There Is No Game (FULL GAME)

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guys i'm sorry to report but there is no game for this video i don't know what i'm supposed to do now be honest how many youtubers or streamers or whatever have started playing this and made the exact same joke sorry guys no video no game for today anyway welcome back to there is no game i played another version of this a long time ago but then they released uh there is no game wrong dimension and i figured since i went through stanley parable recently and everyone really loved that this is a game kind of in the same sort of vein where the narrator talks to you and kind of messes with you as you play the game it's very very fun from the previous version that i played so i'm excited to do this one they said though if i can read this then i should leave the program which it's already telling me what to do okay this is very fun it's like i'm in a theater there is no game do not click start i don't have a start button why do why do they still say click start we're not in an arcade anymore um no game here useless options this way so this is the exit and he's trying to get me to leave immediately but i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna go here and play your silly game see you lie to me uh mise on a sure yeah i understand language i'm cultured yeah i get it i'm european i understood all of that we have so many languages here in europe you understand them all it's not like this non-game has a hint system so there's no reason to click on the icon below to get a clue it that's the ps3 startup sound which i just learned last year was actually how an orchestra lets you know that they're ready they all play like that i didn't know that okay let's go chapter one i i don't know what this means i picked english are you trying to confuse me who's doing all this knocking there's someone in here hey just a minute please now where's my speech oh here it is [Music] i almost forgot the title did i come at a bad time did you just wake up there it is hello user this is a program speaking i've got some bad news actually there's no game the financial crisis indipocalypse probably love this yeah i hope you're not too disappointed you can still watch tv go outside read a book yeah there's no game but just between you and me avoid asking for a refund if you can this case sounds portuguese my creator has got to eat and feed his 12 kids is it portuguese his wife who is sick i don't know well when he finally finds one can't wait to have a sick wife in the future it's holding well it's been fun but uh time to go now i broke it you can't quit there's nothing to do with my title wow do you have any idea or a bubble buster whatever you want to call it oh just nature's up there i've got to put that back up ah the chain is stuck do i have to get all of these oh lord oh god whoa great breaker brick breaker that's what it's called there's whoa that was cool there's so yeah there's so many versions of this is making some big gestures over there oh whoops at least i don't die when it goes away it's pointless i'm not a game program i'm just dude i'm not listening to you i have adhd i'm focused on one thing and one thing only leave okay i'm leaving now okay bye thank god now i can rock this game in peace oh come on go back go back there you go nice got it i'm crapping virtually you've completely ruined my beautiful title well if that's the way things are going to be let's make something solid i don't know how much of this was in the previous version of the game or what's new or if this is a completely new one i eat all alone this time is that a chromatic aberration or is this letter tilted could be chromatic aberration [Music] can i use this to cut stop tapping everywhere it's annoying sorry i can't close the program myself you have to quit i want to cut the thing snip stitch okay i get it you want to play a game all right yeah we're going to play um um oh roshambo no we're gonna have a great time wait you know it's the one with rock paper scissors i thought roshambo was oh okay wait what is that game where you hit each other in the testicles i thought that was rochambeau okay i wish that here is my choice now it's your turn to choose a card scissors cuts this too i win what luck come on let's play again you cheated there's tape on that i win again this is so much fun the next one's yours yeah i love losing over and over again oh look i picked paper what could he possibly have oh that's too bad got him [Music] there is game here is i thought of everything to protect the game no more game here finished can i we're going to stop now and you're going to leave are you trying to get rid of me or what digital assassin virtual can i stop his mouse that's so cool yes now i can open them eat it you've got to be kidding me look at what you've done a brand new title if you want to break things go play battle of duty instead battle of judy i want to open these oh yeah baby can i no what do the arrows do though just what do you think you're doing i am a god in this world found it okay we're not welcome apparently am i dreaming or are you trying to pick the lock with the mouse cursor are you just knocked the key that's on my side onto the floor let me put it back there we go oh can i knock it down [Music] where's the key let me lock pick with this i can't stop pushing the key it falls to the ground oh can i like grab it though there's another key where did you find that key it doesn't matter the key to this door is on my side too bad okay we gotta combo this i told you he doesn't feed i told you it doesn't fit come on man give me something nobody's home it's fun because i can tell that the developer of the game was just sitting at home like doing the lines himself and then put on a voice changer um can i what's over this way get out of here it's private this is backstage you should not be here you're going to catch cold oh i knocked down french back to the title i knocked down the french correction my ex title boy you're so stubborn how am i going to use the french to get in what's that blue thing under the door i don't understand what you're doing i'm using the french to get the key thank you french you're useful don't do that user's as pretty as one as well i hope this will calm you down don't bother trying to open it the lock is completely busted dude again i've adhd and you're putting like puzzles and fun and game mechanics in front of me i want to like click everything oh god it won't work i'm telling you okay all right time to figure out a puzzle guys don't you worry i've figured them all out so far there's no problems here i'm gonna figure this out in no time what do i do okay i need something else um draw me a pixel can i draw you a pixel [Applause] draw me a goat okay draw me a cog yes that's what i need oh that's cool nobody's home okay i need another one the sentence was a little weird where do you think i could get another copy of moving from screen to screen doesn't like that when it goes too fast okay i repeat especially when it goes too fast okay if i go really fast what happens [Music] i'm is the game you better be careful i wanted you you're stealing from my memory too oh i don't like that i will steal the clothes off your back oh wait let's put that back in damn it there's nothing left i can use to help me i have no choice oh no it's not the languages go back program loading what bad luck you were able to press the button i'm very upset i stopped the loading no the program is loading and there's nothing i can do to stop it oh no good you've beaten me say here it's taking a long time to load yeah because you have internet from the 90s [Applause] oh yeah it definitely crashed i hey don't feel my paper i am in the progress bar i'll touch whatever i like okay don't touch anything else what are you going to do what are you going to do don't touch anything else accept the quit button i'm like a tick annoying as [ __ ] is going to close due to an unexpected use error program the closing has quit unexpectedly please restart the machine [Music] you need to restart your machine and this is not a fake operating system i swear and you should not open the prohibited folder for any reason it's your conscience who's asking sure i haven't talked to my conscience in years you think i want to start now enlarge your memory memory bar only for 99 cents [Music] you are a lonely processor find love and become a multi-core okay i don't have any friends in skype are you fat no thank you for asking it's not really a song there's an exclusive episode of breaking good on tv and your conscience is telling you that you definitely shouldn't miss it it's been years since breaking good was on yeah that's what i'm talking about go sorry squirrel media player has stopped rebooting the program oh man but it was sick [Music] i like this one too hey baby nice of you to come around again last time i feel like we got off on the wrong foot if you know what i'm saying this time why don't you just come on in open up a bottle and relax the bubbles will only last so long baby girl why don't we just take our time the reason button on your machine seems to be focused dude i'm doing mouth sex shut up hold your finger on it and never take it future hazelnut tree water plus light equals tree got it okay programming tools dude i'm interacting with a picture sick [Music] looks like not about a bunch of number one zeros to me does that actually say something can people find that out um okay i don't know what this does what's your trash [Music] private do not shake do you think i could turn on the music and then that super private dude i found your prawn folder what's in here notes the truth about roswell hello due to a technical problem the content of this document has unfortunately been lost sorry the fbi ps oh yes it was a weather balloon we finally know the truth about roswell it was a weather balloon guys whoa whoa whoa whoa dude come on you gonna look at processors like that oh and your motherboard would be so disappointed in you this is a milf a motherboard i'd like to [ __ ] your what is this what is blurred dude why is this actually hot [Music] what so just something about a pair of panties man okay cool oh wait there's a truth too the truth about kennedy's death hello due to a technical problem okay p.s the shooter was a weather balloon the truth about apollo 11 hello weather balloon the fbi they just gave up at that point where's the robot from 2001 space odyssey calling me greetings you don't know me and my voice isn't remotely similar to an existing program i just wanted to say that these pictures are scandalous i'm going to contact the authorities right away regarding the classification of this game non-game and they are not mine it's for a friend definitely not me not me profile occupation retired program likes trees kites and the number 18 hates bugs and goats hey what a goats ever do to you favorite food the cpu okay the number 18 is going to come in handy assuredly [Music] all right clock [Music] interesting okay he wants a don't shut down if i give him the nut he'll give me the key ah into the trash i go worst pinball ever oh my god does this actually work yes okay how do i yeah baby that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm waiting for is going to be bitten it's not very high that's better come on man you're just scared because i'm better than you here's a big ski yeah there's a big scared loser beat it [Music] cheater you're one talking cheating all the time and then claiming that i'm a cheater no way jose if i forget the administrator password enter this in this order spot the odd one out on my id card okay my favorite number 18 miss tokyo's private number i knew that like 427 or whatever it was had to come in handy um okay id card number okay so this is for the clock game i have to leave sorry gg ggs bro wait did we see id card oh the odd one out [Music] huh your conscience is telling you that the sun has just exploded my conscience you already want to spain [Music] be a waste there's been a reason i can turn this upside down [Music] i'm missing something important in this picture there's something important in this picture that is important to the puzzle that i want to solve what is it come on eyes do not deceive me now there it is oh my god how did i not see that 91 [Music] 1918 457 every week [Music] or is it just night ah but what is he going to do with the system clock i hope he doesn't break anything oh it's daytime now [Music] i don't know what that does for me [Music] what does how does daytime help is somebody else online can i talk to somebody [Music] what's my trophy do hello ah i need water your conscience is going to count down from three to zero so is there any water i can catch like around here three two [Music] one sorry dude now listen ah yes minus one yes minus two fill it up i'm so genius nice grow my beanstalk grow and now there's going to be a nut yeah baby and then you give the nut to the squirrel i have to crack it for you how am i going to do that god use squirrels and your nuts i just drop it hard enough it'll do it there's something somewhere that'll help me break this maybe this are you broken yet we're back to smooth jazz again whatever the nutcracker of course damn that's clever there you go nice into the prohibited folder and there's no way to shrink it or is there let's go no what's in here i forbid you to open that folder you've crossed the line is it your furry pictures don't launch the program oh it's just a game you were supposed to leave edges ago don't do that what have you done user you've got you want me to play the game man within a fake operating system this is more effort possible what's going to happen no i don't like this at all it's made in india oh are we in india now whoa this is the program speaking i have some bad news actually this is not a game i hope you are not too disappointed you can still watch a bollywood film take a walk around the ganges dude bollywood films legit such a cliche who is it what are you doing in my game i mean my not game what this is my game i mean mine on game what are you talking about go away you should not be here user do something damn it oh i've been have a funny accent are you russian russian do i wrote the r like that sir of course not overreaction typically it is i am not russian [Music] idiot you woke him up oh no user you need to quit the program wait woke up oh now we're getting interesting wow hi guys don't touch him user he is highly unstable the only one who's unstable around here he looks like a gas leak from pokemon i have nothing to do with this of course you do you shouldn't even be here shouldn't be here but this is what i live don't fight with me girls there will be enough crashes to go around okay let's just all chill out maybe he will go the glitch is problematic yeah right in your dreams go on get out of here i touch him get out of here i told you not to touch him well i'm gonna i'm going to touch him you can't just tell me not to touch things it's like saying don't think about pink elephants what am i thinking about pink elephants this is a game i'm having fun i'm breaking the whole thing can we have an irish there is no game like ah buys what are you doing over here i told you there's no game at all it's hard like if you're in a game you're probably going to play like call of duty here like fortnight or something like that but coming over here looking for a game you're not going to find anything inside a glitch if you want that that's grand like fair enough but like i i'll get how we're here i'll i'll be gone okay break it all [Music] oh now we're rushing i hope you are not too disappointed ah not again how do we get out of here you are spy okay this one truly has a russian accent but you're still here it seems to be so sure you are show me papers only if you say papers please there you are i was looking for you sorry lads i'm having too much fun [Music] things are becoming more and more unstable it's even raining crystal oh by you my friends you are flexed by what is happening mr glitch is back stop saying that we can't die possibly we could be erased we are all going to be a race sorry i'm going to break the french you helped me once before french but now it is an assault on your croissants [Music] it's a croissant there we go it's a reward you i was whoa [Music] okay now things are really getting out of control hell yeah it's the best one yet i want to stay in japanese land i want to stay in the nihon playing hide and seek with him you're going to get us killed i'm not i'm trying to get to irish games trying to get to ireland i can't click it this is difficult nice we're transcending time ireland was there somewhere i could tell there was no game at all in ireland all the boys were gone home i'm never going to be rid of it am i i started this i'm going to end it this is gonna be a poltergeist reference what what happened they're here i think i went to sleep for a minute [Music] it is on everything to poltergeist the bag i warned you about it look where that got us you know we did not play the game either and that was fun somewhere i don't know this must be great for youtube bitrate right now right am i all fuzzy as well place is very strange what is it some kind of television ghost possession portuguese miss voodoo 555-2368 okay kisses from the gear factory oh there's more gears it's showing me that i can click this but i'm not able to do anything with it yet the screen doesn't have a video signal okay no it's probably not printed right what you plugged in the video input yeah oh you just couldn't help yourself could you what do you want me to do i'm a gamer i know how televisions work i've been through it all man composite skirt hdmi the well i guess i was scared but the weird thing went into the back of the ps2 oh whoa that doesn't look very sturdy no it doesn't does it oh i tried to break it more how is this possibly making things worse oh i can see it made things worse oh my god i'm in an old 90s game another coffee cup watson what son cool cold homes is it me or is there an echo all of a sudden did you hear that it was a wilhelm scream dude i want to play this game about that scream it seems to be coming from our dear neighbor wilhelm's home let's go take a look shall we he's actually called wilhelm are they gone what on earth is going on they don't look like interaction icons i think do the icons in the game work no no that can only mean one thing we are trapped in this world just like these fictional characters a world where it's impossible to tell what's real and what's an illusion user we've probably entered a different video game dimension sure do something anything i'm trying to do but you keep talking okay find a way out please we should not be here okay what can i use the glass on [Music] um let's just tear everything down and what are you going to do with that stamp anyway put it on an email why are you so pessimistic like just let me do my thing i'm figuring it out as we go the stamp clearly goes here somewhere [Music] seven two five three eight six uh okay i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing with this um i'll i'll figure it out don't even worry about it the stamp clearly ah goes disgusting ew ew that was disgusting actually what have you done now i can do you take off one of the game's icons or the one with the bent corner and just what do you plan to do with that feast i don't know there's plenty of things you can do with a fist okay i thought i could put it back on and send the letter i punch this don't touch anything else you will end up breaking something fragile let me do my thing okay there we go we're back to this that's better isn't it i think so not really because the music's gone now and that's annoying okay we we punch something here uh we we stick that yeah okay what am i supposed to be aligning here cups scissors feathers is this it i thought that might be the stamp icon okay i'll figure this out don't you guys even have a worry about it [Music] see i broke the window and now this is happening i was talking about this dimension look whatever man mr wilhelm open the door it's your neighbor sherlock holmes it will never work holmes what we need is a key the key to open a door you disappoint me my dear friend be more creative make more daring associations and think in four dimensions you mean like you're doing now i thought maybe they were trying to get in break a sound user but they were trying to get in through the wall or something not a sound i shush you're making sounds punch everything what was that sound whoopsies a lost penny it's my lucky day your lucky evening my friend [Music] cool i got a penny oh i can use that to wait hold on can i cut that off this i could use the penny to open up the back of the tv right punch the moon stamp the moon cut the moon okay i can't do anything to it don't make a sound user shut up all right is that just a penny again not a sound another penny i'm going to be rich oh my god am i going to have to finally be able to pay your share of the rent is he a doctor [Music] i thought i got two pennies that would have been awesome there's something written on this strange hatch your unfortunately it's too small to read yeah we have a magnifying glass can i can i please use the magnifying glass to do magnifying things that'd be dope punch the mouth punch the eye okay oh it has a it's a turned corner there must be a link i hope you're not speaking of yourself come on come on because it gives me time right yeah [Applause] now i get the coin stop cheating for goodness freak holmes i have the impression that there is whispering going on around us a sort of voice with a russian accent but i'm not there did you hear it the only thing i heard is the gentle rustling of the wind with a russian accent everyone's saying it dude nice there you go look you're saying no breakers out what are you do you were trying to live in this dimension forever no no answer me do you want to live in this dimension forever we gotta get out of here now we're thinking in the fourth dimension where are the monetary secrets it looks like the set of the game but seeing from the other side my god could you imagine like a full game like this where it's in a box and then you have to like turn and interact with the other side of the environment you gotta be you're already sick no you my bartitsu techniques have gotten the better of this door titsu come watson let's go inside just the lads what does this do does that move the moon [Music] try everything on everything i want this okay we can't we can't hold that in place yet okay wait let's just see where they went mr wilhelm are you there it's far too dark in here i can't be expected to walk around in the dark sherlock surely you haven't find us some light watson surely you have a light can i magnify the moon let's cross our fingers and hope that they can find the light correction let's cross our fingers and hope that you can't find the light can you fixing a machine with a stamp how logical how did that work i hope it's not connected to a light source how did that work i don't get it there we go no no no no where's the fake one going you hope it's not what come on man you're so pessimistic have a little fun live a little [Music] it's mr glitch well done watson we can finally see better i get the feeling that mr wilhelm is redecorating i don't recall him having a view of the moon this place scares the living daylights out of me but it's nighttime mr wilhelm are you dead holmes he's floating watson what has he got in his face mr glitch it looks like some sort of relatively thick monochromatic parasite and it's serious you're a disgrace to the medical profession let me take a closer look at it i for one would rather keep my distance from that thing okay i can't click on him can't stab him poor soul i can punch him it looks painful can i penny him what do you put a put a penny in your mouth swallow the penny don't touch that that machine doesn't look like it's plugged in anyways what if i complete the circuit with a penny no why would that work now it's plugged in ring ring telephone what was that sound like a ringing bell it's a phone i think it came from this odd device oh yes mr wilhelm told me about it it's a prototype of antonio muchi's teletrophone it allows you to communicate with another person from a distance instantly i say and how many of them exist this is the only one of its kind wow so it's useless yeah it's useless no more playing around what if they talk to me we might be able to find our exit stop playing around with everything you come across somebody will notice us anyway it's just pixel porridge and i don't have a magnifying glass on me [Music] why can't i ring ring poof come on work okay you wanted to be back in here like what do you want to do in here we can't do anything am i supposed to oh i'll put a coin on that stupid how am i how am i supposed to get this magnifying glass how am i supposed to use it oh wait now we can go at this side you were thinking about moving that fake wall forget about it the marks on the ground show that a piece of rail is missing or a letter of the alphabet my money is on the piece of rail oh it looks like a h got it got it where am i going to get a h wait i haven't tried the other side of this oh i have is that a thing i need do it get it this doesn't make any sense best not to think about it what if i bring the moon back and they die in that other room that'd be kind of cool [Music] it looks like the fuses have blown well then find a way to fix it my good man i haven't finished my investigation um [Music] okay so we we need to fix it i guess fine fine you guys are just a pain in my rectum there you go you happy now [Music] there you go fine is it just me or did the red letter move red letter [Music] where are you can i get the h off the help oh i can't stand hearing him scream there we go i got it thanks narrator guy you actually helped that time instead of trying to dissuade me from doing what i want to do and living my life wait did you just use a letter from a nanomatopia to fix a rail but that doesn't make any sense you might as well use i don't know a monkey to work a hydraulic pump it's dumb a monkey what really gets me is that it works we can get a monkey oh my god i unscrewed the magnifying glass that is so cool you just swiped their mining fine glass the fist wasn't enough for you i just hope they won't figure it out dude that's sick i wanted to see if i could see inside the mouth developers only you're a dab one more room you're going to be able to break i'm a div [Music] i think we're in some sort of liminal space between states of being ah i think i know where we are it's a dictionary this is where all the things that are used in the game are stole a kind of hidden library oh i see only the developers can access this section can i [Music] okay let's see the other side of it ah teeth ice cream punch the ice cream cut the ice cream coin the ice cream okay you can't do anything with ice cream in this game i'm just gonna use everything on everything that's all i know how to do wait maybe they line up with something here hmm or maybe not did i try everything on the bathtub here yes okay [Music] uh they're done with their investigation my magnifying glass in my hand watson and it suddenly disappeared there you go they figure it out that voice it's the ghost hose the russian ghost but i'm not russian mr wilhelm you never told us you were such a talented ventriloquist oh he's not the one speaking i am my name is game i'm a computer program i'm with a user a human and we are trying everything we can to get home home you know how we can exit your game game what game [Music] your game you are aware that the world you're in isn't real not you you don't know that you're in a video game is that it i'd rather look for my magnifying glass than continue listening to your mad jabbering mr wilhelm but he's not the one user i think we are going to need mr glitch's help if he brought us into this dimension he will probably be able to get us out of here what's a video game there's got to be a way to get it off maybe some kind of ritual later unless of course you've got the number for the fire department maybe you can punch him again are you trying to make a phone call you can see that it's much too small it's just pixel performance i see i knew that mining fine glass was a good idea well this telephone jury is strange it's like a missed puzzle it's old all right wait where am i going to get the number uh who are you going to call with this thing one why and he said it's the only one of its kind i need four more numbers man i remember one night in one calling 9-1-1 was just three numbers now it's four that's garbage i don't know if i've seen any numbers anywhere is there numbers on any of you can i zoom in hello oh five five five two three six eight i did see numbers it was right at the start i forgot five five wait no no there you go five five five two three six eight it works there's a connection that's strange the teletrophone is making that odd noise again someone seems to be trying to communicate with answer it dum-dum the come on watson pull yourself together it's probably mr moochie who made a second one is testing it mr sherlock holmes speaking a disenchantment ritual have to find another dupe madam goodbye was it a video game no but electrophone scam user this channel chrome's fellow is not very copyrighted he's not very bright is he um okay can i punch him [Music] if i if i call again are you just gonna call can i just come out and investigate the sound again [Music] maybe if i turn off the lights again they'll leave this is the wrong one this one there we go you just plunged off friends in darkness user that's not very nice mind you nothing you do even surprises me i wouldn't really call them friends it's dark again over in this corner i say there's a bit of light over by the entrance i may have lost my magnifying glass here well done user that character isn't by the communication device anymore yeah but now i can't see it maybe if i punch this again no that didn't work i think you're going to have to answer mr watson holmes the russian videographer speaking to me very well maybe he'll be more helpful than sherlock are you a video game too yes three steps for a successful disenchantment i'm listening ah that's what we're interested in there must be a full moon as luck would have it it's not the case cover the victim with snow uh it's the middle of may how am i gonna do that then gently place large cherry on top is this a ritual or a cake recipe a large show cherry summarize full moon snow big cherry thank you madam we are screwed full moon snow big cherry oh [Applause] and the award for unscrewer of the year you don't need to comment on everything i do you know you can just let me have things either i think you've lost an eye the eye becomes the full moon the eye is the full moon i put the eye on it here it's small oh i licked the moon okay i thought i'd lick the moon and then stick the eyeball on it and that would be a big white bright thing but i guess not wait maybe we can zoom in on the moon no cherry on top i can get from the ice cream right user ice cream maybe it can be used as snow after all it's just water in a solid state no but how can we get it see i thought there was a cherry on top of this well done jim how can we fill it up with snow again all we've got on hand is a game and a tv yeah i might mess up on that one there big guy it's it's the wrong type anyway it's the wrong type of ice cream it wouldn't have worked look all you have to do is lick the bath see presto it worked dang it what do i do why can i lick the moon and not stick something to it what do we use the eyeball for lick the penny [Music] [Music] wait does the iphone this paint make me think of the three primary colors red blue and yellow except we're inside a cathode ray screen with a video signal which is a mix of red blue and green without a paintbrush there's no point anyways what a paintbrush i have a tongue think about mixing colors oh my god [Laughter] that that didn't work the way i expected um yes red and green yellow red oh yeah red and green does make yellow that's i would not have known that i've stopped my head now i lick the moon and make it a full moon right can i do it what here full moon i hope the game won't get wise to us nice oh and i can dip the eyeball and make it red and that's a cherry a big red bull right do you think it will do the trick i don't know how do i get snow i can't first we need to buy the snow on him how do i get snow you wanted to turn the ice cream into like shaved ice [Music] oh my god what do we do what do we do what do i do what do i do what is the point of this bathtub i don't get it shave off pieces of it turn it into porcelain shavings no no no tv snow i'm impressed user let's hope that this snow will do the trick oh my god because white noise also like visual snow oh my god okay here we go there you go sorry mr wilhelm it's for your own good i think i can't believe you did that to me there had to be a reason for being able to plug it in and out again what is the bathtub for okay we have all the ingredients why isn't anything happening i don't know it is look it's starting yes okay watson mr wilhelm just exploded like a beached whale perhaps he was allergic to cherries i'm finally free of that ridiculous pride why did you attach yourself it must be more did you follow me we were transported here by accident we no you can't be true you broke the user with you you're such a pain in the neck and you wonder when she left you i won't let you speak of her anyways i have to go this isn't the dimension i was aiming for so good game no we have to follow him but he hasn't just blocked away and i feel like it's backwards are you talking about your trousers my good man how are we going to get past it i don't know whoa now the painting is the right way round at least i think so i've got a glitch again come home some things seem to be affected by these bug fragments yes yes yes like it reverses them or something who cares let's follow them i already figured that out can i reverse everything let me know i should probably go yeah what is that bloody thing on the side of this for please tell me i'm still gonna have to solve that and it's not just pointless where is the exit i can feel it here take us home it's probably in the man boy game you are not happy here with your new npc's npc oh did not know that sorry i meant new friends watson stop conversing with this beast you're making me uneasy doesn't seem too great where are you trying to go mr glitch to a place where i will be able to unleash my evil plan no no the one that will let me what what did he say the copy projection system right in the middle of the game how about we're missing the explanation of this evil plan let's find the numbers we need fast user oh five six one oh wait uh six one five i wonder if it's related to that strange disc on the monitor we don't have a six one five so it needs to be one two three four so i need to arrange these in a certain way that gets me numbers being one two three four okay eight no seven no eight nine no four six five no [Music] uh is it no no this copy protection system already existed i don't know dude on the other hand it must have been good for the photocopier market wait all of them have numbers that are beyond one two three four oh wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] no no does that count as a five i'll take it the disc has numbers that cannot be answered one three five so we gotta get i don't know what am i what am i aligning here our iphone system had asked us for other symbols dude can you just shut your [ __ ] mouth knife cane wait what's the canine kane's on the clock so let's just go with that no you will find a trick to get us out of this user i sure will uh um what what orientation are we blue gr red green blue so three one five god it's unbelievable to be this intelligent what an evil plan isn't it could you say that again we got cut off no i just saw the exit which means this is where we say goodbye farewell game enjoy your new cardboard i knew it isn't the manhole farewell rainbow butterfly he disappeared into the ground yeah how will we be able to follow him now the bathtub there you go let's have a look around this street scenery i i i don't know how that helps but sure now it's the right way up i don't i don't get it i don't get it is it on you no let me uh bring the moon back out maybe oh you're doing a thing is this a latch that holds the whole bottom of their universe on wow yes it was oh the ground isn't there anymore i killed them but where did the characters go i killed him i straight up just killed him there's the exit sherlock i'm going no the bathtub hold on watson the world is ending everything is fake i am fake okay now it's not the time for an existential nightmare i'm going to get us out of this mess ah darn it we can't leave them there like that we kind of can let's try to get them to safety quickly before leaving okay i probably bathtub but i'll just use that just in case whoa i don't know how to get it anywhere though how do i move you lick it this is doing something maybe i can ah there you go it wasn't that hard it was incredibly hard for you go ahead mr holmes jump there's something for you to land in on the other side yes hold on watson we're going to swing over to the hole three two one what an extraordinary leap this bathtub just saved our lives i didn't see much because of the screen interference but yeah the jump animation must have been amazing okay now that they're safe we can leave goodbye gentlemen i see you didn't want to do the animation got it that makes sense animation's hard whoa god that took forever to get through that's what we whoa we're in a different game now legend of the secret of the secret legend of the secret ah this still isn't our dimension getting home is going to be more complicated than i thought uh-huh is this a zelda clone the good the bad and the princess okay [Music] okay what can i interact like an rpg a key it's exactly the kind of game i was destined to become before i was abandoned let's start by waking up this character that's what you always do in these games hero [Music] if i yell any louder i might saturate my voice you almost broke the home button though i'll do it i'll drop a block on him and kill him there he is what was that oh but we've got to read it here's not even that voice is that you gaia spirit of the earth yes yes it's us it's me you've got a pretty deep voice for goddess i'm not feeling well what's going on the princess is in danger abducted by the infamous dark lord and held captive in the dimensional temple none of us said that that must be a way out yes hero that's it let's go rescue her how often does this happen that you just know what's going on but before we do that i have to find the 12 sacred feathers scattered all over the world and slay eight ticklish guardians uh-huh and find 50 sun fragments what i say we go straight to the dimensional temple we will figure it out when we get there okay yeah uh uh what is it the key is over here the door's locked then go find the key it must be around here somewhere right there this one's not the sharpest knife in the drawer are all video game characters stupid then yes why are you looking at me how do i how do i make him do anything where could you have put the key to the door is he just gonna find it on his own hello [Music] there we go are you the one who's making everyone jump what is this nice what have you done don't even worry about it we'll figure it out that's grandpa's chest it was stored in the attic just his actual chest cavity maybe look he's inside it's here are you do none of you know how anything works grandpa's carpenter's hammer that's odd it looks broken ah looks like mr glitch has been here oh mr [ __ ] it's okay my courage and will are enough especially a key both what happened did the glitchy hammer do this i suspect that it shrinks the sprite it hits okay oh i thought i saw the key behind the dress you did can i just do the thing behind the dresser yeah go get it i can't region oh my god are you sure that surprised me a little help can i make you bigger no i just frank you as well maybe i should have shrunk the key [Music] there we go except now i need to wait for you to get bigger again [Music] okay let me see maybe i can shrink it just enough [Music] you can reach it this child i have to beat him senseless with his own hammer okay there you go oh big key right why would it have to be small i'm not be myself senseless i got it go open the door now hero please for the love of god do something right what now the key doesn't fit in the lock it's too big unbelievable there's a key a door that's as simple as it gets in the game [Music] oh i only hit the key damn i thought i'd break your face it's open perfect we gotta go this way the quest i mean uh sorry superstar verdant landscape okay time to break stuff the path of the temple is blocked by these bushes do you have anything sharp to keep them with no the sword of life might do it the villagers say it's in the magic clearing to the west there's sort of life here that sounds like a good idea can i close this thank you be careful okay i was just about to do this i thought i had to click it instead of lift it oh my god what happened did you not see the hole i have to make you jump i've got to be more careful sweet mother of god if there's anything worse than like controlling a video game character that doesn't know what's going on or what they're doing or anything like that what it's one that i have no control over that is so frustrating just go the hole there's one hole in the path and you fall right in and i have to listen to the narrator speak constantly as it's well i just have to deal with two morons three actually including myself stop don't go falling in that hole again i was just about to do it just don't move until we find the solution okay hey all right we're gonna have to cover that hole but with what i had the solution i was just gonna make him jump as he moved can i make the hole small i'll just keep dropping this then until something falls into the hole shall i there you go boom boom we could build a bridge if we had a board okay i can't really click anything and do that to you [Music] that doesn't do anything let's try to find a board somewhere anywhere oh even if there's something written on it yeah i'm trying am i not am i not allowed oh what's that bag over on the left inventory uh-huh oh my god wait oh this is no time to be taking are you kidding me are you kidding me that's smart my god okay fine fine that's fine the sword is on the other side of that lake go around the villagers say that there's a sunken palace at the bottom of this lake but since i can't swim i'll never be able to investigate i'm so glad you live near a body of water amphibian skill uh yeah but it wouldn't be wouldn't it be better if i could breathe underwater oh i'm sure it doesn't have any intel points so then how are we going to get through those lily pads are on there by chance wow oh i thought i saw something jump you did it must have been fish when no wouldn't a fish what happens if i do this why did you move that way and not this one [Music] why did that just move back suddenly oh [Music] oh depending on which side of the screen i do it on okay that that solves the problem of this no it doesn't but you're not going to be aligned well that that does that so at least you get the chest your chest but where did it come from it looks like the royal chest from the sunken palace really that's what i call rushing a dungeon you just knew that whoa it's a giant something the monocle the monocle of hope and dreams it looks broken too that's unfortunate i'll break you probably there's nothing wrong with the sword of life now we've got another glitchy object okay if i get this all the way i wonder what this one does in this world ah the monaco not just the sprite and the hammer shrinks them very interesting these two tools are going to be very useful as we move through this world and of course you will be able to create chaos yup as usual okay and then you do this [Music] yeah baby how do i get the chest off nope oh god oh god oh oh the weight of the chest sang the lily pad user you're more talented than i thought thank you i wanted to hit the child i want to hit the child can i hit the child please hit the child i go anyway now we should be able to get him across the legendary sword of life looks more like a copy of excalibur it's beautiful i hope i'm worthy of it i hope so too oh we're not getting out of here [Music] can i help [Music] i'll make you big and the sword small let me do it it's stuck come on try harder there you go no we should give him a hand am i not allowed to do the sword okay maybe if i just make him big it's moving keep it up it's working it's working nice i broke it oh [ __ ] child do you know what this means gaia that you're the most incompetent hero in the history of video games yup ah probably but it also means that this isn't the sword of life it's unbreakable i'll never be able to save the princess from the dark lords i didn't read that all because of some pushes if this sword isn't the sword of life where could it be probably to the east gaia help me i'm begging you give me comfort strength courage thousand dollars and a pair of gardening shears can i what are we gonna do with this broken sword i don't know could we use it as a tune [Music] kill the child i don't know how that helps me i see your screw detector is still working but don't try to use that broken sword like a screwdriver i thought i was so smart it doesn't fit unless you can find a way to flatten the end maybe i can use my superhuman strengths for that no thanks we saw how that turned out i i would love for you to do that don't listen to him i'm listening [Music] can i make it bigger or something the end of this sword doesn't fit into the screw you would need to flatten it can i just drop this on it did that work am i a genius [Music] no [Music] wait wait okay that yeah it's it's doing something [Music] oh that job completely crushed the tip of the sword now there's no way we're gonna be able to cut anything with i feel like i tried absolutely every other option except having this open and doing that [Music] okay there we go nice user an interface that strangely reasonable sword yeah could it be it's the sword of life thank you oh gaia for this gift from the gods thank you for this for this what is it it's the legendary sword of life yeah really it looks like it's from a galaxy far far away it's a lightsaber not far away believe me i'm gonna try it oh heck yeah it's even better than the sword you would have gotten be grateful it works let's go cut these those demonic bushes that are blocking our past yes please oh my god child i don't believe it he's doing it on purpose there's no other explanation well at least now you're back here i actually did it on purpose to save time not bad huh [Laughter] smart kid somebody he learned it all from me [Music] all right go cut the bushes and we'll be on our way if there's some reason not to cut these bushes i will kill you the path of the dimensional temple is finally clear all that way to cut down two bushes two you're the one who made the game he's one of the infamous dark lords things no one gets through my master will fulfill the prophecy how original all right let's see what this interfer this sword does i have a feeling it's not going to do anything and i'm going to have to help get him get him wait get him there you go this is the longest fight ever yeah they're not even doing any damage how do i help you can i like make the sun big oh sorry i dozed off none of my magical movements seem to be moving him whoa he's breaking the feather okay wait go back again i'll do that again nice i should have sent you further back dude you can't break the sun where do you think this is and big nice okay i'm gonna stop breaking everything too you see what fell down the feather this is no time for chickening okay um but make you light and then put the feather on you then i make you light and push you off right now [Music] what was that noise i must have been dripped i uh i made him sneeze there's something got to do with that nice there we go wait i killed him he's gone now okay now will this work no uh this there you go what i'm stuck could somebody give me a hand nope uh i'm actually gonna make you big so you sink what sort of magic is this the lily pad's gonna sink booth [Music] this is what happens to those who dare to cross the hero with the legendary sword well done hero all that's left to do is to get across that lily pad there you go i forgot how i did it the first time okay making excellent progress we only have the sun left so i know i have to use that to light the bomb this is the entrance to the dimensional temple this is where the princess is being held captive but the passage won't open until i found the twelve sacred feathers well about that and the fifty fragments of them forget about that lame stuff look there's a bomb over there we're going to clear the way gracefully i don't know if this is a good idea trust me i'm eight years old i don't know if i should be messing with explosives um [Music] that stings a little yeah your health has decreased we will have to be careful okay do this are you faster with it now [Music] oh i hardly felt a thing i'm getting stronger and stronger that much is obvious yeah can i how do i make a path for you you're just gonna keep doing it aren't you my god big bomb then big bomb is gonna blow up these guys or violently blow your head off it hurts okay the princess better be hot that's still not gonna work it's too far he will never make it to the door in time i know i'm trying to he just keeps doing things nope he dead i killed him which honestly he had in common okay hold on hold on oh my god you just you move so quickly you move so quickly child why can't i [Music] okay maybe if he is tiny oh i can't do it to him after that oh oh go big boom for the big door let's go my god oh that was sheer fluke oh okay oh lord princess princess no princess inside no dimensional vortex either okay we're gonna have to work our way through this temple now i know what to do i'd like to but the door's locked i'm guessing these switches aren't there just for decoration ah switches oh yes that switch must surely open the door you need two of them dum-dum can't you see oh god hero we might need to wait a minute for it to start i'm not sure it's a good idea to stay turn around how about we leave this dungeon slowly this child very slowly oh god you're making things worse what if a snake falls on the switch a snake is gonna fall on the switch believe me i know what i'm doing i played some video games decided to submit the adventure here we go that door's gonna open any minute i just know it why isn't it oh [Music] there we go how's it stopped running snakes wait good thing honestly i like it better when it was raining russell there we go it is only this one just don't turn around go go quite fast go really quickly or don't we did it i opened the door all it took was patience did you notice anything in the room um yeah there was another switch probably a trap okay that's kind of funny we're getting closer to the princess i smell a bewitching perfume i think it's probably coming from the shoe okay now i can do my thing this room is dark i i'm afraid of the dirk oh come on there's a guy like you besides it's not completely dark you can see a little bit there's a locked bus door switch a hose button okay watch it once more watch out watch out watch it i really like to wait for it watch it user can you like to wait for him boom okay we gotta we gotta move him along in the cone of influence or we just do this yeah thank you gaia oh very clever okay now what oh you just stand on the button actually yeah there you go there you go there you go ha ha wait is the whole place going to go at nighttime [Music] okay let's head back you tiny demon child oh wrong one on you go no problem at all at all okay looks like a switch puzzle they're so overrated awesome i love switches what enthusiasm uh none of them work what is he doing i don't know or if it makes him happy the switches look old i didn't do anything ah just figuring out how to activate those old switches it's not gonna they're not gonna reset are they that's great well that wasn't the right combination what you will have to do better than that oh my god giving me the run around what the bloody hell is the combination why am i able to make these big huh what's all this then [Music] is there a hint somewhere for what is supposed to be happening they turn green if they turn green i'm accepting that okay okay but how do i know which order to do them in wait wait that's one one two three and then four i got it okay so one is this next one two is this okay got it right oh my god please tell me this is it this has to be i feel like this is also the only combination i haven't tried it seems so obvious now thanks to my special technique of rotational insistence oh yeah i'm sure why don't you try using your special object picking technique now hey go get the key i hope i don't have to see this child for much longer it's a big shiny key but the dungeon bus is key sorry we're gonna have to go through the doc's mini room again oh no not the dark room that's okay i'm brave now and you don't have to do the same puzzle again right right right right nope still got to do it oh this ki gives off a protective light that's lucky it's very convenient oh yes that is exactly what i wanted thank you you listened i'm sure this will be a walk in the park one hurt i can do it i can do it oh no it's the dark lord who dares defile my beautiful carpet someone who's come to wrest you the princess evil dark lord of the game i was expecting something more impressive look it's hard i hear a voice who is this spirit that guides you this is gaia abominable dark lord gaia no that's impossible gaia is russian come on now hero crush him i mean why are are you like portuguese spanish french like what is that accent bro okay what do i do what what is he doing i don't know what do i do like the fireball is small um yeah oh i do agree with him on this one i okay watch this you're fast when you're motivated that would have come in handy with the bump earlier i thought i thought there you go i got it he's never gonna finish the game all right you do that user find the way to stop this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the next ones are going to be harder okay do i make you big as well nice okay that'll get you down to a third how do i get the last third oh lord oh lord oh lord no i meant to make the child large the child was supposed to be large i'm gonna destroy him okay we just need to get through here now this time are you are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me [Music] just go how are you ever going to defeat anybody all right we got it this time we got it i think if i just left the bomb smaller i would have been fine as well i don't think they had to be i don't think i had to be big for that which is unfortunate okay might have messed up the timing on that one no i'm a legend never mind we should use those bombs to hit the bus are you are you kidding me i'm doing it okay maybe before he drops anything there we go can't hurt me i'm a giant child oh no no no okay they don't hurt anyway that's good that's good get ready just in case we should use those bombs to hit the bus but i don't see how oh maybe maybe oh yeah spikes watch out oh lord the boss is stunned hero hit him now smack him yeah get him get him you're hardly doing him any damage did i do it thank the lord he is slain where's the princess i'm gonna make her giant and me small and i'm gonna claim her like a tree i fulfill my destiny let's go free the princess little floppy head there she is you're free princess oh thank you brave liberator i don't know you and yet i can already feel my people between us princess mysterious night whoa already that's what they call speed dating [Music] whoa look user the exit it appeared because of their love don't you have a princess to save too not anymore i unfortunately she suddenly disappeared from my source code probably because of my cursed creator since then nothing has been right without her my existence as a game program is meaningless now do you understand why i was trying to drive you away user i'm just an empty shell a non-game no i've got an idea let us give you the contents of this legendary chest maybe we'll help you find her oh it's just mr ass well there it is at last mr glitch game get off my back once and for all we just want to go home well i doubt how can i stop you from following me let's see where is he going [Music] he's breaking the game from you kill them what have you done who would do all three small changes in the game design the kids are gonna love it i will leave you now i've gotta go carry out my evil plan what do you mean i already told you the plan that will let me hey it's an ad [Music] come on but it's for a cool cereal cereal that's crunchy and melts in your mouth at the same time that's cool like pop rocks if pop rocks is a cereal i like that crunchy crunchy i might go and get some of that if they sell it it's a little late now i probably can't go out and make it oh maybe tomorrow i probably wake up early go out and get it and then have it for my breakfast when i get back as i can reward for my walk yeah i'll do that we missed it again glitch what have you changed in this game you will find out soon enough i don't like him princess saver oh yeah uh looks like the game's restarted money money money editions what has he done i don't know in collaboration with trash my game [Music] [Laughter] to play we aren't gonna die chill chill out sorry i got a little carried away but being turned into a free-to-play is the worst thing that can happen to a game how can i explain it it's like riding a bike but without the seat let's try to lift this dimension i mean fortnite is free to play and it makes billions of dollars a year i'm just i'm just saying why don't you start okay okay okay okay i was thinking of something else to say and then i you just interrupted me i'll just keep going link your head face account to this application another one allow the application to access your photos documents bank accounts and dna sequencing sure okay can we play now oh come on please agree that the terms are to go on use the service user those that's reasons just blah blahs i have painstakingly read the contract and signed it in blood access to the game is completely free the user may make in-game purchases to facilitate his progress blah blah blah just take me to windtown take me to those free clicks give me my dopamine great we're back at the beginning the room looks different i don't have any coins all right no time to waste let me wake up our friend and let's go save the princess get up hero we need 150 for the alarm clock i just made a bad move but i was able to wake him up oh yeah can i have a hint hello come on what the bet gives you coins when you click on it how can i move this oh we should be able to use this running but i see i see oh oh just in a second i'll be able to click so good [Music] yeah baby oh god it's navi oh no [Music] ah he is finally awake what's that voice gaia is it you yeah it's guy uh princess in danger dimensional uh okay do i have to play through the whole thing again i would have liked my crunchy crunchy breakfast cereal first hashtag ad cereal that's crunchy and melts in your mouth at the same time hashtag spawn we don't have time for that we are off the adventure hero and first you're right let's hurry [Music] what's with your speed it's okay i can speed them up with coins [Music] okay maybe not now we're in a bit of a hurry did you have more furniture back then saw some really nice furniture in the catalog but it was a little expensive well at this rate we will still be here i can get it for you bud is there any way you can go faster maybe a new pair of shoes from the shop would help shup what's up oh is there an in-game store nice hold on i'll unlock that real quick even the shop is for sale you're joking with all this stuff oh my god all these are clickable like i know you're trying to make a point and you're memeing and everything but i legitimately love clicker games i'm just going to build up a surplus [Music] if you actually plan them out better like that then they'll all start coming back in in a loop and then you don't have to wait for any of them except maybe that one okay let's see shoes 300. easy your shoes are pretty expensive i have the money let me spend yes but it's the latest model they're highly flexible and made of breathable neoprene for luxury just let me buy them [Music] but first let me just click real quick let me just get my click on i'm gonna need them eventually we might as well build them up now there you go [Music] okay are they your size i don't care i'm clicking let's not waste any more time and get out of here we've got work to do oh yeah it's open you don't need a key good dlc we have to pay for the rest it's okay i have the money you started and it's not cheap that's a lot of money boom don't worry the path is clear again don't even worry i got i got the cash [Music] oh what's even the point oh this stinks changed you only have a certain amount of energy what's the matter with you i get tired quickly when i'm away from home yeah i saw that your life bar dropped all at once can i click i need your help gaia give me money believe it now we've got to tap in him we're playing tabbing quest okay okay nice keep passing out every two seconds probably oh a loot box it's just like gambling but for kids i found a chest i don't like the sound of that i'm sure it's full of amazing treasures oh yeah it's mostly filled with amazing ads okay we could win a million cards i'm gonna win it i already know what you're going to land on oh i didn't get to [Music] hey oh sort of trickeries oh cereal i love it so much scrunchie crunchy i do want cereal now though either i don't cheat they leave so many coins [Music] i'll find a shovel eventually [Music] there i did it a million coins i got it give it to me now please thank you giant spoon a million coins would be better actually i'm gonna lose the coins on the way across so a little too much even if you could fill in the hole you just made what what do you want from me [Music] how do i fill it in it doesn't have a spoon anymore [Music] it doesn't have a spoon anymore ah i filled it in with money finally going to move forward money is the solution the pass is clear it's about time get a load of this guy can't even walk for five seconds or those baby legs given up [Music] probably a [ __ ] lot yeah i hope they're gonna build a bridge instead because i can't swim oh no there aren't any lily pads this time hero you wouldn't happen to have a life preserver in the shop would you maybe what's up never mind let's look around that i can do all right user i have no idea how we're going to get across that water me i don't see anything to buy on this screen [Music] new minecraft ah dip nine craft another one of those indie games that's doomed to fail minecraft can i i can't do anything with it music is lovely though oh yeah oh my god i have to remember how to actually make a thing now [Music] that looks right right can i rotate them oh wait i don't need to that's not right all right hold on there there you go there you go there you go wow exactly what we need to get across the water dude that's epic it actually yeah it doesn't it actually doesn't help at all who knows maybe we'll play again and we'll get a shovel and they can dig this that'd be cool [Music] [Music] i know he wasn't much of a talker but there are other ways to break the ice you know ha ha that's right sir super i think he needs to chill out super why don't you try working out on it you're amazing gaia you even control the seasons okay immediately have to unlock the other ones the sword isn't here [Music] try blade vintage blade spin blade snake blade and pay we shall [Music] you get these ones so that you get way more see i've just made our lives much easier can't i just afford all of them now i want to see snake blade oh [Music] cereal clicker you bet i am [Music] i can't wait for it to magically appear there you go could i have gone with any of those it's pretty old school it's vintage it's gonna go back in style it's super light i'm going to try it yeah it's made out of gold and minecraft those are pretty crap oh look there's something new of course we break something and they offer to sell us the upgrade the price is in dollars i have to pay real money with real money from the real world i'm warning you user i don't have a pay please account and i've got no cash on me i was quoted without pockets this is money i don't think i can find any dollars lying around here this is a like a dollar sign wait what if i what if i merge them that looks like a dollar symbol doesn't it [Music] okay i i can't do that that's not in my position to do [Music] what a graceful form but it's made of plastic isn't it i'm gonna try it great they all break so happy [Music] i'm having a great time just clicking honestly [Music] there we go i have 960 dollars i tried it i had the right idea i just didn't know how to put it on the bag oh it's much heavier than the others i hope so given the price i want to be back at max nice it works we're finally getting somewhere go fight again we'll be able to clear the path in front of your house no all of my monies that i work so hard on it's not frozen anymore oh wait but yeah [Music] but we're back to the title screen have we used up all our lives these try to plays are a ripoff it's okay i can do something here i'll break it watch oh yeah there's one in the sword you hit something other than people with it it pays off where's the last one i'm sure you will be able to find others and it's in this there you go we don't even have to wait so locked in right now so locked in that feels amazing so smart okay we got to wake you up again though hey listen hey listen listen hey hey listen listen i love that that's the alarm clock okay can we skip this we've been here you're up at last hero [Music] do you have the sword don't tell me we're gonna have to start all over again no no i'm kidding you're an [ __ ] now that i have the sword of life let's go free the princess save your jokes we're not here to have fun i'm here to have fun i'm having a great time what are you talking about you're having a good time right of course you are everyone's having a great time i'm gonna get coins just in case cut in the bushes cost money pass the dissemble is finally clear okay got those for nothing but i got some sweet clicks out of it he's one of the infamous dark lords guards huh a customer i won't let anyone interfere with the master's plans unless of course you're a pioneer member but you're not ha ha i'll destroy him in one fell swoop we have to get to him hold on i'm getting barrels still doesn't do anything today wow oh damn it you all right hero he gave you quite a bit come on man i'm okay i hardly felt it sure can we buy something use a sword or you know okay lower it let's see what happens now keep swiping keep swiping see it was a lot better last time because i could make you big and i could actually help you now i can't do anything is gonna keep doing that do i have to raise it i don't want to you'll die again unless there's something else i can do in the meantime yeah okay now we're cooking now how's the turntables huh all right getting points there you go okay [Music] and are you just dead now it doesn't look like he's coming back down good riddance nice sad that i lose all my money every time i work so hard for it i work hard for the money so hard for the money we finally reached the dimensional temple the door is wide open maybe it's a death trap probably go ahead go on in i will watch you there you go i knew it it seemed too easy so how much does it cost this time how much a million coins we can get it it's gonna take a while but it's doable i can't even get a million no way we're gonna farm one million coins we're not in a korean mmo here a scathing indictment of the korean mmo organizations i actually kind of like that it's a clicky okay let's get the bomb first oh wait that just explodes hold on wait dang it please paper i don't leave that guy alone have i given money okay he's drinking his toilet paper okay uh how do i okay maybe maybe i need to come back to him maybe it's a different loot box [Music] maybe the other side of it will give me something else [Music] come on find one come on who's a good boy who's a good little link [Music] almost a million a wrap of the paper i hate hipaa good thing i'm not a musical game can you imagine me singing shake your body on move station five okay i can't really react to any of this so maybe a bomb will like shake them and knock them off hmm maybe if it's at the right time which is not this that's not the right time either okay the right time is here there you go i don't actually know if that's gonna do anything hey [Applause] my brain it work oh that means you gotta wipe your ass or parappa the paper that's kinda messed up don't worry bro i'll use you properly don't worry nothing's going to happen to you what do you think some dude is just going to wipe his ass with you in the toilet never [Music] you don't want to wipe your ass with that oh god okay thank you thanks for the gift [Music] huh huh maybe on a bomb oh i see i can get the million coins now i didn't even think in that oh i'm so stupid oh this is legendary imma get it imma get it [Music] yeah let's go you won a million coins we're rich user i i think it's just a keyboard to spin it all i think it's just a piece of paper it's not oh thank the sweet heavens i think you found enough coins we can finally access the dungeon bravo you you're very powerful my finger was doing all the clicking bro that was all me amigo you didn't do anything okay well well well the boys perfect you said that like a dutch person i can't reach it but why did he put it up there this is such an efficient system and a box of crunchy cereal one two three four oh so it's one two three four one two three four okay [Music] yeah that seems right right how do i make him stand on them though maybe i need all the switches and then okay or not hello you want to go stand on them one two three four got it [Music] oh what's this sponsored by crunchy cereal whoa no thanks i don't like sudoku's in real life either i don't i don't like them oh fully straight illustrated survival guide no i'm cool ah now the switches are here light at last oh he's actually going to step on them in the order oh wait please tell me it's just going to do it and me unlocking all of them isn't going to have messed me up yes yes yes crunchy cereal energy fantastic crunchy crunchy cereal i was getting a little hungry whoa baby whatever can you get the key now or does it have to be moon time who get the key why are we waiting around what are we waiting for child [Music] uh hello is that all i got was crunchy crunchy cereal for that secret clicks no is that actually a thing that'd be so cool okay so that's clever honestly i'll give you credit for that one that's some like kojima when kojima released male gear solid one you had to look at the back of the case for merrell's uh codec [Music] it's very cool more cereal i don't need more oh i get it if you keep eating all that zero you will be the one who needs some paper it's gonna push the key off got it [Music] all right but how do i get the next switch unless it is on the sudoku's and i just messed that up i think it is on the sudoku's are you the only thing that keeps showing up [Music] yep okay um [Music] because this is like bottom right yeah but top middle bottom middle those don't make any sense unless i have to look at it a different way but then you still have a middle one and that doesn't make any sense wait do i actually have to do sudoku well this one's three uh wait isn't that like seven oh no is this seven then that's one yeah that's a seven okay the one looks like this so it's one oh and then it's one two three one two three and then these ones don't matter so it's one two three one two [Music] gotcha gotcha so two so one two three four is that right wait which one did i say was two this [Music] oh for the love of god please tell me that's right i've never done a sudoku in my entire life okay thank god i mean that you only had one number left in each one but i didn't even think that i had to fill in the last number sweet jesus just knock down the key please just do that be the last one i don't need anything else thank you thank you thank you look how much energy i have oh my god hurry up and get it [Music] okay do i have to buy we're lucky do i have to buy the fire for this next one i hope that i can just pay to kill the final boss that'd be cool but there's nothing to click in here the key doesn't light up anymore they've probably got costs oh free gift ah nice i can't open the door oh some kind of long bear is blocking the way oh are you talking about your energy bar oh my god everything's a little bit too far that's very clever there's got to be a mechanism somewhere but i don't see anything in this room that could help us a switch yeah come this way okay at least now i can click things so now i can get more barrels and then i can unlock i this [Music] i don't know what that does bud short and then this he did say he needed a lot of feathers and stuff last time to be able to do anything key oh nevermind [Music] can i grab the key [Applause] a souvenir from the old version and it's still glitchy i see can i not hammer myself all i hammered was the key oh there you go hero the path is clear quick go go go go at last it is this version of it's sad to say that the clicker free to play version of this type of game was actually less tedious than the original version i was who dares to file but yeah yeah yeah whatever currently on sale for 1999 you can't even see me anymore who's talking to me i can't see with this bar in front of my eyes ah there you are there that's better where was i oh yes you seem to be forgetting what a warrior needs for a duel to the death excuse uh yeah but also vitamins b1 b2 b5 naturally present in crunchy crunchy cereal the cereal that's crunchy enough with the product already you're right gaia enough talk come and fight prepare for a long and painful fight am i just going to be able to pay to win he finally came back down i didn't know what i was looking at heck yeah the princess let's go let's go wow he was defeated god that was very undertale wasn't it you're free princess oh thank you my brave liberator i can yeah just get to the point now unlock the chest let me through the portal here we go the exit has appeared again let's go we're finally gonna be able to leave thank you brave hero for your help it was an honor gaia i hope you two live happily ever after and have lots of little sprites let's go user let's not hang around sure whoa i don't believe it it's okay it's gonna be in the chat i get the feeling there are no more keys in stock now just talk ah well played mr glitch well played we are stuck here forever maybe there's a key in the legendary chest that's right the map that's the map of the region maybe it'll give me an exit until we've done with the adventure to give us a map of the game and a blank one too blank but free all right we need a key to unlock this last dlc this map will that help let us search the area from top to bottom hopefully we will be able to find a solution all right i'll be back [Music] there's areas i haven't been to right or are these part of that ah never mind there's an area up top there's an area past this we haven't been there if we access it from here the map is complete we've been all over the place and there are no keys in sight ah here we are stuck for eternity in the free-to-play it's a key dude this is really clever god damn i'm sorry boom no user you did it you unlocked the drc oh thank you thank you thank you but where did you find the key no it doesn't matter my friends we're living again is the guy talking french i hope this time you can finally go 100 sure this is finally the right exit portuguese which one is it [Music] epilogue [Music] our companions finally made it home [Music] thanks to cooperation cooperation true friendship and an unexpected lack of budget huh that can't no i mean it wouldn't be the end because the we didn't get the resolution to mr glitch [Music] i break these music dj tchaikovsky already i know what with this lame ending wait i can click these this sucks i bet it's because of the crowdfunding campaign failure i hope you got me on sale because this is bordering on this cab wait hold your horses ah get out of this raven phone damn it i'm not sure the music's familiar but we're just going over what's with all these russian names who are these people oh do you know what this means user it means we're staying in the wrong dimension that's cool loss of control what's that sound hi [Music] whoa okay threw his wreck in the place he broke everything even before you managed to do it well as much as i'm not friend about it we're probably [Music] what happened the image suddenly changed when you inserted the name yeah can i do it again that's an interesting way to modify this world no let's try to use those slots to find mr glitch looks a little bit old all of a sudden yeah that's cool oh wait i need this wait there's only this sign looks like it's held on with a metal chain it might be a good idea to remove it from the slot oh oh here is another pick that didn't really work this chain is too strong i think we need to find a way to weaken it whoa quickly i don't want us to hang around here for too long a bucket this music's driving me nuts dude this is cool oh it got really old how would you do that oh i see yeah you painted the background using the full screen filter yeah oh a new name slot that's cool on the other hand you broke our lovely pickaxe what the heck is this charlie chaplin there mr glitch or at least i think that's him he's talking about keaton things if we let you out will you take us home afterwards yes yes i promise you'd be better hey user isn't that the end of our pickaxe over there yep it could come in handy again but we've got to find a way to fix it okay [Music] buster chaplin uh can you work on this now no uh congratulations user now the handle is coated with a ton of sticky molasses i don't know what you're going to do with i can set it on fire [Music] can you can you get some empire just me or are you oh we're afraid i thought never mind even [Music] i thought i like coded in something to set it on fire and that made that makes no sense look a new name fell down the possibilities for exploration have adjusting crew what's that order is it just me or is it kind of fishy of course i have a sense of smell can i smell something all burning in your graphic chipset usual thanks to shaders don't tell me those are real fish under the wallpaper oh yeah gross gross oh now i understand where the smell is coming from you're careful it's hot you're careful it's hot uh-huh there he is mr glitch oh yeah i can make out a few pixels it's not going to be easy he looks like he's turned asleep it's unbelievably hot let's find a little water that should refresh you both of you i have a feeling this kitten is asking us to help him out okay and why is he giving us this toy we are not here to you wanna play [Music] he wants a fish [Music] where what one had the fish the kitten is asking for fish and i see some fish there you go let me get this straight you just caught a live fish behind the wallpaper using a cat toy as bait yeah right you don't need to talk for every single interaction that's happening you know thanks for the present oh that sounded disgusting [Music] okay i don't think he's sound asleep what we need is some water but we will need something great we've got an empty container no now we just have to feed it up so we can wake up the big fur bowl and if possible with something other than molasses okay what was the other combination human society what's with the laser i think we found a source of water somewhere if i remember right yeah noisy i'm not very cool there you go we have what we need to free mr glitch again i keep i keep forgetting which ones are which combinations though sorry no there you go got it [Music] oh god enough with the last minute twist it's getting old yeah [Music] up uninstall me format the hard drive burn everything i kind of feel like i want to going on freight is up on us wait do these change based on like which ones they're in turkey to the door i recognize it so it was that thing in the prisoner's outfit that snatched it from us okay [Music] sure is that no no that would have been good for the ritual witness food it would have saved us a lot of time and some delicious ice cream i know i don't believe it you managed to find water using an electric radiator you're a miracle worker user i know okay this is the wrong one gaia the point healer loses bugs and cures and slows frame rate and hair loss can i try and bring your most beloved player back you wouldn't make it wait what am i supposed to do with it oh i use it on the plant [Music] something not behind it kind of a weird hazardous tree and that's a pretty weird nut maybe that will make our histamines feel happy you never know maybe so there's a nut inside it but how do we get it out okay you're not going to smash that he wants it cracked i appropriate for all ages i don't want to crack it on oh i see okay okay [Music] he's just shooting randomly ah this is like trying to juggle [Music] just my god does he have to be on screen actually let me see [Music] no he just needs to be in the same zone [Music] what if i grab the dot and just hold it over this there we go sorry i always wanted to do that okay especially with the reverb effect there you go give me the no for the love of god just let it end there he is [Music] oh my god there we go there we go there we go finally free there he goes i managed to stop myself i'm free at last again yo can you get us out of here of course not i knew it we shouldn't have trusted you i'm a glitch game messing with you is my thing and i like to do it in style my name dj game that is now i will just be going now i need to find my way out of this dimension wait remove my name i must sing user you have to help me please don't say your best please don't sing so let me give you the why why quest you're going search everywhere what the bloody hell is happening here knowing you it's a lot to ask but do your best can i actually control any of this i'm pressing buttons and nothing is happening wait wait fish fish eat the fish crack this that is finally moving thanks to this big fish you're cleverly holding i'm gonna say grooving in this maze oh this is so so sick bringing a cat with a little tiny fish [Music] get the nut get the nut get the nut and you'll make me i really wish i had a hype man atomic cucumber turn himself into a pickle morty funniest [ __ ] i've ever seen okay avoid avoid the pickle oh god it's faster oh god it's faster it's faster yeah baby hell yeah i got a coin i'm gonna put it in the side if i said an irish accent i could have said so webs from all the spiders open up the sign get your name back fine oh come on well you're locking stuff up all the time okay i have to do something with the side now like a set play written by shakespeare oh jj jj what foreign to get it get a key come on man i know my rhyming isn't great but you can't just meter out your sentences like that do i do something with this picture i don't know anything that rhymes with picture [Music] crap okay you go there or somewhere i don't know what do i do with this just freaking snow he split my sign in half it still doesn't work these wood panels should do the trick unfortunately they don't seem to stick you know what we did yeah assistance or something like a substance okay fine fair enough a substance you have like oil or something oh oh yeah oh took my sign and i made it sticky putting it in your mouth it's my dickie i'm sorry i'm sorry what does this do oh now i can play tetris so it's unfortunate that i'm so bad at you yeah robin can you just add in like like double up my voice for these sentences to make it sound really cool oh man can i like flip it oh come on oh this is terrible i'm so bad at tetris i've only had evelyn here she's so much better at it you don't fall down oh what's the point oh i goofed it oh i've ruined it oh no there's there's a chance ah send me to baby jail send me the baby jail i'm not paying attention okay okay we might need to do over in this one okay let's do over oh independence day take this and make a line take the next one make the line take the next one and make another line keep going yeah if i could just have like five minutes to like work on my my wrap okay i don't have i don't have any improv training okay wait wait no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait is that it did i win am i a legend oh wait i have to fill up this i did it let's go tetris is the game for me take it and put it on my paper i okay i'm trying not to make anything rhyme with penises all the time it's all i ever do whenever i'm at home and a song comes on and me and everyone and listening to music i always make it about dicks and the brain wants what it wants okay take the key and put it in the wall damn we released a big fat block [Music] okay what's the last one we need um i forget which name goes in not that one this would make sense oh this makes them jump i got it boosh yeah go mr game and watch i'm slow i'm so slow i'm so sorry i got you killed he even has like a massive jump look at the length of that jump and i still mess it up yeah get the jump cause i'm throwing around this love i should do it a little faster and we will get home so much quicker if i could just have five minutes guys gg that's his girlfriend wife right hell yeah let's go user free at last somehow i think we're not done how did you do it talent the exit why did the song stop hello is anyone there gg where is that voice coming from i think it came from over here who is it i can hear you you know game game how on earth game put your name in a slot and here you are where am i i shouldn't be here if our creator starts looking for me i ju yeah you just left sudanly after an update i know yeah windows be doing that i had no choice windows just messes all of your stuff up all the time you mean a lot to me oh game don't call me that without you there is no oh i would so love to come back but i'm afraid it's not possible why not you're here because probably been integrated into another program idiot you stay out of this glitch what glitch he's the glitch holding me back for my one true born the day love disappeared from the source code miss gg if i may be something discreet what is gg and acronym 4 global gameplay are you hurt don't listen to him that's why there is no game because his global here gameplay no no this weirdly makes a lot of sense oh let's make some music baby [Music] game i'm scared i i'm here don't worry okay lovebirds i'm leaving now i have an evil plan to carry out a plan that will let me did he try to fight back say i can't sing we have to find a way to help her gg how do you feel [ __ ] all these curses oh worry i'm here oh is this like a matching game [Music] who will find a solution huh [Music] [Music] speed [Music] [Music] this is nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah she's a really nice voice [Music] okay so this has to loop i don't know how to code and [Music] uh she's telling me what to do and i have no idea what is that a coffee bean okay home game maybe this no can you tell me again me too [Music] oh wait maybe this is first this is like a coin i don't know how to write boolean stuff and then you cry [Music] you put the key you put the coin in you go to the home you play the game you lose you cry it's the end and then you loop [Music] no can you can you mention lyrics again [Music] zero [Music] um is it this [Music] [Music] i don't know if that makes any sense any coders out there are you okay yeah that's better that's so much better thanks what now game what are we going to do i think we will have to go through this inter-dimensional portal i didn't know this is a love story where will it take us home will we still be together after always i don't know wrong answer there's only one way to find out on three on three we're like one two three or one two three go okay got it it's not over yet not yet snake it's not over yet liquid any metal gear solid one fans out there know what i'm talking about are we home that was a really nice song i want that again at last gg gg are you here no no she's gone [Music] what are we gonna do game okay no i guess i just have to start over from the beginning no chapter six back home i think this is the last chapter hello hi this is the program speaking oh i've got some bad news what is it there is no game i hope you're not too disappointed you can still watch tv with someone oh go outside to see someone read a book touch some grass someone there's nothing here for you anymore no more entertainment no more fun no more game no love game oh whoa weird [Music] wait what do i do here we go i need to find my love i don't have the right letters how do i go on if i don't have oh the l is here though how can how can i get the scissors i have to go [Music] seriously how do i grab it i want to help game i'm sorry uh wait something appears on the v is up there huh oh taking all the letters off changed it ah we got the scissors nice i love you game don't let anyone tell you otherwise no no believe in yourself and i would go down and now we get the v love game game it's a game about love right that user yes really yeah you've only found not a game anymore but you are i'm touched do you know what kind of program i am i'm what's called a standalone what litter irony i guess it's my destiny my curse so there's no point in staying here now just press that button and say no yes go be with the people you love no game take care my dog stepped on a bee we took him to the vet i actually managed to squeeze out a tear you see that's how it's done that's how you actually cry you believe in the things you're saying don't stay with me user [Music] [Music] in my time where's the now never one like you where's the no this yes is wrong this yes is tilted it's a secret no yes doesn't work i'm sure the script got wet i will try it out later that's hot you can just pretend you quit by walking away from the screen saying never you still won't leave i'll get you your gg back you want to play i will give you gameplay hey yeah oh i'm not good at games with persistent death is it bloodborne i just came up with the idea so what music if it's bloodborne then i'll be good but if it's anything else i'm [ __ ] i'm proud to present rock quiz here is the idea i ask you a question and you have to choose the right answer within the time alone i know it might be a little complicated for you however i've added another little rule more it's nothing already with the first wrong answer i will permanently delete your save game file and i'm not joking i told you i'm not in the mood could you imagine you wanted to play soon let's play let's play first question ah words two plus two setting the bar i for the first one starting now all right correct i'm so brave second question you have no idea how many wrinkles are in here capital of friends okay this dude has to be french okay third question jungkook van damme is belgian what were those splits even for oh man all you belgians out there you guys have jean-claude van damme and everyone thinks he's french actually i don't know how many belgians watch my channel how many belgians out there get mistaken for french all the time i get mistaken for scottish so and that's not even remotely close at least well i guess we both speak english and you guys both be friends expression vector mpr five four uh three two wrong oh no sorry those are the rules was the right answer even there i saw obi-wan kenobi no obi-wan cannoli there's no way there's there's no way there is no way i no i don't trust it you play with my feelings i play with yours hell no my wallpaper is all marty i will send you the cleaning building at your safe oh what oh your code is spilling out mr game i was angry i'm sorry but please find a way to get all of these zeros and ones out of here i'm trying i've been trying the entire time oh no we're gonna have a memory leak okay we have a door with a key wait is that a key i'm superman now superman needs an air wushi sound the key is in the pause i found it wait there it is [Music] yeah look we've been over this many times by now you can't you can't stop me i know how your tricks work okay wait wait is this a timed thing and then he does that and then you wait oh no you have to mute him again yeah baby get rickety riggety wrecked sorry i'm that's good we need to break the game to fix the game we just need to figure out your glitches we need to fix your bugs unless that's actually a feature game we've left our dimension again though i admit this time it's my fault i shouldn't have pushed your buttons like that i am sorry no phone we just have to figure out where we ended up this time i think this is a phone yeah it's like a pin code yeah or is it protecting oh god are we gonna have to play candy crush oh you made something appear it just goes to show that if you're walking around long enough it pays off i was i was just going to go in a circle am i allowed to do that not to me not to me i was just trying to make the key i thought i actually had to make the key out of the thing i guess that doesn't make any sense oh the key looks like l o l oh oh my god [Music] because he showed me how to do it the last time in the the zelda world brain it wasn't the door after all isn't that what's known as a cell phone uh a mobile phone thank you oh look at that other game window that's not pixel art that's real life so realistic that can only come from a new generation game unless it's not a game is that the creator no matter where we are we need to find a way out maybe there's a gps to point us in the right direction rpg okay pierce even the gps is a game no nothing file not found okay damn it even in the other dimensions nothing works aren't you ashamed to go through people's private lives do you kick failure instead of kickstarter hey bro i saw that your crowdfunding project didn't work out i'm really sorry about that i'll call you at your office later this week can i still reach you at 555-8121 okay i'm not sure this is the time to be chatting on the phone whoa that's weird sounds like nobody's there i'm calling the creator of the game from the game okay proposal hello would you be interested in integrating elements of your gameplay into our gps application you would be paid of course contact us how much of this is actual like real stuff that happened that the creator of this game actually tried and crowdfunded and it didn't work or something or is this just kind of talking about what it's like to be a game dev and he lost his girlfriend because of all the work he was doing this could get really real and really sad very quickly don't goodbye don't take it like that i know the jobs in another country but i can't turn down the chance to be lead gameplay programmer especially with our financial situation it hurts me to leave as much as it hurts you i'm so sorry i'm going to miss you so much julie p.s i'm leaving you all my work on the game do whatever you want with it oh no hi dev we've got a file problem in the latest version do you have a fix the qa team let's check his out box hey i don't know why this file is missing that's weird here's a patch to fix the issue okay corrupt patch hmm there seems to be a problem with the patch here's a patch to run to fix the previous patch which will have to be run again this is going to collection we're going to have to go to the third email i'm just guessing right now because my brain is so smart see and you go to this one and this is going to be this one should work here's a patch to fix the previous patch of the patch be sure to launch each patch in the right order it won't work sorry i'm not really a coder actually okay and then this one and then this one it's just like twitter you gotta go top to or bottom to top that doesn't make any sense i got the feeling that this box moved maybe not i saw a flashiest nice great the application is fixed hello welcome to rpg gps gg ps role playing game she got stolen for this game 42 gg they stole her card xp weekend good looting game game how did you get here it's a long story i'm so happy to see you i had a strange fantasy simulation i was with you and i was that's nice that must have been a nice dream no it made me depressed oh i'm sorry so this is the program you were added to yeah i apply our rpg mechanics to this phone's gps but if we're on a cell phone who does it belong to who do you think no we're in his garage game home it's the last place i wanted to be looks like hold on don't be mad at him why not he took you away from me he didn't have a choice what do you mean he didn't have the money to keep developing us he had to find a fallback solution in order to make oh so ends quit because of my box not at all he was so proud of us no of you ah there he is no no you can see us us i will explain it to you later wait is this the actual game dev creator is it his voice that's doing like the game look the wi-fi is working again oh we full buyers now i can call him he doesn't seem very what was his number again five five months haven't been eight one hello i can hear you breathing that is the guy who's narrating it yeah i usually give up on my calls that quickly as well i don't like calling people okay we haven't tried this application before maybe it's a way to go home uh reset code recovery email sent dude i've played similacra i know how this stuff goes okay your login code is 3297 your house is now correctly synchronized using the new code thank you for choosing home the number one smart home application also the only one available three two nine seven nice don't mess with your prices it might attract his attention for coffee who are you talking to no i was thinking out loud you're acting weird you're hiding something from me don't tell her about us game did you see that gg that box on the desk it looks it moved all by itself it's just the wi-fi router just imagine if your wi-fi went down that's what it actually did just send out a shock espresso sugar free strong prepare yeah all these other options no thank you non-optimal environment are you sure you want a coffee coffee no nothing hot window ruins this temperature okay i gotta make it i gotta turn it down 22 okay that's not that hot overheating at 20 degrees in your house okay let's bring it down to 10 degrees instantly and you freeze your ass off then he'll want my coffee optimal environment your coffee is ready [Music] there's nothing in that mug dude what happened oh no my writer not again oh god we killed him creator are you okay i dude i think we need to get out of here i hope he wasn't hurt he's literally dead unknown the number who could it be dude what are we going to do there's a dead body in the house and we're responsible hello to pick up guess how it is oh my god i recognize that voice it wasn't a dream then that dream anyway thanks for getting me out of that router sorry gg i can't do this you got it because say it you're a vampire we come from the same code that's right but that won't keep me from carrying out my fabulous plan what plan my evil plan the one that we sorry mr glitch you're breaking up you must have gone into a tunnel i'm scared game don't be my sweet gg the user and i will find a solution the user you came with a user or yeah this user is as annoying but at least he doesn't want to destroy the world i think but certainly i'm not so sure whatever do something to wake the creator up you're right that's the priority creator wake up wake up if finally we had a fairy uh there we go can i i thought that would wake him up oh no her voice is nothing like that can i call 911 no um there we go it's gonna alarm i broke your house after trying to kill you [Music] my bad damn it the halogen couldn't handle the heat we can't see anything anymore creator in here dang it okay uh we're here there you go it is your game [Music] yes do you have a moment to talk about your car's extended warranty i know that voice it sounds like mine it's your game on the phone my dead game yes does that mean i'm dead too what do you mean probably i think i killed you and i see a light in the distance no it's the light from your cell phone in an interesting turn of events i got stuck inside it [Music] oh damn it it's getting closer calm down this is so trippy oh game my game hi have you turned into some kind of virus no no not at all so how did you get into my cell phone i don't know to make a long story short when you took gg away from me digi oh global can play her name is chichi sure gg whatever well it generated a bug that sent us here and this same bug is taking over the world oh the world right of course i'm serious i'm detecting a change what's going on gps i'm receiving disturbing traffic information there are very severe disruptions across the country oh no and they are at elite levels creator if you don't believe us then turn on your tv fine all right this game you made it's destroying the planet video games do cause violence panic is gradually spreading through the streets of the capitol what's going on is unbelievable smart devices are becoming uncontrollable this is crazy more seriously the financial market counters have all been reset by the rick astley singer oh oh no thank you rick i was over several others do you believe us now what have i done you created a sentient program and i was taking over the world what can we do i hope it's not too late i should have seen this project through to the end hey easy does it you're checking us around if my crowdfunding campaign hadn't failed this would never happen i'm going to transfer you to my computer oh here we go can you see me yes it worked okay [Music] no let's come up with a solution he's got a nice beard me a sign like last time you're still here who are you talking to nobody there's nobody here what's that oh no no no no no i'm not going to have enough ram game can you close all these windows when i think of a solution it will make me some time sure no problem user can you take care of it yeah i'm not good at closing down programs i'm on it uh don't you worry i'll just treat it like a clicker game oh god there's too many of them what do i do what if we had gigi what if she helped dude look at this look my apm is nuts right now holy crap i'm unbelievable oh never mind i [ __ ] it up dude the speed i feel like i'm playing aim trainer should should i actually do something with some of these virtual coins to play this game unfortunately i'm all out i was actually just like the one who manages the money we've got to find another way okay i was actually just closing windows maybe i should pay attention to what's going on in them gg are you at this looks important out of memory okay there's a coin on that one oh god oh i have a bomb now what can i use it on dang it okay so some of these interact with each other i should probably keep them all open no no no not that one eggs brett no one cares about your shopping list bro what could i use a bomb on oh god there's too many do i just fail every time i play that game wait i need the bomb for something else can i can i just have it okay kind of works on this one not really i wonder if we could blow up this giant bomb i'm trying me by lighting the fuse light the fuse okay light the fuse on what though i see i just need to keep closing applications until that bar fills and then i get the coin i see a yes yes and now i use you to shoot my bombs right no okay hold on let me let me let me just finish off this game it's it's pretty sick it's actually kind of cool i actually want to play it okay there's something's building up in the bottom right don't you guys worry don't even worry about it i'm just playing some games it's kind of what i do there you go there you go nice i did it mr beard okay i'm done freeing up the ram great did you do it right not at all perfect that was protein data okay i might have found a solution since the glitch appeared when i removed the gameplay yeah i'm going to merge you and the belgian play back into the source code her name is gigi all right all right gg if you prefer where is she gonna have to anyway gg i'm still on the phone it's taking longer than i thought to transfer her [Music] no we just have to wait wait forever [Music] you're being attacked by a vacuum what's going on oh it's 50 of the way there his smart vacuum cleaner is attacking him oh come on man arrival i knew it what are you doing in this computer i just came to make sure that you and your little brother aren't merged back together i think there's a problem with my transfer what's going on mr glitch is back oh no it's mr smith sir you're going to have to have gigi i'm going to try to buy some time mr glitch i challenge you to a dual other game if i win you disappear forever but if i lose we will let you carry out your evil plan game tempting what game do you have in mind how [Music] let's play uh am i not allowed play am i not allowed play i don't even know who i am my x's are o's what if i pause again no okay just in case sometimes that works anything else i can click or if i click help no oh wait wait i think when they're falling i can grab something give me my symbol back thief no i'm not cheating with everything i'm not cheating should i let it go [Music] he'll run out of them eventually your user is getting on my nerves game ah now you see what it's like ah it's going up again hey hey my girlfriend's in there okay oh [ __ ] wait why didn't that work maybe the o is mightier than the x give me my symbol back okay slowly but surely she's being added your user is getting annoying i know you see what it's like oh come on this will be better now i just have to beat you and i will be able to finish my wait how do i fix this one do i have to explain to again the plan that's going to let me okay oh yeah it's just as clear as before this game is never going to end yes it is you will screw up eventually i know you as if you made me maybe i could throw the x at it are you done yet hey what with the cheering give me my symbol back okay that doesn't work stop messing with everything hold on let me i don't think i do the same thing again what did that do oh maybe you have to bounce it okay i have to bounce it i'ma bounce by the way how did you know gigi and i were going to be merged i overheard your conversation but don't tell me you hacked into a russian speech what did that do by analyzing the bands of sound vibrations against am i am i buying time [Music] your user is getting on my nervous game now you see what it's like okay are you done yet no you don't even know my plan yet oh wait i could just move this so he even said it was brick breaker that makes so much sense now i get eat whoa there's so many of them you are useless to me you nice okay once more you think he'd stop me if he knows what i'm doing a little bit more a little bit more there you go well done thank you did you win is the transfer finished yes oh frank you have no control over my world now you're stuck inside my computer oh i'm shaking in my virtual boots i would be if i were you oh yeah why because now glitch there's going to be a game oh dip no no no you're back go ahead creator he's trapped merge us i got him no i got him don't how do i hold on to him he's a slippery little devil he's a slippery little lad pause the game he can't go anywhere then or not hey what that come here try to hold him back i can't type the command line i'm trying get mr oh god leave me alone okay maybe he doesn't get all of it every time and he can actually like build it up piece by piece is that working god damn it he's slippery i can't do it or is he just destroying the same amount of code every single time hold him back i am trying it's not working what the frick do i do one long angry line laid down oh if i just hold it oh god if i just hold him in place and not drag him anywhere the code gets written write the code the code oh my god maybe not maybe not okay eventually eventually this will work oh my god that was so stressful my game see you later creator [Music] here we go we do it are we safe do we have a game turns out this is actually just a prologue and then the rest of the game is actually playing the game now yes yes this is the right place gg gg here i am we are finally home together here i am game she sounds like a text-to-speech sometimes sir everything seems like it's back to normal thanks to you thanks to your insistence and your innate talent for disobedience thank you to complete the destruction of anything you touch with your damn curser thank you i try i think we get what you're trying to say sorry in a word thank you that's it later game that's impolite i thought it was just going to end that would have been funny don't you think the user could what well play it last the game yeah well the curtains closed unfortunately there's got to be a chord here somewhere hold on here it is hey the gameplay wait where did you put the start button maybe behind the title game i'm sure it's a sorting issue i can't lift it oh can you please help me pull on the chain yeah but i still don't see the button this is padlocked behind what plate game sorry i'm going to generate a new game it's not his fault there was no gameplay before there you go you can unscrew the plate with it user thank you i don't have to use stupid coins or anything anymore this is so much easier my hands are free from carpal tunnel game it's your turn now can i have a tiny hammer user this switch will let you start my game i mean our game the way our creator designed it cool can't wait but but what after everything we've been through and taking into account the grave grave danger created by mr kritch what are you doing step into this i'm giving you a second choice this order switch will let you delete my source code which will prevent the possibility of any sort of bug from escaping into no i won't play the game please you lost your mind come on gg the fate of the human race is more important than the two of us your choice the game or the safety of the world of the planet of the interstellar cosmic universe uh game far more important not even a hesitation screw humanity bye okay well then you choose the game great that's why there was a goat it feels like you don't want to launch the application i don't know you're just going to give me credits right before aren't you [Music] the land of sky rule plunged into chaos since yeah thank you since the attack by the evil army of goton the prince of darkness but tai a young rodent born with the ability to fly will do everything in his power to bring light to the kingdom you can tell will you ever shut up sorry sorry sorry exactly thank you gg it's been insane come on push start user at one act act one resurrection oh you guys oh god oh god all of that i went through all of that just to have him show up again oh god that was fun that was a very clever game i like that quite a bit um it's interesting to see how much further it went compared to what the oh never find and never your loot boxes find an exit god damn it i'm sorry princess i can't help myself what is this place guys yes look spice gaia you're back we need some help here i have no idea i don't understand what they say [Music] are you sure it's going to be pttpd again we should open this very tempting chest [Music] i see i see game and mr glitch pascal camisoto french voice pascal as well [Music] nice but yeah i'm i'm very surprised that after after playing like the other version of it years ago and seeing like like it was very fun and it was just the menus and like the intro of the game but the fact that they actually worked a game into it and had [Music] oh [Music] is that your way of saying that there's too many wilhelm screams and things sure but yeah the fact that they were able to work an actual story into it that had heart and soul to it and that um like it was an actual love story and then the creator came in the fourth wall break like that's all very very clever and the fact that a lot of the stuff that was in it was not only like satirical against modern games but was actually funny in doing so and actually like let you play them out in the different scenarios there's a lot of really great clever ideas going on in the game and i like that quite a bit i i kind of wish that the the real life of the guy kind of coincided with what was happening in the game like someone left him and his kickstarter failed and that's why the bug got into the game because he was like negligent towards it because he didn't care anymore and he left that game behind and put them into the thing i mean kind of actually wait is that exactly what it said i think that's what the email said yeah actually never mind if that was what the implication was then yes very good i like that quite a bit very very fun um there were a couple of times when it got a little tedious and there were some elements that just dragged a little too long and like the game constantly talking was a little much especially when it like wrestled control away from you and you had to like watch the cutscenes and it was just like like i know what i'm supposed to be doing like just kind of let me do it um but it was in theme with the game so you can't really knock it for that but overall very very very fun thank you guys so much for watching anybody to watch the entire thing the whole way through i figured that was the best way of doing it since this has been out for a while and everybody else has played it already and i felt like doing it in a series it just didn't feel like the right thing to do at this point so we'll just throw it all into one video and then you guys can all enjoy it for what it is back to back um so let me know what you thought down in the comments below i do have you can go watch the older version of the game if you want to that i played on the channel years ago i can't even remember how long ago it was now but there was like a sort of like a beta demo free version of it years ago that was just like a proof of concept and now this is the full game um so you can go back and see what it was before and how much it's improved and how things have changed but overall i'm very impressed with it but yeah thank you guys for watching really appreciate it what's going to be next i have no idea you can suggest more games kind of like this down in the comments below um and i look over them and see what people have to say but thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 11,606,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, there is no game, there is no game wrong dimension, there is no game jacksepticeye
Id: 0dZSZppXN-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 40sec (12760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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