I busted 100 myths in GTA 5

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-All right. We're checking out the only game where you don't just bust myths. You torture them until they die. It's GTA. The two galactic emperors of my sadness, Danny and Alex, told me that there is a lot of GTA myth-busting going on on YouTube, and they wanted to make their own types of myth-busting boards. Knowing me, they said they'll probably find a way for me to make it so that we can actually do the myths even if they're impossible, and thus it's time to bust myths in a way that you shouldn't even be allowed to. Let's do this. The first myth here is pretty easy. It just says that you can't jump over 15 of the biggest helicopters on a motorcycle. I feel like this myth came out before the days of parkour because I can jump across the entire board. All you have to do-- Well, now I'm going to get scalped. Ah. Let me be less of a failure. All you have to do is pop a wheelie and lean way back. More, more, more. There. Oh, God, I lost it. Lean way back and hold it. Why is there a plane on all my helicopters? Come on. Where's air traffic control during all of this? Anyway, no helmet and lean back. There. Now, you just have to pump it. Pump it, pump it. Nice. Oh, yes, nice and smooth. Oh, crap. All right. Even smoother this time. We're talking yogurty ex-lax level of smooth, probiotic. Easy. There it is. Next one. This myth is apparently you cannot land a cargo plane on the landing pad of the Maze Bank. [laughs] First of all, why would you ever want to do this? Now, I will let you all know this is a rare known fact about GrayStillPlays, but I actually am a pilot, in training at least, so I do have some experience here. The issue is my skills don't translate at all over to GTA. I've never actually even thought to see how big of a landing area I have. Oh, that is really tiny. I know. I'm waiting for the comments on that one. Boop. No. All right. I'm annoyed that there's a helicopter that's slowly getting in the way of my descent here. I have an idea. No. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on, man. [laughs] What? [laughs] The nose is stuck on the landing pad. Does this count? Hold on. [laughs] GrayStillPlays. All right. It has to be on the landing pad. I'm not going to count this. Here's the plan. I actually am going to use some real piloting skills on this. We're going to increase-- and what we're going to try and do is stall the-- [laughs] What I was going to say is what we're going to do is stall the plane onto the landing pad. All right. Watch. See. Pitch up, and we're going to stall it. We're going to stall it just like having a short field to land on. Stall it, stall it, stall it. Oh, come on. The wheels are on, baby. Hold on. Let me get out. I'm going to show you. That is perfect. Next myth. I feel like this one was actually taken out of the comment section because this is so ridiculous I can't imagine this being a real myth in GTA. This is called you can't jump 30 homeless people on a bicycle. That's so specific. Who would ever come up with this? Now there is-- Obviously, if I just skate over, that doesn't count. I have to fully jump over them. I will say the one issue with bicycles is that you can't lean them back the same way that you could a motorcycle. I actually have to find a different way to go about this because there's no way to get enough speed to go over this. Look, this is as far as I could possibly get and maybe 25. All right, I have an idea. Luckily, I brushed up on my skills two episodes ago when they tortured me using a bicycle. If you do this, you can actually get to the point where you almost go light speed. Yeet. I can make this happen. Oh, my skull. Oh, yes, we're rolling. We're rolling. This is the thing that's happening. I'm going to die. Oh. Well, on the plus side, if I take out all the garbage cans, there won't be much left for me to run into. Oh, this looks good. This looks good. This is great. Yes. I just need to straighten that up and get even more speed. Think of it like a-- I guess while I'm here I'll stop for a burger. I was going to say think of it just like making a bunch of challenges for me that are supposed to be myths, but we do stupid stuff every day, anyway, so it's just how long will it take me to get the ridiculousness done? That was terrible. Wow, I actually got shot by my own inertia past everyone. Look at the speed. Oh, God, look at the speed. Uh-huh. Oh, no. That's perfect. That's perfect. Oh, that was terrible. Wow. Maybe this is impossible. I'm just kidding. It's not impossible. I'm never giving up. Come on. As long as I stay on this strip right here of rusty death-- oh, I went off the rusty death strip and-- oh, that was still good. I should have committed. Come on. Come on. Got my rotator cuff is inside of my spleen at this point. That looks decent. Oh, not the middle. That's bad. Okay. Well, if I didn't break my back on this hot dog vendor I would've gotten it. That judgemental hot dog is looking at me. All the speed. Oh, all the speed. That was probably-- oh, yes. Oh, we're getting a lot of speed. Oh, yes, I got the hip thrusting down now. [screams] Yes. On to the next myth. This one is called you can't skydive through a construction crane and survive. This sounds so legitimate it makes my wiener hurt. You have to skydive through it. I can't actually use a parachute, I just have to deal. Oh, no. Oh, this is thumbnail-hole-tastic. On the plus side, I totally think I can do this. After what I have shoved Florida man's body through in this game, this is nothing. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Okay, that's a little high. [laughs] Some construction workers are going to come in tomorrow and they're going to be like, "Oh, Frank, are you working on"-- oh, my God. Where did all this blood come from? I'm screwed. Alex and Danny wouldn't actually give me a challenge that's impossible, right? [laughs] Oh my God. This looks good. This is so clean. I needed to stay higher. I keep thinking that I'm a lot lower than I am. You may be asking yourself, "Gray, what are you doing right now?" I'm actually losing altitude so that I can go faster, straighter, and totally miss, and then land right on the dotted line in the highway. Perfect. I love jumping to my death. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. There we go. There we go. I'm going to break my arms. If there's one thing I love it's knowing that my impending death is mere moments away. I messed that up. I hope you can adventure with no knees because I just lost both of them on that last drop. This should be better. I really need to do speed and less just falling. It's always the knees. The fact that there's a pool right beneath me torturing me, knowing I could fly into it. Oh, this is it. Yes, yes. Yes. Ah, web parachute, which means blood. Next one. This is called "You can't fly upside down in a tunnel under Chiliad with a prop driven plane." [laughs] What? Who came up with these? [laughs] Okay. Oh, no. Flying is the one thing I-- oh, there's cars? Come on. [laughs] How are you supposed to do this? I feel like this is absolutely possible in a jet and so because it's possible in a jet, Alex was like, "Oh, we'll just give him a plane from 1949." Okay. This thing takes off really good, though, that's for sure. All right, so I don't have much flying experience in GTA as you can tell. Over time- oh, my God. Okay. Over time just due to all the stupid stuff I have to-- oh, my God, I'm almost there. No, I will eventually become a professional in every single thing inside of GTA just because of how much you guys like torturing me. Also we have channel memberships with stuff like 50 custom emojis and tons of secret videos that no one else gets to see. I love Redwood. Oh, my God. Oh, sweet Redwood. Okay, right here. I just need to hold it right here. Pulse, light pulse. Light pulse, light pulse. That's a piece of the plane from before. Oh, made it. Okay. That wasn't actually that bad. Next myth. This is called, "You can't survive falling 1,000 feet while walking across a counter-clockwise spitting cargo-- [laughs] What? [laughs] What is this challenge? At this point, I think there's normal myths and then there's Gray myths. Come at me, bro. All right, so I just have to learn-- okay, there and then it's just-- ah, it's too late. If I keep the right walking, I think it'll work. Okay, well, that was terrible. I guess I'll just jump to my death now. Give it to me. All right. There. Oh, now it's like turning sideways. Can you hit this straight on, please? Okay, that's not straight on at all. It's like doing a Rubik's cube except the Rubik's cube has a tendency to kill people. I think what's funny is people are often like, "Oh, I love watching Gray, lose his sanity." What you don't seem to understand is I don't-- Oh, God, no. Okay, I can do this. I can 100% do this. I don't have much sanity left to lose. Oh, yes. Oh, this is nice and straight. Oh, I can actually kind of direct it with my body weight. Okay. Okay. Yes. I've got it. I've got it. I've got the pattern. Oh, it's perfect. Oh, it's so good. This is totally happening. Yes. Yes. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the heck? It worked. I don't know what just happened there, but it worked. [laughs] Onto the next one. This is called you can't kill a pedestrian by skydiving on top of him from a skyscraper. First, I have to find a pedestrian, there's one, and maybe asking, "Gray, why you choose that pedestrian?" Because she's a good target. Oh, I hate the fact that she started moving. "Lady, can you just like stand in one spot so I can hit you at terminal velocity?" Attempt number two. I'm going to miss. Attempt number three. I'm not even near anyone. Attempt number 8,000. This looks good or not. The actual myth should be that you can actually hit someone while skydiving at all a lot harder than it sounds. The sad part is I've actually done quite a bit of parkour skydiving and it really has not prepared me to use my own body as a deadly missile. Oh, I just gave that girl a free haircut. I'd rather just shoot you. That would make my job a lot easier. Oh, she's stopping right at my blood spatter. Huh? That's actually pretty good to know. What I was actually doing is finding out what her walking pattern is because I've decided no matter what, I'm going to choose her much like a Pokemon. She is- Did it work? Did I get her? She didn't die. I'm not accepting that. There's no way that I'm letting this get away from me so I'm going to choose someone thinner. maybe he has a smaller constitution or maybe I can just hit him straight down instead of at an angle like full speed. I need to do a full dive on top of these people. Where'd he go? Oh, I was just really bad. Ah, boom. Right near the concrete baby. Oh, I won. I won. I did it. Onto the next myth. This myth is from, Danny. There's actually two parts to this. The first one is you can't parachute on a blimp, which actually doesn't sound that hard at all and then you can't explode a blimp and survive while standing on it. That sounds a lot more difficult. The parachuting on a blimp, I have parachuted at this point because of these two on top of inch-wide platforms. Landing on top of a blimp, that's like landing on the State of Texas. This is so easy I can't imagine failing this at all. All I have to do is get the blimp in sight. This is super simple. Nice, slow descent here. Kick those feed out. I just don't want to overshoot it there. This should be perfect. Look at this. First try. I don't even think this is a thing, and poop into a fall. Now you can't explode the blimp and survive while standing on it. To be fair, I've never stood on a blimp while it was exploding, so this is a new and exciting development for me. I love how all of my new and exciting developments are pain-related. Take the sticky bomb with a few over here. Now the issue is is that I don't want to get blown up by the sticky bomb, so that won't count. I have to just make sure that I do enough so that the blimp explodes, but there is the blast from the bomb doesn't kill me. This should do it. How big is the blast? I've never- Actually, I'll put a few more down there. This should be good. This should be enough. I'm going to shoot it. Oh, wow. It actually didn't even do any damage to me. I didn't know that happened. I guess myth busted. This next one is you can't shoot down a commercial plane with a sniper rifle. I feel like I can absolutely shoot down a commercial plane with a sniper rifle. Fortunately, stop trying to evade my gun. After all of the trick shots I had to do in the last video, my aim is actually not terrible. I don't know how many shots it would take. Maybe there's like a part of the plane that I should be shooting or is this not a thing? Am I just wasting my time? Oh, no. Here we go. Just got to keep hitting the engine. Yes. Myth busted. This one says you can't skydive from the top of Mount Chiliad into LMOC. Ow. Not parachute but skydive. You have no idea what I've skydived through. Okay, there we go. There we go. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, this is nothing. We just got to head bang. Got to headbang really hard and keep this altitude. Look at it. It's perfect. I can get deep into the sea. [laughs] What I'm going to try and do, hold on, we're going to see if I can land it right in the little peninsula here. Oh, God. I think I may have underestimated this or I thought this is easy. No. I have to keep the altitude the whole way otherwise there's no way to do this. That last little area is very, very convincing that it looks like you're going to make it and then you just end up losing all of your chiclets on the dirt on the ground. This should be good, though. Oh, I'm just barely going to make it. I can't die. Got it. Not even a speck of blood. Onto the next myth. This myth says you can't parachute on top of a cable car. The cable car does move and the cable cars are weird because like they move-- Hold on. They move underneath you. Do those cables count to take out my parachute? I never thought about it. I don't think so. No, they don't. All I have to do is just slow down and when I fall, not yet. Not yet. Oh God. Oh, yes. Perfect. I was going to say sometimes the cable car moves even though-- What happened? What happened there? What was that? How come I teleported through the cable car? I don't know if this is something that's legitimately impossible or not. I'm going to try and land on the cable car coming the opposite way. Landed there. Oh, the cable car does stop. Then is it okay? It's not going to disappear. I get it? I got it. Is that so bad? Myth busted. This next one is actually a really fast myth, but I already know how to do this. It's called you can't destroy a cable car. You're right. You can't destroy the cable car, but what you can do. Well, if you know how to actually throw sticky bombs and not miss every time. What you can do is you can actually destroy this. You ready? Yeet. Pull, turn back so y'all can see it. Boom, and there you go. Cable cars in one piece, but it's just not on the cable anymore. This is the weirdest myth it says you can't kill someone with a snowball from 100 feet away. That's so specific. I have never actually tried to kill a person with a snowball. I don't know. There's like an arc, right? It'd be like right here. Oh, wow, it falls a lot. Maybe here. Did I hit him? I don't even know. It's a snowball. I'm pretty sure I just hit him. He twitched. Is it working? Are you dying good, sir? Is the ice slowly penetrating your head? Oh, I think I legitimately just killed a man with snowballs. [laughs] I'm just waiting to see if he gets-- Oh no, he's 100% dead. Well, snowballs are in fact murderous. There go. Next myth. This one is actually called you can't kill 10 to 50 pedestrians with one bullet. Normally, this is a very propagated myth on YouTube, but hold on. Wait for it. [laughs] I think Alex has given me a very special guide. 11, you ready? Boom. Here's 50. Just because this is stupid and ridiculous we're going to make it happen, though. Myths aren't meant to just be busted. They're meant to be destroyed yeetily deet. Alex loves to cheat. All the people did was use myths as a different way to torture me. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time. Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,764,574
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, grand theft auto 5, gta, gta 5, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 races, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v jump, gta 5 mods, graystillplays gta 5, gta 5 funny moments, gta v funny moments, awesome gta 5 stunts, gta 5 magnetic, gta 5 online, gta v online, in GTA 5, 100 myths in gta 5, I busted 100 myths, myths in gta 5, myths in gta, 100 myths in gta, gta 5 caylus, busting myths
Id: wRTeUDNvelY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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