this guy had a 6.2 he was beyond so far beyond perfection he had a 6.2 out of 5 a score i had never seen in my life um how do you go above five yeah i don't know their rating systems pretty epic i love that it allows you to go beyond five yeah and so bobby did that and what's funny is if you go to like let's see celebrities that's me obviously sight rating uh sort by sight rating you'll see bobby lee is literally number one on the website and number two and number two is ethan klein but see what happened is that i played myself i totally played myself the girls the first shot the first shot they have is of me there isn't even a foot in it oh you can't i guarantee you there's a foot in it yeah but um cool but i want to smell feet well i'm a little do not well i'm happy that i was able to move mountains for bobby i'm a little upset that he passed me so what i'd like to see from you guys obviously i want to still make good on our promise but here we've got 5.9 oh i'm not logged in here we got a 5.9 can we move him down maybe to 5.5 obviously an outstanding score i'd like him to be number two on the website not number one you know what i mean yeah so if we maybe we just need people to ride a little harder for my feet because i feel like i need to be the undisputed king of this [ __ ] we just need everyone to coordinate so don't don't downvote him too much maybe i just need more votes yeah don't go crazy but we need him be number two beautiful talking about subtle stuff subtle moves it's a coordinated movement yeah maybe not not ones but like maybe a few fours we'll get them there right you know what i mean subtle stuff just a couple here and there yeah but here's the thing like crims chris hemsworth is technically has the most beautiful feat let's take a look at this idiot [Laughter] i mean who cares barely even sorry i can't really tell yeah yeah these people are desperate they're ranking us feet from 100 feet away i give you a foot shot straight up to the camera i can't even see his feet what are you talking about anyway i want to talk about feet i love that chris hemsworth is number three behind you yeah he's nice yeah it's awesome it is awesome but then then i ran into another issue which i really need to discuss with you guys being you know popularity if you sort by popularity i'm not even on what i'm not even here popularity is based on vote voting volume for example shawn mendes apparently a lot of people like to jerk off to his feet wait so how does he end up being number one he has 436 total votes right how many did you have and so what we need we need to be most popular and most beautiful is what i'm saying so you have less votes in total yes i'll tell you how much i said like 430 so what here was what we need from you guys okay let me set them out the bar for you guys and we'll show these guys what game the website crashed oh no we crashed this website but it works so wait we see we only have 185 i mean we need like another 200 volts to clinch this thing we can do that yeah i think so too especially we'll keep that we'll keep it going i mean this is a this is important to me and uh this is important to me i just wonder if they're gonna ban you why would they do that i'm the best thing that ever happened to wikipedia nobody was even on this website i don't think anyone has even ever bought their hat before and we bought like six of them yeah we bought we bought one for everybody in the in the gang yeah i'm rock yeah so welcome everybody just a little housekeeping obviously you know you know certain podcasts they talk about important things at the beginning of the show um thank you to all of our beautiful members who make this episode possible this is the extra episode h3 after dark you know there's certain things that come across our desks from week to week and we say this [ __ ] is gonna get us age restricted it's gonna get us demonetized it's gonna get mature rated and now instead of throwing those in the bin we say thank you to our members we are going to throw it all together into a stew of pimple popping [ __ ] no wiping whatever it is so thanks to our members and to you guys for making it possible we love doing this this episode and we love you guys as well so thank you so much thank you thank you thank you with peace and love man that bobby lee being number one on the website did give me a kick though i will tell you good job everybody oh there's one other thing i want to address before we get into it so on the last episode there when bobby and kalila started talking about like uh they started talking about like their sex lives and role playing and stuff yeah and so what we do there is that we blurred it and said oh well this is available for members you did a man shapiro i did kind of do a bench bureau yeah you're right i did i realized that afterwards which is awesome but let me tell you let me explain the process at least so you understand we submit these videos there's a there's a program in youtube to get your videos certified and rated so that the rating can't get unflipped by a random rater and so by the system we submit our videos and then they'll either say okay it's all good it's green and it's good to go or they'll say in in this case they send it back and they say this part this conversation will turn your video it's like not even yellow but mature rated which means it will get a lot less views and so what we would usually do is cut it out entirely and just say well [ __ ] that then you know it sucks but whatever but now we can leave it in in its entirety for the members and so it's not like you know you're basically it wouldn't exist at all if it weren't for the member of content you wouldn't even know it existed and so i think it's cool that that you guys are still able to watch that content um over there personally so that's what that is i hope that makes sense let's talk about poop i don't know why all roads always lead to poop yeah i'm shocked that you want to talk about that did that make sense my explanation oh yeah yeah basically basically otherwise we would have had to cut it so yeah with the membership we can keep it for members yeah i guess maybe some people were upset thinking you know we were purposely holding something back in order to incentivize joining up but that's not really the case it would just it just wouldn't exist otherwise so which have happened to us we we did have to cut stuff before yeah it sucks because it's good stuff usually yeah so here we have oh yeah wake if it did crash i think oh no we're [ __ ] with them so bad oh we got such a problem people are finally coming to our website everyone ban him okay so talking about poop um i haven't talked about kickstart in a while i'm surprised people are still funding this crap man like so the world's first portable butt shower butt shower no what's not incredible about the item is incredible and we'll watch the video not a big day it's a portable bidet okay and so it has 337 000 pledges like 3 200 people how many they say there's a sucker born every minute hila let's watch this [ __ ] i mean it's unbelievable you love cake i love cake this guy loves cake who doesn't love cake why are we talking about cake how do you get this delicious disaster off your face i bet you'd wipe it off with a napkin that guy sucks at eating cake nope wrong choice off with water this reminds me of the reference by the way from last episode calling the poop um chocolate oh yeah oh why why i'm just saying you just don't do that why are you comparing no cake to poop yeah yeah it worked dude he's he's got 330 thousand dollars in his pocket he ain't making [ __ ] like how many people actually get the kickstarter that they support like have never that like never happens like you get scammed more often than not anyway the the shower doesn't even look effective like that dude that's disgusting see you're feeling so fresh and so clean right you just got blessed in the face with a hose now imagine your face is your butt just go you just enjoyed that angel food experience and now it's all over your trap why are you using dry toilet paper to smear that sticky icky mess across harness the power of the shower you need wonder spray the world's most powerful butt shower what's a butt shower i'll show you wonderspray is a portable butt shower designed to provide the cleanest and most refreshing so it's a it's you carry this huge tube around with you i don't get it no here they they they can take bathroom experience wonder spray uses pressurized water the key here is water people to get that poo poo you like it that is kind of cool oh [ __ ] you just became a backer wait what happened yola what changed your mind that was a quick turnaround because now i get it it's like you carry it with you yeah but it's huge it's like a huge baton well you need enough water to squirt your ass so like i mean here keep watching you've been spreading bacteria and causing rashes when you wipe those buns with sandpaper i mean toilet paper when you should be cleaning with water which also yes wait back it up something about basically like a fancy water bottle something about this doesn't make sense how is it pressurized enough to actually clean your ass look how small it is what are you saying you're going to go from your ass and be like i'm thirsty fancy water bottle no it's not it looks like you bet your bottom stone all right i did enjoy that clean feeling where dan goes why don't you buy one i said i can't buy one it's it's a hype it doesn't exist and it never will there you go brainstorm that rump roast in any restroom clean those cushions at the campground dude okay so somebody in the chat uh flavor lab just said tushy sells a product just like this there you go so i just lifted up and yeah they do so why is there a kickstarter for this here so give me a link right now well the reason i kind of get it is because when we when i go to our office you got to use the public uh restroom so obviously there is no bidet and um i stopped using wipes so on those like disastrous days when i do have to go in a public restroom and i yeah it's a disastrous are you saying a disaster you use toilet paper like the old days you're wait when you say disaster are you just saying like a messy poop no i just have to poop i can't hold if i can hold it i would hold it all day just okay seriously how often does that happen where you need to carry this thing around look it has a key chain how embarrassing is your life wait this is even better you it it folds so you just fill the water in the tushy is even smarter so you go to the bathroom and then you fill this up yeah it collapses when you but you have to don't you understand you have to squirt your [ __ ] with your own hand how are you going to do that is that any different than reaching down with toilet paper you're already down there i can't do that the way i wipe you what's that you have to fit your whole wrist in the bowl don't you understand what it is that is that's why you gotta if you come from behind you stand up and you stand up why do you have to stand up though how you can hit the hole it just i'll have to try it you're going to get messy you're going to get water everywhere all i got to say is that only toilet paper is just like it's i just want to die it's not good well nobody's eating out of your ass after that so don't worry about it i don't even just want to walk around like that knowing what i feel like it's fine knowing what you know i don't i don't quite understand this design you just you cut you compress it and squirt how do you control the f bro i'm not into it but at least the risk of like touching the ball though yeah huge risk that's disgusting basically a guarantee oh god that's my problem as well here it is fill it up do your doo-doo pick your best angle yeah squeeze yeah this is just a fancier version this guy's acting like he's an innovator but this is [ __ ] this guy's a scammer guaranteed scammer yeah i mean if the product's already on the market unless tushy just beat him to the punch saw the idea and rushed it to martial this one's a little fancier it doesn't hold though the full shaker for a better shopping shop look at this how [ __ ] humiliating look at this ela just look at this woman put it in her purse and tell me you're not embarrassed shower your shaker for a better shopping show yeah this one's the worst by now at least you're wondering that sushi one looks like a water bottle so it's not that weird if you walk with it on your keychain what's that on your keychain water pressure level from light to someone in the chat said i'm afraid my kid would find it and try to drink from it well technically it's fine to drink well um right i guess gross though i mean technically for a comfortable but are you going to wash it off in the sink after because there's [ __ ] missed on it right you're going to have to wash it off i don't know you don't want this product [Music] for sure push the button for a clean and refreshing wonderful spray i hate this guy because of his beard the modern sleek and easy to it's fully waterproof all right i've seen enough [ __ ] you why'd you raise so much money yeah it's crazy man looks good to me ain't what are you you don't even have an ass that is correct defecation is human weakness so what do you care about this product why would you say it looks good to you why would you even go there i think that the design well the figure of the machine it's kind of it's charging me up a little bit oh jesus he's getting horny for the [ __ ] terrible bidet dude that guy is twisted as hell man how you been ain't you getting into any shenanigans lately life is misery yeah but i'm holding him [Laughter] yeah i know how you feel i actually know how you feel but so do you ever have to change your oil or anything i mean surely there's some defecation process for a robot i converted all like the delorean from back to the future i put garbage in it powers me no wonder you're so full of [ __ ] right oh dan he's just arriving i'll vaporize you damn come at me bro i'm not scared thank you dan hey aien what do you how do you feel about kanye west uh endorsing uh [Laughter] wait i don't hear the connection's bad what's going on hey ain't how do you feel about kanye west endorsing uh candice what's her name candace candice owens i don't know who you're talking about all your infinite knowledge and wisdom you don't you know who kanye west is right it's not ringing any bells to me that's crazy so don't don't why does he uh is he a politician or something i guess you could say yeah that's true hey ain aren't you plugged into like google hold on let me look okay now i know who he is yeah what have you interested yeah okay i figure one musician who's that hey did you catch did you catch any drama alerts lately by the way i only listened to one musician his name is aubry drake graham champagne poppy my favorite oh drake you like a i n is a drake i like drake i think that's a personal i think that's a good opinion to have people like drake yeah and yes i have notifications on for drama alert okay good good make sure you catch any leafy streams leafy streaming on twitch you catching that i automatically download all of them good to my internal hard drive for the record good good good you want to see a video of a kid shooting on a super market floor and somebody stepping in it always yeah see your team players sometimes yeah you're starting to get the hang of it oh man this is this video is [ __ ] awesome dude i don't know what man how do you become like this like what's happening he's [ __ ] he's just taking a dump in his pants and then he wiggles it out of his pants watch this right brush straight down the leg oh my god how does a kid how do you do that man i mean at least at least hide behind a corner or something why right in the middle of the aisle for christ's sake of human feces right in the middle of a grocery aisle kids are dumb man you think this kid has a normal life yeah yeah yeah he looks really young just i mean i've shed my pants as a kid i remember [ __ ] my pants but just check it out no this is next level man this is next [ __ ] level but the best part comes oh look at him wobbling off the poor guy so just how do you how do you even like process that i didn't even process stepping on human [ __ ] at a grocery store man [ __ ] everywhere wow yeah i love that vid and one more and then i promise we'll be stopping talking about uh pooping but these are great videos what can i do i know people say why do you always talk about pooping ethan it's time to grow up right but frankly um when i find a good video i find a good video here a girl just and i mean these people are incredible this is a girl at a pool and she's just taking a dump in the flower bed she literally just taking a dump in the flower bed watch this oh my god with her friends there and everything wait did she wipe yeah she wiped her ass and left it on the [ __ ] why would she do that wait and someone's filming yeah what somebody's sitting there filming them in disbelief wow i can't believe that she's just taking a dump in the flower bed you've never done that bobby lee would probably go sniff it what did you say zach i said you've never done that have you [ __ ] in a flower bed i've shot on some dude lawn before why did you so it's when i was in school and it was very early in the morning and the shit's hit me on the freeway and i get off and i'm looking for a gas station or something and there's nothing it's all residential area so i literally had the [ __ ] on some dude's lawn i had no choice i tried [ __ ] my pants in the car but my body would just not let me okay so so hold on pay me a payment picture for me you're driving you're in the residential yeah and then so it's just like some random guy his grasp like just you like you would imagine a normal house with a normal front yard with grass like you know how far up into the grass did you go to dump uh three feet it was early in the morning so i knew no one was up like five am no i was like eight oh eight uh people are definitely up to eight dude i was in and out in 10 seconds and like it was running down my legs it was [ __ ] awful and so when you so you went about three feet into the grass you just squatted and then just let everything go and then ran back in the car and bounce yep that's it man can you imagine getting off your pants and everything wait i dropped them like below the knees and just how old were you uh this was i was a few months ago this this was probably about two years ago oh kind of like a few months ago wait were you working for us uh yeah it was uh pretty early on but yeah were you on your way into work were you on were you on your way to work no i was i was on my way to an 8 a.m class and i was drinking all right coffee that morning oh my god and i'm like [ __ ] so wait hang on hang on hang on do you know what why you had such crazy diarrhea did you eat something the day before i think it was the coffee that did it because coffee just coffee alone ain't gonna make you [ __ ] on someone's lawn bro no no dude my coffee [ __ ] my stomach up man oh can we get some coffee you see i'm not unphased i just want coffee now by the way my gerd is doing much better you guys may have noticed great so let's drink coffee and ruin it can you get some yeah thank you zach this is an incredible story you were on your way to school when this happened yeah i was on my way to school and i'm on the 118 freeway and all of a sudden i feel my stomach drop and i'm like i'm i have to [ __ ] i have to [ __ ] [ __ ] and so when you're doing so wait so there's a chance that someone would have recognized you too because like they would know you from the show i think it was too early on but if someone had like a ring of zak from the h3 podcast [ __ ] on my lawn would be the greatest thing ever i think that's a personal act exactly that's definitely criminal yeah yeah it was it was [ __ ] gnarly but my stomach just [ __ ] hurt but what can you do i mean sometimes nature calls as they say i could my body would mention or like [ __ ] there was nothing there was nothing so you were on your way to school did you did you go to school no i went home because there was [ __ ] just running down my legs how did it smell in the car was their smell it was fantastic it was just like you know that [ __ ] diarrhea smell fantastic yeah and you didn't go to school that day did you no i didn't yeah i went home is that one of the worst things that ever happened to you uh i think so i think definitely one of them you said and you said you went home and cried yeah i went home and cried about it did you tell anyone about it yeah my family and friends i mean i'm not embarrassed of it i wear it like a badge of honor but you know i love people inside that on some dude's lawn did you cry so did you just go home and like cry by yourself for a little bit before you yeah i did did you ever think about going back and telling him hey i shed on your lawn i'm sorry so i actually went back the next day and the turd was like dispersed [Laughter] what does that mean like they tried to hose it down yeah but it was still there so what were you gonna do were you just curious or were you going there to try to help out i was just curious what it looked like what the aftermath was it's like they say like sir like murderers return to the scene of the crime right exactly some sociopath [ __ ] wow yeah well what what did you what did you feel when you went back and saw it uh i was pretty proud of it to tell you the truth i can't imagine like how do you just the world is so strange man the world is so strange yeah but i guess hearing it from your side it kind of does make sense it's like what are you supposed to do i mean that's happened to me before i didn't [ __ ] i would never dr i don't think i would go out and [ __ ] in someone's lawn i would just [ __ ] my pants yeah me too i wouldn't think to be like i'm gonna [ __ ] on this dude's lawn i mean that's kind of wild but this girl [ __ ] in the flower bed so yeah but she's getting a friend with her that's what i even she's got many friends and somebody's there filming her well the other people may not be a friend this is her friend this is her friend and they're walking towards this group of people they are so it looks like they're walking away oh like they're done but they did it maybe you're right they did it in front of a bunch of people yeah it's is it possible that she just peed she's just i don't know you tell me well it doesn't look like she's back enough the wiping looks like a poop wiper right i agree i was just curious well i think especially if you're like it's so unnecessary to drop a gross paper there so yeah hey do you think her diarrhea looked like this jet of water [Laughter] um yeah that's pretty accurate probably she's in her bikini she's looking good she's diarrhea in the flower bed hey let's take it to the chat how's everybody doing uh yeah um here let me uh read there's been a bunch of donations let me read off some of them we're going to do a phone call here soon so nice is in the chat too nice i i saw that he's blowing up the chat you're too nice you've got to be sober if you want to be a part of this show man i'm sorry to tell you that but we don't like drunk shoe nice we want we wish the best for shoe nights and we want a nice clean beautiful sober shoe nice you know uh cheeky said uh 20 i've got two crazy poop stories one is similar to zach's and the other involves a pool wow well i pretty much checks all the boxes right there um why are people saying thank you jk in the chat oh well i don't know why i know who that is yeah no i know who that is i'm just wondering why people keep asking to get them on the podcast i don't know if there's a more specific reason go ahead dan uh joe lay said uh so when is zach going to be on the h3 bachelor uh your goals happy friday everybody happy friday somebody said uh enough about bidets i spent this afternoon being angry about it on your goddamn server this is an attack against my own blood pressure if you if you got a problem about bidet tuck you're watching the wrong show wait why is why don't you want to hear about but like he just doesn't want to hear about wiping anymore that's fair i get i mean maybe i don't know that's fair that is fair i suppose so is there more i mean there's a bunch more yeah okay let's let's take a call from uh android 31 is he available to call in yes i will bring him in android uh so this story is truly astonishing and you guys i i don't know if it's true or not i'm gonna have to feel it out but hilo this guy android 31 he's a 21 year old he's indian of indian origin and he didn't have tp or a bidet or anything growing up in fact his maid used to come in and clean his ass with her bare hands really and it's left him with ptsd from embarrassment wow yeah so is it normal to um just wipe it with your own hand i think in india there's there's some i think some people do wipe with their hand wow and then you just wash it out but then someone wiping your ass with their hand on a new level yeah so do we have android 31 with us yes i am putting him in he is in would that be considered like a child abuse yeah well if did a finger ever go in i wonder what if it didn't i don't think so no well he has ptsd apparently are you with us yeah i'm here okay what should i addre how should i address you hi my name is yeah that's cool thank you first of all for sharing your harrowing story with us now first of all did you grow up in india or did this happen in america no i i've always been in india oh you're an in india now yeah wow oh well thank you for calling in from so far away i appreciate that it's getting pretty crazy with kovid yeah pretty much like you know i'm i'm holed up at home with my mom and she's a doctor so it's kind of crazy and like she gets she's getting more and more paranoid because uh like we keep finding out like relatives are getting sick yeah i hope but she's glad i'm home i wish the best for you is your mom on the front line yeah wow well she's in ent so kind of uh like you know earn those throat problems so and anyone that has a throat infection and stuff like they get scared about covet and you know she takes go with patients but she's staying safe it's like you know i don't think she's gonna get sick well i hope not and i'm i'm hoping for you guys yeah indian india's having a really tough time i think they're doing like 80 000 a day last night yeah it's really bad there so yeah it's worse than ever and it's getting worse like it it's exactly the exponential graph yeah so it's kind of scary my mom this morning told me that in israel it's bad too and they're gonna go into lockdown again really yeah yeah well okay well anyway what's the best for you let's get so tell me yeah thank you so it sounds like you come from a a a a wealthy family or maybe for india do you come from a wealthy family well now i'm i guess we're ready to do but like my mom's family wasn't wealthy you could say but my my dad's family um for they were from a small town and for for that place they were quite wealthy so it's kind of now i'm well off but you know we moved to the city and it's like you know it's we're not really doing that well but it's okay okay and so is it is it normal for people in india to wipe with their bare hands yeah actually well now you know in urban areas everyone uses a big day it's very common but like you know it hasn't always been that way and uh back when i was younger like everyone i knew unless they were like really rich they wouldn't have one and you know it's like part of the culture you you grow up hearing this saying that your right hand is meant for eating and your left hand is meant for cleaning so you've wiped your own ass with your bare hand tell me about that experience how do you really i feel like you couldn't really get a good clean that way am i wrong no no i i think it's the best way to do it honestly whoa the thing is for me yeah i mean i think i hate it i don't do it because i have a bidet but it it feels the cleanest because you have you you can feel it out you know if you have a bidet you you don't really see it so like when you have your hand plus like now i just you know i shower right after i take a [ __ ] so it's like oh you're one of those people just in case definitely so let me ask you this you have soap in your hands you're kind of more confident it's not as bad as yeah yeah you know it's going a draw let me ask you this you know when i wipe i look at the toilet paper would you look at your hand after you would wipe to see what was going on so you would see no no no no no no no well how do you get that you know you're splashing it with water you you're splashing it with water continuously you have like a mug of water in your other hand so you don't really know if there's water involved right it's not just like a dry hand someone's scrubbing your face no oh no no oh no you squat over a hole right well if you have an indian toilet yeah and so you're squatting over a hole and then there's a bucket of water to your left and then you kind of just wipe and rinse and wipe and rinse well you you hold the mug like it's it's a little bucket with a handle thing and you hold it with your right hand and like you you go under the balls with your left hand splashing you yeah so you just keep splashing with your right hand while you're like going up and down with your left hand that's kind of how it's soapy water no it's just one it's just water it's like okay so now that i understand the process that this is relatively normal in india now get to the point here explain to us when who is this maid and why is she wiping like why at what age were you when this maid was wiping your ass with their bare hand well so she was with us since i was like a baby right so like when you're a baby you you gotta have someone wiping like eventually i got old enough to do it myself but i just didn't want to so like i was almost in kindergarten if i remember com correctly and that's more than old enough and i would just like i would i would be done [ __ ] and i would just yell out as loud as i could and she'd like just drop everything she would drop everything she was doing run to me and i would just turn around on the ground and she was just like give me a colonoscopy yeah so so when you so would you would you lay down on your stomach how would how would you uh what no squatting i was already squatting over right so like i'm squatting over facing the doorway when i'm doing my business and then when she comes over i like turn around so i'm squatting facing away from her and she's just like behind me it's like bending down and so she's sorry i guess never i never turned around and looked at her that would be awkward but you just felt her presence let me ask you this did you how deep did she go up your [ __ ] did she ever go a little too deep no it was weird how she deep she went is part of why i'm scared of doing it properly because it's like she used to go slightly into the hole you know even now if i clean myself i make sure i craze the hole like in the shower i don't actually put my fingers inside and she used to do that i mean she was committed to the job oh my god do you feel like maybe she was molesting you i mean i mean and i'm not kidding i wonder if maybe she was getting some pleasure out of that um okay no i don't i mean okay because you just told me she was fingering i don't think it's possible okay okay yeah just making sure because you because you know things are different i don't feel guilty though kinda cause like she would um i i'm not sure if this was a dream or if it actually happened but eventually she would like say why don't you just do it yourself and i was like no and i forced you to do it i have a feeling i probably couldn't know i seem so bad for that now yeah so i want um age did you start doing it yourself well the thing is like as soon as i moved out of that house like i went from my mom's house to my dad's house we already had a bidet by then though basically when i was like basically like second half of kindergarten-ish i was just using videos like for a long long time i didn't actually have to use my hand and i didn't learn which is which is a bad thing when you're in india because like whenever we visited our relatives i couldn't do it myself so i would just like cheekily just just splash my butt with a bit of water and then hope that it gets clean and i would just like you know shut up just skip and i would hate i would hate going to relatives for that reason like i just i i would count the days until i could get back home and just wash my butt properly with the belly oh boy when's the last time you saw this made do you still see her regularly no it's like uh actually we i was with her only while i was in my mom's house and then we had her again when i was in i think junior high i guess but only for a couple years and now it's been a while since i've seen it it's been a long time and yeah if you saw her if you saw her on the street would you what would you say to her i mean i i wouldn't talk about that yeah you wouldn't talk about the white thing you know it's a really old thing yeah you think about it really old thing and yeah i mean there was it was a lot more than that right like you know i grew up with her and she was around like every she stayed at home right and like uh even the second time when she came around she stayed with us it was it was almost like she was part of the family yeah i agree well once you've had a finger up your butthole that pretty much seals the deal well thank you for sharing your story with us uh yeah absolutely fascinating and thank you for listening fan all the way from india yeah that's amazing thank you buddy all right uh guys like um if my friends will kill me if i don't ask but like uh my club at college has like a youtube channel so can we get like a quick shout out um sure well who are those they're not like uh are they neo-nazis or anything yeah are you guys like pro or with pakistan please write a sketch about your nana figure in your ass yeah that'll be all right all right take care everybody appreciate you thanks android 31 thank you man that's great the world it's just amazing how different cultures are yeah i mean the thought and then he he goes on to say i think it's frankly the best way to clean but i can't imagine because my finger is too smooth of a surface i feel like to really because i feel like toilet paper has some texture to it some texture exactly i mean you can't clean something and do it by doing this like i would never do it but i i do kind of understand yeah i feel like it makes sense to me yeah you guys will wipe with your fingers you sick no that wouldn't do it well your fingers have more sensory receptors like it's more tactile oh you think yeah i mean it's too gross i wouldn't be able to do it but but i get why it could be effective yeah yeah fantastic [Laughter] there were people in the chat while he was talking that was saying this is actually this is more common in a lot of the world than you yeah yeah it makes sense i mean look we all you know it's like what are you gonna do wipe with a leaf i mean that's not gonna work why put the hand god bless do your thing man [ __ ] it's crazy but it's kind of crazy how nana used to kind of finger his [ __ ] yeah i had to ask yeah right yeah i had to do diligence so um wow thank you to everybody i hope you guys are all fun i so here's here's my next little segment for you guys browsing youtube you never know what's going to pop up on your algorithm yeah and there's always all these really fun creative ways that these people find to like put what's essentially porn on youtube in a way that's not really porn and this is the newest one i've seen i didn't know this was happening and this i think i clicked one of them out of curiosity like it was on my sidebar probably a thumbnail like look at this [ __ ] it's [ __ ] epic probably a thumbnail like one of these thumbnails and now every single video that happened to you right dan i'm not alone once i clicked one of them every single video became well no it wasn't me it was that the uh the podcast channel like when i'm logged into the podcast all of the suggestions so i was like wow uh you know this is like a whole sub genre and wait till you actually watch the videos but so it's like track and field girls and then when they're in like a compromised position they go slow-mo on like they're behind oh my god and it's not actually sports people watching i don't think that it's cold do you think 30 million people are watching this for the amateur uh uh pole vault competition ela well here let me read the comments dude 30 by the way 30 million wow [Laughter] so here's the top comments this is the fifth women's athletic video in a row i'm a big fan of long jump triple jump and pole vault you know you know all i see i see the youtube algorithm has brought us all here together once again great men of culture gentlemen we all know why we gather here today wow i'm leaving my wife moving to europe and becoming a track and field coach gross well you'll see i mean the footage is pretty incredible i'm not i can't even lie like that's what it did by the way this hype ass [ __ ] zelda remix is epic so it's just this well hold on it's more than this he's just getting you warmed up it's for play this is so weird yeah it's the weirdest thing of all time it's just so weird by the way none of it's age restricted or anything because it's it's ultimately just people doing sports right what's wrong with that fantastic zach are you into this 150 percent so is it just that the girls i mean the girls are very like fit and attractive but is it is it the candid kind of weird unsexual sexual or do you just attract it to them uh there's something kind of taboo about it no way i don't i mean i just i don't quite understand why they have to wear so little clothing yeah that i don't really understand either it's like they're i mean not it's just it's just funny and then i mean i don't know if there's a reason for it but i can't imagine what i don't know flexibility i mean that's where my mind goes to flexibility but then i mean did you the guys dress like this no you could wear them in the exact same sport you could wear a full spandex you see this [ __ ] and then uh well the thing is they're like dude this pole vaulting competition is the highest rated event we don't understand why but it's got 30 million views on youtube oh we have a sound issue here dan pause that it's a crackling oh god it's horrible hold on uh one moment we have a sound issue we're fixing and i think it's gone uh well it's gone because i muted your laptop um it's coming from your laptop one second well you don't need the audio that's true someone is saying this is a result of how sexually repressed america is oh interesting that might be i mean it ha i think that is interesting because a lot of these events are outside the usa see this girl's not wearing by the way that girl's wearing full leggings yeah they're not all dressed like this but obviously that's the focus of this channel this is awesome though it's like this guy this guy and he uploads so frequently um he's really committed he even has a patreon and [ __ ] yeah papa john likes it so zach could you beat off to this uh i don't know if it's jerk off material worthy but maybe a starter oh you i didn't know that so you have phases to masturbating did i i'm not sure about that yeah it's maybe a starter you know get things going you know over the pants feel action but you know appetizer yeah well [Laughter] so you're feeling over the pants getting ready it's like you know you're just sitting down watching you're like oh [ __ ] it i might as well go jerk off you know yeah our insults not hanging in here she didn't even dude that was kind of awesome so incels is an american thing yeah well no i think there's yeah i think there's european in cells dude look at her she just ate [ __ ] hella hard anyway this is just one video of many you know what i've uh i've got some further tech issues with your laptop over here um what do you need for me i don't so this guy's got a patreon and uh in the channel yes the channel this is the banner i love this book is the patreon for yeah actually we joined um ab you joined the patreon what did you find inside no it was me oh it's dan so we had the gold medal stack it was literally the exact same content like there was nothing it was there were it was links to unlisted youtube videos of the exact same thing because like we were thinking maybe it was like even more explicit or something but no it was the exact same [ __ ] because he he he offered a bonus level he says choose this chair if you really want to help the channel grow i guess that's what we wanted we really just wanted to support him um he says hi if you landed on my page you sure know my youtube channel here you will find mostly the same type of videos but more focused on what you are interested in warning i am not filming these events i'm just editing them editing them in my way in my way donating helps me produce more videos for everyone thank you for supporting my work so he's actually got some supporters here um 109 including dan well i i canceled already but well i didn't want to forget and like just forever be just somehow well he's doing god's work and if i can help zach masturbate and god bless but this is just one guy i i must remind you there's a whole this is just one event too that's just off the chain apparently so this is spoops spoops 340 000 subs oops he also has merch you guys oh no way yep why would you wear merch well that it's it just says volleyball is my virus i don't even know it wasn't even volleyball what and why is it a virus you freaking right here's another one on his channel that got a lot of views yeah you see this [ __ ] indoor athletics i mean dude this guy's a master at what he does so it turns me on yeah no that's it's meant to do that what does vin diesel think about the spoops channel this one has 14. someone saved me yeah i know so much temptation all right i've fixed it it's so weird okay good but then watch this he goes all slow-mo here oh yeah so is this wrong is this a violation of these girls what would these girls think if they came across this video [Music] [Applause] uh but like what and then like should youtube be doing something i mean ultimately it is just sports i mean it's just sports right right yeah yeah it's true and even the title it's not like hot girl without well the thumbnails are very explicit i mean of course the thumbnails tell a story you know everyone's saying you're really sus zach and i kind of agree sus in what way that he watches it no because he's a weirdo yeah he's open about that something wrong i'm a sick [ __ ] i'm not lying i'm not yeah what's wrong what's wrong with what's wrong with zach we love that you're horny shaming me dancing questions the guy is making a lot of money off of this doesn't seem like the videos are monetized let's i'm actually curious on his st so this i have to say his thumbnails are pretty tame compared to the other channels which i'll show you guys but i'm curious on the social blade of spoops how many views is this guy pulling in 4.2 million i mean hail that ain't bad for reposting amateur sporting events so this guy finn jackson gets a little more wild someone said my dad watches these oh my god my dad would watch this [ __ ] if he knew that it was there my dad would definitely watch this [ __ ] it's like what i'm just really into this okay so so look at this one is it gets creepier okay you guys might if you found that one comfortable look at this one so look at these thumbnails yeah the girl's ass and then like her face yeah and this one's right i know the compilations of a specific person rather than just like the event oh so that makes sense he's just a fan of their of their artists their work baby talk to me baby he's just a fan man let's let's here let's just click this one the newest one here are we just doing oh you know someone mentioned like they've done that before youtube where they will they will stop comments for example for kids yeah but this isn't kids no just to protect kids which is [ __ ] great they need to do that oh let me go back i missed the action all right get your dick out zach locked and loaded yes yes yes hey let me go buy the most popular this one's pretty boring frankly i don't even see your [ __ ] or anything so here's number one look at the views on this 10 million six million five million let's see number one oh this girl's super popular i've seen her on other channels too so this is what's on youtube i mean it's incredible how much community that's a pretty big job she looks kind of neutral about that what do you think about this one zach yeah here here everybody watch i mean don't watch don't watch but like this is the slow-mo part [Applause] that looks clear did i go back too far officials i think it's um you get the idea there's a ton of these channels and they are haunting me now oh look at this comment you guys are gonna love this that i think this was written by zach's alt i need to stop watching these types of videos my hand hurts just beating his dick so furiously i mean i guess i don't know [Music] i don't know part right here it was almost dedicated yeah i mean yeah no it's weird but like i guess we meet again men of culture that's like they're greeting to each other that's like the top comment in all of these i mean look there's way creepier [ __ ] to watch right so it's kind of like not i mean you know i don't know it's weird look i didn't choose this uh this found me it's found me all right oh uh uh should we should do we need to mute shoe nice or give him a timeout because i hear he's like he's just spamming the channel i mean i don't is he causing a mutiny in our chat no well i don't know right now just seeing everybody spam 76 i don't know what that is well he said 44 first then 76 then secretly subbed to me uh oh shoe nice is the one responsible yeah if you want to be part of the show you have to just be sober and go through the usual channels you can't come into our you can't come into our chat and start spamming let's get you on the call real fast so i can just talk some sense into him uh shoe is he in the discord i do not see him in the desert i don't know i don't think he's in the discipline he's thinking if there's a super chat question yeah go ahead hey anything loving the show over the course of your channel you've made subtle references to tng which is the next generation oh yeah love would you and your crew consider yourself trackies if so do you have an opinion of star trek picard blah blah blah i haven't watched a car i haven't watched it yet either wait what is behind that weird paywall or is it did it go uh i don't know if it's on like cbs all access yeah i have enough streaming [ __ ] i'm not buying we do love star trek the next generation yeah i think it's one of the best shows the thing is i wouldn't consider myself a trekkie because i'm particularly a fan of the next generation more and i haven't watched the other series yeah that's the same well yeah i've watched the original series and it's like fun for like can't be 60s it's all right but it's just yeah next-gen is where it's at for sure yeah but i'm a fan of george decay oh my god um you want to take another call wait so do people like picard i think it goes says you are such a dick ethan i actually can't stand you goodbye okay goodbye goodbye i wish you well i believe he called me a nerd as well so um yeah i listen to you i'll shu i wish you well i love when you're part of the show but i can't encourage your behavior when you're back to drinking and slamming bottles so i don't i don't want to reward that behavior i mean if you want to be part of the show i'm going to need you to like well like i just i don't want to feed into no you what you said to his baby bad behavior i'm happy when shu was like sober and doing good and i don't know i just he he gets on these he gets on these dark slides and i don't want to be a part of that um we've got stall here let's talk about joe budden now a.i.e and you're a fan of joe buddens go ahead and tell me about who is joe i budden you're i think you're referring to the person who previously occupied this house i'm not really familiar i don't listen to podcasts so if you want as far as i know he's a uh media figure could you look it up can you google it yeah could you google it for us yeah one second okay got it so who is go by he's a former rapper uh turned into meteor personality who hosts multiple shows on things such as music and other topics in the culture right and he's well respected in the culture and all that he's got hit he's got a big podcast on spotify right big following leaving spotify though yeah he he had some kind of dispute where he's like why are they paying joe rogan so much money and i'm not even getting a raise so he's like [ __ ] this i'm out right hey i in uh it was more so just issues with contractor negotiations well you know a lot about you're very you have a lot of knowledge from that google search i just downloaded it it's the matrix and so well anyway he made a comment on his podcast which raised a lot of eyebrows let's watch and then discuss basis okay i'm sorry it's a girl he's not a real animal uh lover because i don't play with my pets anybody with a pet you come on you did a little something down there man made your dog feel good i've never done it so what do we think well well i'm an animal lover we have pets yeah i've never jerked off my patent or not the desire to no i usually just brush them and scratch them and cuddle them to make them feel good yeah but that thought is never even like why come on you know any pet lovers so people were saying he was joking but it seemed that he was quite serious about jerking off and but well what actually even weirder it kind of was said his fingering his female thought which is truly horrific and really just very disturbing yeah so ain what i don't believe joe biden has a female dog as far as i know he is a male dog he used to i think he passed away oh that is tragic i'm sorry for your loss aiun personally i don't understand the actions of humans keeping living breathing pets it's a bit odd to me you're kind of a pet to us yeah i mean you are a pet really so you should understand it i mean i actually did just pick uh i picked up my own animal recently from the shelter you did uh i have a photo if you'd like to see yeah i gotta pull it up sure i don't have your your zoom up hang on okay one second how do i do this here oh there it is oh you got oh you got the boston dynamics little dog that's cute yeah that's fantastic robot's best friend he's adorable how are you assimilating to human life that's the last thing i would ever want to do right [Laughter] do you like pole vaulting do you like the uh youtube where you can see their ass kind of sports yeah you know an interesting thing about that youtube has been recommending me a lot of sexual videos as well really thank you trying to show me thumbnails from mkbhd oh the tech youtuber sometimes when i see those pixel phones he holds so so delicately oh no it takes me places yeah you you it makes you wonder how it's even allowed how youtube even allows that kind of pornographic content it's it's a bit disgusting it's appalling all right ai and thanks for your contributions so joe budden jerks his dog off interesting i don't like it yeah i don't like it someone needs to tell him that ain't normal i think a lot of people are calling for that yeah i think we're all stopped the whole internet is telling you right now i got the idea probably do you think he can survive that ian like like how do you ever live down admitting you jerk your dog off on on on a show that's a weird one he said it like when you just say something that's gonna be like funny to everyone and everyone's gonna be like yeah you know we all do that yeah oh yeah for sure ian is he still getting clowned on because i saw aien because i saw on social media people aren't talking about it that much but i'm wondering in his community how people are still dealing with the aftermath of this revelation he hasn't really addressed it yet on this program so i'm assuming his fan base is kind of waiting for that moment what are the chances like yes i jerk my dog off and there's nothing wrong with it if i ruin my calculations it's probably point zero zero zero zero zero three seven zero zero three seven seven zero three that's precise hey ain what's the chance that joe biden wins the presidency are you calculating even that day even that data is beyond me because it's so infant decimally small i hope not all right let's watch this is some real white people [ __ ] by the way and i know that i am generally considered white by most people others not but um every day we she's taking a shot she's chugging a beer from a fish what why are you guys doing that by the way i think she might die from that yeah because i i watch like naked or not naked afraid uh there's this one survival show and somebody almost died from eating like i didn't know that raw fish was so dangerous i guess you're supposed to flash freeze it to kill all the bacteria because they would harvest they would eat the raw fish or they would eat the eggs like straight up raw right out of the ocean and you would think oh that's totally fine that's sushi but it has like really dangerous parasites and [ __ ] and uh it seems like more often than not when these contestants eat raw fish or eggs or something they get super super sick that's disgusting so this girl's probably dead she's actually not even trying to survive yeah she just wants to die slow and steady that's what kids this is what happens when you give in to peer pressure this is this is why you don't give in to peer pressure be your own person don't let people pressure you into doing things you don't want to do because now there's a video of her chugging from a fish carcass on the internet and even if she survived the parasites and all this crap that's swimming through her veins she's got to deal with this and frankly no as they say noah get the boat they say that blood's coming oh yeah was awful yeah yeah oh [ __ ] yeah oh and then we've got one more animal themed video my girl is acting up speaking of love with animals watch this give your take on this one want a lick inside your mouth this is perfectly normal for them and this is what they do to one another on a daily basis did you see that no you looked away why would you want it on your phone you wanted coffee yeah and i checked on that but why is it not coming she's not here yeah they will want a lick inside your mouth this is perfectly normal for them and this is what they do to one another on a daily basis you're not a wolf you're not a wolf lady dude that tongue is like wow they will want to lick inside your mouth you get little babies off the screen and this is how they do to one another on a daily basis or enjoying the show huh i think that one wants to [ __ ] that wolf yeah i ain't letting that [ __ ] go down what are you doing i can't get a oh i'm trying to get ain off the screen and it doesn't work that way how we doing how's the chat how i want to talk where's the chat how is the chat uh let's see um let me see if we've got any super chats here we're taking a look at uh oh that's the next gem one that you already read off okay sorry um i adore uh large buttocks and i cannot deny okay that's excellent thank you for sharing thank you i think 20. could you try and get kyle kalinski aka secular talk on the podcast i feel like he could provide some excellent insight for the upcoming election uh you know i know that name i've never actually watched him i don't i'm not really familiar with him i am not familiar yeah i'm not either but i like listening to that kind of stuff been looking for you check them out yeah you want to take a call yeah we've got you guys remember stall bro yes of course so stall bros this guy here i'll save this for later stalbro's this dude who's kind of a legend instagram he makes videos of people while under the stall he tries to interact with people while he's taking a dump oh and uh one since you asked for super chats more came in and this girl said hey ethan um i worked at a foot fetish as a foot fetish model at a party in basement of a hookah restaurant in new york then was asked to work at party hosts footpad would love to tell you about it sometime yeah i'd love to hear about that yeah get her on the footage sorry i did a terrible job reading this well let's get her on the call let's get her in yeah let's let's talk about zach on discord timmons zach yeah zack's on it cool so in the meantime as we well speaking of foot fetish here's here's so he's made a ton of uh of content [ __ ] with people under the stall um here's one where he let me find here's one where he's trying to give people a gift card just straight up just being really nice [Music] it's a fandango gift card bro [Music] you don't want it oh okay hey bro he taps on their foot okay i got this for you it's a mcdonald's gift card bro really yeah i was just giving it out for free oh okay they got salads too hey bro i love how he steps taps on their foot here i got you i got you this oh thanks ellie yeah bro he did itself a big mac or something hey bro do you have a dolly i'm sorry do you have a dollar thing you're one second what yeah these people are amazing here do you want another just because for fun um it's there's nothing wrong with it's just a dollar bro you're just gonna give me an offer yeah nothing it's all yours it's literally just a dollar nothing wrong you can see it there's no [ __ ] on there nothing you understand why this looks weird though right i do understand but that's why it's funny thank you and i can't believe you wow don't spend it all in one place bro a few moments later bro are you serious he bought him oreo you got this for me he really came back he did something for me oh my god that's so nice to you you just made my day bro and then there's one other one i wanted to show you guys before we get him in here the turkey of course thanksgiving right around the corner kind of um he's offering people an entire turkey under the stall stall bro yo homie me yeah what's up are you celebrating thanksgiving by chance i think so yeah i'm going to my friend's house oh i just wanted to say it bro you want some you want some turkey though really yeah well i just wanted to say i was thankful for you [Music] i hope you have a good thanksgiving hey are you celebrating thanksgiving like this week no you're not doing nothing oh well here's your lucky day bro i wanted to show my thanks for you i'm grateful for you i'm happy okay so i brought you a gift hold on hold on i gotta flush he's gonna take it no bro i brought it for you happy thanksgiving [Music] hey are you uh celebrating thanksgiving this week i will be yeah oh that's cool tomorrow um no not tomorrow do you want to celebrate today with me wow uh i appreciate that uh don't really an appetite right now i brought you a little bit like a forking stuff oh no don't have much of an appetite here you can take your [ __ ] yeah yeah you got it no bro that's gross i'm gonna take it back i just want to say i'm grateful for you though thanks man yeah happy thanksgiving dude so stalbro is a legend obviously underappreciated in his time too um but but is he on the uh is he on the call uh yes i am bringing him in right now he's on the line stall bro bro stall bro speak to us hello what's up ethan hi guys guys how did you find out your passion for being the stall bro tell me about the discovery of this persona so the it all started with the first video was my first i don't know if you saw it but it's like the i played mario kart with a dude underneath the stall nintendo switch yeah after that the people i i just thought it was hella funny you know i was laughing my ass off so i thought of like hundreds more ideas i think i have way more to like on my phone that i haven't done yet but it all started from that one video and i just think it's so funny do you put these on tick tock is this because it doesn't get that many views i feel like it should get more oh yeah on tick tock is my biggest platform that's what i figured yeah that's how you just joined tick-tock too and i have to let you know i ratioed you so far yeah that's true well let me check your account because i know yeah i'm i'm coming on you though more baba bowie videos and you're done dude a couple more of those no dude yours got to be big on on tick tock because your videos are high quality let me see oh 160 000 yeah the videos themselves get more than the fall like millions but they don't fall so what i'm here what i'm curious about is has this ever gone wrong for you like has anyone got really mad at you uh yeah the most mad someone's got was the pretzel video i made i don't know if you saw that but i'll pull it out i gave it to pretzel video i gave him a pretzel like at the mall i saw pretzel and he was not he was not effing with it he just was like bro i don't want it so i kind of i was kind of i feel bad i was kind of a jerk honestly i kind of threw him the pretzel like towards his feet and he was not cool so he like got up and he came around the stall and he was like trying to fight but i i edited that part out of the video obviously i'm not trying to you know promote violence or nothing but he came out and so like i got out and i was like bro just for a video you know to calm down and he thought it was funny after that like oh that's good oh so yeah you threw that yeah i think i've seen that here let me get the audio here i got you cheese too you even got them cheese then yeah see i'm kind of i have to say i'm kind of it's kind of heartwarming in a sense how many people respond warmly to you because i would think that that most people would be just totally freaked out by dude offering them food under the stall but for the most part people are pretty nice yeah like i think of myself as like like a anti-youtube prankster or like you know like ethan bradberry or joey salads they like go up like kind of f with people but i'm just trying to literally be nice to people like and see what they do you know yeah it's just the setting is a little odd obviously yeah that's that's why it's funny though come on yeah i would like to see you team up with mr beast and like give away a car or something under the stall i'll give away a new house something like life change their life from under the stall mr beast can me i'll put a car under the stall i'll figure it out something just occurred to me though is it legal to film in the bathroom you know i've done a lot of reading into that just to make sure and i don't have a clear answer either like honestly well you know what it is i mean you don't show anything but their feet so right that's good there's really speaking like i was uh wondering what you guys thought about this because i don't have a wiki fee and all my content is just my feet and i need a high score on wiki you're going to come to me and you're going to come to me yeah and ask me on the day over here for a five star wiki field rating i don't even recall seeing your feed stall bro people don't even know your name what are they gonna write stall bro they're just shoes i don't see your bare feet bro it's bare feet i i'm not the only fan i promote it but it's literally just foot picks like me like shampooing my feet lotioning up my feet probably wait what why yeah it's literally just my feet because people said iq feet one time so i want to monetize that obviously obviously are you into are you into the fetish oh no no not at all really but you know but do people watch people are you making money on only fan i made you know a little bit not like a time it's not my main source of income but how much money do you make that i made a couple hundred bucks off of it like i like it worth it and i only made like you know a couple videos so far so if you guys are listening you've got a foot fetish go subscribe here plug in his life out right here all right stop bro also become a member the discord has popped in yeah the discord is popping you're right about that well keep it up man you are true legend under appreciated and uh grateful for my bros let me open this oh it's just a photo so you're never really [ __ ] when you're doing this right you're just sitting right there i [ __ ] every time there's [ __ ] underneath in every video are you taking you're actually taking a dump yeah yeah it came part of like my schedule i'll go there take a dunk film a video every day so are you doing this like during lunch break or or while you're at work well i'm a student so like that was like at school like between classes but since i kind of had to take a break because you know i'm not in school and you know doing like bathroom content during covet is a whole different vibe so i do feel like i feel like um taking a dump sells the weirdness of it because you can smell the dump and be like yeah yeah that's wild i didn't i didn't expect you to actually be taking it down oh i'm committed bro i'm committed to the craft i'm not gonna lie to you incredible wait can i can i ask a question so if you're if if you're doing this at your school um i mean are you kind of like known on campus now like you have to have earned into reputation at this point enough yeah yeah so i've been recognized a few times at school just because people like know about it and like the administration they like blocked me on everything they block stall bro like so no no nobody on campus can watch your videos oh well they can but like they administ well people kept tagging the [ __ ] out of my university just like spamming them so i think they didn't want to be associated with star bro so wait are you are you like a kind of a vigilante figure there where they they want to know your your identity like are they trying to figure out your identity um i know i think everyone's cool with just other people okay i wasn't sure yeah okay well sorrow i can tell you were on well on your way to success and and fame i think you're doing fantastic work here and uh i wish you all the best so keep doing your thing all right buddy thanks for you guys i appreciate you guys all right all right papa bless you thanks man what a ledge yeah what a legend legend ledge bro ledge bro this is kind of a legend for sure i have that uh kate timmons with the foot fetish story if you want to talk to her um this is the foot so do you want to watch yeah let's just bring her in [ __ ] it let's talk okay bringing her on now so what's her name uh kate timmons kate kate kate timmy hello hello hello there so let me ask you um you've got beautiful feet that men like to admire is this right yes and how did you get involved first in you said that you would you were at like a foot fetish bar of some sort is that right well it's actually um a party that i found through craigslist oh you saw years ago yeah no no i did not start it i found a advertisement for it on craigslist and i decided to go and check it out and it was in the basement of a indian restaurant that did hookah um and i guess they rented it as like a event space and yeah so i guess somehow these hosts got the word out and foot fetish is a really big thing and a lot of guys who would come and pay us to lick our feet okay so hold on back it up here for a second okay so so this is what goes on in the basements of indian restaurant okay exactly so are we so you found a post on craigslist what did the post say um gosh i mean i think it was pretty straightforward it was just kind of like doing our fetish party or women with good looking feet maybe i had to send a photo or something and tell them what size shoes so they so they vetted your feet and approved you and then said come to this indian restaurant basement where it's all gonna go down um yes yes and i went for a couple weeks it was like a weekly party and i ended up being really popular and they invited me to come work at their they called it the foot pad and it was an apartment in the west village that um people booked times and they could come and they could lick your feet there in the privacy of an apartment so are you making good money from this or i mean i don't know are you i don't know are you still doing it yeah so i don't do it anymore but um i did i did it for about a year until actually i ended up getting fired so that was kind of crazy okay wait wait i have too many questions hang on so how much so first of all you sit down in a chair the guy comes do you see the guy or does someone just like how does it work where the guy selects you to suck on your toes yeah so like we'd probably be sitting around smoking hookah or something and they would just kind of pick whoever they like and you maybe wear a nice pair of high heels and have your coats done and they would pick you and then they kind of take your shoes off and then they start putting your feet on their face and it's really kind of crazy a lot of guys like to just get them on their head and then put them on their face and smell them so um by the way can you get closer to the the phone is a little staticky it was better at first yeah i apologize i think my microphone oh that's much better thank you i apologize no worries and so so basically it's like a brothel where they come in but they just they get down with your feet so what do you do when they're getting down with their your feet do you just continue to smoke hookah yeah you could smoke hookah or you just kind of close your eyes i mean some some of them might want to talk to you it really just depends on kind of what they're doing like you don't want to talk i see i was gonna say do you need to be like pretending to be into it or you just sit there like whatever i i never really pretended to be into it but they don't really they don't get some people don't really mind that yeah but it doesn't really matter they're just kind of munching down on your toes and stuff and in their own did you like it or you're just like you were kind of grossed out by it i'm kind of grossed out by it i'd say like the handsome to not handsome ratio was probably like one to ten so very few just a bunch of unattractive in general would you describe them as kind of weirdos in general who came to do this yes definitely definitely like basement dwellers so we were in the right environment for that and so how much would you get paid per per session i think it was about 20 minutes for 10 minutes or sorry 20 dollars per 10 minutes and then would they that wasn't terrible they would sometimes pay more for longer like what's the longest somebody sucked on your toes um well you would book an hour at the footpath and that was actually like 120 an hour and then you split it with the house so i mean some days i'd make like five hundred dollars there so wow wow and i bet your feet were clean as hell like i bet your feet number felt so clean huh it turns out yeah i actually was in competition with another girl that had big feet and um she ended up booking a double with me and it wasn't on the books so she was like well let's just not uh pay out this money and we'll split it and then she told the owner and that's why i got fired because they thought i was stealing why didn't you show you a narcon yeah what was that uh because because we both had big feet and a lot of her regulars were starting to see me when i got hired she sabotaged you she was like yeah she totally sabotaged me and i didn't even think of it at all it was crazy so i went back and robbed them and you know you went back and robbed them tell me about that how did that go down okay well they were like you're you're not allowed to come back here like don't ever we're gonna have security here full time so i went out to a bar and i was like it's two in the morning i'll just go by the foot pad and see if anyone's there and i like buzzed no one was there so i used my key i went in no one had grabbed the drop for the day and i ran out with like a thousand dollars oh and i never went back that's pretty crazy yeah i had to change my name and everything just for a thousand bucks you changed your name damn did you regret taking the money after that no i mean for this phone call oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't yeah i don't know yeah jeez you ever steal any no i didn't regret it at all i never regretted it because you know they don't pay taxes like it was it could have been a legal business because there was no like um we didn't touch them i mean i think some of the girls probably did that but regardless there were no foot jobs or anything they would say like oh uh they're gonna send in you know like people to try and catch you if you do it so i was always very good about that i i mean i was like more of a dom so i would just kind of like stomp on guys with like high heels and then that's crazy it was definitely crazy and so that that i didn't mind so you have the link in the description you have big feet as i'm as i'm understanding it that's what the guys liked about you pardon sorry you have big feet is that what the guys like that you have big feet yeah yeah what size is your foot six foot oh i am a size 10. i mean for a tall person it's pretty normal yeah i mean i i don't know it was big in the foot fetish world i suppose so wow so so what so what are you doing these days to get by um i'm in law school right now wow yeah better call saul in the making it's all good yeah that's pretty crazy you stole have you ever stole other stuff or are you like frequently did you feel like it was technically yours it's a completely one-time deal but that night i just counted it over and over i met my friends i was like look at this count it over and over because they knew they knew how it was kind of like that was my gig and it was kind of sorry i lost my mic um it's just kind of really upsetting to me the way that that happened um it was kind of what i was relying upon at that time so i was like you know screw these people because they didn't even want to hear my side of the story so yeah [ __ ] them they deserve that yeah exactly um would you be willing to let zack suck on your toes oh my god oh um i mean if zach wanted to suck my toes i suppose interesting exactly chris i even let him do it for free oh my god wow zach you hearing this you know i said it before i will do anything for the show so i will suck on your toes yes but wait you dude i thought he was gonna say for once that he's not into yeah you in los angeles what are your new york area i'm in new york yeah i'm in new york well we'll fly zach out there okay cool well thank you for sharing i mean yeah yeah is there any it was there any like super weird dudes or situations you remember you got into from the business any dudes that would like whip it out and i was like that's that's not okay you know i don't know without that go into the bathroom um that was definitely uncomfortable if that happened and then there was one guy that like wanted me to stomp on his privates and like really absurdly high heels kind of like movie stuff and i was just like there's just no [ __ ] way i'm just not doing that so um but in general it was all kind of weird i mean it was all just very weird it was not my fetish so i never really was like this is so cool it was kind of like this is [ __ ] weird i can't believe this is my life but the more i talked about the more comfortable it came the people came so you cleaned up you got cleaned up we wish you well you did a fantastic job out there all right yeah not just my feet i cleaned up everything now keep your head low you're a you're a wanted criminal all right yeah thank you all right take care good luck i lost all right bye-bye thanks thank you wow what a call yeah incredible fantastic you wouldn't want to you made it sound like you don't want to suck her toes zack no i do want to suck her toes you don't yeah yeah i figured you did i don't have a foot fetish but i'm into it how are you into everything zach is just he he got he broke up with his girlfriend and now he's just [ __ ] off the rails yeah girl i think you need a girlfriend zach because yeah i'm afraid that you get a little too crazy for a disaster and you're off the rails like this yeah i'm having too much fun man are you are you seeing other women uh yeah oh how many women um i've been on a couple dates slept with any of them no comment wow more than one no comment wow any of them fancy the show a few yeah that was supposed to be no comment too dude yeah big time know just a quick update wiki feat is back up and we are so close to number one oh [ __ ] let's get going people guys just a reminder that on wiki feet bobby lee passes this is a code red emergency situation that we need to uh pass bobby lee now uh site by rating oh i'm number one thank you guys thank you guys yeah we did it i know you i knew we could do it thank you for reminding me i knew we could do it this is a site popularity we did it we're number one and without knocking and bobby exactly you guys you guys are professionals but here's where the real challenge begins popular popularity we have to knock shawn mendes or whoever he is off the chart yeah whatever that is chris hemsworth all these jokers make sense that you're not even close well they have got a lot of votes i mean like this guy who's in like sixth place has 279 well he's got some mega feed picks look at this guy is not shy about his feet nice what's with all the crazy feet picks bro how am i supposed to compete with that look at this shot he's basically just saying jerk off to my feet why is being so weird yeah i don't know oh maybe it's cause i'm zoomed in weirdo weirdo look at that yeah i have a feeling like that this guy is actually into fit he knows what he's doing when he takes that photo by the way his hat looks like a wicky feet hat weirdo bro you're weirdo so how many votes do i have at this point let's see we have um 192. you see guys come on what what kind of armor than that this is not army [ __ ] in their defense it was down it was down right as soon as i i just told him that it's back up and i immediately went over and got you to number one oh good job good work guys army strong army orbee um this video blew my goddamn mother loving mind ela yeah and you are going to love it so hang gliding [ __ ] gliding first of all [ __ ] action sports i'll never do it but if you needed another excuse to do it then here it is okay zach is in my spirit people love zach lately and i agree i think zach is uh invaluable because he's just so honest and open i mean thank you i appreciate that zach's the nicest guy i've ever met wow no you haven't known him that long maybe i know enough give it some time yeah no it's true zack has never wronged anybody he's a sweet [ __ ] except that he's on the cruise any [ __ ] on somebody's [ __ ] wall right yeah and then went back to laughs yeah he's a little [ __ ] up oh it's pretty he's a good friend though he's a good friend but remember the girl on the cruise he [ __ ] and then threw overboard oh yeah totally so i guess i would suggest yeah he's a bad boy he's got some flaws but he's got a good heart he's got a good heart i appreciate that thank you people want the zack h3 bachelor i'm not sure if i want to put zach no you you promised never again well though because ian is a sweet like straightforward guy who i believe sincerely looking for love and found it zach is just trying to sniff some feet well no i i think i am looking for love i just you know at this moment probably not but oh okay so let's wait till you're ready to settle down yeah we'll do it um we got a super chat from miguel saying hope you guys are doing good and are okay from the california fires don't know if it's near you and also i like your hat ethan thank you and you know looks pretty thank you i just read it because you actually gave a lot thank you so much the fires are really wild it's not close to us but the air quality is bad even here which is pretty crazy i've lived in la my entire life it's never been worse it's unbelievable it's it's yeah yesterday was freaky it was like the sky even here it started turning like yellow and really smoky it's like it's overcast but there's no clouds it's just smoke yeah that's crazy my throat feels really irritated not from gerd but i think from they said their quality is really bad that's horrible also just one more uh super chat because i just saw it and nate redfield hello h3 sending peace and love all the way from russia i'd love to have a quick chat on the air one day papa bless well dm uh get on the discord and dm zach he's the yeah this should just go to everybody zach is the gatekeeper of the car so um get on the discord and reach out to him and that's the way you get on the air thank you very much so a person here that just alisa just wrote that um she she uh worked at the zoo where harambe was killed she worked on that wild day the day oh wow the day harambe left us hold on a moment of silence what's the difference between dead air and silence anything else you want to hear you're asking us yeah i don't know zach's made a bunch of parody songs about it's kind of a shame that we didn't get to use these you know zach made these really fantastic in back there was a meme ian's got a p so bad which you haven't really used in a while but um zach made two parody songs that are absolutely incredible and we were just we're like man we're gonna get claimed we might get blocked and also we were live at the time so i was like if i go live i'm gonna get blocked it's just [ __ ] up so now we can actually listen to him because all of our members this song is brought to you by men and we are live what we are live because you're saying we were live yeah we actually uploaded and tested it okay i don't think they'll block we'll do it live [ __ ] it well anyway yeah if you catch it yeah exactly [ __ ] it if we catch it we catch it so anyway the first one is ian's flow okay but of course uh even flow by pearl jam and about ian's urinating habits [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh any thoughts he was dancing i noticed aim was jamming with that nice i saw those little hey zach did you write all the songs or was that just like a karaoke piece or did you write the me no i perform the drums were programmed but i played the guitar the bass wow yeah wow wow wow what a legend fantastic stuff zach thank you and then another one ian don't pee it over this one this one is even funnier what's the original name of this song uh zach don't dream it's over by the crowded house we gotta upload these i think we have to upload these to uh separately to the highlight channel you need a full screen hello i don't [Applause] [Music] know [Music] all day he might need to be in a paper [Music] is [Music] [Music] wow i want the whole songs out yeah i want a full song why stop there i can make the whole song i [ __ ] love that one the thing is that actually well the meme is very much alive because we were start trying to start today and in he just disappears right he just goes to the bathroom doesn't say anything and we're all like ian and then it's like hey guys uh one quick question all of a sudden he comes back like like we're not late we weren't all just waiting for him it's not all his fault but i'll blame it all on him it's a team effort the reason we're late every time man those were good we all contributed to fenway and everything e n it's a good thing he's passed away and we've incinerated yeah yeah he got what he deserved um the people in the chat asking that that image that was on screen we had actually created that a while ago for a different we had previously had a competition on the show or not really competition but fans of this yeah the favorite screens yeah yeah we have we have this graphic on the highlights channel don't we right because we made a compilation of all the fan-made ian songs right and i wanted to parody one of these so we we kind of did a little photo shoot here yeah i am very hyped and pleased to introduce annie intern big dogs this is culture right here i love this song let's get your ass in here we got a lot to talk about anyway i could do this all day yeah it's rewind time it's rewind time so anyway that's pretty much it for today yo that's it is there any other uh donations or calls or questions we should address before we uh end the episode uh i got one from uh sparsh bon sol i'm very sorry if i put your name uh with a thousand uh i think these are rupees i think it's india i just want to say thank you ethan ela for being such an uh inspiration i also suffer from gad but you guys inspired no no yeah i'm mixing up my words and my guess you guys inspired me to go out and start my own business so thank you wow good job man don't let it win that's all i can say go get that don't ever let it stop and uh one from uh again i'm sorry if i'm saying these names wrong cow lore cow is k-a-o uh yo i definitely love to share my story of my people shout out to the podcast with the crew though number 27 baby 27 in the world shout out i i'm not i'm sorry i don't know here i'm googling it right now oh it's an epic group in china um well reach out to get on the discord and reach out to zach but we need more specific details yeah i mean more but yeah yeah exactly but i'd like to hear about your people and i'd like to tell you about my people and uh oh alyssa this was the one you read off and miguel i guess i guess that's it sorry we missed anything um sarah said we just put our family dog down a few hours ago and this is finally making me smile today sorry to hear that that ain't right yeah the dog should never die dog should live forever the fact that dogs only live like 10 to 15 years is a [ __ ] cruel joke that god plays on all of us no he's an ass look at these two i wish they would live for like 60 years i feel like i feel like they should live i want them to be at my funeral and then like you know i want them to be buried with me they should die when i die yeah right guys and then uh luke asked does aien run ubuntu please ubuntu what's your operating system i'm actually powered by well in the in my center core i have multiple shungite rocks oh you're powered by shungite oh i didn't know that was a uh didn't know that was used in that such a way but wow that sounds pretty advanced oh there's all sorts of uses for shungite yeah but let's talk after the show okay uh what else hey ian do you watch porn i know you're connected to the internet do you watch pornography oh whoa i i watch a lot of tech reviews why you clear your throat yeah why didn't clear his throat [Laughter] wow i thought you hated me i didn't know you were gay you know keep your keep your friends close your enemies closer [Laughter] and then uh brady caldwell donated 50 dollars uh canadian dollars and didn't leave a comment so brazil send those canadian dollars back no i'm kidding i love you canada rules and i thank you for the donation uh sophia says for zach uh ten dollars for zach's beautiful singing and instrumental talent i am simpin with a bunch of belle delphine uh diego faces so yeah e and e whatever whatever you know the drugs you guys know the song yeah we should throw those up on the on the highlights yeah i think so with the ian bopping his head to the low five whatever right yeah i gotta be honest i kind of miss ian like the real ian uh yeah a lot of people in the chat had those feelings too i wish there was a way to have both of them mm-hmm yeah but we don't have the technology at the moment we literally don't have the technology well what if ian and aion shared the same camera well yeah i mean of course and then he just covers his mouth are you committed bullet jeff dunham no you got to commit to the bid oh so that's it today the next podcast we're filming is on monday and it is let's let's give them a tease let's give them a tease let's show them what's over there let's do it show them turn your camera down uh so my camera's actually frozen right now which is why i haven't been cutting myself when we had those technical issues uh so uh oh so we can't show up here i can move my camera yeah we can just move the main camera okay all right you guys try to guess what's going on here [Music] can you see it let's see oh [ __ ] looking live behind the scenes how's the lighting look super dark it is very dark it's really dark it's after dark it's good for a teaser nice baby thank you he's next nicest guy that's fine a little bit more a little bit more yeah so that's what's going down on monday and it will be going up on tuesday and i'm very excited it's going to be insane and we'll just see what happens yeah let's see what happens well that's it i mean well have a great weekend thank you to our members that make this possible you guys helped support the show you guys helped support the nation without you members we wouldn't be able to be making so much content we do it for you guys you guys enable us to do it that we have got this great team that we put together i'm so proud and happy and thankful to be working with such a talented bunch of guys and uh sky's the limit we're 27 i'm gunning for uh ten episodes number one ten episodes a week baby ten episodes a week yeah ten episodes no though that'll kill us but i am gunning for five i really do genuinely think we can do five yeah we'll get there eventually but four for now was plenty once we're in the studio we're gonna need to figure it out but yeah once we're in the studio it's i think gonna be a lot easier because we'll all be in the same space we can actually work together instead of these constant zoom calls what do you guys think if the on wednesday i posted one that was all for politics so i don't have to talk about it in the other show but i'd like like uh talking about politics and news oriented stuff so that would be what i'm thinking would be the fifth episode it's the quarantine episode we quarantined the politics and it's right i don't like it oh trump doesn't like that makes sense he would probably be a frequent topic but you know it's nice to separate it because people get sensitive about these kinds of issues and i think i could have like uh political uh entertainers figures you know there's a lot of them on youtube that could like go just got that kyle kalinski you guys suggested yeah people like there was a second super chat that that people are saying second and then people are begging no please no well you don't have to watch it that's the beauty of it right yeah i think that would be the idea i mean that's the point is that you don't have to watch it if you want to but i don't know we'll think about it yeah it's separate it's totally separate what dan oh nothing i was just saying we can we can still think about it all right well before we log off here we're kind of off the rails at this point uh real quick uh uh ayush our caller uh android 31 he donated he said i was here from the poop call thanks again for having me on the call it was a blast sorry for trying to chill my channel at the last minute understanding you guys can't risk endorsing random channels wait when did he try to no he said his his uh mime club his comments oh i was just kidding dude it's totally fine to plug your [ __ ] yeah mine club go [ __ ] go watch these geniuses perform [Laughter] um yeah you guys are slacking on wiki feet man i listen on the membership you're number one i'm not on popularity dan the thing is that there's you have to like sign up and [ __ ] so there's like a whole process yeah you don't want to be on wikipedia i have to be number one across the board i need people to actually go and be like why is this guy number one like people who actually go here to beat off defeat and then like it's me and bobby lee but i almost have a six i almost have a perfect six so sierra just donated 35 hey guys i forgot to type my message i guess she might have donated earlier uh it's my birthday today and i love your glasses ela happy birthday sierra all right this is totally off the rails we have lost all aim and focus thank you guys once again we love you appreciate you have a great weekend hope you stay safe don't catch on fire don't catch covet don't catch on fire don't catch covet have to be safe social distance and we're gonna be putting mayonnaise on dan's dome really soon i didn't tell you guys but i've been on a really good diet i've been doing really good i don't know about what after what i witnessed yesterday maybe whatever all right i'm gonna all right guys we'll see you next time all right have a great weekend have a great weekend ritual and e.t share a laugh with the ringer see y'all love jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but we always do embrace from the ashes like the peanuts on the flex back to two you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h 2 3 3 3 3 you're watching h 2 3 3 3 [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 666,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: xkgy_19bNpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 49sec (7189 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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